#photo tips
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📸 Welcome, fellow photography enthusiasts, to #FeelGracePhoto! 🌟
I'm absolutely thrilled to kick off this visual journey with you all. This Tumblr blog is your exclusive portal to the enchanting world of photography, landscapes, and exploration.
🌄 From the serene beauty of landscapes to the magic of night photography, I'm here to document my photographic adventures and share valuable insights, tips, and tricks that I've discovered along the way. Whether you're an experienced pro or just starting out in the captivating realm of photography, there's something special here for you.
🚀 Join me as we delve into new techniques, learn from our experiences, and embark on thrilling photography escapades together. Let's capture moments, evoke emotions, and unleash the full potential of our photography skills.
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#Photography, #LandscapePhotography, #VisualArt, #PhotoTips, #NaturePhotography, #CameraSkills, #ExploreMore, #CreativeInspiration, #PhotoEditing, #CaptureTheMoment
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justgirlythings-world · 2 months
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wiley-treehouse-gardens · 2 months
Hi, i noticed you rebloged my post of some drosera i found, I would like to ask why? like what is it about it that you liked? I ask because i want to promote the value of the biodiversity of the area I live in and one of those aspects is that it's the center for biodiveristy for the canribous plant genus drosera and I think it's a genus that has appeal to people worldwide in cultivation but I really want people to think amore about what it is as a species in the wild and i need to figure out what people like about posts about drosera so i can get people to see photos of drosera in the wild!
I'm a big fan of carnivorous plants! I think they're fascinating, beautiful, and a little creepy.
IIRC, it was also a great close-up shot where you could really see the sticky liquid tips.
I think you're right, it's important to see plants in a wild context sometimes. I like taking photos of a plant and then stepping back and taking a slightly wider shot. Close-ups are gorg, but it really adds to a post to be able to see the whole plant and a little of what's around it too!
Hope that helps!
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theprincientist · 2 years
New Blog Post: How To Be Confident On Camera and Take Amazing Photos.
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Being afraid to get on camera shouldn’t hold you back. 
Shame and fear of looking bad are the biggest enemies of reaching your maximum potential.
Whenever you are scared, remember no one begins as a pro. The eye gets trained to capture beautiful things and the body gets trained to pose well. And training is nothing but practice.
About being confident on camera.
It’s 100% practice. There is no other way around it. 
But having a method and being deliberate about the actions you take help you build the confidence to succeed. 
Read my 7 top tips below:
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productphotographybytc · 3 months
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Tell captivating stories with your products using flat lay photography. From including props and accessories to experimenting with editing, create visuals that not only showcase products but also engage and captivate your target audience.
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zsorosebudphoto · 1 year
Consellos para facer fotos chulas
Excepcionalmente, vou compartir uns poucos truquiños para que calquera poida mellorar as súas fotos no momento de tiralas. Non son unha experta nin moito menos, pero hai cousas que fun aprendendo dende que abrin esta bitácora/portfolio e que á xente lle pode ser útil. Son guías, non normas, así que por suposto que haberá persoas ás que non lles guste ou non lles funcione. 
VelaĂ­ van!
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Controla os parámetros ISO, velocidade de obturación e abertura de diafragma
Fedellando no modo manual podes subir e baixar a luminosidade das túas fotos a través destes parámetros, pero olliño con eles! 
Subir a ISO demasiado pode facer que a foto quede granulada. Por suposto, Ă© posible que sexa iso o que busques.
Baixar a velocidade de obturación fai que as fotos queden máis movidas. Isto tamén pode ser bo, dependendo da fotografía!
Unha foto pouco iluminada sempre se pode mellorar, pero unha foto sobreexposta, non. Ante a dúbida, eu sempre lle vaixo un puntiño de exposición.
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Polo tanto, ás veces é mellor alumar artificialmente un espazo escuro (falo de focos, non de flash) que subir os parámetros até puntos nos que poda deformarse moito o resultado.
Controla a temperatura de cor
Hai dúas maneiras de cambialo: axustando a temperatura en graos K (Kelvin) ou cos filtros que adoitan ter as cámaras de predeterminado segundo a fonte de iluminación (para sol, sombra, luces fosforescentes, incandescentes, etc.). 
Eu sempre recomendo usar o espectro numérico até que atopes un punto que che gusta; nese sentido, podes optar polo naturalismo e buscar a cor que máis se axusta ao que vés cos teus ollos, ou ser un pouco pillabán e subir ou baixar un chisco a temperatura para infundir á túa foto dun determinado estado de ánimo ou estética. 
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Aproveita o desenfoque
A lonxitude focal é o que determina o lonxe ou preto que ves o suxeito da túa foto (usamos teleobxectivos como se fosen telescopios, para ver máis lonxe) pero tamén para determinar a profundidade de campo ou a nitidez que teñen cada un dos planos da foto (dende o máis preto até o máis lonxe); entre outras cousas que non me da a vida de explicar. O caso é que poden chegar incluso a deformar unha foto.
Os mĂłbiles adoitan ter obxectivos moi angulares (<50mm), polo tanto fanche ver:
As cousas parecen máis lonxe, máis pequenas
Caben máis cousas na foto, porque ten un espectro máis amplo de visión
Deforman un chisco os bordes no que se adoita chamar “ollo de peixe” (isto no móbil non chega a notarse moito, pero algo de deformación hai)
Todo é nítido, dende o que está máis preto até o que está máis lonxe.
E isto limita un chisco a creatividade. Cun teleobxectivo, porén, (>50mm) podes ver:
As cousas parecen máis preto
Caben menos cousas na foto, ten un espectro menos amplo de visiĂłn
Non todo é nítido, só o plano que está enfocado (manualmente ou polo enfoque automático, tanto ten). O que está máis lonxe ou máis preto dese plano, está desenfocado. 
E isto último é PRECIOSO. Da unha sensación cinematográfica, outórgalle profundidade e subxectividade á foto. Alguén está a mirar e a deterse nese plano enfocado, como facemos nas nosas mentes. Dálle humanidade. 
Insisto que estes consellos non son normas, tamén se poden facer cousas chulas con angulares. Pero se queres intimidade, humanidade, etc. usa lonxitudes focais maiores ;)
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Ante a dúbida, achégate (ou afástate)
As fotos ás veces quedan mal porque non ousamos achegarnos abondo ao suxeito. Non queremos molestar á persoa que lle facemos un retrato ou nos da pereza abaixarnos a facerlle a foto a aquela flor. 
Ousade achegarvos, sempre atoparedes mais posibilidades canto máis preto esteades.
Claro que, cando usas un teleobxectivo para dar ese efecto cinematográfico do que falabamos antes, ás veces debes afastarte moito para que o teu suxeito non salga dos marxes da foto. A cuestión aquí é que, antes de cambiar a distancia focal cun zoom (iso é trampa), que valores se merece a pena achegarte ou afastarte para conseguir a foto. 
(para a foto de abaixo, metinme no mar co móbil na man!! que perigo!!) 
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Mira polo visor, non pola pantalla (con cámaras DSLR, sobre todo)
Non sei nas vosas, pero na miña Canon D70 teño que mirar pola pantalla para acadar os parámetros (ISO, K, obturación, diafragma, etc) perfectos para a foto. Pero despois, sempre miro polo visor para sacar a foto. O visor non ten os parámetros novos implementados, é o que ves na realidade pero encadrado na túa fotografía. 
Non sei porque motivo, iso faime ser consciente da composición da foto. 
A composición ten tantas normas como excepcións. Podería falarvos da regra dos terzos, das diagonais, do consello que lle deu supostamente John Ford a Spielberg (”cando o horizonte está abaixo ou arriba, é interesante. Cando está no medio é aburrido”) pero sería un tratado infumable e incluso podería limitar bastante ás vosas imaxinacións.
Penso que hai que entrenar o ollo a medida que vas facendo fotos. Observalas, trazar liñas sobre elas. Pouco a pouco, atopas que cando é máis interesante centrar o teu suxeito ou deixalo cara un lado, subir ou baixar a liña do horizonte, balancear o seu equilibro (refírome a que unha foto “pesa” polo lado no que hai máis ruído visual). 
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O meu consello aquí e deixar sempre un chisco do que se lle chama “aire”, é dicir, baleiro arredor do suxeito. Non pegar a cabeza dx retratadx ao marxe superior da foto, para entendernos. 
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En fin. Grazas por aguantar a chapa aos que chegastes até aquí abaixo. Se vos gusta, compartide!
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goexploregreece · 8 months
What are my choices for some of the best places to take photos at the Acropolis Museum in Athens?
The Acropolis Museum is one of the most photogenic locations in Athens, and there are plenty of spots where visitors can capture stunning photos and videos. Here are some of my best places for photos, videos, and the perfect Instagram shot at the Acropolis Museum:
THE TERRACE OF THE ACROPOLIS MUSEUM RESTAURANT The restaurant’s outdoor terrace offers some of the best views of the Acropolis and the city of Athens. Visitors can take photos and videos of the stunning panorama while enjoying a restaurant meal or drink.
THE GLASS FLOOR OVERLOOKING THE EXCAVATION SITE The museum’s excavation site is located beneath the museum. There is a glass floor that offers a unique view of the ancient neighbourhood once located there. Visitors can take photos and videos of the excavation site from above, and the glass floor provides an excellent opportunity for creative Instagram shots.
THE PARTHENON FRIEZE GALLERY The Parthenon Frieze is one of the most famous exhibits at the museum, and the gallery that houses it is a great place for photos and videos. The gallery features a large window that overlooks the Acropolis. Visitors can take photos and videos of the frieze with the Acropolis in the background.
THE CARYATIDS OF THE ERECHTHEION The six Caryatid statues are some of the most iconic exhibits at the museum, and visitors can take photos and videos of these impressive sculptures from different angles.
THE ENTRANCE OF THE MUSEUM The museum’s entrance features a striking glass façade and a sleek design that makes for a great Instagram shot. Visitors can take photos of themselves in front of the entrance or capture the museum’s unique architecture from different angles.
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kozmophotos · 9 months
Five DON'Ts of Photography
If you are looking for photography tips the internet and KozmoPhotos.com has tons of them. But what about the things that you SHOULDN’T do in photography? You won’t come across many lists that will tell you what NOT to do.  Well that’s going to stop today. Today we put together a list of things that you shouldn’t do in photography. It doesn’t matter if it is your first time picking up a camera…
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rothgalleries · 1 year
Gray's Beach and Cape Cod Bay Sunset Photography
Gray’s Beach on Cape Cod is a picturesque location that offers a breathtaking view of the Cape Cod Bay at sunset. One of the best ways to capture this stunning moment is through photography, and the wooden boardwalk at Gray’s Beach serves as an excellent vantage point for capturing the sunset’s beauty. The wooden boardwalk at Gray’s Beach is a unique and rustic feature that adds to the area’s…
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2am-cursed-fanfic · 2 years
Boat fucker: A Fanfic
Ariel’s POV:
Sneaking up to the surface is something I’m not supposed to do.
My dad would kill me if you knew what I did on a regular basis. But there’s something so fascinating about the human world. The way they look, the way they act, the way they walk on two legs, and the things that they make, so many things, bring wonder to my eyes.
I collected so much of what they have up there and I still want more.They have paintings and frames and corkscrews, and so many other things that I don’t even know what the names are.
There are so many things I wish I could see, like fire and the surface from their point of view.
But I’m so excited when we can meet halfway through, halfway to your world and half into mine.
Go on these wooden floaty things and they will come out to sea.
Now I wonder if I am barely underwater, so clear that I can see the surface above me and the magical lights that surround them.
I come up to the surface. I close my eyes for a moment, wondering if I open them if all this will disappear.I'm wondering if it won’t be as magical up close now that I can see it all.
But nonetheless, I dare to open one of my eyes and then the other, and then I see them. And it's the most beautiful and wonderful thing I’ve ever seen in the world.
And for some reason, I start to have a feeling. A feeling I’ve never felt in my body before.
Something that feels like my heart but much lower.
And suddenly, I have the urge to go up to them. And dance in the same way that the waves do.
Eric’s point of view;
I have been dancing on the boat with all my Goodfellas. Oh in wonder, I’ve never felt so alive until I was upon the ocean.
The swing of the waves, the beauty of the lights shimmering across the water. Mendes, I dance and sing to the music, as if the boat is dancing with me on the waves.
But for a moment, I am enchanted by the waters. Looking upon the shimmering lights, I’m lost in a trance. ’m sure I see red hair out of the corner of my eye, but I look over and there’s nothing more than a little splash.
This is so curious to me that I can’t shake the thought until my friends call me. Can I go back to dancing once again?
Ariel Point of View ;
So, so close and the feeling seems to be growing, and I find myself growing in excitement. I long for the touch and stretch my arm out as my fated and beloved target approaches.
Then the touch is finalized and I feel it. My gills purr in excitement.
The enchantment of my eyes is sturdy and now very obviously made of fine wood in all the right places.
Somehow natural, we pull together and my tail is in on what seems to me the best wood in the world.
Next thing I know, my tail is moving with the waves and we keep thrusting each other together. I can’t get enough of the touch we share.
Even in the cool waters, I feel so warm.
Eric perspective;
This is...interesting.
After I had gotten back to dancing, strange things started happening slowly. The singing and dancing were loud and we were all having the best time when the boat sounded like it was getting hit by something in the water.
It wasn’t a big deal until we realized it wasn’t stopping anytime soon.
So curious, we looked to the edges of the ship; the party was taking a quick break.
We saw nothing on the sides of the boat, but then, "I hear something down here," one of the sea mates called. We all rushed below deck scared of what could be wrong.
As we did, we started to hear a voice. It sounded like singing at first, but the more we got below deck, we realized it sounded more and more like moaning mixed with a few whines here and there.
Then we were all below deck on the bottom floor, listening to someone moaning beneath the boat.The banging was all coming from the same place.It was a strange sight, but the thuds didn’t stop.
We were below deck for about 10 minutes when someone decided we should go above deck again. Upon reaching the deck again, none of us went back to partying, too distracted by the boat’s slight swing despite no waves on the calm and once quiet night.
Eventually, we did have to go to bed, but somehow the noises did not stop for one moment. I lay there in my bed, perks of being a prince, hearing moaning and groaning even with the pillows covering my ears.
Ever since it started, there's only been one thing on my mind.
But now that the late night ceases to be quiet, I decide I’m going to try the one thing that’s been on my mind.
"First mate," I announced.
He rushes towards my chambers,
"Hello, your highness, what can I do for you?"
"Can you fetch Sir Cedrick?"
And so he does. A few moments later, Cedrick comes into my room.
"Hello, your highness. What can I do for you?"
Midway through his sentence, a moan interrupted him. He blushed and looked away from me.
The mumbles and rumbles under the floorboards don’t stop me from running to him, pinning him against the wall and saying,
"Now I’m sure the mates will never notice with all the noise from downstairs."
He flushes but doesn’t move. I expected a nod. And it’s on.
Ariel Point Of View;
I see the day breaking upon low light on the waters. I move away from the boat. and parts that I’ve been clutching on to since well before dawn.
I’m so sore and I’m so tired, and yet I don’t regret a moment of it.
That was the best moment I could’ve spent with something from the human world.
I hope that the boat comes back just for me and we can be a part of a whole new world together.
Why do I keep doing this
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davigzt · 2 years
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Tra luce e buio 🏔
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ronk · 11 days
I don’t stand too close to other people when taking photos, just in case, I want to crop them out later.
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inspiregoals · 1 month
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condruzmf · 1 month
Secure Photo Sharing: Vital for Your Business
Photo sharing extends beyond the mere transmission of images to third parties; it entails safeguarding your business interests and fostering trust with potential clientele. A secure system can deter unauthorized access to images by clients who haven’t paid and instill confidence in leads regarding the security of their images should they engage your services. Secure Photo Sharing: This guide…
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theprincientist · 2 years
Do You Need A Digital Camera For Your Photos?
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Taking beautiful photos takes time and practice. But the equipment you use makes a difference.
Smartphone or Digital Camera?
Probably one of the most asked questions amongst beginners in photography.
Although they perform the purpose of taking pictures, be it design, quality or technique, they are simply not the same.
Many content creators use their phones but brands may demand a DSLR for better quality content.
Depending on your needs you will have to make a choice between them. Or use both of them.
This article will use five criteria to clarify if a phone or a camera better suits your purposes. Quality, Convenience, Time, Money and Ability..
You should see it as a guide, where the final decision is yours to make.
Don't make the mistake of spending time and money on equipment you won't use. Choose the right equipment for your photos. Choose what is best for you.
Read the Full Article Below.
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ftihyderabad · 1 month
Illuminate your world with the magic of light! 📸✨ Learn the essential lighting fundamentals for stunning photography. From mastering natural light to manipulating artificial sources, discover how to sculpt the perfect shot. #PhotographyTips #LightingMagic #CaptureTheLight #filmschoolanteFTIH
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