speaks-ny · 8 months
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Massachusetts at the Boston Massacre
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an-unraveling-unknown · 5 months
I've fallen down a rabbit hole of Gaelic deities and personifications and I am having so much fun its unreal
My favorite so far has been Lir (or Ler!), who is the personification of the sea - his name quite literally means 'Sea' in Old Irish and I have to respect a fellow who's straight to the point.
Something I found fun was that his son's name is Manannán mac Lir, which translates to "Son of the sea" and is that such a cool flex. Like 'Hey, I'm very obviously the son of the massive, powerful, terrifying body of water that makes up 97% of the Earth' THATS SO NEAT DUDE BUT IT IS NOTED THAT I SHOULD NEVER ANGER YOU EVER
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flarefoxxx · 3 months
You know, I always questions why the hell does any of the personifications ever have the urge to like take over the world? Like, what's stopping them and making sure they don't take over the human race?
I highly doubt they would ever listen to governors cause they are just mere humans. Or maybe it's the fact they represent a country, it could maybe have a bad effect?
But I would be down to read a fanfic when the states/countries just completely say fuck it, I'm gonna run the state, the way I want it.
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nat-of-personifs · 9 months
You like worldbuilding because it makes the setting feel figuratively more alive. I like worldbuilding because then I can make the setting literally alive (they are a person)
We are not the same
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Thinking about Ludwig/Malizia. He’s a slightly-neurotic F-50 neat freak! She’s a super-friendly IMOCA hippie girl who wears Birkenstocks in subantarctic seas! Are this multi and mono really… foiling in love?
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dantes-southeesimo · 3 months
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Viacom destroys the 1971 PBS Logo for the *** time except I’m destroying myself for making these every gosh darn year or so~
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“The comparative mythologists of the second half of the nineteenth century expended extraordinary energy and learning on the attempt to reduce, or , as they thought, elevate, the Greek gods to natural forces or phenomena: Zeus was the sky, Hermes the winds, Athena the rosy bloom of the sky before dawn, and so on. Early man worshipped nature, they thought, because the majesty of nature brought him closer than anything else to an experience of the absolute. We smile now at their efforts, and have done ever since L. R. Farnell observed that they reduced Greek mythology to "highly figurative conversation about the weather." But it is in fact the case that Greeks paid cult to such natural forces as rivers and winds, not heavily disguised as mythological deities but under their own names. . . .
Like the nymphs, major gods could be manifested through and as natural forces, though not as them alone. "Zeus rains", "the god rains", and "it rains" are interchangeable forms of expression, and Zeus both hurls and is the thunderbolt, "thundering Zeus", or "Zeus Thunderbolt" or "Zeus who comes down" (Zeus Kataibates) and many other such titles; As "the cloud-gatherer" he perches on the peak of most major mountains. The line between the god as the cause of a natural phenomenon and as the natural phenomenon itself is a fine one doubtless not worth agonizing over. Poseidon, strictly speaking, is perhaps the cause of storms at sea, not the storm itself, but, were there a single physical manifestation of the storm analogous to the lightning bolt, Poseidon would also be that; he also caused earthquakes. Other gods have a non-personal substratum of a different type: when the sophist Prodicus announced that Demeter was grain and Dionysus wine, he was only giving one-sided expression to general perception (but Demeter was also identified with earth, while several terms in common use for sexual intercourse derive directly from the name Aphrodite). On the other hand, the association of Apollo and Artemis with natural phenomena is secondary (if we disallow their early roles as senders of, respectively, plague and death in childbed), and Hermes, Athena, and Hera have none. The identifications of Apollo with the sun and Artemis with the moon that begin in the fifth century can be taken, at most, as indicating a potentiality inherent in the Greek conception of deity, a shape into which a god could be molded. Conversely, sun and moon received no significant worship in early Greece.
So much for the divine as manifested in the world of nature. But these physically based gods consorted cheerfully with others whom we would describe—it is, however, important that the description is ours, not theirs—as personifications of abstract qualities or ideas. Greek art and literature (starting with Hesiod’s Theogony) is full, not just of rivers and sea nymphs and so on, but also of groups such as Graces and Seasons and Destinies and individuals such as Love (Eros), Persuasion, Fair Fame, Peace, Strife, Fear, Blind Madness, Rumor, and many others. Substantial numbers of these figures acquired some role in cult, if usually in a small way, and though positive (Health, Peace, Concord) or neutral (Persuasion) qualities were normally chosen, the admiral of Philip V who established altars to Impiety and Lawlessness wherever he landed was working within the idiom; the list of such cults that can be established for Sparta, apparently a special case, includes Death, Laughter, and Hunger. A few quotations may help to illuminate the world of thought. Hesiod writes that “no rumor ever perishes that many men speak; she too is a goddess”; Themistocles sought to extort money from the Andrians, backed by what he called “two great gods, Persuasion and Compulsion,” but was told that, since two useless gods never left their island, Poverty and Helplessness, they could not pay; while expressions such as “to recognize one’s friends is a god” or “[if you are moved by shame], you will achieve nothing: that goddess is ineffectual” are quite common in tragedy. All the forces that are powerful within human life are in a sense divine; in Wilamowitz’s famous formula, “god” is a predicate, a special power recognized in certain phenomena.
In cult, the personifications tend to be tucked in with major deities, Persuasion, for instance, with Aphrodite or Health with Asclepius or Virtue (Arete) with Heracles, just as in poetry and genealogy they are often born of a major god or appear in his or her train. They thus extend or clarify the scope of a major divine figure, in a way somewhat comparable to the cult epithet system; sometimes they become epithets, as in Athena Victory or Aphrodite Persuasion. But figures such as the Graces and Eros can stand on their own; they are indeed such familiar components of Greek cult that we tend to forget that they are abstractions no less than is, say, the goddess Democracy. And the cult of Nemesis at Rhamnus in Attica is a remarkable example of a major freestanding cult of an abstract quality, “Righteous Anger/Indignation”; Themis, “Divinely Sanctioned Order,” may have had similar prominence in Thessaly.”
 - On Greek Religion, by Robert Parker
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
This might come as an ignorant question, but were there any distinctions of the gods and the personifications of things? I'm aware gods are technically emboidements of such things, but for example, Gaia and Demeter, were they considered the same at some point? Or Apollo and the Sun maybe? Or were they always distinctive? Thanks for your time, the Wikipedia isn't helping me with this
This needs a long analysis but I will try to keep it short and hopefully, I will provide information to the best of my ability. I feel I know the answer but it is difficult to explain it because I've taken the difference for granted and never had to explain it to anyone.
No worries, it's normal for you to have this question because ancient personifications are often described as "gods" by foreigners today, and also you might be missing some context in the Hellenic tradition.
There is a difference between deities and concept personifications like Health, Wealth, Poverty, Nourishment, Wisdom, Zeal, Violence, Peace, etc. The gods are distinct and whole "persons" who have control over certain elements and domains, not embodiments. There were arguments even in ancient times about the gods being "persons" or just "energy" but most Hellenes - like the good ol Hellenes they are xD - preferred to see them as more "apt". But even as "energy" the gods weren't considered personifications.
Gods can be embodiments, but metaphorically (like Athena, signifying wisdom. Still, Wisdom can have a statue on her own as a personification). Other times the gods are also the means of element control because humans don't have this power and they ask the gods to intervene for them.
The personifications are not gods but, as a statement to society, their statues exist and were/are honored (I am talking about different Greek periods because even today we have them). For example in an ancient music school, there could be a statue of Music, who is a personification. The statue is there as a statement, and as a reminder to people to keep music in their hearts and acknowledge its importance. The concepts may also have a story of origin, but this doesn't exactly elevate them to the status of gods. It can elevate them to the "honorable entity worthy of sacrifices" status (like Nice), is my understanding.
My understanding is that personifications and deities were always distinctive, at least for Greece and the Near East. Sun and Earth are powerful entities on their own but during the times people believe in a pantheon, they are rarely invoked as if they are gods. (But often they are less powerful than gods and act only a little). If we go back to the early Bronze age, perhaps there weren't any gods and people only revered the elements such as the earth, the sun, the moon etc. But slowly we see the concept of deities develop, like the Earth/Mother/Fertility Goddess who is not the same as the Earth itself, but rather commands the earth/soil/fertility. The early version of Demeter could be just a goddess, not Earth itself. Her name literally means "Mother of the Earth/Soil". And the fact that she coexists with Gaia, Earth, means that one was developed to be something different than the other.
Some very important elements, such as the Earth, can be considered more potent than gods in the sense that they are innocent ever-present, and primordial, but they are more static in their actions and don't antagonize the gods (after the Titanomachy, that is). In the Hellenic tradition since the ancient years the mountains, sun, river, earth, and all things natural can be characters on their own and even fight against heroes, or speak their minds about a situation. They kind of belong in the divine sphere but they are more like expressions of the physical world, and still less prominent than the gods. In the recent Hellenic tradition, they are still lower than the saints, who have some dominion over the world's domains.
**There might be some things I haven't read or know so if someone has read about any ancient traditions and the reverence of certain personifications in a way that is not described here, please add to this post!
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am-i-an-elf · 10 months
Like a Fox
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Ever the one calling me the liar, 
Having the fox's tongue.
Rather than wondering why the lie
Popped out of my mouth first and foremost.
I was, after all, so young
And you'd still referred to me as a fox.
A liar like a fox.
I came to hate him for his existence within me,
Too young to understand the truth.
The truth that the fox's vicious lie 
Comprised only one facet of him.
But I, nevertheless, had dewy eyes when
I was gifted with those cute pink pyjamas.
And the fox stamp was plastered on my chests.
Are they referring to me as a fox?
A liar like a fox?
Still disliking him while my hormones grew,
Still in the sense my every word was a lie, if not vindicated.
Blinded by my defences, to comprehend the fox.
I would compose clever words, and he would assist me
Unbeknownst to me.
I was looking for my independence, to utilise my intelligence,
And the fox stood in the corner of my eye, watchful,
Eager to copy my moves.
Too late, I noticed that he wasn’t copying, he was mirroring.
Am I referring to myself as a fox?
A liar like a fox?
So, my mother perceived something within me, 
Something mirroring outwards.
She then questioned who he was, and I answered
He was a fox. I was a liar like a fox.
That's all I was ever told, whereas 
All I ever wanted was the eyes,
With pride and interest, pinned on my own being.
I have shown that in every impossible way, 
Yet all that was a lie.
They’d referred to me as a fox.
A liar like a fox.
How strange it was to see the smiling eyes in her
As she pointed out that an upside down six is a nine.
And vice-versa.
The way a fox thrives in the wild, agile and adaptable.
Ginger fur like fire, like the copper strands on my skull.
In the winter, they morph into white.
In the desert, they morph into sand.
The sharp tiny fangs,
Dangerous for enemies and tricky for friends.
She then added:
— And his curiosity? That's part of him.
And I gazed at her with open eyes, brain racing.
Every time they referred to me as a liar, it turned out to be a lie?
Not a liar like a fox?
Now, I am finally in peace with him, with the fox.
The truth is, the fox is me, and I'm the fox.
It’s just a part of me.
Let me not be branded by a singular aspect of a concept.
For we're not singular, we're multiples.
I am not a liar as a fox,
Just like a fox.
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elyaqim · 1 year
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Spring may need to fight harder, as it felt more like winter yesterday.
─────────── • Spring Pelting Away Winter, engraving after 1870 painting by P. H. Calderon, in “Treasure Houses of Art,” by Arthur Griffiths, The Magazine of Art, vol. 4, 1881, p. 269. (In the public domain.)
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mlemikburg · 8 months
Admin is polish 🇵🇱! I know, sometimes I am making some mistakes in English
My pronouns are she/her.
I like cats tho
About the oc part:
This is kinda an ask blog! You can ask me or my oc (almost) anything!
My ocs are personifications of the cities!
I am mostly making cities-oc from north Poland, especially the region that was Prussia back in the day. You will meet few Lithuanians, Germans and more too! So don't worry
I not really comfortable with "can you make personification of [place/city]?". Sorry!
But you can ask if I have a personification of [place/city]
You don't need to ask for permission if you want to draw my oc! I will be more than happy to see fanarts! But no pressure, really!!
BUT I'm not really looking forward to people using them in case of making money
Also, no nsfw please 🫡
If you ask me for proof of an info, I will find you that.
Characters pronouns will be added in every post!
I am not making ocs alone! I am doing it with friends! :D
More about etiquette etc.:
As I said before - no nsfw
No hate! And I will try to stay out of drama as much as I can!! You should do it too, I won't tolerate drama or hate on this account
I say "no" to all rasist, homophones etc.
I'm best at drawing and I know about it! I don't want criticism of my drawings, I want asks for my ocs or myself!
I will answer as fast as I can!
Do not spam in the askbox!
Characters have different ages!
I am trying to make this account somehow educational!
Also as I said characters have different nationalities. I won't make any political jokes here so you also shouldn't
Just behave, please. Otherwise I will ban you
(to polish people: Możecie też pisać po naszemu kurwa ten no)
More info:
I have insta too! With the same name!!
I'm still a noob in case of Tumblr.....
#Mlemikoc - oc Tag, used for posts with my ocs!
#Mleminfo - posts with info about the account!
#Mlemupdate - posts with updates about the account!
Last edit: 07.08.2023
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3inno · 1 year
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Meanwhile on the lesser blue hellsite...
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Does anyone have an update on this manga:
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It has been out since October 2021, I am just curious how it differs from Hetalia, Coutnryball, Satw, Olympic flags etc.
I know they are in an office like setting
Title is Geopolitics Boys
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nat-of-personifs · 6 months
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The Rulesverse ETNZ Trio meeting their evil twins from the Bad Timeline and Blair immediately realizing the other Blair is evil because… he introduces himself as Andrew.
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dukeofmercury · 2 years
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Project Pitchfork - I Live Your Dream (1999)
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