#pau represents gideon
Jocat laughed as Bell continued to struggle to lick his elbow.
“Like the infinite horizon, it eludes my grasp,” he said, his arm still pinned as far back as he could push it. Jocat paused in his giggling when he heard a familiar laugh - Pau’s.
“Is that who I think it is..?” Jocat wondered aloud, running towards the forest with Bell right behind him. They slowed and hid behind a bush, watching as Pau seemed to struggle and gasp. Suddenly, her body seemed to seize and she dropped onto her knees. A bright blue seemed to glow from her eyes. 
“Egassem sdrawkcab, egassem sdawkcab - “
“Is she just chanting ‘backwards message’ backwards?” Jocat muttered, gasping silently when the world seemed to turn black and white. Time itself slowed and stopped, with the exception of the surrounding witnesses. 
Wildlife paused. A frog in the middle of its jump hovering in thin air and a dragonfly’s wings stopped, suspending it in the air. A triangular portal appeared, encased in purple flames. Laughter floated through the atmosphere. It was neither Pau’s nor Bellboy’s nor Jocat’s. Bell hugged Jocat as they fell towards the ground, terrified of who or what this meant. Even Pau took a few steps back, hugging her arms to her body in fear. 
 A tall man, dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and a black vest with a brick pattern along the lower half stepped out of the portal. He had a purple mohawk, hair falling in the middle of his face. He smiled, letting himself fall to the ground with a thump. 
“Oh, Gravity Falls! It’s good to be back.” He smiled again, folding his hands behind his back. “Name’s Stephen Cipher, and I take it you’re some kind of living ventriloquist dummy?” He chuckled. “I’m just kidding, I know who you are, Pau.”
“Wh-what are you? How do you know my name?” Pau stuttered, shouting the last bit. Stephen just smiled.
“Oh, I know lots of things.” He extended his palm, which showed various images flashing. A journal with the number 3, the moon, a skull… His voice dropped. “Lots of things.” The images stopped and he folded his hands behind his back again. “Hey, look what I can do!” He gestured to a nearby deer, now moving its head. Stephen snapped his fingers and the teeth of the deer came flying into his hands. “Deer teeth. For you, kid!” Again, he laughed.
Pau dropped the teeth, screaming. “You’re insane!” “Sure I am. What’s your point?” He sounded bored, snapping his fingers again. The teeth flew back into the deer’s mouth and it bolted away. 
Pau grunted, before stamping her foot down and shouting, “Listen to me, demon! I have a job for you. I need you to enter the mind of Daniel Lim and steal the code to his safe.” Jocat and Bell gasped. Stephen chuckled before turning and furrowing his brow. 
“Wait. Dan Lim?” His palm extended again, showing a picture of Dan and his tattoo. He turned back to Pau. “You know what kid? You’ve convinced me. I’m sold!” Pau grinned. “I’ll help you with this and in return you can help me with something I’ve been working on. We’ll work out the details later.”
“Deal!” Pau exclaimed, sticking her hand out. Stephen’s hand erupted into purple fire and he shook his hand with her. 
That was Pau’s first mistake. Never make a deal with a demon, especially an all-knowing nightmare demon,
“Well, time to invade Dan’s mind! This should be fun.” The portal reopened behind him and Stephen floated upwards. “Remember; reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!” 
Stephen Cipher disappeared. The two observers and Pau seemed to wake up, though none of them remembered falling asleep. Jocat and Bell stared at Pau before backing up and bolting back to the Mystery Shack. 
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