I completely forgot that when I was 15, the gingerbread house I made was SPN-themed 💀
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kirbyofthestars · 1 year
I just assume all cookies are trans until proven otherwise
as do i!! pastries transgener
i just think it’s super funny / frustrating that the implications of “croissant’s future self is canonically nonbinary” so frequently sails over people’s heads
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backburnerdio · 2 years
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Week 3½ Tried to Kill Me, I'm 85% Sure
46,052/20,000 Words 19/25 Patches Complete +2 Plot Points Added
Updating late due to the end of last week trying to kill me. But I'm here! And I'm so close to being done! I have 6 more patches to make, which is great considering I added 2 more plot points. (Not to mention, I rewrote the ending chapters like... 3 times now)
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I'm still, somehow, learning things about Beau, which is exciting! I had to "kill my darlings" this week and cut one scene in exchange for another (not killing a character lol I didn't kill a character). I have 3 days left & I'm gonna try my hardest to get these last six pieces done! ✦
Don't have much as far as snippets that aren't spoilers, but here's dumbass-duo being, well, dumbasses trying to be stealthy & failing
Scuffling in the server room startled [Beau], freezing for a moment before someone screamed, leaning around the door finding Garnet pulling the man to the ground, arm locked around his throat until he went lax. “What are you doing??” Beau hissed, watching as Garnet lay him down. “Sleeper hold,” he breathed. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. He’ll wake back up. He’s fine.” Beau scanned him to be sure, discovering he was, in fact, still alive. The door upstairs clattered open, Garnet cursing as several sets of steps rushed down the stairs. Voices piled over one another, at least six sharply dressed men spilling out from the entrance. “Who the fuck are you?!” One of them shouted, pointing at Garnet. “That’s no way to treat a paying customer. No wonder the reviews here are shit.” Another of the security knocked an arm into the first, grabbing their attention before pointing at Beau. They whispered something, noticing him there at the door. “Is that a Synth?” their leader barked. “Like, uh, like a DJ?” Garnet asked stupidly, backing towards Beau.
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violetce · 6 months
trick or treat!
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pigeon.jpg be upon ye!!
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belovedbelmont · 4 years
@dominatie: With a few notable exceptions like Shanoa and Alucard and the Morrises, yeah....
the morrises are belmonts. alucard didn’t actually kill dracula, he just kept him from resurrecting, and idfk the whole ecclesia thing is that dracula isn’t really his full self because they keep take pieces of his soul. but that whole story is mostly just because iga has an aversion to the belmonts and wanted to go in a different direction--
and also, dominus takes one life to be used so. i feel it kind of harkens back to sara in the vampire killer
and also after the belmonts gave-up the whip dracula didn’t stay dead the hundred years he was supposed to until julius was finally like ok lets just put an end to this completely.
the belmonts can kill dracula without risking anyone’s life
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is this a pigeon.jpg
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baixueagain · 4 years
"Is that a dinosaur? No, it's horses!"
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enrychan · 6 years
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depressed pigeon.jpg
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do-you-have-a-flag · 6 years
me writing characters in my script running around jumping into bins like “is this comedy?” pigeon.jpg
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animalfacthub · 2 years
Bleeding Heart Pigeon!
There are a number of pigeons that are referred to as bleeding heart pigeons
The one that has the most vivid colour on their chest is called Luzon bleeding-heart pigeon (Gallicolumba luzonica)
It is endemic to the island of Luzon in the Philippines 
They are ground pigeons and will only really leave the ground when they are nesting
If you have read this far why not follow us @animalfacthub for daily animal facts and pics!
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📷1: “Luzon.bleeding.heart.dove.arp.jpg” by Adrian Pingstone on Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)
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📷2: “Luzon Bleeding-heart RWD.jpg” by DickDaniels on Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)
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📷3: “Bleeding Heart Pigeon.JPG” by Frances76 on Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)
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livingcorner · 3 years
How to Attract Earthworms to Your Garden@|how to get more worms in your garden@|https://ift.tt/3xlbHVO
Earthworms are the foundation of a healthy, thriving garden. Called “nature’s plows,” earthworms’ tunnels improve soil aeration and drainage, making it easier for plant roots to penetrate the earth. Earthworms’ casts also improve soil structure and nutrient availability—which increases garden productivity! Learn more and find out how to attract earthworms to your garden.
Worms can absorb oxygen through their skin, can eat their own body weight in soil, and—despite having no eyes—navigate by sensing light and vibrations in the soil. 
You're reading: How to Attract Earthworms to Your Garden@|how to get more worms in your garden@|https://www.almanac.com/sites/default/files/styles/opengraph/public/image_nodes/worm-1140767_1920_full_width.jpg?itok=lgH0jXFY@|0
When the frost leaves the ground, the earthworms start moving upward in the soil looking for mates. Look closely and you might see one disappearing back into the ground. They are breaking up leaft litter and other debris to recycle nutrients back to the soil. Their movement mixes up the soil while creating a network of burrows to help air and water move through the soil.
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Tiny Tillers
The channels created by worm activity enhance the ability of water to percolate into the soil instead of running off, reducing erosion. An important part of our global soil ecosystem, earthworms have been around for about 300 million years. They are so widely found that we think of them as native to our soils but most of the original native earthworms found in cold climates such as the northern US and Canada were killed off by the glaciers. The abundance of worms we now have were introduced, either on purpose or accidentally, by settlers in the plants and soil they brought with them from Europe.
There are thousands of species of earthworms worldwide but most fall into one of three groups. 
Read more: Make the Most of a Small Garden With These Brilliant Space-Saving Ideas@|how to make garden in home@|https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/small-garden-ideas-1614032371.jpg?crop=1.00xw:0.752xh;0,0.135xh&resize=1200:*@|0
Litter dwellers live in crop debris and leaves, not in agricultural soil. Manure worms and redworms used in vermiculture are in this group. See how to start vermicomposting and use worms to turn kitchen scrapes into fertilizer!
Topsoil dwellers live in the upper 2 to 3 inches of soil, eating dirt and organic matter found mixed in the so
il. They create horizontal burrows which they fill with their castings. 
Subsoil dwellers, such as nightcrawlers, create vertical burrows that can reach 5-6 feet straight down into the ground. They deposit their castings on the surface outside their burrows.
When Worms Go Bad
In some situations, earthworms can be harmful to the ecosystem. Forests have been harmed by overzealous worms that have moved in and eaten up all the leaves and debris that naturally fall to the forest floor. The trees and native wildflowers that live there evolved without any worms and they actually need that layer of debris for their seeds to germinate and grow.
Intestines of the Earth
As they burrow through the soil, earthworms eat everything in their path. They can process a lot of soil, ecating two tons of dry matter per acre in a year, digesting it and mixing it with soil to form castings. Some worms also devour nematodes which can be harmful to plants. Since a worm’s gut contains a multitude of microorganisms, what comes out can have 8 times the nutrients of what went in! Castings contain humic acid which can control plant pathogens while stimulating healthy plant growth and they have a neutral pH. A mixture of organic matter and minerals, castings are also rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and sulfur in a soluble form that plants can readily use. An earthworm can produce its weight in casts per day.
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A pile of castings outside a burrow.
Let’s Count Worms
The presence of worms in your soil is an indicator of a healthy garden. If you are interested in learning how your garden stacks up here’s an easy way to test it.
Dig up a section of ground 12 inches by 12 inches and about 6 to 7 inches deep. Place the soil on a tarp and count the number of worms in the sample. If you find ten or more you have a healthy population. No worms at all? It means that the conditions must be poor – no moisture, toxic substances, sandy soil, or no organic matter for them to eat will all prevent them from setting up shop in your yard.
What a Worm Wants
If you want to encourage or sustain a healthy population of worms there are a few things you can do to improve the conditions for them:
Read more: 12 Effective ways to keep birds out of the garden@|how to keep birds out of the garden@|https://lovelygreens.com/wp-content/uploads/pigeon.jpg@|0
Reduce tilling your soil.
Leave organic matter on the surface.
Add manure and compost.
Ditch the chemicals.
Use an organic mulch to keep soil moist and cool.
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Soil environment affects population. Simply adding worms to a to a poor environment won’t work. They need the right conditions to prosper. 
Water. Earthworms need moisture to live since their bodies are 80% water, but because they breathe through their skin, too much water can drown them.
Soil Texture. They prefer loamy soil. Overly sandy soil is abrasive and dries out too quickly.
Acidity. They prefer a neutral pH of 7 but will tolerate 5 to 8.
Temperature. Earthworms are cold-blooded so 50 to 60 degrees is optimum. Populations fluctuate naturally with the seasons. Adults die off in the summer and young ones hatch out in the fall. Over the winter they burrow deep below the frostline. Some species winter over as eggs and hatch out in the spring.
If you want a better garden, be kind to your worms!
How to Get Worms to Work for You
Learn more about how to attract more worms. Your garden will thank you for it!
Why do earthworms come out in the rain? Find out!
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Blog
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-attract-earthworms-to-your-gardenhow-to-get-more-worms-in-your-gardenhttps-www-almanac-com-sites-default-files-styles-opengraph-public-image_nodes-worm-1140767_1920_full_width-jpgit/
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The Honda I inherited hit 111,111 miles today and I was so pleased
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littlemisshagstrom · 6 years
Skyline Pigeon
One of my favorites of all time, from Elton John.
This part, when Elton sings it, is one of the most beautiful (more…)
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dartmoorsheepskins · 6 years
These pigeons nesting on a balcony return every year.
WARNING: CUTE BABY BIRD - This family of pigeons nesting on a balcony in Torquay return every year to raise their young.
Pigeons nesting on a balcony in Torquay. Had to share this with you. A friend has had multiple generations of the same family of pigeons nesting on a balcony in his flat in Torquay! The latest chick is doing well and mum, dad and aunts and uncles attend to its every need. This baby is a Survivor. Out of four eggs this is the only survivor. Pigeons nesting on a balcony run the risk posed by hungry…
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erichoco · 7 years
2016 What a Year
記得在 2016 接近尾聲時,社群網站上看到了越來越多人抱怨、調侃他們的 2016 是多麽的糟糕(每天都可以被 9GAG Instagram 還有 Twitter 上的 meme 娛樂)
雖然近來每一年好像都得到 the worst year ever 的封號,但今年讓我們看到了尼斯、Brexit、Harambe、DT in the house、俄國大使、杜特蒂等等,似乎也名符其實,繼續挑戰底線 😅(btw 對於那些想看熱鬧,支持唐川的人我無言以對;然後,在馬尼拉街道上走過的人,看到杜那些「執法」照片的應該會不寒而慄)
Military Discharge & End of Application
年初,剛結束在信義區騎 Ubike 放假收假的預財訓,回歸營區果然大家都知道消息,面對弟兄們心裡都有些愧疚。但聽到好多人像是恩德、志展、冠宇等的祝福,卻又感動不已,當停役令終於姍姍來遲到了之後,我大概準備了最豐盛打退吧 XD 還請了幾位長官星巴克。 記得非常清楚,步出營區的時候,回頭瞧見四個預財好夥伴一起揮手,突然有種永遠忘不了這個像電影般的時刻的感覺。邊笑著自己的內心戲,心裡邊被複雜的情緒充滿,明知道這是個越快離開越好的地方,卻不捨如此機緣下認識的人們,以及人生中這段就算簽下去也不會再有的旅程。
回家的隔天,連續和我現在的老闆以及 MIT Media Lab 的學長姐 Skype 面試。幾天後 2/1 送出最後一間的申請,一切終於結束了。 從新訓結束撥交前殺去花蓮考托福,三天內台北花蓮台北花蓮台北桃園,到下單位之後,放假整天改 SOP、收假在車上改、在桃園各地網咖咖啡店繼續改、半夜在廁所寫信、邊站哨邊讀 paper、或是用功能型手機看推薦信等等,終於,都成為過去式了。
Grad School Offer & GaussToys
答案公佈的很快。新年認真耍廢的某天早上睡醒收到了 Michigan 的 offer 興奮不已,當下狂奔到樓下對還在睡的媽媽又親又抱,有種錢沒有白砸青春沒有白花的如釋重負。接下來幾個禮拜陸續開獎之後,在 UIUC 和 Georgia Tech 間搖擺不定最後決定還是念 CS。 三月和 QSearch、Umbo CV 和 GaussToys 分別聊了聊之後加入了 GaussToys 實習。與 Howie、大鳥、Andi 一起共事的幾個月成長很快,很感謝 founder 們的信任和指導,做產品的時候放手讓我玩不同技術,iOS、Unity 3D、Processing、Chrome App、BLE、Arduino,you name it。後來和大家一起去 Maker Faire、創業小聚和醫院佈展,加上每週一次桌遊教學,讓出國前的這幾個月可說是學得過癮、玩得開心 XD
A New Chapter @ UIUC
一進入八月中,新生活的種種事務接踵而至。第一次踏上美國土地就因為班機取消在達拉斯機場睡了一晚,還讓 S&C 開了一小時的車來接我。住過 CitéU 葡萄牙館後覺得新居真是豪華,原來地毯地板只是標準配備。 大概過了一個月的 social life 之後,接下來的學期就是各種忙碌,TA、做研究、修課、找實習這幾件事成了生活重心。
Teaching Assistant
System Programming(系統程式設計)是 CS undergrad 的必修課之一,就我所知也是大部分學生最討厭的課之一。整班有近 300 人,每週有三天一小時的 lecture,以及一個半小時的 lab(上機課)。 這類非常強調實作的課程最大的好處是,作業都設計成能夠自行開發 autograder 來批改,但是作為一門必修課其課程要求自然非常重。每週學生都有兩份程式作業:machine problem 和 lab 要編寫,除了實作作業要求以外,學生們也要學會自行寫測試、使用 gdb / valgrind 除錯、在 VM 上運行、用 subversion 控制版本提交作業等軟體開發的重要技能。 作為 TA 最重要的任務就是每週要帶兩堂的 lab,此外,還要在 office hour 回答學生作業問題,並參與程式作業開發(不過大部分只是 feature 增減和修 bug)。老實說整個學期下來很疲憊,也自覺許多地方做得不好,畢竟自己大部分的時間花在研究作業和補知識,沒有真的好好雕琢教學的這部分。
剛開學沒多久就接了一個實驗室的小 project,也因為老師希望拿去拼個 10 月中的 IUI,研究上算是有個短程目標。不過由於題目的對象是小朋友,短時間內實在是找不太到受試者,最後只拿到零碎的資料,在期中考完的週末邊去北密玩邊生出了一篇 short paper,寫的時候痛苦,兩個月後果然也是被拒了(其實還是有另一篇 long paper 投上,不過相較來說貢獻少多了)。 期中投完之後研究整個停滯下來,直到期末考那陣子,才因為又要幫忙做 user study,開始一週兩天七點多起床跑去伊大附小讓小朋友玩遊戲(童言童語好舒壓 >//<)。最後,原本想說考完期末考這學期就收工了,老師神準的在隔天寄信問說想不想把 short paper 改投 poster,於是開始繼續工作終於在 deadline 的凌晨六點華麗結束這個 coda。 綜觀這學期雖然送出了不少東西,但是總覺得沒能想出 project 到底想回答什麼問題的話,還是走不遠的。
很慶幸有一群 UIUC「學長」在我來之前就千叮萬囑,說剛開學就要馬上開始找 2017 暑期實習,讓我意識到這件事會變成秋季學期最重要的任務。 剛開學沒幾週,校園徵才活動就如火如荼的展開,除了有工學院院級、CS 系上舉辦的 career fair、tech talk,學校的職涯中心也提供各式各樣的 workshop、履歷 review 等服務。 透過各種校園活動、公司網站、線上平台發送履歷之後(印象中至少觸及了近 25 間公司),開始收到了一些回覆像是 coding challenge 或是面試邀請。最終這個學期大概有 7 間公司願意面試,扣掉員工內推更是只有 4 間,看來即使是 CS 主修,競爭還是比想像中的激烈許多。十月底左右,兩間公司在電話面試過後提供了 onsite interview 的機會,一間是 HQ 在 Seattle 的 Zillow,另一間是 Facebook。 Zillow 的辦公室位在海灣旁的高樓,面試的房間剛好是邊間於是得到了第一排海景(偷表一下 Zillow 中午連面三關也沒先提醒說不提供午餐 😂);Facebook 位於 New York 的辦公室和想像中的一樣活潑有趣,除了到處都有的裝置藝術以外,隱藏酒吧、練團室、跑步機辦公桌也是讓人嘖嘖稱奇。得到兩趟免費旅行之餘,最後運氣很好也都收到了 offer。
Facebook New York
這學期課修得很爛就別多說了 zzz
UP MI & St. Lucia
雖然整個學期都很忙(甚至到了香檳兩個月才第一次出鎮!),感恩節過完我也是快把積蓄都花光了。 十月中的 Upper Michigan 楓葉 roadtrip 看到了 UMich 的兩位大大還有環遊世界就是狂的 SillyDuck,美國初次上路 30 分鐘後就被開 speed ticket,踏上了漂亮的 Mackinac Island 還有在 Route 41 隨停隨拍各種美。 感恩節的時候面試完直接殺去 St. Lucia 找 Anne,開心的潛了三天水(第一次發現吃飽飯潛很舒服)、參加了每週五的 street party、認識了些當地朋友和志工(一起看了 Fantastic Beasts @@)、在市集小吃街穿梭(吃個路邊攤也可以遇到臺積電 board member 和 ARM VP 的英國老伯伯)。最後回美還因為要在多倫多轉機沒辦 eTA 在 Barbados 滯留,多花了 $400 重訂機票,連自己也覺得很荒謬。然而被好心的斯里蘭卡裔加拿大公民在 Barbados 工作的 IT 顧問收留一晚,請他吃一頓晚餐交了個朋友,也可以說是因禍得福。
Pigeon Island
Marigot Bay
2016 記下了許多讓我振奮的時刻,也同時承載著令人心碎的時刻。草率的記錄完這一年之後,想到了跨年時貼的那段話,雖然有人跟我說看起來就像是從某些地方抄來的句子,但其實這是一兩年前就開始有的體悟,最終我還是會為所愛的人以及愛我的人而活。Hat tip to 2016, thank you.
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livingcorner · 3 years
Make the Most of a Small Garden With These Brilliant Space-Saving Ideas@|how to make garden in home@|https://ift.tt/3fuy7O7
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Getty Images
Crafting a small outdoor space is never easy, but it’s not impossible. Even if you’re not lucky enough to call Versailles home, you can still make your tiny patch of green look stunning. With a dose of creativity and a few smart furniture choices, your humble garden can be picture-perfect in no time, thanks to these brilliant space-saving outdoor ideas design ideas.
You're reading: Make the Most of a Small Garden With These Brilliant Space-Saving Ideas@|how to make garden in home@|https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/small-garden-ideas-1614032371.jpg?crop=1.00xw:0.752xh;0,0.135xh&resize=1200:*@|0
Not sure where to begin? This roundup has genius garden hacks, stylish decor and unique planters that will give a petite space some grand style. These small garden ideas have more than enough inspiration to bring style to your home, regardless of your design aesthetic.
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Lattice Green Wall
Obsessed with lattice? For an unexpected touch to your garden, let the pattern set the foundation for a green wall.
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Fold-Out Shelf
You can’t go wrong with taking advantage of outdoor wall space. A simple fold-out shelf can serve as the perfect spot to display small plants and outdoor entertaining essentials.
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Patterned Hanging Planters
Enhance greenery or statement floral arrangements with a pair of potted hanging planters.
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Play up your garden’s cozy factor with a stylish hammock, designed for an afternoon nap or getting lost in a good book.
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Globe String Lights
Any outdoor gathering would be so much more fun if classic string lights are in the mix, whether you choose to hang them on a fence or under a pergola.
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Fence Planters
Window boxes can be used in so many creative ways. Fill one with vibrant blooms—a great match for a white picket fence.
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Vibrant Chairs
Outfitting a small space doesn’t mean you have to settle for drab furniture. The brighter, the better is the way to go to bring your space to life.
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Read more: 12 Tips to Keep Foxes Out of Your Garden@|how to keep foxes out of garden@|https://www.the-salutation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/12-Tips-to-Keep-Foxes-Out-of-Your-Garden.jpg@|0
Rolf 2-Piece Galvanized Iron Wall Planter Set
Mistana wayfair.com
Vertical gardening doesn’t get any easier than this. Use one or both planters depending on how green your thumb is. 
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Aanya Hardwood Dark Red Meranti Potting Bench
Sol 72 Outdoor wayfair.com
With a roomy shelf underneath, this wood piece doubles as a mini garden “shed” for storage. 
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Floral Still Life Sling Chair
Society6 society6.com
When it comes to an impromptu yard game, consider folding furniture, like this floral style, to easily free up space in an instant. 
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Square Foot Gardening
This highly efficient method divides raised beds into a grid. Vegetables then get planted in one or more squares at a density based on plant size (e.g., you’d plant about 16 radish seeds per square, but only one tomato plant).
RELATED: The Pros and Cons of Square Foot Gardening
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Buy Ecopots Hanging Pot
Ditch those unsightly plastic hanging pots for a sleek bowl like this waterproof design that’s available in four colors: charcoal, stone, clay and slate. 
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Flower-Filled Planters
Instantly boost your home’s curb appeal with bright blooms on each side of your front door. Expecting guests? Steal these tricks from our home team: Add stems from a supermarket bouquet for extra fullness and mint for a fragrant burst.
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Fairy Garden
Think small — really small — with this adorable project. Outfitted with a mini birdhouse, rustic stones, and teeny-tiny accessories, this planter is the perfect thing to make with kids.
Get the tutorial »
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The Backyard Homestead
If you have ¼ acre of land (or even less!), you can produce your own vegetables, fruits, grains, eggs, and more — this book shares garden plans, landscaping tips, planting tricks, chicken coop ideas, and more. 
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Dwarf Trees
Averaging about 15 feet tall and wide, many ornamental or dwarf tree varieties can handle tiny spaces. Crowd-pleasers like dogwoods, camellias, crepe myrtle, and crabapples offer both flowers and foliage too.
RELATED: The 9 Best Trees for Small Yards
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Mid Century Plant Stands
Read more: 12 Effective ways to keep birds out of the garden@|how to keep birds out of the garden@|https://lovelygreens.com/wp-content/uploads/pigeon.jpg@|0
Amazon shoppers are obsessed with this cute wooden plant stand that can fit just about anywhere. Consider your yard officially Instagrammable. (Note: The plant and pot is not included.)
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Habit + Form Rectangle Trough
If your outdoor dining spot could use a little green, try adding one of these long planters to the table. The cold-rolled steel can stand up to the elements, and succulents will adapt to even the shallowest containers. 
RELATED: 5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Succulents
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Trained Trees
You can actually prune certain types of fruit trees to grow against a wall, a process called espalier. Start with a 1- or 2-year-old tree and attach two supple branches to the wire about 18 inches off the ground, advises the Oregon State University Extension Service. Then take time as the seasons go on to prune your tree carefully.
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Porch Plants
If you don’t have space on the ground for the garden of your dreams, use porch ceilings to display your plant babies in hanging baskets.
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Wooden Plant Display Stand
Not all scaffolding is an eyesore. You’ll get six levels of greenery and blooms with this stained pine plant stand. It maxes out at 37 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 37 inches tall, and can hold up to 44 pounds altogether. 
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Repurposed Shutters
Lean louvers (old or new) against an exterior wall and fill slots with hearty plants such as succulents or mosses. Succulents are nearly indestructible, but can get scorched in direct sunlight, so put them on the shady side of your home.
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Galvanized Tubs
To create contrast with terracotta pots, transform inexpensive galvanized-steel washtubs into planters. This long, low oval version, with drainage holes poked in the bottom, shows off a basil crop.
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Lorelei Quatrefoil Garden Stool
Beachcrest Home wayfair.com
It doubles as a seat or side table depending on what you need at the moment. Bring the stool inside during the winter and use it as a perch in the bathroom, or as an end table in the living room. 
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Pallet Garden
Attach clay pots to a pallet with nails and stainless steel cable ties for a living art display that keeps your rosemary and basil at the ready. Space out the pots so your plants have room to grow
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Blog
source https://livingcorner.com.au/make-the-most-of-a-small-garden-with-these-brilliant-space-saving-ideashow-to-make-garden-in-homehttps-hips-hearstapps-com-hmg-prod-s3-amazonaws-com-images-small-garden-ideas-1614032371-jpg/
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