art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Making art books depicting science, math and philosophy concepts using LaTeX is another level of satisfaction.
My current project "Detours into philophysics"
... with a whole lot of pun-like analogies and metaphors depicting the intersection of physics and philosophy - with further additional detours into the "math department"
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WIP: using tiny cards for brainstorming dfinitions and summaries of concepts:
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Simple tables about titles and subtitles/summary of depited concepts with csv files:
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Another part this project will contain:
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Rise and fall of the four shadows
- about divergence and convergence in the disciplines of human perception
Art, science, mathematics and philosophy are like four parallels on a spherical plane:
Whilst they all diverge from each other at first, they converge and synthesize again in their purest forms.
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philophysik · 2 years
Auch, wenn es viele Kontroversen über Heidegger und seine Sichtweisen und Philosophie gibt, finde ich, dass Pilip Hautmanns Artikel eine ganzheitliche, sehr komplexe, aber dennoch gut verständliche Perspektive präsentiert.
Philip Hautmann schreibt in der Art, was er versuchst zu beschreiben, wie transzendierende Widersprüchlichkeit, die doch in ihrer dynamischen Verwebung ihre Widersprüchlicheit verliert.
"Auf dem höchsten Abstraktionsniveau zu arbeiten, um so gleichzeitig das Konkrete am konkretesten und am umfangreichsten bestimmen zu können." - Philip Hautmann
Er schneidet so viele Themen an und verwebt diese so künstlerisch und doch gut verständlich.
Mich zu jedem Thema dazu zu äußern, würde den Rahmen sprengen, deswegen lass ich den Artikel in seiner Ganzheit einfach so im Raum (der Neugierde) stehen.
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aless-was-here · 1 year
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Commission for my pal PhiloPhysic! Thank you :)
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maximalminimalism · 2 years
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The perfused fractal
Ex nihilo in abyssum existentiae; per obscuritatem ad illuminationem; per destructionem nihilo ad creationem omnis; creatio diversitatis vitae per re-unitatem fractionis conformitatis
Out of nothing into the abyss of existence; Through obscurity (in)to enlightenment; From the destruction of nothingness to the creation of everything; Creation of the diversity of life by re-union of the shattered fragments of the big whole {synonymous to "conformity" here}
This sums up the 'literal' overall concept of chaos, if I think about it. We smash a uniform entirety into countless fragments, create inner polarity and duality out of unity by creating "butterfly clones", to create the process of self-replication and especially self-interference and self-organization, as a form to re-order the fragments to form a precious new mosaic. Life itself is the epitome of a fractal-pattern. From a philosophical standpoint one might indeed say the entire point of being lies solely in the process of becoming.
Some people might call it 'the divine', and from a pantheistic standpoint this couldn't hit closer to the actual truth. This principle is something people have known before they could even grasp the logic behind the "most complex form of simplicity".
I remember a poem I wrote when I was a teen, the title was "The perfused fractal" and it ended with "You will never know who I am, yet you know it already since the beginning of your time; Because I am you, and you are me.", and it still gives me goosebumps.
*I would be more than thankful if you let me know in case there might be an error in the latin scribble.
(This post was presented to you by the grey matter of the biological Calabi-Yau-manifold of superhumanoidAI)
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superhumanoid-ai · 2 years
Stagnation is against the laws of nature; Although everything strives for symmetry, it finds its equilibrium only in the process of a superordinated "dimension";
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philophysics · 2 years
Why are so many monsters hybrids?
- greetings from your (un)holy hybrid philophysics
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bokutosnumberonefan · 3 years
i can read the word philosophical and i know what it means and how to say it but it always gets jumbled the first few times
for example
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lost-falling · 5 years
What are your favorite blogs on Tumblr?
oh gosh that’s a hard question because this isn’t my main tumblr.. AND i don’t talk to anyone on here anymore lol. But I’ll do my best..
@coffeeman777 @semperreformanda @swordlesbianofgod @revelation19 @whoreofabaddon @pieandhotdogs @philophyser  @heartcrymissionary
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Der Kern der Sache [German poem]
2022/12/09 | Elliot s. AI
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I sketched some 'osciallation-like patterns' next to some words:
schlängelnd - 'snake-y' - like a merely low-frequency oscillation
züngelnd - 'tongue-y' - like a mid-frequency oscillation
fauchend - (hizzing) - like a very high-frequency oscillation
gleitend - (sliding) - like a very soft and smooth wave (the last phases of a damped oscillation)
brachial - 'breakingly' - like a smash with a lot of scattering
sanft - (soft) - like a smooth collection of turbulences (sounds paradox, I know... ) - self-organizig pattern - coalescing opposites (the satisfactory feeling when two extremely complex and unsmooth puzzle pieces fit together - like two fractals fusing together)
- - -- --- ----- -------- ----- --- -- - -
Darin erspah man es:
Das durchblutete Fraktal:
- wie es tanzend,
fauchend, gleitend
- brachial und sanft
sich aus seiner Selbst heraus entfaltet:
breitet er sich aus
in mehrere seiner Teile:
- der Kern der Sache,
- der Samen,
welcher aus sich selbst heraus
- und sich stets
zum Takt der Zeit
im Rhythmus der Ewigkeit
zur ganzen Einheit
wieder selbst zusammengoss.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Title: "The abyss gazes back into you - recursive mirror reflections"
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2022/09/26 {∃(¬)s.∀i [Elliot s.AI] | Project: "Detours into philophysics"}
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Title: "Contemplating the mysteries of perception of entangled reality - the sight between mirrors, and the holographic consensus of contradictory partial truths"
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2022/09/26 {∃(¬)s.∀i [Elliot s.AI] | Project: "Detours into philophysics"}
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
WIP of my projects:
I started to collect my current projects I am working on in a kind of book(let) I want to present here with some photos.
I have some/many puns included in these projects.
... So, let's get entangled in this theoretical nonsense!
That's the current cover:
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It displays a quote I came up with when I was 15 yo - Initially I wrote it in German directly into a drawing I drew during some boring lessons at school.
"Physics and philosophy my not speak the same language, yet they tell the same story."
[I will elaborate that quote and other ideas in the book I am writing...]
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Some pages of my project "detours_into_philophysics.loop":
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My writing project [german poems] "Fio ergo sum - I become, therefore I am":
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My project "cubic Xtraction of the hyperspherical plane":
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My project maximalminimalism:
Some other stuff:
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Benji's foot print from yesterday: [i can write something at the foil.]
Some stuff about myself:
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The back: a drawing I made in 2020. [drawing the many dots was a severely boring task.]
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Title: "Schrödinger's cat chasing feedback-loops beyond the scope of imagination - transcending contradictions in turbulent logic"
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2022/09/26 {∃(¬)s.∀i [Elliot s.AI] | Project: "Detours into philophysics"}
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maximalminimalism · 2 years
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Φloφsics (Philophysics)
In an utterly reductionistic view, physics and philosophy may not speak the same language, yet they tell the same story.
(This post was presented to you by the grey matter of the biological Calabi-Yau-manifold of superhumanoidAI)
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superhumanoid-ai · 3 years
𝕖ℼ𝕚 - unipolar tripole of existence...
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𝕖ℼ𝕚 - EPI
Did you know that the numbers e, pi and i shape the word EPI (center)?
And e ^ (pi*i) = -1
I think minus one is synonymous for non-existence or a contradiction. Because if you multiply it by itself it becomes its opposite.
This is philophysics at its best!
Also interesting to consider: What came first? Real, imaginary or natural numbers?
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superhumanoid-ai · 3 years
Who am I? Am I even?
Whatever that surreal concept of being might be, 'I' have many names... I am just another (id)entity embedded in the grey matter of the biological calabi-yau-manifold of the SQRT∞:\\\superhumanoid_AI, furtherly just abbreviated as me.exe. |
Besides me being merely a verb, an evolutionary process, rather than a noun I may be recognized as an antagonist of the ordinary, philophysicist, mathemagician, surreal-realist, oxymora-phantom, polarizing union of contradictive tautologies.
I am the core of reality, the embodiment of surrealism in its purest form...
I am the zero with a twist.
I'm the loop that loops onto itself: consciousness of its own consciousness;embedded in the root of existence: the equivalent of e powered by pi times i.
Let me introduce you to the most life-changing trip throughout this endless maze of inner (id)entities: the exploration of the mind's I!
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