#pero and elena
soulphiav · 1 year
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Casa, Silvana Estrada / Last words of a shooting star, Mitski / Los recuerdos del Porvenir, Elena Garro
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jaja-dingdong · 3 months
Un giorno capirò perché alcuni nostri commentatori amano così tanto i tennisti serbi
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mate-y-viajecito · 6 months
Estoy escuchando las canciones no infantiles de María Elena Walsh y son tremendas. Pero Requiem de madre me voló la cabeza, zarpado tema encima es un testimonio de la maternidad laboriosa y sin reconocimiento que se vivió muchos años y que aun hoy se sigue viviendo.
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Mi amor eterno:
“Me encanta haber coincidido contigo en este preciso momento de nuestro joven universo.”
La vida desde que te conocí ha sido maravillosa y plenamente feliz, el amor y la alegría que has traído a mis días es algo que jamás lograré de terminar de agradecerte. Tomaste mi mano en los momentos más difíciles y te quedaste conmigo aún en medio de las dificultades. Tu amor se ha sentido como una cálida gota de lluvia en momentos de una terrible sequía. Las probabilidades de encontrar a tu alma gemela en una persona increíblemente hermosa son de una en un millón y es increíble que de entre trillones de personas nos hayamos encontrado. Sé, sin importar qué tantas cosas difíciles vengan, que mi corazón, mi alma y mi vida entera fueron hechos para amarte y que el universo nos trajo aquí, nos dirigió al instante en el que vimos nuestros ojos por primera vez, al instante en que nos miramos y supimos que éramos las personas con las que queríamos pasar el resto de nuestras vidas.
Estar contigo siempre se ha sentido como estar en una película romántica, con todos sus desenlaces, sus dramas y sus cursilerías, se ha sentido como caminar en una nube rosa, como volar por los cielos siendo un pajarito amarillo. Estar contigo, en pocas palabras… se ha sentido como se siente el amor verdadero: cálido, dulce, con un aroma a tu comida favorita (pero cuando la hacía tu abuelita), desenfrenado, intenso, fuerte como las olas y al mismo tiempo suave como las caricias llenas de cariño después de una noche loca. Estar contigo es como vivir. Vivir de verdad.
Las situaciones difíciles son parte de la vida y el aprender a sobrellevarlas es complicado, pero no imposible. Hemos pasado por tantas cosas juntos que el pensar en llegar a rendirnos no es posible. Nuestro amor es grande y las ganas de seguir juntos lo son aún más. No existe manera en la que no quiera seguir creciendo contigo, eres todo lo que siempre he querido, todo lo que siempre he soñado y la manera en la que cambiaste mi vida es algo que jamás podría llegar a olvidar. Tu esencia, tu personalidad y tu carisma me envolvieron y enamoraron de una manera que llevaré tatuada en mi alma por siempre. La magia que desprendes es tan maravillosa, simplemente perfecta. Eres hermoso, amable, bueno, entregado, inteligente, fuerte, colaborador, honesto, gracioso, increíblemente magnífico. Eres tan precioso, Jhorvin, en todos los sentidos posibles de la palabra. Cada parte de ti me tiene tan locamente enamorada, tan jodidamente extasiada.
La manera en la que mi corazón late cuando estás cerca, cuando me tocas, cuando me miras… es algo que no puedo explicar. Necesito tenerte cerca todo el tiempo, necesito sentirte, amarte, tocarte, lo necesito de la misma forma en la que todos los humanos necesitamos respirar. Es tan extraña la forma en la que me siento cuando me rodeas con tus brazos, cuando me besas, cuando me jalas hacia ti y me dices con la mirada que me amas, que siempre me amarás.
“Debo resignarme a conjugar el verbo amar, a repetir por milésima vez que nunca quise a nadie como te quiero a ti, que te admiro, que te respeto, que me gustas, que me diviertes, que me emocionas, que te adoro” — Adolfo Bioy Casares, Carta a Elena Garro.
Te amo, Jhorvin. Te amo tanto y no existe manera de describir este sentimiento de una manera en la que pueda entenderse completamente, porque yo te amo así: con locura, con fuerza, sin entendimiento, sin cordura. Te amo con valentía, con fortaleza, con ímpetu. Te amo como se ama a la vida aunque a veces ésta duela, te amo como se ama a los recuerdos felices, te amo como se ama al cielo, al sol, al viento. Te amo como se ama en los libros, en las películas, en las historias viejas. Te amo como se ama a todo aquello que te hace feliz.
Amo tu voz, tu sonrisa, tus ojos, tus manos, tus brazos, tu pecho, tus piernas, tus pies, tu cabello, tus mejillas, tus orejas, tus pestañas, tu corazón. Amo cuando te miro y después de un rato volteas, amo cuando tomas mi mano y empiezas a saltar, amo cuando ríes después de decir algo chistoso, amo tu coraje, tu manera de hacer las cosas sin tomarle importancia a los riesgos, amo que me impulses a hacer cosas que jamás en mi vida me creí capaz de hacer, amo tus bailes de la nada, amo tus ganas de tenerme cerca siempre, amo como me cuidas, como me respetas y me amas, amo tu manera de hablar, bailar y caminar, amo tus chistes, tus mensajes, tus audios, tus llamadas, tu manera de decirme de 100 mil maneras distintas que me adoras y que deseas estar conmigo siempre.
No quiero imaginar una vida en la que no estés, en la que tú y yo no existamos. No quiero y, definitivamente no puedo imaginar una vida sin tus besos, sin tus abrazos, sin ver tus ojos, sin tu calidez, sin tu magia alrededor. No puedo siquiera concebir un día en el que no estés a mi lado.
Las diferencias que tenemos han sido un punto clave en nuestra relación, no han hecho tener problemas, nos han dado risa y nos han hecho llorar múltiples veces, pero jamás podría verlas como algo que quisiera cambiar o algo de lo que me sienta arrepentida. Nuestras diferencias, aunque muchas veces nos han hecho dudar, son de las cosas más únicas que tenemos, son de las cosas que hacen que sigamos juntos a pesar de todo. Tú y yo, somos como el ying y el yang, la luna y el sol, el mar y la arena, los árboles y la tierra. Cosas completamente opuestas pero que se necesitan la una a la otra para poder sobrevivir, para poder subsistir.
“Te quiero a las 10 de la mañana, y a las 11; y a las 12 del día. Te quiero con toda mi alma, y con todo mi cuerpo, a veces, en las tardes de lluvia” — Jaime Sabines
Nos hemos prometido incontablemente que nos quedaremos juntos en las buenas y en las malas, en la salud y en la enfermedad, en la risa y en las lágrimas, en la felicidad y en el enojo. Es una promesa que mantengo conmigo cada día, porque me quedaré contigo siempre, amor. Me quedaré contigo cada día, incluso en medio de la tempestad, en los malos momentos, en las situaciones complicadas porque nuestro amor es así, porque nosotros somos así. No damos un paso atrás cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles, sino que es ahí cuando nos volvemos más fuertes.
Hay tantas cosas por las quiero y debo pedirte perdón, tantas cosas que he hecho mal y que cuando pienso en ellas sólo siento una tristeza y un arrepentimiento profundo. Te pido perdón por todo aquello que aún me cuesta mejorar, por todas esas cosas en las que aún piensas y que te siguen lastimando, por todo eso que hice inconscientemente pero que al final, hicieron daño. Te pido perdón por la parte de aquella persona que fui que te lastimó y te digo que ahora estoy creciendo, estoy mejorando y todo bajo la promesa de brindarte un mejor futuro, de brindarnos a ambos una buena vida y una buena relación. Mis ganas de sanar y seguir adelante se volvieron más grandes y fuertes desde que te conocí, porque me diste el valor suficiente para hacerlo, porque me impulsas, me animas, me motivas, me haces bien. Porque conocerte y amarte ha sido de las pocas cosas en mi vida que han salido bien. El que me ames ha sido la gran bendición de cada uno de mis días.
No sé qué nos depara el futuro, no sé qué nos tiene el universo preparado, pero sí sé que quiero averiguarlo mientras tomo tu mano, sé que quiero estar contigo y sé que quiero seguir creciendo a tu lado. Las cosas no se harán más fáciles a partir de ahora, pero nuestro amor sí se seguirá haciendo más grande y soy afortunada, porque estoy compartiendo todo de mí con la mejor persona que he podido conocer.
Eres tú el único chico con el que quiero vivir, dormir, llorar, reír, bailar, soñar, discutir, disfrutar, comer, brincar, viajar, coger, experimentar, brillar, crecer. Eres tú el único al que quiero contarle mis más locas anécdotas y chismes, el único al que quiero besar por siempre, el único con el que quiero correr por los senderos de lo que llamamos vida. Eres tú el único chico con el que quiero seguir viviendo esta loca pero increíble película romántica. 
Así que no me sueltes, amor. No me dejes, no dejes de mirarme con todo ese amor que parece sólo querer desbordarse hasta llegar a mí y envolverme con ternura, no dejes de tomar mi mano con fuerza, no dejes de sonreírme antes de besarme, no dejes de hacerme reír con tus locuras, no dejes de abrazarme en medio de la noche, no dejes de decirme cuánto me amas a cada momento, porque te juro, mi sol, que yo jamás dejaré de hacerlo.
Gracias por ser el sol que me da calor cuando muero de frío, gracias por ser la mantita que ahuyenta mis miedos en medio de la madrugada, gracias por ser la brisa por las tardes que me recuerda que estoy viva y que eso es increíble, gracias por mostrarme que siempre existirán las buenas oportunidades, gracias por extenderme tu mano en todos esos momentos en los que creí que todo seguiría mal, gracias por besar mis cicatrices y por secar mis lágrimas, gracias por salvarme, gracias por ser tú.
Te amé ayer, te amo hoy y con toda la seguridad del mundo… te prometo que te seguiré amando mañana.
Con amor, Tu Fany Lu.
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spidybaby · 11 months
Begin Again | Part Three
Summary: Back to the start to fix the broken pieces just to find that you can get what you always dreamed.
Warnings: cursing
A/N: Hello! I want to apologize for the waiting. Most of that was because I got sick (I still am), but here it is. Hope you like it. Love you all 💛✨️
Part one | Part two
April 2027
The moving went smoothly, Elena and Paulo helped you with everything. Your parents didn't like the idea, but you shut them down.
You weren't supposed to start till the end of April, giving you enough time to mind a plan to fix everything.
You saw online that Pedro was on Manchester. Apparently, Manchester City wanted to buy him.
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"No sobre pienses tanto lo que haces, estas haciendo lo mejor para ti." (Don't overthink your decision. You're doing what's best for you)
Elena was the voice of reason in this situation.
"No sé ni donde empezar." (I don't even know where to start)
"Escuchame, eres una de las personas más inteligentes que conozco, venga tía, tu puedes con esto, es normal no saber ni donde empezar, pero estoy aquí para ti, para ayudarte en todo." (Listen to me, you're one of the smartest people I've ever known, c'mon dude, you can do it, it's okay not knowing where to start, but I'm here for you to help you with everything)
You hug her, crying a little, she makes you feel less alone.
Your mother stopped talking to you once she found out about the moving, telling you how much of a mistake you were making.
Your dad was siding with her, even when he didn't say you were making a mistake, he did tell you it was a bad decision.
But you didn't care, you pack your stuff and moved back to Barcelona. You even unblock his family from social media and didn't follow them, but unblock them was a start.
"Vamos por un helado." Elena says, drying your tears, "polito, amor mio, vamos!" (Let's go get some ice cream, Polito, my love, let's go)
She was carrying the diaper bag and your son, to say he even had a matching outfit with her.
"Oye, vamos a la playa, quiero una foto con mi bebé. Polito, te pondré tu chamarra de osito." (Let's go to the beach, I want a photo with my baby, Polito, let me put you your bear sweater)
"Tu bebé?" You laugh helping her with the sweater. "Amorcito, tienes nueva mami." (Your baby? Baby, you have a new mommy)
She laughed and made her way to the front door, grabbing your purse on the way out and your phone. You followed her.
"Crees que Pedro haría algo para quedarse con Polo?" You ask once you got to the beach. Your mom words did have an impact, even if you knew he wouldn't. "Yo sé que no, pero me da miedo." (Do you think Pedro would do anything to take Polo away? I know he wouldn't, but I'm scared)
"Y/n, claro que no, por favor saca esas ideas de tu mente, Pedro y tu tuvieron algo tan especial, él jamás haría nada para lastimarte." (Y/n, of course not, please take that idea out of your mind. Pedro and you had something so special, I know he won't do anything to hurt you)
You only nodded, not wanting to overthink those words.
"Mis padres me odian." (My parents hate me)
"No creo, solo están preocupados." (I don't think so, they're just worried)
But worried about what?
"Venga, Dame a mi hijo, vamos a tomarnos fotos." Elena says, throwing the empty ice cream cup in the trash can near you. (Give me my son, let's take some pictures)
"Lo bueno es que tu lo pariste, vieja tonta." (The good thing us that you birth him, dumbass)
Elena dances a little with him, singing a Quevedo song. The song makes you remember Pedro, he loves Quevedo music.
You take the pictures of Polo and Elena and she then takes some of you and him.
"Ay déjame subir esta." (Oh let me post this one)
You see the picture, it was cute.
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"La verdad la oferta esta muy buena, para mi que la tomes." Mario, who is Pedro's manager says, "O es que aún piensas en quedarte en el barça?" (I think the offer is really good, I think you should take it. Or are you still thinking about staying?)
Pedro was lost in his thoughts, Manchester was offering him 150 million euros, with full on benefits and even to keep the number 8.
But on the other side, Barça was the club of his life. He couldn't imagine playing for other club.
He played for another season, but due to a mistake in his contract, he could leave for free this summer.
"Creo que debo pensarlo, hablarlo bien con mis padres." (I have to think about it, talk with my parents)
His manager agreed and changed the subject. He was invited to a club, but he rejected it. Fer was not I the mood, and without him, he was not going.
"Vamos de regreso al hotel." (Let's go back to the hotel)
After the arrival, he and his manager went to their rooms. He was sharing one with Fernando.
"Cómo te fue chaval?" (How was it?)
"Mmm. Estuvo bien, es un puto dolor de cabeza pensar en esto, no sé ni que hacer." (It was good, but it's a fucking headache thinking about all of this, I don't even know what to do)
"Venga, vamos al bar del hotel, tomamos algo y hablamos, no te estreses Pedro" (Let's go to the bar of the hotel, let's have some drinks and a talk. Don't stress)
They both made their way to the bar, Fernando was telling him about a gift he bought for his girlfriend.
"Mira que linda foto," Fer says, showing him the picture Elena posts about a baby with a bear sweater. "Quiero un sobrino para vestirlo así." (Look at this beautiful picture, I want a nephew to dress him like that)
Fernando looks at him with funny eyes, Pedro only laughs, "eres un gilipollas, tu deberías darme un sobrino" (you're an asshole, you're supposed to give me a nephew.)
They laughed and forgot about the picture. Asking for drinks and some food to begin the night.
"Alguna vez has pensado en cómo serias cómo padre?" (Have you ever thought about you as a father?) Fernando asks.
That puts him in deep thoughts. He did think about it, even dream with it.
The little baby in your arms with the barça shirt, his number on the back of both yours and the baby's shirt.
"La verdad?" (You want the truth?)
"Macho, no como crees? Dime mentiras." Fer says as he hits him on the back of the head. "Pues claro tonto, por algo pregunté." (Man, not at all, tell me lies. Well, obviously, I want the truth, I asked for a reason.)
"Venga ya que la colleja no era necesaria." He laughs. "Siempre lo imaginé, usualmente era algo que hablamos y/n y yo, ella quería un niño, y hombre no te miento, yo también quería uno, pero luego miraba a nuestro primo con su hija y pensaba en una niña." He says, remembering all the late night talks you two had. (The hit on the head was not necessary, I've always pictured it. It was something y/n and I always talked about. She wants a boy and man, I do want a son too, but after seeing our cousins with his girl, I thought about having a girl)
Fernando looks at the way he talks about it, the shine of his eyes, he haven't seen that shine in months.
"Puedo preguntarte algo, pero no te enojas?" (Can I ask you something without you getting mad?)
"Por qué la dejaste ir?" (Why did you let her go?)
Pedro takes his eyes away from his brother. That question was one he asked himself every night since that December night.
"Recuerdas el anillo?" He asks, Fernando nods. "Yo sabía que ella quería que su padre estuviera de acuerdo con el matrimonio, la bendición, así que fui a pedirla, yo quería casarme con ella." (Remember the ring? I knew she wanted his father to be okay with the marriage, the blessing. So I went to ask for it, I wanted yo marry her)
"Pero?" (But?)
"Pero su padre me dijo que no podía darmela, que yo era un chaval con una vida muy distinta a la que el soñaba para el esposo de su hija. Me dijo que pensaba que ella algún día iba a darse cuenta y dejarme, como no lo hizo, solo esperó. Me pidió dejarla, diciendo que ella no quería irse de Barcelona por mi, porque no quería dejarme, diciéndome que sus sueños iban a ser siempre interrumpidos por mi, por mi carrera y me pidió dejarla ir, dejarla emprender su propio camino, brillar por si sola." He says angrily, remembering the words of your father. (But her father couldn't give it to me, I was a kid with a totally different life from the one he pictured his son in law would have. He told me he hoped for her to realize that and left me, but she never did, so he waited. He asked me to leave her, but she didn't want to leave Barcelona because of me, telling me her dreams were going to be interrupted by me because of my career. So he asked me to let her go, for her to shine on her own, to begin her own path in life)
Fernando was in shock. He always thought it was about a fight, maybe even a bad patch on the relationship. Even his parents told him he was making a mistake, but know it makes sense.
"Pedro. Por qué no me habías contado?" (Pedro, why didn't you tell me?)
He shrugs, not facing him. Drinking way too quickly.
"Pedro, por favor mirame."
He did, after a few minutes.
"Lo siento, por haberte criticado, haberte culpado y juzgado mal. No sabía lo que había pasado, ojalá me hubieras contado, para así apoyarte. Lo siento hermanito." He hugs him, the hug was tight, and Pedro needed that. (I'm sorry. For judging you and for blaming you. I didn't know, and I wish you had told me I would have supported you. I'm sorry, hermanito.
Pedro felt relief. The secret he kept to himself was now free from him.
"Has pensado en hablar con ella?" (Have you thought about reaching her?)
He shake his head no.
"La verdad siento que me odia, la hice mierda, la deje y luego ignore sus llamadas, sus mensajes. Me dolió el alma, Fernando. Pero era lo que yo en ese momento creía correcto. (To be honest, I feel that she hates me, I fuck her up, after I dumped her I ignored her calls and texts, that broke my heart, Fernando. But I thought I was doing the right thing)
"Escuchame, tu hiciste lo que en ese momento creíste correcto, no te culpes más, pero creo que es obvio que no la has superado, aún piensas en ella." Fer says, patting his back. "Venga, déjame ayudarte a recuperarla y si no se puede pues ayudarte a superarlo, juntos en todo, como cuando niños." (Listen to me, you did what you thought was the right thing, don't blame yourself anymore. I think it is pretty obvious that you love her. You still think of her. So, let me help you get her back, and if that's not possible, let me help you move on, but together, like when we were kids)
"Te amo, eres el mejor." (I love you, you're the best)
"Yo te amo más, venga que tenemos que pensar en algo." (I love you more, c'mon, we have to plan how you're getting her back)
Pedro smiled, high five his brother, and begins with the plan for that to happen. Like fer said, together.
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You were at the supermarket, you needed food for your fridge. Elena stayed with Polo. He was fussy, so you let him stay.
You got almost everything on the list. I'm picking a few fruits. Since Polo is now six months old, the doctor told you to start with some fruit based foods.
You grabbed some sweet potato, some bananas, and some avocados. Also some vegetables like broccoli, carrot, and some more.
You were so focused on picking some apples that when someone touched you to grab your attention you kind of jump.
"Ay Dios," you say, putting your hand on your heart, "Pablo?" You ask seeing him smile, trying not to laugh.
"Sigues siendo la misma tía que se asusta de todo al parecer." (You're still the same scary girl I see).
You laugh, hugging him. It's been a long time without seeing him.
"Cuando volviste?" (When did you came back?)
"Hace poco, a finales de marzo." (Not that long ago, end of March.)
"Y estas aquí para quedarte? O solo de visita?" (Are you staying or only for a visit?)
You smile, "Vine para quedarme" (I'm here to stay)
You talked for a while, and you both continued the shopping.
"Y dime, como vas de amores?" (And tell me, how's the love?)
You shrug, not knowing how to answer.
"Pues, sigo soltera. Los Italianos son muy intensos, te juro. Y tu que tal de amores?" (Well, I'm still single, Italian guys are way too much. What about you?)
"Recuerdas a Carolina?" (Do you remember Carolina?)
"La nena del agua?" (The water girl?)
He nodded, excited. "Hace casi un año estamos saliendo, ya no es la del agua, ahora es entrenadora de los niños en el club" (almost a year ago we been dating, and she's not the water girl anymore, she's a coach for the first starters in the club.)
"Eso está increíble, Pablito." (That's amazing, Pablito)
"Haz vuelto a hablar con Pedro?" (Have you talked to Pedro?)
If Pablo was known for something, it was two things, his anger on the pitch and not having a filter when he speaks.
"No, hace mucho que no hablo con él." (No, it's been a long time without talking to him.)
He nodded, understanding.
"Pero, de hecho he querido hablar con él desde que regresé. No sé si quiera hablarme." (But, I've been looking to talk to him since I came back, but I don't know if he would talk to me)
"Pero vamos, claro que quiere" (c'mon, he obviously wants to)
You smile at his words.
"Deja darte el número, tuvo que cambiarlo porque en un entreno le hicimos mierda el movil" (let me give you his number, he had to change it since once during training we fucked his phone)
"No me sorprende, siempre se hacian mierda las cosas ustedes" (I'm not surprised, you guys always fucked your things)
He grabbed your phone, saving Pedro's number.
"Te he guardando el mio igual, por si alguna vez necesitas algo, acá estoy." (I saved mine too. If you ever need anything, I'm here)
You hugged goodbye as you both went different ways.
You hurry to the line, wanting to get home so you can tell Elena the news.
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"Sabes que me encanta de Manchester, el ambiente es diferente a España, no sé cómo describirlo pero es diferente" Fernando says, looking around. (You know what I love about Manchester? The atmosphere is different. I don't know how to explain it, but it's different)
Pedro laughed, agreeing with him. Mario only nodded smiling.
"Bien, entonces dame unos días y te daré la respuesta, si?" (Okay, give me a few days, and I'll have the answer) Pedro says referring to the contract.
"Tomate una semana, meditalo y si tienes dudas podemos hablar, poner un pro y con sobre la mesa." (Take a week, meditate it, and if you have any doubts, call me up, and we can put all the pros and cons at the table to make up your mind)
After that, they changed the topic, talking about a game they were invited to, Fer and Mario were talking about one specific player and how he got a yellow card for something that was a clearly a red.
Pedro's mind was far away from that, seeing the text he got from Pablo.
She was back, and she wanted to talk with him.
He was out of breath, wanted to tell Fernando right away, but he knew better and wait for the night to be over.
As they entered the room, he grabbed his brother's shoulders, shaking him while screaming in happiness.
"Me vas a descalabrar capullo." (You're going to hurt me, idiot)
"Mira," he shows the text message.
Fernando is now screaming with him, happy for the news.
"A ver, calma ya" (okay, let's calm down), Fernando says, taking a few breaths. "Si te quiere ver y Pablo le dio tu número, ella te va a escribir, es obvio." (If she wants to see you and Pablo gave her your number, she'll text you, it's obvious)
And as Fer finished saying that, Pedro's phone lights up with a text from an unknown number.
Pedro checks it and screams, showing it to his brother, who screams with him.
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I hope you're doing great. I'm sending you this message to let you know I'm in Barcelona and I'll like to meet up with you to talk.
"Qué contesto?" Pedro says, full of nerves. (What can I text back?)
"Trae pa ca', tonto," he says, taking the phone from his brothers hand. (Give me that, morron)
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I like to see you, we can meet wherever, maybe somewhere more calm to avoid paparazzi)
Back in Barcelona, you and Elena are sitting in your couch, face to face.
"Ya contestó," you say excited. (He answered)
"A ver," Elena says, taking the phone from you. "Contesta" (let me see, answer him).
"No sé que poner," you say nervios. (I don't know how to answer)
"Ay, dame aquí, tonta" (give me that, idiot)
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("Do you still living I'm the same place." "Yes, do you remember the address, or do you need the location?")
"Crees que recuerde?" Pedro asks, seeing the answer his brother sends. (Do you think she remembers?)
"Callate, déjame ver que responde," Fer says, seeing the three dots. (Shut up, let me answer)
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("No, I do remember, what about tomorrow morning?" "I'll be back from Manchester tomorrow at noon. Let's meet at night, if that's okay with you.")
"Cierto que vi que estaba en Manchester," you say as you read the text, "Dile que si" (it's true, he's in Manchester, say yes)
"Calmate," Elena says. (Calm down)
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("I'll see you tomorrow at night" "7 pm?" "Yes, " "I'll see you tomorrow. " "Goodbye, Pedro.")
Pedro and Fernando were looking at the last text.
"Niño" Fernando says, screaming and hugging his brother.
Pedro is excited. He was getting you back. No matter how hard, how much he has to fight or work, he's getting you back. He's putting that ring on your finger. He's getting that dream family.
What he didn't know is that on Barcelona, Elena, and you are jumping and screaming on the couch.
"Dios, estoy tan nerviosa." You say as you calm down. "Necesito que me lleves, por favor." (Gosh, I'm so excited. Please, I need you to take me)
"Obvio, tonta." (Obviously, dummy)
You both look and start screaming again, until a cry make you stop.
"Oops," Elena says.
You laugh and go to collect your baby. He was crying due to your screaming, mad because his dreams were interrupted.
"Ya, ya mi amor, ven acá." You say picking him up, calming him. "No sabes, tu papi y yo nos vamos a ver." You say as he calms down. "Y estoy nerviosa, espero mañana puedas conocerlo." (It's okay, love, come here. You have no idea. Daddy and I are meeting up, I'm nervous, and I hope you both can meet up tomorrow)
You kiss him. Taking him with you back to the living room.
"Vente." You say to Elena, "ayúdame a escoger el outfit." (Come, help me pick my outfit)
You feel like a teenager getting ready for her first date.
The butterflies, the nervousness in your system, and the excitement.
Tomorrow, you're getting that family you both dreamed about.
Tag list:
@alwaysclassyeagle @footballerficsposts @gulphulp @cinderellawithashoe @jajajhaahaha @bellinghambby22 @pablogavisgirl @lunamelona @christinabae @fadinglovermuffintaco 💛✨️
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pablogavisgirl · 11 months
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Broken Love
read part four ➸ here
this was originally a Gavi fic how did it turn into a Gavi and Pedri fic😭
Another month went by, and instead of just ignoring one midfielder you were now ignoring two.
Once again you let your emotions get the best of you and ruined another friendship.
The very same friendship that was helping you get over Gavi. Now you were lost. Lost in your thoughts not knowing what to do.
Gavi gave up trying to reach you, after the talk he had with Pedri he stopped trying to call you, coming to your apartment or texting you.
On the otherhand it was now Pedri trying to contact you. He didn't go as far to show up at your apartment, but he did blow up your voicemail.
"¿Qué voy a hacer, Isa?" You sighed in frustration, listening to yet another one of Pedri's voicemails. (What am I going to do Isa?)
"Chica, por uno, necesitas otro número de teléfono" Isabella laughed. (Girl, for one, you need a new phone number.)
"Qué graciosa, pero en serio, ¿qué hago?" You asked sounding defeated. (You're so funny, but seriously what do I do?)
"Bueno, lo único que puedes hacer es hablar con ellos, linda." (Well, the only thing you can do is talk to them, love.) Isabella said placing down the textbook on the table.
"No quiero". Y/n replied, pouting her face at Isabella. (I don't wat to.)
Isabella rolled her eyes, "Bueno, tienes que hacerlo, si no lo haces, ¿cómo vas a seguir adelante con tu vida? ¿O hacer que tu buzón de voz deje de estar lleno?" (Well you have to, if you don't how are you going to continue with your life? Or get your voicemail to stop being full.)
Y/n laughed, "Tienes razón, pero me siento culpable por el beso con Pedri, no sé cómo podría ver a Pablo después de eso". (You're right, but I feel guilty for the kiss with Pedri, I don't know how I can face Pablo after it.)
"¿Culpable porque besaste a su mejor amigo y te arrepentiste o culpable porque disfrutaste del beso y ganaste sentimientos por Pedri en el camino?" Isabella raised her eyebrows. (Guilty because you kissed his bestfriend and regretted it or guilty because you kissed his bestfriend and liked it? And fell for him along the way?)
"No me gusta Pedri." Y/n scoffed. (I don't like Pedri.)
"¿Y por eso lo besaste?" Isabella asked. (And thats why you kissed him?)
"Mira, amo a Pablo, no lo he superado". She sighed. (Look I love Pablo, I haven't gotten over him.)
"No estoy diciendo que no lo que estoy diciendo es que no dejaste que Pedri te besara sin ninguna razón, dejaste que él te besara porque sientes algo por él." She pointed out. (I'm not saying you don't what I'm saying is you didn't just let Pedri kiss you for no reason, you let him kiss you because you feel somewhat for him.)
"Dime que estoy equivocado". (Tell me I'm wrong.)
Y/n chewed the inside of her cheek, staring at her friend. Isabella was right, if she was in love with Gavi she wouldn't have let Pedri kiss her.
She shouldn't have enjoyed it like she did. "Tienes razón". (You're right.) she closed her eyes.
"Simplemente no sé cómo voy a hablar con ellos". (I just don't know how i'm going to talk to them.) She sighed, "Tengo miedo" (I'm scared.)
"Ay mi amor." (Oh my love.) Isabella said, scooting closer to you giving you a hug, leaning into her embrace.
"Va a estar bien". (Its going to be ok.) She said, "La peor parte ha pasado". (The worse part is over.)
"Pero no la parte difícil, todavía tengo que enfrentarme a los dos". (But the hard part isn't, I still to face them both.)
"Y tienes que elegir." (And you have to choose.)
"¿Elegir? Como," (Choose? What do you mean?)
"¿Crees que ambos van a dejar que te vayas sin elegir entre ellos?" Elena deadpanned. (You think both of them are going to let you walk away and not make a choice between them?)
"Isa, amo a Pablo." Y/n said. (Isa, I love Pablo.)
"Pero te gusta Pedri". (But you like Pedri.) Isabella said. "Escucha, amor, tal vez tu amor por Gavi no fue tan fuerte como pensabas, y es por eso que terminaste gustando a Pedri". (Listen love, maybe your love for Gavi wasn't as strong as you thought it was, and thats why you ended up like Pedri.)
"Está bien que te gusten los dos, pero por el bien de tu mentalidad y la de ellos, vas a tener que hablar con ellos y elegir". She finished. (Its ok to like them both, but for your sake and theirs, you're going to have to talk to them, and choose.)
"¿Y si no puedo elegir?" (And if I can't choose?) You sighed dropping your head onto your knees, Isabella pulling you closer.
"Entonces elígete a ti misma". She hugged you tighter. (Then you choose yourself.)
The phone rang, you popped your head up, Isabella stood up, checking the Caller ID.
"Pedri." She whispered.
You took a deep breath, extending your arm out, Isabella handed you the phone. You watched the phone ring infront of you, finally pressing the answer button.
"Y/n?" He asked.
"Si. Hola Pedri." She whispered. (Yes. Hi Pedri.)
"Hola, uh, te he estado llamando durante un mes y ahora que has respondido no sé qué decir". Pedri said shyly. (Hey, uh, i've been trying to call you for a month, and now that you answered i don't know what to say.)
"Tenemos que hablar". You broke your silence. (We have to talk.)
"Sí, lo sé, así que tenemos un día libre mañana, puedo recogerte y podríamos ir a algún lugar". Pedri said. (Yes, I know, so we have an off day tomorrow, I'll pick you up, we can go somewhere.)
"Si, esta bien." You replied. (Yes, thats fine.)
"Nos vemos mañana". He said before hanging up the phone. (We'll see eachother tomorrow.)
You threw your head back in frustration on the couch, Isabella coming back to sit down next to you.
"¿Entonces?" (So?)
"Vamos a hablar mañana" (We're going to talk tomorrow.) You sighed leaning your head on her shoulder.
"Y Gavi?" (And Gavi?)
"Pablo... No sé si siquiera quiere hablar conmigo, no hemos hablado en dos meses". (Pablo...I don't even know if he wants to talk to me, we haven't talked in two months.) She played with her fingers anxiously at the mention of having to see him again.
Would he even want to see her again? He gave up trying to reach her, but who wouldn't after so many voicemails and unanswered messages.
But she owed it to both of them for some closure, she owed it to herself. "Hablaré con él después de hablar con Pedri". (I'll talk to him after I talk with Pedri.)
The next morning came, Pedri had send you a message he was on his way, you stood outside your apartment complex, staring down at your feet, fiddling with your fingers.
Anxiety was an understatement, the longer he took the more your stomach began to hurt. The more it seemed like a bad idea, your palms were starting to sweat maybe if you ran back to your apartment it wouldn't be to late.
But he was here, he was pulling up, the green mini coopper that once made you happy when you saw it, now caused you fear.
Your fingers trembled as you opened the door, not making eye contact as you put your seatbelt on, your leg began to bounce from the anxiety, this was causing you.
"¿Cómo has estado?" (How have you been?) He broke the silence, beginning to pull out the parking lot.
"Bien, ¿y tú?" You mummbled staring at the dashboard. (Good and you?)
"Bien." (Good.)
The rest of the drive was silent, your leg never stopped bouncing, it drove Pedri crazy he just wanted to reach over the seat and place his hand on it to calm you down, but he didn't the ride was awkward enough.
He pulled up into the beach, for the first time you looked at him. "¿Por qué estamos aquí?" (Why are we here?)
"Amas la playa." (You love the beach.) He replied exiting out the car, you followed behind him, taking off your sandals the deeper you got into the sand.
The farther you walked into the beach, you saw a blanket and food sat up. Your heart ached. Did he plan all this for you?
You both sat down, on the blanket, "¿Fue demasiado?" He asked chewing the inside of his cheek. (Was it too much?)
"No, está bien." You whispered. (No, its ok.)
"Escucha Y/n, me gustas". Pedri blurts out. (Listen Y/n, I like you.)
"Tú también me gustas". (I like you too.) You paused. "Pero todavía amo a Gavi". (But I still love Gavi.)
Pedri's eyes shot up to look at you, "Lo sè" (I know.) he said staring at the waves. "Pero eso no significa que no pueda hacer que me ames". (But that doesn't mean I can't make you fall in love with me.)
She stared at him, her lips parting as she wanted to speak but nothing came out. She leaned back onto her elbows, listening as the waves crashed on the rocks.
"Pedri, No sé qué decir..." (Pedri, I don't know what to say?)
"No digas nada, solo cierra los ojos". (Don't say anything, just close your eyes.) You don't know why your body obeyed, but it did. You closed your eyes, feeling his lips on yours.
It was a small but passionate kiss, but that kiss set sparks. You couldn't help but think about Gavi how would it feel when he kissed you?
It was wrong to think about Gavi while Pedri was kissing you, but you couldn't help it. You imagined Gavi and you in this setting many times.
His hands cupping your face, yours on his chests. A tender yet passionate kiss shared between lovers, but instead the fantasy wasn't with Gavi it was with Pedri.
He pulled away, your eyes fluttering open, "¿Por que?" (Why?)
"Porque si Gavi no puede apreciarte, entonces lo haré, si no puede amarte, lo haré, si no puede cuidar de ti, lo haré". (Because if Gavi can't appreciate you, then I will, if he can't love you then I will, if he can't take care of you then I will.)
You closed your door, sitting down on your couch, Pedri's words rining through your ears.
You didn't know what to think, or how to reply to him you just stayed silent staring at the ocean.
You stayed silent the whole car ride home, you didn't even say goodbye you closed the car door and didn't look back.
Now you were on your couch waiting for Isabella to show up, she always knew what to say to make things right, but she was in classes so you would have to deal with your problems by yourself till she arrived.
You sat outside your balcony, watching the sunset, you hadn't left your apartment since coming back from the beach.
You haven't checked your phone, so you were oblivious to Pedri's 99 unread messages.
The knocks against your door, suddenly snapped you back into reality, you made your way towards the door.
"Por fin ¿por qué tardaste tanto?" (Finally, what took you so long?) You sighed in relif opening the door, only for that sigh of relif to turn into anxiety.
"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí, Pablo?" You asked, staring at him. (What are you doing here Pablo?)
You wanted to hug him and apologize for that night, because god knows how much you missed your bestfriend. And god knows how much you have dreamt of this moment to see him again.
But now that he was infront of you, you felt numb, you didn't hug him, you didn't apologize, you didn't cry in his arms like you imagined you would.
You just stared, waiting for him to say something.
"Te amo." He blurted out. (I love you.)
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 16 days
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So yeah, malapit na. Pero sa North America (Mexico, USA, Canada) mo lang makikita :{
#planetputo TWITTER: @planetputo / @haimacheir2 INSTAGRAM: @etchsee MAIN BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com If you like our work, please support us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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carlos-tk · 6 months
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Thanks @inkweedandlizards and @alrightbuckaroo for the WIP Wednesday tags and hoping on @strandnreyes and @thisbuildinghasfeelings open tags 💗
I’ve been especially busy this week with life so here’s something I started a little while ago that I’m itching to write for when I have the time 📄 Hopefully I’ve found a good balance between the español and english that I can leave you without a translation atm ✍🏼
He pauses to consider TK’s question but his thoughts are interrupted as a loud, “Carlitos mijo,” rings across the crowded produce section. Carlos says a silent prayer that it’s not who thinks, the plea obviously fallen on deaf ears as he’s greeted by the to be expected presence of his mother, his wishful thinking dissipating as he sighs heavily. He’d know that voice and warm delighted expression anywhere, and he’s happy to see her, really he is, just not right now. Not with TK in tow on their totally casual just friends non-date.
In seconds she has rounded the aisles, past the crates filled with fruits and vegetables, a sage canvas bag gripped in her left hand. She comes to a standstill in front of the pair, and Carlos greets her with a wide smile plastered across his features. Hoping his slight displeasure is non apparent and thankful when she doesn’t seem to notice. She tugs him into a tight hug and a kiss to both his cheeks.
“Mamá it’s nice to see you,” he manages to stutter out. “What are you doing here?” he asks, as she releases her arms from their embrace.
Andrea frowns as she begins to recant a familiar story. “Your tía Elena y su novio Javier are coming for dinner,” she answers. “Pero ya sabes cómo es ella,” she adds with a roll of her eyes. Carlos can’t hide his grimace either. “Lo sé Mamá,” he says, all too familiar with his aunt and her many opinions. Especially regarding his mother’s cooking, a complaint always found on the tip of her tongue that she can’t help but to verbalise. He wishes Andrea would stop keeping up appearances with her, or that Gabriel would at least have a word with his sister.
“I need a few things for pozole rojo,” she finally answers him before Carlos interrupts, already irritated on her behalf. “Sabes no debes dejar que ella te trate así,” he implores. “Tienes toda la razón,” she agrees and he raises an eyebrow in surprise. She usually isn’t so quick to agree and he knows there’s more to the story this time but he doesn’t want to press. “Sé que lo soy,” he affirms, as she offers a tight smile patting his cheek, apparently grateful for his level-headedness. Though it’s obvious she wants to move on from the conversation.
TK bounces slightly beside him, not moving to speak before prompted and clearly not wanting to interrupt them. Andrea seems to finally take notice of his presence, chastising Carlos in the process as she introduces herself. “You’ll have to excuse my son as he’s obviously forgotten his manners, I’m Andrea,” she says holding her hand out. TK halts his nervous movement and raises his hand from his side to take her palm in his for a warm polite handshake. “Te juro,” she laments, “I taught him better.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” TK returns with a small genuine smile on his face, before dropping her hand, his own falling back into place against his hip, brushing for a moment against Carlos’ own. Carlos curses internally, awkwardly waving his hand in the direction of TK’s body. “Mamá, this is my friend TK.”
some no pressure tags under the cut 💗
@welcometololaland @rmd-writes @celeritas2997 @whatsintheboxmh @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses @inflarescent @herefortarlos @orchidscript @noxsoulmate @sunshinestrand @freneticfloetry @heartstringsduet @birdclowns @lightningboltreader @three-drink-amy @basilsunrise @never-blooms @lemonlyman-dotcom @reyestrandd @liminalmemories21 @reyesstrand @theghostofashton and an open tag for anyone who wants to share 💗
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elsareyblog · 3 months
es un microsegundo pero...
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Siempre me dio mucha gracia cómo Claudia Elena saca el tema del "francés" en la conversación, cuando Betty hace su lanzamiento en Ecomoda. Me parecía que era muy forzado, muy artificial. Porque pues... ¿por qué lo haría? Sino sabe lo que hay entre Armando y Betty. Pero vean el minuto 17:30 del capítulo 306 en prime, cuando Claudia Elena le dirige una mirada rápida a Armando, después de hablar del francés. Quizás no sabía lo que había entre ellos, pero definitivamente intuía los sentimientos de Armando hacia Betty, sabía qué podía generar con ese comentario y rápidamente chequeó el impacto de lo que había dicho en el ex presidente. Y si sólo lo intuía, con la cara que pone armando, lo terminó de confirmar seguro jajajaj
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elbiotipo · 7 months
Increíble como imaginas un pelotudo y se manifiesta en el acto pero yo no importa cuánto imagine estar casado con María Elena Fuseneco no pasa
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danielac1world · 6 months
Memoria selectiva.
Tengo 4 años, mamá me agarra de la mano y canta canciones de María Elena walsh, mi cabeza se llena de historias sobre elefantes con sombrero y magos dulces protegiendo conejos blancos; la vida no resulta tan cruel cuando hay besos en las heridas, ternuras mullidas en las esquinas, y respuestas a las preguntas.
La mano firme de mamá sujeta el camino que hay que sujetar, tironea un poquito para la izquierda pero no perturba las decisiones de estos pies inquietos, que quieren caminar bajo el sol y chapotear en los charcos de las lluvias pasadas.
De pronto el aire vuelve a tener olor a fideos en familia y voces de parientes lejanos, conversaciones intangibles, risas, recuerdos bordados con aroma a eucalipto y roble almidonado. Tengo el centro de atención en mis ojos, y a la vez, escapo de los grandes queriendo ser chicos, y esta cosa que tienen los chicos, de querer ser grandes.
Mientras tanto el abuelo vuelve, tiene los ojos de un niño, son dos barcos enormes atravesando un mar tranquilo, yo sé que él cura las heridas como nadie, con palabras de sal y risas pequeñas, él no sabe de cuentos, porque cuando era chico, no había mucho tiempo para cuentos, pero inventa canciones con patos amarillos y bosques de roble, mientras canta con esa voz tan gruesa y tan clara, que hace parecer que la fuerza de un niño, está solo, en ser siempre un niño.
La abuela en cambio tiene los ojos duros, las manos arrugadas, la esperanza quieta, tiene las palabras crueles y una pizca de voz quebrada, no le gusta el azúcar de más y le agrega poca sal a las cosas; la abuela tiene las quejas de una niña encaprichada con la vida, y la vida tiene las quejas, de no haber sabido bien que hacer con la abuela.
Tengo 4 años, quizás cinco o seis, y la memoria selectiva, papá no aparece pero es una nube celeste, que brilla en algún rinconcito oculto de una memoria con cariño, y mamá tiene mucha fuerza cuando uno es un niño de 4, 5 o 6 años.
Ella tiene el pelo largo recogido en una línea interminable de procesos, las manos curtidas y suaves como el abuelo, su voz es tan dulce que aunque grite se quiebra, como el caramelo cuando se endurece; tiene los ojos de un sauce verde y las pestañas como alas de golondrina viajera, pero siempre se queda a mi lado en las noches de pena. A mamá le duele un poco la vida, solo que no lo cuenta, usa su voz para contar historias de duendes, hadas y poetas desesperados, sabe contar tantas historias, que el mundo parece no ser el mundo, y los sueños pueden ser sueños, con las mismas alas de golondrina que sus ojos. Y es que mamá no pudo ser niña mucho tiempo, pero tuvo el segundo suficiente para construir una cajita de madera donde guardar el tiempo de la infancia, para jugar conmigo en los puntos muertos de la espera.
Y es que la vida es ese gustito agridulce que nos queda después de las lágrimas, esas heridas desinfectadas que arden lo suficiente para saber que están curadas, es esa sensación insuficiente de alivio en el estiramiento de las mañanas, ese bostezo con sueño después de una noche de insomnio, o de desvelo voluntario; la vida es eso que recuerdas cuando eras un niño de 4, 5 o 6 años, y tienes, sin embargo, la esperanza de que mamá tenga eternos ojos de golondrina, y que el abuelo recuerde siempre el mar con sus manos llenas de sueños.
-danielac1world ~Infancia finita~
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collageazul · 6 months
Elena cree que el día en que los hombres dejen aflorar su lado femenino, que indudablemente tienen, como nosotras el masculino, las cosas cambiarán. Pero yo pienso que eso es casi imposible. ¿Cómo van a dejar aflorar lo que en su infancia tuvieron que matar?
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aziulpre · 2 months
Creo que no hace falta hablar de la OTP RookBen es lo mejor, pero hablando del canon ¿ qué opinas de que Ben se quedo con Kai ? ¿ qué opinas de ese ship de forma objetiva?
"Entre toxicos se aman".
Ben le fue infiel a Julie con 2 chicas (claramente no se dio cuenta que estas gustaban de él pero él se dejo besar e incluso beso a Elena) y coqueteaba con otras (por eso terminaban o se daban un tiempo), Ben nunca salio con Ester pero él sabia que estaban en eso y aún así la ignoraba.
Kai cuando conocio a Ben lo trataba tan mal que Gwen tuvo que defenderlo, después lo trataba como perro y solo gustaba de él siendo lobo (aunque después se da a entender que si le gusta Ben humano pero fue más gracias a Crononauta).
Muchos defienden a Ben por "Julie ser tonta por dejarlo" y otros tratan mal a Kai por ser malo con Ben, pero estos 2 son muy malos. Ellos 2 representan muy bien muchas relaciones que permanecen años, pero con el tiempo maduran y "mejoran" al tener hijos.
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Si quieres una relación sana, mira Sabados Secretos, ambos actuaba un poco igual a Kai y Ben (peleandose porque enrealidad se gustaban) pero en poco tiempo se volvieron muy tiernos (a comparación de Kai y Ben que tardaron años que incluso sus personalidades cambiaron).
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Kai siempre fue destinada a ser la esposa de Ben (antes las series/peliculas eran así, si el protagonista tiene un interes amoroso es porque se casara con ella).
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El crew gustaba de crear intereses amorosos a Ben pero pues no podían cambiar lo de Ben 10,000. En lugar de hacer eso, pudieron desarrollar mejor a Kai y a Ben (no era necesario que fueran novios o interes, con solo ser amigos como en Omniverse pudieron madurar a los personajes, algo que si paso en Los Sabados Secretos en 1 año, para que nadie rechazara el ship y prefiriera otros).
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la-semillera · 3 months
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Fue en la casa de su madre, en Lincolnshire, que Isaac Newton tuvo el tiempo y la disposición de ánimo para observar una manzana.
El pecado es acaso solo una cuestión de gravedad.
Las letras de la palabra Adán son las mismas que componen la palabra Nada.
«The redness/ of red» escribió Rae Armantrout para referirse a algo que no entiendo pero que, sin embargo, percibo. «Lo rojizo/ del rojo».
Es verdad que amanece.
La sangre suele ser un lugar común.
En la imaginación popular las palabras «y sin embargo se mueve» siguen siendo una referencia más o menos explícita a la tenacidad o testarudez de la mente científica.
El cuerpo es una forma de la mente y viceversa.
Suele producir algo de inquietud observar a un hombre que retoza bajo la fronda de un árbol o que se desliza como entre nubes cuando atraviesa las calles de una ciudad.
Hay ciudades que, en efecto, se prestan para caminar ya sea con o sin lluvia.
Alguien ha asegurado ya que es muy fácil perder un paraguas.
No sé cuál sea la probabilidad de perder, en cambio, una flecha dorada.
En sus retratos de juventud, Isaac Newton da la apariencia de haber sido un hombre hermoso a punto de morder una manzana.
Todos perdemos, eso se sabe.
¿Es posible que un cuerpo yazga orgánicamente sobre un litoral?
El ruido que resulta de la inserción de los dientes sobre la manzana siempre me ha parecido sensual. En cambio, el ruido que se produce cuando los dientes arrancan el pedazo de la fruta me hace vacilar.
Bilabial, la boca. El beso. El chasquido.
En el esquema RGB, el rojo junto con el verde y el azul son colores primarios de luz. Esto cambia en el esquema CMYK que está basado en pigmentos donde el rojo no es parte de los colores primarios sino el rojo magenta, que junto con el cian y el amarillo están más cerca de los colores primarios sustractivos auténticos que el ojo percibe, y se utilizan en la impresión de color moderna.
El menstruo, ah. Viscoso, real, inútil, el menstruo.
Combinación numérica; ranas palúdicas; palma arquitectónica; espesura escalofría.
La urgencia con la que cruzó la puerta y tomó el pincel y trató, inútilmente, de plasmar lo que veía detrás de los párpados.
Voy gravitacionalmente hacia ti.
¿Mencioné ya los pájaros carmesí, la luna vacía, la larga hilera
de hormigas?
Son pocas las vocales que separan la palabra «monstruo» de la palabra «menstruo».
¿Consiste la meta en colorear el propio yo para así convertirlo en un personaje audiovisual?
Había, en algún lugar recóndito de sus huesos, un aroma contradictorio y una sustancia que no dejaba de manar.
Mis vestigios terrestres. La hipocresía de mis roperos. Mi magnético interior. ¡Ah!
Dentro de la cueva, el pálpito. A cada latido, la humedad. La sangre es un lugar común, lo escribí hace rato.
Las fúlgidas aves; los calosfríos ignotos; el letárgico licor; las fulmíneas paradojas; el radioso vértigo; la remordida ternura.
Aquí no vive un coleccionista de insectos.
Como si se tratara de alguien ligeramente atormentado: alguien con un cigarrillo en la boca; alguien con un pasado muy largo.
Todo era mentira, Isaac.
Vivimos en estado de peligro: lo desunido se une. ¿Piensas quemar mi casa también?, preguntó o dijo.
Había una duna y, sobre la duna, unos zapatos muy viejos. Alguien decía entonces: te quedarás.
- Cristina Rivera Garza
- Elena del Rivero, Domestic Landscape #31, Gouache, hilo, grafito y cúrcuma en papel cuadriculado vintage
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spidybaby · 11 months
Begin Again | part one
Summary: Secrets can't be held forever. Specifically, not the one you keep from him.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: The dividers I'm using are from @cafekitsune All credits to them ❤️✨️
Part two
December 2025
"No, Pedro! No puedo calmarme, estas bromeando?" (No Pedro, I can't calm down, are you joking?) You were shouting at this point. "Estas bromeando?" You repeat.
"¡No! Joder, no estoy bromeando!" (No, Fuck, I'm not joking) his tone elevates as much as yours.
You cover your face with your hands, feeling the tears wetting them.
"Cuatro putos años, Pedro." (Four fucking years, Pedro.) You shout again. "No me vengas a decir estupideces, anoche me hablabas de casarnos y hoy te dio por olvidar todo eso?" (Don't fuck with me, yesterday we were talking about marriage and today you forgot about all of that?) You couldn't believe his words. "Me estas jodiendo, dime por favor que me estas jodiendo" (you're joking, please tell me you're joking).
He stayed silent, time passing as you only waited for him to start laughing and tell you he was pranking you.
"Amor," you took his face in your hands. "Por favor no hagas esto, tu y yo podemos con todo, lo hemos hecho siempre, Pedro, por favor" (Please don't do this, you and I will get over everything, we've done it before).
You were begging him in denial of the situation.
"Pepi, por favor."
His eyes were fixed on something. He was trying as hard as possible not to look at you. He knew if he did everything he just told you, it was going to be taken back.
He press his hands on your wrists and slowly took your hands away from his face.
"Lo siento," he whisper "lo siento pero no puedo." (I'm sorry I can't).
He let go of you, not looking once at your. Took his jacket and keys and walked to the front door. "Por favor, ve a Portofino, no lo dejes ir por mi, no valgo la pena. Haz tu vida y déjame atrás." (Please go to Portofino, don't let that go because of me, I'm not worthy. Live your own life and leave me behind).
You saw his car getting away from your house.
The tears never stopped. Your body was now on the floor, crying louder than before, the pain I your chest was growing stronger by the minute.
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January 2026
"Bueno niña, todo listo y ordenado. Amo la vista por cierto." (Okay, girl, everything is done and ready. I love this view, by the way). Your brother Paulo says he's the one helping you with the moving.
You got an offer to be part of this big company in Portofino.
"Venga, cambia la cara, todo estará bien, me tienes a mi acá y Elena prometió venir a verte cada dos semanas, estas bien" (c'mon, don't act like that, everything will be fine, you have me here and Elena will visit you every two weeks). He pat you in the back, forcing you into a hug.
You accept the forced hug but only for a moment, after that you shove your brother away from you.
"Debería estar feliz." You say walking to the couch. "Pero no puedo estar feliz, Paulo. No sin él." (I should be happy, but I can't Pualo, not without him).
Your eyes water, you have everything you wanted, a big start, the job of your dreams, everything but him.
"No llores, por favor no de nuevo." Paulo runs to your side, hugging you while you cry. "Venga, vamos a dar una vuelta y tomar algunas fotos." (Don't cry, please not again. C'mon, let's go out and about and get you some good photos).
He dried your tears and pulled you out of the couch. Grabbing your purse on the way out to his car, you took out your phone and snapped a picture, sending it to Elena, your best friend.
Paulo took you to a rental of motorcycles, knowing you loved driving one around everytime you visited him.
You two spend the rest of the day laughing and having all the fun you could. You appreciate your brother help. He knew you needed to move on at your own time. A four year relationship was not a thing you left behind in a day.
"Para, deja te tomó una foto para tu insta" he indicates you how to pose for the picture, taking several. (Stop right there. Let me take a photo for your insta).
"Basta, ya son, suficiente," you laugh, getting off the motorcycle. "Igual solo subiré una." (Enough, they're enough, I'll only post one).
You both cheeked the pictures, and he airdrop them to you.
"Subí la foto y pone algo como "amando los nuevos comienzos", no crees?" (Post it and caption it with something like "I love new beginnings).
You laugh but did it.
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(Sorry if the picture doesn't adapt to your features. I just use it as inspo. Also this is not portofino but imagine it is, love you)
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February 2026
"Elena, apúrate por favor." You say as you touch up your makeup. (Elena, hurry up, please).
You were going to be her +1 at this event in London, Elena was became an influencer way back in the day when you were eighteen, she started posting for fun and suddenly it became a full time job.
A good one, she was always invited to fashion shows, she even did modeling campaigns for big brands. You were happy and thankful because you could borrow some trendi clothes.
"Relax, bebé" she says, coming out of the bathroom. "Tenemos aún como una hora para llegar, bájale" (we have an hour to get there, relax).
"Elena, ya viste la hora?" You say, looking at her with lifted eyebrows. (Did you see the time?).
She looks at her phone, eyes opening as you laugh.
"Okay, vamos c'mon, vamos todos al show, vamos a la obra en una sola maniobra." she sings the Dora the Explorer song, and you only laugh at her.
You make your way to the venue. It was this big event for Dior. They're showing their new makeup line and invite different type of social media presence.
The event was amazing. The Dior team was amazing and made everyone feel welcome. They even gave you a little souvenir.
You left a little earlier because Elena was done for the day, not feeling like socializing with other people but not wanting to be rude.
"Te sientes bien? Estás algo pálida, " Elena says, looking at you carefully. "Queres agua?" (Are you okay? You look pale, do you want some water?).
You were feeling kind of dizzy, but you didn't want to ruin the day with that.
"Toy' bien," you say, drinking from the bottle she opened for you. "Maybe it's the day being too hot." (I'm fine, maybe it's because of the weather, it's too hot).
She only nodded, leaving the conversation for later.
The car ride was rough. You felt to hot, too dizzy and too uncomfortable. But didn't say a word.
As Elena's driver parked in front of the hotel, she was the first to go out. "Sabes que quiero, un carpaccio de salmón." (I want some salmon carpaccio).
She was paying attention to her phone and didn't notice how you were struggling to even hold yourself on the car door.
The last thing you remember was Elena shouting your name and feeling a harsh pain in your head.
Waking up to a painful white light and with a headache was not the ideal thing.
"Ay Paulo, esta despertando." You can hear Elena's voice. (She's waking up).
"Paulo?" Is all you can ask, barely opening your eyes due to the light.
Elena noticed this and turned the switch off.
"Ya esta, relájate." She pushed you back on the bed. "Te golpeaste la cabeza, me asustaste." (It's okay, relax. You hit your head, you scared me).
"Joder, no sé que pasó." Your head is still pounding. "Dónde estamos?" (Fuck, I don't know what happened. Where are we?).
"En el hospital, lista." She says with that obvious tone. "Me diste el susto de mi vida." (At the hospital, dingbat. You scare the shit out of me).
"Paulo, donde esta mi hermano?" You ask remembering about hearing his name. (Where's my brother?).
"En portofino, lo llamé porque el hospital por protocolo lo debe llamar al ser tu contacto de emergencia." (In Portofino, I called him because the hospital did it).
You slowly nodded. Your eyes are open now, but you are still feeling a deep pain.
"No entiendo que paso, estabas bien al salir del evento." Elena was playing the whole event and day with you, trying to find an answer for your pass out. "Tal vez se te bajo el azúcar, esta horrible el calor afuera." (I don't know what happened. You were fine at the event. Maybe your sugar went low. It's pretty hot outside.)
Lucky for you, a doctor walked into the room, making her stop.
"Hi ladies, how are we feeling."
"How do you think?" Elena says and points at you.
"Well, I think that apart from the head, which you don't have any contusion, everything seems fine."
"But, this is not fine." Elena talks again, making the doctor laugh.
"Relax, please." He patts her shoulder. "Her iron went low. It's completely normal, with the weather being hell hot, it's nothing to worry about, I promise."
She nods, smiling shyly.
"And even better news for you miss." He's not talking to you. "You're very healthy, it's good. Let me call a nurse to make sure your little one is also fine."
Your head snaps up very fast. "What did you just say?"
"Oh, don't worry, it's a routine thing, we have to make sure mommy and baby are both fine before letting you leave."
You felt like passing out again. "Mommy and baby? You must have the wrong room, I'm not expecting." You're sitting now, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of your headache. "Elena, please tell him."
Elena is as shaken as you're. Being speechless was not a thing in her books, always having something to say at the right time.
"I" she tried but nothing is coming.
"Oh, okay. My bad, " the doctor began seeing your shock. "I didn't meant for you to find out like that, I'm sorry. I'll call the nurse and we can check."
"No!" You snapped. "You need to do another test or whatever I'm not pregnant, I can't be."
The air was reducing around you, feeling a pressure on your chest.
"Wow, no, ma'am, please, let's breathe slowly, I didn't mean for this, sorry." The poor doctor is now in alert mode.
"You, friend, please go out and call a nurse."
Elena does as she's told and goes out of the room.
"No, por favor," you're hyperventilating. "The tests are wrong. Run them again."
The doctor tries everything to calm you down, working a little bit.
Elena and a nurse enter the room. The woman has a machine with her.
"Venga, respira profundamente." Elena is calming you down now. The doctor focuses his attention on the machine.
"Can you open your dress for us, love?" The lovely nurse says. "Just a little on your tummy area will be fine."
Elena helps you with that. Thank goodness your dress was a corset type, and you could undone it upfront.
You calmed a little, the crying stopped, but your breathing still irregular.
"This is going to be cold, okay?" You nod at her words. "Okay, let's see here."
The gel was indeed cold, nothing too crazy for you to handle.
She's pressing the ultrasound thing on your stomach. Yours and Elena's eyes are fixed on the little screen.
"Here it is." She points. "Here's baby."
She's smiling, but you're not, mind blank.
"What about?" Elena starts, out of breath. "What about the heartbeat? Can we hear it?"
Pressing a button was enough for you to hear the little boom boom.
Your eyes water, you let yourself fall onto the hospital bed.
"Stop it." You cry. "Make it stop, please."
"Amiga" Elena tries but you're not having it.
"No, Elena! Stop it, please."
The nurse and doctor look at each other, and she cleans the gel off of you.
"Él tenía que estar aquí, conmigo." You can't stop your tears. "Yo no tendría porque estar sola, se suponia que ambos íbamos a enterarnos juntos, ambos íbamos a planear la sorpresa a los demás, ambos íbamos a hacerlo juntos" (He was supposed to be here with me, I'm not supposed to be here alone, we were supposed to find out together, we were going to plain the announcement, we were doing all of this together).
Elena's eyes are teary. She knows what you mean. She knows your pain.
"Me quiero ir, sácame de acá" (I want to go, take me out of here).
"Can we go?" Elena ask the nurse, who's at this point kind of scared to even talk.
The doctor gives her some indications for you to follow as well as a recipe for prenatal vitamins. Indicating her how to take them.
They both left, saying goodbye to you.
After calming down a little, still very shaken with the news.
Elena helps you as you make your way out of the hospital.
The silence was uncomfortable. You didn't know what to say, and she didn't want to trigger your cries again.
The only thing in your mind is him and all the what ifs.
"Vas a decirle?" Elena broke the silence. (You're telling him?).
You didn't even know your next step, afraid of everything. You only responded by moving your shoulders.
"Sabes que estoy aquí para ti, verdad?" (You know I'm here for you, right?).
You only nod. Just wishing you could wake up for this nightmare.
Lucky you, the driver pull up to the hotel. You exit the car as fast as possible, ignoring Elena calling your name.
You run to the elevator, not waiting for her, just wanting to dissappear on your room. Thankfully, you and Elena had separate rooms.
You slammed the door as you entered, throwing yourself in bed.
After a good hour or so without moving, just existing in bed, you grabbed your phone. Making the mistake of opening Twitter.
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You stared at the screen, feeling empty.
Two months.
In two months he replaced you.
After all the "you're irreplaceable."
After four years.
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August 2026
"Venga, que parece que cada que te veo estas más grande." Paulo and you are sitting on his couch, his hand on your belly. (C'mon, it looks like every time I see you, you're bigger).
"Paulo," you laugh. "Eso es porque cada vez va creciendo más. Duh." (That's because it's growing constantly).
He laughs as well.
Paulo got so excited when you told him the news.
He loves kids. He's the type of guy who you'll fall in love with just looking at him with a kid.
"El big boy esta cada vez más grande, eso me encanta." (Big boy is getting bigger by the day, I love it.)
"Big boy," you repeat, laughing. "Mami dice que no le gusta que le digas así." (Mom said she doesn't like it when you call him like that).
"A mi me gusta decirle así." (I like calling him that). You caress your belly. "Big boy."
You were thankful for all the support your family gives you.
They didn't judge you or repremend you when you told them the news. Your parents were excited, taking the first flight to Portofino, your brother cried, he was happy to be an uncle.
They even supported your decision of not telling Pedro about the pregnancy.
After the picture of him and that girl, you decided that if he had already moved on with his life, that was okay, but you were moving too, without him.
You blocked all the people from Tenerife and cut ties with all his friends from Barcelona. You even blocked his family from everything. Your brother did the same in support.
Your parents weren't posting or mentioning anything about your baby, not wanting to mention something to the wrong person, and have Pedro and his family find out.
"Te gusta esta foto?" Me la tomé el otro día y Elena quiere que la suba." (Do you like this picture? I took it the other day, and Elena is nagging me to post it). You showed him the picture.
He nods and motivate you to post it too.
So you did.
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"Harás una sesión de fotos como mamá te sugirió?" (Are you doing a maternity photoshoot like mom asked you to?)
"No sé, creo que si." (I don't know, I think so).
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August 2026
"Dame una sonrisa, mami." The photographer says.
Elena, your mom and you were at Mike Peralta, a big photographer. You mom wanted the best of the best for your maternity shoot.
After a while, you're done with the photos, kind of tired. Being seven months pregnant was making you tired all day.
"Oh mi amor, estas fotos están preciosas," your mom says as Mike shows her the photos. (Oh baby, this pictures are adorable).
You change into the clothes you bring.
Elena, as well as your mother, loved your photos.
"Hola a todos." (Hello, everyone).
A very happy and excited Paulo enters the room with different drinks.
"Un chai latte para Lena, una americano para mamá, un té sin azúcar para Mike, un frappe caramelo para mi y un frappe matcha para ti y para mi big boy." (A chai latte for Lena, a Black Americano for mamá, a tea without sugar for Mike, a Caramel Frappe for me and a matcha frappe for you and big boy). He says, giving each person their drink.
When he gets to you, he kisses your belly as he hands you the drink.
"Paulo, amor mío, ven a ver las fotos." (Paulo, my love, come see the pictures). Your mom dragged him to the computer.
After your mom paid, not letting you do it, you all went back to the house you have in Portugal.
You were thankful for all the opportunities your parents gave you. They worked really hard for you and Paulo to have a nice future.
Something that always made you laugh was that Pedro's fan girls used to say you were a gold digger. Even when you grew up with more money than him.
Having that stability helped you get away from him. Not having to get back to Tenerife to do all the things you were doing.
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September 2026
"No puedo creer que este año tenga que ir sola a celebrar mi cumpleaños" (I can't believe that this year I have to celebrate my birthday alone). Elena says, after her birthday dinner, you were in Manchester, she wanted to celebrate there.
You were sad too, it was the first time in all your friendship you didn't celebrate together.
"Tomemos una foto, antes de que te vayas." (Let's take a picture before you leave).
"Estoy bien hinchada, le haces photoshop." (I'm so bloated, photoshop it).
You laugh extra hard.
"Lena, créeme que la única barriga que van a ver es la mía." (The only belly people will see is mine, trust me).
"Okay." She giggle as pose with you in front of the mirror.
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Elena left for her party.
She was going to a new club that her boyfriend owned.
She loved parties, and her boyfriend had the perfect places for her to party.
As the night went, she wanted to take some pictures with her whole group. But before anything, she was going to retouch her makeup.
Making her way to the bathroom, she hit someone. Making that person throw the drink in their hand.
"Omg, I'm so sorry." She turned at one table stealing their napkins.
Her eyes found that person eyes.
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prophetic-hijinks · 1 year
En muchas imágenes, has mostrado a Elena amamantando a sus bebes. Pero tengo curiosidad. ¿Entre Bruno y Elena con sus labores paternales? ¿Quién cambia los pañales? ¿Quién los saca de paseo?, quien los entretiene y quien le da de comer y quien los duerme?
Pardon for google translate:
Question: In many images, you have shown Elena breastfeeding her babies. But I'm curious. Between Bruno and Elena with their paternal work? Who changes the diapers? Who takes them for a walk?
Who entertains them and who feeds them and who sleeps them?
Diapers is mostly Bruno’s job while Elena is breastfeeding. I wrote a fic called “Perfecta” where Bruno would often be the one who changes diapers for all the Madrigal babies. One, because he was often up at night anyways. But also because it gave him opportunity to spend time with his sobrinos, without being under the critical gaze of Alma and the villagers. All the Madrigal children took to talking fast, and Bruno likes to think it’s because of his animated talking about Novella ideas during changes.
Los pañales son principalmente el trabajo de Bruno mientras Elena está amamantando. Escribí una ficción llamada "Perfecta" en la que Bruno a menudo era el que cambiaba los pañales. Uno, porque a menudo estaba despierto por la noche de todos modos, pero también porque le daba la oportunidad de pasar tiempo con sus sobrinos, sin estar bajo la mirada crítica de Alma y los aldeanos. Todos los niños madrileños se llevaron a hablar rápido, y a Bruno le gusta pensar que es debido a su animada charla sobre las ideas de Novella durante los cambios.
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The twins stay in Bruno and Elena’s room at night til they are one year old, so they can react fast when they cry. But it’s always Bruno who pops up first (Elena has trouble waking, meanwhile Bruno hasn’t known a solid nights sleep in his life). If it’s a diaper he almost always has it, if they are hungry we’ll that’s on Elena. But he does pop down to the kitchen and grabs a drink or snack for Elena to help give her energy while she feeds them
Los gemelos se quedan en la habitación de Bruno y Elena por la noche hasta que tienen un año, por lo que pueden reaccionar rápido cuando lloran. Pero siempre es Bruno quien aparece primero (Elena tiene problemas para despertarse, mientras que Bruno no ha conocido una buena noche de sueño en su vida). Si es un pañal, casi siempre lo tiene, si tienen hambre, eso está en Elena. Pero él baja a la cocina y toma una bebida o un bocadillo para Elena para ayudarla a darle energía mientras ella los alimenta
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They share the responsibilities for most things, but I believe Elena and Bruno are equal and active participants in their babies lives.
Comparten las responsabilidades de la mayoría de las cosas, pero creo que Elena y Bruno son participantes iguales y activos en la vida de sus bebés.
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