nosbastidoresdopier · 8 months
Peritas oficiais de Santa Catarina se tornam especialistas junto à Academia Nacional de Polícia
Quatro servidoras da Polícia Científica de Santa Catarina (PCI) foram recentemente diplomadas como especialistas pela Academia Nacional de Polícia – Escola Superior de Polícia, em Brasília. Os títulos foram concedidos após concluírem os cursos de pós-graduação promovidos pela Polícia Federal – com recursos da Senasp – em diferentes áreas das Ciências Forenses. Os trabalhos apresentados durante o…
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Qualche giorno fa è uscito un fantasy interessante:
di Ilia Camilla Muzio
A questo link tutte le info 🔗 https://bit.ly/43PTVdB
Spero di riuscire a leggerlo molto presto!
#Peritas #IliaCamillaMuzio #IndependentlyPublished #StreetLib #AmazonKindleDirectPublished #AmazonKDP #AlessandroIIIdiMacedonia #ἈλέξανδροςὁΜέγας #Alexandros #alexandertheconqueror #AlexanderofMacedon #alessandromagno #AlexandreleGrand #Alexanderthegreat #alessandroilmacedone #AlexanderderDerGroße #AlejandroMagno #AleksanderMacedoński #fictionbook #2023yearofAlexandertheGreat #AlessandroilGrande
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jibanyans-chocobar · 2 months
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Hi, i like you guys. Take this Tweak drawing and ignore the hands please i beg you i always draw at 4 am for some reason and i get lazy-
The teacher is gonna be concerned for my mental health now but i'm cool with that yaya 😼🙌✨‼️ (help me)
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peritathehousetiny · 9 months
The Jar Story Part 1
Old RP I did with @azuldoodles
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In the last one I did the redesign of Perita and forgett they had their hair down. Part 2 Part 3
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linipik · 1 year
Is your header something original? It looks really cool and interesting!
<333 THANK YOU!!
yes, it is!! it is from an original short story about a night sprite who meets a very special house cat
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One day I'll have it in me to work on it again (hopefully)
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pera--roja · 9 months
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just some doodles i made of Perita being a house-tiny
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fo0tb0y · 3 months
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Perita Redesign
Decided on a redesign that better fits her character - got top surgery since she found titties got in the way of her sciencing
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the-scooby-gang · 2 years
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Don’t you love when the rules of your own lore instantly KOs you?
Every Rogers has a Doo. Alexander has a Doo, Alexander is a Rogers.
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sanguchedeporro · 23 days
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calochortus · 2 months
Sand Bear Spider (Arctosa perita) 1 of 3
Sand Bear Spider (Arctosa perita) 1 of 3 by Will Atkins Via Flickr: another example of wonderful camouflage from the animal kingdom, this spider blends perfectly with the sand grains on heaths and dunes across Europe. A smaller relative of the impressive Northern Bear Spider (Arctosa cinerea).
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sporadiceaglecloud · 11 months
Perita usos y utilidades en medicina
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ofsnarkandmagic · 1 year
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Making icons and these are absolute GOLD lmao
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subnitida · 12 days
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Flor Garduño, Peritas, 1988
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lampeja · 4 months
eu fiquei aqui pensando durante todo esse tempo, sabe? sobre como todo mundo descreve o abandono sendo algo insuportável e sobre como poucas pessoas falam da dor de quem decide partir porque é preciso. talvez seja algo inefável, eu bem sei, mas, sendo realista, uma dor diminui a outra? duas partes não podem doer ao mesmo tempo? quem diabos pode criar alguma regra sobre o que o outro sente?
eu sei que isso não é mais problema teu e que, a essa altura do campeonato, escrever sobre você não é uma escolha muito sábia, mas eu nunca fui perita em agir com a razão, né? você sabe. estou tentanto te dizer que há muita coisa na bagagem que eu trouxe comigo e que, sinceramente, não sei o que fazer com todo esse peso. ninguém me avisou que seria tão difícil assim me abrir com outra pessoa e é por isso que escrevo.
eu tento olhar com paixão para tudo ao meu redor, mas é tão difícil. é difícil principalmente porque não tenho problemas com aquilo que é confuso, mas me revira o estômago ter que lidar com o que é raso. talvez nem seja um problema das outras pessoas, cada um oferece aquilo que pode, consegue ou que tem por dentro (às vezes, é pouco; quase nada).
o fato é que eu sempre fiz questão de dizer o quão especial você era e agora eu pago o preço pelas minhas próprias palavras. eu sei que não vou te encontrar em lugar algum, tampouco em outra alma, mas eu vou me curar e, com sorte, talvez um dia pare de doer.
eu só queria tentar explicar para todo mundo que as memórias são nuvens que sempre voltam e trazem chuva.
e não é todo dia que a gente quer que chova.
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peritathehousetiny · 8 months
The Jar Story Part 3
Old RP
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The end! Part 1 Part 2
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verdantlyviolet · 11 months
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Some Pet Dog Names from Ancient Greece
When the hound has caught the hare, or been otherwise victorious in the course, you should […] pat him with your hand and praise him, kissing his head, and stroking his ears, and speaking to him by name […] for, like men of generous spirit, they love to be praised; and the dog, if not quite tired out [from the hunt] will come up with joy to caress you. (Arrian, On Coursing, XVIII Pg 116 trans. William Dansey)
As many dogs were hunting hounds or guard dogs in Ancient Greece, it followed that the naming convention was dependant on psychology; to name the dog something strong or skilful was to boast of the animals’ superiority to others of its breed, just as it reflected on the owner. There are some well known dogs in Ancient Greek history that many are aware of, namely Cerberus, Odysseus’ faithful dog Argos, and Alexander the Great named a city after his dog Peritas. We are lucky to have two lists of excellent dog names from authors Xenophon and Ovid.
From Xenophon (~ 430 - 355 BC), in his treaties on Hunting, we have the below list:
Give the hounds short names, so as to be able to call to them easily. The following are the right sort: Psyche, Thymus, Porpax, Styrax, Lonchê (Lance), Lochus, Phrura, Phylax (Sentinel/Guardian), Taxis, Xiphon, Phonax, Phlegon, Alcê (Stout), Teuchon, Hyleus, Medas (Crafty), Porthon, Sperchon (Bustler/Hasty), Orgê, Bremon, Hybris, Thallon (Vigorous), Rhomê, Antheus (Blossom), Hebe, Getheus, Chara (Jolly/Ecstasy), Leusson, Augo (Bright), Polys, Bia, Stichon, Spudê, Bryas, Oenas (Blueskin), Sterrus, Craugê, Caenon, Tyrbas, Sthenon, Aether, Actis, Aechmê, Noes (Counsellor), Gnomê, Stibon, Hormê (Impetus). (Xenophon Kynegetikos On Hunting 7.5)
A kind person on Reddit suggested these names could also translate as:
Psyche = Psyche / Spirit
Thymus = Pluck
Porpax = Buckler
Styrax = Spigot
Lonche = Lance
Lochus = Lurcher
Phrura = Watch
Phylax = Keeper
Taxis = Brigade
Xiphon = Fencer
Phonax = Butcher
Phlegon = Blazer
Alce = Prowess
Teuchon = Craftsman
Hyleus = Foster
Medas = Counsellor
Porthon = Spoiler
Sperchon = Hurry
Orge = Fury
Bremon = Growler
Hybris = Riot / Insolence
Thallon = Bloomer
Rhome = Rome / Mighty
Antheus = Blossom
Hebe = Hebe / Youth (Young’n)
Getheus = Hilary / Happy
Chara = Jollity
Leusson = Glazer
Augo = Eyesbright
Polys = Much
Bia = Force
Stichon = Trooper
Spude = Bustle
Bryas = Bubbler
Oenas = Rockdove
Sterrus = Stubborn
Crauge = Yelp
Caenon = Killer
Tyrbas = Strongboy / Riot
Sthenon = Sky
Aether = Sunbeam
Actis = Bodkin
Aechme = Wistful
Noes = Gnome
And from Ovid (~ 43 BC - 17 AD), in his Metamorphosis, of the dogs that attacked their master Actaeon, we have:
First ‘Black-foot’, Melampus, and keen-scented Ichnobates, ‘Tracker’, signal him with baying, Ichnobates out of Crete, Melampus, Sparta. Then others rush at him swift as the wind, ‘Greedy’, Pamphagus, Dorceus, ‘Gazelle’, Oribasos, ‘Mountaineer’, all out of Arcadia: powerful ‘Deerslayer’, Nebrophonos, savage Theron, ‘Whirlwind’, and Laelape, ‘Hunter’. Then swift-footed Pterelas, ‘Wings’, and trail-scenting Agre, ‘Chaser’, fierce Hylaeus, ‘Woody’, lately gored by a boar, the wolf-born Nape, ‘Valley’, Poemenis, the trusty ‘Shepherd’, and Harpyia, ‘Snatcher’, with her two pups. There is thin-flanked Sicyonian Ladon, ‘Catcher’, Dromas, ‘Runner’, ‘Grinder’, Canache, Sticte ‘Spot’, Tigris ‘Tigress’, Alce, ‘Strong’, and white-haired Leucon, ‘Whitey’, and black-haired Asbolus, ‘Soot’. Lacon, ‘Spartan’, follows them, a dog well known for his strength, and strong-running Aëllo, ‘Storm’. Then Thoos, ‘Swift’, and speedy Lycisce, ‘Wolf’, with her brother Cyprius ‘Cyprian’. Next ‘Grasper’, Harpalos, with a distinguishing mark of white, in the centre of his black forehead, ‘Black’, Melaneus, and Lachne, ‘Shaggy’, with hairy pelt, Labros, ‘Fury’, and Argiodus, ‘White-tooth’, born of a Cretan sire and Spartan dam, keen-voiced Hylactor, ‘Barker’ […] First ‘Black-hair’, Melanchaetes, wounds his back, then ‘Killer’, Theridamas, and Oresitrophos, the ‘Climber’, clings to his shoulder. (Ovid Metamorphoses III 206-233 trans. A S Kline)
Theoi has Brookes More’s translation which offers a few English variations on the names.
A few fun ideas to keep in mind if looking to name a new pet in Ancient Greek style.
For I have myself bred up a hound whose eyes are the greyest of grey; a swift, hard-working, courageous, sound-footed dog[…]. He is most gentle, and kindly-affectioned […] as soon as he catches sight of me, showing symptoms of joy, and again trotting on before me. […] He is the constant companion of whichever may be sick; and if he has not seen either of us for only a short time, he jumps up repeatedly by way of salutation, and barks with joy as a greeting. (Arrian, On Coursing, V Pg 78-80 trans. William Dansey)
🐶 Sources
Xenophon Kynegetikos
Arrian On Coursing
Ovid Metamorphoses III
Dog shaped Rhyton by the Brygos Painter in Aleria
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