#platonic klance
pidges-lost-robot · 21 days
*Lance and Keith have to share a room for some reason*
Lance in the dead of night: Keith... you awake?
Keith faced away talking into a pillow: No
Lance: Right well-
Keith: What is it?
Lance: I had a question for you-
Keith: I swear to god, if you've just woken me up to ask the worm question? I'm gonna kill you!
Lance: No! No! I wasn't! That's not what I was gonna ask...
Keith: That sounds suspiciously like that was exactly what you were gonna ask me...
Lance: No... I was gonna ask...
Keith: Yes?
Lance: ... are we friends?
Keith:... what?
Lance: Are we friends? Cause I mean I know we've stopped arguing now but we never really clarified if like... we're friends or not?
Keith: I mean... I figured it was obvious...
Lance:... which is?
Keith: Yes, you idiot, do you think I'd let you stay in my bed if we weren't at a bare minimum friends?
Lance: Well, I dunno, you're pretty violent in your sleep, I've spent a few nights now dodging kicks and elbows so I don't know if that's your subconscious hatred of me coming through in sleep
Keith: ...I don't do that...
Lance: You totally do. That bruise on my forehead wasn't from training, that was from last night when you elbowed me at like 3 in the morning and woke me up
Keith: Whatever, point is, I don't hate you and obviously we're friends. It's friendship that has stopped me from murdering you for waking me up at this time
Lance: Well I figured you nearly broke my collar bone just now, so fair punishment you know...
Keith: Asshole...
Lance: ... So... would you still care for me if I was a worm?
Keith: I fucking hate you
Lance: You're the one that brought it up!
Lance:..... Keith?
Keith:.... Are you like a worm from the offset or did you turn into one?
Lance: Hahahahaha
Keith: You asked! I mean if you were one from the offset I'd probably still care, I maybe wouldn't have initiated a friendship but like I wouldn't feed you to the birds immediately.
Lance: You've got this planned out huh?!
Keith: Is there the possibility of you transforming back if you got turned into one? Is there like a quest to resolve that going on? Stop laughing these are important for me to consider my answer!?
Lance: None of that is important to whether you'd care about me!!
Keith: Well, no cause that's a given, you idiot, but like how far I'm willing to go to care is important in this!
Lance: Right well, I'm going to sleep while you figure this out
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0xy--m0r0n · 9 months
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i love drawing graffiti omg
uhh the only thing that made me do this was when i was on holidays we drove past this metal tube thing with these seats in it and i was like "what if. klance." and this became a thing
i removed the seats tho bc fuck perspective
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icypantherwrites · 5 months
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New Fic: Last Breath
Warning: Major Character Death
Summary: Keith knows. Lance knows. The wound — metal punctured through Lance’s entire right side and emerging in jagged shards through his chest and stomach — is fatal. There’s nothing Keith can do. Nothing except be there and listen to Lance’s last words and his last breaths.
Story snippet:
“Lance,” Keith reached a hand up, pounding it against the door and straining to hear any return thunk, any moan or whimper or a word.
Keith pushed off and went around to the back of the shuttle where the cargo door was as he didn’t dare risk jamming his luxite in in the event Lance was slumped against the door. 
The cargo door, just as dented, gave easily beneath his knife and Keith elongated it into a sword, slicing out a hole.
Darkness greeted him inside, the emergency lights out.
“Lance!” Keith shouted into the opening.
Lance! Lance! Lance! echoed back at him as his words reverberated around the storage hold.
Lance still didn’t answer.
Keith swallowed.
It was fine.
Lance was fine.
Just, just knocked unconscious. 
He hauled himself up and into the cargo hold, hissing as his leg caught against the rough-hewn metal opening.
Keith ignored it and pushed forward, feet bumping into scattered boxes and crates that had escaped their holdings.
A loose bundle of oranges almost sent him flat on his face when he stepped atop one and Keith let out a sound between a sob and a laugh as he regained his feet he wondered what Lance would think when he heard that Keith had been taken out by fruit.
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rizavii · 2 months
if u like transgender kallura uhm. hiiiii. if u don't like kallura u should let me try and change your mind <3
The Transgenderification Beam (Patent Pending) continues to do its work. Lance is a good friend.
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zenithpng · 10 months
“Do you know what this means for us?” Lance says. Keith blinks, eyes wide.
“We, uh, speak the same language? Or languages, I guess.”
“You’re thinking too small, my friend!” Lance waves a hand out in front of them like he’s a character in a movie presenting a get-rich-quick plan. “I’m talking secrets, evil schemes, real-time gossip where no one can understand us.” He turns back to Keith, gripping him by the shoulders and making his voice low and serious.
“You, good sir,” Lance says with all the seriousness of a child insisting their new shoes make them faster, “are my best friend now.”
or, Lance talks to the mice until he figures out he can talk to Keith.
lance + keith ☆ julance week one: mother tongue ☆ 2k words ☆ minimal hurt + comfort
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
Keith doesn’t miss Earth the way everyone else does.
He does miss it, of course. He had a few months early in their journey that he stubbornly insisted he didn’t, but he’s grown enough now to admit that yeah, wifi was nice. So was non-recycled air. And a yellow sun. (God, it’s so weird to genuinely miss a yellow sun. He never thought that shit mattered.) None of this even covers how much he misses, to his grand shock, the culture of Earth — it’s strange and humbling to have to explain what a car is. Or a country. Or the concept of global warming, which is an embarrassing thing to have to put into words to someone who’s never really heard of it. (Like genuinely very humiliating. Explaining to someone that they very nearly shortened the life span of humanity because of consumerism, essentially, is something he still thinks of and just shudders.)
Mostly, though, he’s happy to be in space. Space is weird as shit and so is he, so he feels like he has an easier time just functioning, really. He likes the untethered-ness of it all, the lack of general structure. He doesn’t spend a lot of time wishing things were different.
Except for right now.
His sword, which he has been boredly slashing and poking at the wall of the Empire ship, gets stuck in the tiny crack where two sheets of metal panelling are pushed together. He huffs grouchily at it, pulling it out, then has to plant his boot on the wall and yank when it refuses to do so. The tip of the blade gets unstuck quicker than he’d expected and the change in force startles him, sending him sprawling on the floor.
He scrambles to his feet, bright red, clearing his throat and trying to roll his shoulders casually, as if he was intentionally on the floor. He looks like a huge massive dork, so thankfully no one was looking his way anyway.
“Are y’all almost done?” he calls, trying really hard to sound like he’s just innocently inquiring and not whining. It is no easy task — he’s bored and he’s hungry and he’s restless and this stupid ship smells like a stale refrigerator and he’s really really bored, in case he forgot to mention.
He scowls when no one answers, sticking out his tongue at the green and yellow paladins, both of whom are hunched over a control pad, wires everywhere, trying to hack in or out of something. Keith’s not sure. They told him and Lance to keep watch at the door and then stopped responding, basically.
This is the part of Earth that Keith has missed. Back home, Keith got to do all the investigative shit, too. Don’t get him wrong, he likes being the stabby one, as Shiro has so patronizingly put it; he likes being the one to run head first into conflict with a smirk on his face and a sword on the ready. It’s fun to be the impulsive one and be rewarded for it. It’s fun to be able to wreck Empire shit and practice witty one-liners to shoot off at annoying generals and sergeants or whatever the Galra equivalent is, just to watch their eyes twitch in rage before Keith cracks them one. All missions are two parts, essentially, fucking around and finding out, and Keith loves having free reign to fuck around.
He just wishes he got to be part of the finding out, too.
He sighs, long and loud and petulant because obviously no one is listening. He knows that his investigative research with Blue was at a very different level than all the stuff Hunk and Pidge do. He understands that on an objective level. If he wants to be part of the find out portion then he has to be prepared, has to put in the effort to learn and keep learning, to know how to recognise red flags and read code and all that nerd shit.
But computer science is just so boring.
Keith is a science person. Duh. He went to pilot school. Physics was eighty percent of that whole spiel, and he’s always had an affinity for chemistry, even if said affinity caused a lot of explosions and also Adam’s blood pressure condition. Science is cool as shit.
But coding is fucking boring. He has tried and tried to sit down and learn it, but every time Pidge tries to explain the basics his eyes glaze right over, and it’s not fair to her to waste her time.
He sighs again. He gets to wait, then.
Deciding that he’d rather not slash a hundred new scratches in the ship’s wall, lest the damn bridge feel more like a prison cell than it already does, he starts to pace, swinging his sword back and forth randomly. He could try to practice a few of the techniques and swordplay choreo he’s been learning, but that’s no fun without a partner. He’s become spoiled with the castle’s training bot. With Shiro hanging back with Coran and Allura, there’s no one around to clash swords with.
He perks up. There is, actually. He forgot that Lance had unlocked a sword when he first got switched to Red.
He spins around, trying to find where Lance ducked off to. He expected to find him leaning on Hunk’s back or pestering Pidge, like he often does — they’ve long since learned to work around him — but he’s nowhere to be found. Keith walks around the area, poking his sword at piles of sentry parts he cut up a few hours ago, peeking behind control panels and various big important chairs. Nothing.
“Lance?” Keith calls softly. Something like worry sours his stomach.
Please, for the love of all things good and holy, don’t let Lance have been hurt or taken this whole time. Keith will never forgive himself.
Thankfully, a hand sticks up by the far end of the bridge, blue armour glinting in the ugly purple lighting. Keith heaves a huge sigh of relief, jogging over. He thought he’d seen Lance before Hunk and Pidge had hunkered down to get info. But in that brief moment of panic, he wasn’t sure.
“Whatcha doing?” he asks as he comes close enough to Lance to speak. The red paladin has wedged himself between some kind of steel storage bin and the wall, in an impossibly narrow sliver of space, which explains why Keith missed him when he was looking.
Lance doesn’t answer right away, instead nudging a roll of wire with his foot. He has something resting in his lap, and wire is looped around his fingers, sliding back and forth as he carefully weaves it into a pattern. Keith watches, intrigued, for several passes of the craft.
“Nicked it from Team Punk when they really started to get wrapped up in their nerd corner,” he explains, finally looking up at Keith to shoot him a wry grin. Keith grins back. “Standing guard is boring as hell, especially when we took out all the sentries and barred the doors. And the castle is parked outside, so hell if I know what we’re guarding for.”
“Fuck, I know,” Keith groans, sitting down in front of him. Honestly, there is no real reason for them to be here. He half suspects Shiro has sent them all out for some peace and quiet, which is rude.
He grabs the spool of wire by Lance’s feet, inspecting it carefully. It’s very thin, and flat instead of a round tube-ish shape that wire usually is. There are two wrapped around the spool, too, one red and one blue. Keith curiously looks back over to Lance’s lap, trying to get a better look at what he’s doing with the wire. He doubts it’s anything mechanical — Lance gets as bored as he does when Hunk and Pidge try to explain stuff — but he’s intrigued on what has kept Lance’s interest for so long.
He’s surprised to find that he recognises what Lance is making, or at least sort of. It’s a long, spiralling chain, like the wire has been woven together to make some kind of mini spiralled staircase. He remembers, although vaguely, seeing other kids at recess in elementary school, sat down all over the place, clambering all over each other with flat plastic string, making boxy keychains or scratching spiral bracelets.
“Oh, hey, I know that stuff,” he says. He scrunches his face, trying to recall the name of the craft and coming up completely empty. It’s not friendship bracelets, the string was too stiff for that. Not that loom elastic thing either. “I don’t know the name, though.”
Lance chuckles lightly, sliding a last piece of string through a loop before tying it all off. He hooks it next a growing collection of them that Keith just notices, with a wide array of colours and patterns, hanging off his utility belt like leaves from a branch.
“I don’t know the name, either.” He tilts his head in consideration. “Well, I do. I googled it once, and I got some strange French name that didn’t fit, so I never used it. No one ever, like, sought it out or anything. Someone just came to school with a pack of the thread and everyone was obsessed with it for a week before forgetting about it.”
Keith tilts his head in acknowledgment. That’s what he remembers, too, but he doesn’t remember ever having any friends who would give him any of the string to try, nor was he ever comfortable enough with whatever foster parents he had to fumble through a request for the string.
“…Can I try?” he mumbles, after watching Lance start and weave a new one. He’s not entirely sure why, but suddenly his cheeks are red, and shyness pricks at the back of his neck. He’s suddenly nervous that Lance is gonna laugh at him, gonna tell him no, gonna give him a weird look for asking at all.
It’s ridiculous. Lance wouldn’t do that, and there’s nothing wrong with Keith asking. But he feels the nerves anyway.
“Sure,” Lance says easily, tugging on the strings and setting his chain aside. He smiles brightly at Keith, brown eyes crinkled and soft, and although the shyness fades away his blush goes nowhere. If anything, Keith feels his face get hotter. “What colours do you want?”
Keith clears his throat, wishing the flush away. He points to the red and blue spool he’d seen first. Lance quickly unravels thread to the length of his arm, matching up both colours before cutting. He sets the spool to the side then carefully lines up both threads, folding them in half and wrapping them over his thumb too quickly for Keith to see what he does exactly.
“I’ll start it for you, ‘cause it’s hard.”
“Hey,” Keith protests immediately. “I can start my own.”
Lance raises an eyebrow. He blinks at him, slowly, for several moments. Keith huffs and looks away.
When he looks back, Lance is grinning, and he holds out the carefully started craft.
“It’s genuinely very difficult to start them,” he promises. “I’m the only one of my siblings who knows, they used to ask me to start theirs all the time. It’s way easier to do rather than start, trust me.”
That mollifies Keith a little. He does trust Lance, and now that he thinks about it he can vaguely recall how one person on the playground would hold court while a million people crowded around them, fielding dozens of requests for starts.
“Okay, watch me first, then I’ll walk you through doing it yourself.” Slower than he was moving before, Lance loops and weaves the thread, taking great care to keep his hands open so Keith can see the entire process. The chain he’s making looks different from the one he made earlier, and Keith says as much.
“Yeah, this one’s a box chain, it’s way easier. The spiral one is hard.” He snorts at Keith’s pout. “Don’t give me that look, doofus. You can work your way up to spiral. Try this one for now, okay?”
He hands the started chain off to Keith, then scoots out from his little nook, settling in beside Keith to help guide his hands.
Right beside Keith. His entire left side is pressed against Keith’s entire right, and he slides one hand under Keith’s arm, accidentally brushing across Keith’s ribs, to help guide his hands. Keith tries everything he can to stay still, breathing shallowly out his mouth, determined not to move even a muscle, either so Lance doesn’t move or does he’s not sure. He’s not sure what’ll make him feel less like he’s going to explode, less like every spot Lance touches isn’t going to burst into flames.
“Okay, start with the loops. See how there’s already kind of a square shape? Flip the red thread in either side of it, yeah, like that. There should be two loops and the extra string should hang opposite of each other. Okay, now take the blue string, and weave it over and under — yeah, just like that! It should create four mini squares in a big square, you nailed it.”
Lance looks up at him to shoot him that big beaming grin again, and Keith tries to muster a weak smile back at him, realising for the first time that he has yet to breathe and he should probably do that before the spots in his vision get any worse and he passes out.
This is fine, this is normal, Lance touches people all the time. He is a touchy person. This is so not worth him going batty about, what is his brain’s deal.
“Alright, now loop the extra thread around your fingers and pull it away from each other. It’s kind of a pain because it’s super smooth so it doesn’t really want to stay together, and it takes a learning curve, but — oh, hey, you got it! Good job. Now do it again.”
Trying to remind himself to breathe every few seconds, Keith repeats what Lance taught him, over and over again until the chain starts to look like an actual chain, to Keith’s pleasure. He’s fascinated by the quick way the squares build, how the layers are so thin but it doesn’t take long at all for them to stack into something longer than his pinky finger.
Keith blinks, startled, when Hunk and Pidge clap their hands, calling out that it’s time to go. He realises that there’s a bit of a crick in his neck from hunching over, the tips of his fingers feel raw, and the chain has become as long as his hand. Although it hasn’t felt like more than a few minutes, he’s clearly been doing this for a while.
This is amazing. A boring mission has never flown by this fast before!
“Looks great,” Lance says, genuine pull of his brows belying the truth to his words — he’s not just saying that at all. “You picked that up fast.”
Keith coughs, standing on wobbly, half-asleep legs. “Uh, yeah. I’m good with my hands.”
Lance makes a strange noise as he bends down and tucks the spools of wire away, a muffled, kind of derisive snicker. “Yeah, I bet you are,” he mumbles to himself, turned away, as if he didn’t mean for Keith to hear it.
Keith stumbles. His jaw drops. Lance is out the door and on his way to his lion before Keith can react.
He twirls his chain in his hands when he finally remembers how to do other things rhan have Lance’s words repeat in his head a bajillion times, walking slowly to his own lion. His right side still tingles ever place Lance touched it. He grins a little to himself, remembering the easy way Lance guided his fingers, smiled at him.
Maybe these boring missions aren’t so bad after all, actually.
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kukos-satellite · 3 months
what are your top five ships from Voltron
Romantic pairings:
Klance (Keith and Lance) obviously
Adashi (Adam and Shiro)
Platonic pairing:
Kallura (Keith and Allura)
Hance (Hunk and Lance)
Shidge (Shiro and Pidge)
extra platonic: Sheith (Shiro and Keith)
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fandomination666-blog · 4 months
It is 4:12 am as I type this and I am cruel to myself.
Imagine team voltron on a diplomatic mission, right..
Pidge and Hunk are joking around about Lance being the dumb one, or just being dumb in general, saying stuff like, "I love him to death, but he just doesn't GET binary, yknow?" And "Lance has ALWAYS struggled with computers, I wouldn't ask him for help with that" etc etc.
They aren't being mean on purpose, just teasing, and Lance has never been offended before, so it's fine, he's got thick skin.
But somebody overhears them talking. The leader of the planet they're trying to ally themselves with. And suddenly, they don't want an alliance anymore. Why?
Why would these people trust voltron if one of their palladins is so unintelligent that he is regularly mocked by his teammates?
None of the palladins get it, until the leader tells them word for word what pidge and hunk had said.
Now, Lance has to prove his intelligence to an entire planet, and now he knows that pidge and hunk think so lowly of him that they'd mock him out in public, where anyone could hear-- and then not even realize what they had done.
Lance goes through a bunch of trials and shit, and eventually everyone apologizes (but not before some bamf Lance stuff)
Not sure if I'd ever have time or motivation to write this out, but it's in my brain, so here, tumblr, have it.
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patch3sthenightup · 6 months
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pidges-lost-robot · 9 months
Lance and Keith become friends after like having an episode to bond together and at the end, Lance is like "right okay rivalry over, bro this one out" and extends his arms in a hug offer.
Unfortunately he didnt account for Keith's scrappy childhood and he hasn't been offered a hug in a while and also immediately thinks this is like Lance is gonna try to fist fight him and startled by it, punches him in the nose.
Lance yells and is like "wtf man"
"You said bro it out I thought you were gonna hit me"
"No, I meant like hug it out! I think you broke my nose"
Keith apologises and gets him a cooling pack and helps him reset his nose and then says he can punch him back as a freebie and Lance is like no we're friends now, so Keith asks if they can hug and Lance is a little skeptical but goes for it slowly and is like "Please don't hit me in the face again you hit really hard"
And the two of them just stand awkwardly hugging, and Lance at the end of it is like, "Well, good start to the friendship, huh?"
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I am at any given moment 3 particularly good fics away from having a new otp
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icypantherwrites · 3 months
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New Fanfic: The Real One
Summary: Keith knows he and Lance are both lucky to be alive after their ship crashes. Not so lucky is the fact Lance has a pretty nasty concussion and he’s being incredibly stubborn about letting Keith help him. But as his symptoms only grow worse Keith discovers that there’s a different side to Lance beneath the cockiness and stubbornness and this person… he seems far more real.
Story snippet:
“Keith,” Lance’s voice was barely a whisper and his voice was so small despite the fact the word was far clearer than anything else he’d said in the last few minutes and the shiver returned full force as Lance’s eyes fluttered closed again. “Don’t feel good,” Lance whispered.
And beneath the tan of his skin Keith could see that Lance was starting to not just look a little pale but…
But a little green and his lips were pressing together tightly as his face screwed up and—
“Oh fuck—”
Keith barely made it to Lance’s side and practically gave him whiplash as he grabbed the boy’s shoulders and turned him sideways before he vomited all over his lap.
Lance let out a sort of disgusting hrking sound but more than that there was the sound of a sob followed by a moan and Lance slumped completely against Keith’s hold, entire body shaking.
Keith fought to remain as still as possible to both not jar Lance any further and to not make this nearly impromptu hug any more awkward than he felt as Keith didn’t do hugs — only with Shiro and even then not like this — and if Lance made some comment about the cradling arms thing that he swore he didn’t recall at all…
But Lance said nothing, only whimpered and somehow dropped more of his weight down and Keith was forced to tighten his grip lest Lance try to put his face into his vomit puddle.
Read it here
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
platonic relationships are so much more important to me than romantic relationships. maybe i started it for the gays but it stuck with me because of the found family, the mlm wlw solidarity, the friendships, the bitchy friends, the FOUND FAMILY of it all
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loz-tearsofahomo · 10 months
Lance: Look at Keith such a dork with his knife.
Lance: I mean at least it's interesting though. I wish my friends collected knives.
Lance: I mean it's kind of cute, like Keith keeps knives.
Lance: How old is Keith? He's obviously knife collecting age.
Lance: I don't know, I think it's kind of sweet.
Lance: ...
Lance: Pidge, I think I like Keith
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autisticlancemcclain · 4 months
fic rec friday 53
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Switching More Than Bayards by @bleusarcellewrites
“That would be a first,” Shiro jokes lightly with a grin and Commander Iverson chuckle. “Can’t say I’m surprised,” the older man says quietly, throwing a quick kind look towards Lance before he reaches out and pats him on the back. “I’m happy for you, Lance.” And Lance blinks. Because, woah? He’s happy Lance has a zit? Some people and their jealousy, jeez. [Or the one where Lance is a moron but Keith loves him anyways.]
this one is so FUNNY i love it so much bleusarcelle never ever missed fr. they're so dumb i want to punch them but like gently. that was a very pidge sentence but u get it
2. heaven only knows where you've been by @talkingtoangxls
Three years after his disappearance, life has gone on.
bro reunions make me teary as all fuck like thank god this ends happily bc i was well and truly weeping. fics from lance's family always ached so good
3. when you look to the sea by @akaeijis
July 28th is a circled date on their family calendar that sits by the kitchen window. A reminder on their phone. A day they schedule off of work. (Or, the Alvarez family takes a day of remembrance for their lost son.)
and another one bc i like to hurt myself. if i imagine losing my sibling but there was never any body and no answered questions...swallowing the lump in my throat
4. Space Potatoes by dendraica
Lance and Keith are assigned to work together in the castle galley as punishment for their reckless behavior, where Lance becomes strangely ecstatic about a familiar menial task.
no i get it. lance is so real in this one. if i was shot into space with Strangers and couldn't talk to my siblings...i would lose my entire shit all the time like i wouldn't be able to function
5. Supportive by @ardett
A little trans Lance duo
platonic vld is genuinely where it's at. pidge & lance are so literally parallels of each other watching them be parallels does something to my brain
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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