#pipis room 2
behold!!! proof of every single jock having lived on pipis room!!!
i'm probably gonna rearrange the room and make it look less ugly but for now bask in the glory of all the muscles
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loveletterworm · 2 years
iirc they had a vote over what to call the weird route cuz the person who initially wrote the wiki page named it. pipis route
If it had to be a name someone made up then they should have kept it named pipis route That's a spoiler name too technically but a funnier type of spoiler where anyone who didn't know what it was talking about and only read the name would only think "What does that mean" or "What am i supposed to do with that information". Gives a totally incorrect impression for what steps could be involved you'd never figure out what the point is or what it entails from the name alone in fact you'd only lose information from knowing the name and nothing else about it
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Pipis Party
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abandoned-quiche · 2 months
Hey guys, can I ask for some constructive criticism? I made these images about my take on Mike, but for some reason I feel like they're... bad.
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[Image ID: A series of images with drawings and text on a white background. All text is in the Undertale font, Determination Mono.
Image 1: Large text at the top reads "Mike" in all caps. It is light pink with a hot pink border. Underneath it is smaller text of the same color in parentheses, reading "that guy." A squiggly black arrow points from this text to a drawing on the left side of the image.
The drawing is of a skinny man with a giant afro wearing a bulky leather jacket, giving his frame a similar shape to that of a karaoke microphone. He has grey skin, with the afro being a darker gray and having lines along it resembling the weaving of the head of a microphone.
He has large, star-shaped, light pink sunglasses with a hot pink frame. His leather jacket has spikes on the shoulders, and underneath the jacket is a hot pink shirt with the word "Mike" on it.
He is wearing plain grey pants and sturdy black leather boots.
Next to him is a simplistic drawing of Kris, demonstrating that he is significantly taller than them.
Black text on the right of the image reads as follows:
He's a microphone. With a microphone afro.
Mike used to be a big time producer, radio host, and singer. He was a huge star in TV land - with such hits as "Trouble Dingle" and "The Pipis Blues", who couldn't love him?
Mike had a knack for learning things he wasn't supposed to. Maybe because he's a microphone, he picks up on things most wouldn't. Maybe he can connect with speakers and hear what comes out of them. Maybe people would speak secrets into him, not knowing he was listening. Maybe that vegan diet he did for a while gave him the ability to see the future
Whatever the case may be (probably the first one), this got him on Tenna's radar, and not in a good way. He had a tendency to pick up on nasty intel Tenna didn't want getting out there. With a massive target on his back, he suddenly disappeared, and nobody ever saw him again...
Image 2: On the left side of the image is a lineart drawing of mike, who looks as previously described, leaning back into a nonexistent chair and holding a telephone whose wire coils upwards into infinity.
Black text on the right of the image reads as follows:
He was Spamton's producer, too, but also a friend. He and Spamton would chat over the phone about conspiracies nobody else would listen to them about. Mike was the only one who knew about the mysterious entity helping Spamton.
Now, with the creation of a new dark fountain, Spamton won't be the only one Mike's contacting over the phone...
Now that Kris's home phone is in a dark world as well, attempting to call it no longer results in nothing but garbage noise. By using the cell phone, the secret boss quest of Chapter 3 is initiated as Mike guides you along the path to acquire the Shadow Mantle.
I don't know where the shadow mantle is yet
Image 3: Large black text at the top in all caps reads "Mike's hiding place."
Black text below it reads, "The reason nobody has ever found Mike? He's out of bounds. In a "Room between." Without some kind of hint, you wouldn't even know this place exists. The only other one who knows about it is Spamton. He now hosts a conspiracy radio show for likeminded individuals on a secret frequency only those "in the know" can know.
It's 66.6. (The words "It's 66.6" are in parentheses.) Other than that, he only communicates in-person in secret locations or via the phone, as those are the only things Tenna can't track. You meet up with mike here to get an item necessary for acquiring the Shadow Mantle. A key or something I dunno. Before you leave, he will tell you that he saw someone over to the right who wanted to see you."
Below this text is a drawing of Mike's Hideout. It is a circular room located within an empty black void with a pale yellow floor and a path leading downward, off the screen. In the center of the room there is an orange circular carpet with a pale yellow heart in the middle. A crude drawing of Mike sits at the northwest end of the room on a chair similar to Chairiel, giving a peace sign.
To his right, there are three TV screens in a disparity of sizes, aligned as if they were attached to a wall. Their frames are a pale brown and their screens display only static. Beneath them, there is a console of some kind, of the same pale brown, covered in buttons, knobs and levers.
To Mike's left, there is a deep brown table with a pot of golden flowers and a lamp on top of it.
Above Mike's left hand is a white telephone, its cord spiraling endlessly into the sky. To the right of this room, the tree from the egg room has been photoshopped into the black void.
/End ID.]
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fluffskizeu · 6 months
Littles (2)
Littles (1)
Tampaknya Chan sudah lebih segar ketimbang kekasihnya yang masih terduduk di ranjang kamar, entah kejadian mendadak hari ini membuat otaknya berjalan lambat.
Setelah membereskan kekacauan di kasurnya, ia melangkah ke luar kamar. Pria bermata kecil itu terlihat bercanda gurau dengan dua keponakan perempuannya yang sudah duduk rapi di meja makan.
Perhatiannya teralih saat matanya bertemu dengan si gadis yang memperhatikannya diam.
“Uh, they can eat this right? I found it there”
Laki-laki itu menunjuk pada tas kecil yang ditinggal kakak perempuannya tadi, gadis itu kemudian mengangguk dan ikut duduk bersama gadis-gadis kecil itu.
Memperhatikan cara bicara Chan yang otomatis berubah ketika berbicara dengan keponakannya. Intonasinya lebih pelan dan.. menarik? Lucu.
Hatinya juga sedikit lega melihat interaksi hangat si kembar dengan pria itu. Bahkan Chan tak segan menadahkan tangannya untuk Anne yang tidak sengaja menggigit bawang yang tidak disukainya.
He’s a lot more than she knows.
“Watching you like this makes me feel like they’re your nieces, not mine” she joked.
“Hmm? What do you expect me be like?”
Tanya balik Chan, yang dijawab dengan gelengan kecil membuat pria itu tertawa.
“Sorry for bothering your rest, you girls too— say sorry to him for barging the room”
Kedua anak-anak itu melihat ke arah Chan yang langsung merubah ekspresinya.
“Na-na-nahh.. Babe I told you it’s okay, it’s fine- no need to say sorry or else I will be..”
Sengaja membuat nada bicaranya panjang membuat kedua anak kecil itu ikut memperhatikan menunggu apa yang akan ia lanjutkan.
“Be what?” Anna said.
“I’ll be angry if you say sorry- not your fault! I’ll be more than happy if you come visit us often!”
Lanjutnya beriringan dengan senyum sumringahnya yang membuat keduanya tergelak. Jauh beda dengan reaksi kekasihnya yang masih terdiam.
Chan mendekat ke arahnya dan sedikit membungkuk di belakang bangku gadisnya, berbisik sesuatu padanya.
“Don’t worry too much okay? I swear I’m not annoyed at all, they’re all happy and having fun here - that’s what matters okay?”
— Cup
He pecked her cheek when none of the girls were paying attention, busy joking with each other while eating their breakkie.
Mata perempuan itu terbelalak dan reflek menepuk pipi Chan di sampingnya, membuat laki-laki itu tertawa geli.
Entah bagaimana cara kekasihnya membuat hari yang dikiranya akan runyam karena suasana tak biasa di rumahnya berubah menjadi tenang.
Ketiganya sedang menonton serius acara anak-anak yang diputar di layar televisi di ruang tamu. Hatinya lega belum ada kekacauan selain suara-suara tadi pagi, ia melanjutkan kegiatannya untuk membersihkan rumah.
Ia tidak lagi terheran bagaimana kedua anak kembar itu terlihat nyaman dengan orang asing yang baru menemui mereka hari ini.
It’s Chan, her Chan.
Kepalanya sekilas menoleh pada Anne yang entah sejak kapan duduk di pangkuan laki-laki itu, sementara Anna bersandar pada lengan besarnya, matanya masih tak lepas dari tayangan di depan.
Pria itu memainkan rambut lembut Anne di depannya, sesekali mendekatkan hidungnya untuk mencium wangi lembut dari shampoo yang dipakainya. Tangannya mencoba menyilang-nyilang beberapa helai rambut yang ada dipegangannya. Mencoba untuk mengepang.
Pandangan si gadis tak bisa terlepas dari pemandangan hangat itu, Chan tersenyum dan tertawa sendiri yang berkali-kali gagal membentuk kepangan, sementara kedua anak itu masih tak bergeming.
She chuckled to herself, cute.
Dan tentu saja, bukan saudara kalau sehari tidak bertengkar. Seperti sekarang contohnya, perempuan itu buru-buru berlari dari dapur ke arah ruang tamu.
“I wanna play with the doll!”
“I have it first!!”
Keduanya sama-sama meninggikan suara, memegang ujung-ujung boneka mencengkramnya dengan kuat dengan tangan kecilnya.
Baru saja ingin melangkah mendekat, Chan tiba-tiba keluar dari kamar yang nampaknya baru saja selesai mandi. Segera mendekat pada tempat kejadian perkara.
Ia berjongkok untuk menyamakan tingginya dengan kedua anak itu. Ikut memegang boneka yang diperebutkan mereka.
“Okay-okay, no doll if you both keep screaming to each other. Anna, did you play with it first or your sister did?” He questioned, the situation got more tense because Chan changed the way he spoke.
One of the sisters sobs as she pointed to her sister.
“Okay then, Anne can play with the doll for 10 minutes and give it to Anna, if you still want to play with the doll you could wait 10 minutes until Anna finished her turn, does that sound okay?”
Anna shook her head disagreed, tears began to spill streaming down her cheeks.
“I want it now… “
Chan shook his head, giving the doll to Anne and picked Anna up on his arms, taking her inside the bedroom where the aunt also followed to see the situation.
Chan memeluk gadis kecil itu membiarkannya menangis sesugukan, menenggelamkan wajahnya yang memanas pada pundak Chan sementara pria itu mengelus dan mengusap punggung kecilnya. Kekasihnya menatap pria itu dengan ekspresi bingung, bingung bagaimana menenangkannya.
Sementara pria itu mengangguk kecil padanya pertanda ia sudah tahu apa yang akan ia lakukan.
Lima menit berjalan akhirnya tangis sesugukannya reda, berani menghadap pria besar di depannya yang sigap menghapus jejak air matanya dengan ibu jarinya.
“Hey.. you know.. It’s five minutes more until your turn.. wanna watch something so you can watch while waiting?”
She nodded with a red face and unstable breath, while he kept rubbing in circles on her tiny back to calm her down.
Suasana kembali terkontrol berkat Chan.
Tak terasa pagi berganti malam, padahal kekasihnya bukan tipe yang akan tidur terlalu pagi. Seperti sekarang di jam 8 malam, lampu kamar sudah mati. Pria itu tidur di kasur tambahan yang di letaknya di samping kasur utama yang memuat kedua gadis kecil dan gadisnya.
Keduanya berada di samping kanan kiri tantenya, tentu mereka tidak akan langsung tertidur, ada saja pertanyaan-pertanyaan aneh yang keluar dari mulut kecil itu. Kalau dirinya tak bisa menjawab, maka Chan akan tiba-tiba membuka mulutnya dan mengarang untuk menjawab.
Setelah perempuan itu membacakan tiga cerita pengantar tidur, akhirnya tidak ada lagi suara atau pertanyaan aneh yang terdengar.
“Chan.. are you asleep?” She whispered.
“Not yet”
Gadis itu perlahan merangkak untuk berpindah. Berusaha meminimalisirkan guncangan agar tidak membangunkan si kembar.
Chan yang peka pun menggeser sesikit posisinya agar kekasihnya bisa menyelipkan dirinya dekat dengannya. Ia meraba wajah pria itu yang membuatnya tertawa kecil, menjangkau pipinya lalu mencium bibirnya di tengah gelapnya kamar.
He giggled.
“Thankyou for helping me today, didn’t know I could survive this day”
Pria itu melingkarkan tangannya pada pinggang gadisnya membawanya tubuhnya mendekat.
“Sorry for taking your rest day” she sighed.
“It’s so much refreshing rather than sleeping all day you know?” He joked and kissing her cheek.
“I swear you’re going to be a good dad”
“So do you, you’re going to be a good mom I believe”
“They listened to you well”
Gadis itu bangun pagi lebih awal untuk menyiapkan keperluan kedua keponakannya sebelum mereka terbangun, ibunya akan menjemput pagi ini juga. Mungkin setelah jam sarapan.
Setengah jam berlalu, ia kembali ke dalam kamar di mana semuanya masih tertidur termasuk Chan, padahal sinar matahari juga sudah menyeruak masuk dari gordennya.
Entah sejak kapan kedua gadis itu berpindah, bersandar pada lengan Chan yang dijadikan bantal dengan mata masih terpejam, bahkan Anne memeluk tubuh yang berkali-kali lipat lebih besar darinya dari samping, memeluknya seperti guling membuat kakinya berada di atas perut Chan.
Couldn’t help herself to not take some photos to capture this warm moment that warmth her heart.
Lalu ia mendekat dan mengecup bibir Chan, membuatnya perlahan tersadar dari alam mimpi lalu kebingungan dengan situasi ini.
“Oh..Gosh..Since when they—“
“Don’t know baby hahaha wake them up for breakfast okay? You too get up”
“Hey-hey- princesses time to wake up! Breakfast is ready! Heard your mom gonna pick you up”
Perlahan keduanya terbangun tapi masih belum mau berpindah posisi, yang membuat Chan gemas dan menggelitik keduanya membuat kamar itu dipenuhi suara tawa mereka.
Sampai akhirnya kakak perempuannya kembali berkunjung untuk menjemput, terlihat juga Chan yang langsung akrab menyapa sementara perempuan itu hanya mendengarkan dari dapur.
“I think he’s ready for twins”
Tidak tahu sejak kapan atau darimana tiba-tiba kakaknya bercanda dibaliknya, dan tertawa kecil. Ia menunjuk ke ruang sebelah yang bisa dilihat dari dapur di mana ketiganya sedang fokus menonton sesuatu dengan Chan yang ada di tengah memegang ponselnya.
“He’s so sweet to the kids hm? I think you both couldn’t wait it for too long now?”
She teased and laughed.
Her sister wasn’t wrong, she could see it too, Chan is a good dad material, at least that’s what she has seen for a full day.
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ciftadmin · 2 months
Old Friends
Spamton sat quietly at his desk, no longer the office dedicated entirely to him, but just a small work station in the wing of the mansion designated for the marketing team. Everyone else had ran when the announcement came over the speakers that ASO was back, but Spamton just continued typing away, his iconic neon glasses crackling with static. He didn’t particularly know how to feel about The Founder’s return, or the fact he was now being watched 24/7 by a man who already didn’t like him. All he knew was work was money, and money was his key to not ending back in that same god damn dumpster all over again … alone, starving, cold.
His concentration was interrupted by the lights in the room he was working in cutting out, bathing him in darkness. He raised his voice. “HE-H-HEY!! WUTZ thE BIG [[Deals, Deals, so many Deals!]] WHO CUT OUT TH3 >liGHTs?!”
For a beat, silence … followed by footsteps coming from an open window in the room. Spamton produced a pipis, holding it above his head like a grenade ready to be thrown. “[[Show thyself]] YOU [[Hateful Shrew!]] I’VE G0T A [[pipis]] AND I’M NOT AFRAID 2 [[pull the pin, pop it in the bowl-]]!!”
The voice that responded to him was distantly familiar, someone he knew before being exiled by The Founder. “Come now, Spamton, is that really any way to treat me? You slighted against me once, but that was a long, long time ago.”
Multicolored lights emerged from the darkness, forming the outline of a tall, corvid butler in a pristine suit. Though mechanically modified somehow, Spamton couldn’t mistake a familiar face when he saw it in front of him. This was Swatch, clear as day. It seemed despite The First Unit’s failure to locate them before being overthrown, that lost time was made up for now. But … why were they back? Spamton looked on with suspicion. “UR A BIT LATE [[buddy pal chum amigo brother homeslice breadslice dawg]]. THE NICER [[Man in The Big Chair]] WAS LO0KIN’ FOR [[Only youuuuuuuu…]], BUT NOW THEY’VE [[bee]]N-”
“Taken back down a peg, yes, I know. A being relying on resonance is bound to lose on the grounds of resonance … it’s just sort of a given. I’m here now because I fear that with the new harvester resonance that’s being transmitted, we can no longer rely on fighting Heinrich on his own battlefield.”
Spamton seemed confused. “HEINRICH? [[Guess Who]]’S TH4T?”
Swatch paused, and let out a quiet frustrated sigh. “The Founder, Spamton. You’d think that being one of his department heads at one point you would know your boss by his first name.”
“THE LESS [[Question 1: What is the powerhouse of-]] 1 ASKED, THE MORE [[delicious]] [[KROMER]] I WAS PAID!”
They held up a hand as a sign to stop arguing. “The point is, I’m taking the fight directly to ASO, and I need your help. Not for your physical prowess, Knight’s blade no…”
“…but rather because you are weirdly capable of inserting yourself into technology. So … here’s the deal. I’m recreating the NEO suit, but better than last time. More defense, even more sundering offense, greater mobility, I could go on … If I allow you to take control of it, and you use it to help me take down ASO and get this place back under control … you can keep the suit.” Saying that sentence very visibly made Swatch uncomfortable.
Spamton, on the other hand was ecstatic. The little puppet jumped around the room, his head growing in size as he laughed and laughed and laughed joyously. Eventually he sprinted back up to Swatch and shook their hand incredibly fast. He did note, through his joy fueled frenzy, that Swatch’s hand was oddly cold and smooth …“HAEHAEHAEHAEHAE! ALRIGHT [[Bird brain]], U GOT YOURSELF A DE4L!!! [[H e a v e n]], SPAMT-SPAMTON’S COMING!! U CAN’t KEEP HIM [[25% Off on Choice Padlocks]] FOR EVER!”
Swatch groaned, immediately regretting their decision to do this.
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castletown-cafe · 1 year
Castletown Café Episode 23: Fried Pipis
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Another Spring, another pipis recipe!
If you’ve played a certain...alternate route in Chapter 2, you’re likely familiar with the FriedPipis action you can take during the final battle. This action implies that pipis may be edible. This wouldn’t be too surprising, since they resemble eggs and are described as “an invasive species of freshwater clam”.
Which gave me the idea of a scotch egg with a shrimp filling instead of sausage.
While I mostly stick to plant protein, seafood was the one meat I just couldn’t give up, so I still eat it from time to time. I thought a Scotch egg with shrimp sounded delicious (especially with soy sauce), though unsurprisingly, finely minced shrimp doesn’t hold together as nicely as ground sausage, beef, or plant-based protein. I solved this problem by making a “shrimp batter” by mixing together the minced raw shrimp with beaten egg, panko, and flour in order for it to hold together. Minced scallions, ginger, and soy sauce were extra ingredients added to give the batter even more flavor. The eggs were coated in this batter before breading them.
If you’re either allergic to shellfish or just don’t like seafood, you can always make a traditional Scotch egg instead with ground sausage, turkey, or impossible sausage. I bet it’ll be easier than a shrimp batter.
The hardest part, of course, is step one: soft-boiling the eggs. In order to prevent the eggs from overcooking during the frying stage, the eggs are soft-boiled as opposed to hard-boiled.
Soft-boiling eggs is tricky. There are a lot of variables involved that can get in the way of perfect eggs - even professional chefs can’t always get it 100%! Things like the altitude you live in, or the size or freshness of an egg, all play a role in whether or not the shell will stick to the egg. Although the eggs you buy at a grocery store might have aged enough for the shell to slide off without a hitch after boiling, it’s recommended to buy your eggs at least a week in advance, just in case.
For soft-boiling, the trick I was shown (thank you, roomie) is to, for one, reduce the heat from high to medium high shortly before adding in the eggs. Do it carefully with a slotted spoon. Immediately, once the eggs are all in, set your timer to 8 minutes. Since I use the timer on my phone, I set it to 8 before the eggs are submerged, but don’t hit start until after they’re all in there. Soft-boiling the eggs for a full 8 minutes should help prevent the eggs from sticking to the shell when it’s time to peel them.
While they’re boiling and your timer’s ticking, fill up a bowl of cold water and add plenty of ice. Do not skimp. The eggs will go immediately into that ice water once they’re done. This will stop them from continuing to cook. Be sure to remove the eggs off the heat first because you will be adding them one at a time into the bowl of ice water.
You can let ‘em cool for however long you like, and you could stick ‘em in the fridge once they’re done, but since you’ll be dyeing the eggs next, I suggest keeping them at room temperature after they are done cooling.
Next, it’s time to peel and dye the eggs. Hopefully you got lucky and your eggs slid out of their shells just fine. If they’re a little messy, no worries - they’ll be coated in shrimp batter and fried anyway. For the dye, simply make a solution using water, rice vinegar, and a mix of blue and green food coloring.
2 cups water
4 tablespoons rice vinegar
24 drops blue food coloring
10 drops green food coloring
The longer you leave the eggs in, the more vivid the color will get. Once done, remove the eggs from their dye bath and place them on a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb some of that excess dye. Blot them with another paper towel to dry them off a little so that the flour and batter will stick to the eggs better. Finally, it’s time to make the shrimp batter.
1 and 1/4 cup finely minced raw shrimp (pre-prepared: headless, tailless, deveined and peeled)
1 to 2 beaten eggs
About 4 finely minced scallion whites
1 thumb freshly minced ginger
2 teaspoons soy sauce (you can add a little more to taste if you’d like)
1/4 cup and 2 tablespoons panko
1/2 cup four
4 soft-boiled eggs, cooled, peeled, and dyed
Shrimp batter
1 cup flour
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup panko
Wash and dry both your scallions and ginger. Peel and cut off about a thumb of ginger and mince it into tiny pieces. Mince your scallion whites likewise, and add both into a mixing bowl.
Since you will be mincing raw meat next, grab a different cutting board if you have one to keep your main one clean, and chop a couple heaping handfuls of shrimp into small chunks, enough to fill a measuring cup up to 1 and 1/4 cup. Add to your mixing bowl, then thoroughly wash your hands, knife, cutting board, and work surface afterward!
Next, beat eggs in a small bowl and pour it in. Add in your soy sauce, panko, and flour, then mix it all together until your batter has formed.
Re-use the bowl you beat your eggs in to beat two more eggs for the outer layer of panko coating.
Get two more bowls, one for flour, and one for panko. Pour a cup of flour in one bowl, and a cup of panko in the other.
Grab your eggs and begin the assembly! First, coat your eggs in flour so that the batter can stick to the egg easier, then coat that sucker up in the batter. Roll your battered egg in the flour once again, then the beaten egg, and finally the panko. Repeat this process until all of your eggs are battered and breaded.
Heat a pot with plenty of oil for frying. With the use of a candy or deep-fat thermometer, keep an eye on the temperature so that it reaches at least 375 degrees F. Once your oil is hot enough, it’s time to fry!
Fry your [PIPIS] until the panko is golden brown and the shrimp is fully cooked on the inside. It may be hard to tell when they’re done, as the outside will cook the fastest. The microwave is your friend if the shrimp hasn’t cooked all the way.
Enjoy! And....don’t manipulate your friends into freezing everyone in sight......
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Everything from the Spamton $weepstakes
https://deltarune.com/sweepstakes/ SPAMTON SWEEPSTAKES!!! Special Fangamer page hosted on deltarune.com. Links to /code/, /icee/, /secret/, and /secretpipis/. Has a TON of assets such as clipart and shitty gifs from the times of way back then, and a coolgifs folder with things like spamdance.gif and freemoney.gif.
https://deltarune.com/secret/ What's behind door number one? Multiple wardrobes that link and show various things. Has a gumball machine, a pipis, a Ralsei plush, a Wikipedia screenshot of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superbad_(website), and a redirect to /chair/.
https://deltarune.com/chair/ But what if it could… ALT TITLE: … get darker than dark? Toggleable chair that plays an animation and glitchy flowing water sounds. Usually plays water, but 5% chance to change to alt title, play https://deltarune.com/assets/audio/face.ogg instead of water, and replace the chair with Spamton's eyes, which quickly redirect to /sweepstakes/ before face finishes playing.
https://deltarune.com/ramb/ Welcome to the Green Room! Left door links to /weather/, middle door to changingroom, right door to /tv/.
https://deltarune.com/weather/ You're the Annoying Now Dog! Playable track battle_vapor. Has "weather enemies".
https://deltarune.com/tv * It's off. Still gif(?). Nothing hidden.
https://deltarune.com/changingroom/ (Private…) When clicked, either shows a shadow man naked, or tiny Lancer spinning. Redirects to /shadowmen/ or /lancer/ respectively.
https://deltarune.com/shadowmen/ You're the Annoying Now Dog! Video of the fun gang fighting two shadowmen. Toggleable. The battle music is a slower and significantly shorter loop of the usual theme.
https://deltarune.com/lancer/ You're the Annoying Now Dog! Small Lancer that fills the screen like /weather/ when clicked.
https://deltarune.com/icee/ Have you seen him? A very young Noelle's testimony on Ice-E. Links to Noelle's sister's page /december/, but…
https://deltarune.com/december/ HTTP 404 Not Found A fake 404 page. The real 404 page shows the dogcheck. Links to your previously visited page, to itself, and to deltarune.com.
https://deltarune.com/d_a_m_n_y_o_u_t_e_n_n_a/ DELETE THIS ! Has hidden text: "Mike…" at the bottom of the page. Clicking on the TV loads into a long page of static and title says "YOU'RE EARLY!". Clicking on noise1 changes the page to a white and blue room with black door, replaces track with ocean (known as "ocean" in code as well), title says "AREN'T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?" Links to /icepalace-glaceir/. Clicking on noise2 links to /ramb/.
https://deltarune.com/sighting/ SIGHTING 1997 Frightening.
https://deltarune.com/dog/ HALL OF FAME Playable track dog.
https://deltarune.com/blink/ What? Susie sleeping. Clicking on her opens her eyes, and she blinks at random intervals. Clicking again closes her eyes.
https://bluebubble.rodeo/ Get ready for 2 minutes of mildly entertaining shoot-out action! Susie and Kris in cowboy outfits, or "rodeo attire" according to page source. Plays a whip sound when clicked.
https://deltarune.com/code/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! Noelle's website, links to /code/comments/. Music!
https://deltarune.com/code/comments/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! Noelle's website's comments.
https://deltarune.com/catpetterz/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! A post from Noelle talking about Cat Petterz 2 and modding it. Links to /egg/.
https://deltarune.com/egg/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! A post from Noelle about a strange glitched egg in Cat Petterz 2.
https://deltarune.com/bluecircle/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! A page written by Noelle talking about a weird mod for Cat Petterz 2.
https://deltarune.com/icepalace_glaceir/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! A post from Noelle about a glitch in Dragon Blazers that led to a strange door.
https://deltarune.com/kris_dreemurr_kris/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! A post from Noelle to herself about Kris.
https://deltarune.com/the_n3w3st_g1rl_g1rl/ Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! A post from Noelle to herself about Kris and Susie.
https://deltarune.com/dess/ * (It's a red guitar.) Toggleable track. No other page seems to link to this page.
https://deltarune.com/man/ * (Behind the tree.). Link to /egg/ above the tree. No other page seems to link to this page.
Thank you to my friend LaviStardust who did almost all of the work here :)
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Spamton Could Be Aware of Dess' Disappearance
Here's the explanation of the idea I whipped up tonight, based on the page "/bluecircle"
So, the identity of the spambot she mentions is easy enough to guess. What caught my eye was that he's aware that a computer logged into the email address he's sending to has run Cat Petterz 2. (Let's ignore HOW he formatted a Pipis into a mod.)
How did he know this?
He also calls Noelle a "hochi mama" like he does in his unused text. So, he has some knowledge of who Noelle is. While she claims she never opens file attachments sent by strangers, Noelle reads all her spam mail just to see if there's a person behind it…
What I'm saying is that viewing one of Spamton's emails allows him to see, at the very least, what's on your email account. That's how he knows anything about Noelle's taste in games. She's mentioned it before.
Worm-type viruses, spread by infected emails, send themselves to a user's entire contact list once opened. So, the "email guy" having access to Noelle's information isn't unfeasible.
Noelle's room in the Queen's mansion in Chapter 2 has a calendar where every day is Christmas Day, December 25th. The Lightners' rooms are inspired by their search history. Why would Christmas be so relevant? Many believe that she was looking for information on Dess. Queen didn't know of any other way to interpret "December Holiday." Dess' full name.
If she's seeking information on her sister, wouldn't she look for ways to ask local and nearby authorities? With her apparently overbearing mother and her hospitalized father, it'd be hard for her to meet in-person, since she's a child.
So she'd be using phone calls, mailed letters, and… emails.
TL;DR: Spamton is literally a "worm on a string."
All of this lore, just to end it off with "spamton is a worm on a string" is just amusing to me
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hazel...you come into my home and disrespect my warrior statue,
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pengemis-receh · 7 days
Happy super duper late Ied Mubarak!
Since this is still in Ied holiday vibe, I wanna talk about some short videos of Boboiboy especially for celebrating Eid Fitri!
I believe when I went hiatus there was at least four short videos commemorated Ied Holiday.
There were:
Kebenaran Raya (2019)
Memori Aidilfitri (2021)
Kembali Aidilfitri (2022) , and
Temani Raya (2023)
And the way I see it, Monsta usually published the short video in the same year they released their show.
Like Kebenaran Raya was in the same year of Movie 2;
Temani Raya, same year of Mechamato Movie came out;
Or even the newly released Papa Pipi Pindah that marketed this year with its upcoming movie, Papa Pipi: Game On.
Again I just rejoin to this fandom not long ago and I missed to many things during my absence. Who knew there was a prequel series to Boboiboy where I was gone? There's even the movie that already came out!
Real talk. I thought Mechamato was another series from different publishers....
(Just like how I deduct Boboiboy was a branch series under Upin-Ipin... Until I read the credit scene properly 🙃)
So my mind was a bit... Convoluted when watching those short videos.
"Wait, Pian who? There's a baby ver of Boboiboy? Mechabot knows Boboiboy? Younger ver of Atok in another house?? Hold on, why there's so many alien robot in this place?? And people used to it??? And how the heck there's a freaking iron man basement somewhere???"
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"Am I missing something here?!"
But after I completed my speed running this series, now I say these shorts were both charming and saddening.
TO BE FAIR, I heavily wanted to talk for new canon theories that somehow a bit unique to cater this deep from a "supposedly" heartwarming vid that all family of ages could enjoy.
Buuuuuut... Since I haven't yet watch all the Mechamato series, I might retract my thoughts and need to finished my marathon session first before continuing. (I want to watch the movie first before the TV series one yet I'm still having trouble to find a proper time to do it, alone. The struggle to have one Netflix account and can only access it from TV in the living room was painful sometimes :/)
For general impressions, I'd say I'm amazed! The quality is preeettyy~~~~
Usually their new attires for Ied holiday is my fav highlights, thus 'Kembali Aidilfitri' is my bias.
Especially the picture where Fang take off his glasses from one its promotional images made me—
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(Now I can see why Kobo simping him so bad holy—)
and ALSO—
I DID Not expecting this vibe went downhill so fast wtf?! This line broke me so hard.
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Like, weren't we still in a vibe of wholesome-family-gathering-week?
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Excuse me for one sec...
My guess for Boboiboy's next short vid will be on... Either next year or 2025. Whether after the second season finished or BM3. Who knows?
PS: How can you be this cute Ya Allah👀👀
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dinisuciyanti · 10 months
Mengejar PhD #47
Di postingan sebelumnya, aku cerita soal spv yang ternyata butuh zoom meeting kan buat approval PhD application ku. Nah aku auto bales lah, “I can join zoom meeting anytime”. Aku bales gitu, karna, pengalaman sebelumnya dengan uni yang lain, yang arrange zoom meeting ya mereka. Aku tinggal info waktu available yang mana. 
Terus, selama seminggu hening, gak ada balesan apapun. Aku bingung-diem-bingung-diem. Apa beliau sedang sibuk? Apa aku yang salah interpretasi soal zoom meeting? Aku mesti gimana? AKU MESTI NGAPAINNNNNNN #stres
Akhirnya aku coba curhat sama salah satu anak PhD kenalanku di uni tsb. Intinya, apa maksud email beliau aku yang provide link nya? Yah, nyari validasi dan supporting comment lah. Karna aku gemes, aku email lagi beliau di 2 Mei (seminggu setelah email w terakhir). Aku langsung provide tanggal untuk meeting. Beliau gercep pula bales, meng-iya-kan meeting tanggal 5 Mei jam 10 pagi. 
Alhamdulillah, tinggal deg-deng-an-nya, ntar bakal ditanya apaan. Another overwhelming. 
Long story short, itu hari jumat, untung jam 10 pagi kan, jadi aku dah bangun. Aku dah siap-siap, ya latihan introduction pula. Yah sambil dag-dig-dug-der takut ngomong bahasa inggris ku jelek. Aku nunggu sekitar 7 menit dari jadwal, udah overthinking aja apa beliau lupa, atau apa google calendar gak masuk, ternyata emang beliau sibuk dari meeting ke meeting.
Pas beliau join di room zoom, rasanya, EXCITED banget!!! akhirnya ketemu in-person (walau virtual) dan bisa ngomong sama beliau. Yah, tipikal bapak paruh baya ganteng mata biru berlesung pipi, ya allah, tua nya ganteng, apalagi muda nya coba. Salfok, wkwk. 
Di awal beliau bilang gak bisa lama-lama karna ada meeting lain. Terus langsung nanya “Do you have some concern to be discussed?”. Aku bengong wkwk, gak nyangka kalimat pertanyaan pertama yang keluar langsung itu wkwk. Aku langsung cerita soal beberapa challenge di database nantinya. Terus beliau juga tanya my current situation itu ngapain. Aku cerita soal kerjaanku yang handle beberapa project. Di pertanyaan terakhir, aku, jujur, tidak mudeng dengan bahasa inggris beliau #sad, jadinya kurang menjawab pertanyaan beliau (pas aku liat ulang recordingnya malam ini). Tapi ya, intinya, senang sekali bisa meeting virtual dengan beliau setelah cuma email-emailan 10 bulan. Zoom meetingnya ternyata cuma 17 menitan. Sangat concise.
Seminggu kemudian, tepat di 12 Mei, siang-siang pas nyeruput es dawet duren di Semarang yang sumuk, aku dapat email congratulations dari uni, bahwa application PhD ku sukses. Ya, aku biasa aja. Karna, dapet LoA aja gak cukup. Scholarship itu yang utama. Hadeeeeehhhh.
13 Juli 2023
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Dreamed last night that Toby Fox had released new content in the form of a restaurant review from the [Big Shot] himself. Here’s as near a recreation as I can manage
(mild emetophobia warning below the cut)
HELLO EVERY  !! IT’S YOUR FAVORETE [Number1RatedSalesman1997], SPAMTONG. SPAMTON, HERE WITH A [Restaurant Review] OF A [Brand-new] [Restaurant] WITH SUCH LOW, LOW PRICES, YOU COULD EVEN AFFORD THEM IF YOU HAD [No home, no friends,] AND [no money] BUT THE [Chump Change] YOU $TOLE FROM A [Maus]!!!!
OBVIUSLY I HAD TO [Check out these new deals!!!] SO I WENT TO THE     AND ASKED FOR ONE [Boruto, sweaty].
[Room Service] WAS [Even faster than our old models!] AND THEY BROUGHT ME A [Six-inch Slab of] [Luscious tortilla] [packed with h1gh-quality] BEENS.
IT WAS…NOT [The greatest gift for your best  ]. BUT WHAT’S A HUNGRY [Big Shot] GONNA DO?!? I ATE THE [Wh0le Enchilada] AND [Order More!!]
[Model 2] WAS [New and improved!] [6/10], A [Pleasant dining experience surrounded by] [hyperlink blocked.] SO I [BuyMore!!] AND THIS NEXT ONE…
…IS [The Winner!!! CL1ck Here for WILD PRIZES.] I’TS THE GRATEST [boruto] I’VE EVER HAD IN MY [rapidly-shrinking] [Life] [in Waterfalllllllllll]!!!! IT’S SO [good], IT’LL MAKE YOU [Forget about] YOUR PROBLEMS! IT’LL MAKE YOU [Forget about] MIKE!!!!
I TOOK [1 bite] AND NEARLY [Throw up] [my guts] [on the floor]. IT TASTED WORSE THAN THE TIME I     !!!! WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA, HUH?! DANGLE A [Carrot on a String] IN FRONT OF [A guy] [on a String] JUST TO YANK IT AWAY AND GIVE ME [More garbage] INSTEAD?!!? I DEMAND TO SPEAK WITH YUOR MANAGER!!!
BUT THEN…I [See] IT. I [See the Light] IN THE [Kitchen]. I HAVE TO [See More]
I ASKED TO [Give my compliments to the chef] AND THE [Slime] AT THE COUNTER LET ME [through to the back.]
…WHAT’S THEY’RE [Problem]!?!?? I OFFER YOU [Great Discounts on Hot New Products🔥🔥], SPONSERSHIP DEAL$, AND EVEN [Pipis], ALL FOR THE LOW LOW PRICE OF , AND YET HERE I AM, [once again] [Thrown out on my @$&] BY [Hot Single Chefs In Your Area]!!!!! YOU [Ungreatful] [Worms!!]!!! [0/10] STARS!!!!
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"MY [pipis] ARE BACK IN STOCK! GET EM WHILE THEIR [hot] [cold] [room temperature] THESE DEALS WON'T LAST!"
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I got a spamton not too long ago, I've had him for around six months. And for the past two months, he's been waking me up early for seemingly no reason. His breakfast will have been taken care of, and I leave room on my bed incase he wants to cuddle, but he'll just sit at my stand and stare at me. He'll occasionally paw at my face and say "pipis". Do you know what I should do?
Hmm...does he have a proper nesting area? Anywhere he can retreat to?
Spamtons prefer to lay their Pipis in their nests (though older Spams can typically do it anywhere). If he doesn't have that, then he may be trying to let you know he needs a place to lay pipis.
If he does have a nest and has previously laid pipis, then I can think of two possibilities:
1. He just wants to show you his pipis! Spamtons are very proud of the pipis they lay and often want to show them off! Though it is odd your Spammy isn't bringing his pipis directly to you. Perhaps he's just lazy?
2. There is a fertilized pipi in his nest, and he's trying to let you know. If this is the case, snag a small heat lamp and place the pipis under it to help it hatch.
If you aren't prepared to take on a Spamling, there's no shame in dropping the newly hatched chick off at an SRS.
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