hpcosmos · 2 years
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Next Wednesday, 31st August, @e_c_s_s 2022 opens its gates in Sevilla! Our trucks are on the road and we are very much looking forward to meeting researchers from all spheres of sports medicine, science and industry again in person! Its been two long years of pause so take this opportunity to get your update on our developments! Some highlight topics: - the biomechanics spearhead treadmill gaitway 3d that allows utmost precise and simultaneous measurements of pressure, forces and torques. - the new standard in sports: our quasar treadmill with MCU6 UserTerminal and extended connectivity - the new design for our oversize & performance treadmills venus and saturn (from 200 to 300 cm running deck length) - solutions for modularity, flexibility and retrofits We are hoping to see you all from 31st August to 2nd September at our booth 19 at Sportex! #sportscience #sportex #sevilla2022 #performancesports #biomechanics (hier: FIBES Palacio De Congresos - Sevilla) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChoheHDMPWZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christicacademy · 3 days
Dopage athlétique : Respecter les règles pour devenir un champion
Dans cette vidéo, nous examinons la citation de Timothée chapitre II, verset V : “Aucun athlète n’est couronné s’il a combattu sans respecter les règles.” Découvrez l’importance de respecter les règles pour réussir en tant qu’athlète et devenir un véritable champion. #DopageAthlétique #RespectDesRègles #DevenirChampion #Athlétisme #PerformanceSportive #RèglesDuSport #MotivationSportive…
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Lunetterie Vue D'ensemble - "Les lunettes sport : les indispensables pour les adeptes de la vue d'ensemble" Que vous soyez amateur de course à pied, de vélo ou encore de ski, la pratique d'une activité sportive nécessite une bonne protection pour vos yeux. C'est pourquoi les lunettes sport sont devenues des accessoires incontournables pour les sportifs qui veulent allier performance et sécurité. Mais comment choisir le bon modèle ? Nous vous donn
Visiter Lunetterievuedensemble.ca Les lunettes sport sont des équipements essentiels pour les adeptes de la vue d'ensemble. Que vous pratiquiez la course, le cyclisme, le ski ou tout autre sport, ces lunettes offrent une protection indispensable pour vos yeux. En plus de garantir votre sécurité, elles vous permettent également de profiter pleinement de votre activité sportive en vous offrant une vision optimale. Mais comment choisir le modèle de lunettes sport qui conviendra le mieux à vos besoins ? La sélection peut sembler vaste et complexe, mais nous vous donnons quelques conseils pour vous aider à trouver la paire idéale. Avant tout, il est important de choisir des lunettes sport adaptées à votre activité. En effet, chaque sport a ses propres exigences en termes de protection et de performance visuelle. Par exemple, pour la course à pied ou le cyclisme, il est recommandé d'opter pour des lunettes légères et aérodynamiques, avec une monture solide et une bonne ventilation. Pour le ski ou les sports nautiques, privilégiez des lunettes avec des verres polarisants pour réduire l'éblouissement causé par la neige ou l'eau. Ensuite, la qualité des verres est un critère crucial. Il est recommandé de choisir des verres en polycarbonate, car ils offrent une protection optimale contre les impacts et les rayons UV nocifs. De plus, certains verres sont dotés de traitements spéciaux pour améliorer la vision dans des conditions particulières, telles que les verres photochromiques pour s'adapter aux variations de luminosité ou les verres miroirs pour une meilleure filtration de la lumière. La monture est également un élément à prendre en compte dans le choix de vos lunettes sport. Assurez-vous qu'elle soit légère mais résistante, avec des branches ajustables pour un meilleur maintien. Certaines montures sont également dotées de pads en caoutchouc pour une adhérence optimale lors de l'effort. Enfin, les lunettes sport doivent être confortables à porter. Elles doivent être ajustées à votre visage sans exercer de pression, ni glisser pendant l'activité. N'hésitez pas à les essayer avant de les acheter pour vous assurer qu'elles vous conviennent parfaitement. Pour une sélection de lunettes sport de qualité, tournez-vous vers des marques de renom comme Oakley, Nike ou encore Under Armour. Vous trouverez un large choix de modèles adaptés à tous les sports et à tous les budgets sur des sites spécialisés tels que lunetterievuedensemble.ca. En somme, les lunettes sport sont des accessoires indispensables pour garantir votre sécurité et améliorer votre performance lors de vos activités sportives. N'oubliez pas de les porter systématiquement pour profiter pleinement de votre sport tout en préservant votre vue d'ensemble. N'hésitez pas à partager cet article pour aider d'autres sportifs à trouver les lunettes adaptées à leurs besoins ! #lunettersport #vueensemble #protectionsport #choisirlunettes #performancesport #lunettrievuedensemble Acheter sur lunetterievuedensemble.ca ou consulter notre article "Lunettes sportives adaptées pour la protection de vos yeux. Conseils pour choisir le bon modèle alliant performance et sécurité !"
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koreangermanium · 9 months
German Car Brands: A Comprehensive Guide to Excellence on Wheels
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German Car Brands: A Comprehensive Guide to Excellence on Wheels
German car brands are renowned worldwide for their engineering precision, innovative technology, and exceptional performance. From luxury vehicles to compact cars, German automakers have consistently set high standards in the automotive industry. In this article, we will explore the rich history, iconic models, and notable features of some of the most prominent German car brands. So fasten your seat belts and join us on this exciting journey through German automotive excellence!
Table of Contents
- Introduction: The Legacy of German Car Brands - Volkswagen: A Pioneer in the Automotive World - BMW: The Ultimate Driving Machine - Mercedes-Benz: A Symbol of Elegance and Luxury - Audi: Blending Performance and Sophistication - Porsche: Unleashing the Thrill of Sports Cars - Volkswagen Group: Diversifying the Automotive Market - Engineering Excellence: German Car Brands and Technology - Superior Performance: Powertrains and Driving Dynamics - Innovative Features: Safety and Comfort - German Car Brands and Sustainability - Iconic Models: Celebrating German Automotive Legends - The Global Impact of German Car Brands - German Car Brands: A Driving Experience like No Other - Conclusion
1. Introduction: The Legacy of German Car Brands
German car brands have an illustrious history that dates back to the late 19th century. With a focus on precision engineering and meticulous attention to detail, German automakers have left an indelible mark on the automotive landscape. Their commitment to quality and innovation has resulted in a reputation for producing vehicles that are not only stylish and luxurious but also reliable and performance-oriented.
2. Volkswagen: A Pioneer in the Automotive World
Volkswagen, often referred to as VW, is one of the most recognizable German car brands. Founded in 1937, VW has become synonymous with iconic models such as the Beetle and the Golf. With a wide range of vehicles catering to different segments of the market, Volkswagen has consistently emphasized affordability, practicality, and German engineering excellence.
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3. BMW: The Ultimate Driving Machine
BMW, short for Bayerische Motoren Werke, is a brand renowned for its sporty and dynamic vehicles. With a focus on delivering the "ultimate driving experience," BMW has created a legacy of luxury cars, sports sedans, and high-performance vehicles. The brand's commitment to innovation and cutting-edge technology has made it a global leader in the automotive industry.
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4. Mercedes-Benz: A Symbol of Elegance and Luxury
Mercedes-Benz is synonymous with elegance, luxury, and prestige. With a history that spans over a century, this German car brand has consistently delivered vehicles that combine exquisite craftsmanship with state-of-the-art technology. From sedans to SUVs and sports cars, Mercedes-Benz offers a wide range of models that cater to discerning individuals seeking the pinnacle of automotive excellence.
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5. Audi: Blending Performance and Sophistication
Audi, a member of the Volkswagen Group, is known for its commitment to cutting-edge design, advanced technology, and exhilarating performance. The brand's lineup includes sedans, SUVs, and sporty models that cater to drivers who crave both luxury and excitement on the road. Audi's quattro all-wheel-drive system has become a hallmark of their vehicles, providing enhanced traction and handling in various driving conditions.
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6. Porsche: Unleashing the Thrill of Sports Cars
Porsche is synonymous with high-performancesports cars that ignite the passion of driving enthusiasts. Founded in 1931, this German car brand has consistently pushed the boundaries of engineering and design to create iconic sports cars that deliver unparalleled performance. From the legendary 911 to the sleek Boxster and Cayman models, Porsche continues to captivate drivers with its thrilling driving dynamics and timeless aesthetics.
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7. Volkswagen Group: Diversifying the Automotive Market
The Volkswagen Group is a conglomerate that encompasses several renowned German car brands, including Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, and more. This diversified portfolio allows the group to cater to a wide range of customers with different preferences and needs. The synergies between these brands enable the sharing of technology, platforms, and resources, fostering innovation and ensuring that each brand retains its unique identity and market position.
8. Engineering Excellence: German Car Brands and Technology
German car brands are at the forefront of automotive engineering, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. From advanced powertrain technologies to cutting-edge safety features and driver-assistance systems, German automakers prioritize research and development to enhance the driving experience. The integration of intelligent connectivity solutions further elevates the functionality and convenience of German cars.
9. Superior Performance: Powertrains and Driving Dynamics
German car brands are renowned for their commitment to delivering exceptional performance. With a range of powerful engines, precise transmissions, and sophisticated suspension systems, German cars offer exhilarating acceleration, precise handling, and a smooth ride. Whether it's the refined performance of a luxury sedan or the raw power of a sports car, German automakers excel in delivering a driving experience that is both thrilling and engaging.
10. Innovative Features: Safety and Comfort
German car brands prioritize the safety and comfort of their occupants. Advanced safety systems such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and autonomous emergency braking help prevent accidents and mitigate risks on the road. Additionally, luxurious interiors, ergonomic designs, and cutting-edge infotainment systems ensure that passengers enjoy a comfortable and connected journey.
11. German Car Brands and Sustainability
Sustainability is a key focus for German car brands as they strive to reduce their environmental impact. The development of electric and hybrid vehicles has gained significant momentum, with German automakers investing heavily in research and development to create eco-friendly alternatives. By combining efficiency, performance, and sustainability, German car brands are driving the transition towards a greener future.
12. Iconic Models: Celebrating German Automotive Legends
German car brands have produced numerous iconic models that have become symbols of automotive excellence. From the timeless elegance of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class to the legendary performance of the BMW M3, these vehicles have left an indelible mark on the industry and continue to inspire car enthusiasts around the world. Each model represents the culmination of engineering prowess, design ingenuity, and a relentless pursuit of perfection.
13. The Global Impact of German Car Brands
German car brands have a significant global presence, with their vehicles being sought after in markets across the world. The reputation for quality, performance, and luxury has enabled German automakers to establish a strong foothold and compete with other renowned international brands. The influence of German car brands extends beyond manufacturing, as they contribute to job creation, technological advancements, and economic growth in their respective regions.
14. German Car Brands: A Driving Experience like No Other
Driving a German car is an experience that transcends mere transportation. It's about the thrill of commanding a machine crafted with meticulous attention to detail, imbued with a rich heritage of automotive excellence. German car brands embody a unique blend of performance, luxury, and engineering precision that sets them apart from their competitors. Whether it's cruising on the Autobahn or navigating winding country roads, the experience of driving a German car is unmatched. ##15. Conclusion German car brands have carved a prominent place in the global automotive industry through their unwavering commitment to excellence. From Volkswagen's affordability to BMW's ultimate driving experience, Mercedes-Benz's luxury, Audi's blend of performance and sophistication, and Porsche's sports car legacy, each brand offers a distinct identity and a portfolio of exceptional vehicles. With a focus on engineering precision, innovative technology, and superior performance, German car brands continue to set the bar high for the entire industry. Through their dedication to sustainability, safety, and comfort, German automakers strive to create vehicles that not only delight drivers but also contribute to a greener and safer future. The iconic models produced by these brands have become symbols of automotive legends, captivating enthusiasts and leaving an enduring legacy. In conclusion, German car brands represent the pinnacle of automotive excellence, offering a driving experience like no other. Their rich heritage, cutting-edge technology, and uncompromising commitment to quality have made them leaders in the global automotive market. So, whether you're seeking luxury, performance, or a perfect blend of both, German car brands are sure to deliver an unforgettable journey on wheels.
1. Are German cars reliable? German cars are known for their reliability. German automakers prioritize quality engineering and rigorous testing to ensure that their vehicles offer long-lasting performance and durability. 2. Which German car brand is the most affordable? Volkswagen is often considered the most affordable German car brand. They offer a wide range of vehicles at competitive prices without compromising on quality. 3. What makes German cars stand out from others? German cars are known for their engineering precision, advanced technology, and exceptional performance. The focus on quality, attention to detail, and innovative features sets them apart from other brands. 4. Do German car brands offer electric or hybrid models? Yes, German car brands have embraced electric and hybrid technology. They are investing heavily in developing eco-friendly alternatives to meet the growing demand for sustainable transportation. 5. Where can I find more information about German car brands? For more information about German car brands, you can visit their official websites, authorized dealerships, automotive magazines, or online car review platforms. They provide comprehensive details about models, features, and specifications. Tag Read the full article
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fortdanslatete · 4 years
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Mieux vaut s'inspirer des meilleurs. #preparationmentale #fortdanslatête #fortestêtes #discoursinterne #discourspositif #stayfocus #staypositive #confianceensoi #motivation #mieuxvautsinspirerdesmeilleurs #performancesportive #performance (à Bretagne, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgu4MDlvm6/?igshid=17jomi8x9gkxx
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fasciatherapeute · 5 years
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Sportifs#ventousestherapie#triggerspoints#inflammation#circulationsanguine#stress#relaxation#douleurs#articulation#récupération#performancesportive (à Parthenay) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wiyjPp_lG/?igshid=1n6w5ibcmcf4b
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coachdonne · 5 years
Silvia Fascians, 25 anni, il suo profilo Instagram ha oltre 138mila follower.
Com'è nata l'idea? «Nel 2011 mi sono ammalata di anoressia. Litigavo con la mia anima, prendendomela con il cibo: sono arrivata a pesare 45 chili (sono alta 176 cm). Un giorno ho capito che dovevo reagire...
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idrive2fast · 3 years
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Way back in ‘04, my Stage 1 SRT-4. Pretty quick lil fwd pocket rocket. Later i removed the clothes hanger wing for a reg Neon wing. Still a solid car for the time. iDrive2Fast.com #srt4 #skittle #performancesport.net #turboneon #idrive2fast (at San Jose, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTAIs56FB5j/?utm_medium=tumblr
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3btraining · 5 years
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Quando vuoi migliorare in salita, una cosa da tenere in considerazione è la composizione del tuo corpo.🤔 Conoscere il tuo corpo e modificarlo al meglio, stravolgerà in meglio il tuo risultato 💪💪💪 #3btraining #e_coachexperience #liveyourtraining #bodycomposition #composizionecorporea #performancesportive #allenamentociclismo #saluteebenessere #dimagrimento https://www.instagram.com/p/BraC22aAymo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=obpstf0iiuz4
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alessandrolenzini · 4 years
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NOVITÀ 2020 sei un atleta? Sei una mamma? Sei stressato? Vuoi migliorare il tuo stato di salute o la tua performance sportiva? @travelmind_debora può aiutarti e seguirti in questo percorso dedicato al TRAINING AUTOGENO e all' ARTE TERAPIA #training #trainingautogeno #autogeno #arteterapia #arteterapeuta #rilassamento #stress #antistress #focus #gravidanza #adattoatutti #corso #giovedi #sera #merate #palestra #unattimoperme #unattimoperte #prendiunapausa #prendounapausa #relax #benessere #aiuto #sport #performance #performancesportive (presso ASD Cultural Chinese Art Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEtPpkBgn4T/?igshid=1kbdsibzv7q65
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menpoloshirtday · 4 years
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^!^ Grand Slam Polo Shirt Mens Black Small PerformanceSport Retail $45 (s-org-25-27) https://ift.tt/2xEU5e4
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coachchrisblog-blog · 5 years
Voici un petit quiz pour avoir votre point de vu sur le sport #fitnesslife #challenge #coach #coachingonline #formephysique #santé #performancesportives #défipersonnel #fitnessquizz (à Pantin) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJWuZICy2b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lhvjllomm1ss
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fortdanslatete · 4 years
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Mieux vaut s'inspirer des meilleurs #fortdanslatete #performance #performancesportive #explorateur #motivation #penseespositives #discoursinterne @mikehornexplorer https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdv2JYHPaL/?igshid=vu035zu6r8dw
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alesschiavi · 5 years
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coachdonne · 6 years
Vincere con la Mente Podcast - puntata 2 - Allenamento Mentale nello Sport? Mi dispiace, ma non funziona (così)...
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