#people whos blogs have been deleted still on there because you dont want to let them go
antiradqueerguy · 19 days
coming to your inbox because i like your vibe and have literally no other safe place to rant abt this. sorry if this bugs you delete this if you want but im debating leaving the radqueer community because of ciel/hbki. ive already been wanting to leave for a while, but the thought of leaving has been triggering my ocd and ive not been sure what to do. but after i saw that guy running around and seeing how obviously horrible he is, and how people still somehow like him, i think im going to go through and just delete my blog or ditch it ive seen him talk about abusing his girlfriend on so many different blogs of his and then i go to look at hers and she is so obviously trauma bonded to him, and its so triggering. it makes me sick how shes admitted to not enjoying how he treats her, but says his treatment is okay because its "consensual" but i really dont believe its consensual. and i know its not my business but i literally cant avoid them in this community. ive blocked them so many times but every time they both get termed, i see them again, and get triggered. ive thought about reaching out to opphie, but every time someone does, ciel is alerted and he starts harassing the person reaching out. maybe i just have a savior complex but seeing the way they are together makes me feel sick. i see myself in her and i feel guilty for not being able to help. one of my friends even watched her change her name on a dime in her discord server just because ciel suggested it. its scary that the community just lets ciel get away with everything. i mean didnt he even admit to *graping* her? and people are okay with it because the victim swears up and down that its consensual? it doesnt make it any better that antis treat him like hes just some edgy kid. yeah its true that he is one, but there are also very very VERY clear signs that he is actually a harmful person and that he is actually hurting someone. opphie even posted a list of a bunch of horrible things hes done, and it looked like a cry for help to me, but radqueers were reblogging saying things like "couple goals" and "this is so romantic" i dont know anymore what to do. i know i have to leave that community but i wish there was a way to make other radqueers realize that ciel is not a good person to have in the community. if they want to beat the pro-abuse allegations, they NEED to point out actual abusers like ciel.
TW: using images from ciels past and current accounts and mentions of r4pe
with ciel he avoids everything to do with him and taking accountability for his action, (EH HEM, his past use of ableist slurs towards people)
me personally i believe that ciel is a abuser. he has had a history of abuse and I've documented AS MUCH as i possibly can. i will not let him escape this and his HISTORY of abuse.
to the people who don't know what nonnie is talking about with ciel admitting to r4ping opphie heres a pic
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Now ciel has a cult following, his boot licker fans love him, like hmm idk this
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he is invincible, unless his connection to tumblr and discord is cut off his fans will continue to protect him and glorify his abusive behavior
#ciel is a abuser get his ass canned
edit: also HIII CIELLL i know you will eventually read this since you have commented on posts made by antis talking about you before, so howdy doo!!!
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
i've been scrolling through this page on and off because truthfully i wanted to see how you were doing. i know i dont know you but you're one of my favorite authors, as a general sense- i would love your writing even if it wasn't fic, that's how much i enjoy it. i knew your stories often had cwilbur as, at least, a major character if not the main one. i'm glad that you seem to be alright, and i'm glad that you won't be deleting any of your work, because i'm truly grateful that you gave me and everyone else the chance to read it and i'd love to read it all again sometime when the wound is a little more healed from this situation.
i'm very disgusted by wilbur of course, like everyone else is. today i went through all almost 70 of these my playlists and removed every trace of his music, solo stuff and lovejoy. i can't listen without feeling sick, really, can't separate it. i know now that he's the kind of person i was using his music as an escape from. it was so refreshing though to see the incredible response from ccs and the community in support of shelby. i've never been an avid watcher of her content, but i've always watched ccs in the same friend group as her and they've always seemed so lovely. it's horrible what she went through, but they are also an incredibly strong and brave person who seems to have really inspired many people including other abuse survivors with her courage. i hope this leads to an unending support for her and her content - she's been around for a long time and i firmly believe that what we as an audience can mainly do to support her is to watch her videos, leave kind comments and follow her channel if we so chose. she may not read every comment, or see every twitter reply, but they'll know we're with them.
on an unrelated note, i, too, got my period yesterday despite only checking your page today. i find it very funny just how many of us have experienced this and i feel as if i should be blaming you 😭
the amount of people I've had tell me that they would read my writing regardless of the fandom or even if it wasn't fic makes me so incredibly happy you guys have no idea
I'm hoping that if my fics ever gave anyone comfort, they'll be able to still get that same comfort after some time has passed and people have had a chance to let everything settle. I've always written about the character, not the guy himself. I completely understand those who can't make that separation, but I hope for those that do my past fics continue to remain a source of enjoyment for them.
shelby has been in the community for such a long time and it's been truly amazing to see all the support for her. they've always been such a lovely and positive person, and if one good thing comes out of how horrible this situation is, I hope this leads to a lot of people discovering a new favorite cc in her.
I am so sorry for the period curse a wizard has apparently put on my blog
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disabledunitypunk · 7 months
We deleted our reblog because people were still, even with anon off, harassing the blog admin and being incredibly ableist towards them.
Taking the words of a severely disabled person who at times has been bedbound and literally too sick to even scroll social media for days on end in the worst faith possible when they tell disabled people who are objectively more disabled by their conditions that talking about the experience of BEING more disabled and how statements like theirs harm us, is ableist.
Assuming that every disabled person is capable of doing some form of hobby - yes, even media consumption - and erasing and speaking over severely disabled people who are telling you we sometimes or always can't - is ableist.
Equating anything that some people can't do with being a good or bad person - is ableist.
Sending these kinds of asks:
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"having hobbies is ableist??? are you fucking nuts??"
Having hobbies isn't ableist. Tumblr users piss on the poor and you didn't actually read our reply. Equating having hobbies with being a good person and not having hobbies (almost everyone who can have hobbies chooses to do so, by the way) with being a bad person - is ableist.
"so after your fucking tirade was posted, someone decided to start sending anons telling someone to bash his wifes skull in and break her legs so she knows what real disability is. do you call that activism? or unity? because i call it fucking threats. THAT shit is literally VIOLENT ableism. you are fucked. you are absolutely fucked. delete your blog youre literally fucking insane and you dont stand for unity in any sense of the fucking word. you are sick in the fucking head."
- Assuming we are responsible for or even condone truly horrific ableist harassment. To be clear, that is ableism on an entirely different SCALE of the microaggression OP is guilty of. That is unacceptable, and we hope the person receiving those asks reported them and that the user minimally gets IP banned from Tumblr entirely, and that the victim of those asks even gets the authorities involved if necessary.
- Calling being upset by something that personally harms us a "tirade"
- "you are literally fucking insane" as an insult
- "you are sick in the head" as an insult
Those last two are literally just abject sanism. They are equating sanity and sickness to morality/immorality. This is literally the justification ableists have used for hundreds if not thousands of years for oppressing mad people, and the basis of mad liberation is fighting this ableism.
"There's no way this blog is run by multiple people lol. This is the hub of one very mean brat."
Okay, even setting aside that both mods are plural, let's assume they meant my multiple bodily people. I... don't know why we'd have any reason to lie about this? Quite honestly, if it weren't for Mod Cloud taking over admin, I would not be able to continue to run this blog. I'm also curious what was "mean" about saying "this is ableism I'm personally affected by". I think the meanest thing I said was saying "OP says hobbies make them happy so maybe they should spend more time on them because they seem unhappy", because it was a bit snarky, though still genuine.
Also, nice use of infantilizing language with "brat". And now getting back to us being plural: it is pluralmisia and sanism to insist that multiple people in one body are one person. I wanted to address that we are bodily two, because I know that is what that person meant, but it is also just literal ableism to insist systems that identify as multiple people are singlets. (Parts-based systems who identify as one person, however, are valid, and should be addressed as such.) Any accusations of insanity or sickness of the head for being that way are also pluralmisia and sanism.
These are just three among quite literally HUNDREDS of examples. At one point, there was one every few SECONDS while Mod Cloud was trying to answer the good faith anon that wasn't understanding my reply (to that anon, even if you still disagree, thank you for being kind).
One said we should be institutionalized - you know, the form of violent nonconsensual removal of autonomy used to oppress disabled people for as long as institutions have existed? They wanted to not hear us speak about ableism so badly they wanted us to be incarcerated and coercively medicated. THAT'S ableism.
THAT is ableist harassment. That is you disagreeing with a disabled person and taking offense to them interpreting their own experiences as ableism, and following that up with spamming and dogpiling the blog in order to shut us up. You are actively trying to stop us from talking about our experiences with ableism. While I don't know whether the anons sending these were abled or disabled, that's the level of ableism I'd usually only expect from abled people. So if you are also disabled, shame on you for turning on your own community. If you're abled, uno reverse, shut the fuck up forever.
There's a block button. You're allowed to disagree with other abled people about ableism. It's not okay to spam harassing and ableist asks because a disabled person says something you don't like. And you might want to do some serious thinking about why you don't like it, and why you feel the need to say that someone could never be so disabled by their disability as to be unable to do hobbies.
This is what happens every time a disabled person calls out ableism on the internet. Other disabled people jump to lick abled boots and say "no, it's not ableism because it doesn't personally affect me!" They say "Every disabled person is abled enough to do [thing that some disabled people can't do]". They literally pull up examples of inspiration porn. They twist everything the original person said, often to the point of claiming OP said the OPPOSITE of what they actually said.
They try to shut down discussions of ableism. That is, itself, ableism.
To all the people in the notes missing the point and saying stuff like this:
"the idea that disabled people can't participate in the arts or crafting or hobbies or anything is so insulting to the disabled people who are doing all of those things (and excelling at them) as we speak"
The existence of more severely disabled people who can't participate in those things, according to you, is insulting to disabled people who are more able to do those things.
Also, to the person talking about how consuming media counts as various hobbies: yes, and thank you, but please note that it is possible to be so disabled and sick that even that isn't possible. PLEASE listen to severely disabled people.
Also, to the person who was snarking about taking shit in the worst possible faith on the internet by saying this is ableist: that's exactly what people are doing WHENEVER a disabled person points out ableism, including on this post. Just because you don't want to believe you are capable of being laterally aggressive to people who are more strongly disabled by their disabilities than you, or that you have privilege over them, doesn't mean that it's true. Sit with your discomfort instead of immediately telling people who are extremely sick and bedbound that actually, we're harming you when we talk about our own experiences.
That's crybully behavior. As much as you might want to play the victim here, you're not.
We will republish our statement at a later date, once harassment has died down.
I am truly disgusted with the cruelty and bullying from within the disabled community on the internet today. Check your privilege and recognize that not every disabled person IS capable of having hobbies. I even talked about how much of a negative impact that can have on our quality of life, and how if it's possible to get to the point where you can do so, that's really important for your personal health and happiness, good grief.
It just doesn't make you a bad person if you can't currently or can't ever do that, and doesn't make you any more likely to be an asshole to random strangers on the internet.
(Plaintext: It just doesn't make you a bad person if you can't currently or can't ever do that, and doesn't make you any more likely to be an asshole to random strangers on the internet.)
And in the unlikely event that it is other people disabled to the point of not being able to participate in hobbies saying this: please advocate for yourselves instead of caving to the pressure. You deserve to not have your inability to do activities you love equated to being a worse and lesser person. You deserve better than having it assumed that you'll hurt people just because you can't occupy your time the same way they can, especially when they are being cruel while actively having hobbies.
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dailylucifernetflix · 9 months
I wrote a beginning of an ask, clicked at a notification, and got deleted. Never mind that. "I was premaetitevely saying sorry for complaining at fandom stuff in your ask box" pretty much covers what that was. Sorry for that. This. (Or not, if you do want to talk about this stuff.) You are just about the only active Lucifer (TV) blog I know about. I would love to talk about this. This is very out of nowhere.
As I watched the show I (in a I may yet get this sort of a way) wanted, very much, to have a different show than I got. I saw the setup, the characters, their experiences, the events. I enjoyed watching it, but I also wanted for it to be a little more critical and a little less of a comedy. I wanted things to not be played for the laughs as much. I wanted for things to get serious, for Lucifer to be agreed with that he has been hurt, for him to be said to have been done wrong to. And, above that, I wanted that followed through with. I wanted for God to be punished for what he did to him.
Preferably killed in a fun little magic war with magic superpowers, I never expected that to happen in the show. Just in fanfic. I do not think it has happened in fanfic. (this is me asking for fanfic recs, if you have any)
I saw Lucifer. I empathized with Lucifer. With his situation, with his reactions. I saw that he was hurt.
I wanted for him to hurt the person who has hurt him back.
I can think that punishing people is a shit thing that hurts them. I can think that, from a mortal standpoint, punishment is bullshit. God having a redemption arc would have left me satisfied... but, no, I didn't expect that. I did think it was more probable for it to happen than for war on God to happen. But I expected the show to disappoint me.
As I watched it I remember I thought it was not quite brave enough to say what it sometimes showed. That it was not brave enough to straight up say God is a bad guy here. (if it had it would have probably not ran as long as it did, so, fair of it to itself, but still dissatisfying to me as an audience)
I am probably rambling. (I am writing this in an ask box, on mobile. I have accidentally delated three paragraphs. This is the Tumblr experience.)
I saw God do terrible things to Lucifer. I saw that he put him in hell (a terrible place) that he set the world up in a way that allowed for hell to exist (humans can leave, the show says, it is just the guilt that holds them here, but the thing about building a world is that you decide how it works and defending God's actions on the basis of its just how it is is a lot like saying the female characters fight magic wars in bikini and shoot lasers from their boobs because that's just how magic wars work in superhero city) (the world works how the writer decides it does)
This is pretty much just me complaining. I probably dont have a point I am gatting at. (This was brought on by Good Omens Season 2, in a side effect short of way. Mostly I was just reminded that damn remember how you watched that other christianity fanfic, remember how you stared at a wall and imagined a version of it that was more suited to your personal tastes and opinions and also had more superpowers shit because those do always look so cool)
Actually, if there was a point to this, then that point is fanfic. Have you, by chance, ever found the sort of a fanfic that really gets into God Is Bad Let's Wage A War sort of thing? Or if not, then something that approaches it? Something that at least frames God as a villain? Not only Lucifer's-Imaginary-Abusive-Human-Parent (pre-reveal kind of stuff) but full of actual God. Altrough, well, I'd read that too.
I suppose the thing I specifically really want to read is: Ella losing faith, properly so. Linda not just... going wow that's God but going oh shit that's Lucifer's abuser. I suppose I want to read about angels falling from Heaven and being framed as the ones in the right by the narrative. I suppose I want there to be a war. I suppose I would like to read about Hell Economics.
I probably should just write something myself at this point, but I am never very attached to but that's canon and would go if I change this I can change so much many more things to create a world I, myself, would like reading about more, and at that point, this would get very far from what the actual show was doing and I would stare at it and go that is a little too ambitious for me.
Yeah, no, the point of this was: do you by chance have any fanfic recs that you think I would like. Really sorry for bothering you if this bothered you... If you don't want to post this ask (very understandable) but would be open to offering any fanfic recs could you, idk, do a hello to that anon, have some fanfic in a separate post? I would really appriciate that.
...I'll, uh, go ask you about any active Lucifer blogs you know in a separate ask. (the fandom seems dead. is it dead? is it just you here?)
hello dear anon!
ngl reading this was an experience but one that i actually really enjoyed. i loved reading all of your thoughts and some of them i actually understand quite good. i enjoyed what we saw with lucifer but yes, there are some things that were missing for me, too. it's totally okay that you kind of even expected something different from it. you're allowed to have your own opinion.
either way i'm sorry to tell you that i don't read any fanfics but PLEASE if someone who reads this has any fanfic recs specifically like asked above that would be appreciated.
also sorry your initial ask got deleted and also some paragraphs accidentally by yourself. been through that and it's annoying.
the fandom is indeed dead except an occasional gifset every now and then (also by me @mauraeyk lol) i think it's more active on twitter and you're definitely not bothering me. i'm just sorry i can't be more helpful. take care! <3
- kers
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mdhwrites · 11 months
Now that owl house is over ive noticed an uptick of people kind of retconning the show? like pretending Boscha was the one who ruined Willows life and that Amity NEVER bullied her (they have fully just deleted her entire first appearance of spending 3 minutes harrassing Willow for fun),
or generally just ignoring writing flaws like luzs selfish behaviour, alador being made to one eighty, or smaller things like Skara being including in 'misunderstood' by Willow and rewriting them.
I dont really get it, why not just admit Amity could have been written better, or note how when put in context luz seems very selfish and this should have been better thought out or at least considered in her arc? you can point out these issues and still enjoy the show.
I mean... That's happening for the same reason why I can still write Lumity/Lumischa in a loving, sweet relationship instead of having to acknowledge that Luz gives such little of a shit about Amity as to let her go die alone without warning. Fan content doesn't need to even reflect the analytical beliefs or truths of the show. In fact, it doesn't really need to reflect the show AT ALL sometimes. But this is only true for fan CONTENT. If people are talking about analysis with the show, that gets a lot murkier. I'm not going to be an ass and be like "Oh, they're trying to change the facts!" Not at all. Here's the thing: My blogs tend to be as long as they are when it comes to analysis because of the aggregate actions of the show and characters and what that says about them. For most the words matter WAY more. And The Owl House likes to state what it wants the truth to be rather than backing it up with actions. This is why it goes SO HARD on backstory elements that aren't meant to inform us of character motivations but are supposed to imply that the person they are now is who they've always been so you just forget about they used to be. You forget that Eda was honestly not good to King for like half of S1 if not just the majority of S1. You forget that King acts, talks and others act and talk to him like he's a young adult who's just lazy as shit rather than an eight year old who was adopted by Eda. You forget that Amity was a CUNT for much of her life because look at how much she cares about her teammates or how awful her parents were! It's not good storytelling and it rarely recontextualizes motivations as much as it tries to scapegoat them. We were never going to get a character like Zuko with this writing style because part of Zuko is how much he has INTERNALIZED those trauma we see in S1 and so those never go away entirely. They are still a part of his character. There is no version of Zuko that is pure smiles and laughter like there is for Amity or Hunter. BUT it is to some extent effective, especially since a lot more focus is put on big moments rather than the small ones. I hate Reaching Out for all the small things in it. For all the moments where a small change in dialogue or action would have Luz not seem so entirely callous about Amity's safety while death looms on her mind. What do most remember from that episode? Luz spinning Amity around, Amity not being able to handle Luz's dramatic entrance into the ring and the final conversation where Luz spills out her heart and Amity proves just how amazing a girlfriend she is. Any of the small details that paint Luz poorly, they dismiss entirely because "Look how much pain Luz is in! I'm going to focus on her pain rather than how she is acting because of that pain." Without like, you know... The fact that those going through hard times are STILL responsible for their actions.
I'm not even asking for Luz to have been perfect in that episode but a lot of the time, people will say that hard times prove who you are. I don't like the fact that I can tell I still have a lot of anger in me because I can get more aggressive when I'm tired or just sad than I like to be to others. I apologize and try to keep myself in check though. If this is Luz on a bad day... Then Luz at her core doesn't give a fuck about other people. If her core was that she cared too much, her trauma response should be to focus on those she cares about the most but she doesn't give a SINGLE fuck about Amity that ENTIRE EPISODE. Even down to her saying to join the brawl. She admits it's not because she thinks it's the right choice for Amity or for the situation but that she will always choose chaos. That's not taking into account the person. But that takes ignoring the fact that the text of the episode is trying its hardest to make sure that you are on Luz's side entirely. That by the time Lumity get to the Grom tree, you're not looking for Luz to apologize for breaking her promise at the end Falls and Follies or for ANY of her actions, but instead you're wanting Amity to make Luz feel better.
Luz's choice to stay in the human realm is the same way. The text of the show, the words as stated by characters, is that this is a sacrifice. That it is a noble martyrdom of any happiness Luz could ever have but that she's doing it because she is certain that if she goes, she could only fuck things up. As such, Camila going to the Isles isn't her making Luz do the right thing and actually fix her fuck up but instead Camila being the best mom ever because even though this world scares her, she will do everything in her power to make her daughter happy and give her chances at happiness. This is why I don't blame anyone for liking the show. The show understands good concepts. It thinks that it is doing everything right. And so I have to pull in so much else about the show, all it builds up, contradicts, etc. like that in order to point out why I feel the way I do. The way people might who can't figure out the words because something in the back of your mind is going "Wait, Luz hasn't told any of them the truth and Amity is talking about the future but Luz isn't saying anything but the show says that this makes Luz a good person, not a bad one and that feels wrong for some reason but I can't figure out why." And that is a rough place for most fan analysts. Like they don't do this super often. They aren't ready to pull up an episode list and truly interrogate the thesis in their mind. It's going to be motivated as much by emotion as it is logic. And that's not even a bad thing as most of them are going to do it based on an aspect they love or hate but they're not going to let go of other beliefs they have for the show.
This is part of why I do read every comment that comes across my blogs or my asks. To listen to the other side. Someone yesterday in fact tried to defend Luz becoming a witch at the end because the theme of the show isn't reality vs. fantasy, it's purely about finding a place where you belong. And for a second I was like "You know, that is actually a compelling argument. There is something there." Then I remembered that Yesterday's Lie explicitly pointed out that Luz could have been happy in the Human Realm, that her life was good, and that maybe she needed to question what she was doing. Almost like, I don't know, the question of fantasy vs. reality, of the grand adventure you want versus the fact that life is complicated and messy wherever you go, is a major theme of the show and Luz specifically, right down to King's crown turning out to be nothing but a toy.
But I did my due diligence and did interrogate the question properly and won't say that it has zero merit. Amity finds happiness with Luz. Willow finds happiness with plant magic instead of abominations. Hunter finds happiness out of the EC. There is definitely an aspect of it to the show but it doesn't feel like a main thrust of it. Honestly, I think even if it were, it's made weaker by how much these characters have to change themselves for their happiness. Willow and Luz are the only two who survive contact with a space that will make them happier as Lilith, Eda, Amity and Hunter all effectively have their characters replaced at some point away from their core to a new narrative function that usually either turns them into a joke or something incredibly bland and generic rather than unique and personal.
Analysis is COMPLICATED. Good analysis is HARD. I mean, someone tried to refute me on Titan Luz being a deux ex machina probably in part because they like the spectacle it brought them and while I still debated that my original points stood and that their arguments actually made it clearer how it was a deux ex machina... That doesn't make it a bad thing. But to most fandom analysts, the very term means the story is beyond redemption if it uses that. Meanwhile, I'd argue the deux ex machina appears to be the best part of that episode because it allows such a joyous spectacle for the fans to enjoy, including the angst spectacle of Luz dying. ALL of this is also what led to me final statement for my tierlist: TOH is worse than the sum of its parts. In order to articulate why though, you have to be able to examine all of those parts and TOH is such an ambitious show that there are a LOT of parts with a lot of movement to them to examine. That's a lot harder than questioning if one part is worse than you'd like but keeping a firm belief that the rest is just as good as you always believed, or vice versa. I mean, when I did the Found Family blog, I literally had a moment where I went "I genuinely expected Eda and Luz to have spent time enough to justify the finale because I do believe in their relationship as mentor and student but the two spend almost no time together in the second half and WHAT THE HELL!?" I was caught off guard by finding out that a part of S1 I was firm was good and functional was a lot shakier than I'd expected. But I did my diligence in double checking and then exploring the answer I got.
And I could get into the excuses people give for the show like the shortening but... I mean, I still agree with someone on my Discord that if an analyst excuses something as due to the shortening, they better have a DAMN good reason for it. I will actually listen to an argument for Hunter's character arc being worse because of the shortening due to S2A likely still being mostly produced without that knowledge. I won't forgive that it already had signs of being bad and as bad as most arcs in the show though because even with Eclipse Lake he's being treated as a joke and only truly as an enemy by Amity for a little bit and his OWN COVEN. Eda and King treat him as a joke and so does the episode so while his arc could have been better with more time, it's hard to say it would have been good. Because an excuse actually has to correlate with what is presented. And The Collector exists so... Really, there's no way of using the shortening as an excuse. Not when I've literally made a compelling argument for why a full S3 would have at best been good because the show clearly wanted more time than was EVER reasonable without a firm guarantee from Disney and Disney hasn't given a show more than 3 seasons in a WHILE. (I would link the blog but I couldn't find it quickly)
But again: A lot of these people are just wanting to talk about a show they love and you know what: More power to them. I talk about this show so much because I want to talk about a show I used to live and my brain is rigged to overthink EVERYTHING. A decade ago and I would have been way worse at these blogs than I am now, especially since back then my point was to prove I was right and smart while nowadays it's much more about wanting to teach about writing and discuss aspects of it. And there's a lot I can teach with The Owl House but if I half ass my analysis, you're not going to learn and so I try to be a bit more thorough than maybe I even have to be. If this blog doesn't prove that in spades. Edit: Part of me wonders if part of this is a misinterpretation/abuse of Dana saying that whatever she's stated is as valid as anyone else's headcanons and that only what explicitly happened is canon for the show. Which, as always, for many, meant rip Aro/Ace Lilith and Lesbian Amity. -_- ===========
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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peenusmaximus · 29 days
"hateful people dni" lmfao too bad im a hater, im calling you out for me getting recommended pro ED content on my dash when i almost died from EDNOS and have been in recovery almost 10 years. now i'm not triggered for me, i've been safe a long time and i'm not worried about relapsing. but clearly you either dont know or just dont care that there's kids on this site, the history of pro ED content on this site, and how many people (including kids) have died from consuming this type of content. those of us that didn't incurred permanent damage to our health and cannot ever return to full health. if you don't give a fuck about yourself atleast give a fuck about what you might be distributing to people already on the brink of death, yes, including children. you might not blog pro ED content but if you boost it in the algorithm, you are partially responsible for the damage that incurs. most anamia forums have been shut down by now but it seems tumblr is still at it. if you're not going to get help at least try not to get any underage kids hooked on the drug we destroyed ourselves with by employing "misery loves company". i get it, i used to look at that kind of content myself. when i was a kid. a little kid. its disgusting. i didnt care about myself but i never wished it to get spread to anyone else. your participation in that world affects more than just you. i'm from florida too so miss me w the bullshit, i'm really not scared, go ahead and just delete this bc i'm a "hater" and not post it because i can guarantee you that you don't have a sensical defense for this when confronted by somebody who knows exactly how it feels and went through it themselves. this content ends innocent lives. you are contributing to it. i may not have died but i'll be damned if i don't stand up for those who remind me of me when i should've had someone stand up for me and didn't. let me guess, too long didnt read? you should be severely ashamed of yourself. if you dont want help, don't boost it where other people can see it. care about others besides just you. that's really it.
I've never ON PURPOSE interacted with pro-ed shit😭 I've been in recovery for over four years
I'm sorry
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gorejo · 2 years
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 - a guideline !!
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⦂ this blog is a nsfw, multifandom, non-spoiler free blog, and does not take any requests. ageless, minors. spam liking blogs will be blocked. even though I do write sfw content, I will still block minors who choose to interact and follow.
⦂ you must be 18 and over to interact or follow. I frequently check my followings to block blogs that choose to disregard my rules and interact regardless. you will be hard blocked, so if you've been blocked these are the reasons as to why ↓
⦂ why I block spam likers? one, it clogs my notifications. two, it makes me nervous when I see one name repeatedly in my notifs. three, because I can get shadow banned. and fourth, because it's honestly annoying.
⦂ why do you care if my blog is empty and ageless ? well, you are everything i don't want lurking on my blog — if you have the time to update your blog to not even show who you follow, and not have an age? then i will block you.
⦂ why do you care if I sent hate to another creator/blog? because that's bullying and I don't tolerate shitty behavior. THIS is my blog and my safe space. If I get the sense someone is being toxic and purposefully rude, I will block you — mutuals included.
⦂ why do you have a problem with people sharing their opinions? I can have my own opinions on fics and police writing since i'm a content creator too/or I should have the freedom to complain about fics because I'm a reader. why does that matter to you? Well, it's rude and many times your silly opinion is unwarranted. you can have your opinions all you want, just don't force them onto other people's space. if you dont like what someone writes, block and move on.
⦂ what is your policy on aging up characters? I dont mind. all of my fics are made with the idea of post-timeskip, adult versions of themselves. if you didn't read the manga with a timeskip, that isn't my problem. if you have a problem with aging up characters, I will ask that you unfollow me. learn to separate fiction from reality and we can talk.
⦂ i was a mutual of yours, why am i now blocked? well, there are many reasons as to why I probably discontinued the mutual. either you made me uncomfortable, we weren't interacting, i felt like it was the best choice for me, etc. also, i hard block all ex-mutuals because it's easier for me that way. so if you notice a mutual was broken but you aren't hard blocked, most likely it's a glitch from tumblr and just simply let me know ( ,:
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alcohol/drugs, suicide/murder/gore/blood, explicit sexual content, infidelity, profanity, illness, death, abuse, yandere/stalking.
i do not take any requests but suggestions are great !
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— 📧aemail. | ae.talks. |#౨ৎ love: ae.
darkmode. = mdni fics | lightmode. = sfw fics
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repost, translate, copy, plagiarize, or recommend works outside of tumblr.
thank you for reading through this guideline of rules. I hope that some of the questions you may have were answered here. IF not, then please feel free to politely send an ask. again, any rude or maliciously driven asks will simply be blocked and deleted. to go to the main masterlist click the link.
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itsaship-literally · 1 year
Okay, so my energy for Beetlebabes has been recently sparked, and I haven't been able to answer this question. You seem like an expert, so I gotta ask: When in the Beetlejuice or even Beetlebabes tags, and people say "DNI" is that like a "If you even remotely enjoy the concept of BJ and Lyds don't touch this post" sort of deal or is it just those people don't want asks from those of us who enjoy the ship? Because to be frank, I have days where I'm content to think of the two just as friends, so the whole DNI thing is a mystery to me.
I wouldn’t exactly say I am an expert on this but I have been around a while in this fandom. So my experience when it comes to DNI’s feels most prevalent in the musical portion.
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Sorry Musical Babes, but you all are the new kids in town when it when it comes to the 34 years old franchise. I still love ya.
That is not to say you won’t come across it in the Movie or Toon verse. It happens.
Most of us older fandom people understand the whole “don’t like don’t read” and “ship and let ship” concepts. This whole DNI thing stems from a different concept of controlling who can enjoy a creators content. It feels backwards to me since I am used to people wanting the views and comments.
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I find, in my experience, that if there is a DNI in regards to Beetlebabes/Beetz/Betelyds the person who puts it there does not want views, likes, reblogs, or comments from anyone who even mildly accepts the pairing.
I personally try to avoid and block DNI’s since I dont want the hassle. I have strong feelings on the use of controlling who is allowed to view works but it is their choice if they want to micro manage. Best to respect them by blocking or using a word filter to hid any of their posts. There are plenty of artists and writers out there who would appreciate your interactions.
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As for this blog, its supports both romantic ship and friendship. I have plenty of neutral followers who see the hug drawings and smooches as a friendly gesture of love as opposed to a passionate one.
Here on this blog and in my discord, I have non-shippers, neutral, romance shipper and friend-shippers, ace shippers and horny AF shippers. We are a wide range of fans. Anything reblogged here is to help support the creators of this fandom regardless of shipping intentions. If it’s cute and its Beej and Lyds, then its here.
Also, I would like to remind people that this blog tries to stay on the positive side. I do my best to avoid those DNI’s if they are active and many new artists might get missed since I err on the side of caution until I know the artist is chill.
If you are a new shipper, neutral or a mellow non-shipper who wants to be reblogged by me, feel free to let me know. I will gladly boost for ya, Babes.
(Also note. Sometimes I don’t know the origin of the gif search. I just deleted one cuz it had a DNI 😂)
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Honestly? I think we should stop blaming members for the hate on this fandom. I don't think they should calculate every thing they gonna do, neither every pic they wanna post. I think tae should be able to post a fucking pic with his friend, on his ig, whenever he want. Tkkrs r beyond help, they don't even have a single thought on that brainless head anymore. Jimin gets hate for them everyday, with tkk moments or not. With jkk moments or not. He get hate for everything, because the cult hate him regardless of what happens. BTS r real people, they don't belong to us and they can do what they want, we can't control them. With all the truth in tkkrs face, they still think tkk r married and blablabla. Even if tae never posts a jk pic again, they gonna still believe in tkk, they will say that tkk r hidden by the company. Should tae stop doing what he wants forever, then? Should the members let those mfs control them forever?
Look, I really like u, but I think you should be more careful, because u r setting up jkkrs with those things u r saying about tae, even if its followed by "I really like tae, don't hear me wrong". I get it that it comes from you worrying about jm, but just be careful. I worry about jm so much, but we can keep saying rude things about other members, because then, we r not so different from the cult. I want to believe that jm is ok, that he doesnt get affected by all this bullshit anymore, and that he has his family, jk and members by his side.
I didnt send this to appear on your blog, u dont even have to answer me.
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But at the same time people are allowed to feel some type of way if they want to. I've not once shared an ask about anyone hating on V. Just people who are venting about what he's been up to. Which to me is okay. I delete anything that sounds anti. Even a little bit.
Anon, V can do what he wants. It just all seems very strategically placed is all. I think its okay to talk about it without shitting on the dude.
Like I've mentioned 20 times now, I will never have an issue with V as long as Jikook continue to have no issue with V. But I can side eye his behaviour. I feel like that should be allowed.
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carpedanneel · 1 year
Ya’ll are fucking wild here. no wonder why this rp has just been the same 5 people for the last 4 years. But I thought maybe things are different, maybe it’s changed. Wrong. Admin, you still make rules to cater to the admin or the “inner” 3 other members they’ve deemed “worthy”. You make rules that cater to pretty much you only. You dont care about how you make other people feel, as long as you're getting your way. And the members here have been so brainwashed by the bullshit either theyre too scared or too intimidated to say anything. You still find a way to corrupt people from playing certain fc’s you have history with STILL forcing history on certain fc’s. A history ONE player expects you to remember every detail to even if you don’t like the plot. That one player who makes SO MANY people uncomfortable, whether they want to admit it or not, who also just happens to be the main admin. The main admin who doesnt even do a god damn thing on the main, and then will make every excuse as to why not. Sarah, you’ve found so many ways to provoke, gaslight, bully, guilt or force threads, histories, plots on probably every single player here. It’s gross. You deserve every call out youve gotten. But I don’t even 100% blame you. I also blame most of the spineless people you claim to be your “friends”. Here they complain and shit talk behind your back but then turn around and lick the ground you walked on. But probably because you’ve bullied them into it. I love how you post this long ass thing from the main saying how this place isn't for everyone and if youre bothered, blah blah. Just say this place is for you to do whatever tf you want whenever you want, and be done with it. At least be honest. How many times did you ask if you should drop certain chars looking for pity and how many people begged you to stay, Sarah? No one. That's telling. But its good to know this group is only here for you and your bullshit. Since this group is "anything goes" then the second someone calls your character out ic, you do the same thing you do ooc and come up with every excuse on why youre not wrong. Amd then kick them out! Maybe instead of always blaming everyone both ic and ooc, maybe look inward.I tried, I really tried to come in with an open mind that maybe this place had changed over the many years, but it clearly never will.Also, on the subject of bullying, Lena, you're also a god damn bully, which is funny since youre barely even on. But you still found a way, thought it was okay to message me and try to get me to drop ashley. First time we spoke you instantly were guilting me saying I swiped up Ashley before you could. And then to actually IM me the other day trying to guilt me into giving her up? So fucking rude. But at least you got your wish. Ya’ll have zero class. RP should be fun. This place sucks the fucking life out of you. I now remember why Sarah used to be banned from so many hollywood rps back in the day and why this place was basically blacklisted. Why i used to have to block her and other members here from my character pages bc youd steal shit. I bet I could log onto an old blog and find FANMAILS of her TRYING to force ships and plots in old rps, thats how long its been going on. I will say i do feel bad for some of the quality players in this group. I just dont know why you put up with it when there are groups out there where you dont have to be foeced into ships or plots just bc youve known someone for so long. Where you dont have to NOT come on the dash bc a player/character is being redundant and miserable 24/7. You dont have to sit here and keep letting sarah and this group take advantage of you. Anyways, I'm out. To the few here who actually reached out to plot or even just to chat, ya'll are cool and feel free to dm me or hmu on discord. New members, I'd beware if I was you.
Just for context, this was what I wrote in the ooc of an rp I just left. I'm sure it got deleted but I wanted to put it in the tags to let the rpc know this rp is still a problem and so are some members. Beware if joining, it's all shady.
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cynthrey · 4 months
I hope that this is the last thing I ever post on this drama, but i just dont understand the negativity against Scott with the whole Ectoslab situation
Like yeah, I do understand being disappointed in him for not doing anything against the harassment towards Ecto, that's a criticism I do actually agree with. But people are almost treating it like Scott was the only cc ever involved with Ecto to drop them, saying that he did it to "save face" and "not get dragged into the drama". Everyone seems to forget so far Scott is the only cc we know to have expressed his support for Ecto during the harassment campaign and Scott wasn't even the closest CC to Ecto, Sausage was.
Yet Sausage didn't make any sort of statement on the situation (as far as I'm aware), nor in support of Ecto nor even about cutting ties with them and I haven't seen anyone critizicing him for letting down an artist he was so close to.
Other CC dropped Ecto too without saying a word on the matter. Scott was the only CC to express his support towards Ecto that we know of, and only retracted it upon finding out Ecto is a proshipper, retracting his support because he doesn't support proshipping. He wasn't trying to save face, he simply found out an artist he worked with and with who he would openly interact (especially in the early days of Pirates SMP) turned out to behave in a way he didn't approve or supported and decided to drop them.
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He was trying to be a good person help someone without knowing or understanding what they were being accused of. And that has led to people taking his decision of retracting his support for someone because he didn't support what that person stood for and equating it to him trying to not get himself involved in the drama. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people would have hated on him too for expressing that he didn't want people harassing Ecto (tho still I still wish he would have addressed it at least) and saying that he supported proshipping because of that. Why? Because that's what happened to the artist Foxxology, who was friends with Ecto, initially supporting them until they found out what the accusations where about, at the time this was going on and when they expressed despite not approving of Ecto's stance, they didn't support the harassment either people interpreted their distaste for unfair harassment as them supporting proshipping and also getting dragged into the hate which was the final push for them to leave twitter (they had been planning on leaving for a while, this incident was just the final straw, not the main cause).
(Also please they've already moved from this so don't go bothering them about this)
Lemme ask: Would you all be judging Scott as hardly had he stayed silent on the matter like every other CC did?
You can dislike Scott, in general or because he handled this specific situation. But I ask you to please verify all the information from all sides, not just here but in general. I too was on Ecto's side for the first few days but decided to check on my own if there was any proof to the allegations against them. It wasn't my intent to prove they are a proshipper (hell I was hoping it was stuff being taken out of context or something from so long ago Ecto no longer agreed with that) and I found out the proves for the allegations causing me to block them and delete anything I ever reblogged from them from my blogs. I still considered the harassment unfair, but also didn't want to suport a proshipper. My opinion didn't change upon seeing a google doc explaining things from their side when they say the characters had been aged to 18 (because I know that's not true) and that they continued to defend their stance saying that is about more than just problematic pairings.
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First screenshot is from 2021, Ecto was in their very late 20's to early 30's back them
On Ecto being a proshipper: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
Ecto's google doc explaining their side: link
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i'm astonished by how quickly swifties accept the idea of taylor dating matty healy considering the shit he said about her in 2014?
like yes people grow and change but we know taylor remembers shit like that. we know 2014 was the beginning of the bad years for her, and i just
even if he's grown and changed, the shit he said contributed to that.
plus i don't know any self-respecting human who would date a man who said the thought of dating them and being in a relationship with them was 'emasculating'.
also i just find it funny that his wikipedia page says they're in a relationship, but hers says it's unconfirmed.
you know, you have given me a good perspective. i wouldn't say I was quick to believe it the news though, anon, I was very much in the "jaylor never broke up" camp until we got those fan* pics of them holding hands.
i am so unsure of what to believe but at the end of the day, I feel it is my duty as a mainly taylor swift blog to denounce my space from any sort of racism and I would not feel okay if I spoke out against the notion of them being a couple without at the very least making it well known that I do not accept her actions if they are being portrayed accurately by the media.
i have always tried my hardest to make sure my politics are not performative and I think it is important to make sure your online followers know that you do not tolerate isms of any sort. that is why I am erring on the side of caution and treating this news as legitimate because if it's not, I will more than happily delete my critiques of Taylor and Matt together. but if it is, I need to make it clear that I do not support racism.
that being said, the collab with ice spice threw me for a fucking loop. what i know about taylor pre pandemic, she wasn't publically racist even unintentionally. like truly nothing she had done up until that point can be construed as racist... since then... eh. still cannot get over the carolina thing, nor working with lana del racist. that is why I feel like its my duty to my friends on this blog to let them know I will not financially support taylor if she is actually as bad as they are saying she is, does that make sense?
but like... working with ice spice and releasing a video and physical copies... that makes me feel like this entire thing has been a huge pr stunt... but then you're losing me? but it does reference a surprisingly large number of gaylor songs... but then she was at the concert in january and he said those things in february... maybe they got permission from ice spice to do those things???? but why and why would ice spice go along with it ???? .... but then the photo of joe with a second cardigan in his hand and the you're not sorry SS after that.... the planned pap photos... but then again fans were the ones who took the hand holding photos and why would joe be okay with taylor doing that in the media... unless he's not? in which case all signs lead to a break up.... but maybe he is???? idk we dont know, and nothing about you're losing me makes any sense from anything we know about midnights the album....
you're losing me and sweet nothing on the same album? are we sure about that? did we listen to sweet nothing ? its wild to me because it implies that you're losing me is a vault track but that means before midnights... but then they were good after that.... and then they weren't.... and like, idk, why would taylor include the words "i wouldnt marry me either" when she released lavender haze where she says "no deal, that 1950s shit they want from me" like.... the entirety of LH is about rejecting marriage as a norm and now we learn she actually wanted to marry joe all along and he was the bad guy the entire time? idk...
none of it makes any sense to me... this entire first half of the tour has been the definition of fucking chaos... which leads me to believe pr stunt?.... but idk what would be the point.... she'd have to literally come out and be like "sike joe and i are still dating, yall weirdos for real, matt and i are just besties" but like idk they were holding hands... i guess theoretically taylor could be seen holding hands with a guy platonically but... knowing what they had been saying about it beforehand why would joe want that to happen platonically ???? idk i just cant imagine joe specifically being alright with his girlfriend being linked to someone else... but then again, she was linked to karlie for the duration of their six year relationship so maybe... he just wouldnt give a shit?.... which like maybe he just doesnt care about taylor as much she did for him... which fine but like idk...
im still left with ice spice and i have no idea what to think about that. like i just cannot come up with a good conclusion that isnt racism at play honestly. i wish i could see a good alternative theory for why she is doing all of this but I just do not see any. thats why after those pics came out, I finally came around to the death of jaylor and the birth of this hellscape im in currently.
but idk please tell me ur thoughts on what u think is going on anon because idk none of it makes any sense to me.
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thisisnotjuli · 7 months
Hi just wanna tell u the „u dont owe ur followers anything“ OP is a catholic pro-lifer
so. I am going to assume you meant well by sending this ask. so I hope you don't take anything I say the wrong way because I am not saying this to be mean. but I will tell you the same thing I've told every other anon who's sent me asks of this type before:
1) I have no fucking clue which post you even mean. I post an average of something like 30-50 posts a day and 90% of them have been queued for months. so, yeah, I don't know which post you mean
2) even if I did know, do you think I care enough to check every single blog of every single person I ever interact, even only tangentially, on Tumblr and give them a 58 part quiz inquiring about their political, religious and economical beliefs and affiliations before rebloging a post? I don't, and to be quite honest I don't care either if the op of some post or another that I rebloged is whoever the fuck or if a random anon message in my askbox claims they're an asshole or whatever. I care about that stuff for my friends and the people I follow to be able to curate my dashboard and internet experience in general but. some random post that I agree with being made by someone I don't agree with on other matters, I don't give a shit about that.
3) and how do you know I don't have them blocked already. what, do you want me to delete the post? why? at your word that they're a catholic pro-lifer? because let me tell you that a) idk about other people but I don't just take the word of someone hiding behind anonymity when they accuse someone of something. b) I do very often block plenty of blogs for plenty of reasons (including, often, "being a catholic pro-lifer") and still reblog their posts, unrelated to whatever made me block them, if I agree with them/find them funny/if I fucking want to, idk.
so yeah, for next time go bother someone else. or 1) link the post you're talking about 2) link some evidence of your claims and 3) don't be on anon and maybe I'll care a bit more.
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Thank you~
if you have been an Rp partner for the last year, you’ve probably seen this coming...
and i am so sorry it took me this long to come to this conclusion. 
i am a content creator, and i have family. with things recently getting bigger i just have no time for my rps anymore. 
i have tried to make time, i really have as i did not want to drop this AT ALL. however sometimes you have to let something go for sanity and this is one of those times. 
so to every person i have a thread with right now i formally sorry but i am dropping every thread i have with you guys. 
this took me SO much to just get to writing this, ive been avoiding it. cause i dont want to anger, upset, or make other sad by me dropping the RP side of my blog. i have created SO many bonds here and my muses were so happy interacting with all of you. 
also on that note: if your muse was really attached to one of mine, you are more than welcome to make one last thread with me so that those muses can say goodbye. real short one two reply thread. i dont mind that at all, however this is optional. 
so here is my formal apology and goodbye to the rp side of Tumblr. 
you can still talk to me, see how im doing, i will still have my blog i just wont be rping anymore. i will still talk to people have a laugh and a joke, post my writings here, reblog stuff etc.  so i will be ending this with these last words.  thank you to all who put up with me, who rped with me, who became my friends. who laughed, cried, and cheered me up over the year. i want you guys to know that i am not leaving because i am not welcomed like the last time, which is probably why this time it hurts more. you all have been a treasure and just like last time, im pretty sure i will be sitting down doing something and im going to remember a thread we have done and miss it. you guys will never fade away to me. you guys have been the best. thank you so much for everything. 
but like i said i will still be around just not rping anymore, i will probably fix my blog to where it reflects that. however right now i just wanted to let you all know. 
thank you again, 
love Garnet. 
@little-yugi-muto-rp @chiisaikintsukuroi @occupationallyhazardous @toranoya 
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isabelguerra · 1 year
You've gotta tell us more about your Wizard AU, it is amazing
pandoras box anon you just ripped it in half
paranatural hogwarts is an au ive had for roughly 6 years now. it’s been posted about on ~7 blogs, 2.5 of them mine, with a good amount of it deleted/orphaned bc i get very cold feet talking about things unless theyre with specific people. but despite my efforts to kill it she keeps coming back so you know what. whatever. fine. it wins. let me tell you about wizard au. this is gonna be a long post
pnat hogwarts follows the cast of paranatural in a wizard setting, with a lot (i mean a LOT) of my own spins on things. there’s an overarching plot with the main cast, but it’s less important to the real reason i made it, which was a 6 year long izjo slowburn. thats right. wizard au is my own personal excuse to write as much izjo as i want and make them fall for each other over the torturous span of 6 years. and they cant do anything about it. but i put a lot of non-ship stuff in there too bc as much as its my indulgence au i still want people who are indifferent to the ship to enjoy it if they want. so here’s some overarching lowdowns:
- isabel is a gryffindor from a super old school magic family
- the guerra name is a GIGANTIC in this au. super old family, super old money, super old power. francisco is much, much older than he is in canon and is hailed as one of the most powerful wizards in history, known for pioneering an entire art form of wandless magic. wizards from all corners of the globe come to train with him to learn the honed technique. but he’s dead, and his son is nowhere to be found, and isabel is the heiress to the guerra family name as soon as she turns 18. so she has a lot riding on her shoulders and is expected to take over and ‘grow out’ of using her wand. francisco allows it while she learns at hogwarts because he considers it a frivolous childs play technique, but will not tolerate any thing less from her studies than excellence.
- isabel, however, just wants to play quidditch and sneak around with her friends and read books and learn spells.
- her best subjects are charms, care for magical creatures, and DatDA. she sucks at potions and herbology.
- in their second year she joins the quidditch team and becomes one of gryffindor’s beaters with johnny. in their fifth year she makes team captain, which he pokes fun at her for for the rest of their school days. they butt heads a lot in their earlier years but are solidly friends by the time theyre both 15. but more on that later
- when she was 6 isabel befriended a baby acromantula, which she named eightfold. after bringing eightfold with her to hogwarts for 2 years, eventually she becomes too big to keep in her dorm and isabel hides her in the library were she can eat as many dusty old books as she likes. but when rumors of a monster among the stacks begins circulating the student body, she has to sneak eightfold out to the forbidden forest in the middle of the night and say goodbye to her friend at the risk of her safety. she still visits when she can
- max is a slytherin halfblood who didnt know his mom was a witch. in his first year he falls into an acromantula pit and hates spiders ever since, even though isabel tells him theyre actually very sweet. on their way out of the forbidden forest, he catches the attention of a blind basalisk, which he keeps running into for years to come.
- when theyre 16, max is chosen as hogwarts’ triwizard champion. he does not win. his friends love him very much for it
- him and isabel go to the yule ball together because isabel got a lot of people asking her out but none of them were anyone she actually liked (cough) and max is as much of a homebody as he is a chad. its very much a ‘okay i’ll do the first dance with you so you dont get laughed at and then we can do whatever we want the rest of the night so go have fun with whoever you wanna ok?’ situation
- max’s boggart is an acromantula
- he cannot fly and the one time isabel tried to get him to play quidditch in their 2nd year he broke his arm
- max , having grown up in the human world, likes to sneak in laptops and dvd players and show the wizard friends movies.
- theyll all do movie nights in the gryffindor common room at isabels invitation, which johnny will crash, which ollie will also crash. then they all end up on different areas of the couch floor and surrounding armchairs covered in blankets and watching the human wonders of Home Alone 2 and Megamind
- in their 1st year, max finds a compass hidden in a locked room. after lugging it around and thinking it useless for a couple weeks, he realizes this thing doesnt point north, but shows you the exact direction you need to get wherever you need to go most. this helps an INCREDIBLE amount to show him, and therefore the rest of the activity club, direct pathways to secret passages and routes to avoid teachers when sneaking around at night. the compass has no identifying marks on it aside from the name Smith elegantly seared into its side
- the AC and the jang steal Smith’s compass back and forth from each other literally the entirety of their school life. johnny will grab it from isabels robe when she’s in the quidditch changing room, max will grab it from stephen when hes napping in the slytherin commonroom, isabel jinxes johnny to get it back, ed and rj play rock paper kick-your-knees-in to decide who gets it, etc
- suzy has been trying to get her hands on it for years. YEARS. but each time she cooks up a plan to figure out how the eight of those guys can get from one side of the castle to another so quick, theyre already gone
- is a year ahead of them, ravenclaw, with both wizard parents. i know blair just wrote a whole post about why isaac is a gryffindor and i thought that her reasoning was super cool but i stand by my placement that hes a ravenclaw he’s too flashy
- isaac doesnt have too much plot relevance, which i kinda feel bad about now that i like him more. he became a prefect in his 5th year and worked as defence against the dark arts teaching assistant in his 7th year, when the rest of his friends went up against their 6th year boggarts.
- for the record isaacs boggart is sasuke breaking up with him
- isabel and isaacs relationship is better in this, i tried to interpret isaac as less of an Insufferable Tortured Sadboy more of a Teenager Who Is Just Kind Of A Dramatic Dick Sometimes And Thats Fine
- isabel becomes a gryffindor prefect in her 5th year, so she and isaac sometimes hang out during patrols or meetings and chat about it
- can fly ok but isnt great at it and doesnt play quidditch. best subjects are potions and transfiguration, but he kinda sucks at history of magic and astronomy
- hufflepuff adopted member of the guerra family. parents worked for the ministry and disappeared mysteriously
- i made ed nb here so just putting that out there. canon nb ed
- befriends johnnys gang later on than canon, around 3rd year. him and rj i think ended up dating? they go to yule together in their 6th year
- one time jinxed himself to only speak in puns. max hounded him for the countercurse but he never got it until 2 weeks had passed
- loves and GREAT at charms. bad at DatDA and history of magic
johnny (+ the gang)
- johnnys a muggleborn gryffindor and the other beater on gryffindors quidditch team w/ isabel
- worst wizard you will ever meet. not in the ‘bad with magic’ way, but in the ‘oh god why did this guy have to get magic’ way
- you think REGULAR bullyings bad??? imagine WIZARD BULLYING. with SPELLS
- johnny finds out hes a wizard and immediately thinks Ah How Can I Use This Information To Torment People and then does exactly that until like their 4th year when he gets some sense knocked into him
- literally knocked into him. he gets a concussion from from taunting a hippogryff.
- hes particularly attuned to heat magic, has a higher body temperature than normal people, and sometimes catches fire if really wound up about something. has been known to occasionally blow steam out his ears
- remember how isabel hides eightfold until their 2nd year? johnny catches isabel speaking with her in the library and nearly freaks out before she pushes him against a bookcase and swears him to secrecy “or else my spider will eat you”
- he catches isabel sneaking out of the gryffindor commonroom at night a week later and gets roped into helping her sneak eightfold out. theyre sortof friends at this point but theres a lot of perilous bickering. which is ridiculous because theire sneaking a 3ft tall spider out into the woods at 1am underneath a blanket and trying not to get caught. look at yourselves
- it works though and they chase each other the whole way back laughing and trying to avoid ghosts and teachers, snatching smith’s compass back nd forth
- theyre super tired by the time theyre safe in the commonroom. they both collapse in front of the fire and isabel kinda clears her throat like hey so. thanks for helping tonight. dont you ever tell anyone but it was scary letting her go and having someone else there really um. you helped. so thanks.
- johnny who does not know how to deal with genuinity even from the gang is sitting there like. hm ?
- nd shes like DONT let this get to your head idiot i just. yeah i had a lot more fun than i thought i wouldve. i thought it was gonna just be me walking my best friend somewhere id never see her again. but it wasnt, it was fun and got my adrenaline going and that wouldntve happened if i did it alone so.. yeah. i had a really fun night. thanks. for being there with me. i mean it.
- and if johnny didnt know how to deal with earnesty he DEFINITELY doesnt know how to deal with the girl he fight with all the time giving him an ACTUAL REAL SMILE and laughing all out of breath and looking at him earnestly in the light of the fire and. and he needs to leave. right now. oh he needs to get out of here
- haha that was a weird feeling! good thing it wont happen again!
- anyway thats how johnnys crush on isabel starts. it lasts 5 years.
- aside from that though he’s an AWESOME quidditch player and duellist, great at DatDA, and is the best jinxer you’ll ever meet.
- he dorms with ollie, who is the only other gryffindor in the cast aside from isabel. theyre roommates (:
- FORGE!!!!! in johnnys second year he finds a creepy old knights helmet in the woods and brings it back to his dorm in secret. turns out the helmet talks, and tries to get johnny to help him with some kind of mission. from then on forge lives under johnnys bed and does everything from giving him advice to giving him fully fledged lectures. forge likes to talk to the paintings when johnny isnt around
- when 5th year rolls around and isabel’s appointed quidditch captain by their old leader, he jokingly calls her ‘captain’ in every opportunity he can find. (it’s only half joking but he’d never admit to that)
- by 5th year he genuinely respects her leadership but WOULD LIKE FOR REAL die (and kill) if anyone ever found that out so it’s still all friendly teasing and rivalry. but it’s a HUGE step from where they were 2nd year though, where one time in a match against ravenclaw they got in a fight mid game. in the air. the match had to be stopped bc the 2 gryffindor beaters kept trying to shove each other Off Of Their Brooms While 100 Feet In The Sky
- stephen is born to wizard parents and is completely wholly undividedly obsessed with the human world. he’s INCREDIBLE at divination but he doesnt think its real. every prediction he makes comes true but ONLY the ones he says as jokes or doesnt take seriously. every single one.
- stephens a slytherin and heckles max in their commonroom every chance he gets. steals his slippers. etc.
- ollie is the only other gryffindor with isabel and johnny. him and johnny bunk together their entire school careers
- he’s great at care for magical creatures. awful on a broom. came from a half magic family, hes known johnny since they both were little. they found out they were both magic users around the same time.
- johnny goes to ollie about his Not Feelings sometime around the start of their 6th year and ollies like are you kidding me do you not think i have eyes. youve been sighing over guerra since like 2nd year and johnny goes WHAT
- rj is a hufflepuff with the others (“WE wouldnt ditch you johnny”) and i dont have as much on them as i’d like. but its also 6:30am so what can you do ig
supernormals+ journalism club!
- cody and lisa are twins. if i cant have it in canon im going to have it in my au. cody and lisa are twins and also fillipino. cody is a hufflepuff, lisa is a slytherin.
- cody is a great flier! he joined the hufflepuff quidditch team in their 3rd year as a seeker, hes a cool guy
- lisa is a potions MASTER and loves to make magic drinks with them. these are usually super popular around wizard finals, but she makes a hot chocolate that’ll keep you warm for hours, an apple juice to turn your tongue green, truth potions that she sells under the table for a pretty dime, etc etc.
- lisa ABSOLUTELY knows about johnnys crush on isabel. not through dark blackmail, shes just a weird girl who has an uncanny knack for knowing things. she doesnt use it against him but she DOES know and he DOES know she knows and they do NOT talk about it
- and when isabel gets it back. well. maybe they talk about it a little
- shes often found in the slytherin commonroom talking to the merfolk, or walking the grounds/herbology cabinets for potions ingredients with violet
- speaking of which! violets a hufflepuff. shes pretty well rounded in terms of magic, but in a lowkey way. i honestly dont have much for violet but she does go to yule with lisa
- jeff is also a hufflepuff, bc he loves his friends and values working hard. him and ed have hangouts a lot and its a pretty social group.
- dimitri is both the best and worst ravenclaw you’ll ever meet. if he ever cant figure out the commonroom riddle he HAS been known to just sleep right there outside the door
- collin was a hufflepuff when i first made this au, but i think i wanna reconsider that. i dont have much more for him atm sorry lol
- suzy is a slytherin and runs hogwarts’ newspaper. i’ll write more on her someday sorry AGAIN i just got hit with a wave of Tired
- spender teaches history of magic bc duh. he’s also head of ravenclaw house
- lucifer is a painting in his office which he talks to frequently
- garcia teaches defence against the dark arts. he is NOT a werewolf in this au bc i like him better when hes just some guy. he does however have some weird relationship with the giant squid in the lake
- when i wrote this originally zarei taught potions, but now im thinking maybe she teaches transfiguration? patchworm is a boa constrictor she speaks to and has hang around for companionship. the students joke that theyre a teachers aide. zarei is head of slytherin house
- starchman is the charms professor and head of gryffindor house. he teaches magic very, very enthusiastically.
- agent day teaches herbology and runs hufflepuff house! venus guytrap is an audrey 2-esque 7ft tall magic talking flytrap that lives in the greenhouse
- boss leader. i. okay. i made boss leader so unbelievably ridiculous that i still get a headache over it. boss leader started off as being hogwarts headmaster. but then i thought ‘huh if she runs the consortium, wouldnt that be more akin to the ministry? but i really like her as headmaster, what do i do here’
- the answer is to make her Headmistress Boss Leader, Minister of Magic
- i dont know if ill keep that last part but even the phrase Headmistress Leader puts me into a fucking coma
- i said some of these already but ill say them again
- eightfold: baby acromantula living in the library. isabel and johnny sneak her out of the castle in their 2nd year
- scrapdragon: a blind basilisk who max meets in the forbidden forest
- muse: a painting in ed’s dorm (i think)
- king C: a wind spirit that has taken a particular liking to isaac and now doesnt leave him alone
- forge: a severed knights head johnny found in the forbidden forest and took home. has some hidden agenda and business inside the school. gives johnny advice. lives under his bed
- lucifer: much like muse and ed, lucifer is a painting in spenders office
- patchworm: boa constrictor doubling as minas animal companion. minas a parseltongue so they chat
- venus guytrap: a huge flytrap grown in the herbology greenhouses. professor day keeps him in her office mostly
- Big Scary Shadow Spirit: this one is fun. i love this one. the shadow in this AU is a basilisk king living underneath the school. i say ‘basilisk king’- like a rat king but snakes, a bunch of them all knotted together at the tails. if you dont know what a rat king is, dont google it it’s disgusting and horrible. great for writing though. since basilisks are immune to each others gazes, this just leaves a terrifying writhing mass of snakes entangled in each other forever. ironically, the blind snake max has made himself known to used to be part of its masses.
OKAY. okay. okay i cant write any more for this ask. oh my god i love this stupid au so much. i love wizards. please ask me more about it. i couldnt get too specific here bc theres so much and i wanted to give more of an overview- but if you want to know about any particular character/year/plot moment/ship (cough) id be HAPPY to go into detail. tysm for asking abt my au this made me really happy !!!! i hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as i did writing about it
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey girlllll
okay first- the chap was SO GOODDDDD and i’m so excited for your nct reactions and texts!
also your tattoo with your mom is so cute 🥰🥰 and the designs for your seventeen ones are adorable so i’m sure your nct dream ones will be super cute as well <333
i want to get a tattoo but let’s be so fr i’m so scared of needles 💀 kao (bf) has a bunch of tattoos and they’re so cute but i personally would never - your so brave for thiss
also mother in law apologized thankfully so so more problems there :)
my life has been pretty boring tbhhh i’m living with kao rn but he’s pretty busy with his med school things rn so i barely see him 😢
i really need friends 😭
BUT ITS NOT LIKE I DONT HAVE FRIENDS my two ride or dies (yes we are a trio but we’ve known eachother since 2nd grade and there has been 1 argument that lasted 30 mins 💀) are literally so far away 🥲 missing them 24/7 but we have our weekly group facetime soon so 😋🤞
ugh life has been so boring recently fr i need a hobby asap
i feel like i’ve lost all my interests because i’m high school i would lterally do math for fun and that’s the last thing i need to do rn 😭 like sure i did. volleyball but where in nyc am i going to okay volleyball like be so fr rnnn
i have an obsession with these emojis i find them so funny
also my niece/cousin idk but she’s so like… IDKKK- she’s middle school high school age but i feel like i’m just on a whole different planet bc she’s so into everything like i need to keep up frrr
make sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of good foodss- i love youuu 😜💓💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️
also congrats on your blog growth! you deserve it fr
I got a bunch of nct random texts that I'm gonna post soon 🤪 but I gotta make some enhypen ones too cause my master list is lookin a little biased 😅
ahh thank you! i gotta hurry and get more kpop tattoos because my mom has more than me (she has two bts tattoos and wants a txt one)
i was terrified of needles but i had to get a bunch of blood work done when i was younger, so i’m a pro now 😤😤
if my partner had and tattoos i would color them in with markers if they had black and white ones
life’s been pretty boring for me too that’s actually why i made this account cause i used to have a tumblr way back and post on it but it became too hectic with my schedule…so i deleted it. but now i’m not really doing anything i love how hectic i post!! it gives me something to do and look forward to
i’m also in a friend group of 3 💀 but mine is kinda rocky because the other two always fight and im in the middle sometimes… but i love both of them and one of them might read this 🤪🤪
i still have lunch with them every other day in school but one of them is going to a different school and im gonna make sure we don’t drift apart 😤😤
most of my hobbies involve technology lol…
i like to make random webpages and of course video games, mostly sims or acnh.
But i love scrapbooking and i know a lot of people do it online now but nothing beats cutting up pictures and gluing it to a cute notebook or having a pen pal and decorating my letters
also photocard trading is fun and helps keep me busy
i’m glad the mil apologized because no one wants bad blood in a new marriage!!
i love using emoji’s because i don’t wanna sound boring when i’m writing and i can only use “T^T” so much
SAME! my cousin is younger than me and she makes me feel so old even tho i’m young! but she talks about tiktokers and celebrities i have no clue who they are nd half of the words she says, i’m like what?
tysm!! i’m surprised on how well my blog is doing, I love how many people have reach out to talk to me! It means a lot 😩❣️
Tumblr media
don’t skip a meal!! 🥰🫶
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