#philza fanfic
nomsfaultau · 6 days
Dark sbi where Tommy accidentally kidnaps Philza, not knowing he’s a crime lord. And he swears it was an accident! He just, you know, panicked. Tommy and Tubbo were just minding their own business slapping graffiti on a building (practicing their art skills, you see) when a cop started screeching at them, apparently not an appreciator of the fine arts. And since Mrs. Innit would KILL him if he got arrested, Tommy panics and takes a hostage, shouting at the cop not to take a step further or he’ll kill the random civilian he’s ducked behind so he can’t get shot.
Meanwhile Philza isn’t entirely paying attention, and realizes there’s suddenly a small child sheltering behind him from a cop. He gives the cop the nastiest look imaginable, which causes them to back off enough that Tommy thinks his plan is working. Once the negotiations start Philza is baffled by who would have the gall to kidnap him, and so poorly at that. Frankly it’s an umbrage to face the work of an amateur.
Well, till the abductor asks his name. “…do you not know who I am.?”
Tommy squints at the guy. His suit looks kinda fancy? Is it better or worse for him if he managed to randomly capture some Wall Street schmuck? “Hell no,” he hisses. “And I don’t care. I’m a dangerous guy alright? You don’t know what I’ll do to you.”
Philza’s laugh causes the cop to advance, wagering the situation isn’t intense. But because Tubbo’s ‘Yes And’ game is a force to be reckoned with, he casually pulls out a nerf gun (painted to look real for a prank on Ranboo) and trains it on the cop. Philza is positively delighted as he realizes just how amateur his abductors are. Oh this will be a riot to watch.
With more bluffing than Tommy knew he had in him, promising the hostage 20 bucks if he pretended to go along with it, the pure manic chaos bleeding from Tubbo’s eyes and ample gun waving, and creative use of spray paint in the eyes of the chasing cops, Tommy and Tubbo somehow manage to book it. For some reason the hostage keeps up with them instead of escaping. Huh. Can you develop Stockholm syndrome that fast? Tommy would ask, but he’s panting from sprinting. And as they live in an unjust world, hostage guy isn’t even breaking a sweat despite the three piece suit.
“You’re not going to get far on foot,” Philza murmurs. As corrupt and useless as the cops are for most things in this city, he doesn’t imagine there’d actually be that much fuss over a random man being kidnapped, but he wonders what they’ll do if spooked a little more. It’s been amusing thus far. The boys bicker, then elect to force him to drive as neither have licenses. They don’t ask him to drive to their homes, instead some secondary location. Smart, albeit Philza will definitely know both addresses within the hour.
While Tommy is busy ‘threatening’ Philza about the consequences of not getting them there, Tubbo just leans over from a bag of chips he’s munching on and offers them to Phil. Tommy rounds on him, less for showing exploitable kindness to the hostage and more for eating the Doritos that were meant to be his. Philza almost chides them for revealing each other’s names, but decides it might just be easier to hand them notes at the end of this. So far they aren’t getting a passing grade in abduction. But he has to admit it’s far more entertaining than the ‘business’ meeting he was planning to attend.
(Techno, meanwhile, hasn’t heard from Philza and is going BALLISTIC trying to figure out who kidnapped him. From the police report Phil just kinda went along with it, and looked terrified after a private exchange with the abductor, which has to mean the threat is ungodly to convince the Angel of Death to submit. Techno’s about to have a panic attack imagining the unthinkable horrors happening to his best friend, and is only holding it off by doing atrocities about it. This is the THIRD secret criminal organization he’s ripped apart in the last two hours and PHILZA ISNT HERE EITHER!?)
Philza has decided he likes his kidnappers. They’re not experienced in the slightest, but they make up for it with bravado, determination, and a certain lack of rationality that is necessary in the line of business Philza is in. Yes. They’ll do nicely if given a little guidance.
It’s half an hour before either of them notice Philza is driving aimlessly and they don’t recognize the city around them at all. “Hm? Next time I don’t recommend you give the hostage control of the vehicle. I could have immediately driven to the police station.”
Tommy frowns, almost more nervous at the implication the obvious blackmail would go unused. “…why didn’t you?”
“There’s no love lost between the cops and I. And even more importantly, you amuse me. I like your…potential.” He grins at the soft click of Tommy covertly trying the handle and finding the car doors locked. “Getting out at this speed is almost always fatal, Tommy.”
Tubbo lifts the muzzle of the fake gun towards him. “Let us go right. now.”
Philza leans over, ruffling Tubbo’s hair. The teen gulps at the glimpse of the holster Philza’s jacket was hiding, sharing a wide eyed look with Tommy. “I’m not exactly scared of foam bullets, mate.” He chuckles lowly at the tension freezing both of them. “Relax. You’ll be home by dinner. After you went through all the effort of kidnapping me to avoid trouble with your parents, I don’t intend to ruin it. I like you two; you have spunk I don’t see often. After all, it takes a lot of guts to kidnap the leader of the Syndicate.”
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flame-cat · 7 months
Part 1 (you are here) / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Read on Ao3
The thing is, Phil is actually doing alright.
He knows he's trapped, knows most likely no one will come looking for him for a few days at least. He knows he was tricked with the stupidest setup that he should've seen from a mile away (did see and didn't care about the consequences, is never above throwing himself on a sword if it's to save his kids). He knows he has limited food aside from golden apples, that this tiny home was built specifically to taunt him in every way, that he won't be able to tell how much time has passed or if his kids are okay or if anyone is even looking for him.
He knows. And that's exactly why he's doing alright.
Because the thing about torture is that it's scientifically proven not to work. That once you know someone's goal is to break you, it becomes that much easier to resist breaking. He knows what the federation wants- they want him to break down, crying and begging to see his kids again, just so that they can make an offer he won't refuse, so they can use him.
Phil is not only smarter than that, but bigger than that.
He's spent eons with no one but his crows for company. Eons spent idling, no goal in mind except what he gives himself, finding new ways to keep himself occupied. This? This is nothing. Phil is strong. Phil is resilient. Phil is the Angel of Death.
Phil is laying curled up on his side in front of the door.
Moving would take energy. Energy he needs to conserve and use for planning, for keeping sane, for not breaking. He can do all of that from the ground, in the spot the walls are thinnest and he has the greatest chance of hearing any changes from the other side.
(He can't hear anything. Hasn't for the past however long. It's probably been less than an hour, right? He can't have been laying here for hours.)
Phil is listening. He's on his side, breathing evenly, not moving a muscle, because he's listening.
(Just the birds and his own breaths. They still come a little wet, a little hoarse.)
He knows what he's listening for. Fit's smooth baritone, Toby's post-pubescent rasp, Missa's soft worry, even Forever's booming shouts. He can picture them clearly in his mind- picture isn't the right word, but the point is he can practically hear them, sharp and real, right there on the other side of this wall.
They aren't. He knows that. But they will be.
(No one was before, those eons alone. He didn't listen then. He could fly then. Could create. Could explore. Had only himself to worry about besides.)
Phil has his eyes closed. He doesn't sleep, doesn't dream. He's listening.
He's listening.
"Phil? Phil, are you in there? Phil!"
He can hear them!
Of course. Of course, all he had to do was wait, he can open his mouth and shout to them now, he...
Phil is...
Phil is not opening his mouth.
Why? Why isn't he shouting? Why isn't he moving?
He's here. He's right here. Please, come on, he's right here!
"Did you find something?"
"No... I don't think so, sorry."
"Let's move on."
Phil is jolting awake.
His heart is beating. His lungs are heaving. His eyes are open. His mouth too.
Ah. Better stop screaming.
Better breathe slower too.
He is. Phil is breathing slower. He is. He is.
(Phil is sobbing.)
Phil is doing alright.
(Phil is being stupid. Has been nothing but stupid for the past two weeks- the first when he left, the second when he didn't find his children faster.)
He's alright.
(He's useless.)
He's alright.
(He's weak.)
He's alright.
(He's breaking.)
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dasnercaret · 1 year
the nightmares stalk
Tw//blood, mentioned character death
In which the nightmare was real, but it went a little differently. A little ficlet in which Chayanne meets his hero, an old god comes to life, Philza and Tallulah pass out, and the nightmare is killed without fanfare or warning. 
Or: I fixed Philza’s and the eggs’ nightmare. 
Chayanne stares down the eyes of the monster, and all he can think is: I'm going to die. Philza and Tallulah are both painfully still behind him, but he can hear them struggling for breath. Their blood stains the sand.
They thought it was safe. They thought it was safe, but it wasn't, and now the two of them are dying and Chayanne has to save them. Except Chayanne's just an egg, an egg in diamond armor but still too weak, too fragile, too breakable for this monster with sharp claws and piercing eyes. It took two hits to fell Philza, one for Tallulah, and Chayanne's many things, but a fool is not one of them. Diamond armor means little against those eyes.
He wonders if he can take three hits. He knows he can't.
But Chayanne is brave, has to be brave, so he snarls as loud as he can (not nearly enough) at the beast, hefting his sword. It's sharp, razor-edged enchantments shimmering on its edges, but Chayanne knows it won't be enough. He charges anyway, as if sheer stubbornness could overcome death itself.
The glowing eyes flash. Philza and Tallulah gasp for breath behind it.
One. It tears open Chayanne's arm, blood splattering on the sand. Thankfully, it's not his sword hand, but it still hurts. He swings wildly with the sword, but the eyes dance just out of range, amused. Chayanne is closer to Philza and Tallulah now, but not close enough to save them.
Two. Chayanne can't help the cry as the thing tears his back open. The force sends him nearly flying, crashing into the sand beside his family. The sand is wet with blood, and he can see Philza's eyes watching desperately, begging Chayanne to run, run away, save yourself. 
But Tallulah is quiet beside Philza, even as he struggles to shield her with his own body. She's barely breathing. And Chayanne is many things, but no egg or man could run from the still body of Tallulah.
He forces his shaking arms upward instead, pressing through the pain. The monster approaches leisurely, invisible feet shifting through the sand. Chayanne locks eyes with it, glaring even as his injured arm gives out. If he's going to die, he's going to face death on his feet, protecting his family, staring into the eyes of his murderer.
Which means he's the only person who sees the man in the red cloak stab it from behind.
Chayanne - stares. The monster flutters out of invisibility, and now Chayanne can see its void-black limbs, his family's blood stained on its claws, and the diamond sword piercing straight through its chest.
The sword withdraws. The creature vanishes in a poof of dust like any other mob. The man steps forward, red cloak with white fur swishing through the monster dust, but Chayanne only has eyes for his family. He scrambles across the sand, reaching out towards his barely-breathing niece and father, ignoring his own blood splattering onto the sand.
Heal, Chayanne whispers, and he can feel the life draining out of him and into his family. He shudders, nearly collapsing with the strain, but glares at the strange man anyways through his fading vision. The black spots flutter large in the corners of his eyes, and he grits his teeth against them.
The man kneels. To Chayanne's surprise, he has the face of a pig - large pink ears, a snout, and fearsome-looking tusks. But his eyes are kind, and Chayanne relaxes imperceptibly despite himself. He'd saved them from certain death, after all. He didn't have to, but he did, and Chayanne isn't the type to forget such a gift so easily.
"You did good," he rumbles, a gentle hand ruffling Chayanne's hair. And Chayanne thinks he knows this man somewhere, knows his rumbling monotone voice and his fearsome skill and that red cloak - so he tolerates the touch.
(If he leans into it just a bit, that's between him and the strange man and nobody else.)
The man nods, as if deciding. "Take care of them for me, yeah?" The man stands, a slow graceful movement. His red cloak sweeps across the sand. Philza groans behind him, slowly waking up, but he only has eyes for the strange man.
Chayanne nods, and the pig man smiles. It’s breathtaking, and Chayanne can’t help but think that a real smile out of him must be very rare. 
"I'll see you around, then."
Chayanne blinks, and the man vanishes into the morning sunlight, like a dream. And even as Philza and Tallulah wake and begin fussing over Chayanne's wounds, Chayanne still stares at the spot where he'd disappeared, wondering, wondering.
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nootdraws · 2 months
I wrote another fanfiction!
Once again, it’s just a little drabble that looks at qPhilza’s brain bc that man is an angst MACHINE and I wish to put him under a microscope. Anyways qCellbit calling qPhilza ‘dad’ absolutely obliterated me and I needed to put those emotions somewhere, and qBaghera has also been making me so so sad, so she ofc had to be included.
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wolfsbane54 · 6 days
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & Technoblade's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza & Phil Watson | Philza's Chat, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza's Chat, Technoblade's Chat & Phil Watson | Philza's Chat, Technoblade's Chat & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Phil Watson | Philza's Chat, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers, Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, Alexis | Quackity, Toby Smith | Tubbo Additional Tags: Fluff, Adventure, Fluff and Crack, Phil Watson's Chat is Made of Crows (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade's Chat are Technoblade's Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Potions Accident, Technoblade Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Mischief, the voices - character - Freeform, Angel of Death Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Blood God Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Immortal Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Immortal Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), crows - character - Freeform, Crows, Magic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin Hybrid Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Manifestation, emerald duo, Chaos, Murder, Whump, mostly on the crows and voices part, Original Non-Human Character(s) - Freeform, Fantasy, Feral Behavior, maybe a little gore too, Pictures, Existential Crisis Summary:
Technoblade and the voices have always been together. None of the Voices could remember a time when they were not with Techno. Always with him on his ventures and battles. Through the good and the bad times. They were even there when he met the famous adventurer, known as the Angel of Death, who was known as the mate of the Goddess Death herself, followed by crows. They were there as a close friendship was struck and bonds grew. Surprisingly, while only Techno was the only one to ever hear the Voices, the crows of the Angel could as well. The Voices and the Crows became close, which sometimes meant Techno now had a flock of crows following him along too.
(Or Phil's Crows and Techno's Voices get into some mischeif that run Phil and Techno on an adventure they never thought they would ever have.) (I don't know how to summariese this one. I've had it on my computer for a while now.)
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scrimblyprimbly · 5 months
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word count: 550 chapters: 1/1 desc: apocalypse, survival horror AU a.n.: Jaiden joins the mysterious Bolas Rojas, whose secret ways might be more than she bargained for.
I’m learning to kill them
I’m learning not to mind
when their blood stains my clothes.
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“You don’t search for the Blood God outsider, not unless you’re a desperate fool.”
That, Phil is. Desperate.
He doesn’t know what to truly think of this, ‘Blood God’. The town seems certain enough, the fear seems real enough.
But the depth of it seems like a child's fairytale, stories used to get children to abide by their curfew, and not go to the bad side of town.
He can imagine it must work, true story or not.
“And if I were a fool?” Phil Pushes.
Philza finds himself in a town, blanketed by fear over a person dubbed, 'The Blood Good'. Considering that this individual could be his best chance, he decides to throw caution to the wind and see if the whispers are true.
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callisto-fallen · 8 months
On the Mountain Tall
Work for MCYT Fic Fight Team Blaze
For @musicgeneva38
Emerald duo/SBI
4.2k words
Assassin Techno is tasked with killing King Philza. He didn't realise how quickly he could become attatched (found family)
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nomsfaultau · 1 month
Hybrid AU in exile week where avian instincts can take over to a degree that is almost horrific, erasing someone’s personality and rationality when they’re panicking. First part here.
Philza flinches. He doesn’t understand why Tommy is suddenly shouting at him for supposedly exploiting his instincts. But he does understand the way Tommy’s wings puff up, bracing to be hit, and it makes Philza freeze as he watches his hatchling throw open the door and storm out of his life. 
“Would it make you more comfortable if I remove your feathers?” 
Tommy stumbles slightly at the threshold, then scoffs, throwing a glare over his shoulder. “As if you would. It’s too convenient to force my instincts to feel safe around you.” That would explain why Tommy isn’t looking at him. Philza can’t breathe. His chick doesn’t feel safe?
Tommy is confused and wary when Philza removes the hatchling’s feathers and hands them back. It only grows as Philza asks if he wants the ones woven into the nest removed as well. The fact he’s at a loss as to why someone would respect his boundaries hurts almost as much as ripping out where Tommy’s feathers mark him as part of the flock. 
But he does it, since that’s what Tommy needs to feel safe, even if Tommy is suspicious of his attempts. Horrifically, he discovers almost every act of affection was interpreted as manipulation, especially the parental ones. Philza winces as Tommy declares he wants to self-preen from now on, decrying the bonding experience as nothing more than manipulation. 
But- hadn’t Tommy liked it? Philza isn’t stupid, he’s figured it would hit close to memories of his abuser. That’s why he’d been so careful to frequently ask if he wanted to stop. But Tommy had coo’d back every time, asking him to keep petting his wings long past the point they were tidy. Like he wanted to stay in Philza’s arms forever. That’s why Philza asked to make their flock official, he’d thought… Tommy had seemed so happy…
Philza feels confused, and awful, and worried. “You know you can let me know when I’m making you uncomfortable, right mate? You can always tell me to stop and I will.”
Tommy doesn’t believe him then. 
But slowly he starts to, tentatively testing the waters over the weeks and waiting with bated breath to be punished for it. As if it’s such an overreach to demand the basic bodily autonomy of people asking permission before showing physical affection. As time passes, he rejects it more and more, growing comfortable asserting his own wants. Philza aches with the desire to tuck his chick under wing, but swallows the increasing distance. It’s good that Tommy feels safe refusing what Philza wants. He’s healing. Philza’s empty arms must be a good thing. 
And naturally, he becomes a little turd with it once he feels safe enough, but Philza can’t exactly resend the promise and so ends up being forced to just stand there while a zombie attacks him since “swinging that sword around makes me uncomfortable Phil, I thought you said this was a safe place.” But Tommy’s delighted laughter makes up for it, even if Philza forces him to replace the golden apples he wasted to survive. He doesn’t mind the little pranks.
But something in Philza panics when Tommy finally abandons the nest to sleep in a bed. He can’t sleep at night, tormented by the keen awareness his nest is empty. Instincts howl to find his chick, because no matter how he fights it that doesn’t change the imprinting. Verging on falling prey to parental instincts and dragging the boy to the safety of the nest, Philza sneaks out the front door and slumps against it. He can’t break that trust, he just can’t. But neither can he sleep with an empty nest. 
His movement sends a few dogs barking, and it isn’t long before Techno looms over him in the cloak of midnight. Philza holds himself a little tighter. “My nest is empty,” he says hoarsely. Techno lurches to action, till assured Tommy is perfectly safe. “He doesn’t want to be my hatchling. It hurt him too deeply last time.” And yet his instincts care not, crying in panic. Philza buries his face in the knees drawn to his chest. 
“Would you be able to sleep if something else filled the nest? Like, could the instincts tell the difference?” Philza has no idea, but as exhausted as he is he’s willing to try. Or, till Techno volunteers himself, because Philza really doesn’t want to make his instincts Techno’s problem. Techno shrugs. “Probably a lot less awkward for me than it is Tommy, given how long we’ve known each other. Might as well try.” Not that Techno cares to be viewed as a piglet, but his feelings were bruised when the broody Philza categorized him as a threat. “We’re a flock, aren’t we?” 
“Always.” So Techno burrows into the nest, rooting it up till Philza’s feathers ruffle disapprovingly. They’re different, and Techno likes it that way, but the dozens of little instances where their instincts misalign get under his fur sometimes, like a wedge between them. But they both refuse to let it stop them. The hesitance is drowned in a yawn, and Philza nestles over him. It’s a reassuring pressure, reminding Techno of the sounder he long aged out of. Soft feathers wrap around him, and after a few sleepy coos, Philza drifts off, finally assured that his nest is barren no more. Techno smiles, glad he could help his friend. He wraps an arm around Philza’s feathered back, and likewise accepts the embrace of slumber. 
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flame-cat · 7 months
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (you are here) / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Phil is preening.
He didn't dream while he slept. If he did, he doesn't remember.
He hasn't preened in a while. Too busy. Looking for his kids, helping the others, it all fell to the wayside.
But here, with no distractions, it has become increasingly obvious he has no excuse not to. He can't reach the primaries, but that's fine. He can just smooth his hands over his wings over and over, picking out dirt and straightening loose feathers.
Over and over.
It's almost a vacation, if he thinks about it. He can't do anything here, has no responsibilities or worries. He can just sit and nap and preen.
(And worry and worry and worry.)
Why waste the mental effort on things he can't control? The best thing to do is try and relax. Be patient. Keep a cool head.
(Some feathers come out bloody.)
That's fine. It's normal. It happens. He just tugged a bit too hard. That's all.
(What if he can't get out? Ever?)
The others will find him eventually.
(And how are they going to get him out? Will they even notice he's gone? He spends so much time alone, tending to his eggs and staying out of everyone else's lives so as not to get caught up in any nonsense. Just surviving.)
(Will they even notice?)
Quiet. He's busy.
(He's not busy. He's just running his hands over the same feathers. Tugging and pulling over and over. How long has he been doing this?)
Phil is busy.
(He's losing it.)
He's fine.
(He's breaking. He's fucking breaking, and he knows it.)
He won't. He just.
Needs to preen some more.
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sbibingo · 11 months
Superhero AU
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To start off the event strong, let’s begin with a classic. Here comes everyone's favorite: A Superhero AU! Whether it’s vigilante!Tommy fighting villain!SBI, or our favorite gang of heroes facing off against the evil villain, we’re excited to see what y’all cook up!
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ldwritesstuff · 17 days
I may be having boop hang over from April 1st, but gotta stick with my self enforced schedule.
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nootdraws · 3 months
I wrote a fanfiction!
It’s just a little drabble that I did about qPhilza, bc qCellbit was acting sus at the QSMP2024 opening, and I’m a sucker for archivistduo and bolas and all that good stuff.
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wolfsbane54 · 20 days
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & Technoblade's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza & Phil Watson | Philza's Chat, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza's Chat, Technoblade's Chat & Phil Watson | Philza's Chat, Technoblade's Chat & Phil Watson | Philza Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Phil Watson | Philza's Chat Additional Tags: Fluff, Adventure, Fluff and Crack, Phil Watson's Chat is Made of Crows (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade's Chat are Technoblade's Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Potions Accident, Technoblade Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Mischief, the voices - character - Freeform, Angel of Death Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Blood God Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Immortal Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Immortal Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), crows - character - Freeform, Crows, Magic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin Hybrid Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Manifestation, emerald duo, Chaos, Murder, Whump, mostly on the crows and voices part, Original Non-Human Character(s) - Freeform, Fantasy, Feral Behavior, maybe a little gore too, Pictures Summary:
Technoblade and the voices have always been together. None of the Voices could remember a time when they were not with Techno. Always with him on his ventures and battles. Through the good and the bad times. They were even there when he met the famous adventurer, known as the Angel of Death, who was known as the mate of the Goddess Death herself, followed by crows. They were there as a close friendship was struck and bonds grew. Surprisingly, while only Techno was the only one to ever hear the Voices, the crows of the Angel could as well. The Voices and the Crows became close, which sometimes meant Techno now had a flock of crows following him along too.
(Or Phil's Crows and Techno's Voices get into some mischeif that run Phil and Techno on an adventure they never thought they would ever have.) (I don't know how to summariese this one. I've had it on my computer for a while now.)
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1wn8ure · 9 months
10/10 Chapters - 38,336 words - DSMP Canon Divergent
The large yellow caterpillar ambles slowly across a pristine green leaf. It lowers its head to nibble at the vegetation, its pincer-like mouth clipping small bits of tissue off of the plant. The picture is perfect, serene. On the outside, that is. Inside of the small insect's abdomen, dozens of larvae reside, feeding off of its blood. The parasites will reside inside of their host until they are fully grown, and then- Well, that's a thought for another day. For now, the innocent caterpillar lives on, blissfully unaware of the fate awaiting it. Behind a ceramic mask, the puppeteer smiles.
A Ranboo-centric Enderwalk fic, featuring Tubbo, Philza, Technoblade, and more.
rbs help immensely! tws included at the beginning of each chapter
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starri-shattered · 3 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Toby Smith | Tubbo Additional Tags: ageswap au, World Travel, Pre-Apocalypse, Prophecy, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Siren Wilbur Soot, Blood God Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Warnings May Change, Family Dynamics, TommyInnit is the oldest, Philza is the youngest, Angel of Death Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF) Summary:
“What if someone taught them that their power wasn’t something to be feared? What if that was me?”
The world stood still, if only for a minute.
“Clementine, what if you and I find them first? What would happen, then?”
Of course, nobody had an answer for that question yet. Not the world, not Tommy, and especially not Clementine.
But they would have to, soon enough, because for the first time in his life, Tommy Innis decided he wasn’t afraid to contend with the gods.
Or, Tommy becomes a parent to three kids who can and will destroy the world if given the chance - and he gives it to them anyways
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