#pintroverts fic
The Haunting of Thomas Sanders 
> Part 1 < Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: Nico was beginning to think his new boyfriend was haunted by ghosts. He never planned to bring it up until the ghosts themselves came to him asking for help.
CW: food mention, alcohol mention, past breakup
Notes: Based off this text post I made. 
Nico had come to the mall for inspiration.
Anything to get out of his office would help him at this point, really. The meetings he had to go to were stifling any new ideas and the nosey, pompous co-workers were worse. The writer did not know what he was looking for, but what else brought people to malls? Maybe a new outfit would uncover confidence , maybe indulging in greasy food would be that final click he seemed to lack, maybe people-watching would offer the right story. Nico's bets were not on the last one.
The mall was not as busy as it once had been. When he was still a teen it was a lively place bustling with a constant traffic of people. Walking through shops offered hours of new stimulation and the hallways were towering, intricate skylights the crowning jewel. As time went on Nico got older and things changed. Online shopping is easier than anything and a fair few of the shops were closed down for good.
Nevertheless it was his favorite place to write if he had to choose. The buzz of energy helped him focus on work. Nico found peculiar security in being an irrelevant face in a crowd of hundreds, and knowing that each person had a life he could never even imagine opened floodgates of inspiration. The 'What if's?' and 'Why's?" he asked himself when people-watching could get the ball rolling.
Now there were less faces, less stories. Nico did not appreciate the way this shift reflected in his work. The difference was noticeable, and he struggled more with deadlines, but he worked with what he had.
He learned to pay attention to individuals more. However, currently what he had was waiting for his food, because at this point he might have more luck finding inspiration in eating then in others. There had only been a toddler throwing a tantrum, a teen scrolling on their phone, and a man who sat down across from him at the food court-
Oh hello, inspiration.
If Nico was staring, the only reason he got away with it was his laptop blocking his line of sight. He saw all he needed out of the corner of his eye. The floral shirt was extremely flattering, and if he wasn't mistaken he could see the outline of muscles. That brown hair looked fluffy, and what he would give to run his fingers through it while- Okay, Nico, you might be gay but that thought isn't for a stranger .
He could not even see his eye color. And the man in the floral shirt was eating, interrupting his meal would be rude. Maybe there was a way to make this still work? As his waitress got to his table and dropped off his food, he subtly turned his pinned-covered backpack in the direction of the stranger. If Mr. Handsome did not answer his silent plea then he would move on.
He tossed a fry into his mouth instead of letting himself think.
Maybe he had got his hopes up when the guy came in his direction, only to walk up to a Karrot King line. When the writer saw the man in the floral shirt inspect the plant, he wondered if he liked botany. Finally the same useless hope happened again when they made admittedly awkward eye contact for a few seconds. So he has brown eyes. The guy turned away rather fast so Nico dropped it. Maybe showing a pride pin made the guy uncomfortable and it was to good to be true.
Only when he heard a CRASH and saw somebody fall into a garbage can, did he finally get an idea about what to write. That was a metaphor he could spin into a story. Certainly it was not at all because he felt trashy for a missed opportunity. Nor was it due to that cute guy having disappeared, leaving his food uneaten.
Wait . You can still make this work, Flores.
He scarfed down the rest of his food and discarded the trash. Nico's fast pace to get to the table with the food turned a few heads, but he ignored it. Greasy bag in hand, he browsed the crowd for that familiar pattern. Every person wearing a floral shirt was either an older lady or a child. Nico swayed on the balls of his feet as he contemplated what to do next, but then he saw him coming out of the restroom.
None of what happened after went as planned. Serves him right for letting his overactive imagination create unrealistic expectations.
He should have known trying to do small talk with strangers would only backfire. After Nico had called out after him to return the food, he had tried to ask what made him leave in a rush to forget his food. Then the guy asked what was wrong with him and Nico dropped it. He gave the stranger his well-wishers and left afterwards. He would honestly rather head back to work then be here right now.  
No matter if he was admittedly cute, Nico Flores probably would have been mad at the man if he did not look like he was on the verge of a public anxiety attack. He was probably starving, too, if he had forgotten his lunch.
The man in the floral shirt hesitated behind him, running after Nico.
When they actually sat down to talk together, the man in the floral shirt - Mr. Sanders, Thomas - was quite charming. And funny. And intelligent. Oh, when he had called Thomas an inspiration earlier he had meant it. He just met a singer and an actor, is there a more perfect match to a writer and poet?
Leave it to his imagination to think of a man he just met reciting the poems and lovingly singing songs he writes.
The two had talked for over two hours without noticing. They had bounced ideas off of each other and Nico made an impressive amount of progress. He felt so giddy with just this one interaction! Nico was sad that they had to leave; Thomas seemed just as reluctant to part.
"Well you didn't get to eat much today at lunch right?"
Thomas fiddled with his fingers, "Yeah…"
Nico did not let himself second guess himself , he offered, "Then let me buy you dinner tonight!"
As a breath caught in Thomas' throat, Nico was self conscious that he might have said something wrong, but the heavy blush across the other man's face was not of offence or horror at all. Thomas was smiling at him again.
Finding ways to make Thomas go speechless was going to be his new favorite pastime… if Thomas would give him a chance, he decided. Just that alone lit a fire inside him, and later when he finished with writing for work, he would write some more. All he would be writing about would be this, a collection of poems to free these butterflies in his stomach. Thomas seemed to look around for approval from anybody else and nodded quickly
"I'd love to go with you, Nico! Maybe we can uh- get to know each other better?" Oh man, it was flattering to have somebody so cute get so nervous at him of all people.  
"Only if I could get to know the digits on your phone number better," he confirmed with a playful grin. It might have been cheesy, certainly. But he was also the person who told Thomas that they would not waste this opportunity. Pretending he was not corny now would be a lie.
Thomas taking his cliché advances in stride only made him more hopeful.
They both later met at a local bar and grill close to the beach. A salty sea breeze tousled his hair and the palm leaves. The hour was close to sunset, too hot for the mosquitoes to bug them but not too hot for the two of them to eat outside.
"I'm looking for a table for two? RSVP'd under the name 'Flores'?" He asked. The waitress nodded, sat him down with a menu. Thomas was not there, and a part of him wonders if he is getting stood up. Nico, not particularly interested in looking at food yet, fiddled with his laptop. He sighed because even If that was the case, Nico would try to make the most of the night.
The waitress brought Thomas to the table a few minutes later. The writer's heart soared before worry took root. Thomas was wearing that same expression from earlier that day on his face. He anxiously explained. "I'm so, so sorry for being late. And i totally get if you don't want me here and would prefer to just call this all off. I didn't mean to show up late, but then as I was about to leave my apartment I- my keys just-"
Nico grabbed one of Thomas' hands and smiled reassuringly. "Hey, I'm not angry you got here late."
Thomas really did look cute flustered, but he did not let go of the hand. Instead he ran his thumbs along his knuckles. "I'm happy you're here with me. Wanna order a drink and maybe share an appetizer with me?"
They both chatted about foods they disliked while waiting. Thomas hated carrots with a passion as it turned out, and he made a mental note to tease him about going to a Karrot King. Nico in turn talked about his dislike for most seafood and mushrooms because of the slimy texture. The waitress came and both agreed on a sampler platter to share.
"Mimosas at sunset?" He inquired.
Thomas smiled nervously. "I usually save them for brunches, with friends. All the other options I like are too much if I want to drive home tonight."
Nico nodded, understanding.
Just like in the food court, Talking with Thomas made time go past without him even noticing. They tried out food together, talked about music, and that led Nico into telling a story about a Highschool band. Thomas was red in the face and giggling uncontrollably by the time they paid for the check and had to leave.
They left the building together when Thomas stopped him. "There's a park around the corner. We can feed the ducks some leftovers."
If Nico noticed that Thomas was not ready to say bye just yet, he did not say it. The last of the sun was behind the horizon by the time they went through a breadstick. Watching Thomas interact with the ducks gave him the idea that this man loved animals. They were cute, he would admit, but nature found other ways to ruin his mood.
Nico laughed at himself, pulling his arms closer into his body. "I almost wish I dressed up a bit more. I didn't expect the mosquitoes to be this bad."
"I know it's warm out, but I can lend you a jacket?"
Nico did a double take at what Thomas was holding up. It was black with plaid sleeves, already oversized so it wouldn't have a problem fitting Nico. It honestly looked very comfortable, and it would keep him from being bit, but comfort wasn't what he was caught up on.
"Being warm beats being eaten alive."
When the fuck did Thomas have an extra jacket on him? Did he really not notice it?
He hesitated, and then asked a whole entirety different question. "Are you sure I can take this? I won't be able to return it to you tonight."
Thomas insisted, "Please, I don't mind- I don't need it. And you can keep it for tonight, or until we see each other again?"
Nico put the jacket on and it was soft. And it smelled like the cologne Thomas was wearing. Oh this was nice. "When will that be, Thomas?"
Thomas let his eyes linger on Nico in his jacket. "Saturday I'm free, I think. We could have brunch together, even."
He smiled. "Saturday sounds wonderful."
When they first had met, being infatuated was easy. It came to the pair more natural than breathing.
Nico originally did not know if his relationship with Thomas Sanders would go anywhere. But the first meeting had been so promising. And then they had a brunch date at Thomas' place, then a second and a third. Maybe… maybe Nico was moving too fast. Things kept going well nonetheless.
Four, five, six, seven. They kept on hanging out. Going out. They wanted to see more and more of each other. Quickly they were amassing a horde of good memories together. During nights away, they loved to text and call each other. They never put a label on what they did, which was starting to bother him. It felt more intimate than friendship. Were these dates?
According to his family, yes. They had noticed his change in mood and lack of free time quickly and demanded explanation. He kept it vague, but got advice anyways. Mama Flores said it was ridiculous that he had not brought Thomas by to meet the famila. Hid Papa was more doubtful. Even though it has been years since Nico's last major failed relationship, his father was still worried.
Papa Flores was a proud man, so it left a bad taste in his mouth when he requested Nico to take more time before giving his heart away. He had to oblige. Nico was over it, he healed, but some of his family was not. Nico's ex was like a second son to Papa, and everybody was hurt by him.
Call him cliché, but Thomas was different.
Even when Nico was past the stage of infatuation, Thomas took his breath away.
Could you be infatuated by somebody you have not actually kissed yet? It felt like it. Sure, when they had met at that food court, he had his breath taken away, and that feeling intensified when they saw each other more. He knew infatuation could feel like love, but these feelings passed the test of time and matured into something deeper. With more meaning. He did not like just the idea of Thomas and what their future might look like, he liked Thomas for his presence and as a person.
Suddenly his worries that they were moving too fast turned into frustrations they were moving too slow. They were more intimate than regular friends, but they never got far enough to be considered partners. It was frustrating to figure out. Nico was ready for a relationship, he was certain. The three months he spent getting to know Thomas were blissful, and calling their dates only "hangouts" had begun to feel forced.
So they talked about it.
Thomas said he was also ready but his actions seemed more… hesitant. He mentioned somebody from his past, who he moved on from but never could forget. Nico wanted to ask, to find out what happened to his heart for him to be so afraid. He knew what it felt like to have scars that still hurt, he wanted to be there for Thomas as he healed.
But that was not the time for the conversation. Not when Nico was nearly on Thomas' lap and his arms hung around his neck. Not when Thomas met his eyes and Nico stared at them for too long. It could have been him trying to figure out what emotions they held, maybe Thomas' eyes were that beautiful. His friend -- boyfriend? -- got so anxious and trapped in his head easily, but Thomas seemed in control of his more scary thoughts in that moment. It brought a smile to his face, unnoticed between the way they were slowly moving closer.
Still, cautious and vulnerable, eager and loving, Thomas had let Nico kiss him. Finally getting to show Thomas just how much he wanted to cherish him was amazing. And receiving that same passion in return was intoxicating.
Getting an answer never felt so good.
Nico's more-than-friendly feelings were not the only thing that was starting to add up in regards to Thomas either. There were strange happenings, though were so minuscule he had nothing tangible to go off of.
Thomas might be really good at sneaking things past Nico's eyes, common sense would say. Intuition told himself not to doubt what he saw. Thomas did not have that spare jacket on their first date originally. It literally had to of appeared from thin air. And when Thomas invited him for brunch, he noticed that two of the mimosas Thomas had prepared with brunch had vanished. Sometimes he experiences ghost touches when staying the night. The hands were gentle and comforting, calluses on the fingertips just like Thomas, but when he opened his eyes nobody was there.
That was the most noticeable of things. Though he could list off a dozen smaller happenings. He had no proof for them, as they could be explained, but Nico listened to his gut here.
And Nico has no idea what he would want to do with this information anyways. Thomas seemed to have some supernatural force that followed him around. What a fantastic conclusion to jump to! It would be weird to bring up, especially after Thomas had denied anything when Nico subtly brought it up. And the ghosts - for lack of better term - did nothing to harm Thomas.
The information that Thomas was haunted by ghosts was, for all intents and purposes, useless.
(Except it was not. It was fantastic material to write from. When he first called Thomas inspiration, his first impression never proved to be wrong.)
(And if Nico had started a personal project dedicated to a story based on it, nobody needed to know,)
The difference between Nico's feelings for Thomas and his feelings about his ghosts is that one actually got addressed.
He would be content to let Thomas have that secret to himself.
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bothcreativitybois · 3 years
Pairings: Intruality, pintroverts
TWs: Alcohol, the word sex, slightly angsty ending, non sexual ‘Daddy’.
Songs: I’m Not That Girl (Wicked) I Don’t Dance (High School Musical 2)
Taglist (ask to be added): @star-crossed-shipper @crazydemigod666
Karaoke night. The night once a month that half the sides love and the other half dread.  For Janus, Logan and Virgil the night was torture. Drinking, performing, making an idiot of himself. However the more boisterous sides thrived on these nights. Remus usually took the helm, Roman saw it as a ‘waste of good talent’. However he was never alone.
“Get another umbrella drink!” Patton cheered. When Thomas was drunk so were the sides, so both of the sides had pink flushed cheeks and trouble controlling their volume. Patton didn’t really need to be there but he enjoyed the night and always stuck around.
“That isn’t their name, Daddy.” Remus teased. He knew what Patton was talking about, the drink they’d been having all night and Patton had quite enjoyed it. However he did not enjoy the name. Patton looked down at his crossed legs.
“But it has a bad word…” He whimpered. Remus found Patton’s hesitation adorable although he did also enjoy pushing him. But even drunk Patton wouldn’t say a bad word, especially when the whole name made it more vulgar.
“Another sex on the beach then!” Remus shouted. That drink was perfect for the two of them. Patton enjoyed the pretty colour and sweet taste, Remus enjoyed the name and how drunk it made Thomas. The liquid courage fuelled him. Remus guided Thomas to the bar and he ordered another drink. They looked at the stage where a member of Thomas’ group was singing I’m Not That Girl. Patton bopped along cutely, Remus was mesmerised with his adorable little bounces. Patton noticed Remus staring and giggled.
“What?” Patton pushed Remus away playfully. 
“Watching you dance like that makes me happy.” Remus usually didn’t have much of a filter. The only thing he’d block was his emotions, especially ones he saw as weak, like the growing admiration he’d been having for Patton, but when drunk those final hurdles shifted down too. Patton covered his face but Remus could still see the wide smile under his hands. Something about Remus being so genuine made Patton melt. When Thomas turned to get his drink he noticed a new group enter the bar, specifically one member. A familiar cute nerd with dark hair and stubble. Patton hit Remus’ arm and pointed to where Thomas was looking.
“Code Flores!” Patton squeaked. Remus’ smirked. Roman wasn’t around, now Thomas might take his suggestions for seduc- flirting with Nico. Especially since he’s drunk. 
“Oh hell yes! The night just got interesting.” Remus enthused. Patton enjoyed seeing Remus so excited but was stuck on what Roman would think. Thomas waved at Nico, he smiled and began walking over. Thomas picked up his drink and Remus summoned identical ones for him and Patton. 
“What are you gonna say?” Patton asked looking up cutely at Remus, his heart skipped a beat. All the things he wanted to say to Nico… he couldn’t say in front of Patton. Hell, Patton wouldn’t even say the word sex when it was in a drink name. Remus looked up at Nico then back down to Patton. 
Maybe… just maybe…
Remus thought of all the things he wanted to say to Patton.
“Hi there!” Nico gave a little wave as he spoke.
“Didn’t expect to see an angel in here tonight.” Thomas responded. Nico blushed and laughed.
“How many drinks have you had?” Nico asked playfully. “You seem a lot different to the guy who fell in a trash can.”
“Well I’ll need something else to fall into tonight, how strong are your arms?” Thomas reached out and gave Nico’s arm a cheeky squeeze. Patton chuckled.
“I love watching you work, Remus.” Patton encouraged. “Roman would never be that forward.” Remus took a moment.
“...You enjoy me being forward?” Remus asked, confused. This whole time he was holding this stuff back in fear it’d be too much for him, but Patton was not only receptive but enjoying it.
“Sometimes.” Patton diverted his eyes. “It gets the job done.” Remus knew Patton enjoyed things more storybook romance, he knew how to provide that.
“Are you gonna sing tonight?” Thomas asked Nico. The man rubbed his neck shyly.
“I’m not sure I could do something like that…” He admitted. “Being up there alone... everyone looking at me…”
“Yeah that’s the fun part!” Thomas joked. “And who said you’d be alone?” Nico blushed. Patton caught on to Remus’ plan.
“Are you suggesting a duet?” Nico raised an eyebrow. Thomas put down his drink and put out a hand.
“If you would be so kind?” Thomas joked. Nico slipped his hand onto Thomas’, both men smiled and blushed. Thomas began to drag Nico to the stage. Patton’s eyes sparkled.
“Remus you’re great at this!” Patton marvelled. Remus smiled at him.
“Now it’s your turn.” Remus elbowed Patton flirtily. “What song should they do?” Patton’s face lit up. He looked closely as Thomas flipped through the folder of songs available.
“That one!” Patton pointed to one of the songs written under the heading ‘Duets’. Patton somehow smiled in a way that was devilish and sweet, it made Remus’ heart flutter. Thomas jammed a finger onto the binder.
“You up for this?” Thomas looked back at Nico and asked, he was met with a smile and nod. Thomas handed the book to the DJ and took two microphones from them. He and Nico’s hands brushed as he handed over the microphone. Thomas took the opportunity to drag him onto the stage. Remus and Patton sat back as the first notes of I Don’t Dance flew from the speakers. Thomas and Nico’s voices bounced off each other perfectly. The boys danced together, which gave Patton an idea. He grabbed Remus’ hand just before the instrumental solo.
“Do the thing!” Patton demanded. Remus looked at him confused, head fuzzy from the alcohol and the feeling of Patton’s hand slipped on top of his.
“Do what?” Remus asked. Patton rolled his eyes and pulled Remus to his feet. He began dancing to the beat, body close to Remus’. Thomas mimicked his movements with Nico. Remus began to understand what Patton meant. Remus took control, Thomas mirrored. Remus slipped his hands onto Patton’s hips, he guided him to loosen them to the beat of the music. Patton’s whole body tingled from the touch.
“Relax. It’ll help you.” Thomas whispered in tandem with Remus. Thomas and Nico separated to continue singing, but Remus and Patton didn’t. Their movements slowed, they blocked out anything that wasn’t each other. Patton had moved his hands to Remus’ shoulders. As Nico and Thomas belted the last notes, Remus rested his forehead on Patton’s. The soft side bit his lip.
“Is that what you meant?” Remus purred quietly. Words got caught behind the lump in Patton’s throat and instead he nodded. “We should get back to Thomas…” Remus trailed. He began to remove his hands from Patton’s hips but was stopped with arms draped around his neck. Both the sides felt warm and drawn closer.
“He can handle himself.” Patton whispered. Remus took the hint, it was the green light he’d been waiting for. He pulled Patton closer so their bodies were touching. Patton was surprised with how gentle Remus was being, as much as he enjoyed the rough chaotic Remus, this was bringing up something else. “Please kiss me.” Patton finally gave in. Hearing that, seeing how close Patton was, Remus couldn’t hold back. He lifted Patton up to him and kissed him deeply, Patton kicked up one leg behind him. They stayed there until neither could breathe then pulled away. Only then did they realise what they’d done. Surprisingly Remus was the one who pushed off first. He stared at Patton in a way he couldn’t read.
“Patton- I shouldn’t-” Remus couldn’t complete his thoughts. Patton reached out a hand, but Remus just sunk out.
Patton and Remus really like karaoke night. 
But they know the others don’t.
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psychedelicships · 3 years
Have a sneak peek of the flower shop/tattoo artist one shot in working on
“Thomas, look at me,” Virgil grabbed his shoulders. “What straight man wears a My Chemical Romance shirt past the age of sixteen?”
“But I still don’t know if he’s even gay! What makes you say that, anyway?”
“Because I wear My Chemical Romance shirts above the age of sixteen.”
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gamequeenanya · 3 years
OH I forgot the prompt fjsjh
thomas and Nico Drabble where one of them is really anxious about something?
Here you go~~!
Pintroverts w/ Anxious Nico
"I'll never get this done on time!" Nico said, pacing back and forth in Thomas' house. He looked more panicked than Thomas had ever seen him.
"Yes, you will," Thomas insisted, trying to keep up with him. "Just sit down and write."
"I can't," Nico said. "I'm too stressed!"
Thomas decided to sit down, the pacing making him dizzy. He turned to his laptop. Pondering a while, he typed something in the google search bar and clicked on a website. Then he called Nico over.
He'd clicked on a website with tips on how to manage stress and anxiety.
As Nico read through the tips, he could feel his body calm itself. He took a deep breath, held it and counted to ten. Then he let it out.
Virgil popped up next to Thomas and looked at what Nico was doing. Smiling, he patted Thomas on the shoulder, and thought of the first video he appeared in.
"Remember when I was difficult to handle...?" he said, reminiscing. Thomas chuckled.
Virgil laughed and pushed Thomas away playfully.
"How dare you!"
Next, Nico watched some videos on the subject, hoping they'd help. Afterwards he turned to Thomas with a smile.
"Alright, I think I'm ready!"
Thomas handed him a pen and notebook.
"Go get 'em, tiger!"
And Nico did.
He didn't strive for perfection, he just strived to get his project complete.
Half an hour passed with Nico at work, writing fast. Finally, he smiled up at Thomas, putting his pen down and letting it roll away.
"It's done," he said, breathing deeply.
Thomas looked it over with curious eyes.
"Wow, this is great! I'm sure your manager will love it!"
Nico wiped some sweat away from his brow.
"I sure hope so."
Thomas offered a hug, and Nico accepted, squeezing him tight. He spoke softly.
"Thanks for your help, by the way."
Rubbing his back comfortingly, Thomas then pulled away.
"Anytime, hun."
Roman squealed, shaking Virgil who was next to him.
"Look! Thomas has helped our darling Prince! I smell romance in the air!"
Virgil smiled wide, his eyeshadow sparkling purple once again. Then he shook his head, making it go dark again.
"Now, just a sec, Ro. Just cause Thomas did something nice for Nico doesn't mean he owes him anything."
"Of course not! But look!" Roman sighed dreamily, watching Nico type up his project and send it. "He's so happy!"
Virgil sighed as well, leaning against Roman as he watched the other man. "He sure is."
The two sides didn't even realize they were cuddled in each other's arms until Thomas and Nico did the same.
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so I finally got tumblr to stop being a bitch and let me post the full thing!
AO3 link
taglist: @theimprobabledreamersworld
Word count: 4330
TW: mentions of religion/church, mentions of alcohol, shouting, implied homophobia, implied past transphobia.
    Anyone who knew Mr. and Mrs. Harte would quickly realize that, if there was any couple in the world who should not raise children, it was them. 
Mr. Harte was, in the nicest way possible, both a workaholic and an alcoholic, despite his preaching that the Bible should be followed to the letter, which meant every time he opened a bottle he sinned. But, of course, the bible applied only to other men. 
Mrs. Harte was what most would call a busy-body who cared much more about her appearance to her neighbors than she did children. She was the kind of woman who everyone only pretended to like but then gossiped about her behind her back. Despite her insistence that she was the most important woman in the world, she made none of her own choices, only followed the latest beauty trends, and did as her husband said. 
This is why, when the Hartes decided to have children, everyone was slightly concerned, to say the least.
    The Hartes saw children as vessels for the parent’s ambitions, as dolls to dress up or as little creatures to be trained to impress friends and family. Ten years later, their only child Patton was none of these things. He was not a prim and proper girl like Mrs. Harte had wanted, nor was he the kind of boy who played every sport known to man. 
    Patton was the kind of child who would prefer to play in the dirt rather than keep the tiny suits his mother had picked out for Sunday church perfectly spotless, the kind of child who would rather chase dragonflies across the soccer field than kick the ball. The kind of child, who, among other things, wanted nothing but to play with his friends and to ride on his father’s shoulders, and to bake cookies with his mother. 
    But Patton was also the kind of child who never got to do these things. This is perhaps the reason why, when he saw a door in the trunk of a tree, did not immediately run back to the park where the church kids played. He had organized a game of hide and seek with the other children, and while the other children could be quite dull, none could pass up a game of hide and seek, not even the older kids. 
    He wiggled out from his hiding place from under the bushes and tiptoed towards the tree trunk-door that should not be there. He turned his head to the side, looking at the door from all angles. Up and down, side to side, inspecting every inch before raising a hand to knock on the gray wood. One, two, three taps, and the door creaked open. Where one would expect to see the inside of a tree, there was instead a hallway. 
    Figuring that inside a tree would be an even better hiding spot than under a bush, Patton stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Unseen light sources allowed Patton to see as he walked away from the door. Had he looked back, he might have noticed that where the door should have been was a blank wall with not even a crack to suggest an opening. But Patton did not look back- he just kept walking, his footsteps echoing on the floor of wood paneling until he came to a staircase going upwards. 
    There, on the first step, someone had planted a sign. 
    “Be sure,” Patton read aloud. “Be sure… of what? I’m sure this is a very good hiding place!”
    He had a habit of talking to himself, something his parents very much did not approve of, and it was through his conversation with himself that Patton deduced that he must be quite sure that he wouldn’t be found. Had he known how correct he was, perhaps he might not have gone up the stairs. But Patton was ten years old and had a sense of adventure, so he began to climb. 
    The stairs seemed to go on forever, spiraling upwards without end. But as soon as he thought about giving up and going back down, Patton saw the end of the stairs. 
    “Hello?” Patton called out from the top stair. It only now occurred to him that this could be someone’s house he just walked into!
    There was no reply, and Patton stepped off the stairs onto the landing. It didn’t seem like anyone’s house, because Patton couldn’t think of any houses that had no roof or walls! The floor of the not-house seemed to be… tree bark? Patton looked up and saw the sky, bright blue and cloudless. He didn’t know it at the time, but the sweetness in the air was the lack of pollution and car exhaust, and his ears had stopped ringing because there wasn’t the constant noise of cars. It was so quiet… so pretty! 
    “Young man, what are you doing up here?”
    Patton let out a small squeak of surprise and turned to face the adult who had walked up behind him. 
    “Oh- um- I- I’m sorry, ma’am- I found a door and I was playing hide and seek, and I walked up the stairs, and now I’m talking to you, and- I- um, I’m sorry!”
    “Oh!” The adult’s face softened from the glare she had before Patton stuttered out an apology. “It’s quite alright. What’s your name?”
    “I’m Patton! Um… is this your house?”
    “You could say that. So, Patton, are you sure?”
    Patton didn’t understand what he was supposed to be sure about, so he did what all children would do: say yes and hope there weren’t consequences. 
    At his affirmation that he was sure (even though he was not), the adult clapped her hands and smiled. As she moved towards Patton, he saw what made this adult so unlike the rest of the adults that he knew. 
    “Why do you have wings?”
“I’ve earned them. And someday, Patton, you will too.”
That answer only slightly satisfied Patton, but it was good enough for now- even a ten-year-old realized that he wouldn’t be getting any further clarification anytime soon. 
“How do I get them?”
“Well, Patton,” the adult turned her back and beckoned Patton to follow her. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, I am!” 
That was the first time Patton had felt sure, though he didn't know what it was for- he only knew that he was sure he wanted answers, sure that he wanted wings! The other children would want to be friends with him then, right? 
“Very good. Now stand here, beside me.”
Patton did as he was told, and for the first time got a good look at the new, strange adult. She was tall, taller than his mother, with long silky black hair that Patton thought looked quite like one of the ties his father wore to work- straight and shiny. 
Patton had been told, like all children, about stranger danger, but this adult… Patton didn't know why, but he knew that he would be safe with her. 
“Take my hand, Patton, and don’t let go, alright?”
Patton nodded and gripped tightly, something his mother would have scolded him for. But neither his mother nor father was here to tell him off, and Patton knew that as long as he didn't cause too much trouble, nothing bad would happen. 
    Before Patton could ask what was going to happen, the ground was far beneath him and the adult. He let out a shriek but remembered to hold on to her hand and not let go. He kicked his feet, searching for solid ground.
    The wind rushed past his ears, tangling his hair, making his eyes water. 
    Every time the adult flapped her gigantic wings the noise of hundreds of feathers made his ears ring with the thunderous movements. 
    But… his curiosity overtook his fear. Would he get wings like that?
    Wings like the birds he saw in the park? Or maybe like the dragonflies in his garden? Maybe like the colorful butterflies that he always attempted to coax onto his finger? Or perhaps the black and red ladybugs he liked to let crawl all over his fingers?
    As suddenly as the ground had left from beneath him, Patton stood upright once again, this time on the greenest grass he had ever seen.
    “This is my home, Patton. You may stay here for as long as you wish.” The adult gestured to a ladder hanging from a tree branch, connections to something obscured by the dark green leaves that were as big as Patton himself. 
    “Oh! Thanks! Um, what should I call you?”
    “You may call me whatever you wish, but my name is Noelani.”
    “Okay! Thank you, Miss N!”
Over the years, Miss N became Miss Noelani, which simply became Noelani, who became Patton’s friend. 
And over the years, Patton sprouted his wings- they had come through small and itchy at first, and he was unused to the new weight on his back. His feathers had grown in, small and fluffy at first but becoming larger and sleeker and his wings grew. He had been in this world, the one he began to call home, for almost two years when he could finally fly on his own. Noelani had taught him, by coaxing him to jump off tree branches and trust he would catch himself. He had been afraid, at first, even terrified. But Now?
Now he flew everywhere, stretching his arms in the wind, laughing as he let the air blow through his feathers, grinning as he plummeted towards the ground and caught himself at the last second. 
There were contests held every full moon, and Patton had competed in them for as long as he had been able to fly. He had started wobbly, unsure, but once he grew into his wings?
He was unbeatable. He was the best flier there was, darting in between trees and taking sharper turns than any others dared to. 
The cheers of the audience fueled him to go faster, faster, faster! He stretched a handout, reaching for the finish line. 
“Come on, Chick!” Noelani’s shouts of encouragement could be heard over everyone else’s cheering. 
A burst of speed and Patton flew ahead of the other competitors by a full wing length, stopping only when he landed on the branch behind the finish line. The wingbeats of other races still hadn’t stopped, though one by one they joined Patton on the branch. When the last competitor landed, everyone began to give their congratulations. 
“Good race! That was close!” Patton smiled at the second-place finisher, who in turn shook his hand. 
“Maybe I’ll beat you next time, Pat!”
“You can certainly try!”
“Chick! You were amazing!”
Patton turned to see Noelani coming through the small crowd, a grin on her face. Her hair was shorter than when Patton had first met her, and the feathers on her jet black wings had dulled, but her smile was still the same. 
“You know, when I was your age-” Noelani was cut off by Patton’s laugh. She glared and continued. “When I was your age, I could never have done that!”
She took Patton into a hug and handed him a towel when she pulled away. “You’re so sweaty! Gross!”
“It’s not that bad!” Patton wiped his forehead and grimaced, “Okay, maybe it is that bad.”
“Come on, Chick! Clean up and I’ll get you some food.” 
Patton nodded and turned back to the other racers, giving them a final grin before leaving.
“Hey! Patton! Wait!”
He turned around to see the second-place finisher running towards him. 
“Here, I wanted to give you this.” He handed Patton a small pastry. “I made it myself. Don’t eat it yet, save it for when you start to get sore.”
“Oh! Thanks! I’m sure I’ll enjoy it!”
Patton slipped the pastry into his pocket and waved as he began to fly after Noelani, allowing himself to glide in the wind instead of frantically flapping his wings to propel himself even faster. 
It was only after a meal of freshly picked fruit and homemade bread that Patton remembered the pastry he had been given by the second-place finisher- what was his name? Something that began with a D… oh well, Patton would have to thank him later!
“Someone gave this to me,” Patton said as he took the pastry out of his pocket, several crumbs falling onto the table. “Would you like to split it?”
Noelani shook her head. “It’s yours.”
Patton nodded and took a bite, and immediately felt the tightness in his shoulders and wings disappear. He was always sore after a race, and usually was for a few days after that, but not anymore.  
    Before Patton could take another bite, Noelani gasped. 
    “Patton! Patton, you-”
    He looked at Noelani, and before she could make another sound, Patton let out a scream. 
    “I- 'm- I can’t see my hands- what’s happening to me!?”
    Noelani grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug. “Patton, listen to me. Listen to me! Whatever happens, you can find your way back. You can find your way back, and I will be waiting here for you.”
    “But- I don’t want to leave! Noelani, what’s happening!? Noelani-!”
    One minute, Patton was holding tight to his friend and in her home, and the next he was surrounded by a pile of feathers on the asphalt of an old weathered playground, illuminated by glaring streetlights in the absence of the sun. 
    “No! No! Let me back… let me back!” Patton pounded his first against a tree, begging, pleading for a door to appear until his hands became bloody.
Crying, begging, pleading for a way home. 
A gust of wind began to blow through the park, and Patton began to frantically grab his feathers from dispersing in the gust. He wouldn’t let what was left of his home be scattered away from him. sand
With an armful of gray feathers and eyes full of salty tears, Patton began to walk to where he remembered his parents’ house to be, his bare feet leading him across the cold concrete sidewalks of the too-bright neighborhoods. 
He wondered briefly what someone would make of him, an unfamiliar teenager walking barefoot through the street, carrying nothing but a bundle of gigantic feathers and wearing a sky blue tunic with an open back. 
Already he missed his home, missed the familiar weight of his wings, missed the way Noelani’s feathers would tickle his cheeks when they hugged. 
He paused at the sidewalk leading up to the house where he had lived for the first ten years of life yet had never truly called home. His home would always be at Noelani’s nest, where he would spend hours leaping between branches to find the sweetest fruits, where he would chase after the crows and sparrows, could bake the perfect meals on top of a fireplace, where he could practice racing around her tree- 
He took a gasp of breath, and before doubts could creep into his mind, knocked at the door and winced as another cut on his fist opened up.
After a minute of waiting, he began to worry. What if his parents had moved away? Then where would he stay while he waited for his door to come back? Or what if they no longer remembered him? Though he had never called this place home, he still loved his mother and father! What would he do if he never got to say goodbye, to tell them where he was?
The door opened with a familiar creak.
“Hi, dad!” Patton put on a smile, a performance for his family. 
“What- Patton!” His mother appeared behind his father and put her hand over her mouth in disbelief. “Where have you been? And- how- how do you look so much older-?”
“What do you mean? Mom, I’m sixteen and Noelani always said I had a baby face!” He chuckled, although laughter was the last thing on his mind.
“Patton, you’re twelve! You’ve been missing for two years!”
“Patton, come inside. Tell us everything you can. Should we call the police? Honey, I think we should call the police!” His father added. 
“The police? Why would you do that?” Patton tilted his head to the side in confusion, a habit he had picked up from the birds that he had befriended. 
His mother shouted and looked surprised at herself for being so loud. His father put a hand on his shoulder and led him to the couch- a different couch than the one Patton remembered. This one was new, shiny leather, while the one he remembered had been soft red fabric. He felt his hair get staticky, and the feathers in his arm- which his mother seemed to just now notice, and wrinkled her nose at the sight of them- began to stick up. 
“Patton, tell us what happened. We care about you, son,” his father said gently. Patton didn’t know why, but the thought of being called ‘son’ brought out an emotion he didn’t like. So he did what he always did: ignored the feeling and began to talk. 
He talked about how he had been hiding and found the door that didn’t belong, how he walked through the hallway and climbed up the staircase, where Noelani had found him and taken him to her nest. He told them what Noelani had said, that the world was full of magic, that birds were the carriers and messengers of that magic, how the birds gave all humans wings so they could fly between the gigantic trees that held houses, or sometimes even cities. 
He told his parents about racing, and about the war he had always known he would have to fight to protect his home. He told them about the racing he did to distract himself from his visions of battles, the training he did so that when the war came, he would be able to protect his friends. 
And he told them about the last race he ever won, before fading away while pleading to stay with Noelani, to stay in his home, to stay in the world of birds and flight and magic and everything else he loved. The world where someone cared about him for who he was. 
When he finished his story, there was a beat of silence before his father spoke up. 
“Patton, I think you should get to sleep. We kept your bed in your room, and you can borrow some of my pajamas for the night. We can talk about this more in the morning.” 
And with that, Patton was sent up the familiar stairs to an unfamiliar room. Everything left in there was coated in a layer of dust- only a bookshelf with some stuffed animals and old books next to a bed he didn't remember being that small. Patton knew there should have been more things- toys strewn across the floor, a baby-blue rug, a lego set of a cat. His parents must have cleaned up while he was gone. 
He realized he still had his feathers in his arms. He dropped them to the floor and dragged the neatly made blanket off the bed, and began to build himself a sleeping nest like the one he had at home. 
When he was satisfied with his work, he lay down and covered himself in the largest feathers he had carried from the park- his dark gray flight feathers. 
It took him too long to fall asleep, but when he awoke and went downstairs, he found his father waiting for him. 
“Son,” he began. “I’ve done some research, and I think the best place for you to be is a boarding school. Thomas Sanders’ Home For Wayward Children. I heard he deals with… cases… such as yours.”
A week after the conversation that Patton had no say in, he found himself carrying a bag and a suitcase across a cobblestone pathway to an imposing, mansion-like structure where a man waited for him at the door. 
“You must be Patton, right?” The man asked, holding out his hand in greeting. 
“Yes, sir,” Patton replied, attempting to hide the fear in his voice. He hadn’t been with his parents in years, but he still remembered that any school he would be sent to was almost guaranteed to be one of religious teachings. 
The man waved him off. “No need for formalities, you can call me Thomas! Or Mr. Sanders, whichever you prefer. Now, Patton, may I ask what your world was like?”
“My- my world? Um, I go to church every Sunday and-“
“No, no! Not this world! The one you call home. Mine was one of the trees of every color, with the softest grass, and fairies hiding in every flower, dryads in every tree. And not the kind of fairies your parents likely despise! Oh- sorry, that was probably a little odd. Never mind that, tell me about your world!”
Thomas led Patton through the sturdy oak doors into the house- if it could be called that. From the outside, it looked like a single house had been built onto until it became a sprawling maze of living rooms, and the inside was even more confusing.
The entry hall alone had painted portraits that looked like they belonged in museums, not hung on wallpaper that looked like it was from the seventies. A crystal chandelier cast oddly shaped shadows across the multitude of doors that connected to the hall. 
“My world… my world was one where birds carried magic and gave it to any who they thought was worthy. I made friends there. Some were like me, humans who were given wings. Others were birds. Sparrows, crows, finches, ravens, robins… I loved them all. And- and I want to go back.”
“I understand, Patton. Almost everyone here wants to go back. It’s my job to try to help you and these other kids not be so homesick while we all wait for our doors.”
“Th- thank you. I haven’t been away from home for more than a week and I already miss it.”
“You will never miss home any less, but I hope the weight of missing it gets easier to carry. Now come on, let’s get you settled. I can-“
Thomas was cut off by a crash coming from what sounded to be far above their heads. He cringed and continued. “I need to go fix that. Ah, Nico can show you your room. Pryce, if you’re doing what I think you’re doing, stop it! Nico!”
Thomas took off in a sprint through one of the doors, leaving Patton alone in the entry hall until another man came running in. 
“Hi, you must be Patton! I’m Nico. Nico Flores-Sanders. I help my husband around the school. I’ll show you to your room, and make sure Janus doesn't kill you,” he laughed and took Patton’s suitcase. 
“Uh, that was a joke, right?” Patton asked tentatively. 
“Mostly, yes. We did have to break up a fight between them and another student, though. To be fair, the other student was being, ah, quite a jerk.”
Patton nodded. Don’t be a jerk, and don’t start a fight. Those seemed like easy enough rules to follow. 
“Here, up this staircase and the first door on the right. If you get lost, you can always ask your roommate for directions. Somehow they were faster at learning their way around than I was!”
“You went here, too?”
“Yup! Though back in my day, it was called Eleanor West’s Home. She didn’t actually run this building, she ran one on the upper east coast. Thomas and I met when we were both in school, and when he took over, I helped him run it.”
“Oh! You two must be really good friends!”
Nico began to laugh, and Patton couldn’t understand what he had said that was so funny. 
“Ooo-Kay. Here’s your room. Janus! Your roommate is here!” 
Nico knocked, and Patton’s new roommate opened the door. 
“Uh, hi. I’m Patton.”
“Janus. They and them pronouns. If you call me he or she, I will break your knee.”
“Janus, what have we said about cryptic and threatening introductions? Please make Patton feel welcome,” Nico scolded.
Janus rolled their eyes and gestured with a gloved hand for Patton to come in. They waved at Nico, who gave a smile and closed the door. In the dim light, Patton could see the odd appearance of the person he’d be sharing a room with. 
Janus wore a black bowler hat, a bit of wavy brown hair sticking out of it and hanging in their eyes, which Patton could tell, even in the dark, were two different colors. The most startling thing about their appearance, though, was the scar that ran from their left eye down to their chin.
“That’s your bed, on that side. I hope you don’t mind the dark because the curtains stay closed at all times. I have a space heater, so if it gets too hot in here, I will move it but under no circumstances will I turn it off. And I meant what I said, if you use any pronouns for me besides they and them, I will not hesitate.”
Patton did not ask “hesitate to do what?” because he was pretty sure he knew the answer. However, he did ask, “why are your pronouns they/them?”
“I am non-binary. Neither a man nor woman. It falls under the transgender umbrella.”
Patton just nodded and thought for a minute. “Am I non-binary, too?”
Janus raised an eyebrow. “You can be if you feel like it fits you.”
He began to unpack his suitcase and bag, putting his feathers on the bed and clothes in the dresser. He had refused to let anyone touch his feathers, his reminder that his home had really existed, that he wasn’t just making things up like his parents insisted that he was. When he was done making a proper nest on the floor with the pillows, blankets, and what was left of his wings, he turned to Janus.
“I’m Patton, and I think I’m non-binary, too. I went to a world where birds were magic and humans could get wings. And, um, thank you for not breaking my knees.”
That night, as Patton curled into his makeshift nest, he felt like she belonged somewhere for the first time since he had faded from Noelani’s hug. 
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Nico Flores/Thomas Sanders Characters: Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Nico Flores (Sanders Sides), Deceit | Janus Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders' Spider, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Family, Alternate Universe - High School, Trans Male Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Trans Male Character, Trans Character, Nonbinary Character, Nonbinary Deceit | Janus Sanders, Teenagers, Kid Morality | Patton Sanders Series: Part 3 of What FamILY Means Summary:
Logan was raised in a rather conservative home. He had a very traditional belief of what family meant. Then he met the Sanders family.
“Your family is quite interesting,” he commented to Virgil when they returned to his room after dinner. Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Good-interesting or bad-interesting?” “I’m not sure, but you are nothing like anyone I’ve ever acquainted before.”
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edupunkn00b · 3 years
Blink and You’ll Miss It
A Karrot Kings, Pintroverts Mini-Fic
for @psychedelicships
Thomas and Nico were working together in Thomas' small kitchen, washing and drying the new morotskunger dish set they had picked up at Ikea. Nico was having a hard time figuring out how to make room for the new dishes. Logan was nearby, quietly working on re-organizing Thomas' calendar after the unexpectedly long shopping trip.
"Tommy, are sure we're going to be able to fit all of the new dishes in here?" He turned toward Thomas, nose scrunched, but hopeful.
Thomas bumped Nico's shoulder affectionately, laughing. "Don't worry, Neek, this kitchen's bigger on the inside."
"Ha, is that from Monty Python?," Nico chuckled.
Both men heard a small clatter when Logan dropped the erasable highlighter he'd been using on Thomas' calendar. Logan stared at Nico in shock.
Nico, brow slightly furrowed, walked over and picked up the fallen highlighter, putting in back on the table near the calendar. He shrugged and went back in the kitchen.
Thomas laughed again, a bit more breathy this time. "You're ... you're kidding, right?" Nico looked up, suddenly aware that he'd made some sort of mistake but hadn't a clue what he'd done.
"Uh, no?" Nico felt his mouth go dry. "What did I say?" He replayed the conversation in his mind. "Oh. I guess that's not from Monty Python, then?"
Logan shifted his glare to Thomas, a clear "Fix this now!" message emblazoned on his face.
Thomas glared back at Logan with an "Ok, ok, I'm already doing it, Logan!" look of his own. Thomas returned his attention to Nico, who couldn't quite figure out why Thomas had been glaring at his calendar. "Bigger on the inside?," Thomas prompted one more time, hopeful that this was all just a misunderstanding. How could the love of his life not get this reference?  Nico stared at him, shaking his head, shoulders a little raised. "You know ... Doctor Who?," Thomas said at last.
"Oh, of course! I know Doctor Who!," Nico cried out happily. Logan breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the calendar. "That's the British guy with the scarf and the killer robots, right?"
Logan put his head between his knees and starting counting his breaths to stop hyperventilating.
Thomas' eyes grew wide. “Stay optimistic, Kiddo!” He could hear Patton's voice behind him. "Ok, Nico, you're in for a treat! I can't believe I get to show you your first Doctor Who!" Thomas grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him into the living room, giving Logan's shoulder a quick, gentle squeeze as he walked past to reassure his panicking logical side. He pressed Nico into a seat on the couch and perused his Doctor Who DVDs. "I've got it! The perfect episode to ...," he turned to Nico, pausing dramatically, "Initiate you."
Nico tried to remind himself that he loved his Tommy very much and he shouldn't feel afraid. But he did. Just a little.
Thomas popped in the DVD for "Blink" and sat next to Nico. He finally noticed the tension in Nico's face and leaned in for a quick set of chaste kisses to his forehead, nose, then lips. "You're gonna love this!," he promised.
Logan looked up as the DVD started to play. Thomas cast a quick glance in his direction, nodded reassuringly, and put his arm around Nico.
"So, I guess she's Sally Sparrow?," Nico whispered.
Logan shushed him, but of course Nico couldn't hear him yet.
Thomas nodded at Nico, rubbing his arm excitedly.
Nico smiled from ear to ear as the episode ended. "Ok, Tommy, that was pretty great. I can't believe I've been missing out on this show for so long!" Logan sighed happily and returned to his work on Thomas' calendar. "Which episode should we watch next?"
Thomas grinned excitedly, jumping up to review his collection. "There are so many options ..." Thomas ran his finger over the cases. "Oh! Wait until you meet Amy and Rory!" Thomas pulled out a new case. "It's time for 'The Eleventh Hour'!"
As the episode played, Nico laughed at the Doctor's antics as he trashed Amelia Pond's kitchen, trying to find the food that would satisfy his craving. Nico ruffled Thomas' hair and kissed his cheek, "He's nearly as bad you!"
      "Carrots? Are you trying to poison me?"
Nico fell back against the back of the couch, laughing even harder. "Ha, he's just like you!"
Thomas blushed. "Well, actually, Nico, now that you mention it - " his voice cut off as a yellow-gloved hand pressed firmly over his mouth.
"Now, now, Thomas, baby steps," Janus crooned in Thomas' ear. "Baby steps."
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One is owned by me : Crashing Down  (Logan x Nico)
The other is owned by GhostRaccoon: Fall to the Floor (Janus x Nico)
Ironically they both have something about falling in their name.
Honorable Mentions (Ships that include C!Thomas):
Thomas/Nico/Remy fic by moonjuicewiththepresident: shenanigans at the ultimate level
Janus/Thomas/Nico fic somewhere in IzzyFandoms: Sanders Sides Ficlets  (#413)
Another Janus/Thomas/Nico fic by Raidah_Blossom: His Galatea
Look, if you like rarepairs and you want to stake a claim on a rare nico ship, you still got time:)
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miguel-manbemel · 3 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 55: Return to the Cave of Doom Part 3 - The Defile of Tragedy
Going with the third part of this story that will serve as finale for the season two of this fanfic inspired on Sanders Sides, by Thomas Sanders and Joan S. And before we get into it, one warning. We're getting into one of those angstier episodes were one of the characters in the story is gonna pass away. So expect a lot of angst in this entry of the story. Next entry, by the way, will be the final conclusion of this season. I hope you're enjoying this finale and without further ado, let's get into the story. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: The gang decides to go to the way the had chosen, through a dangerous defile where they will be unprotected and more vulnerable. Twelve people, including humans, Sides and ghouls, are going to enter it, but they are all very conscious that not all of these 12 will probably make it to the other side... alive.
WARNINGS: Death of a character, therefore lots of angst; romantic moments between Thomas and Nico.
[Roman’s voice is heard narrating as flashback scenes from the previous episode are shown]
ROMAN: After the tough experience in the Core, we finally were ready to enter the Cave of Doom. However before we could do that, we had to convince Vertigo that it would be safe to enter, as he tried everything he could to delay us, including inducing a state of vertigo into Nico, who got really sick, all because he feared that as soon as we opened the door, he would turn back into Paranoia’s puppet. We finally convinced him that wouldn’t be the case and so we entered the cave. But when we were in our way, we suddenly encountered a rock slide that blocked our way. Virgil told us that there were two alternate routes. One of them was safe, but so long that it would leave us with a very little margin of time to rescue Dillon once we got to the castle. The other route was faster, but much more dangerous as it involved crossing a defile surrounded by two deep pits where we would be almost defenseless against an ambush. We decided to make a choice democratically, and so everyone of us voted which way we wanted to go. But still, there was a tie in the voting, so Nico proposed to draw the result, as there was an equal number of ballots for each option. And so, he picked one of the ballots and he ultimately chose Remus’ ballot, where he voted for going to the defile. How we knew it was Remus’ ballot if the votes were secret? Well, who else would have drawn that obscenity in the ballot just to piss us. No, don’t ask me, I won’t show you that drawing, not even on flashback. The point is that Lady Luck had decided that we should go through the defile, and so we headed our way in that direction.
[intro sequence]
[Thomas and his friends keep walking down the gallery Virgil is guiding them through]
THOMAS: So far, this gallery seems to be quite long, Virgil. Are you sure you didn’t get the long way by mistake?
VIRGIL: Trust me, Thomas. If this way seems long to you, imagine how long the other way was.
THOMAS: … Okay…
[then the gallery slowly goes flat and the walls start getting more far away from each other as they walk]
REJECTION: The gallery is widening. Does that mean that…?
VIRGIL: Yes, we’re approaching the defile. Keep your eyes open now, guys.
[finally, they enter a huge cavern. The ground under their feet turns into a defile where only one person fits, and they can’t see the bottom of the pits on both sides of the defile. Far away on the walls, several meters away from the defile, there are holes, or windows, that seem to communicate with galleries behind them]
JANUS: You were quite right, Virgil. This place is perfect for an ambush. They could attack us with all kinds of projectiles from these windows on the walls. I’m not sure if we made the right choice, guys. Going this way seems suicidal to me, we’re too exposed and almost unable to defend ourselves.
THOMAS: Maybe so… but the choice has been made. We can’t turn back now, we wouldn’t arrive in time to save Dillon. We need to cross this defile and hope for the best.
JANUS: Okay, if we’re doing this, Thomas and Nico, you two must walk together. The rest of us will be ahead or behind you, just in case.
VIRGIL: I doubt that would work for anything as the danger comes from the sides not from the front or the back.
JANUS: At least we’ll have the front and the back covered in case they decided to enter the defile by foot. We’ll still be unprotected from the sides, but the front and the back won’t be unprotected anymore.
VIRGIL: Okay, you may have a point.
[the gang places themselves as Janus suggested, from front to back, in order, Virgil, Roman, Remus, Logan, Patton, Thomas, Nico, Ian, Janus, Height, Vertigo and Rejection. Like that, in single file, they enter the defile. They keep their eyes on the windows that surround them from the walls, trying to avoid looking down. However, Thomas starts shaking, until he stops walking altogether]
NICO: Thomas, are you okay?
THOMAS: I can’t walk any further… I thought I could but I just can’t stand heights… It’s too much for me…
HEIGHT: I wish I could turn myself off for a moment, Thomas. But I can’t control myself.
THOMAS: I know, I’m not blaming you. I wish I could be stronger…
PATTON: Kiddo, remember that we already went through this when we were rescuing Chris. Remember when we had to get to the Mind Palace Center the first time, through that path suspended several feet over the labyrinth? Back then, you were able to control your fears. You just gotta do the same now.
THOMAS: Except that this time it’s not that easy, Patton. Last time, I could evade myself, imagine that the pathway wasn’t so high and just keep walking like an automaton… But now I can’t do that, when I have to keep concentrated on the windows and not tripping on this rocky defile at the same time…
JANUS: [yelling] Well, Thomas, you better put yourself together now, cause we’ve got company! Guys, protect yourselves!
[the windows suddenly get filled with hundreds of ghouls, throwing arrows, stones and everything on hand to the team. They just try to evade the attacks the best they can]
IAN: We won’t last much in this situation! If only Chris was here, he would have taken care of them, he’s the best archer among all of us!
VIRGIL: I know, but we didn’t have time to go to Sandersia and fetch him from his fencing training with Roland. Guys, we gotta resist somehow!
ROMAN: Thomas, you could help us! You could bring out that white shield of yours to protect us, remember? Thomas? Are you listening? Thomas!
[but Thomas is completely frozen, almost like catatonic, with a face of huge fear, looking at the pits around him]
REMUS: Did you realize, guys? Nobody among those ghouls is aiming at Thomas. They’re avoiding to attack him on purpose!
LOGAN: That’s logical, considering that if they made him fall into the pit to his death, we would all die and this place would banish. They don’t wanna take that risk. It’s lucky for Thomas, because he seems to be in panic over his fear of heights.
REMUS: Thomas! Wake up, for f*ck’s sake! We need you!
[a scream of pain is heard from behind. They all look behind and see that Rejection has been hit by a stone on the forehead. A stream of blood falls down is hair. Then he stumbles and falls. Vertigo manages to grab him before he falls into the abyss and keeps him suspended over the pit, holding him by one foot. Rejection shakes his head and recovers full consciousness, realizing what has happened]
VERTIGO: [trying to rise him up] Don’t worry, I got you, I won’t let you fall!
[Rejection looks at the nearest window to them. There’s a ghoul tensing his arrow, pointing at Vertigo’s chest]
REJECTION: But you must, Vertigo! You must let me fall or they’ll kill you!
VERTIGO: What? No! I won’t let you fall!
REJECTION: If you don’t, then we will both perish! You must do it, Vertigo!
HEIGHT: Look out, he’s gonna shoot!
[Rejection shows a face of determination and, with some struggle, starts untying the boot that Vertigo is holding]
VERTIGO: What are you doing!? Don’t do that! You’ll fall!
REJECTION: It has been great being part of this mission, and it was great that at least I got to see you, Vertigo, one of our friends, free from Paranoia. Please, save the others. Do it for me. Farewell…
VERTIGO: [screeching] Rejection, don’t!
[but Rejection finishes untying his boot and slips out of it, falling into the pit. He doesn’t make a sound, and just smiles at Vertigo until he gets lost in the abysmal darkness. Vertigo doesn’t have time to react to the tragedy as the ghoul by the window shoots his arrow. Vertigo protects himself with Rejection’s boot, and the arrow pierces safely in it]
IAN: I can’t believe this is happening…
VIRGIL: There’s no time for mourning! There’s more ghouls every minute! Soon we will all follow Rejection’s destiny if we don’t do something! We need to make Thomas react now!
NICO: Thomas! Thomas!
[but Thomas has a very different face from before. He’s no longer afraid. On the contrary, he’s looking at the place where Rejection fell and his gesture is of pure anger and wrath]
NICO: Guys, something’s wrong with Thomas.
VIRGIL: Oh, no! What happened to Rejection is… I think, out of anger, Thomas’ letting the Dark Master dominate him again! Thomas, fight him!
[but Thomas’ eyes have already turned green and started glowing. He shows his teeth in a grotesque gesture, and he growls with a demonic voice. He points with his finger at the ghoul that shot at Vertigo]
JANUS: [horrified] I know that gesture! Don’t do that!
[Thomas throws a black beam from his finger. It hits the ghoul on the shoulder. He screams in pain and falls back]
JANUS: Thank goodness he didn’t hit him in the chest, or otherwise, that ghoul would be dead, like it happened to Ira! Thomas, calm down!
NICO: Thomas, I know it hurts, and I know you want revenge, but this is not the way! [holding Thomas’ face with both hands and making him look at him] Thomas, look at me! Remember what the Core told us!
[The ferociousness of Thomas’ gesture slowly disappears]
NICO: This is not a battle we can win if we let ourselves loose in hatred. These on the windows are our friends too and don’t know what they’re doing. We need to save them too or everything will have gone to waste. Remember that the only way we can win is with love, not with hate. Put yourself together, Thomas. We need you, the real you, not the dark you.
[Thomas’ eyes turn back to brown and a tear falls down his cheek. He then kisses Nico]
VIRGIL: Thank goodness that he came back to his senses, although our situation is still not any better…
[while Thomas and Nico are kissing a lightning aura surrounds them. Everyone stops to look at the mystic brightness, even the ghouls. The aura gets brighter and brighter, then suddenly gets unleashed as a wave that spreads around at light speed all around the place. The ghouls are hit by the wave and fall down growling, except Height and Vertigo who remain totally unharmed. They stop kissing and look at what has happened, in shock]
THOMAS: What happened here?
NICO: Seems we unleashed our special weapon by accident, the one we were reserving for the Paladin. [smirks] It’s not my fault that you make me feel such strong emotions just with your kissing, Thomas.
THOMAS: [smirks back] Look who’s talking.
[ghouls on the windows start rising up slowly]
GHOUL #1: What has happened?
GHOUL #2: I… I’m free? I’m free at last?
GHOUL #3: We’re free from Paranoia! Free at last!
VIRGIL: Oh, wow, didn’t expect this to happen…
HEIGHT: Guys, are you okay!? You’re really free!?
GHOUL #2: I think so, Height! We’re so sorry, we couldn’t control ourselves!
[the ghoul that was shot by Thomas rises up. He has tears in his eyes, not of pain but of guilt]
SHOT GHOUL: I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry… It was my fault that Rejection…
VERTIGO: [with tears in his eyes] It’s not your fault. You were just being controlled like everyone else. It’s the Paladin who’s to blame and we’ll make him pay for this. I only wish Rejection was here to see his wish of seeing you all free come true.
THOMAS: And I’m sorry for shooting at you. I wasn’t myself either.
GHOUL #3: We’ll tend his wounds and go somewhere safe to gain strength, but don’t worry, we’ll be there to help you when the final battle unleashes. You guys, be careful now.
VIRGIL: Take care, guys. Thank you.
[the ghouls retreat and everything would have been silent, if it wasn’t for the sound of faint hurtful whining that startled them all. They all looked at the source of this sound. Patton was there, lying down in pain]
THOMAS: Patton! What’s wrong with you!? Did they hit you before…?
[Patton rises his face, his cheeks are full of tears and he has a grimace of pure pain, but still he manages to smile]
PATTON: It’s… it’s okay, kiddos… don’t worry…
LOGAN: [scared] No, it’s not okay, Patton! What is happening to you!
PATTON: It’s just that… your true love is so pure and so strong… and it all was unleashed so suddenly… that I got heavily overloaded. Aw, it hurts… but it will pass… although I don’t know if I could take it a second time…
THOMAS: Oh, dear, we’re so sorry, Patton.
PATTON: Don’t be… this is what had to be done, and so many ghouls got free from the spell, it can only count as a blessing. This is just my fault, because I’m not good enough to store your feelings, that’s all. You’ve got so much love to give, it was already difficult for me to hold it all, and now that I have to deal with love enough for two, it’s just impossible for me to hold it all together. I need to train to be better and I’m only sorry I didn’t do it earlier.
THOMAS: Don’t speak like that, you’re doing your best, just like anyone of us.
[Patton rises up, his grimace has softened up a little]
PATTON: Yes, but this is not the first time this has happened, I should have prepared myself in advance. My bad. But it was mandatory to use that attack this time, so do not hesitate in using it if need be. It will be better than the alternative of letting the Dark Master on the loose again.
NICO: Still, if this attack has so devastating effects on you, we mustn’t use it lightly anymore. Thomas, I think we must reserve it to attack the Paladin and only the Paladin. The rest of the way, we’ll have to count on our own regular strength, for Patton’s sake.
THOMAS: You’re right. We’re not void of resources. Until we get there, we’ll avoid that attack.
PATTON: Don’t worry about me, kiddos. I’m in pain, but I’m fine. I can cope, eventually.
THOMAS: There’s no need for you to cope to such strong pain unless it’s absolutely necessary. Don’t worry, Patton.
PATTON: As you wish kiddos. I’m feeling fine already, so we should get moving.
[they all start walking, but after a couple steps they look back. Vertigo is on his knees, looking at the boot with the arrow and at the pit]
VIRGIL: Vertigo…
VERTIGO: He sacrificed himself… for me… After how much of a coward I was earlier, he sacrificed himself for me. Why? I didn’t deserve it…
HEIGHT: Hey, my love, we need to keep going. Remember what Rejection told you before… that he counted on us to save our friends. He counted on you too, Vertigo, so put yourself together and make him proud, okay?
[Height kisses Vertigo in the cheek. Vertigo just shows a bittersweet smile and nods, then he stands up and throws the boot to the pit]
VERTIGO: Farewell, my friend. I swear your sacrifice won’t be in vain.
[they look at the pit for a couple of seconds, then they start walking]
NICO: How are you feeling now, Thomas?
THOMAS: I’m feeling okay. I’m so overwhelmed by all that has just happened that there’s simply no room in my brain for stupid phobias anymore. I’ll have time to feel the fear later when this is all over. Now I just need to keep on walking.
NICO: Okay…
THOMAS: But how are you feeling, Nico? This is the first time you have been witness of something like this in my Mind Palace. Are you okay?
NICO: I’m not gonna deny it, it’s taken a toll on me. But I can cope. It’s never easy to see someone die like this in front of your own eyes and not being able to do anything about it. But I’ll survive, I guess…
THOMAS: Again, I’m sorry I’m making you go through this. I feel so guilty…
NICO: And again, I’m telling you I’ll go with you to the end of the world. You’re no longer having to go through this kind of bad experiences on your own. Capiche?
THOMAS: Capiche…
[after some time walking through the defile, they reach the other side, which ends in a wider gallery]
IAN: Gosh, it feels so great to be able to walk again without the fear of falling, even if we’re surrounded again by walls up and down, left and right.
VIRGIL: Yep, and the best is this means we’re getting closer to the castle, guys. The battle is far from over, but we’re not far from starting it anymore.
REMUS: Roman, can I talk to you in private?
ROMAN: What? Now?
REMUS: It’s important.
ROMAN: Okay. Guys, go ahead, we’ll catch you in a minute.
VIRGIL: We can’t spread out, guys. Remember the illusions are not over, even if we’ve passed that defile. We’ll wait for you here a few steps away so you can talk, but be quick, please.
ROMAN: Okay…
[the rest of the gang moves away a few steps, while Roman and Remus get closer to the gate to the defile they left behind]
ROMAN: Well, what is it?
REMUS: This is killing me inside… and I needed to level with you.
ROMAN: About what?
REMUS: Well…
ROMAN: Remus, what did you do? Speak now, please, we don’t have much time.
REMUS: I feel guilty over Rejection’s death. It’s my fault.
ROMAN: What do you mean it’s your fault?
REMUS: Had I not put that ballot in the hat, we would have gone the other way and Rejection would be alive now.
ROMAN: Remus, we talked about this. Remember? It was luck which decided that your ballot was the chosen one to decide which way to go. It’s not your fault as you had your right to cast your vote however you wanted. No one’s blaming you. It is a group choice, remember?
REMUS: No it wasn’t, that’s what I was trying to tell you. It wasn’t luck what decided the way.
ROMAN: What? What do you mean? [realization] Wait a minute… you’re not gonna tell me that…
REMUS: I rigged the draw. I replaced all the ballots in the hat with copies of my own ballot.
ROMAN: [yelling] WHAT!? Why did you do that!?
REMUS: Because I feared for Dillon’s life! He… he’s my nephew, Roman. I was afraid that if we went through the longest route, we wouldn’t arrive in time to save him. I didn’t take into consideration your safety and worried only about Dillon’s. I beg you to forgive me, Roman.
[Roman just looks at Remus, then sighs]
ROMAN: Remus… Why do you always have to do anything you want without fair warning… I… it’s not to me to whom you have to apologize, you know? Besides, I’m no one to judge you when I have rigged so many votings in that same hat in the past. I would be a hypocrite if I criticized you for that… but you’re right. When you rigged the draw you put on your shoulders the responsibility of everything that happened, including Rejection’s death.
JANUS: May I speak before you come to conclusions, Roman?
REMUS: You were listening?
JANUS: Hard not to, you both were shouting and we weren’t too far away. Everyone has heard you.
[everyone is looking at Remus with faces of disappointment]
JANUS: Guys, before you start judging him, let me speak. The draw was fair and clean.
REMUS: What?
JANUS: Did you think I wouldn’t know what you were trying to do, Remus? I know you. I know you always show that glance of mischievousness when you’re planning on doing something in covert and I saw how you looked at the hat, so I guessed your plan all along… and replaced back all the ballots as they were just a second after you replaced them. It was only luck that it was precisely your ballot what was chosen.
REMUS: Seriously?
JANUS: Yep, though it was good that you mortified yourself over what happened for a few minutes. I doubt that it would teach you a lesson, you’re Remus after all, but at least you got time to reflect on your actions for a change.
HEIGHT: [angry] Well, the draw may have been fair, but that doesn’t change the fact that he actively tried to rig it! He still has some blame of what happened in my eyes!
JANUS: Before we go on casting blames, may I remind you that it was you and Rejection who started all of this in the first place, when you kidnapped Chris? It’s not like your hands are clean to give lessons about morality.
[Height gets in silence with a face of guilt, but still showing anger]
JANUS: And none of our hands are clean, for the record. There’s not a single innocent person in this room… or gallery. We will all always have something to be blamed for, even if it’s ourselves who put the blame on ourselves. We could go on with this debate as long as you want, but I think it would be better if we just move on, because Remus was right in one thing. Dillon is running out of time and we can’t waste it.
REMUS: Janus!
JANUS: What?
REMUS: Thank you for defending me, and for doing the right thing in my place… but I need to say something.
JANUS: Okay, sorry, go ahead.
REMUS: It’s true that I tried to rig the voting. It was a decision I made on the fly, like most of mine. And I want to apologize for that. I consciously put all of our lives in danger and one of us lost his. Even if Janus fixed it, that’s no excuse for me because I’m still guilty in the grade of tentative. So, I’m sorry. I know my apologies won’t bring Rejection back and I’ll understand if, when this is all over, you just want me to return to my room and never come back. I’ll accept it. I’m used to loneliness, anyway.
[the group looks at Remus in silence, before Thomas speaks]
THOMAS: Remus, what you did was serious, very serious. Had Janus not fixed it, Rejection’s death would have been your entire fault. I hope you are conscious of that. If we did the voting and then the draw was precisely to avoid this, to not put on someone’s shoulders all the weight of what eventually ended happening. And you disregarded that good intention to name yourself the only one capable to decide in the name of the whole group. You tried to impose your opinion over the majority, and that’s something I won’t tolerate to happen as long as I’m the owner of this Mind Palace.
REMUS: You’re right, and I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.
THOMAS: [beat] On the other hand, I know your intentions were good. We are all really worried about Dillon. We try to do what’s best for him, and I can only understand that the fear over his security can blur our reason. And besides, Janus fixed it and in the end it was luck, as intended, what decided our destinies anyway. I can’t speak for the whole group, but on my part, if you promise that you won’t do something like this again, I’m willing to forgive you.
REMUS: Thank you, Thomas. If it serves for something, I won’t put your lives in danger like this ever again. I promise.
THOMAS: What do you say, guys?
[one by one, the Sides and Nico nod in agreement with Thomas. Height, however, remains silent]
THOMAS: Height?
HEIGHT: It’s that easy? Just putting a pouty face and whining “sorry” fixes everything with the Sides? Rejection is dead! Your apologies won’t bring him back to life!
REMUS: I understand.
HEIGHT: [yelling] And don’t act all innocent now, for f*ck’s sake! Don’t act as if you were the victim, because you weren’t! You are a danger for everyone around you, and I don’t want to have anything to do with you! I…
VIRGIL: Height!
[Height looks at Virgil, in anger]
VIRGIL: Remus didn’t kill Rejection. You have a right to be angry, but in the end he didn’t kill him. It was something that could have happened to anyone of us from the moment we set a foot on this cave, and you all knew it. If it happened before or after a voting or a draw is irrelevant. We all know the risks we are taking. Rejection knew them too. The draw eventually was fair, so no matter what, the choice of following that route is still a group choice and that wasn’t changed. I know you’re angry, but if you want to be angry at someone, be angry at the Paladin who set the attack in the first place. That’s our common enemy and the one we must face now. We must stay together as a team or we’ll never succeed.
[Height looks at Virgil with the same face of anger]
HEIGHT: I’ll follow your command as always, your majesty. But you can’t ask me to forgive, because it doesn’t come naturally to me to do so. I’ll do as you want and continue our mission, but after it’s over, I don’t want to have anything to do with him, and nothing can change that.
REMUS: You don’t have to worry about that. After our mission is complete, I’ll never return to the Cave of Doom, so you’ll never have to see me again.
HEIGHT: [voice full of hatred and resentment] Finally some good news. I can’t wait for you to be away from my sight and back into your own filthy nest of worms, like the filthy worm you yourself are…
[Remus shows a face of anger that quickly evolves into a ferocious face that makes the others shiver, as it reminds them of the old Remus they faced in the castle]
REMUS: But until then, we must work together. I don’t care if you hate me, ghoul. I never cared about anyone’s opinions about me. [threatening voice, walking towards Height until he’s face to face with him] But if your hatred puts my nephew in danger, I’ll make sure that you have fair reasons to hate me, is that clear?
HEIGHT: How dare you…?
[Remus grabs Height by the neck, and his green tentacles suddenly appear on his back and point menacingly at Height]
REMUS: [yelling at Height] Is that clear!?
ROMAN: Remus!
REMUS: Shut up, Roman! This is between the ghoul and me, so don’t meddle! [beat, then to Height, with low voice]Don’t put my good will to the test, ghoul. I confessed what I had done because I thought the team had the right to know, but don’t ever think that, if you belittle me so lightly, I won’t bite back. As a friend, I can be a very good friend, but if you decide to make an enemy out of me, I can turn your life into a nightmare and the other Sides can attest that I’m saying the truth. I may be friendly now towards my friends and loved ones, and that sentiment is genuine, but don’t get it wrong, ghoul. [low pitch voice, approaching his face to Height’s until their noses almost boop] I’m. Still. A. Dark. Side. The last Dark Side in this f*cking Mind Palace, and I demand some respect. I won’t let anyone trample on my pride, much less someone who isn’t even a Side like you, ghoul. Not anymore! So stay in your lane, respect my boundaries, and you’ll keep your neck intact. And if you do your part of the mission and help rescue my nephew without hindering anything because of your thoughts about me, we’ll both live our lives afterwards away from each other as we both can’t wait to do. But if you don’t, and the mission fails because of you, I’ll make sure you join your friend on the bottom of that pit. Again, is that clear?
HEIGHT: [hateful voice] Crystal clear, Dark Side.
REMUS: [dropping Height’s neck and retracting his tentacles which disappear into his back] Good, because I’m tired of you wasting Dillon’s time in stupid quarrels. It’s time we get moving, and we’ll start moving now! Off we go, everyone! There’s no time to waste!
VIRGIL: [sighs] Remus is right. Let’s go. The Paladin’s castle is not too far already and the time to face him is arriving at last.
[to be concluded, guys, gals and non binary pals]
[the gang are walking down a very steep gallery. Virgil leads the way followed by the Sides and the ghouls. Remus is a couple steps back of the group, in silence. Roman notices this and joins him]
ROMAN: What’s up, brother?
REMUS: What’s up about what, Roman?
ROMAN: You know very well. Are you okay?
REMUS: That doesn’t matter now. Not until we rescue my nephew.
ROMAN: Hey, it’s my son too. And worrying about him doesn’t mean I can’t worry about you any less. There’s room in my heart for all of my family.
[Remus scoffs, trying to pretend he doesn’t care]
ROMAN: You know what, Remus? It’s not very you trying to hide things from us. If I remember correctly, you were always the one who always said whatever he wanted…
REMUS: …whenever it pleased me. I know. And now, it doesn’t please me to talk about the issue, so I don’t talk. It’s just as simple as that.
ROMAN: However I need to talk about it, because I’m worrying about you.
REMUS: You do? Heh… Who would have thought?
ROMAN: That’s not fair, after all we’ve been through. You know I love you and I care about you. You’re my brother.
REMUS: There was a time you wouldn’t even call me brother, and I still remember it crystal clear.
ROMAN: But that time is long gone. Neither you nor I are the same as back then. Which leads me to wonder why did you do that earlier. You reacted like… like your old self, almost. You even scared me for a second.
REMUS: I didn’t attack first. It was him who went hostile in the first place. I just set my boundaries, that’s all.
ROMAN: Setting your boundaries includes death-threatening Height? He was just upset over his loss. I’m sure in time he would have calmed down and apologized.
REMUS: Maybe, or maybe not. We’ll never know, I guess. But it was also that their useless quarreling was holding us back. And Dillon doesn’t have that much time left.
ROMAN: Even so, it was unnecessary to show such an abrupt fit of violence.
REMUS: [mocking voice] Well, I’m sorry, big brother. I promise I’ll apologize to them and that I’ll copy a hundred times in a notebook that “I mustn’t threaten my little fwiends anymore.”
ROMAN: Remus, I’m serious. [sighs] Gosh, why is it that you always spill your thoughts in the most random instances, but when you really need it the most, you just won’t let me get to your heart?
REMUS: Who knows? Perhaps I don’t have a heart. Like I said, I’m still a Dark Side, remember? Perhaps I am just like that, meant to be mean and evil and when I try to blend in with you, I’m just acting against my nature. [shows a face of hurt] That’s what all of you think about me, am I wrong?
ROMAN: Remus, that’s not…
REMUS: Is it not? Then why have I always had the feeling that I don’t fit in with any of you? Why have always had the feeling that, no matter what I do and no matter what I say, I’ll always be an outcast to some degree? I just decided to act like how you all ultimately think I am, that’s all.
ROMAN: It hurts me that you have those ideas about yourself and us. We don’t think about you like that. I don’t think about you like that.
REMUS: It would be so happy-papi-cute to believe you, Roman. But I just can’t.
ROMAN: Perhaps because it’s all in your mind and it’s really you who outcasts yourself from us, because it is you who doesn’t believe to deserve to be with us. And I think I got to the key of this issue. You reacted like that, because Height treated you the way you really think we all would want to treat you. It’s like your biggest fear suddenly came true and you reacted instinctively, am I right?
ROMAN: Yes, I am right. You can’t fool me. I know you inside out. You were a part of me, remember? Remus, I…
VIRGIL: Guys, we’ve arrived to our destination!
ROMAN: …well, it’s a shame we have to stop this conversation so abruptly, but you can bet that when this is all over, we’re gonna have a brother-to-brother extensive talk, okay?
REMUS: Do as you want, even though I don’t think we’ll get anything useful from it. Now, it’s not the time to talk. The Paladin is waiting.
ROMAN: Yes. The final battle is here at last.
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just-a-pintrovert · 3 years
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[begin ID: digital, colored drawing of a title page for a fic called, Vacation. The title is written in the top middle in glowing neon green cursive. Below the title, in smaller letters is, by nameinthewriter. The scene depicts a large, round bookshelf, filled with books and papers, a small table with a book and steaming cup of coffee, and a ornate, dark blue lounge chaise with a silver frame is next to the table. These items are surrounded by a brick background with a somewhat transparent dome made of glass on top and two large bookcases. The dome and the two bookcases are covered in glowing vines. These two bookcases frame either side of the piece. In the bottom corner is the artist's handle, at just-a-pintrovert. end ID]
*Rises from the grave like Mushu* I LIIIIIVE!!!!
So, I have been working on a bit of a project with the Sanders Sides Big Bang! (Tagged above) And I had the honor of working on this lovely fic by @nameinthewriter (tumblr isn’t letting me tag you I’m so sorry) ! It’s about Logan taking a bit of some downtime from the other sides, but Roman, Patton, and Virgil are all suspicious about Logan leaving so suddenly. They decide to go check in on him, but let’s just say he chose a special place to stay where no one but Janus and Remus (and now Logan) know about.
Here’s the link to check out the fic!
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Celebrating You
This is a little drawing and short fic for day two of Pintroverts Week! The prompt was flowers, and I absolutely love red tulips so it was nice to integrate them into a story! 
General writing taglist: @psychedelicships @jwillowwolf @lost-in-thought-20 @red-imeanblue 
Read on Ao3!
Here's the drawing I created first, and the fic is under the line! 😊💙
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Celebrating You.
Nico waited outside the theatre impatiently for Thomas to arrive. As he looked around continuously, he smiled to himself, it was funny that he was more excited than Thomas was. Nico thought back to their phone conversation last night, he listened to Thomas talk about how nervous he was about finding out the results of his audition… and at the same time, he felt like it was pointless even going to look. This was his fourth audition, the first one since they began dating, and nothing had panned out so far. It was heart-breaking to see his usually bubbly and positive boyfriend begin to lose confidence in himself.
‘If he wasn’t given some kind of role in this play, the directors are crazy…’ Nico thought to himself, tightening the hand hiding behind his back before suddenly loosening his grip remembering what he was holding.
He would know, he was at this latest audition after all. Well, he snuck into the theatre; but that was besides the point. The power in Thomas’ voice… the expression in the way he moved… the song had become his and his alone. It shouldn’t be possible to adore anyone more than Nico already did, but as Thomas accidentally made eye contact with him in that vast theatre as he reached the peak of the song, he could feel his heart beat faster and fireworks flew in his mind. He had fallen even more for Thomas, and although it scared him at the time, he was perfectly okay with it now.
Nico snapped back out of the memory as he heard the traffic lights beep for the pedestrian crossing. He looked over and saw Thomas stroll towards him, the anxiety was palpable. It was clear that he had been running his hand through his hair a lot due to it being stuck out in many different directions, and he was clutching the strap of his bag extremely tightly. When he looked up and saw Nico waving at him, he frantically tried to smooth down his hair and he let go of the bag before shyly waving back. They met in the middle and Nico pecked Thomas’ cheek lightly.
“So… I’m going on a limb here and assuming that you’re feeling ever so slightly nervous?” Thomas blushed a pink and laughed while Nico properly smoothed out his hair. He could feel Thomas relax instantly into the touch, and it was a relief to see him calm down.
“I-” Nico raised an eyebrow and Thomas sighed knowing he couldn’t lie. “You have no idea how nervous I am… what if this one doesn’t work out either?” Nico was going to make a quip about how he had a pretty good idea about how Thomas was feeling, but as he saw Thomas trying to fight back tears, he knew this wasn’t the time. He took one of Thomas’ hands in his empty one and encouraged Thomas to look him in the eyes.
“If it doesn’t, it doesn’t, Dearheart. I mean, I think they would regret it if they didn’t cast you at all… You are an exceptional talent! I know you beat yourself up mercilessly after those last auditions, and I honestly don’t blame you… but there’s one big difference this time.” Thomas raised an eyebrow incredulously, silently asking to know what could be possibly different.
“You’ve got me, darling. You’re not alone.” Nico squeezed Thomas’ hand, and the latter grinned in response before squeezing back. This was Nico’s chance, he quickly removed his hand from his back and presented Thomas with a large bouquet of red tulips. He gasped in surprise and gently took the flowers out of Nico’s hand to look at.
“Nico! They’re beautiful… but what are they for?” He took it the delicate scent before planting a kiss on Nico’s forehead.
“Thomas, although you don’t believe it- you killed your audition. These are to celebrate… you. No matter what the outcome is. I never believed in soulmates until I met you, and now, there’s no one else I could possibly see myself with.” Thomas smiled, his eyes glistening with happiness before he took a deep breath, squeezed Nico’s hand one more time and walked in the theatre. He looked back at Nico with his hand resting on the door handle.
“You know, you always zig when I think you’re about to zag, and I… I love that about you.” Nico felt his heart beat violently in his chest as he smiled while watching Thomas walk in.
Time felt it had frozen. Nico couldn’t help but become agitated despite it only being five minutes since Thomas entered the building. He started fiddling with his hands and paced in a small circle until he heard the inevitable click of the door opening from the inside. Thomas’ expression was unreadable, but as soon as he got closer, his façade cracked and a wide smile graced his lips.
“Guess who got the lead??” Thomas all but shouted in excitement. Nico squealed and went to hug him before remembering the flowers.
“Put the flowers down.” Nico said softly. Thomas was initially confused, but as soon as the flowers were delicately placed on the floor, Nico leapt and wrapped his arms tightly around Thomas. He giggled as he felt himself being spun around. When he was finally put back on the ground, they fell into a comfortable silence and decided it was time to go home. Thomas picked up the flowers and held his other hand out for Nico to take.
“Yes, Dearheart?”
“You’re my soulmate too. Always and forever.”
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pintrovertsweek2022 · 3 years
Thank you so much to my favorite fic writers of Pintroverts week,
@edupunkn00b , @theimprobabledreamersworld, @lost-in-thought-20 , and @xandriagreat !! I loved each and every fic made, and if anyone has something they’d still like to make a late submission for, I’d love to see it!
(actually, tag this blog or my main, @psychedelicships , in anything Pintroverts related, really!)
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psychedelicships · 3 years
Anyone have some fics that are pintroverts centric? I feel like I’ve gone through the entire AO3 tag lmao
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gamequeenanya · 3 years
👀 a fellow Nico stan? Pintroverts Drabble maybe?
Yes!! I love them~
....................."Best Day Ever".........................
Nico was attending the Canada Day celebration in the park with Thomas.
They'd come up to Canada for a comic book and anime convention and were staying for a week. It was a rather small town they were staying at, but the community made it feel big.
The Pandemic was finally over, and things had gone back to normal. Thomas had missed this way of life and didn't even mind the loud rock band playing in the band shell in the park. Usually he hated loud noises, but it was honestly a welcome change. He felt some melancholy at the thought.
Standing in line with Nico, he awaited their turn for the free cake and ice cream.
"Is this your first time coming to Canada?" Nico asked.
"Actually, I had a show up in Toronto when I went on tour!"
"Woah, that's awesome!" Nico said. "I hope to someday go on tour as well."
"Can I come with you?"
"Of course!"
The line for the cake got shorter.
"Get ready," Thomas said, turning to the people handing out the sweets.
It was Thomas and Nico's turn now, and they were handed a paper plate and plastic spoon. The volunteers gave Nico a piece of cake with red icing and Thomas a piece with white icing. Then they were handed their ice cream cups.
They sat down next to each other in the lawn chairs they'd brought and smiled at one another.
Quietly, they ate their cake and ice cream.
It was beautiful, really. The band playing their song, the birds chirping in the trees. People talking with one another and dogs looking happy and waiting to be petted. Thomas saw one such puppy, a golden retriever, and asked the owners if he could pet it. They said yes and Thomas expertly fluffed the dog, smiling like he was having the time of his life.
What a picture perfect moment, Nico thought. He stayed in his seat, smiling at Thomas.
Coming back to him, Thomas pulled him out of his seat, insisting they see the rest of the park. Nico chuckled and followed along. There was lots of free candy, as well as merchandise and advertising. Thomas' excitement made it all seem extraordinary. He really was having the best day of his life right now.
And Nico had to admit to himself, it was probably the best day of his life, too.
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galaxy-shapeshifter · 3 years
Bruised ego
@psychedelicships Here it is! The first part of the enemies to lovers pintroverts fic, I'm sorry it took me a long time. I've just decided to take a vacation from any form of writing fanfics or roleplays after my exams ended and I know it's short motivation just died down at one point.
Thomas got into his room with a frown throwing his bag into the floor and just throwing himself to the bed with his arms crossed, the three facets of his personality deciding to show up since thomas is alone now, creativity being the first to break the silence being the most effected by what had happened today.
"I can't believe this! This is ridiculous, why must we write a story with him!? I'm perfectly fine writing one on my own!"
The prince huffed his expression matching Thomas's clearly unhappy with the creative constrictions "Come now guys, he can't be that bad, maybe it'll even be fun! I know you like a fun challenge princey"
Morality comforted, as usual looking at the bright side. He is the bright side after all
"I hate to agree, but refusing every idea we proposed without giving any of his own was not the most constructive way of helping with the project."
"See!? Even logic agrees!" Princey huffed in frustration
"Not just that he also insisted on meeting at the mall, which you guys know I'm not the best with working in crowded places."
Thomas said, at that comment a regrettably familiar voice spoke up from the corner of Thomas's room
"Yes, you could mess up and make a fool of yourself for everyone, you can get robbed... attacked... and the pride pin isn't helping your case either." The voice spoke making everyone in the room groan in frustration except for morality who was waving happily at the figure in the corner
"Hey anxiety!"
"Get out of here anxiety, you stupid Robert downer Jr!" Princey huffed as anxiety just shrugged
"Just warning you here, the world we live in isn't nice." And with that anxiety sunk out, but the damage he left was too late as Thomas made a mental note not to wear his pride pin when he goes to the mall. So what happened is that Thomas was assigned to write a short story that can be turned into a school play, the punchline? It's a group project and he didnt even get to work with his friends in this instead having to work with this student named Nico Flores. Now that won't be that big of a deal if Nico wasn't acting so picky and anxiety refusing to shut up about how he already told Thomas the ideas were terrible-
"I don't know,this seems too much for just a school play" "in this one you just sound like you're trying to be edgy." "The relationship sounds too forced in here."
The memory of nico's words flew mindlessly in his head as he tried to do his homework, rubbing his head in frustration
and now here thomas was. In his room unable to focus on any other project because of his creativity wanting to show off to nico who is boss. He might be overreacting but his ego got pretty bruised as writing is one of his favorite things to do.
Feeling tired and unmotivated Thomas laid back on his bed ignoring his own logic and anxiety telling him he needs to get back to work as he fell into dream land.
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Nico Flores/Thomas Sanders Characters: Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Nico Flores (Sanders Sides), Deceit | Janus Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders' Spider, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Family, Alternate Universe - High School, Trans Male Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Trans Male Character, Trans Character, Nonbinary Character, Nonbinary Deceit | Janus Sanders, Teenagers, Kid Morality | Patton Sanders Series: Part 2 of What FamILY Means Summary:
Logan reflects on how close he's become with the Sanders family and how frustrating it is to define feelings.
Tag List: @goawayihateyou [If you want to be added to the tag list then just message me  💜]
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