#platonic lawbin
chromatic-lamina · 2 years
Duo bingo law and robin
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Okay! One of my ships, both platonically and romantically. @lorillee mentioned their comedic interaction, and that's definitely explored in this meta about Law's understated humour (and I fully agree. Their trolling dynamic wonderful). As is their ability to deeply understand and connect to one another's back stories. Plus, they look good together. Definitely one another's peers.
Really, I just adore them. I've had her as Law's friend support, and when Oda had them discussing about the Will of D in Wano I couldn't have asked for anything more, especially Robin being flattered that Law trusted her enough to discuss the matter, and that Law trusted her enough.
Here's a romantic fic though, and the platonic ship tends to be woven through the narrative of deeper and darker fics where the relationship is not the main focus.
If you look for the ' platonic lawbin ' or the ' lawbin' tag on my blog you'll find excerpts of the platonic writing.
If y'all wanna play the game for yourselves, here's the original post.
Please send more. The ask box is open!
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wellship · 1 year
I don’t think you’ve done anything on it at all (honestly i cant even remember how much you’ve drawn law) but do you have any thoughts on lawlu as a ship? Personally i love them, i’m a bit too much of a chump for sunshine x angry and rivalry.
I don't ship it personally but I do understand the appeal in it for some. For me I think Luffy is a bit young/immature for Law, but I also understand that some people like seeing Law driven up the wall by those antics, LOL. I think I prefer them platonically - I feel a lot for poor Law having to grow up much too early and I think it would do him a lot of good to be forced into an "alliance" (friendship) with someone who chooses very intentionally not to fall for that line of thinking. Both of them have seen the deaths of people very, very close to them whom they considered family, and they both dealt with it in opposite ways. You can really see the difference in how Law was alone for a lot of his early life while Luffy was surrounded by people and role models. I think Luffy has a lot to teach Law. And I look forward to seeing how the Law-Kidd-Luffy alliance manifests in lategame One Piece given their wildly different understandings of what an "alliance" means.
I don't think I ship Law with anyone, really? I know Lawbin, KiddLaw and ZoLaw are all somewhat popular but while I can appreciate the content/jokes they don't do it for me. I do think SanLaw is funny though, lmao. Especially if it's Law with a one-sided fanboy crush on Sanji.
You also made me think about it and I'm not sure that I've ever actually drawn Law seriously outside of memes and one spot illustration for What Lurks Beneath... maybe I should change that lol
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hergan416 · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
1. I do think that there is one thing that I have written that specifically stands out from the rest of it as kind of the best thing I have written while still being extremely "me." That is Lex Talionis. This was my solitary OP2020 bingo card fulfillment, for the square "temporary character death." It's katamar, starts with my brand of katamar violence/sex, and descends from there into something that honestly turned out even more gut punching than I had hoped. I remember @straycrayoncrypt being around on discord while I was writing it, and while I don't specifically recall the whole conversation, I know that my decision for the trajectory of the fic being as tragic as it turned out was directly tied to that conversation about who Katakuri is. I don't think I can ever manage that level of satisfactory angst again. I'm not sure I want to try. Contains explicit sexual content.
2. I also really like Intermediate Move, my 2022 YGOME gift fic for @millenni-em-tauk . This is another one where I just ended up very satisfied with many elements of the piece, but especially the ending. It's a Kaiba bros relationship fic from Mokuba's perspective....as an older adult who has a child and a divorce and who feels a little displaced in life. I had a very vivid idea of the scenes and setting and felt like I'd managed to hit on something meaningful with it. It was very fun to write.
3. It's odd how many prompt fics I'm adding here, but my DVOD gift to @kaibacorpintern last year, Heartsick, was also just really fun. The premise is that after Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions, Kaiba returns from Aaru with Atem. However, time went screwy, and over a decade has passed, landing them home in the middle of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Worse, Atem has forgotten all languages but Ancient Egyptian, and ends up sick and in isolation separate from Kaiba. I just really enjoyed the AU that I built and had a lot of fun with the premise. Writing Sugoroku was a blast, and I ended up with bonus content because Mokuba was really going through it, even if we didn't see it in the first part.
4. Left Alone I Will Break [Come Back To Me Brother] is just a pet fic of mine. Louis becomes a vampire after William dies of his fall into the Thames. Unable to die and share his fate as he has always wanted, Louis decides to resurrect William and force him to share in painful unlife. While the fic is basically just a snapshot into the necromancy ritual and a description of that premise, the tragedy of that premise is something that just grinds my gears. It just feels satisfying to me. I wish there was more of it without me having to spend time writing it. Contains explicit sexual content.
5. It's hard choosing my final slot. Part of me wants to select one of my One Piece character study fics, like Shared Nightmares (platonic lawbin) or Sanji's Respite (Law & Sanji). These are certainly safer recs than the self-indulgence I'm actually choosing. I re-read What Louis Wants an embarrassing amount. Not quite as often as I reread Silver's Cruel and Unusual Torture, but still quite a bit. I like moriarthree. I like moriarthree smut. I like Louis with sexual agency and desire. I do think considering my repitoire...its only honest to include at least one pwp fic on my list. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Contains explicit sexual content.
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animunerdery · 2 years
Thank you so much for sharing your Lawbin & ZoroRobinLaw art ❤️✨
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Lmao, soft core Lawbin smut is my jam!
But yes I draw a ton of it bc somehow, it’s kinda rare? Definitely a lot more LawLu KidLaw and Frobin out there. I get the appeal of them all… (except Luffy because he is a child!!! Platonic Luff, Chops, and Bepps with everyone tho) Opposites attract is a p compelling trope for all the other ships. (And to me LawSan is hilarious cuz y’all know North Blue boys all stan Sanji)
I guess I’m just shallow and like that Robin and Torao are basically the same beautiful, severely damaged, but still savagely funny and ultimately sweet tree people.
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As for Zoro, uh, you can’t go wrong throwing a big tiddied thicc boi in the mix with anyone tbh…
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 months
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@ncfertari asked: Shipping bingo: Law x Robin / Vivi x Nami Send me a ship and I'll fill out this bingo card (Still Accepting!)
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Law x Robin
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While I get why this ship appeals to people it isn't for me. They're too similar in my eyes and I see them more as friends, but I do get it. I'm also admittedly not a fan because I constantly had to deal with the BS of Lawbin vs LawNa in fandom (in that small corner of the internet where these ships are even acknowledged) so that put a bad taste in my mouth for a while, though it's significantly lessened. So I can support my friends who ship it but don't ship it myself.
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Vivi x Nami
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This is another one where I get why people ship it but I can't quite do so myself. Partially because, when I first read the Alabasta arc in high school, Vivi and Nami reminded me a lot of me and my BFF so I always projected a platonic vibe onto it. That, and there are some pretty militant fans who put me off the ship. But I do think fanart of them is pretty cute
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op-sheepy · 3 years
Hm... Been really busy irl but you know what I'll always have time for? Sharing neat art. Especially if it happens to have Law and Robin so here have this:
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They're closer in age here and Law happens to visit Ohara. They so would have been book buddies. ☺
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eurydicesflower · 3 years
Summary:  Everyone was already asleep as witching hours befall the Thousand Sunny, except for Law and Robin. 
i've finished writing this one week ago, but i decided to post this on nico robin's bday! anw pls do enjoy!i really kinda like this ost from genshin impact so thats like kinda the bg music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o5nETF-2gM
you can listen to it while reading it, trust me this helped me writing this fic
Everyone was already asleep as witching hours befall the Thousand Sunny, except for Law. Without the feeling of sleepiness in his body, he now stood at the deck looking at the horizon. Standing from the deck, the moon and the stars were the only thing that illuminate the darkness in the ship. It was bizarrely serene as crisp winds started to caress his cheeks. Suddenly, he sensed someone's presence, yet didn't speak when they approached him.
“Can't sleep?” the voice said.
“Nico-ya.” He did not answer her question, as he still remained his focus at the horizon.
Robin hummed, she understood that the surgeon needed silence, yet she didn't leave his side. Somehow, this tranquility is what they needed.
Not sure on how to start their conversation, Law fished something from his pocket. It was a tone snail that lets you record just like a tone dial. But the difference is that it can store different recordings unlike a classic tone dial.
“Have you seen a tone snail, Nico-ya?” he asked his companion.
Robin looked at him, suddenly taken a back that he now wants to talk. “Well, I have only seen a tone dial from the sky island, but a tone snail? I haven't.” She said as she saw Law holding a small tone snail. She can’t quite see his features that night but, guessing from his voice, he is quite nostalgic just by looking at the snail.
“Is that important to you?” she asked him without malice.
“Something like that.” He shrugged. “It's just… my friend- no, one of my love ones gave me this when I was young.” He pressed the button. He can hear a complaining young Baby 5’s voice in the background as Señor Pink shushing her. Then, in the background, someone started to plucking the guitar strings. He smiled when he remembered that it was Cora who was playing the guitar. In a matter of seconds, he forgot that Robin was there. But to his surprise, she started humming.
“You know this tune?” He turned at her, now looking at the archeologist.
“Yes. This was sometimes played by most bards whenever I stopped by at bars years ago… when I was still working with Crocodile,” she winced. “It was really a famous tune, I guess,” she finished as silence was filled after Robin told him a glimpse from her past.
“You wanna dance?” He asked her out of spite, yet there is a hint of hesitance in his voice. “Damn it, Law,” he thought to himself, wanting to jump in the ocean, which is the most idiotic idea he had thought, after what he just told to the archeologist.
Robin just chuckled at what Law said, knowing that she wouldn’t imagine the infamous ‘Surgeon of Death’ offering someone to dance, not to mention to the Devil’s Child, Nico Robin.
“I never pegged you for being a dancer.” She teased him; a playful smile now etched at her face.
“So, do I,” he staggered. “Just forget what I said.” He averted his gaze away from the archeologist, now looking at the tone snail. Serenity was still heard from the tone snail as Law imagined Cora strumming the guitar strings in the recording.
“I didn’t say that I don’t want to dance with you, Traffy.” Robin beamed, looking at the surgeon. Law scoffed at the nickname, yet, offered his hand to Robin. “Nico-ya, will you have this dance?” The ‘Surgeon of Death’ asked Robin. “This side of Law was too rare, she can’t miss this opportunity, I wonder what’s he up to?” she thought to herself.
“As you wish, Law,” she said, grabbing Law’s hand without a doubt.
Law placed his hand on her waist, gently pulling their bodies close together. Robin was taken aback but, she instinctively put her hands on his shoulder. Robin relaxed at his touch, not wanting to let go. It’s been a while since she has done this, even though most of the time her crewmates tend to love affection especially with Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Chopper, but with this? She wanted to enjoy this moment for a while, at least.
Robin wondered where did he learn to dance like this, knowing his grim background with the Donquixote family, she guessed that one of them at least taught him proper etiquette such as dancing.
“What are you thinking about Nico-ya?”
“I wonder where did you learn to dance?”
“Heh.” He scoffed. “To be honest, Senor Pink taught me aside from fighting skills. I didn’t know I could use this at a time like this.” He smirked, making Robin chuckle at what he just said.
“Yet here you are.” She smiled at him, as Law’s face reddened, but thanks to the Kami for the moon, Robin didn’t notice his features.
Two people just slowly waltzing at the calming tune of the guitar, without the sense of danger waiting in front of them. Well, here they are, basked in moonlight. As the music came to an end, no one dared to pull back— Even Law, even Robin. They stayed there for a while, enjoying each other’s presence.
“Happy birthday, Robin.” Law whispered, not letting go of her.
Robin froze but remained at ease, she didn’t remember that it was today, let alone do anything to celebrate. Still, this was a heartwarming gift, at least, coming from a stoic surgeon of death.
“Thank you, Law.” She smiled at him, lifting her gaze at him.
Nami yawned as she went outside her room to check the weather. Thousand Sunny just went out of Punk Hazard, she thought they might restock again in another island before heading to their main destination.
As she was checking the log pose on her left hand, she saw two figures together standing on the deck.  She can’t see their faces whether they were an intruder or not, so she squinted. Surprisingly, it was just her friend and… Law?
She was surprised that all of people, Traffy is doing something like that. She smirked as she mentally notes that she can use this to extort Law for belis. But then, knowing that the pair was Robin and Law that time, she thought that since it was Robin’s birthday today, she can let it slide.
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whereistheonepiece · 4 years
For the ask game, law?
a song that reminds me of them
My friend @lesbian-space-ranger introduced me to the song “We Have it All” by Pim Stones saying it made them think about Law’s backstory with Doflamingo and Cora-san and now I think about it, too.
what they smell like
I’m just thinking some clean smelling, fresh cologne. (Is that what I’d want him to smell like? Yes, yes it is.)
an otp
I fell down my own personal Lawbin rabbit hole and here we are. 
a notp
Any person with Donquixote in their name.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
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Hmmm. That’s a toughie.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
I don’t think Law is necessarily touch averse; I just think he has a short list of people allowed in his personal bubble after years at keeping people at arm’s length.
the position they sleep in
Probably on his stomach or on his side, kinda curled in on himself.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
Why do I suddenly want to see him in Full Metal Alchemist? (Ohhhh, it’s probably because what happened to his parents and sister reminded me of what happened to Winry. I said as much in the rewatch.)
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
Pretty sure I’ve said his Dressrosa outfit.
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bas-writes · 4 years
Canon ship anon here. Nono, didn't specifically mean if you've written something just, if you generally ship someone in One Piece. Like, I dunno, Zoro x Luffy or Robin x Franky or Luffy x Nami, that kinda stuff. Doesn't matter if you've written anything or not :)
Ahhh,okay! Sorry, I somehow understood you completely other way xD
Not really? 
I don’t seek for shipping content and I tend to avoid shipping circles as much as I can, because well, previous fandom left many scars on me and now I am overly cautious with everything. Who once found themselves a victim of tumblr drama and poorly executed “cancel culture”, will know what I mean.
There are some ships I enjoy seeing more (like frobin, sanuso, acesan, saboala, zolaw, zolu, navi) and ships I kind of developed allergy for (zosan, kidlaw, lawlu, zorobin, lawbin), but honestly, I’m more type of a person who leans towards personal interpretation of a ship rather than seeking for ship content as a main factor.
I guess it’s because I need a lot of chemistry to ship characters like hard. And Oda on purpose avoids romance as if it was a plague. Of course, romance is present in One Piece, but it was never the main or even important topic. Love is shown in countless different ways, from love of biological family, through love between friends, love coming from sacrifice, love between adopted parents and children, love being a result of respect, sexual love, platonic love, toxic love, lack of love, excess of love, love for freedom, self-love, to simple love for daily pleasures. And I can’t express how much I respect Oda for this.
I just can’t look at ships the same way as shippers do. When I read longass analysis on “canon reasons” behind dunno, zosan or lawlu, I can’t help but frown: do you guys think romance is the only emotional explaination of this situation?
The closest to “real ship” in OP I have is frobin, I guess? And it’s still less “chemistry” and more “the way they are resonating with each other is really appealing”. Second place would be for saboala, because the plot potential for a love story between them is really thrilling for me as a writer. And well, there’s zolaw, for absolutely self-indulgent reasons. 
And all 3 of them are among planned, multi-chapter fics. Modern au for frobin, in canon for saboala and cyberpunk au for zolaw :3
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chromatic-lamina · 11 months
true history: true mystery, chapter 1085 spoilers
What a chapter. And cos he's my boy, told you we didn't have to worry too much about one
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Water Law!
I'm so excited (I feel like I should go out and order the whole set of steak knives).
Anyhoo! I remember when I enjoyed reading the scans on my Friday, and they now come out very early my Thursday morning (like, super early. It's just shy of 3am). BUT this was a treat. And the reason I mostly read them is to prevent being spoiled, but also because they include really interesting translator's notes, etc. such as the ones below about Imu:
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Which is difficult to see, but basically it says that Imu refers to themself as Mu and then says that Mu can refer to the void century but also to dreams. Super interesting. And so, Lili was not, unfortunately Imu (but that's okay, cos' I love this story line too), BUT she was a...
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As shown above, where King Cobra realises...
...that he won't survive his encounter with Imu (who was apparently one of the original 20), and Cobra reveals that Lili was Queen Nefertari D. Lili. GOOD STUFF. Sabo overhears. Imu has some problems with this, because, as stated by Cora
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and reiterated by (without knowledge to the best of our understanding) Imu
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the "D" is the moniker of the Celestials ancient enemy.
And, although sketchy, look at the perspective from that panel above! Imu is miles above them all. Another aside, while looking up Cora and Doflamingo stuff, there's also the 'heavenly' perspective on this frame with Cora and Law, but I also know Oda is fond of this type of editing/story telling:
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Back to 1085: Cobra's recollection that Imu was the name of one of the original 20 does tie into the probable theory that Imu had the eternal youth operation centuries prior.
Anyhoo, this is well out of order (my posting of frames) as always! Sorry. It's not only the D's that Imu and their clan need to be scared of, but also
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the scholars. Be still my LawBin shipping (platonic or romantic) heart! But, I digress. So Lili is the one responsible for the preservation and also dispersal of
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the poneglyphs. Whole page there. So much information! Cobra has not revealed that Lili was a "D" at this point, or that he himself is, so he was playing with fire coming in to see the Elders, but I guess the whole lineage had known about that for a long time then (that they had the initial for some reason) and had survived. It also seems that maybe King Cobra did know more about the poneglyph in Alabasta than previously assumed. Perhaps?
Anyway, Imu above says that Lili's dispersal of the poneglyphs around the world was perhaps a deliberate action (apparently it had been passed off as a mistake, a blunder) as part of a larger plan. And with the reveal of her being a possessor of the Will of D. it seems it probably was, even if she was a catalyst, as so many D's seem to be, without having full awareness or knowledge of what ultimate role they're playing.
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Full page again, cos it's so good. So Imu questions Cobra as to why they never divulged Lili's full name, only referring to her by her royal title, which is actually pretty standard practice. BUT, Imu obviously has very strong convictions that Lili is one of those rabble rousers who get this his entity-self really hot under the collar too!
And the Gorosei basically saying: You can't expose that we're some kind of oligarchy/dictatorship/absolute malignant monarchy when it's supposed to be some kind form of supposed League of Nations acting for all countries and supposed world peace. Interesting mix of Imperialism and colonialism these guys have going on. Anyway! The revery is still going on, and is now absolutely proven to be a farce:
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Although King Neptune, and who's the other dude? Can't remember. Not Dalton, is it? (please let me know) King Riku Doldo are looking very skeptical at the Uncle Sam dude. (Thank you @robinchan-hananomi !)
Walpol becomes relevant in a way that it seems that Caribou will be too, and Vivi has been kidnapped by the CIA CP0 (or are they CP9)?
Walpol overhears and sees not only Imu's decimation of Cobra with figures that look a lot like Kanjurou's Kazenbo flame spirit from Wano (did the Gorosei shape-shift too, or was it all Imu sending out some kind of malevolent spirit?), but I think he also overhears Cobra's revelation to Sabo that has a nice SFX bubble over it to just tease we readers enough with hints of information about how the Poneglyphs must be protected, and will seemingly will help usher in the dawn! Ooh, so excited.
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BTW. What or who is the figure behind Cobra in the bottom right panel? Sabo?
Walpol outs himself as having seen everything, so shocking is it to him:
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and so the spectres are on his tail (and I think it's quite funny that first Imu doesn't know or sense Sabo, and other defenses are breached by Walpol, of all people!). SO, he's one of my least favourite villains, along with Caribou and Spandam, but I'm guessing there's something with their devil fruits that make them crucial to the plot, as well as being kind of incidental characters witnessing key points of One Piece lore.
I doubt he has any great love for Vivi, but he also probably knows where his best chance for survival lies, so, it seems he's been creeping around the castle and I'm going to align CPO with Get Smart now, cos they've got that kinda vibe. Not goofy enough to be Scooby Doo (although Jabra does a good job), but still funny and sexy enough to be the characters of Get Smart who weren't Max. (look it up if you don't know).
Anyhoo! Vivi got kidnapped, and I'm guessing it was at the urging of the gorosei who did it at the urging of Imu, or maybe if Cobra didn't spill the beans, they would've used her as a bargaining chip. Anyway, Kalifa here:
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stating that Vivi will end up being a pet (?!?). Did Charloss want her? And I'm wondering if Jabra's wording is a mistranslation, although maybe not. As far as I'm aware, the expression is "play your cards closer to your chest", but maybe it's changed over time. Or there's a pun I'm not getting.
Vivi's reaction in the following frame is awesome (gonna put the whole page in again, cos it's got so much info):
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First, awesome that Shirahoshi got away, and we saw that way back when with Garp accompanying the family back to Fishmen Island. Cool info dump from Jabra above. (Very chatty secret agents. Maybe that's why they don't get to wear masks). But I especially like Vivi's incredulity at Kalifa's comment, and her commitment to doing something about it. She's got a devil fruit, doesn't she? Yes! BUT
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Trashing young prince to the rescue! (okay, he's a king, once disposed, newly reinstated somewhere) (but he is young. This guy's in his 20s, I think). Vivi hitches a ride with the dumpster on wheels. And from there, Big News Morgans picks them up! (not yet witnessed). Here from chapter 1074:
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She's really gone up in my estimation. I never noticed how much she speaks her mind and sticks up for others before (I'm slow, don't worry). And it's not just cos she's a D. Haha. That's not an automatic "like" card, but I might be a little predisposed.
Speaking of which, this part with the ASL brothers was hilarious:
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"Do want a "D" in your name, Sabo?"
"You can be Sad. Bo!"
"Why'd you put it there!?!"
Ah, lol, bless.
Also, Imu has the same kind of imperiousness as Doflamingo. Doflamingo's rougher in speech, and I'm guessing with the "thou" and so on shown in the scanlation on the first page that Imu is formal, but as entitled and condescending as fuck, just like our pink feathered friend.
One thing (or many) so interesting about Doffy, though, is:
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from chapter 727, is that he's a man very sore about losing his Celestial dragon status, who wants to destroy them and the world government, and who is not afraid of the CD's. Also, it seems that he's well aware of Imu (Mary Geoise's greatest treasure?). I wonder how he was going to challenge Imu if Law had granted him eternal life. If that was his aim. So, a digression, but I think our pink bird will again be relevant soon! Fingers crossed, and I really don't want them to redeem him. Please.
Lastly, the cover was very cute:
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Franky directing newly hatched turtles to the ocean, and it's true, so many head in the wrong direction, and such a small proportion actually survive, so he's a hero. Is he sitting on a turtle-hatchling eating crab?
Dunno if any of this was coherent, and I'm sure I missed a bunch, but over and out for now (ah, back to bed!).
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chromatic-lamina · 5 months
AO3 wrapped!: 9, 19, 29, please!
Thank you!
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? I'd love to say it's my initial favourite of Marco/Law and I have been reading a great fanfic about them, but my writing for them was also drabbles/ficlets, and not so well developed, so I'll say LawZo, although that's a WIP and will be in the LawZo zine out next year. I had fun writing the (very) irregular limerick for LawBin for the polls this year, AND there is KidLaw in the works, AND, I tightened it this year, but didn't write it this year, but reuploaded a chapter to an AceLaw fic
Guess my answer is all of them. Also, plenty of platonic Trafalgar Law & the Heart Pirates. One Cora & Law fic for the Corazine too.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Maybe get some LawBin on paper. I've written it romantically a few times, but more often platonically, but usually in longfic. Wouldn't mind getting a one shot or two out.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? My current fave is in a WIP for the LawZo zine, so I can't share it for a while, so take the following from Bioluminescent Hearts. Not amazing, but I quite like the imagery. Spoilers for chapter 1081 (manga spoilers)
Orange and white striped tentacles rippled past Hakugan—the head of a sea anemone flexing its bright body backwards and forwards through the water. There was so much water, and the pressure. He couldn’t tell if he was cold, if he was uncomfortable. He tried to shake the vegetation from his hands, but to even budge a finger took effort.
Thank you for the ask!
Questions 9, 19, 29 (I like the symmetry) answered! Also 6, 16 and 22. 1, 10 & 27 about to be answered. You can find the asks here!
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chromatic-lamina · 2 months
Any number you haven't yet answered but want to for the writer ask meme!
Heh-heh! Great ask ❤️
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? One with no dialogue, because I can always throw in reported speech and thought processes. Takes a particular skill to make a fic that is all dialogue authentic and interesting.
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who? Sometimes. I won't name 'em cos' I don't want to clutter up their notifications, but especially for exchanges, or if I've used someone's art (with permission) as inspiration, or for zines, etc.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it? Okay, I guess the most recent is valuta from the Corazine (aftersales almost finished, but that's just an aside). I thought I did a pretty good job on portraying what the Donquixote brothers went through, also Cora's relationship with Sengoku and Law, and then Law with Sengoku, but maybe it was too much for the word count. It got very little interaction in the way of comments, at least. I like the KidLaw fics I did for the 2022 exchange and for the OP secret santa that year, but they remain two of my least popular fics (in terms of hits).
I like valuta for story parallels (Cora and Doffy, Law and Lami, etc.). I like the KidLaw fics because they make me laugh.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful? Yeah. I think I've answered this before, and it's not massively popular compared to some fandom behemoths, but the Usopp vs the Heart Pirates fic: Dark like the North Blue Sea (aka The Sea-Hill you Die On) . I think it grew in popularity because it's canon compliant (also, maybe funny). Once a fic gets a certain number of kudos or hits too, it feeds its popularity growth, because people sort by kudos and hits, so all those hidden gems remain hidden! I'm happy that people enjoy it though!
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written? Probably the one that @afterdeck-ace gave me of: Chopper and Law talking about courage or Jolly Rogers. They're talking about both in softening the fall of snow. That's followed or on par with screen / shiki-e, which was inspired by a tsute doodle. You can see the doodle and links to tsute's art on the AO3 page.
47. If [taxi] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
Her jeans cost more than his weekly pay, hell — monthly— and her sneakers were scuffed and used in a way that hid or emphasised their one-of-a-kind design. Pretty cool. A red tonbo — dragonfly — from what he could see, stretched from the toe, its thorax and segmented body running along one side of the shoe, a blue chrysanthemum and pond reeds rising from the heel and undulating in the air below the insect.
I used a ref for that, but can't remember where I sourced it from.
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I changed a few things, and the maker's name is on the jpg, fortunately!
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Yes! I recommend it: Ours lives like sand in the gears of the world by @afterdeck-ace (Lily_Amazon). A platonic Law & Robin ficlet that explores the parallels and differences between them so well.
Also, a quick but satisfying read (sounds like Borsalino's possible reflection on Akainu) with this fic, In The Dappled Sun. Lemon mentioned (tumblr's being silly with throwing out community settings left, right and centre, so sorry for the return to FFN vocab). Fic author @kookoofufu
Am continuing to read saltyrock's It Takes a Lot to Know a Man but haven't read the latest chapter yet. LawBin and CrocoBin. Endgame LawBin.
There's a lot of good stuff out there, and so little time!
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
hi! i follow you for heart pirates content but i know you ship kidlaw so, saw an event for them on twitter (for late may) and thought you might be interested (@/kidlawevents is the account organizing, i think i can't share links on anon) <3
Hey, thanks so much, anon! KidLaw isn't my main ship, but I do like it <3. (Main ship is probably MarLaw, although I don't write for it much any more, but a new story appeared on AO3 last night!). Then ZoLaw, LawBin, LawSan, AceLaw, SmoLaw 😁 (character name order means nothing). Law goes so well with so many people! (also, platonic is fine with all those folk). After L*Law, KidLaw is probably the ship with the most content, and I really like soft KidLaw, so I participate sometimes.
That event (Bottom Eustass Kid week) is on tumblr too, and it's a Eustass Kid with anyone—not just Law—event. So I hope that folks who are interested are following! May 22-29.
I hope there's enough Hearts content amongst the shipping posts, anon!
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
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Episode 1010
So first, we get a clear shot and colour rendition of that bear shirt. The topic these two are discussing is so serious and Law’s wearing his favourite (cute) symbol (or one of them) on his back. I wonder if Bepo made it for him.
Also, the anime makes it clear that this is on the grounds of Oden’s castle, so early days? Kin’emon or the members themselves hadn’t changed (them) into Wano garb.
Maybe it was the last day before laundry day, and Law only had the bear shirt and jeans without the seal/leopard spots on them! Or, it’s his favourite shirt.
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
living beyond loss
Also, Robin Law parallels. Robin is three years older now than her mother was (Nico Olvia) when she died, and Law is the same age as Rosinante was when he died. We don’t have Sora’s age. Bell-mère was 30, and Banchia’s age is also unknown.
Gol D. Roger was 53, Tom, in his 60s. Such a milestone and in ways a celebration in terms of survival to live past the age of a dead parent/caretaker, especially if they died young.
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nico Robin & Trafalgar D. Water Law, Portgas D. Ace/Trafalgar D. Water Law, 
It's Nico Robin's birthday and she wants to visit her mother. Law accompanies her.
Happy birthday, Robin! I didn’t get anything done for the AceLaw week. No time, but it plays a part in this story too (AceLaw). I hope you enjoy. Guests can drop kudos and comments too, if they like the work (and feel like dropping them) 😊
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