masoqueen-official · 2 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 23 - Kiss
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“HOW LOVLEYYY” -me the whole time while drawing this
sorry I held it off for an hour because I was talking to Tevin and got bored lmao
Also forgot what to write… again. 🙂
I tried going for a dip effect but uhm, arms. Yeah arms. Totally makes sense right? Right.
He straight up went: “I WILL SMOOTCH! WhEre is thE boY- ThEre hE is” “oh hi did you ne-“ “FACE GRAB YOU YES” “oH okA-“ -w-
It’s so cute though 😭😖😵‍💫❤️‍🩹🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛
These were some of the “progress sketches” down here! (Aka the margin sketch and then the other one cuz it was dark and I wanted to see how I was doing this because I started in the car on the way back-)
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Oh ye and I did try doing some more of the dislike extermination™️ art lines for Roman today too!
So yep!
Hope you liked it!
Love to everyone readin’ byeee!
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masoqueen-official · 2 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 24 - hobbies together (watching HW movies 🧡)
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Hey there! Cutting it kinda close this time huh?
At least it's not as bad as day (17?) where it was after midnight, but hey let's not dwell, and ya' can't blame me because I was watching all the Halloween town movies for the first time like all day! (and it was sissy time again -3-") I started after the 1st movie though... Or was it earlier?
But then i cut the last movie short because i went to see DUNE and got mega rained on when i came in lol. Y'know- dune, that one movie based off a book or something and i basically starred at it almost the whole time, not actually knowing what was happening for two hours except death, spice, sand, hiarrcy, and more death- then pondering every moment of change in the music expecting a sand worm but it's just lots of yelling in demonic tones giving me heart attacks instead and also may or may not have triggered a drawing idea 😳... That's the one yep-
Also sorry if i overshare so much i usually do that if I'm not conversing with myself XD because you yourself always make the best company! ((plus i need to fill space lol-)) Pf anyway i should probably talk about the drawing itself huh? Since i have 7 minutes and all, Well...
This was not actually my original idea! Granted, it's very similar, but i DID take some inspiration from my time watching the HWT movies. (aka flug falling asleep sideways with a blanket =w=)
Tried catching the light well but eh-! I just love how bh stares at him like "ohp?" and considering they both think almost everything is corny, instead of curling up and watching some horror dramas- i made this! Welp, i have 3 mins now so i might as well be headin' out! Thanks for reading if you did-
Tomorrow i have mixed feelings about but I'll try my best!
bye byeeeee 💘
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Also tomorrow i have to officially start doing school stuff again pls save me 🙃
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masoqueen-official · 2 years
...Yes 🏳️‍🌈
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 19 - Perfume / Aroma (ft. Miss heed)
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Tho earlier i couldn't find my thin sharpie so that kinda freaked me out low key for like a couple hours then i almsot lost it but it just fell in my dad's backpack pf
I told you i had a good idea lmao
Also my brain isn't really working so you just get whatever i decide to write
Pinterest 😀
Okay yeah i don't have anything ima go look at some villainous edits now bye ✌🏼️
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After ep 6 Edit: *flashbacks*
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober 2021)
Day 3 - Fear / Fright
SoRrY it'S sO late i WAs at Madeira all day 😭🐚🏖
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Okay ima be honest
I srsly had no idea what i should do for this because i literally thinka bout the same cliche things alls the time i mean-
HeLllOOo masOchI-
Anywa y
I wanted to go for something a lil different and this, again, was one of the first things that popped into my mind but then i asked myself... "well what the hell is a demon literally incorporated with everything remotley evil in the world put together supposed to be afraid of? Flowers? Children? 505?"
Then it came to me.
"no wait... The only thing he could truly be afraid of is--"
The fandom.
The fkn fandom- XDDD
So uhm
Y ep
That's today lol
Hope you like it 👍🏼
I kept chuckling at this while in the car halfway through it hehehe <3
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 17 - Bite
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Buddy boy just trying to "eat" a sandwich and... SURPRISE MF-
And so the cringe begins... XD hopefully not, i won't even post minor things or I'll think the internet hates me lol (despite the fact that most of you are basically like me where u know that's where the good shit at) but ima try a couple different things and see how it goes.
I actually came up with the idea for this yesterday! I only executed it so late though because i was having personal sissy time U_U 👭 ...and playing just dan- we were having fun stuffing our faces with cookies and I finally watched hocus pocus, yes. I have never seen that movie until today don't hurt me-
I did find that one joke in there though and i was like "OHHHhhHh thAT'SSS WHAT THAT'S FROM" (it was the "go to hell! Oh i have been and it's quite lovley!" one XD) I really loved the characters though lmao
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This kind of art was obviously expected because smol bren that sees that same shit att- AHEM
But i tried putting my own little spin on it.
Flug is biting into a sandwich, and bh is... Well, biting into another... Snack XD (good lord help me i can already feel my sins crawling on ove- oh it's just you shattered. ᵀᴴᴬᵀ'ˢ ᴿᴵᴳᴴᵀ ᴮᴵᵀᶜᴴ ᴵᵀ'ˢ ᴹᴱ)
I did have to look up some references because the first three tries... Oml i went "i don't wanna post this, no 😭 it looks so bad" i was having trouble aligning the head and doing the teeth as you can probably tell, but then made it acomadable at the least and fixed it up with the good ol color filter technique, except i figured out how to do purple and i went ooOOOh. So yep XD
I liked how the white pen under flug's eyes look kindy weary though it just fits. 👌🏼
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*ɥıpǝs ıu ɯɐso qlɐuʞǝʇ*
Okie baiIiIII 🌸💛🖤💛🖤
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 6 - Flug without bag
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I don't usually like drawing him without his bag, especially since i suck at boy hair haha, but i had this one design i sort of made and this picture is based off it:
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(This is somewhat old, not really though, and was drawn with finger on my phone.)
Instead of brown, red, or blonde hair... What if he had blue hair? Orrr black hair?
I'd make more sense considering 505 has blue fur and Flug refers to him as his "son" (and i know it's because he made him and whatnot) but i think it'd correlate a little better.
And because he's presumably Latino i mean-
I haven't actually seen him with black hair yet.
And i know it might throw off his "innocent" yet easily frustrated mood but I think it could work too, y’know?
What was his original hair color you ask though? Uhhhm, well I mean, still could be black or something- idk also sorry if I sound like I don’t know what I’m saying my adhd is kicking in and there’s marvel playing in the backround 😭
The original concept of Flug with blue hair was either found on amino or Pinterest so yep
Okay well I’m getting super distracted and this was supposed to be the fast post today so I’m gonna cut this short so I can finish what I need to and start commissions so MhM bYe
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021 (not exactly lol)
Day 13 - Out of context (I did a “Dts”)
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Sorry I was actually gonna do this earlier but I went on a walk as shatt. Instead lol
anyway sorry the teeth look bad
This is of course, out of context! …but let me provide some anyway haha
I originally found this image on Pinterest (oOoh) and wanted to draw this exact thing i did today. But, instead, I just drew it for this! I’ll probably post it there too but hey! At least I’m knocking off two things at once again!
I saw that not many of you took an interest to day 12 pf, I personally loved that one the 2nd to most but it’s
alright ^^
Also! That one art for the post I thought I was not gonna finish cuz I started out shitty actually turned out kinda good so yay! Now, finally, I’m finishing up the Dislike Extermination™️ Pic! So hopefully I'll be done soon!
Anyhoo POcA—
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of Paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 9 - Suit / dressed up
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CAsuAlly rUshEs in FiniShiNg, geTtIng hOme, tAking a shoWEr, and posTIng thIS beFORe midNight-
Siesta key this timE
*flashbacks to "G O G O G O"*
CoUGh cOUgh (real coughs this time, all that fuckin red tide and dead fishies today 😃 also just realized it was the sand + the bitchass mosquitoes that are fkn our skin up, besides f a th er for some reason. Lucky bitc- OH SHIT I HAVE NINE MINUTES TO WRITE THIS fUC-)
Outfits were kinda hard to think up but i tried lmao 😭 Sorry it looks kinda bad
Fancy hoes uwu (hoes is just a friendly lingo i use lol)
I just- c an't draw hands sideways or sticking out can i-? NopE
ROS E S 🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀
I went on a high bridge today and drew this stupid shitty doodle thing pf
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i could show you me actually looking nice for once against a beach sunset...
But you're getting a much more beautiful boi, m a r cu s- 🔥💞🦎
i thinKKK thAt's iT???
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masoqueen-official · 2 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 26 - Heat
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"𝕀 𝕓𝕦𝕣𝕟 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕀'𝕞 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕟, 𝕀'𝕞 𝕤𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕪 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣."
Sorry for taking so long I was binging villainous crack xDDD you know how it is
Guess who got 30 fucking shark teeth when they though nothing would happennnn (like omg i was almost about to give some away- I WAS HOLDING AT LEAST 300,000 YEARS IN MY HANDS PEOPLE-)
But more about that later...
I did it! I actually made this one beach themed and a literal representation- jesus christ, the amount of times i re-did bh's eye (i redid his mouth once lol) HhuhajIiJjm, pMmm
My dad actually gave me some inspiration for this one and i said, "y'know what you actually gave me an idea for half of this thanks-" he basically said something about an aura around a person, but i think this works better. XD
Flug doesn't even know how to react anymore and bh is just like: "I may hate shorts but I'm notgoing to look stupid ✨" i also apologize for the filter pff idk
You also see how i snuck in that shark tooth canister and bag to compare to what i did? Yeahhh
I was thinking about giving him some fancy device to aid him in the sun but i was braindead so you get teeth instead-! Fun huh?
Speaking of fun, here's the other part-
The beach i went to was casperton(?) in Venice, Florida (calm down calm down i wanna go to) since we loaned some gear. And I gotta tell ya', it's as pretty as pretty can get that's not tropical blue water but instead has a bunch of seaweed *shivers* (i don't like touching seaweed)
((I'm about to loose my shit because the paragraph i typed is gone and I'm going as fast as i can GODDAMN IT so you get the simple simple version))
- Active decaying pufferfish and crabs were cool (it was)
- big scoop of "masochism give me strengtHhhh" and a sad washed away pile except it wasn't sad because big tooth was there :)
- i think that was it
- we thought we found 2 megladons but the first one (which i fohnd for the record U_U) looked like a rock so i got rid of it and the other one we kept because my dad was so confident and i was like okAy Then
- there was also black (grey) sand which was c o o l but woosh erosion got me like 😩 In the ocean
- also you know that feeling when someone has a lot of something or is rly popular in so,e public place or doing something usual and you're like m a n i wish that was me, well walking around with -30 something teeth might do the trick XD
- oh yeah and while we were heading out we (me, i did) noticed so many teeth in the concrete (cuz they put shells in stuff in them there) and it was such a tease, especially because one tooth was sticking out and you could feel it but it was stuck 😭😭😭
(oh yeah and the sand pic i drew next to a flug sand pic on anpther day lol)
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat ahahatat
Day 7 - Crying
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We already did the emotional tragedies so how about some comedic relief? 😅
I'm also sorry the crying looks kinda weird or not visual enough lol
Plus i was on an isLaND today oOohhH
I have 4 more arts to finish before the last art update before commissions start if that helps!
This one came kinda quick so that's good, first it was just kinda be like this and the one point at the end of spy kids were "machette" hugged his brother. But then i made it more innovative lol.
SPEAKING OF INNOVATIVE HAHAHAa- (sorry I'm listening to music rn and just writing down whatever i think is important again at 10) good news is i actually have an idea for tomorrow's prompt even though i was at a loss, so that's good...! :D
I WILL say it will feature a different au, YOU ALL KNOW THE ONE BY NOW PF, I'm sorry i just- thE m
But i hope it will turn out good!
Anyway, toDaYyYYYokaybye-
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of Paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 15 - Role swap!
(ft. Dictators au - little gecko)
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Simping part the tw-
STRUT bOIs 🌹💐🌹💐🌹
lol a pretty simple one for today
Initially i had a different idea *laughs in awkward side-notes* but i always had the idea for using the opposite versions.
And yes
I stalled
Kind of
ˢᴴᵁᵀ ᵁᴾ ᵞᴱˢ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴰᴵᴰ
Well i mean i did stare into space for 3 hours--
Plus, Was gonna add extra stuff but hahah n o
Sorry it's so short pf
Also- the song i was replying for most of the time lmao
I figured I'd share it since @jaydenthesketch (now he's here hiiIiIII wHAT DID I SAY HOE) reminded me of it earlier and I'm in one of those moods lol so i might as well do the same and suggest it to you who haven't heard it:
And can someone PLEASEEEEE TELL ME what the next day means 😭 there are so many variations--
oK thanks ByEeEE
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"αm í pαrt σf thєm?"
"𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕖?"
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 10 - Opposite sex (genderbend)
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The ultimate bisexual test lmao- "i'M nOT b--"
*proceeds to simp anyway*
Okay so i DID put this one a little bit off today but that was mainly cuz i was finishing my poster (one of the arts for the next Art Update and my pfp) and started to continue that o.h. Persona sheet (another one).
Initially i thought this was gonna end up pretty shitty, but then it kinda worked out nice so-
I've drawn female!Flug before but not bh... So i was like "WELL FUC-"
And despite the hair being so easy, it started to piss me off like the whole rest of the time
✨ヽ(‘ ∇‘ ) so take my rendition of it
But like-- i love this now 🤌🏼❤️‍🔥😳🌹🛐
Sorry it's so messy-
AnYWAYs that's p much it bi- NOT BI GODDAM-
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lol okay bye have a good rest of your day
ᵀᴼᵀᴬᴸᴸᵞ ᴺᴼᵀ ᴳᴼᴺᴺᴬ ᴳᴼ ᶠᴷᴺ ˢᴵᴹᴾ ᴼᵛᴱᴿ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴰᴱˢᴵᴳᴺˢ ᴺᴼᵂ 👋🏼✌🏼️
Edit: oh and i forgot uhmm
Happy 1 day late year anniversary of my tumblr lol
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 16 - In a relationship / Binded ? ('Ligando')
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The fact that this isn’t being posted on the 16th is driving me eternally crazy
I was getting authentic Spanish-speaking lessons okay XD
So uh yeah “uhhhhhhhH”
Today’s word omg
Hard af first of all—
And guys Istg, I looked it up and got multiple variations, plus literally consulted almost every Latino person I knew and omg almost none of them knew what tf it was except the person who was lecturing me, shout-out to ko (co-collator of HW ayyy) for helping me aHEe, and they described it as “being in a relationship with someone else” or whatnot. (and btw they told me AFTER i was done with the "sketch") My INITIAL thoughts were kinddda like that but not really: “binded together” or “flírtíng with” ajiznakajakkanz I MEAN HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW I’M JUST A DUMB AMERICAN FUC- PF
So I drew what I could while in the car and first I said to myself, “WOW THIS LOOKS SHITTY I MEAN WOW!” XD
then eventually fixed it up I guEsSsS
And the original plan was uhhhh *insert dancing and some shitty dialogue* or *hands in the airrrr oh shit our pinkies are tied together and we’re back to back*
But instead you get whatever it is that I basically popped out at the end XD
*wtf is my look; haha hieyeyeyiii- omg our arms are replacing the pinkies- oh shit a stupid poem because she was sitting her ass by the ocean sunset drawing and wanted to make it the ey but it actually turned out bad and was the actual thing that prevented her from posting on ti-*
CoUgh couGh couGh
Been clearing my throat a lot today dono why-
The ѕσnєt states:
ѕtrung tσgєthєr, líkє ѕαnd αnd ѕєα.
σnє ѕlєєk. σnє rσugh.
í'm чσurѕ, αnd чσu'rє fσr mє.
ANYWAY I gtg so hope you guys all like it!
(here's the progress pic i took at 11:59 to keep myself sane lol):
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 4 ~ Torture
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I'll be perfectly honest,
I ha d a lot of ide a s for t hi s one but u hhhhh
...and had to think of the right one
*cougH mAs-*
And it didn't come to me until earlier this afternoon
Might as well kill off multiple things at once right? -light practice -the drawing for the day -electroshock practice -ph uwu -drawthatonedaydreamirepeatlythinkofandwanttomake
I tried to illuminate it as much as i could without filling in the silhouette fully because I'm not that confident and i could already see his monocle going a little awry 🙃
That's today!
...Don't worry he's okay he has rubber glov--
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BONUS! But please please please be aware of the EPILEPSY/Flash WARNING! ⚠️⚡️🔦 (plus it's very bright, ay-)
ᴾᵁˢ-ᴴ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴰᴬᴹᴺ ᵀ- ᵀᴿᴵᴳᴳᴱᴿ. ᴵ ᴰᴬᴿᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ.
I think this is one of my favorites now -w-
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhatttt (inktober) 2021
day 2 ~ Look/gaze
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I think this one looks better but here's the original too:
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(read first post for more info)
Ahem anyway-
This piece i actually just thought of the simplest thing and I'm sorry 😭😭😭 BUT
It WAS inspired a bit by a lil animation I'm working on (short test) which is kinda like a theory of why Flug's eyes are black instead of white.
In a nutshell? Auhhmmm- DAYDREAm. MwAH. WoOoSh. SOUl? G O nE.
So uhm yep
Almost done with the rest of the stuff for the art update, which is taking up a lot of my day but 😩, kjHukujgyjgujgju fam.
okay hope you liked today's piece bai--
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Also i added some arts or two to my post here and maybe a lil before that
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masoqueen-official · 2 years
🔴 Obvious blood warning (slight) lol ⚠️
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 22 - Blood
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I'm so sorry-
Okay uh yep! Here it is!
And whoohoo I got it done even earlier! :D
I actually came up with an alternative idea for today this morning but i (obviously PF) lik- thought this would work better! Another reason being because there were already some shots of Flug alone so I figured bh should have some time in the spotlight too!
Also sorry the blood itself looks shitty I couldn’t find a red pen and I’m kinda bad at drawing splatters despite “everything” XD
Plus I had to redraw the mouth like a zillion times PFFT
However, i DID try out the eye thing and just MWAH 😙🤌🏼 lovley!
OHoH anD my dad has been talking to some guys this morning who are helping us set up our WiFi and utilities and so when he got set with the new service, at&t, we got HBOmax for free! Yayyyy! So if anything is there in subs or dubs I’ll probably tell you guys!
Plus yesterday I was doing some digging in the villainous secrets tag (curtousy of Nightfurmoon and the others who helped!) and let me just say, oh my gosh I love this fandom and it’s lore first of all, and I went to the website for the first time yesterday and I just love how it was put together and just jajjsjsjsj everything! 🖤🖤🖤
So Yeye! Okie doki bye!
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🔴 (Slight) blood warning above! ⚠️
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