wood-warder · 10 months
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cuideag · 5 months
it has been something of A Day but during raid I said something and my group asked me if Ben and I gamed together and I was like "yeah! we share an office he's right behind me lol" and like a gaggle of school children they all went "HIIIIII MR. PJEL" I just 🥹
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gjola · 2 years
one: cross
In the high cold sunlight of a spring morning the people from across the ridge came over, crossing two by two into the grey valley. Joha, eldest of her sisters, rose early and left the house even before she woke, and when at last the girl stepped out into the huge brightness of the morning she saw her walking out along the high path, keeping pace with the visitors and then rushing ahead, laughing. That path was old and narrow, nearly invisible, but she and all her sisters had walked it since they were children. They could have made their way up the ridge and down to the riverbank even in very deep night. 
The people from across the ridge were much like herself, much like her mother; in fact many of them were sisters to her mother. They spoke sweetly to her, told her how tall she had come since last they saw her, how soon the summer would be here – at the riverbank the flowers were already near budding. Joha had come into her womanhood a few years before, though she’d kept to the house to help with the goats in the last winters.
The best of the visitors was Myrt, tall and heavy, who had been at her mother’s side since before the girl’s birth, through passions that warmed and cooled and sometimes grew icy. In recent years she had left the valley to live in the east as a wanderer. “Our river widens down the way,” Myrt had said. “I’d like to learn to sail. Perhaps I’ll pass the learning on to you when I return.” That made her mother grimace strangely. Two years had passed now, and if Myrt learned anything from her kinfolk down the river, she said nothing of it to the girl – but when she came back over the ridge she brought a set of beautifully carven dolls. The girl was by now too old for these things, but they might be passed down to Pjel, the youngest, and anyway they were fine to admire at least for a while…
“It might be a late summer,” said the girl, speaking into the noontide air. 
Myrt sat behind her, braiding her hair so tight it tingled. “It might, sweet thing. Why do you wish for that?” 
“It makes no difference to me.” 
People often spoke about the springtime in terms of leaping, running, waking from sleep. Each year as the heat rose and the flies began to bite a scattered few children in the valley woke into womanhood or into manhood – so her mother had told it to her.
Myrt only made a slight deep hum. In the darkness of the house she had heard that hum a thousand times, her mother and Myrt speaking quick and low to each other by the hearth, in the half light. Her mother who wanted to bare her whole spirit to someone, and Myrt who only wanted to hum. 
“It’ll be a long walk,” said the girl, after a while.
“Your father and all his fathers made it.”
Now the girl hummed, slight and reedy, feeling the braid pull at her scalp.
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vermilionwinds · 3 years
18. Devil’s Advocate
[CW: Alcoholism]
Just one for the road. It made everything warmer, right? (She so hated the cold) Stop the shivering Keep the bones right where they belong Let them swim and sway The closest she can still get to the ocean.
What was a good memory without a drink? She raises a glass. “Ta our arrangemen’, then.” She raises a glass. “To friendship, and looking forward.” She raises a glass. “T’ new friends, an’ new business associates!” She raises a glass. “Ta chance encounters, an’ wherever the hells you got those sunglasses.”
And so many glasses are pressed into her hand blackberry sour fine Malbec whiskey and pomegranate double of rye, cherry bourbon and cold brew on the side grapefruit and tequila watery ale with grain like sawdust
This was right. It was a pairing, a cocktail with two notes. drink and company, company and drink
Words as soft as silk that say “I’ll tell you when you’re drunker,” “Talk like this is better in person over a big bottle of something,” “Is that still your first glass?”
She never needs convincing, but she’d trust every word from those blue-tinged lips Thrills every time their fingers brush against each other at the neck of a whiskey bottle Everything made sense if she said so Pour herself into her schema What did a bottle do but give liquid shape And what shape did she have without
And it lets her feel without breaking Cry without shaking Numbness then catharsis Unlocking doors that she keeps closed In front of people she hardly knows- Halls gathering dust that beg for company Vulnerability with plausible deniability The escape hatch of “sorry, I was in my cups.”
So she washes herself away Lets the waves crash against the shore Wearing rock to sand
But as she sits at the thousandth thousandth bar To order her third drink of the night And thrils at the prospect of a friend Opening a new keg for her nameday tomorrow night A voice at her shoulder says something new,
“Going to nurse that problem of yours?”
“...It’s less of a problem, an’ more of a talent.”
“Yeah, whatever gives you your fun with easing the shake in your hands.”
and that for once gives her pause.
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yascaret · 2 years
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so long shadowbringers, hello moon
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kiaranwrath · 2 years
dropping one sexy ask on top of the pile I'M SORRY
What is one sexual fantasy your Muse has that has yet to be properly fulfilled?
(Thank you for the asks! They're appreciated! Y'shtola. This isn't even a joke. Obligatory snippet. )
--------- "Kiaran?" "Yes, Athilda?" "Why do you have so many Triple Triad cards of Y'shtola? You don't even play." "I like the art."
-------- When Kiaran reaches the apartment door, she can hear yelling inside, muffled as it is. She near flings open the door as she rushes in to figure out the commotion. "- such filth! There is a child that lives here! You should be ashamed!" Grandfather's screaming, veins bulging as he's uncharacteristically red. Colman and Bedric are red, too, their wide eyes glued to the ground as they stand before their grandfather with heads bowed. They don't dare look up at what he's holding, what he's pointing to. Kiaran goes pale. Her grandfather's holding up the book she could've sworn she hid under her bedding, opened up right to the graphic illustration of a particularly steamy scene involving Y'shtola and a head-strong female student. She freezes in the door. Her grandfather looks back to her and he seems to calm, some small amount, as he mistakes the reason for her pallor. "Ah, Kiaran, forgive me. One of these delinquents-" His sharp gaze cuts right back to her cousins, "- left out their disgusting materials." Bedric and Colman both pipe up. "That's not mine!" "He's lying, it has to be-" Their grandfather cuts them off, snapping the book shut. "I won't hear another word of it! This is going into the fire and you're both on stall duty for the next moon!" Bedric and Colman groan. None suspect its true origin. Kiaran can't quite bring herself to say anything. She shuffles with Bedric and Colman to start preparing dinner.
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gvnbreaker · 3 years
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OH NO you planted the seed... I Am LookingOH NO you planted the seed... I Am Looking
bro is it gay if we're on a trip together and i'm mauled to death by a legendary grizzly bear when trying to do a sweet trick shot with my rifle
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afreesworn · 4 years
3: Muster
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“Seriously? Her?”
Shael’s incredulous question was probably on everyone’s minds, they were just not giving voice to it. At least, that was what Nabi assumed. But as silence started to settle in rather awkwardly amongst them all, Nabi was starting to question her own idea.
It was a strange notion to begin with, that this extra credit club— it was a nice way of saying detention class — showcase their own talents with an act in the spring festival. It was teacher Batu’s idea, to draw more attention to their strategy based dice game that, surprisingly, had captured the interest of everyone in the group. While it was a learning curve for everyone, since they started this exercise, everyone who had rolled up a character began to attend the after school sessions faithfully. Even Ghoa, who feigned disinterest at the start, started to show up with her own personalized jeweled dice with a decorated case for it, that even had her own initials carved into it.
“What? If I am going to play, I am going to play in style,” the Mankhad purred. “I know these beauties will bring me luck.”
Shael rolled her eyes at her, but Nabi caught her arching her brows when Ghoa’s first few rolls were in the high teens. A few days later, Shael too showed up with her own set of steel etched dice, that she proudly told Nabi she won in a game.
Jude only snorted his disdain at the notion of spending any money on something they were forced to do for school credit, but when the game began, Nabi noticed his intense concentration and focus. He wanted to win, and was not shy about pointing out errors that others were making.
He was the first to scoff at Nabi when she consciously made a decision that didn’t favor the party. “But… my character likes animals! She wouldn’t want them hurt!” Nabi explained. Surprisingly, she expected more derision from him, but when their teacher gave her extra points for staying faithful to one of her character “traits”, everyone took note, reviewing their own character’s flaws and inclinations. Jude said nothing else on the matter, and Ghoa started to make extra effort in bringing to life her own character’s lively persona. 
Nabi couldn’t say the party’s quest went smoothly always; it was a mixed bag of mistakes, hard-earned lessons, and surprises. But when they achieved victory over an opponent while also learning more about each other’s characters, none could deny the air of satisfaction that lifted them all.
Except Pjel. The viera maintained her stoic silence. She made her moves on the board without any fanfare, and her character being mute, she stuck to that trait religiously. She never spoke a word, in character or out. But her rolls were impeccable and she was fearless in battle. There was no doubt that the group could not have succeeded without her.
Nabi was still unsure her reason for being in detention, whether she missed classes, had a failing grade, or if it was for other disciplinary reasons. Every time she tried to strike up a conversation with Pjel, she was just met with silence and a blank stare.
So when teacher Batu put on the group their next task, to put together an act at the spring festival, everyone stared at him dumbfounded. Ghoa laughed bemusedly, while Shael rolled her eyes again. Jude muttered and Pjel, as usual, said nothing on the matter.  But once the session was over and their teacher left them to their own devices, protests and gripes began to rumble amongst them.
That’s when Nabi injected the idea about performing a song. 
“What… like a band?” Shael snorted out loud. 
“Wh-why not?” Nabi blinked, eyes wide. “You play in a band, the bass guitar right?”
The Highlander immediately narrowed her eyes, as if warning not to share too much. “Yeah well… we broke up a few months back.”
“A ridiculous idea,” Ghoa hummed. “I can’t imagine doing death metal or whatever you call music.”
“You have a lovely singing voice, Ghoa!” Nabi quickly interjected before Shael retorted back at the Mankhad. “I heard you at the last Starlight festival.”
“Oh… that!” Ghoa waved her off with a chuckle, but her smile widened. “That wasn’t even my best. You should see some of my posts on--”
“Yer actually serious,” Shael cut her off, staring at Nabi. “Ya can’t just wave yer hand and put a band together. Okay so ya got a bass and singer. Ya need drums and lead guitar and--”
Shael was interrupted yet again when sounds of tapping drew all of their attention. Pjel was tapping her feet and gloved hands were percussing over the edge of the table. And as they all stared in disbelief, the viera proceeded to slap and bang on the wooden table, the plastic chair and the floor with her hands and feet. And the rhythm that was starting to fill the room, it made Nabi grin horn to horn.
“Seriously? Her?”
Nabi shrugged exaggeratedly at Shael, looking both surprised and delighted. “We have… our drummer!” She laughed with a sweep of her hand at Pjel. 
“Pfttt.” Shael threw her hands in the air. “Well, none o’ that be of any use unless ya got a lead guitar.” 
Nabi chewed her lips and started to look around the room. 
“Well, no way we can count on him,” Ghoa groaned, rolling her eyes at the door. Jude had already left, he never lingered long after these sessions were over. Nabi knew not where he had to go, but he always left in a hurry. “Besides, I doubt the likes of him knows a thing about carrying a tune or holding anything other than a knife or a bottle of booze.”
“The idea was ridiculous, anyroad,” Shael added, gathering her bag. “No way we can muster a band together.” She tutted with a frown. “It’s just one of teacher’s crazy ideas. Again.” She started out the door.
Nabi sighed, her shoulders sinking. And as everyone else started to leave the classroom, she hurriedly picked up her own books and followed. 
But the idea refused to leave her.
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finishing-touch · 4 years
Fighting Style || Aladar Claymore
bold what consistently applies || italicize situational, not always || both, a priority while fighting
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first /  provoked easily /   provoke their opponent / tease /  get visibly frustrated  / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly /  fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /   prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon  / prefer magic or spells  /  prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly /  high stamina /  doubt their strength  /  proceed with caution /   behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians / damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go /  mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently /  barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block /  defend their blindside / has no blindside /  use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready  / fear death  /  fear pain / fear killing /  has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing /  would succumb slowly 
Tagged By: @lareine-kira​ (thank you!) Tagging: @ember-arrow​ || @wood-warder​ || @coeurlfist​ || @lavender-hemlock​ || @moonlifter​ || @levinsdaughter​ || @s-udarshana​ || @necrologos​ || @afreesworn​ || @kyrie-silverwings​ || @fletchlingfletcher​ || @gaillaffxiv​ || and -you- if you are reading this ( tag me do it )
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sentryandco · 5 years
Prompt #4: Shifting Blame
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“I would have word.”
Arasen had come to recognize that tone very well. On numerous occasions over the years, more than he could count, Batuhan had taken his ward aside, away from the judging eyes of his father, and spoken to him quietly. It was less when he was younger, for mistakes he made then were forgiven by the way of naivete and idealistic foolishness. But later on, when he began to learn the ways of steering other’s viewpoints, enabling him to make more bold choices for the sake of his own gains, often times it came with his warden’s stern disapproval. 
Batuhan never had the heart for the suffering of the innocent. But he was wise enough to know that such a price was what many within their ranks were willing to pay, for the path to nirvana was not without its darkness. But the older Kharlu remained ever the steadfast guardian, wanting to protect his young ward and their small but growing sect from the pitfalls of ambition. 
Arasen always took his counsel to heart. It was important to him to know where his brother in oath stood in all things. But the younger Kharlu never returned the same courtesy.
He couldn’t. If Batu ever fully became aware of all the sins he had already committed, and his willingness to go even further, Arasen knew he would receive more than just harsh words of rebuke. Would the man who swore a blood oath to protect and stand by his side suddenly turn against him? Arasen didn’t want to know. It pained him to imagine the day when his ardent guardian would no longer stand with him. Even if he had come to accept that such may come about of his own doing.
But on this very sun, Arasen believed that day had arrived. When rage lit his eyes like lightning at the sight of Nabi bound and partly unclothed, Batu had thrown him against the wall, his arm pressed crushingly over his neck. Such was a scene Arasen had envisioned, somewhere in the back of his mind, when fear and doubt often took hold. But hurried words had somehow stayed his warden’s fury. Since Ghoa had already laid the blame of the entire ordeal on Toragana, it was easy for Arasen to nurture it further. But while Batu allowed him to breathe, from that moment on, the younger Kharlu felt a distance between them that he hadn’t before. There was wariness where once there had been complete trust. Arasen found himself wholly unprepared for the depth of pain it wrought.
Had he been too reliant upon their bond? Or the magic that had entwined their souls together? Arasen believed that Batu’s growing fondness for others had been completely erased after the seal was spent, but something had changed after his visit with Saltborn and Ghoa. Had the two stirred up memories that were buried by his command? Had they such a power to break the influence of his blood bond? Or was his own warden starting to resist it on his own?
It was impossible to ignore the growing doubt in the older Kharlu’s eyes as more revelations came to light after. After having shared with Nabi much of the venom that flowed deep within his veins, believing that she would not wake in time to tell the others,  Batu freed her from the spell that enfeebled her. That left Arasen no choice but to tell the truth to the rest, or at least as much as Nabi and Batuhan knew. And if it wasn’t for Batuhan standing between Saltborn and himself, Arasen was certain that he would no longer be breathing.
So where did his brother stand now? Batu came to his defense again, at least when his very life was threatened by Pjel. ‘He is not whole, nor beautiful. But he is the lost daughter’s kin and my blood brother,’ Batu had told the Viera warrior, willing to put his body between her sword and his ward. Was there still a thread of kinship left between them? As frayed as it was?
Arasen had believed until now that he was willing to pay any cost the gods might ask of him. He had resigned himself in the past, with much difficulty, that if the gods asked for his brother’s life, he would give it. He had accepted the solitude and loneliness that this prophecy demanded of him. And yet when death came for him, when the depth of the ocean swallowed him whole while he still hadn’t fulfilled his destiny, when it seemed that the gods would forsake him after all he had sacrificed, it was the hand of a hyur that Arasen had marked for death that reached out to save him.
Now, he didn’t know what to believe. 
Arasen stared dumbly back at Batuhan, the younger Kharlu momentarily lost to his thoughts. He shook his head, giving Batu a weary smile. It was salvageable. Not all was lost. A new path had to be forged. 
And it started first with repairing what was left of the bond between him and the only person in the world who cared for him.
“Yes,” Arasen said quietly. “Let us talk.”
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hsqurban · 5 years
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( 32 ) قَالَ يَا إِبْلِيسُ مَا لَكَ أَلَّا تَكُونَ مَعَ السَّاجِدِينَ
( 33 ) قَالَ لَمْ أَكُن لِّأَسْجُدَ لِبَشَرٍ خَلَقْتَهُ مِن صَلْصَالٍ مِّنْ حَمَإٍ مَّسْنُونٍ
( 34 ) قَالَ فَاخْرُجْ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّكَ رَجِيمٌ ( 32 ) [Allah] said, O Iblees, what is [the matter] with you that you are not with those who prostrate?"
( 33 ) He said, "Never would I prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay from an altered black mud."
( 34 ) [Allah] said, "Then get out of it, for indeed, you are expelled.
#muslim #Islam #Kaaba #masjidalharam #مكة_المكرمة #مكة #كعبة
# #madina #quraan #Islam‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
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wood-warder · 2 years
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cuideag · 9 months
hello, i am debbie (she/they) and i love breakfast foods
also skeletons, shitposts, soulsborne, monster hunter, queer stuff, final fantasy and warframe. if i am not shitposting on main I am probably flooding my oc sideblogs with weird things:
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@her-mothers-daughter​​ [ artwork by anontloudeac on twitter ]
AU. Pathfinder 2E / Final Fantasy XIV.
Delial Garwater (AU): Yuan-Ti Rogue. Dreamer. Prodigal Daughter.
Zhitu Hanbi (AU): Au Ra Rogue. Dreamer of Light. Favored of the Sea.
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@sixth-prince​​ [ artwork by anontloudeac on twitter ]
Pathfinder 2E / Monster Hunter.
Alun: Witch of the Great Undead. Cartographer. Necromancer.
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@vanitysruin​​ [ artwork by giddeus ]
Final Fantasy XIV.
Delial Grimsong: Kinslayer. Former Garlean agent. Black Mage.
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@wood-warder​​ [ artwork by artbending ] 
Final Fantasy XIV.
Pjel Qoet: Freedom Fighter. Dark Knight of Rabanastre. Monster Hunter.
* separate blog, follows from @wood-warder​                     |
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@c4ndyc04t3d​ [ proper artwork pending ]
Yuvi: Shunned Nanomancer. Burn-out Queen. Supernova-to-be.
Mature content: nudity, gore, suicidal ideation, etc.
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Warframe.​ Spoilers post The Second Dream/The War Within.
cuideag: Tenno. Star-walker. War-bringer.
                                         ... and others to be added, maybe.​
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jacquesdevilliers · 7 years
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wood-warder · 3 years
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this is not her home. she has known it for but an instant compared to the ages among the Wood. these are not her people. strange-faced, fast-talking, she is made dizzy again and again for how brief and quick they live.
she choses them anyway. she bleeds with them anyway. she will die with them anyway. she will die for them.
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yascaret · 2 years
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some scenes from RP over the weekend!
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