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sandmoonyelse · 1 year
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victormalonso · 6 months
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please excuse my translation errors
a shadow that grows
in the insular and saline ambit of night;
the sea, your name, that drags your smell to my shore.
Woman, announces the swell of time, the rebellion of silence;
I wait for you in the afternoon, in the fierce twilight of your name,
in the restless night of your sex.
Woman, your mouth, your eyes, your skin, your breasts,
they are the image I have of an impossible memory,
a memory of you, where you were not.
Woman, you evoke all the strings of time, of so far from me
in the strange geography of night;
ah! and your hair, woman, woman, beautiful star that I see
up there in the sky, you,
argonaut of the years that we have lost in the silence,
of the equivocal and elusive latitude of your mouth,
your mouth,
that drives me crazy.
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myphotosandmore · 7 months
Foggy sunrise on Super-Besse, France, August 2023
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
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When a rose turns black chapter 11
(A rotten fruit from a virtuous tree)
A/N: This Chapter includes mention of bleeding, disfigurement, Child Sacrificing, and stuff, so beware! It’s been a while since I wrote gore and stuff, and won’t be my last <3 Btw; This photo is taken by me ;)
The Queen of Morbidia sat alone in her office, devastated by the loss of her kingdom’s economy and financial resources. One of her councilors suggested loaning from other countries, she found this idea great but she doesn’t want to drown her country in debt. One of the councilors suggested that she goes to a mage and tell her of a magical quest that will benefit her financially.
She found this idea an absolute waste of time, she doesn’t trust mages or sorcery, But that idea gives her motivation to kill Donovan and sell his magical artifacts, Or anything related to him.
One of her councilors reminded her of her pact with King Midas, the second richest man in Virginia, she rolled her eyes in pure annoyance and scoffed.
“Of course, I remembered my pact with that arrogant fool!” She scolded him.
“I know, your majesty, but-“ he muttered, but the Queen interrupted him
“Do not! Remind me of this again!” She warned.
“Yes, Yes your majesty,” he replied.
All the councilors are shocked because of the Queen’s attitude toward the first councilor of hers, they silently disdain the Queen, One of the councilors changed the subject to a different one.
“My Queen, words spread of a different entity that eats children!” The counselor started,
“Ugh, Great! Another monster!” She scoffed, It’s like Donovan alone isn’t enough for her, another monster in the picture is way worse, How can she cope? What if the two monsters teamed up together and decided to fight the queen and her kingdom? That is too much to bare.
“It’s like that abomination isn’t enough! He attacked us, he destroyed our economy and my kingdom is not in a good condition anymore!” She grumbled she hates everything and everyone now, she even hates King Midas more.
“Your Majesty… don’t be negative, you know that most monsters do not want rivals or competition in their place,” One of the councilors pointed out, there is some truth to his statement.
“I guess you’re right,” She consented, they are right she should be positive not negative about life.
“Your Majesty, I heard that new entity only hunts Near Khÿeroma’s villages only!” One of the councilors told.
“That’s such a relief! Our Kingdom cannot bare any more problems” She breathed.
There was a hastily knock on the door, the Queen commanded them to enter.
“Enter!” She commanded.
A maiden came, “your Majesty! It’s King Midas, he is here” the maiden said.
“Good, I will come immediately!” The Queen muttered, and the maid left to do her work.
The Queen excused herself and left, as well as the councilors.
Most of the councilors are tired of the Queen, they hoped that she will soon die and her daughter rule instead of her. But, they cannot afford to show their secret perspective about the Queen, they cannot afford to let their dark secrets slip into the light. They thought that this incident would teach her something but it didn’t, she never changed, she was still the same old Queen Elysia, and nothing changed about her.
They still remembered her father, King Xavier, the kindest and wise king of Morbidia, A King who is not going to be repeated in history. But they quoted the old saying “ there is a bad seed in a virtuous tree, or, A Rotten fruit from a virtuous tree” King Xavier was Kind and wise, but not his daughter, A shame to his legacy.
If anything, There are rotten fruits from virtuous trees.
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Some say children grow up to be like their parents, Wise, Righteous, and Kind-hearted, But not all children grow up to be like their fathers. Not for Ashure Ro’bey. The infamous Mage of Omenvalley.
Ashure mind’s drifts into a deep dark place, where his sick fantasies appear, Money- that’s all he thinks of Wealth, anything that he did not have as a young man. Anything that his father had taken from him to earn by working.
It never crosses anyone's mind that Ashure is a rotten fruit from a virtuous tree. Just like the case with Queen Elysia. Both are rotten, and both are bad, but their parents were good people.
Borēm, one of Ashure's best friends and personal assistant, he gave him a dagger, that is only used for sacrificing. Borēm, A Powerful mage himself has doubts too. He knows what they are doing is unforgivable, But the love for wealth and fame had blinded their eyes and their hearts. It’s such an unfortunate thing when people value money over someone's life.
Ashure Took the dagger, he looks into it. He remembered using it too many times in sacrificial rituals only. He took such sick pride in doing it too many times, even though, he didn’t earn anything for it.
But this time he will, or as he thinks so, it is nighttime in some desert area, the place is dark and eerie, and it didn’t help to ease the cries of the children That Ashure Kidnapped a while ago. If anything, they weren’t calmed at all.
The place is dark, creepy, and scary, With a huge altar sacrificial for these children. A place these horrible mages chose to be the last resting place for these poor souls.
“Please... S-Sir.. let us go” the children begged
“Hehehehahaah” Ashure only laughed at them.
“Sir… please.. we beg of you... let-let us go!” the children begged again but their pleas weren’t enough to spare them from such a fate.
“No” Ashure simply replied to them, then he motioned for Bōrem to bring them, so they can start the ritual.
“Ahhhhh. No.. no.. please sir.. no” the children cried, If only can someone hear them.
But alas, it was only a mere second and they were silenced forever, Ashure used his magic to grab them and put them on the altar table. To begin the rituals.
Ashure precisely had cut the arteries of their stomachs, necks, and their hands, Ashure, and his friend can hear the children scream in pain and agony, but they didn’t care at all, the bloodstreams were in the place like a river. In quick seconds Ashure had drawn some runes symbols on their bodies while muttering a language only the mage can recognize it. The blood still runs under them, it didn’t stop until it turns black and thick, The sand quickly absorbed their blood. Leaving only faint spots.
Arlem, the leader of the guardians that guard the underground treasures, every time, he remembers these mages doing a ritual he laughs at them. Because they can’t do it right, they can’t find the right child to sacrifice, and that child must be a “Zoris”, or otherwise, it won’t work at all.
“Ah! Ashure, reminds me again how many times you did this ritual?” He mocked them.
“Laugh all you want! But the treasure will be mine!” Ashure shot back.
“Ha! Keep dreaming!” He mocked again.
“So… you are saying the sacrifice didn’t work?” Bōrem chimed in.
“What do you think?” Arlem cruelly cackled at them
The two mages stand there in utter silence, They just sacrificed two lives for nothing at all, and the disappointment that washed over Ashure is showing. But he deserves it for doing such terrible things, if anything, this is too little compared to what he did, and what he deserves.
“Next time, please understand the context well, so that you won’t waste my time again” Arlem advised, then he left them.
“Ah damn it!” Ashure Cursed, Anger, and disappointment are showing in his voice.
“Calm down,” Bōrem told him
“I’m Calm!” Ashure declares angrily.
“Welp, If you remember; We have bigger problems at hand,” Bōrem started
“Oh yes,” Ashure muttered.
“Raqoul. We must get rid of him,” Bōrem added.
“Indeed,” Ashure replied.
“Let’s go to find a solution to this problem,” Ashure suggested, then both of them left.
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Today is the day that Hadi Aepel return to his family, he missed them so much, it has been two weeks since he left. But he can’t wait to return home to his family.
Hadi finished packing all his possessions in the bag, He is now ready to leave with his friends for Al-Jahra, His hometown. He is coming home. Coming to the place that shaped him, the place he grew in with his parents. The place where the spark and love are.
It will take three hours from here but he doesn’t care, he will walk all these three hours, To return home.
“Hey! Guys! Are you ready?” A man called.
“Yes, I am ready,” Hadi replied, looking at his shoulder, He saw his friend packing their bags.
“Give us a minute!” Nadeem answered the man
“Okay,” The man said
Hadi Inhaled a large amount of fresh air and then exhaled, after he freshened up, he started to walk with his friends.
All the men are now ready to leave the camp, they left in groups on the journey to reach their hometown. Al-Jahra City.
He missed his home and his family so much, he can’t wait to see them, As they do too.
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When someone thinks of a monster, they will think of an ugly scary-looking beast with huge teeth, But that’s not the case for Donkey Lady.
The Donkey Lady is a beautiful young woman with long black hair, fair skin, and light brown eyes. She resembles most of the girls in Virginia. But that’s not the case, she is a monster, a child eater, a servant of the devil donkey patron.
The Donkey Lady, unlike all monsters who love to hunt at the night, she hunts in the afternoon. Normally due to the hot temperatures in the afternoon. She picks her victims very carefully.
And, one of her victims today is two persons, A woman, and her freshly-born baby girl.
Donkey Lady had been investigating the situation of her would-be victims, she saw a young woman carrying her baby girl, the woman’s husband always leave for his work. Leaving them vulnerable to monsters or killers.
Donkey Lady changed her form into a young alive woman, she was in her undead form. But now, she isn’t. She Gracefully walks to the house where she intends to kill the owner in it.
She gently knocks on the door, and moments later a woman opened the door.
“Hi! Can I help you?” A woman beamed.
“Yes.. yes... Actually! I’m new to this city.. and..” Donkey Lady answered.
“And?” The woman repeated.
“Well... I just want to know where the market is!” Donkey Lady lied.
“Oh.. sure! Do you see those huge palm leaves? The market is on the left of them,” The woman replied, as she gave her the directions.
“Thank you!” Donkey Lady uttered then she walk away.
The woman noticed something strange about this woman, something that made her blood runs cold, she noticed that the woman has donkey-like legs, so she hurriedly closes the door and prays that she won’t come again.
But that didn’t happen.. because the same woman with donkey-like legs came again. The next day. She came again asking the same question. “Where is the market?”
The woman answered the same as the last time, “it is near those huge palm trees”,
The donkey lady leaves again, and that woman and her baby are scared to death. But the woman decided that she won’t be silent anymore, she told her neighbors of this incident, She gathered people, neighbors, family, and such, to tell them what she encountered.
“You have to believe! It is real! I’m not imagining or anything!” She pleaded.
But their response was only a deafening silence. They only gave her looks of pettiness and she is insane glares.
The woman knew that she and her child are in danger, but no one believed her or even wanted to fake believing her. She felt letdown, Everyone failed her. It is really cruel and painful when you see something and no one believes you, not even one person believed her.
they didn’t believe her, even her husband didn’t believe her. That made her devastated and sad, no one believes her, and that means no one can protect her now.
On the third day, the Donkey Lady decided that she had had enough of those mind games, she will feast today, she will eat that baby and she will enjoy such a lovely, tender meal.
She used her donkey-like ears to hear the sounds, what her ears caught is the sound of a baby crying, she knows it is the child of that woman, whom she asked where the market is.
“Ooh.. what a lovely tot!” She mused as she spins around gracefully.
“I will enjoy today~” she creepily whispered.
The donkey Lady left again to that woman, her new victim, She gently knocked on the door.
She knew that the woman is inside, but she didn’t open it for her, because she is deathly scared, Scared of her.
The Donkey Lady knocks on the door again, but there is no answer, she knocked thrice, and the last time she knocked on the door.
The donkey lady had enough now. She used her magic to open the door, it opens gently and soundlessly.
The woman was hiding under the bed, she tried to get her baby to stop crying, but she couldn’t, she is crying and crying, the mother's heart is breaking from sadness and pain, she can’t take this anymore, her heart is swelling with sorrow. She prays that someone helps her, but no one answered her prayers.
“I know you are here!” She softly says, walking near the bed, She lowers her head to see them.
“Noo nooo. Please.. please.. no.. let us go-“ the woman wailed, as she hold the tot between her arms, Her tears flood non-stop, Begging for mercy and mercy only.
“Shh... I will give you a painless swift death~” The donkey lady whispered, With a quick move of her hand, she plunged it into her chest ripping her heart out and squeezing it until it breaks and turns into dust.
The mother's corpse fell lifelessly near her baby, the baby kept crying, not knowing that her mother had just died.
“Shhh~ Beautiful thing~” Donkey Lady whispers,
Donkey Lady had scraped the woman’s face, her cheeks were bruised and bleeding, she licked the blood, enjoying it’s taste.
The baby kept crying, giving the donkey lady a thrilling, sick sensation she enjoyed to the core, she bears her fangs to the baby girl who is crying, she gently hold her as she took a bite of her cheeks, leaving a bloody gaping hole on her cheek, she munches it, she smiles as she enjoys the tender flesh of the baby, in all likelihood, if a killer had seen her, he would hate the moment he killed. She looks beastly, otherworldly, And sure, she is an abomination.
She took another bite from the cheek of the other cheeks, and the child wept in pain, but the donkey lady decided to silence the child, she sucked the child’s life essence hastily, and as the child crying died down, she finally sighs and kept feasting on the poor baby.
If only the walls can talk.. rather than just be a silent, dirty witness splattered with blood, a silent witness of this bloody hunting...
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Raqoul hates everything and everyone now, Lucifer had just survived one of his ambushes, which made him boil with anger and hatred, Soon, Lucifer will fall on Raqoul’s ambushes, and he won’t survive them.
He couldn’t get why some humans love lucifer, he just can’t fathom why they love him, Lucifer betrayed Souma, the first godfather of all demons, and Lucifer killed him by poisoning his heart and taking his place. Raqoul.. will one day resurrect Souma and they together will rule the realms. He kept thinking and thinking until someone came to annoy the crap out of him. It is his half-sister. Vamonessyia.
Vamonessyia came to Raqoul, she is wearing a red seductive, short lace dress. She is beautiful, but Raqoul isn’t interested in the slightest in her, She is as he calls her “abomination” a half-Lucifer blood half-Souma blood, she is a succubus, an evil spirit, who feeds on men's life essence.
While Raqoul is a demon of desolation, he feeds on people's misfortunes, tension, fears, and Chaos. He feeds on a lot of things, especially people’s Chaos, His birthright, something linked to his name, and that is Chaos.
“Brother-“ She started, but Raqoul interrupted her harshly.
“What! You abomination!” Raqoul harshly interrupted her.
“Brother~” she whispered to him.
“I’m not your brother,” He dryly reminded.
“Eww, you are so cruel” she replied, as she faked hurt in her tone, she loves mind games, but sadly, they don’t work on Raqoul, not even one bit.
“Go away,” He dismissed her, Then he looked at his huge mirror to spy on his enemies.
Vamonessyia only gives the reaction “meh” and then she left to find new victims, she can feed on their life essence, and She will soon find them.
Raqoul didn’t care about her being happy or annoyed, he just doesn’t want her near him ever again, he soon forgot that she ever existed and kept dreaming about what if Lucifer died. What will happen? Will he be the new ruler? Or he will resurrect Souma to take his place again on the throne. A lot of questions raced to his mind. But he kept dreaming, about the day of his victory over Lucifer. The pretender, the betrayer, and the vilest creature ever.
If only.. it is a dream comes true.. but. Some dreams must die, Forever.
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watermonkeystuff · 2 months
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Heuchera ‘Black Forest Cake’.
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mattexp2 · 10 months
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They are not my friends
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jadehillphotography · 1 month
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18th March 2024
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meimeigiordano-blog · 11 months
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Photo taken with camera Nikon D3000
San Clemente, beach Argentina 2023
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equal2morningcoffee · 2 years
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Peak Foliage Season has Arrived in Vermont!
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meeraphotography · 2 years
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Hidden Gem 
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sandmoonyelse · 1 year
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River Elegy...
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Cute Florist shop 🪴🧺🍋
Sprout & Flower, Mere, Warminster.
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myphotosandmore · 7 months
Foggy contryside
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mechachoco · 1 year
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candid shot of my friend outside of club kaiju.
oyasumi.nikki on IG
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glitching-hell777 · 1 year
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Someplace - Somewhere - Nowhere
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