#peso ideale
💊 Vuoi perdere peso?
Non rimandare al prossimo lunedì comincia oggi!
👉 Passa in farmacia e approfitta del 2️⃣0️⃣% di sconto su 𝐗𝐋-𝐒 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞 𝟓, un dispositivo medico pensato appositamente per aiutarti a raggiungere il tuo peso ideale ed a perderene di più rispetto alla sola dieta; con 5 benefici in 1:
✅ Riduce il grasso pre-esistente
✅ Riduce i centimetri su fianchi e vita
✅ Perdita di peso progressiva
✅ Riduce l'indice di massa corporea
✅ Risultati dal 1° mese
Ti aspettiamo in farmacia!
Ps: Offerta valida per tutto il mese fino al 31 maggio
𝘍𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘢 𝘽𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙤
📍 Via Policastrelli 209 Milazzo (ME)
📞 Tel 090 9295029
📲 Whatsapp 353 325 1664
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Ser auténtica
¿Y qué, si yo no quiero ser la mujer perfecta?...
Si no me interesa agradar a los demás, si no lucho por ser la número uno en todo, y me conformo con un tres o cuatro.
¿Y qué, si mi cabello no es perfecto?
Si no tengo el peso ideal, o las mejores medidas .
Si no soy el estereotipo que todos buscan, o si hago dramas, y no puedo quedarme callada cuando algo no me parece.
Simplemente es lo que soy, no busco quedar bien con nadie, me amo tal cual y me siento feliz y orgullosa de todo este conjunto de defectos, que para algunos otros pueden ser virtudes, y que para mí, es ser auténtica.
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bakingmoomins · 9 months
being kinda snobbish about yarn is so hard bc everything is so expensive
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hola-insomnio · 2 years
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Mi lugar favorito soy yo con mi peso ideal<3
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marketingdemoraes · 4 months
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adribosch-fan · 9 months
Estos son los alimentos que no deberías consumir después de las 7:00 de la noche para mantener la salud y el peso ideal
La cena es una de las tres comidas del día, pero su consumo debe hacerse con alimentos ligeros Comer antes de irse a dormir no es saludable. De acuerdo con un estudio citado por la BBC, ingerir alimentos antes de irse a la cama puede generar trastornos que afectan la salud. La cena es una de las tres comidas del día, pero la hora en que se consume también es muy importante. Comer después de…
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sapybara · 2 years
sacamos la cuenta y para completar el album necesitas un mínimo de 20mil pesos <- caso ideal en donde cada paquete te traiga una figurita diferente.
Realisticamente hablando, para completar el album gastas entre 25 y 35mil pesos. Lo que dice mucho de nosotros como país.
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soleillady · 3 months
Explicando abreviações e nomes usados na comunidade de ED
Sei que muitas pessoas estão chegando aqui na comunidade, então apesar de existir vários posts como esse, eu decidi fazer mais um, assim pode ter mais alguma informação ou chegar em mais pessoas que estejam com dúvidas.
Vamos lá! ↓ 💖
ED: Eating Disorder (transtorno alimentar)
T.A.: transtorno alimentar
Ana: apelido para anorexia
Mia: apelido para bulimia
LF: significa LOW FOOD (pouca comida), pode ser usado para dizer que vai comer pouco no dia, semana etc.
NF: significa NO FOOD (sem comida), é um jejum, e cada um faz esse jejum por um tempo determinado por si mesmo ou por alguma dieta, mas façam NF com moderação, pq pode ser bem perigoso.
MI: significa META INICIAL, é a sua primeira meta, aquele peso que você sonha em chegar mas ainda não é o ideal, o meu é 52kg por exemplo. Você pode ter várias dessas antes da meta final.
MF: significa META FINAL, é a sua meta de peso, aquele peso ideal para você, por exemplo, a minha é 45kg.
PI: significa PESO INICIAL, é o seu peso de quando você entrou nesse mundo, o meu por exemplo era entre 50kg e 52kg. Mas caso você tenha entrado em recovery ou algo assim, você pode usar o peso inicial desse recomeço, o meu seria 54,90kg.
PA: significa PESO ATUAL, é literalmente o seu peso atual, e você vai atualizando ao longo do tempo quando você for perdendo (ou ganhando) peso. O meu por exemplo é 53,95kg
Omad: significa ONE MEAL A DAY (uma refeição por dia). É tipo uma dieta, você só come uma refeição no dia, pode ser em qualquer horário que eu saiba e você coloca o seu limite de calorias.
MEALSPO: é como se fosse uma refeição inspiradora, se vc jogar isso no pinterest vc vai encontrar pratos com comidas limpas ou algo 0kcal por exemplo.
MEANSPO: é aquilo que te incentiva a continuar lutando pelo sonho de ser magra mas que é agressivo, tipo uma pessoa mandando você fechar a boca pois está enorme etc.
THINSPO: é uma inspiração de corpo, cada pessoa tem uma ou várias, eu por exemplo tenho várias idols de Kpop como inspiração, sendo a Wonyoung do IVE a mais famosa.
Comer limpo: acho que talvez não tenham dúvidas sobre isso, mas significa você comer saudável, comer frutas, legumes e verduras. Comer sujo seria um fast food.
0kcal: significa ter 0 calorias. Os mais ingeridos são as bebidas, como os refrigerantes zero, chás, cafés, mas existem outras bebidas 0kcal também. A água é 0kcal também e faz SUPER bem.
Miar: vem de Mia (bulimia), e significa v0mit4r. Um dos sintomas da bulimia é se punir por ter comido.
Purgar: é a punição que alguns fazem após comer, pode ser v0mit4ndo, pode ser por aut0mutilação, pode ser por uso de laxantes ou diuréticos. Não sei se o termo Miar se encaixa em se punir, mas acho que é só para v0mit4r (me corrijam se estiver errado).
Intake: significa ingestão. É usado para se referir a quantidade de calorias que você consumiu durante o dia.
Recovery: é a recuperação de um transtornado, ele está tentando deixar de ser transtornado, normalmente com a ajuda de terapia, da família, amigos entre outros.
EDNOS: significa Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (traduzindo mais ou menos: tanstornos alimentares não especificados). É quando uma pessoa possivelmente tem um transtorno mas ele não se encaixa em só um, a pessoa pode ter características da anorexia e vigorexia juntas por exemplo.
Compulsão alimentar: é o ato de comer compulsivamente, comer até lixo se for possível, não confundam com 4 docinhos que vocês comeram depois do almoço sem querer, isso é descontrole. Compulsão é muito mais sério, por isso é um transtorno também.
Platô: conhecido como efeito platô, é quando o seu peso simplesmente fica parado, ele congela, você não ganha peso e não perde peso. Por exemplo, eu to presa nos 53kg 🥴. Uma salvação é fazer a dieta zig-zag.
Bônus: dieta zig-zag consiste em em comer quantidades variadas de calorias durante um tempo, até vc sair do efeito platô. Para saber mais vcs podem acessar o perfil do @lucca-strangee, ele explica tudo direitinho lá 💖
LEMBRETE: Não se comparem com outras pessoas, quase todo mundo aqui não é realmente diagnosticado, então não se sintam mal caso vocês não sejam super magros e super transtornados que nem fulano q é assim e é super focado. Viver assim é muito difícil, mas depois de um tempo vira rotina. Não é legal, mas a cabeça de quem passa por isso também não é legal. Eu por exemplo já não ligo mais, a vida nem faz sentido e eu n consigo controlar nada, mas o meu peso eu tenho que conseguir controlar. É importante lembrar que isso é uma doença e que existem vários transtornos, mas normalmente os principais são a anorexia, bulimia e compulsão alimentar. Aqui quase todo mundo trata como um diário, conta inclusive as partes ruins, então n ache q é maneiro viver assim, a gente sabe que é uma doença, mas querendo ou não, isso vira "tipo" um estilo de vida.
CURIOSIDADE: o termo "borboletana" mistura borboleta com Ana (anorexia). Ana pois é o transtorno, e borboleta pois é um símbolo famoso entres as pessoas da comunidade (antes você é a lagarta, ao longo do processo de emagrecer você vai para a etapa do casulo, e quando você finalmente chega na sua meta você se torna uma linda borboleta). É um termo antigo que eu nem sei se é usado ainda pq hoje em dia os outros transtornos são mais reconhecidos e ter T.A. não se resume mais em ser anoréxico.
Juntei várias dúvidas gerais e algumas que eu tinha. Espero ter ajudado, podem me corrigir caso haja algum erro. Força para nós e boa sorte pra quem chegou agora. Amo vocês 💖
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turismofmny · 2 years
Conseguir el peso ideal: 5 aciertos y 5 errores
Conseguir el peso ideal: 5 aciertos y 5 errores
EFE Ricardo Segura Ante todo “debemos concederle a nuestra alimentación la importancia que tiene, que es mucha, y ser conscientes de que no existen una dieta ni una rutina universal que valgan para todo el mundo”, señalan desde la clínica de adelgazamiento LEV. Hay que llevar una dieta equilibrada todo el año y no solo para la ‘operación bikini’ (adelgazar de forma rápida en los meses anteriores…
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nonuwhore · 4 months
em alto e bom som.
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contém: linguagem vulgar; masturbação (f) e fingering; menção a mordidas e masturbação masculina; menção muito rápida ao que pode ser interpretado como free use; wonwoo service top? talvez, eu gosto de imaginar ele assim.  nota da autora: aqui estou eu de novo, me repetindo sobre os mesmo tópicos com o wonwoo. não é à toa o nome desse blog, nunca se esqueçam disso. 
Você passou na frente da TV e um tapa foi desferido na sua bunda, sem dó, sem piedade, com a mão cheia.
“Wonwoo! Que isso?”, riu, segurando a planta no braço e a colocou no lugar de sempre, com fazia toda semana naquele mesmo horário depois de molhá-la. Ele te ofereceu um sorriso meio pervertido sem tirar os olhos da tela e segurando o controle do videogame novamente, apertando os botões com agilidade. “Você não tá no seu normal esses dias, né?”
  E quando você se referia ao normal do seu namorado, dizia sobre ele nunca demonstrar em excesso o quanto era atraído por você. Não que faltasse demonstrações, pelo contrário, Wonwoo era um amante apaixonado, sempre te deixando sem ar e desnorteada quando te beijava e principalmente fazendo você gozar quantas vezes sua baixíssima energia permitisse. Mas você era mais direta e frequente quando se trata de dizer o quanto o deseja, mordendo um pedacinho do pescoço quando tudo que ele tinha pedido era um abraço, dizendo as maiores baixarias no ouvido dele no meio de uma multidão ou se jogando no colo do seu namorado quando chegava em casa, desesperada pra abrir as calças dele e pronta para manifestar toda a saudade que sentiu. 
Essa era uma dinâmica que funcionava e que ambos curtiam. Você gostava de ser maluca por ele, e Wonwoo, na medida do que ele podia e conseguia, te retribuía. Só que você não podia negar que estava gostando desses novos hábitos. Você se sentia desejada e era bom, o jeito que ele te olhava agora enquanto subia a calcinha e colocava o sutiã depois do banho, satisfeito por ter sido que tirou e planejando para os próximos minutos tirar de novo.
Naquela noite, depois de um jantar divertido beirando ao sensual, enquanto ele beijava suas coxas na intenção de alcançar o que elas escondiam, você achou que era importante que ele soubesse disso.
“Gosto quando você me trata assim.”
“Assim como?”, perguntou, mordendo sua pele e em seguida tirando os óculos do rosto, pousando delicadamente na mesa de cabeceira.
“Como se tivesse morrendo de tesão”, respondeu, segurando um gemido enquanto o via tirar o suéter perfumado que te fez sonhar acordada a noite toda.
“Mas eu tô”, brincou, te puxando pra mais próximo da beira da cama pelo tornozelo com um esforço negativo e você riu, animadíssima.
“Eu sei que você sente tesão por mim, dá pra ver”, apontou despretensiosamente pro volume dentro da calça que ele desabotoava, “mas é legal quando você perde um pouco essa sua pose e age como um homem normal com tesão, de um jeito meio… pervertido?”, pensou em voz alta, não achando naquele momento a palavra ideal.
Wonwoo separou delicadamente suas pernas e se posicionou entre elas, os braços apoiando o peso do corpo e o cabelo do topo da cabeça que crescia como grama, tocando sua testa, macio.
“Gosta mesmo?”, perguntou com a voz baixa e você assentiu, presa no olhar dele, no cheiro e a atmosfera que se estabelecia sempre que vocês estavam assim. “Você quer que eu diga mais quanto eu te desejo?”, e beijou diversos pontos do seu pescoço, respirando pesado, esperando sua resposta que veio em formato de gemido estremecido. “Quer que eu diga tudo?” 
“Sim… Por favor”, seu coração batia rápido, ansiosa pelo que ele estava preparando pra você.
“Abre a boca pra mim, amor”, e quando você permitiu, dois dedos longos inspecionaram a cavidade e seus lábios automaticamente se fecharam em volta deles quando você reparou no olhar perdido de Wonwoo pelo contato com a sua língua quente e úmida, a respiração descompassada e todas as coisas que podiam estar acontecendo com você na imaginação dele.
A língua do seu namorado tomou o lugar dos dedos dentro da sua boca, e esses se encaminharam para o centro das suas pernas. Você gemeu e vibrou contra os lábios dele quando sentiu as digitais quentes e úmidas adentrando seu centro e Wonwoo deixou de te beijar para te assistir gemer. 
“Sabia que eu tenho sonhos eróticos com você?”, a informação te pegou desprevenida e seus olhos se abriram automaticamente, se fechando de novo quando os dedos se curvaram, abrindo espaço, em movimentos fundos e dolorosamente lentos. “Já tive vários, inclusive. Mas na última semana eu tive todos os dias, sem falta. E a coisa que eu mais lembro deles é sua voz, assim, toda manhosa, todinha pra mim”, você gemeu mais alto, em resposta, mas também afetada pelo quanto a voz dele era grave e arranhava sua pele por dentro. 
Você tentou enrolar suas pernas na dele, em busca de mais, mais de algo que não sabia o que era, porque Wonwoo já estava literalmente dentro de você, mas algo inconsciente te conduzia. Chamou pelo nome dele em súplica, do jeito que ele queria, você imaginava, e ele chiou de volta, como se entendesse perfeitamente algo que nem você sabia com certeza.
“Esse é o tanto que eu te desejo. Não consigo parar de te desejar nem quanto tô dormindo”, os dentes arranharam seu pescoço e uma das suas pernas foi empurrada para o lado, dando o espaço que ele precisava para retirar os dedos de você e massagear com o dedão o ponto mais sensível, com uma pressão equilibrada, bagunçando ainda mais os líquidos que escorriam de dentro de você. 
Suas unhas se cravaram no braço dele, deixando alguns arranhões que você sabia que seu namorado gostava de ostentar, e deitando ao seu lados, Wonwoo te puxou de costas, te encaixando no colo dele e continuando o mesmo carinho. “Você é tão gostosa e eu tô pronto pra te dizer isso com mais frequência, mas eu também amo o jeito você sempre me diz, em voz alta, que eu posso fazer o que quiser com você. Só de pensar eu fico duro…”, a voz dele parecia um pouco sôfrega agora, segredando, como se estivesse com medo de ter que fazer uma troca.
“Hoje você tá quietinha, né?”, ele riu baixinho e por instinto mordeu a ponta da sua orelha, “tudo bem, hoje eu cuido de você”, e ele te observou segurar o braço com mais força, o corpo se contorceu parecido com um espasmo e ele sabia. “Pronto, pronto. Vai gozar, amor? Vai deixar eu sentir essa bucetinha piscar no meu dedo? Porra, você não sabe o quanto isso me deixa doido. Eu penso em você assim sempre que eu me toco e é tão bom… Não tão bom quanto você.”
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ghostlyferrettarot · 1 month
Hello guys! I'm Kat. I am tarot and astrology reader. I use my psychic abilities and knowledge in tarot and astrology to help you discover and get to know yourself. I am opening my paid services to help myself pay my university expenses as well as my studies supplies.
✨️Your reading will be sent in about 1-3 days and this will be either through email or Tumblr dm, you choose (in exception to the full natal chart reading that will be send through email or other way of your choice due to be a pdf file). All readings are in depth.To book a reading please send me a tumblr dm.✨️
🌟All payments are made through paypal, although im open to use other method if it's easier for you and im able to use it🌟
✨️If you are from Argentina the payments can be made through mercado pago✨️
💐Thank you in advance💐
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🔮Tarot readings:
If you want a personalized reading with topics and questions of your choice, you can DM me.
♣︎General tarot reading: 12$ or $3500 Arg pesos.
-Your current energy.
-How can you improve right now.
-Advice and guidance from your guides about a situation of your choice.
♣︎Channeled Messages from your person. 15$ or $4500 Arg pesos.
-What they want to tell you?
-What is their perception of you?
-How they feel about the situation
-Advice from your guides about the situation.
♣︎Your next 6 months: 15$ or $5000 Arg pesos.
-What's coming your way?
-How is your energy changing?
-Advice and guidance from your guides for the next months.
-2 questions of your choice.
♣︎Your life as a celebrity: 18$ or $5000 Arg pesos.
-What you would be famous for?
-How your day would look like?
-How your fans/admirors would be?
-How will the media view you? Would you have any scandals?
-How to step more into this energy?
♣︎ What's next in love?: 18$ or 5500 Arg pesos.
-Who is this person?
-What are their intentions?
-Their first impresion of you.
-Personal characteristics and hobbies of this person.
-Advice from your guides.
♣︎Your soulmate: 20$ or $7000 Arg pesos.
-How your connection will be.
-How they see you.
-Their intentions towards you.
-Physical characteristics and hobbies.
-Their overall energy.
-Their love language.
-Advice from your guides.
♣︎Advice from your guides: 8$ or $2000
-Three questions of your choice about a situation and the advice from your guides about this.
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🌌Natal Chart readings:
★You big 3: 8$ or $2000 Arg pesos.
-Your big 3 reading (Sun, moon, risining) as well as the houses they are in.
★Personal placements (Sun, moon, mercury, Venus, Mars and rising): 10$ or $3500 arg pesos.
-Personal planets as well as the houses they are in.
★Full natal chart reading: 25$ or $8000 Arg pesos.
-All planets as well as the houses they are in.
-Houses and the signs they are in.
-Rising sign, Midheaven, Lilith, Chiron and fortune.
-Aspects of your natal chart.
(This will be an in depth pdf document that you will be able to read when you want; i would also include pictures and advice that can help you understand your chart better, for example pictures of how to dress according to your venus when we get into the venus part, ideal jobs for your midheaven, etc.)
💐Thanks for taking your time reading and i hope i we can work together! Have a nice day💐
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crayingcalss · 2 months
quiero amigas para hacer ayunos y ayudarnos a llegar a nuestro peso ideal
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
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↳ summary: a bad day at work drives you to drink. When a stranger offers to be your drinking partner for the night, you realise that he’s the solution to your problems.
↳ pairing: javier peña x f!reader
↳ [6.7k words] content: 18+ MDNI. Alcohol, diabolical attempts at flirting. Fingering, oral ( m & f receiving ), p in v sex, twist at the end! This is a @beskarbabs remaster — original post date 2021.
javi masterlist I| main masterlist |I join the taglist here
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Cigarette smoke and aged whiskey assault your nostrils, the acrid scents singeing the inside of your nose the moment you walk through the doorway and step into the bar. Your aching muscles buzz at the microdose of nicotine, driving you forward despite the exhaustion that desperately tries to pull your throbbing body back to your apartment and the comfort of your bed.
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Peering inside, you find the older patrons at the counter smoking cigars while engaged in small talk that you can’t discern from this far away. The smouldering ends pinched between their fingers add to the already significant, smoky haze that blurs the ceiling above your head. Neon lights douse the foggy air with a crimson overlay, and classic Spanish guitar music plays quietly from the radio in the corner of the room. Public houses in the middle of Medellín were busy most nights, but this was a Monday evening, and most of the sticky tabletops were vacant. Desperate to unwind after the taxing work, you resign yourself to the smell of tobacco.
As you reach the bar, you pull your coin purse from your pocket and pinch the zipper between your thumb and forefinger. You can’t help glancing at it as though it may explode in your face. You’re almost out of money; the account is running on empty. Considering you are yet to make a significant breakthrough for your boss and the mission he levied on you, you couldn’t exactly act shocked. You only get money when you provide what he requests. Sure, it probably broke every trading law in the book, but that was the ‘contract’ you’d signed.
You settle onto a stool separate from the rest of the customers and mumble your request to the bartender for a shot of tequila. Sliding over the exact amount of pesos needed to cover the drink over the tacky countertop covered in alcoholic liquid and cigarette burns, you let out a shaky sigh. You couldn't be giving away any tips with how little money you had. In reality, you shouldn't have even walked through the door, but you were desperate to unwind, even just for a little while. It wasn’t ideal, but you could always turn off the television for a week to prevent the electricity bill from racking up more than you could afford – those telenovelas were shit anyway.
Tapping at the surface of the serving area with your nails, you wait impatiently on the drink. You can’t even recall the last time events at work drove you to drink; you usually excelled at meeting your boss's demands. Business had been turbulent recently, the constant violence that plagued the streets of Medellín causing significant strain in your line of work. You rub at your temples with the pads of your thumbs in exasperation as you feel the irritation begin to mount again, nipping uncomfortably at the edges of your mind in the form of a headache.
"You look like shit," the barman points out honestly, and the laugh you return is bitter. If anyone else had ‘blessed’ you with such a compliment, you’d be throwing the tequila into their eyes– but it was too fucking expensive to pass up, and you knew Jose well. He speaks the truth, ugly as it is. You'd been coming to this bar since you moved to Medellín, and you’d never entered the doors as anguished as you are now. He passes over the shot of tequila, and you thank him tacitly with a nod.
"I do," you admit with a sigh of indignation, continuing to tap your nail on the cool, smooth side of the shot glass.
"Lover? Family? Work?" Jose probes, watching you as he polishes a pint glass with a microfibre cloth. You shrug awkwardly, considering just how much you could safely indulge him.
"Work, but it's not that important," you dismiss with a wave of your hand, and he thankfully takes the hint, nodding and walking to serve the older men at the end of the bar attempting to wave him over.
You pick up your shot glass and knock it back with a wince, mildly enjoying the burn in the back of your throat. It adds to the warmth on your skin, the humid summer air having already dampened your brow with sweat. Leaning into the comfort of it, you take a moment to appreciate the taste and the immediate ease of the work pressure that had been silently crushing you.
Tracing the rim of the empty shot glass with your fingertip as you wait for Jose to finish serving the elderly gentlemen, you consider ordering a refill. You don’t plan on getting drunk, but you hope to relax a little. Recently, you’d spent so many evenings staring up at the ceiling while silently bargaining with the plasterboard to let you sleep. The dark circles taking root under your eyes are mildly concerning. Eventually, you decide on just enough to drink to get you tipsy enough to fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow in your apartment.
"Need another, Hermosa?" A gravelly voice speaks up over your shoulder. Twisting in the stool, you take a glimpse back at the person who spoke—a handsome man dressed in a red button-down shirt and tight-fitted denim jeans that look as though they went out of fashion a decade ago and yet look delicious strapped across his thighs. He has yellow-tinted aviators tucked into the collar of his button-down, which you observe is unbuttoned far enough that it exposes more of his bronze-tanned skin and flashes his collarbone.
"I do, actually," you hum with a smile, taking him in. He’s easy on the eyes, and you aren't exactly about to turn down a free drink, so you decided to play along with his game. You playfully gaze into those wandering eyes through your lashes, and his sultry lips pull up into a smirk.
The handsome stranger clicks his fingers with self-assured arrogance, grabbing the attention of the barman, Jose, almost instantly. His American accent, laced with a southern twang, slips seamlessly into Spanish, ordering you another tequila shot and himself a glass of whiskey as he settles down on the stool beside you. All the while, his eyes remain rooted to you, taking in the curves and plains of your body. The hubris this man gives off is excessive, and yet it suits him well. It is clear to you he knew how attractive he was, and how to use it to his advantage.
"That's very kind of you, sir," you thank him politely, turning in your stool to face him. He arches his eyebrow a little at that, lips tugging his smile wider. The honorifics seemed to please him.
"Well, I couldn't help but notice you were all alone," he drags his eyes over the length of your body, clearly enjoying drinking in the view, "So I thought I'd join you. You were staring into oblivion looking as though you were waiting for Prince Charming to save you from a miserable day."
"Oh, are you saying you are my Prince Charming?" You quiz with an arched eyebrow, keeping up with his teasing. You rest your chin on the balls of your palm and balance your elbow on the countertop. A sparkle dances in the warmth of his irises, amused by your ability to match his flirtatious taunts.
"Why don't you wait and see?" He keeps his eyes on yours, and his voice drops to a thrilling, gruff tone that sparks excitement down your spine. He’s bold and brazen, and you find yourself already warming to this stranger’s charms. He turns back to the counter, breaking the spell momentarily as Jose approaches with your drinks.
While he speaks to the bartender and thanks him for his service, you mindlessly drop your gaze to his hand and spot something that piques your interest. When he pulls out his leather-bound wallet to pay, you note his identification cards, driver's licence, bank card and recognise the flash of a silver badge too. Etched into the shape of a shield, the badge very clearly states in bold, midnight blue writing that the dashing stranger beside you belonged to the DEA—a Drug Enforcement Officer. You sit back slightly on your stool, observing the man as he hands over a few pesos notes and pushes your drink over the counter to you.
"Cheers, Hermosa," he nods to you, taking up his whiskey and holding it aloft for you to tap your glass against. You waste no time picking up the shot and clinking glasses before knocking back your drink with a grimace. It burns your tongue and heats your stomach lining. He sips at his, swirling the amber liquid around the crystal glass slowly as he takes in the view of your body again.
You purse your lips, glancing around the room for a second to act indifferent, despite the fact you are now very much interested in this stranger. "So, what is the name of my Prince Charming?" You urge him to talk about himself. He smirks at your questioning, undeniably assuming this meant he’d hooked you in this ‘pick-up game’.
"Javier," he answers, sipping his whiskey again as you repeat it back to him with a hum. You trace the rim of your shot glass with your fingertip absentmindedly. The man before you had captured your attention enough for you to escape boredom for just a little while at least. It could get interesting from here on.
"Prince Javier works for the DEA too?" You ask with a knowing smirk. He pauses, glancing at the wallet in his palm. “I didn’t realise they hired royalty.”
"You're observant," Javier says cautiously, his voice suddenly guarded as he places his wallet back into the pocket of his jeans. You shrug, keeping the light and flirty atmosphere between you as Javier rests his forearm on the countertop, still holding his glass of whiskey.
"I have to be. Can't be too careful when a random man is buying me a drink," you point out, indicating you felt safe around him now you knew his occupation.
"But I'm not just a random man, Hermosa. I'm Prince Charming," He winks at you, but also finds himself grimacing at the clunky attempt at flirtatious raillery. It triggers a giggle through you, shaking your head as you twist the shot glass over the countertop with a grin.
"So you keep saying. Why don't you prove it by sticking around and having a few more drinks with me?" You ask in a coy tone while slowly inching forward and tracing shapes on the back of his palm with the tip of your index finger, the pad wet with remnants of your tequila shot that coated the rim of the glass. His eyes flit between your touch to the curve of your lips as a cheeky smile stretches across his mouth.
"Only if you let me buy you another drink," he raises his eyebrows.
"I like the sound of that, Javier."
The hours fly by, and the hands on the clock on the wall complete two rotations by the time you notice. Javier had moved his stool closer to yours and ramped up the flirting the more he drank. You’d both bounced off each other, conversations about family and interests flowing smoother than the alcohol between you. It’s way past one o'clock in the morning, yet neither of you seemed to tire, invigorated by each other's presence.
You had told him about your funniest stories, and he, in turn, spun you a tale from when he was back in Texas as a teenager, leaving his high school sweetheart at the altar to fight the narcotics epidemic in Columbia— You hang onto his every word, clasping his palm in your own.
At this stage, the two of you had been through quite a few glasses of tequila and whiskey, and while Javier is clearly feeling the effects of his drinks, you maintain a constant tipsiness. You had been pacing yourself, not wanting to look a fool in front of such a handsome man.
Despite his intoxication, Javier was still charming and had been showering you with so many compliments that you had lost count. During the shared drinks and life stories, the two of you had settled on the nickname Princesa despite you giving him your name, given he insisted upon making himself out to be ‘Prince Charming’. It was cringe, but the two of you found the funny side in your drunken states.
"Mhm, Javi- I like your dress shirt," you muse, reaching over to smooth the collar. Your fingertips trace the tanned skin just beyond the fabric, noting the heat that rolls from him.
"You do?" He watches you closely, taking a drag from a cigarette he had lit a few minutes ago. He claimed it was because he was craving the nicotine, but you hadn’t failed to notice how his jeans looked a whole lot tighter.
It was subtle at first. You hadn't been able to stop yourself, moving your hand to his bicep as you laughed, with Javier returning your touches by stroking his hand up and down your thigh while you converse. It had been give and take, teasing touches and lingering gazes adding to the sexually charged atmosphere between you. The circles he thumbed across your knee had settled butterflies in the pit of your stomach, the hungry eye he’d aimed at you heating your cheeks.
"I do. It suits you," you trace your hand down the front of his shirt and across his sternum as you look up at Javier through your lashes. His pupils blow wide, swallowing the warm brown of his irises and watching you hungrily as you circle the buttons of his shirt with your fingertips. You knew that you were driving him crazy; he’d been giving you this look for hours— like he'd been ready to throw you over his shoulder and carry you out of there around an hour ago.
His hand drags up your thigh slowly, settling on the hip of your skirt as he pulls you to the edge of your stool. It tears a gasp of surprise when your noses bump. He makes no effort to remove himself from your personal space, and you can smell the whisky on his breath. It’s strong, the heavy, woody scent swimming in your mind as you sink your teeth into your lower lip.
He groans softly.
"Princesa, this bar is closing soon. Would you like to come back to my apartment?" He says it so casually, as though he isn't implying anything at all. Like he was just asking you back for another drink, his body, however, betrays the unceremonious offer. His eyes are hungry, and his hand squeezes at your hip, underlining the question and almost leaving you light-headed.
"I'd like that," you whisper, gazing back into his brown eyes, your own heavy-lidded with want. He smirks and gets so close, *so close* that you swear he’s going to kiss you until he’s patting at your hip before standing. He thanks the bartender, leaving you light-headed and giving a small wave before Javi practically drags you to the door. The red lighting in the bar bleeds into the street, the dark of the outside punctuated by the yellowish glow of the sparse street lamps.
"I assume you don't live very far away?" You ask quietly as he walks alongside you. He shakes his head and gives a small smile.
"No. I only live around the corner, actually."
Well, that was convenient.
You both walk in relative silence after that, taking in the quiet street and the sounds of the city in the background. Loud drunkards stumble out of the closing bars as the owners begin to throw them out, and there’s the distant sound of cars driving on the main roads.
Distracted by the ‘music’ of Medellin, you felt the back of Javier’s hands brush your knuckles gently, skimming the skin in a feather-light touch. It’s such an innocent connection, and yet the touch sparks heat in between your legs and lights up your spine. You don’t even need to look up at him to see if he feels the same way; the excitement crackles thickly in the slither of distance between your bodies.
You both walk into the apartment's hallway, walking to one of the doors on the first floor, directly opposite the entry door. Room number 3. It's a pleasant apartment complex, unremarkable, clean and quiet, with stairs leading to other floors.
Finally, Javier pulls his keys out of his jeans pocket, and he looks at you. Those fucking eyes drag over your body again, unashamed in how they drink you in and savour the view. You watch, anxious with anticipation and chewing on your lip, as he slips the key into the lock. The click echoes in the small hallway.
The nerves begin to kick in a little now, and you start shifting your weight from one foot onto the other as you wait impatiently. Javi looks at you with such an intense hunger that you feel the warmth pooling deep down in your abdomen. It feels as though he’s sparking your nerves set alight, blooming across your skin that was begging for his touch. You’re sure you’re sweating, a soft sheen clinging the fabric of your clothes to your body.
He takes his time as he steps towards you, and you try to steady your breath as he closes the space between the two of you with ease. Tingles of excitement tickle your skin as he takes you by the hip, his large palm swallowing your side and anchoring you against his chest gently. He backs you against the door, which he hasn't yet opened.
The hand on the curve of your pelvis is dangerously slow as it skims your body, trailing his fingertips from your hip across your waist and tracing the edge of your breast until it settles, cupping the side of your neck gently. Javier’s thumb brushes your throat delicately as he stares fixedly into your eyes.
"Javi," you whimper, breathing shallowly as you watch him touch you delicately.
"You're such a tease, Princesa. Kept touching me, kept giving me these looks like you wanted me to bend you over the counter right there in that bar," his voice is gruff, and you feel yourself throb at his filthy words. You’re beginning to think you wouldn't have complained if he had; grasping the edge of the countertop, wailing as he took you from behind in front of the patrons and claimed you for himsel-
Javier uses his gentle grip on your throat to pull you impossibly closer, so your nose brushes with his. Once again, you can smell the whiskey on his breath, but also the scent of what you assumed was his aftershave. It was citrusy and mixed with the smell of the cigarettes he had been smoking in the bar. You wanted so desperately to kiss at his neck and take in that scent deeper, drag the tip of your nose against his jugular and sink your teeth in.
"Is this okay?" He asks under his breath, wanting to be sure this is what you wanted. Before your mind even has the time to process the query through the haze of citrus fruit and cigarette smoke, you’re nodding your head with a soft whimper. Tilting your head up to chase his mouth, you gaze into his eyes in a desperate, silent plea. He takes in your expression for just a moment, relishing the evident arousal he draws from you and then smirks, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours in a soft brush of a kiss.
Javier controls the kiss, still clasping your throat gently as he keeps the kiss soft. His moustache brushes your skin slightly, and yet you don't mind it; you're too lost in his touch to care. His tongue slips into your mouth, tracing over your own and taking in your taste as he leans you back while fumbling for the door knob to open the door into the hallway. You're both stumbling in the darkness, with Javi blindly feeling against the wall to turn on the lights. You pull him closer by the collar of his red button-down, his aviator glasses clattering to the floor and skidding beneath some of the furniture. He groans, tugging on your lower lip with his teeth and guiding you towards the bedroom.
The kiss is rough now, all teeth and tongue as you move your fingers on one hand into his hair, the other gripping the open collar of his shirt. He nudges the door open with his shoulder with practised ease, not once breaking away from the kiss in the process. He edges you towards the bed, carefully helping you lay down when the backs of your knees hit the mattress. Javi climbs over you with a soft groan of praise at the sight of you beneath him, the sound making your body almost vibrate with need.
"You're such a minx. Could barely keep it together this long," he growls in your ear, spreading your thighs with his palms and slotting his hips between them. His lips trace against your neck, kissing gently over your throat.
"Fuck, Javi, "you breathe out, a crack of white-hot pleasure running down your spine as he wastes no time in sucking marks onto your neck that you are sure will be a violent purple tomorrow. Already your body craves him, arching against the mattress to chase more of his touch, to pull him impossibly closer.
Javier’s hand shifts further, slipping beneath your skirt and brushing his thumb across your soaked lace underwear. The pad presses against your swollen clit, and he chuckles as your body jolts in shock at the sudden stimulation. Javi anchors his free hand to your pelvis to push your hips down, keeping you exactly where he wants you.
"You're so wet, Hermosa. Your panties are soaked," he whispers as your hips grind into his palm, desperate for more friction. The burning need in your abdomen has you babbling, begging to be filled. You’re not even sure that you’re making any sense any more; the only words spilling from your lips are a pathetic mixture of ‘Javi’ and ‘please’ and curses all strung together.
"Do you want to get off on my fingers? Is that what you want?" He rasps, rubbing tight little circles through the fabric that makes you choke out a needy, sinful little whine. It’s like you can’t suck in enough air to your lungs, toes curling at the build-up of pleasure in your core. Fuck yes, that's what you wanted, but you found yourself utterly inept at trying to form words while he teased your clit like this, slowly and teasingly circling it with the pad of his calloused fingers. He's dragging out wails of bliss from your shuddering chest with each brush of the bundle of nerves.
"Please, Javi, plea-" you're cut off, eyes rolling back into your skull as your panties are pushed to the side, and his finger slowly slides into you. You feel every individual ridge of each knuckle as it stretches you, adding a bite of dull pain to the tingling pleasure burning through your cunt. Javier watches your expression as your mouth falls open, brows knitting together. Your hands reach up, gripping at his red button-down as he begins to move his fingers in and out of you slowly.
It's like your brain short-circuits. He seems to know every part of your body that makes you feel good, not once missing those pleasure points that make your toes curl with each gentle thrust of his fingers. Your hips are again rising off the bed, legs spreading wider, desperate to take him deeper. Javi waits until you're clenching around his digits before he pulls them out despite your pine of protest. He's teasing you, repeatedly giving you hardly any time to enjoy the full feeling and then pulling his fingers out again, leaving you begging for more.
"Javi!" You beg, breaking off into a sob. You need his touch so badly, the pulsing ache between your legs almost painful. He ignores your pleas, hooking his fingers unto the waistband of your underwear and sliding them down your thighs achingly slowly. He tosses them somewhere on the other side of the room and hikes your skirt up to your hips, too impatient to battle with the zip to rid you of it entirely. Subconsciously, you lean into his kisses, fingers making quick work of his button-down and sliding it slowly off of his shoulders and down his arms to reveal his carved biceps and a white undershirt. He pulls back and yanks this over his head, discarding it in the same general direction he had thrown your lace. Even in the dimly lit bedroom, you can still make out the delicious expanse of tanned skin on his chest and toned stomach. Before you have the chance to taste it, craving to leave kisses across his sternum, his head is trailing down your body. He's mouthing at your thighs, gripping your hips to hold them in place as you sit up on your forearms to watch him.
"Or do you want to get off on my tongue?" He murmurs, the lewd sound that escapes your throat in answer louder than you expect it to be. Javier clutches your thighs, pulling your legs over his shoulders and causing your breath to hitch in your throat with anticipation.
Then his nose brushes over your clit, followed by the warmth of his tongue dragging a stripe over the length of your cunt and eliciting a soft moan from you. Despite your best efforts to restrain yourself, your fingers found themselves in his dark curls, pulling slightly to ground yourself as the tip of his tongue swiped over your clit. He moans at your taste, causing a familiar, buzzing sensation that has you clenching around nothing. Fuck, he felt heavenly, tongue moving lazily against your clit as he built that electrifying arousal.
"Don't stop," you beg him, gripping tighter at his hair and pushing his face deeper, almost terrified he’ll stop. Javi doesn't miss a beat, instantly fulfilling your wordless desire for more by slipping his fingers back inside of you and sucking on your clit. He's brutal, not giving you a moment's rest as he continues stimulating your throbbing bundle of nerves while moving his fingers in and out of you. It's so good, a coil of bliss working its way at the base of your spine and causing you to lose any form of inhibition. You use his hair to anchor him as you shift your hips, attempting to ride his face for more friction to satiate the growing wave of ecstasy between your thighs.
His teeth graze at your clit, and suddenly your mind is wavering as it goes blank.
"Shit-"you gasp out, feeling your climax build tightly between your legs as you desperately pull at his hair.
"Fuck, please, pl-please-"you gasp out, a sound of elation caught in your throat as his fingertips brush a spot inside of you, which drives your hips from the mattress entirely. Your mouth falls open in a silent scream as you tip headfirst into your blinding orgasm. You’re enraptured, caught in the most intense sensation of bliss as your ears ring, cumming against Javier's mouth. He continues to tongue your clit, your legs trembling, and your back lifts off the bed as you keen, tears streaming down your face. Javi keeps at it until you're sobbing, grasping at his hair and forcing him back. His tongue runs over his bottom lip, his moustache slick and glistening with your cum.
"You taste so fucking good, Princesa," he purrs, watching you as you float back down from your high and into your spasm-wracked body. He takes your face in his palm and moves back up towards your face, kissing you gently while settling onto the mattress beside you. You can taste yourself, musky and heady, yet it's so good with the hint of woodsy whiskey still lingering on his tongue.
You wind your arms around his neck, pulling Javier closer while he fumbles his belt. You know he must be struggling in those painfully tight jeans, his cock straining against the denim, so you trace your fingertips against the zipper. Pulling it down ever so slowly, you watch as Javi pulls the belt from the loops.
As you slide your hands down into his pants, you feel for the waistline of his boxers to dip your fingers underneath. The further you move down, however, you're shocked to find he's not wearing any at all. You pause, minding the arousal that floods back between your thighs at his brazen choice. When you look at Javi, he's smirking at your expression, the cheeky bastard.
"Are you really not wearing any boxers?" You whisper, staring at him in shock.
"Easier access," he muses, enjoying your surprise. Heat prickles the skin of your cheeks, and you focus on tugging his jeans past his hips. Javier helps you pull them off entirely as you concentrate on the throbbing urgency of his cock. The head of his dick is flushed red, needy after almost three hours of incessant teasing. Tentatively, you take his length into your palm to stroke him, and Javier lets out a soft groan as he lays his head back against the pillows. His breath is shaky, hand gripping at your hips again as you pump his cock slowly.
"Fuck," he breathes out, eyes rolling back into their sockets as you run your tongue over the head of his dick, tasting the salty precum leaking from the tip. You keep your mouth busy, taking him deeper as you use one hand to unzip your bunched-up skirt and wiggle out of it, kicking it off the mattress somewhere onto the floor over the side of the bed. His fingers slowly card through your hair, but do not apply any pressure.
You whimper softly, hollowing your cheeks as you take the rest of him into your hand and begin to jerk him off slowly. Javier tilts his head back further into the soft down of his pillows, hips twitching slightly as he attempts not to thrust down your throat. The moans that creep up your throat send vibrations from base to tip, and Javier releases soft gasps of shock as your tongue traces the veins on the underside of his thick cock.
"Dios mío, Princesa," he growls, lifting your head off of him and flipping you suddenly onto your back. You yelp in surprise, Javier quickly grasping the base of his twitching length to stave off any impending orgasm.
"If you keep doing that, I'll cum," he rasps, lips tracing the shell of your ear as you wrap your arms around his neck. Pulling your thighs around his waist, Javi reaches for one of the drawers on his nightstand. You pat him quickly on the chest, stopping him.
"It's okay," you whisper, and he looks down at you in surprise.
"I'm on contraception.” You swear that even in the dark, you see his pupils dilate as he stares at you. Avidly, he lines himself up with your folds, holding your face in his palm and smoothing your cheekbone with his thumb. Brushing the head of his cock up against your clit, Javier groans as he watches you jolt slightly, still hyper-sensitive from that mind-shattering orgasm. You slowly trace your fingers down the shaved skin of his chest, eyes pleading with him to fill you.
Javi begins to sink his hips heavily, cock pushing at your entrance and stretching your walls deliciously. You whine, head cocking back into the pillows and exposing your throat for him to kiss while you adjust to the sting between your legs. Javier holds your hips in his hands, rubbing circles into your skin soothingly as you grow accustomed to the intrusion. By the time he's sheathed fully inside you, you're convinced he's split you open, begging for him to start moving.
And then he does, slamming his cock into you and setting a cruel pace. He feels so fucking good, the pleasure so intense and the slam of his hips so heavy that you can feel your walls fluttering around his cock already. He's stoking the fire twisting between your thighs and making you feel so full that your eyes are out of focus, tears welling up in them.
Javier pulls back from your throat, looking over your body with a ragged groan as he uses his grip on your sides to pull you back onto his cock harder. The overwhelming waves of bliss grow maddening as his tight hold on your waist leaves a dull, painful sensation, and you're almost sure you'll have bruises the shape of his fingerprints in the morning, complete with swirls and arches. You can feel Javi pulse inside you and grinds his hips, attempting to find that earth-shattering spot inside of you again.
"Fuck, you look so good like this; keep your eyes on me," he demands, wanting to see the build-up of pleasure in your eyes. You roll your hips, whimpering at the way he commands you. Soon, with your combined efforts, the head of his cock is knocking up against your cervix, and the pressure has you wheezing out his name with a sharp intake of air. Javi takes this moment to brush his thumb over your clit, growling when he sees your eyes roll back into your skull at the sudden fervour you feel that's bringing you closer and closer to climax.
Then he brushes against something inside of you that makes your nerves light up, and you're sobbing desperately, eyes squeezing shut and trying so hard to chase that high. Javier pulls his calloused hands over your stomach, pressing down on the pliant skin there to feel himself move in and out of you at a rapid pace. Your pleasure is threatening to spill over, sparking at the base of your spine, and suddenly it's too much to hold back.
"Javi-"you beg, voice catching in your throat.
"Come on, Hermosa. Come on, give it to me," he purrs, brushing his thumb against your clit one more time and suddenly— oh, suddenly, you're there. Time seems to slow down for a moment, suspended in the air until it crashes down on you. It’s so intense, so overwhelming that you have tears streaming down your cheeks, cumming with a keen of his name. Your cunt is pulsing and tightening around Javi's cock, and he's growling out a moan as he goes rigid inside of you, pumping you full of his cum. He's shuddering, and his fingers dig tightly into your waist.
For a moment, the two of you stay still, Javi leaning over you and peppering your chin with soft, open-mouthed kisses. As the afterglow kicks in, you're giggling, covering your face with your palms as the delirium kicks in. You hear Javi chuckle to himself, pressing his lips to your hairline and wiping away the sheen of sweat at your temple.
As you come down from your high, you relax into the covers of the bed, entirely spent. Exhaustion is ebbing at your mind, your breath still heavy as Javi pulls out of you with a haggard groan and holds you close to him. You both don't say anything to each other at first, too blissed out to form a sentence.
Javi kisses your forehead over and over, brushing his hand along your bruised side in an attempt to ease the painful ache his fingers left behind. You find yourself leaning into his touch, allowing yourself to revel in the post-orgasm bliss.
"Do you need some water?" He asks you softly, stroking your hair back, to which you shake your head no but thank him quietly for his consideration. He nods and gently pulls the thin cotton covers over your body as he settles in beside you. You both lay in each other’s silent company, Javi's thumb tracing lazy patterns on the skin of your abdomen as his eyes slip closed, alcohol and blissful exhaustion causing him to fall into sleep relatively quickly.
The room is quiet, Javi's breathing the only sound you can make out. You lay perfectly still for at least ten minutes, feeling the man beside you ease into unconsciousness. With his breathing slowed and his thumb eventually stilling at your side, you assume sleep has him in a tight grasp. Ever so gently, you ease out of his hold, slipping out of bed and picking up your clothes. You’re careful to be silent — the last thing you needed was him waking up and discovering what you were about to do.
A part of you feels terrible, using Javier this way. He'd been kind enough to buy you drinks. Instead, fear motivates you to put one foot in front of the other, the bare soles of your feet padded across the floor towards the bedroom door. Your boss, Pablo Escobar, had demanded information on DEA agents from you and the other women he had hired, and you daren’t argue, fearful of the bullets that you were almost certain had your name etched into them. Having bumped into Javier at the bar, it was a stroke of luck akin to striking gold; a stay of execution.
Don Pablo had hired a group of women into his staff only recently. Well known for hiring only men, like most drug lords in Columbia, he knew the women he hired would not come under the scrutiny of the DEA or the Columbian police. With the support of the American government, the DEA was closing in on him, and the Medellin cartel at a frightening pace, and he was in dire need of some form of information to get ahead of the gringos - stat.
Without the suspicion of the police, you had managed to get around relatively quickly, but finding the information without talking to anyone and alerting people of Don Pablo's covert mission was a much more challenging task than anticipated. You had carried on regardless, motivated by knowing you wouldn't get paid unless you handed over relative information to Escobar and his cousin Gustavo. You were getting pretty desperate for both the money and your life, knowing Escobar was anything but forgiving. Javier just happened to step into the line of fire.
You find your way back to the living room in the darkness and grab at anything you can see that could be of value. Papers that had Escobar's name on them and had multiple attack plans regarding the cartel's drugs labs in the Amazon Rainforest lay in the drawers of the desk underneath the television and a recording device that was set on the table. When you play it, the sound of Javier and his partner, whom he referred to as 'Murphy’ in the bar, floats quietly from the speakers.
Covert recordings of sicarios' conversations played, revealing the code words Pablo and his men used that the two partners had managed to decipher and use to their advantage.
You could almost laugh at how careless Javier had been to allow you into his house with all of this information just strewn about in the open, but you suppose he thought that you weren't a threat. No one did.
You take the items you snatched from Javier's apartment and slip out into the humid street once again. As you walk back to your apartment, you can’t help but think back to the conversation you and Javier had at the bar. The one where he claimed he was "Prince Charming saving you from a miserable day." You realise, looking back on it, that he had done precisely that. Prince Charming had unknowingly given you all the information you needed for a payout from Escobar and managed to save you from the end of a pistol barrel.
And you try to convince yourself of your shamelessness, insisting to yourself that you aren’t exactly the princess he’s looking for.
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espero logren sanar o llegar a su peso ideal 💗
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moh0kcal · 1 year
Como miar 🤮
Sempre que eu tenho uma compulsão costumo vomitar tudo, pra me sentir vazia e ter menos peso na consciência, se realmente ajuda a emagrecer eu não sei, mas eis as minhas dicas
Primeiramente, antes de tudo amarre o cabelo e lave bem as mãos, vc já foi uma porca comendo, não seja uma porca que não tem higiene básica.
Beba água bem rápido, consuma uma garrafinha de 500ml direto, sem parar, isso vai fazer tu se sentir pesada e com ânsia. (Obs: editei pq achei interessante a dica que foi dada nos comentários, esperar de 5 a 10min para a água se misturar com a comida e sair tudo junto, não só água)
Bebeu a água vai pro vaso e coloque dois dedos bem fundo na garganta e mexa eles suavemente, vc vai sentir alguma coisa vindo, se não vier continue, quando sair pode ser que saia bem pouco, vc deve continuar fazendo esse procedimento até não ter mais comida no seu estômago.
Esse aqui é uma dica caso não consiga vomitar colocando o dedo na garganta, sabe aquela garrafinha de água? Coloque sal dentro e beba rápido.
Depois de vomitar se limpe, pq sim vc vai babar bastante, aí você enxagua a boca várias vezes pra tirar o ácido que fica, dps de lavar escove bem os dentes
Importante: não faça isso todos os dias, pode causar sérios danos a saúde, o ideal é dia sim e dia não, ou um intervalo de dois dias, mas se quiser fazer quem sou eu para impedir.
Por hoje é só pessoal!
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dolotte · 1 month
⋆✦entrando honeymoon✦⋆
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Olá edamigos, esse post é para ajudar nos meninas e meninos que estamos desmotivados e pensando em desistir de emagrecer
a honeymoon era é o momento em que estamos mais focados e afundados no nosso TA, momento em que damos orgulho pra ana
• se conheça •
veja quanto seu corpo gasta de forma basal
meu em media gasta 1,200 caloria
divido esse número (600kcal), esse seria meu intake maximo(em um dia livre)
• ainda no topico de se conhecer, analise como ocorre seus descontroles/compulsões
ele acontece após NF's longos? momentos de ansiedade/estresse? festas em familia?
tente agir de forma logica(mesmo que seja difícil) e entenda por que esta descontando seus sentimentos em comida e substitua habitos
ao invés de comer você pode dançar, desenhar, escrever, ler, ver filmes, qualquer hobby que te traga paz
• seja inteligente •
como você quer emagrecer se não conhece o minimo do corpo humano. o principal para um bom emagrecimento é um déficit calorico eficiente então aqui vão algumas informações para te ajudar a perder peso
7000 calorias gastas são equivalentes a menos 1kg
se você conseguir alcançar a meta de queimar 11 mil calorias por semana(caminhadas, exercícios, dança, tudo conta) você tem um intake de 4000 calorias semanais(500 calorias por dia)
• não entre em dietas absurdas •
seu seu corpo e psicológico não estão preparados para parar de comer 1200 calorias por dia pra consumir 200, isso só vai te causar compulsões
diminua porções ou use do volume eating(quando a comida parece mais do que realmente é), esse volume é comum em saladas que mesmo em grandes porções dificilmente vão chegar a grandes calorias
va adpetando seu paladar a comer limpo em 90% do tempo
atualmente eu conto calorias de frutas, legumes e vegetais, mas eu não me aterrozido por que sei que é humanamente impossível engordar com esses alimentos
aos poucos você consegue manter uma alta restrição de forma leve
• monte cardápios e pratos •
por incrível que isso possa parecer cozinhar me ajuda muito, eu passo mais tempo cozinhando do que comendo de verdade e estar sempre próxima a comida faz com que eu não anseie por ela
me motivo a comer poucas porções bonitinhas e trabalhadas em macros e micros nutrientes com baixas calorias
(cuidado, se você não tem capacidade de ficar na cozinha sem devorar tudo que ve não é tao recomendado)
• conheça a comida •
quais comidas são benéficas para você?
proteínas são assustadoras pra mim pelo alto nivel de calorias, mas consumo para evitar flacidez respeitando meus limites de calorias
saiba que o carboidratos das plantas e frutas é totalmente diferente do carboidrato de pães, massas e coisas industriais
escolha corretamente sua fonte de energia
e saiba porções, caso você não tenha uma balança faça a pesagem com xicaras e colheres
algumas comidas por mais saudáveis que sejam são extremamente calóricas
como a aveia (queridinha de muitos em mingau )
que em 100g tem 389 calorias
• tenha uma thinspo •
olhe seu corpo(por mais horrível que isso possa parecer), repare na sua distribuição de peitos, quadril, cintura e procure uma thinspo que siga algo parecido
olhe ela todos os dias como uma meta pessoal, ser tão magra quanto ela
se possível observe sua rotina, habitos, tudo
isso cria disciplina, idealize aquela moça(o) como ana e me diz: você quer decepciona-la?
• exercícios •
esse aqui é algo que eu confesso que me desanima muito
não sou fã de exercícios, nunca fui
mas pelo menos o minimo é necessário, uma caminhada, yoga, meditação, pilates
qualquer coisa, não fique parada sempre
você pode ate emagrecer parada, mas vai ser skinnyfat e flacida
• tenha objetivos •
isso pode vir de diversas formas, um peso específico (seja sua mf ou não, eu tenho o sonho de chegar aos 45 mesmo minha mf sendo 33kg)
um intake baixo
medidas menores
uma roupa que não te serve atualmente
pense nesses objetivos toda vez que for tomar uma atitude burra de comer
• consuma conteúdo ana/mia •
isso pode parecer doentio, mas se você espera se afundar em seu TA é necessário conhecer mais sobre, tipoa de transtornos e tudo mais
siga blogs, contas, tudo que esta relacionado com ana
isso faz com que seus objetivos fiquem aparentes visivelmente, te motiva de forma inconsciente
por enquanto é isso gente, o foco é algo que vamos construindo aos poucos quando deixamos nossos objetivos claros
ficar sem comer e só não vai te fazer emagrecer de forma consciente, leve seu corpo ao inicio
beijinhos da lotte
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