#podemos bailar
paper-gold-theories · 3 months
I have a theory that the polar opposite of black hat is magician (or who I'm assuming is magician) from podimous bailar. If you compare magician's design with black hat's there seems to be a lot of similarities. Like their build and height seems to be the same. Then their clothes seem to be different with magician having his coat collar down instead of up and having his coat closed instead of open like black hat's.
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Hmm...they kinda look similar, Alan mentioned in a Q and A that we won't see the character opposite of Black Hat "in the first season" that will provide him a challenge.
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It could go either way as I am not sure if the orientation videos (or comics refer to when General Falchion appears in thebcomics below) are considered Season 1 or the photos of Copper and Magician without their faces showing are considered them appearing in the show.
And we might see either Copper and Magician in the future episodes...
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However, Alan also mentioned that Black Hat is the embodiment of evil, so there’s an embodiment of goodness to balance him like yin and yang and we’ll hopefully get to see him someday.
The Podemos Bailar, is known for forcing members to join their group so considering that, Magician or Cooper might not be the embodiment of good.
The important P.E.A.C.E. leader that appeared at the end of The Shrunken Rescue (which I theorized to be General Falchion) might also not be the embodiment of good as P.E.A.C.E. is known to do shady things (that could possibly cause wars), have heroes which have not such a good personality like Miss Heed, as well as covering their tracks to ensure they still look like the hero in people's eyes, such as using memory erasers on nurses working in their rehab, hiding Miss Heed's actions and the reason for her arrest, betraying their allies to save their reputation and reinstating her as a hero again because she was able to buy it back because of her father's money and connections.
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However Alan also mentioned that nothing’s black and white (except BH and 505), villains aren’t all that bad (like Penumbra) and that they’re all grey, as well as the heroes.
So the embodiment of good and opposite of Black Hat may not be an entirely good person.
Lawful Evil vs Lawful Good
Black Hat is a perfectionist, signs contract and has multiple rules that teaches Villains how to be good Villains.
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Hence, we can categorise him as being lawful evil which means anyone that follows a strict code, hierarchy, or system for personal gain at any cost.
So I theorized that Black Hat's opposite is a lawful good which means anyone that promotes the greater good, while following established procedures or rules. (What defines as greater good in P.E.A.CE. or the Podemos Bailar might be a stretch)
And as mentioned above, villains and heroes are morally grey, because of this Black Hat is also is willing to make deals with people who aren't actually villains, because there is no true evil or good.
For example, in Episode 3 Black Hat made a deal with Adelita who was considered a villain by P.E.A.C.E. because of her suspicious behaviour due to the dissatisfaction of the new P.E.A.C.E. administration, to fight Pedro who is still actually a hero but is mind controlled to do villainous things, hence is considered one by P.E.A.C.E. despite still doing heroic deeds before being mind controlled.
Hence, I conclude because of this points that in addition to being lawful good, since there is no true evil or good, the opposite of Black Hat is also not 100% completely good and might also be helping morally grey people as well.
Thinking about it perhaps Cooper/Magician or Falchion possibly might fit the "opposite of Black Hat character" as they do work with morally grey people things for their definition "greater good" and they want to defeat the embodiment of evil.
But it feels like it's not likely as I still feel like they've done too many grey things to be considered the "embodiment of good".
Hence most likely there might be a third character not yet introduced that will provide Black Hat with a worthy challenge. 👀
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gabygirl1243 · 1 year
Estaba pensado, seguramente que... bueno... Black Hat fue antes humano hace mucho años, después de que se convertido en un demonio
Bueno... es por esta image
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Y me gustaria sabe 2 cosas (es decir, dos preguntas)
¿Como es realmente Black Hat? me refiero de rostro, sus ojos y su cabello
Cual es el nombre verdadero humano de Black Hat?
Yo no creo que Black Hat en sí haya sido humano. Pero me gusta la teoría de que él habita cuerpos humanos y que cada tanto tiempo va cambiando de cuerpo.
Algunos creen que el cuerpo que está habitando ahora es el de Aldo Maldonado
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La historia de Aldo Maldonado puedes escucharla en sus notas de voz subidas a Podemos Bailar. Su último audio da mucho qué pensar:
Pero de la imagen de la que hablas, seguro es el cuerpo que usó hace muchos años atrás. Tenemos más imágenes de él en el libro de la Bitácora:
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Pero no se sabe quién pudo ser este señor. Pero había un mensaje en su cara
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frame-chan · 1 year
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Lada can't dance. It's especially scary when it happens spontaneously.
Yes, she is afraid to dance with the devil.
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ghoulvillainous · 2 years
https://podemosbailar.com Entry 09, Paleta, guess.
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Estoy escuchando nuestra canción, esa misma que bailábamos una y otra vez. Mientras me sonrias y decías que me amabas.
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anniemoonlight · 2 years
Que ganas de bailar, conectar, dejarse llevar por el ritmo, y solo ser 1 mismo ❤️
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simplemente-l · 2 years
Cada que escucho una melodía pienso en ti, en ellos, en todos aquellos que ame y me han roto el corazón como puedo cantar a todo pulmón pensando en el dolor, en las lágrimas, en las risas y tristezas, memorias dolorosas y necesarias.. te recuerdo, te siento, te canto y te bailo ... Para mis dolorosos amores y sus melodramaticas canciones
Simplemente L
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nyx07 · 1 year
para aquel que no ama bailar le resulta una pérdida de tiempo. para muchos es una distracción, para otros una moda. para algunas personas un trabajo, profesión y estilo de vida. para mí es una afición, un desahogador de penas, un mundo exclusivo para mí, un lugar en donde respiro libertad y pasión, hasta la más mínima razón termina siendo muy importante. bailar me hace sentir viva.
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paper-gold-theories · 7 months
Villainous Observation/Theory: InstaFeed and Instagrim
(Note: This theory is an add on and inspired by the theory created by gabygirl1234)
There are two versions of Instagram in Villainous - InstaFeed and Instagrim
The general public and heroes use InstaFeed, while the Villains use Instagrim.
In Episode 6 Miss Heed is shown to have an InstaFeed account instead of an Instagram account.
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And her @ name is also @MISS_HEED_ OFFICIAL instead of @MISS_HEED, as shown in her real life actual Instagram link (https://www.instagram.com/miss_heed/)
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However, MISS_HEED_OFFICAL is her Instagram Display Name
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So the Instagram account we see in real life is a little bit different than what we see in the Villainous show.
In Villainous, Penumbra, other Villains, and The Men Without Hats, etc. are shown to be using Instagrim.
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However unlike InstaFeed, Instagrim is a Black Web, the Villainous version of Dark Web/Deep Web, website which is not available to the general public and can only be accessed by Villains and in special cases like the Men Without Hats who can hack and have installed programs and software to avoid tracking and being doxxed. (see below)
This is supported by the post in CreepyCharly when a user said you can see that SunBlast is alive on Penumbra’s Instagrim account, but CreepyCharly replies that she could not access it and jokingly added that she doesn’t believe that Villains have social media.
(Also, in the comment section in the image above, a verified account with the name @MISS_HEED_OFFICIAL is seen commenting a bot like comment: “FOLLOW ME”, Miss Heed being a former Villain and student in Black Hat Institution, she probably was able to have knowledge on how to access the Black Web, and perhaps link it to her current InstaFeed account)
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As regular citizens like CreepyCharly can’t access it I agree with gabygirl123 ‘s post that Instagrim is also a part of the Black Web as it follows the. Same principal as the BHO website, as mentioned below, “it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings.”
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-01.06.19 - from: Magician
To all remaining agents: We did it. Our patience has produced fruits. Cooper and I have managed to establish a link to the Black Hat Organization's mainframe. The link will be open for the longest period possible, however, we must be careful and keep this link secret; We can't let what happened last time happen. Black Hat cannot know that we have this connection to their system. This link can normally only be accessed by villains and members of their organization, as it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings. For this reason, access is very dangerous and it is recommended that it not be for prolonged periods or there would be a risk that a villain, or worse, someone from the Black Hat Organization, could find and track our whereabouts more easily. Here is the link to the computer:
Once inside you can share it, but to access you will need the 14-digit password that we hide in the guide videos. Maybe Black Hat found the latest version of the page, but that gave us what we needed to find yours. We'll leave this channel open, good luck. And remember that we can still dance.
Eventually however, Charly was able to access the black web to buy a mystery box, however as mentioned below, the Black Web is a dangerous place with dangerous people, so she had to install the necessary programmes to avoid being tracked and doxxed.
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(Did she buy it from Evil Zone, the Villainous version of Amazon though? 😂)
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gabygirl1243 · 2 years
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podcatscristianos · 2 years
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palabras-sin-razon · 2 years
No hay terapia más efectiva que bailar o cantar en la ducha 🚿
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insomnia-dulce · 2 years
Bailaba sobre una pequeña terraza entre pequeñas luces tintineantes que interrumpían la oscuridad de la noche; tenía un acompañante capaz de elevarme por los cielos con sutileza y elegancia, la música era suave y casi inaudible, sin embargo, lograba mecer mis sentidos y los de aquella efímera pareja que se comunicaba conmigo a través del tacto... Esa piel canela que destellaba ante mis ojos y que de alguna manera lograba hipnotizarme, no quería parar, quería seguir bailando entre sus brazos, entendernos sin una sola palabra al compás de la melodía que nos acompañaba... Entonces, desperté.
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angel-enamorado · 2 years
Baila como si fuera tu ultimo baile, haz que los latidos de tu corazón se mezclen al ritmo de tus pies, vuela a cada paso que des, expresa con cada parte de tu cuerpo todo lo que hay en ti y demuéstrale al mundo entero que hoy estas vivo ✨
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telltale-heart173 · 3 months
Dude your Villainous OC is adorable- hmmmmm
What’s their role in the BHO? And how do they get along with the other members?
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Diving a bit into their lore here! TL;DR they were the first to find out about Podemos Bailar
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