#poor dude was getting targeted by the others LOL
autistichalsin · 3 months
I wonder if you have thoughts on like.... the other members of his grove? and halsin relating to them? bc apart from rath and maybe two more, they all seem very dicky to me 🤔 and ya, halsin said it's been a burden, and being a kind-hearted dude like him leading a bunch of bastards that think so highly of themselves could definitely contribute to the stress. I guess i don't get it? the one at the steps by the bear is like 'hold on give them a chance' @ the bear when we come in but then in the same breath is like 'no step further or i show you my claws' and seems like has to be talked down from being hostile by third druid; then later when we stop the ritual she's like 'we stopped the chanting but that doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful to this place' and some rando other druid went something along the lines of 'you're overstaying your welcome' - im just thinking how horrible halsin's life must have been surrounded by pricks like that 😔
Short version: yeah, everyone but Rath, Nettie, and Apikusis suck lol
Long version: everyone but Rath, Nettie, and Apikusis suck, BUT you can see several who are having doubts about what they're doing, and many of them come back to themselves once Halsin returns.
There were, I think, multiple things going on here:
By his own admission, Halsin wasn't a very strong leader. He never had leadership skills taught or modeled for him before becoming Archdruid, and further, his promotion was under incredibly traumatic circumstances. The survivor guilt, the admiration he had towards the previous Archdruid, likely left him not wanting to fully engage with the role out of fear of replacing him or at least seeming to do so.
The refugee situation was noted to be causing stress at the Grove as supplies were dwindling (I guess we're supposed to forget Goodberry is a spell ANY Druid can do, lol). This would have not only sown resentment against Halsin and the refugees for putting them in this situation, but crucially, it would have given an outsider enemy for the Grove. Cults (like the Shadow Druids) operate at their strongest when they have a threat, or appearance of one, to unite members and potential members under. "We are the only ones who can keep you safe from these outsiders who may be from hell itself, who are using all your supplies and contributing nothing, who are the reason you're being attacked by goblins every other day." And Halsin, as much as I love him, showed poor judgment in going with the goblins at that precise moment, and with little explanation to the others. It shows where his heart and priorities are- always with the Shadow-Cursed Lands first- but that would not be an endearing things for his stressed Druids.
Kagha not only fell in with this cult, but unfortunately, she had a lot of what Halsin was lacking as a leader- she just chose to use this skills for evil. She was persuasive (something Halsin admits he wasn't so good at), she presented herself as being concerned with the group's welfare in a way Halsin wasn't quite able to do (since his heart was elsewhere), and her zealotry seemed preferable to the other Druids in contrast to Halsin's mixed attention.
This cannot be understated: the Grove was deliberately targeted by Ketheric Thorm. He knew from experience that the Grove posed a significant threat, and he ordered his underlings to make contact with the Shadow Druids and send them to the Emerald Grove, to either persuade them to carry out the Rite of Thorns or at least cause so much division that the social bonds collapsed entirely and the Grove was left too divided to be able to accomplish anything. Ketheric and the Shadow Druids were able to find all of the above weaknesses and exploit them effortlessly.
So then it became a game of scapegoating, which is a favored recruitment technique of cults. "We're here because of the Other, and because our leader was too weak to fix the problem before it got this bad. We need a new leader; a leader who cares only for us and isn't afraid to tell the truth about these immigrants refugees who want to destroy America our Grove by leading gangsters and drug lords goblins right to us! Build the Wall Perform the Rite of Thorns!"
No one is immune to propaganda and everyone is a potential target for cults. It very well could be that all of the Druids, even Kagha, were once genuinely kind people who were manipulated by the cult into believing their kindnesses would get the Grove destroyed; they took on the "it's us or them" mentality.
For the timeframe to work, it either would have had to be happening in secret before Halsin left, or Halsin would have had to be gone for a while; since we know it wasn't TOO terribly long but hadn't JUST happened either, my guess is that Kagha had been spreading Shadow Druid doctrine in secret for some time, and had been planning to usurp Halsin's position even if he hadn't been kidnapped. That just made it easier once it happened. (There is a formal process within the Druids to challenge an Archdruid for their position; I don't know if Halsin even would have fought Kagha that hard if she kept her true intentions a secret. He had faith in her at this point after all, and didn't want the leadership position. That's a terrifying thought.)
So, then, Halsin comes back, and sees evil ideas spreading in all his Druids, starting with Kagha. Depending on the player's actions, he may or may not know it goes deeper than her. He can also see that his reputation has been severely damaged, if not ruined, in his absence; almost none of the Druids have any respect for him anymore. So he makes the wise decision to bring in Francesca, who they have no choice but to respect, and backs away himself. At this point, he intends to return someday when the Druids have been deprogrammed, but of course, later he decides it's not worth it anyway.
So back to: how bad must his life have been surrounded by that? Well, as mentioned, my headcanon is he wasn't surrounded by it very long, if at all. He thought everything was just normal, until he got back from being kidnapped and quickly found it very much wasn't. Whether that's better or worse, though, is up to interpretation. What's worse- seeing those you love fall victim to a cult, or thinking everything is completely fine, and then one day discovering they've been sucked in deep and there's nothing you can do to persuade them anymore since they've come to see you as The Enemy?
In any case, Halsin deserved much better, and I like to think he keeps in touch with Nettie, Rath, and Apikusis after the epilogue, even if he keeps his distance from the Grove itself.
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jackalopesao3 · 6 months
😐 Mmm not digging Mephistopheles constantly being targeted by the brothers.
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Idk I just feel bad for Mephisto. When I was a kid I was the friend that was constantly replaced and it stung. This poor fella was raised to be Dia’s bff. Literally that was to be his life’s purpose.
This whole exchange was just kinda weird. Like I get the truth serum wouldn’t affect Dia because he doesn’t lie but I just wish there was a bit more seriousness to it?
Also…why is Mammon pulling that particular prank on Dia and Mephi? That’s pretty cruel.
Edit: Someone brought up to me that maybe Mammon was trying to help Mephistopheles with problems - I’ve seen another post with that theory as well and while I’d love if that were the case, I don’t know that it is. Suddenly going from making fun of him in nearly every encounter to helping him within a few lessons seems odd to me. With the OG timeline I could see this being the case more than NB timeline as everyone’s been well settled in.
Or Mammon just targeted the two richest dudes for blackmail purposes (keep embarrassing secrets safe for money lol) or to get them to tell him their credit card numbers and Lucifer intercepted him before he could enact the second part of his plan.
There’s a lot of Mephisto bullying to be had lately and it’s kinda grossing me out. I get that he’s a rich, noble snob but it still rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Maybe because I was severely bullied for a large part of my childhood. 🤷
I don’t like bullies and when others gang up on one person and the other lesson with the brothers picking on Mephisto and now this is painting them in almost a bad light? I’m seriously not trying to white knight or whatever. He’s not one of my favs but it’s just bugging me.
And like yeah, I get it, he was rude to MC in the OG for a while but like he never ganged up on them with others. He literally just made some rude comments for the most part that doesn’t mean he deserves to be relentlessly bullied and made a constant target. I’d never wish that on anyone.
Anyways end rant. Please someone give this poor dude a hug.
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numbknee · 1 year
Why do you think Kyman gets so much hate? I can understand some things about what people don’t like about it but some of the things they say, the harassment is so out of pocket. Especially on Tik Tok! It is like a battle ground out there and they all will shoot you down immediately if you SAY anything. I just wanna love Kyman without it seeming like a punishment 😭😭
Dude I totally feel you. It's so much easier to live and let live so I don't understand how these ppl have the energy to be so aggressively hurtful all the time. This has been said before ad nauseum but for god's sake, it's JUST a fucking tv show. I'm too old for this shit.
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(longer explanation under the cut! like... extremely long lol I'm so sorry my thoughts about this have been building up for a while 😅)
I think the extremely aggressive kyman hate is a symptom of growing poor media literacy and the larger "purity culture" trend that's been present online for a while now. It's very reminiscent of American Evangelicalism or Puritanism, where members of the church have to follow a very specific set of rules for behaving and thinking and if you deviate from those rules in the slightest, you're shot down immediately by the community and shamed for being sinful and blasphemous, all to keep you on the "righteous path" and avoid burning in hell for eternity. This is why so many puritanical christians in the US hate themselves for doing what most of the world sees as normal behavior, and simultaneously force that self-hating worldview onto others to "save" them. (For example see this video by FD Signifier on youtube explaining how hardcore religious ppl/conservatives are doomed to be bad in bed because they see sex as "evil" when in reality it's a normal part of human behavior 😬 It's long but very good).
Though, it's important to note that ppl who think this way may not even be christian themselves, but the behavior is so pervasive in american culture that you absorb it even if you're not a puritanical christian. (for example, to quote Ian Danskin, athiests may think "I don't believe in god, but the god I don't believe in is Jehovah). Tons of the first generation of white USAmericans were exiled British puritans who were kicked out of their home country for essentially being self-righteous assholes and trying to force their shit worldview on everyone else lmao. And I think because so many online spaces are so USAmerican-centric, people from all over the world have started adopting that purity culture as well.
Now, South Park is extremely popular (duh). It's been around for decades so it has a ton of fans both old and new. Unfortunately a lot of new fans, especially young people, follow the show for very different reasons than the average normie/not-terminally-online viewer does. They take the characters out of their original context, use them like dolls to make their own stories and fan content, and ignore all the other blatantly controversial shit that's been going on in the show since day 1 (which is why so many exclusively make blasé creek fanworks imo). They want to keep their thoughts "pure" and only engage with content that's approved by the puritanical online community
It's extremely fitting but also sad that Cartman is the scapegoat for everything wrong with South Park, both in the show and in the real world. Either ppl don't want to acknowledge he exists, or ppl latch onto him and project all of that puritanical hatred toward him or anyone that likes his character. Hell, even I'M guilty of this kind of thinking before I watched the show and understood Cartman's character better.
Kyman in particular is a target BECAUSE it involves Cartman, but also because people boil it down to shipping a nazi with a jew which, at the surface level, seems horrible! But if you've ever actually WATCHED the goddamn show, you know that is an extremely reductive and inaccurate interpretation of their characters. It's horribly poor media literacy. These ppl CANNOT seem to comprehend that you can enjoy watching a character who's a "bad person" without condoning their actions, and that enjoying the shipping dynamic of such characters DOES NOT make you a bad person by proxy.
A huge role of fiction as media is to explore ideas that may be harmful in the real world in a safe way because... *gasp* it's imaginary!! It makes you think and experience emotions you may not have the opportunity for otherwise! However, in the eyes of puritans, the fact you're even thinking about something like that makes you a sinner. It's a thought crime, which is why they consider us mentally "sick" for shipping kyman. So, they send hate at the drop of a hat and publicly vilify kyman shippers to reinforce that behavior with each other, all to say "Hey look at me!!! I'm a Good Person! see how much of a Good Person I am??? I'm gonna go to HEAVEN, and YOU'RE going to HELL". Like I said before, it's not that they necessarily believe in heaven or hell, but that's the general root of the behavior. It's performative puritan dog-piling. Also, because they haven't even fucking watched the whole show, they conveniently ignore all the other horrible shit the show portrays because random kyman shippers online are easy targets while Matt & Trey are gajillionaires who are essentially un-cancellable for things they do on the show at this point because, to quote Trey: For anyone to go up and go "Did you see this thing on South Park? That was really offensive" someone's gonna be like "Dude shut up 😒 that's just South Park".
Geez man this got super fucking long lmao. But my advice is to please take care of yourself because, and this super cliché to say, but FUCK the haters dude 🖕🖕🖕 You're engaging with media that brings you joy and exploring interesting ideas with a community of awesome artists/writers/meta-analysts and more. This is supposed to be FUN!! Anyone who tries to take that away from you or shame you into stopping is a fucking immature, holier-than-thou asshole who needs to get a fucking life. The block button is your friend, so use it early and often. You have the power to curate your own online space, and you shouldn't subject yourself to dealing with these dickheads (this is a big reason why I don't have a tiktok lol)
Good luck dude, and keep on shipping kyman 😎🤘❤️💚
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Random Lackadaisy Pilot Thoughts:
-- I knew going in that I would have a fundamental disagreement with this pilot, from both knowing median audience preferences and seeing promotional documents; namely Rocky. Rocky is your zany lyrical comic relief character, who says things like this all the time:
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And everyone in universe treats him like that police officer does; as an annoying lunatic. On the page this level of court jester can work; no one is reading it aloud to me, I can go at my own pace, others in-universe are responding the way I would respond in-universe, I can appreciate the dynamic. As spoken dialogue though, its a lot harder - he is talking *at* me, I am no longer a distant observer but instead just like one of the characters in the story, feeling what they are feeling; namely, cringe.
So how do you execute a character like Rocky on screen? A lot of ways (he isn't an issue at all if this is a comedy or a musical, for example) but overall I think you need to pair him off and reduce him - he should be playing off people most of the time, talk like 40% less, get interrupted more, his lines should often be set-ups for eye-roll punchlines by others. You balance him for the reality of film.
However! Rocky is also the 'protagonist' - not really, but he is the first character we meet - and a fan favourite. Western animation 'loves' zany weirdo characters, he is flash you can use to position your product in the market. So Rocky is not reduced in the pilot, he is expanded - full solo opening, musical number, lots of setpiece sequences around him. He is absolutely the primary character of the pilot. Which does not work for me, I think it was a poor choice - it sells the story itself short.
-- Related to that, I think the Rocky choice and some others frayed the story's film noir tone. Lackadaisy is famous amoung webcomics for its out-of-this-world levels of detailed shading and toning, which it uses to build a city of shadows and light:
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Its the kind art that sells a troubled man torturing his bounty for information about his own dark past for pyschological reasons. There is just no way an indie long-form animated show can look like this, they aren't Studio Shaft. So your Mordecai is gonna look like this
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Which is fine, but you are bleeding film noir points, you need to make them up elsewhere - which you cannot do if zany Rocky is your lead and 60% of the run time is combat shenanigans! This pilot is selling a very different vision of the story; its aesthetics have been altered by the demands of the medium, and the story isn't calibrated to that to preserve the comic's balance (which is equally serious & comedic).
There is also a plotting issue behind this to - the pilot does not start the same way as the comic, in the comic Rocky's opponents are some unimportant farmhands he is robbing, meanwhile Mordecai is introduced in full targeting some equally unimportant dudes. Which means people get to die, fight scenes can get brutal, it can pivot from comedic to serious by escalating the stakes. However, since this pilot is all main characters, they all have plot armor, no one can die, so the tone has to stay zany. The characters cant bleed, so the film noir points continue to do so for them.
-- Lol these short thoughts ballooned, sorry! I definitely still liked it, I love Lackadaisy after all. Something I did like was that, even though it could not preserve the sepia-shadow detail of the comic, when given the space it did a lot of great things with lighting, special effects and staging to give it visual flair. Rocky's bridge song has a lot of that:
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And the final cigar-ash-burning-the-flower shot was a great all-into-our-vibe choice:
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When the pilot chose to be fully art deco or film noir, it really hit it.
-- This pilot is a great example of industry shaping art. This is not a short, its a pilot; a pilot is a pitch letter to production studios asking them to pick up your show. That is a different ask from "be a good first episode for your story". It wants to introduce all the cast because everyone has their favourites and you want to maximize buzz with casting like their voice actors and stuff. It wants to be flashy with a lot of combat and movement because that is what a studio thinks the 'median' audience member wants from a cartoon. It probably toned down the blood because as a cartoon in America it needs to be pitched for an all-ages demo and doesn't want box itself into a corner ratings-wise. The ways it deviates from the comic are probably less artistic desire and instead a combination of the medium-is-the-message and the realities of how a show like this is financed if its going to reach a full cour. I can't fault it for any of that, and it really helps to know those things as you are watching it imo.
-- What is up with the rough pencil motion lines still in the final cut??
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This isn't a budget or accident thing, these shots are fully colored and lit and all that, removing those lines would have been trivial. At least I think they should have been. It seems an intentional choice, but it kindof baffles me, why? Someone must have explained this somewhere, I am legitimately asking, if you know tell me.
-- Lots of great Cat Moments, Mordecai hissing at the water, amazing. We need at least one an episode if this gets picked up.
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dizzymoogle · 2 months
So in my Big Fish fishing journey, the only Shadowbringers Legendaries I've attempted so far are Cinder Surprise and Ealad Skaan. I have gotten a bite on Cinder but that's about it. The others I haven't even attempted...until today.
So I log on this morning randomly....it's 5 a.m...and I notice Lancetfish has a window coming up in 17 mins. Mora Tecta, the fish needed for fisher's intuition to catch Lancetfish is coming up in 11 mins.
I have not attempted this fish so I pull up the "Fisher's Guide to Eorzea" by Fruity Snacks and read up on it.
Great, Mora Tecta has a five min window...is a rare bite, tends to get away and break your line a lot. It's rare to get both fish for the buff in one window so most people get one fish in an earlier window then sit around in the Tempest waiting for the next window that lines up with Lancetfish....which could mean HOURS waiting in the zone.
So I'm like yeah this probably isn't happening but I'll make an attempt. I'll come back in four hours when the next windows line up.
I go out there, there's already another fisher there waiting. I cast my line out, surface slap the first fish I catch. Another fisher shows up before the window pops.
Window opens and we all start casting for the Mora Tecta. The fisher that was there first gets one about a minute or so in....I see her line dipping super low. The guy next to me goes "nice!" in say.
Timer is ticking down. Less then three mins left on the window and I finally get a !!! bite. I land it
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Okay....got one. lol
Ain't no way I'm gonna get a second one and I ain't staying around for four hours till the next Lancetfish window but we'll keep casting.
Less then a minute left on the window:
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Okay so this happening now ROFL
Now I have my buff (that lasts 11 mins thank god) and the Lancetfish window is coming up in one minute and it has a five minute window.
Switch baits, cast out and surface slap another fish. Now I'm ready. Ain't no way I'm getting this fish but an attempt will be made lol
Mora Tecta window closes. Poor dude that showed up with two mins left on the window ports out. First fisher sits on the ground for a minute then yells "gl" then ports out
Guy that was next to me has been targeting me cause I see him looking at me. He comes over and sits next to me while I start casting out for Lancetfish. I have an audience for my upcoming failure lmao
I'm casting out, using Chum every cast. Two mins left on the window, phone rings and I'm talking to my husband while all this is going on...and then I get the !!! bite....and I stand up when I go to hook it!
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LMFAO the guy that stayed was jumping up and down while I was reeling it in
Then he starts cheering at me with the glow sticks when I get it
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I'm just standing there in shock after he ports away lmao
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Well anyways there goes alllllllll my luck for the other five Shadowbringers Legendary fish lol
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Double Agent Droid"
Don't mess with Hera's droid, y'all.
Zeb and Ezra fistbumping in solidarity and relief that they're not the ones doing this mission.
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I still cannot believe they sampled "Anything You Can Do" from Annie Get Your Gun, the audacity and wackiness of that choice.
Wedge regretting all of his life choices now lol.
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Right so the Stormtroopers don't make Chopper... wait at all? While the scanner is thinking? They just let him through the doors while it's still deciding if he's legit or not?
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I'm sorry, these guys are just... so bizarre. The one dude with glasses that looks uncannily like Pablo Hidalgo just takes me RIGHT of the immersion.
*whispers* What do they even do?
Also why does the Controller sound way more human than the others????
I have so many questions and even AP and Chopper's bickering can't distract me from them.
Bond Villain Stupidity in not alerting the station.
Though... does anyone actually... work here? We see the other AP droid and no one else inside the facility at all.
The Controller is thinking to capture the base coordinates from Chopper. Not a bad plan but fortunately Hera wipes his memory banks between every mission, because as much as she loves her droid she can't risk compromising the safety of the Rebellion's operations and therefore takes reasonable precautions in case Chopper gets lost, stolen, or captured, Anakin.
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Who are you, weird glasses man?
I'm not sure why the Alliance needs the orbital clearance codes for Lothal. They're not exactly planning to sneak in through the blockcade when they make their attack. Unless they planned on using the Quasar carrier or something to get behind the blockade and then release a whole bunch of fighters while in atmosphere?
Like, this wouldn't be an issue if the episode had not established, specifically, "We need these codes for the eventual attack on Lothal." If they had just needed updated codes to get in and out through the blockade since they'd been changed or cycled out that would be one thing but as it is....
Yooooooouuu are gonna need to run those numbers again my man, there's no way you had close to any kind of 80% chance of getting near the Rebel base.
Chopper being nice is immediately suspicious.
Controller dude is doing a terrible job impersonating Chopper, which is why this was a dumb plan to begin with.
"We must appease him [AP-5]." Literally the opposite of what Chopper would do, you need to actually study your targets before trying to impersonate them, why are y'all so bad at this?
This is one of those tropes that annoys me, when the impersonator is doing such a bad job of playing the target that it should ping people's suspicions or at least make them ask what the hell is up with them.
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Poor Wedge is such a butt monkey in this episode but it is hilarious.
Rebels said don't be so quick to discount conspiracy theories, send note.
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To AP-5's credit, Ezra and Hera do ping Chopper's behavior as weird.
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Ezra honey, please sit on the furniture like a normal person lol.
All right, some props in that we figure things are funky much quicker than most characters in this type of scenario.
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Who's... who's room is that?
*mental map of the ship*
Gotta be Hera's, right? Closest to the cockpit, correct side... Except it doesn't look like the props and assets from Hera's room so I dunno.
*rubs temples* Why do they need a data spike to decode the navicomputer? Chopper never needed to do anything put plug in to access the navicomputer before, this is only to add a ticking clock device isn't it?
Some people questioned why Ezra didn't use his lightsaber, which could have been a plot hole except for one I'm sure Hera would severely disapprove of her ship being chopped up and two... he doesn't have his lightsaber, it's not clipped to his belt anywhere.
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Ezra managing to hang on to Zeb here is kind of impressive, actually.
You can tell Chopper's compromised and trying to find the base from the hold computer? Really?
"We don't have spacesuits." YOU GET 'EM LATER THOUGH, LOLOL.
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I'm sorry I cannot take you seriously dude, lol.
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Ooooh Hera mad.
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See, Ezra knows.
That's... not even remotely how that works, Hera, but okay,
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This genuinely sad moment deserved such a better episode.
The unhinged insanity that is AP-5 almost breaking into a musical number.
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Wedge getting caught in the crossfire lol.
This episode is... I don't even know. Nothing about it makes sense, it has moments of genuine hilarity but they're mismatched pieces in a weird patchwork of tropes and plot elements that are disjointed and slapdash and I just--*rubs face over hands*--it's so BIZARRE and it's funny in a way but I can't I just... can't.
Not even trying to superficially tie this into Thrawn's search for the base gives this enough plot relevance, I would... I would not keep this episode. Like, either fold some of this into "Warhead" to make that stronger or axe this entirely and wholecloth replace it with something else. (Maybe another episode of Ezra struggling with his holocron addiction since people were apparently so pressed that that arc was short.)
I think even the show was embarrassed about this one, I remember we would usually get an episode preview in the Rebels Recon and a TV spot before each new episode and with this one they just kind of... skipped ahead to talking about "Twin Suns", ha ha.
Final verdict I guess? I would save the funny bits and try to put them in a different episode but otherwise this episode is kind of a skip.
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calekinnieplus · 9 months
Well, would you look at that? 6 hours of reading time today, lovely. I've reached chapter 448 of LOTM and it is time to reveal what specifically I've read today!
(I never warn of spoilers, but I'll try to get into the habit just in case? Spoilers for Lord of the Mysteries novel all the way to chapter 448)
First things first... the introduction of the mirror! Or rather, I can't remember if the mirror was introduced in previous chapter, but its attitude with Klein was first witnessed in these recent chapters, so anyway. Arrodes, was it? Good mirror. I like it. Very good mirror heh.
Next, Klein is getting involved in so much shit now unintentionally, I can barely keep track of it lmao. Like? His luck is remarkable in both ways. Bad for getting him Into those situation, good for getting him Out of them. So, it's certainly fun.
Speaking of getting involved in shit...
The Aurora Order is targeting the Fool, that's cool. Due to that, various bounty hunters also look for clues. Rose School of Thought's High-Sequence Beyonder is still keeping an eye out for that mysterious Beyonder who helped Sharron and Maric. Then there's the Heist High-Beyonder, looking for Hero Bandit Dark Emperor, or what was his name, I forget. Deffo Dark Emperor. Yeah, the Dark Emperor is a target not just to that Beyonder, but also to the official Beyonders. Just like the one behind the tarot crimes heh. Oh yeah, and the Fool again, for the officials.
Yeah... Klein certainly has to watch his back from all directions. Oh yeah I forgot to mention the royal family and Amon lol. How could I.
Speaking of royal family! Talim's death? Sus. And Klein actually glimpsed the one responsible. Damn. Ah, and Aaron's Snake of Mercury is also sus.
(Poor Klein, everything around him is like a ticking time bomb)
At least he's closer to advancing...
Oh! And he's glimsing the Machinery Hivemind operation through Arrodes, that's useful.
What else did I miss... oh yeah, the others.
Audrey successfully building relationship with Psychology Alchemists, Fors building relationship with the Abraham Family, Duke Negan was assassinated, the suspicion over Derrick is slowly dissipating, Alger is a crafty fox, Emlyn is hilarious as ever, Leonard is going through it, Mr. Door is quite a mysterious fellow, Twilight Hermit Order is bound to be troublesome later on, Amon is quite an intriguing fellow, albeit... dangerous. Detective Isengard aka Eye of Wisdom is an epic dude, he's cool. Ian, the kid from the first big case is an arms dealer now?? Lmao. And lastly... I love Klein, okay? Thank you for your attention, until the next update :>
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luimagines · 2 years
Okay but think about how badass a reader that has the ability to control flora would be. Need a specific herb for that dish? They've got you. Need a softer place to sleep? Just wait a minute, they'll make a nice plant bed for ya. Wanna smell better? They're already growing very fragrant herbs and flowers.
Many members of the chain feel as though the reader would be easily harmed in a fight because they tend to create/grow flora that are easily destroyed. That is the general consensus until they encounter three lynels (I have no idea if they actually travel in groups please go with it 😅)
The chain's protective instincts kick in and the smallest + reader kick in immediately. However, our dear reader is far from helpless. They are targeted by one of the three lynels, but before any of the Links can react, thick, coarse vines with thorns, and tree roots rocket out of the ground, restraining the beast. The beast puts up one hell of a fight, no surprise there, but the reader has it handled. The thorns grow exponentially, causing the lynel to begin to bleed out. The lynel's weapons and other gear are ripped away. With one final push from the reader, a vine penetrates a wound in its chest and expands until the lynel is no more.
With one beast slain, the reader moves on to protect any Links that may have fallen by creating nearly impenetrable canopies over them. When that is finished, they jump into the rest of the fights by once again restraining the beast, taking its gear, and ultimately allowing the Links to land finishing blows much easier than other fights.
After everything is settled, the wounded have their canopies withdraw so Hyrule and the reader can tend to them. Sky got a pretty nasty hit to the head, and Wars had quite the laceration ranging from his shoulder blade to the other side of his ribs.
Reader carries seeds that have been blessed by the fairies in their world that will grow into plants that have immense healing properties. The two get them fixed up. With the little energy they have left, the reader creates one large canopy that will enable them to camp for the night with (hopefully) minimal problems.
I believe the reactions of the chain would be as follows (please add on if you want!!!)
Time: taken aback for exactly 0.5 seconds before getting back to it
Twilight: will probably ask reader to grow an ordon pumpkin (he carries pumpkin seeds around lol, gotta have snacks that double as slingshot ammo)
Warriors: wants to know how tf a plant chrysalis suddenly encased him, then is thankful the reader can hold their own in more ways than one
Legend: "you couldn't have done that earlier?"
Wild: wants them to spar with him only using their magic abilities and staying in one spot... and other shenanigans involving natural sedatives/stimulants
Sky: once he wakes up, he's confused until wind excitedly tells him about how badass the reader is. Then he's disappointed he didn't get to see it lol
Wind: in awe, a little jealous, mostly wants to partake in plant shenanigans and hijinks with wild
Hyrule: 0-0
- can I assign myself an emoji and establish myself as a consistent anon? I totally get it you don't want to do that :) if yes, can I be ☀️?
Also, how do you feel about longer asks like this? I don't wanna cross any boundaries
Absolutely Sunshine!
I have a masterlist for anons who send in literal stories. I don't mind the length at all. :D
I have a few regulars as it is, so take a seat and relax, we're all friends here.
Also this Reader gave a bit of Poison Ivy vibes.... just.. with out the whole backstory and desire to wipe out humanity.
Time would probably want to know how it would work the way it does. I bet he's seen some flora magic before. But with their powers, can they make the deku tree grow any bigger than the mere sprout he currently is?
Wild.... no drugs dude, chill. This won't count into your enchanted food.
Poor Sky though. He didn't get to see Reader save the day and be the best of the group for a chance.
Wind is totally going to rub it in his fac- I mean, recount the entire thing with theatrical flair. :) Obviously.
.....And with Warrior, I guess the only thing that comes to mind is from Critical Role Campaign Two... with Forge in the seaweed roll. I won't go too into it for spoiler reasons. But he comes out a bit beefier.... So Warrior less of a twink then?
The rest are stellar. Spot on interpretation. Thank you for your contribution. XD
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Azure Moon - Chapter 10
We are now in part 2 of Azure Moon
Ashe is worried about what will happen between the Kingdom and the Alliance after the war a bit but... why? Listen, we know Claude is a snake but we don’t really have a reason to be suspicious of the Alliance this time around. 
An NPC talks about all the commoners who have been promoted to high positions in the Kingdom. Wow, it’s like all the lords wanted to make these changes to their lands or something...
Gilbert was sent to the Alliance? No, give him back. I don’t share my dilf harems.
The Central Church is helping refugees from the Empire, the very people who once attacked them. Jesus, this game has two routes where the Church is “evil” and yet this route is just tearing all that down. 
Whoa, the main theme of Houses (and Foldan) is a motif in the background for the camp music. Did they do that too for the other routes and I just wasn’t paying attention? Totally possible. 
There is an NPC who was helped by Dimitri. He lifted a wagon out of the mud for her, and she didn’t find out till later that it was the king. Cute. 
Yuri says being hired was a formality- he has friends and family in the Kingdom so he’s happy to be back. 
There is an Imperial General in the camp that joined the Kingdom. Says Ferdinand and Hubert are missing. They are 100% dead, I tell you. Lame....
Uhh.... What do you mean, Felix, that you thought the emperor’s actions were rash but not totally unreasonable? Do you mean the war? Uhhh, no one was liking it six months ago. Unless you mean the reforms? I have no FUCKING clue but you better not mean the war was not unreasonable.
Some NPC is talking smack about Kingdom food. But dude, we ARE in a war. Grub is war food, deal. 
I’m disappointed we didn’t get... more out of Miklan’s death. Sylvain does mention his mom is taking is hard since she loved him as if he was his own son, but I feel like... there should have been more? Disappointing. 
Seteth doesn’t really have issues about people not being religious but he would like to see the faith spread. He has issues with the Western and Eastern Churches in their own ways
Damn, Dimitri passed out for three days after the last big battle? Poor Dedue, must have worried him sick
Randolph appears in a side map. This boy will die soon, I know it, lol
So the Empire is now just destroying fucking everything. And they suspect the emperor is a mere puppet. 
And now the Western Church is attacking? Oh, whoa, now the main map has changed. I’m trying to remember if GW did something similar. I don’t recall, honestly. I’ll have to check back on my recordings, but I don’t think so. 
A little annoyed that they are doing the ol’ switcharoo, a surprise attack and changing targets. Not as bad as GW did but still, annoying.
Ah, the Slithers are involved. Cornelia’s people rearing their ugly heads. 
Shez is really wondering how he is related to Thales, Tomas, and Cornelia. 
Ah, we recruit Balthus this time. Interesting. 
Metodey is on this map! My evil son! And he’s an Imperial General and not just a bandit this time.
Oh wait, Balthus is an ally, not an enemy? Very interesting indeed. I think that makes more allies you can recruit than the other two routes but I’m not sure. Technically he did join the other side but he’s decided to not help them since they are killing innocents. 
We aren’t even in Kingdom territory, they are just killing anyone really.
Metodey is dead. Myson says that we are only descendants of inconsequential beasts. 
Even the Western Church is like “nah man, I’m out of here, this slaughter sucks”. But we took them out for being assholes anyways. 
Whoa, Myson actually approaches Shez, asking how he got the power of Epimenides. Hmmm... his core? I guess that’s what is implanted into Shez. Then the asshole fled. 
Shez is starting to fear his power. He’s is sure he is connected to the Slithers now. 
Man, this route is doing a better job with the Slithers and Shez tbh. 
But I think SB still does the best with the Byleth/Shez dynamic, alas. 
Claude. Hi there. 
He’s trying to make it look like they are attacking the Empire to keep them distracted as we try to take back the monastery. I... kinda forgot that’s what we were doing, lol. 
Ah, those traitorous houses are keeping their lands for now, but have new people in place to keep them from being assholes again. 
No one really trusts Claude though. Which is a bit odd, since they really haven’t done anything to warrant this distrust in this route. 
Rodrigue is asking if Dimitri can strike down his stepsister.
“In a way, she and I are no different. Starting wars of our own volition”. UH, NO. HOLY FUCK, I AM SO TIRED OF THIS ROUTE INSISTING THEY STARTED A FUCKING WAR. 
Whoa, Patricia left a note behind. 
It was a request from her to another traitorous house to help her kill her husband, and as well as express sympathies to the changes Lambert was bringing that the house was going so suffer through.
Dimitri says Patricia always looked past him, as if she was looking for something else entirely. 
“There is no guarantee that a parent will love their child” True, but cold as fuck. Did Patricia every truly love Dimitri? 
Shez would rather die than kill Dimitri (much to Arval’s horror)
Catherine, Ashe, and Yuri....
Catherine and Ashe talk about what happened in the past (but we don’t get to see it. Well, we learn about it in Houses anyways). 
Then Ashe went off. Now he’s in trouble, Ashe is surrounded. Catherine and Yuri are worried about him. 
The enemies are after Ashe. House Gaspard in particular. They probably think of him as a traitor. 
Yuri has a lot of confidence in him. He roots for him because they both came from nothing. 
Ashe starts to doubt himself and his chosen path. Thankfully, Yuri is very supportive and snaps him out of it and encourages him. 
Pallardo? Wtf, why is he here as the commander? 
Did we kill him? Will he not play a role in the main story like the other two routes? 
Well, it’s weird that Pallardo is the one who started the attack... like, why? Weird. A little forced, but I like the idea behind the paralogue overall. Just wish it wasn’t fucking Pallardo. 
Ok Yuri and Ashe.... now kiss. 
Or am I?
The other paralogue available is Lorenz, Raphael, and Ignatz. We have already done that one, so I won’t comment on it here. 
Lots of Supports Opened up after the time skip!
Dimitri and Felix A - The only thing I find disappointing is I wish we got a bit more main story build up to this one But beyond that.....
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And more of what he suffers!
Dimitri’s “enjoyment” that Felix saw all those years ago was Dimitri smiling at the voices cheering, not his own glee to be killing. 
Felix is actually being fucking nice for once. 
And Felix likes being Dimitri’s right-hand man!
Ok, this wasn’t feeling too shippy until..... Felix literally carrying Dimitri to bed.
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Dimitri and Dedue A - “Dedue, would you avenge me if I asked?”
“Yes, I would”
“If I told you to forget me and live in happiness, would you?”
“No, I could not know happiness without you by my side” 
“Perhaps if I had been born to a different fate, I could have traveled with you as a mercenary. Or be a farmer” 
“Every time I see you slumped over your desk, I fear death as taken you”
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T-they were written to be a couple right.... RIGHT?!
Sylvain and Ashe A - Sylvain wants to steal Ashe for his territory (but Ashe only serves Dimitri). Dimitri, however, has asked Ashe to consider taking over Lonato’s territory instead of being a knight forever. Looks like Ashe is seriously considering it, especially for Lonato’s legacy. I like this support, seeing them being friends and stuff. Ashe is right, though, Sylvain has always been a serious man deep down. 
Dedue and Annette A - Dedue is stressing over the fact that the gap between him and Relic users is so big. He’s opening up. He’s jealous. But Annette says he is awesome (and he is!) because he can really just do about anything- sew, cook, garden, swing a big axe, woo Dimitri....
Mercedes and Ingrid A - Cute support. Not much to say, really. Just nice. Ingrid is looking out for her squires by being strict. Mercedes brings sweets. Mercedes just being a big sister, really. 
Mercedes and Annette A - A much better support chain than from Houses. Friends forever <3. Travel together, grow old together, and many more things. 
Annette and Shez A - Shez hasn’t seen sheet music before. Oh, and a mercenaries dying was singing Annette’s song till his last breath, smiling. That is fucking depressing as shit. 
Shez and Seteth A - With many saints resting at the monastery, it must be really hard to know that Seteth can’t go back to his home. To him, it was a safe haven at last, only to be taken away. Seteth at least is trusting Shez now. 
Shez and Flayn A - Flayn and Seteth were alone, only each other, for a very long time. Poor Flayn, she just wants a normal life, but being a dragon basically means she won’t be able to, huh?
Shez and Sylvain A - “I feel bad we roped you into this war” Uhh... Sylvain? Shez is from Foldan. The war is literally ALL over. He was roped into it by literally existing there. But you mean the battle on the kingdom side, fine, just bad wording. But Sylvain says they are fighting for their homes. The Kingdom is a rough place, but it’s theirs. Oh, and he’s still working on that gun. 
Shez and Felix B - Shez has a hard-to-read fighting style because he developed it himself. That’s... that’s it, really. Felix’s style is.... apparently “reacting to how things play out” which is how... fighting works, Shez.
Ingrid and Shez A - There has been some prosperity in the Kingdom despite the war. And Ingrid is thinking about how she can better help Dimitri in the future, like teaching farming, even if she couldn’t be a knight. Shez is going to have a hard time being everyone’s personal merc (he throws his offer to quite a few people in their A support). 
Shez and Felix A - Rodrigue taught Felix the fighting stuff. But it’s their family style of fighting for generations. But Felix is too keen, he feels like Shez talks to someone in his head in battle (and he is, lol). 
Felix and Ingrid A - Aw, Felix was worried that Ingrid may have gotten injured and came to check. And it’s nice to see Felix might be fucking learning a lesson, about “sentimentality” and maybe the dead helping the living. Then Felix suggests she go put flowers on Glenn’s grave. I liked this one. 
Felix and Sylvain A - Felix defended Sylvain when someone soldiers were talking smack about him. Felix, you tsundere. But uh, Sylvain, why did you have to play that role? You really honestly didn’t have to. That’s just bullshit. Holy fuck, Felix is blushing now, saying how Sylvain helps Dimitri and himself. 
Annette and Ashe A - Annette really wants to be a teacher. That’s it, really. (Maybe an implication there are more schools? Idk).
Ingrid and Sylvain A - Sylvain is such a big brother, lol. He is happy to see Ingrid eat a good meal. I mean, I know they can become a romantic couple, but eh. The four of the childhood friends are family. (Makes her death in SB hit even harder). 
Dimitri and Bernie A - What a waste. 
Literally, it’s just Flayn’s support about Dimitri eating food that tastes bad because he literally can’t taste. 
Except annoying as fuck. 
Shez and Dimitri A - Hm. Well, Hopes really want to push this idea that people don’t have a choice in life due to the way things are. Like... being a prince. Which is what Edelgard wants to end. So does Claude, technically. But... Dimitri’s choice in Houses when he decides to live for himself is to quite literally... to make his people life a happy and peacefully life. It’s really no different than what Hopes Dimitri wishes to do, honestly, just that he’s viewing it a bit differently. 
Plus, the truth is is that people sometimes don’t have a choice. That’s just life. I don’t have a choice to work. I have to work, I have to make money. Some people are rich enough to have that choice.
What about someone who has to care for another person? They didn’t get a choice either, unless they decide to abandon that person. 
The reality is is that life is not fair. And we must choose to live life we can with what was given to us. 
And technically speaking, Dimitri CAN abandon the throne if he really wants to. He just has too much of a strong sense of duty to even do that. 
I also think people are putting his “Upon my death” thing a little wrongly. Yes, he would be “happy to die”, but he also says he would be happy knowing that he created a world of peace for his people. Sure, it comes with his death, but it’s the idea that he could look back and see that he was able to make a difference throughout his entire life. 
It’s is a bit dismal since he can’t think of anything else, but I think most of the discourse around this particular line is just focusing on the wrong aspects of it. The real issue should be not the death part, but that it’s all he could think of. That he can’t focus on the more simple pleasures, the things like feasting with friends or watching a sunset. That’s the bigger issue. 
Dedue and Ingrid A - Dedue is a fucking giant, lol. But my man is a fountain of wisdom. “It’s human nature to generalize” Yup. This is a great support. Also, nice to see Ingrid’s love of food playing a bigger role in these supports. Oh...  oh no, Dedue is going to scold Dimitri for just walking around and going to places like a random inn, even if it’s run by a Duscur person and even if Ingrid is by his side, lol. Poor Dimitri. Poor Dedue.
Marianne and Ingrid C - Why wouldn’t Ingrid know that a horse would need more hay than oats? She’s... grown up around pegasi and shit.... :/ Also, I haven’t talked about this much, but Marianne basically being able to understand animals in such fine detail is basically a superpower. Is it a Crest thing? They never attribute it to Crests but surely it’s basically a crest thing. 
Dimitri and Mercedes A - Mercedes shows Dimitri the town she took shelter in. Dimitri hides the fact he is king, as he usually does. Basically, she is showing him what he is protecting. Places like this village, a nice little place where everyone is accepted. Then Mercedes teases Dimitri that she will just introduce him as someone very important (making him flustered, since it implies they are together). Of course, she was just teasing. Not really a ship I care about but it’s sweet. 
Shez and Dedue A - Very cute, just Dedue earning the trust of fellow Kingdom Knights, and that Dedue trusts Shez despite his powers. (Followed by if he did betray him or Dimitri he would cut him down in an instant, lol)
Shez and Catherine C - Man, I wish we could actually meet Count Charon. Catherine is basically just super loyal to Rhea, and for Shez to challenge himself and make his past self proud. 
Felix and Raphael C - Felix is being weirdly nice and sharing his food with the hungry guy. “Meat buddy” kek. And Petra is mentioned. Can you not get this support if you don’t recruit Petra, or does the line change? 
Catherine and Dedue C - Dedue is a little suspicious at first cause Catherine showed up out of nowhere. It’s a town of Duscur people and they don’t follow the teachings of Seiros. But Rhea decided to help the town out of the goodness of her heart, nothing more. (The town suffered a major fire). 
Damn, more “starting a war in the process for us” why tf does everyone keep forgetting the Empire started the war? 
Seteth and Yuri C - Yuri is investigating the Ten Elites because he doesn’t know where his Crest has come from. He had heard the Ten Elites did not get their Crests at birth so he wanted to start there. Seteth encourages him and says that not to hate the power but to cherish it. But Seteth clearly knows something more. 
Yuri and Dimitri C - “A funny knight” lol, cute way to describe Dimitri. (But what kid says “obtuse”, damn educated commoner kids, lol). (Also, Dimitri completely unfazed by being called “idiot”). Yuri is pissed that Dimitri is waltzing around unprotected and unguarded in unsafe streets, since if he dies a huge war of succession will break out. But Dimitri wants to learn about the commoners as much as possible, to see how they live and to understand them better. Then, Dimitri asks Yuri to protect him then, which Yuri finds amusing and agrees. 
What I find particularly ironic about this support is that Yuri says the area isn’t a outright slum but still dangerous to the king. However, in Houses, Dimitri quite literally lives in slums for 5 years. Dimitri in Houses def understand the common folk better than probably any nobles, and maybe even some commoners. 
Catherine and Dedue B - Catherine is impressed that trust between Duscur and the kingdom is there. Then they compare Rhea and Dimitri to each other, that they can’t abandon people in need. (Also, Catherine says that she not religious at all). And apparently Rhea and Dimitri are often seen with children. (Which is funny, because Dimitri worries about being with children since he doesn’t know how to act with them, yet he enjoys being with them). Damn, this entire support really tears down the “RHEA IS EVIL” nonsense, truly. 
Damn, but what a way to end that support “But if they cross swords, we would kill each other without hesitation.” Damn girl calm down.
Sylvain and Ignatz C - Some culture lore, there are different painting styles across the nations. Apparently the lady in the painting (an Imperal painting apparently) looks kind, like Lady Rhea per Ignatz’s words. Sylvain thinks the lady might be Miklan’s mother since she is from the Empire. 
Also, Sylvain is interested in fucking everything, kek. Saint Macuil is apparently associated with birds (lol, makes sense). Kingdom is also not super good with art, not in their general interests. But Sylvain is (despite it originally being because he wanted to impress the ladies).
Annette and Lorenz C - Lorenz mistook Annette for a maid years ago when they were back at the school of sorcery. And was an ass about it years ago. I still like Lorenz but yeah, he’s sometimes an ass to commoners. Lorenz left the school not long after that because of the Tragedy. 
Sylvain and Yuri C - Apparently, the two of them have been keeping an eye on each other. Sylvain has been waiting for Yuri to make a wrong move. But Yuri respects Sylvain, despite calling him cunning and very dangerous. But he’s right, Sylvain is dangerous, despite all the smiles and playing a fool often. I would even argue Sylvain is more dangerous than Felix or Dimitri. Those idiots wear their hearts on their sleeves. Sylvain is sneakier. In a way, Sylvain is kinda the Hubert to Dimitri, the clever one who keeps their ear to the ground and swords pointed to the backs of those they don’t trust. Except, Sylvain isn’t as evil or doesn’t stoop nearly as low. 
Whoever wrote Sylvain for Hopes really knew the character. I’m impressed. 
Annette and Ignatz C - Annette’s model literally just materialized, lol. Anyway, Ignatz is worried if he’s a good knight or not. So asks about Gustave, who is legendary. Apparently, he was just a soldier over 40 years ago at the royal castle. Lambert, who was still just a kid, was fucking around and fell off a ledge. Gustave saved his life by fucking throwing his spear and pinning the young prince’s clothes to a wall, saving his life. That got him promoted to being a knight. Then he changed his training to throwing a spear at leaves to a tree trunk. This motherfucker never missed a day of training (and it’s no wonder his training regiment with Dimitri was so... intense.). Ignatz becomes... disheartened. Who can blame him? Gustave doesn’t have a Crest but the dude is a legend. Why isn’t he as legendary as Holst?!
That’s my DILF, he belongs in my harem.
Royal Territories of Faerghus: Book Two (1180 Edition)
A margraviate situated at the northernmost point of Foldan. 
The Ruska Mountains on its foreign border guard against invasion from Sreng. Most of its territory is covered in conifer woodlands and the climate remains cold year-round. 
Chief products are fish and lumber, but the vast plains around the capital also allow for raising of cattle. 
A desolate county of rugged rocky mountains and barren plains. 
Ill-suited for farming, has very few large-scale settlements,
Does boast the exact type of pasture favored by pegasi near its Fraldarius border. Has become well known for its pegasi stock. 
A small but beautiful barony. Coastal cities have become a hub of commerce through trade with Albinea. 
A viscounty with northern mountains that produce gold, albeit in modest amounts. 
A county. Features robust ironworks and smithing centered around Arianrhod. East is known for its Bacchus production. 
A viscounty that boasts unique culture due to influence of the Western Church.
A grand duchy. Mercenary dispatch and the small-scale hunts that take place in the Itha Plains, which cover the majority of the region, form the main pillars of the economy. 
A viscounty. Fishing and boat construction have long been its chief industries. 
A county boasting pastoral countryside throughout. The basin of the Taranus River that runs through the south provides fertile plains. 
A viscounty famous for its high-quality wool. 
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sarahhillips · 10 months
This is What I Call, the Start of Season 3 of Libertys Kids
Sybil Ludington
I first learned about her from Rejected Princesses and have fallen if love with her. She’s like Arya Stark.
Funny because Sarah and Sybil would have a Sansa and Arya dynamic
James is a natural horseman now
Sybil straight up ready to kill
‘I’m so proud of my daddy who has a target on his head’
“But why aren’t you fighting?” Imagine Sarah heard that and said “Listen bitch,”
Sarahs ballgown should just be solid pink
Of course Arnold sees Sarah right away. Thank goodness she has a chaperone. I bet Mrs. Adams knows he’s kinda flirty with her and keeps an eye on them.
“I had hoped our paths would cross paths again Ms. Phillips, away from the field of battle” GOD why aren’t they waltzing while he’s saying this, that would be intense.
In fact their entire conversation could have been discussed while they were waltzing but that would take the animators way more work.
Imagine Benedict starting his passionate rant while dancing and then dancing
Sybil gotta be starting shit for no reason
I bet Sarah and Hannah would bond tho.
“I’m coming” “Like hell you are”
Sybils eager af to fight
She’s that girl at school that would punch the bully for me
The last shot of the entire city on fire before the dramatic music plays 😱😱
They just shot a fucking cannonball at a house
Sneaking out to go report hell yeah
Imagine getting to storm into a place on a horse. Kickass.
Once again, Sarah stalks Arnold into a danger zone
The horse even went into the water
It’s like that scene from home alone
Stupid af but it worked
Arnold is done with this army shit. He worked hard to earn that rank.
“I’ve come to think of you as like a daughter.”
“He’s destroying himself with his own bitterness and anger.”
I feel like Sybil would be mean af to Sarah just because she’s British and Sarahs doing her best to stay civil and in control. And then James would yell “Enough Sybil! She’s my friend!”
Lafayette Arrives
The drag episode 💄
Course Bens surrounded by bitches
Instant connection between Henri and Lafayette. You know he’s gonna adopt this child.
How old is Henri supposed to be by now? Thirteen I’d say. He should be growing.
Henris like I adopted this French guy
I need a dramatic retelling of Lafayettes drag escapade
Lafayette would be the most anticipated
Why is Henri allowed in Congress
Wtf just a second ago ya’ll didn’t want him
What if politicians gathered for meetings in bars?
Lafayette is an America fanboy
They’re like ewwww it’s French
Omg he’s coming this way
Pretend it’s chicken and dumplins
Ben is cunning af
We’re French but we’re American Yay
The Hessians Are Coming
Those girls aren’t the Schuyler sisters are they
Those laughs are not believable
No, they’re German girls
When he’s an asshole but his horse loves you
Here he goes ranting again.
“I learned it from school lol” “Who needs to go to school to build forts”
“Are you trying to sway the Hessians into leaving us?” “I’m a reporter jackass”
“I’m not a soldier, I’m a musician” Yeah like how Tom was not a soldier but a scientist
“Your witness is dead so you’re guilty”
Another victory for Arnold that will be ignored
James and this German dude had to puss next to each other for weeks.
“You guys are cannibals” whut
Will both of you stop acting like dicks please.
That’s more like it.
Arnold gets screwed over so much
That poor little german boy. Of course he didn’t want this James.
Arnold marching into battle shamelessly without permission.
Arnold saved James life without knowing it
Yeah we all quit
Sarahs reaction to Arnold having his leg shot is not realistic at all. L
Polish guy said go to school
Oh his name is Gunther
The last line of this episode did not age well at all.
Valley Forge
Arnold (the ARNOLD) is in this!?
Oh look mini log cabins
Von Strudel really came in on a sled like the white witch
“No meat! No meat!”
RIP Aaron Carter. This poor kid.
So its like diet bread
I can feel the cold
Girl went outside in the cold after being outside for stays
Where did the gust of wind go?
I love Lafayettes loyalty
Imagine having to poop outside in the snow
Bare ass exposed to the snow cold
“Corporal, yell at him for me.”
“How can I appreciate what you don’t have?”
Henri would definitely become a soldier in the adult version of the show
Henris the mascot. I need him in an eagle mascot costume now.
Imagine an eagle sports mascot fighting a king george mascot.
This dude is obnoxious
Ok now not so much
Omg Franklin sent Von Strudel
George Washington being a dad
Slide to the left. Slide to the left. Cha cha real smooth.
Sarah why aren’t you more worried
Allies at Last
Here comes Peggy Shippen
Nice dress Ben
That excited little barefoot leap on the cold concrete ground
Smart move on James and Moses
So without Ben or Moses around, that would put Sarah in charge. Since she’s still loyalist I’m sure she welcomed Andre at first
“The less I say about her, the better.”
Sarah, are you dancing with tory guys at these balls? I bet you are.
And now she wants Andre and Peggy out and I don’t blame her.
Oh look, hats
Oh no Moses the white guy your name is on the list
“I’m suddenly in the mood for English tea” petty Ben
Why are they telling Sarah all this stuff, she’s friends with Americans
Poor Henri being laughed at
“Have you forgotten that you are English?” “Not in the slightest.”
But Moses seems like such a nice guy
“This is because I’m Jewish.”
Pop off White Moses
Oh you motherfucker
Oh now you wanna sign it
“A lot more people will have to stand up for equality to come true.”
And now France is their ally.
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ascendance-bookworm · 2 years
hi pls i need to talk to someone about p2 v4 i just finished it and it destroyed me emotionally FNAKNF DUDE when did this series go from 'haha paper making nerd rants worldbuilding and criticism of capitalism' to 'want to cry at 4am and have your heart absolutely crushed?'
i'm not ready to let go of so many of the cast and them not being recurring supporting characters anymore AT ALL also call an ambulance bc i'm losing it over the afterword,,,, author WDYM you wrote heidi and josef as what myne and lutz could have been had she not had the devouring dude recommend me ascendance of a bookworm fics asap i need fluff or at least angst with a happy ending bc ohmygod
Okay, right yeah that is a tough ending, but I assure you it does get better and worse, lol there is a lot of ups and downs in this series and believe me you really do get invested in the new characters in part 3+ as well.
The characters in P1-2 will still be around, but they will mostly move to the background, continuing to work on Myne's projects. Most of them have already achieved their goals / dreams thanks to Myne and she continues to stay as connected and loyal as she can, but she also has new people and problems to deal with as a noble.
I can see the Heidi and Josef comparison, lol
I've actually thought about this and it is actually quite a genius bit of worldbuilding that the author is using this one character to show us what life is like on all the different levels of this world, and the parts that Myne isn't privy to she embellishes though the extra POVs. It really makes the world so rich.
P1 With Myne we start off as a lowly commoner, a simple family that works hard to make every penny count, but there is lots of love and affection. Then we see what merchants are like though Benno and Corina, etc... and how there lives are more comfortable, but still they work hard and serve the nobles who have all the real power.
P2 Then Myne joins the temple and we get an idea of how the gods of this work and that mana and magic play a real role in how this world operate. We see how the poor or low mana nobles are treated and how orphans are treated. There are real problems, but Myne can only do so much given her age and status... but she is mana rich so... Where you are, P2 V4.
P3 Myne is adopted and becomes a noble. This is done to secure her mana for the province, but it also gives Myne some position and power, real power as the adopted daughter of the most powerful family in the province. Now we learn about Ehrenfest and more about all the factions and in fighting and why the province is so mana deprived that Myne would be adopted in secret like she is. It really starts to get more interesting with the politics of the country.
P4 Myne attends mana school and learns about the other provinces and the power dynamics between them all and even more power plays are in play, especially as we start interacting with the royals too.
I don't want to say too much more, but we are basically going on a journey and learning about every level of this world from commoner to royalty and how Myne's unusual behavior and thinking and past knowledge helps her but also puts a target on her back as she unearths the core problems of this world. She is never not causing trouble or standing out just like she did in P1-2, even when all she wants to do is read quietly and plan her future library, lol
So far this series hasn't disappointed me, I only love it more and more! You do miss some of the characters being around and being more active, but they are still there and we still get little tidbits on what they are up to, just the focus has shifted into new areas where the country as a whole literally needs someone like Myne to shake them up and out of their ridged traditions, bias thinking, and inject some basic common sense into their thought processes.
She was reincarnated into this world for a reason ^_^
Hope this helps you a bit and you continue to read the series! Myne's family find ways to stay connected, and it is actually one of the more heartwarming aspects of the series. Their bond is strong and true.
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thefakerachelray · 1 year
Random Miraculous Thoughts: Season 5 Catchup Edition
(Because I finally got caught up and I had to write my thoughts down! Warning: this is gonna be long. And spoilers for S5 up to Elation.)
You can tell that the writers saw people saying the Rooster’s power was OP and decided to put limits on it, which just made it more confusing in the end.
Marinette’s whole kwami scavenger hunt idea in Destruction was so clever! Also seeing Monarch get frustrated is always funny.
Poor Alya got the shock of her life when Monarch showed up though lol
They really just. Had Chat Cataclysm a person??? And it didn’t get reversed????
The Miraculous getting broken down and remade so they all look the same was A Lot to watch
Another new costume? How many have you been through at this point Gabriel?
At least this one’s better than the Shadowmoth look though
So we’re just. Acknowledging that other school years have happened now huh. Really forcing me to process that this whole show has canonically happened in less than a year.
I’ve brought this up before but is Marinette legally old enough to drive that scooter??? Is don’t know French law but. She’s 14????
I’m sorry but Darker Owl sounds stupid. It just does.
I guess you could say he used Daizzi as a Guinea Pig. No? Ok I’ll see myself out.
The dream sequence babies were so ugly sisjwbshsb
Can we talk about the mustache I’ve been dying to talk about the mustache
I miss when the magical charms actually mattered. I hate that it’s all megakumas all the time now (and that’s still a dumb name btw). That’s a rant for another post though.
I’ll admit I forgot some of the plot of Illusion because I was too distracted by everyone’s condiment-based Resistance nicknames. I hope the Resistance keeps being a thing just because those codenames are so funny.
The plan to film someone getting akumatized was solid they just picked the worst possible target without realizing it
I love how the sauce stain on Gabe’s suit was still there at the end but just a little bit faded, so you can tell he went into the bathroom and tried to get it out with water. We’ve all been there. You know how it is with spaghetti.
I have a LOT of thoughts about both Marinette and Adrien refusing to wear the Alliance rings
Lila in the Resistance what will she do
Marinette looks cute with her hair down!
Always good to see Luka and Kagami! I like that they support Marinette and Adrien getting together, although I wish that hadn’t been the only reason they were there.
I think Marinette and I would both prefer if the statue scene never got brought up again
The museum must have some inside sources to make completely accurate statues of every single superhero who’s ever appeared on the show.
Manipula’s outfit reminded me of someone else’s and I can’t think of who. Maybe Backwarder or Queen Banana?
Monarch. My dude. How hard is it to just let akumas out through the window like you used to? Using Voyage every time is lazy, and you’re overworking Kaalki.
That love square flip happened fast. Like, so fast it kinda caught me off guard.
Adrien: “I’m in love 😍” Marinette: “oh no I’m in LOVE”
Marinette, in what world is your superhero partner whose identity you don’t even know a safer person to have a crush on than a normal guy from your school (even if they’re really the same person)?
I am once again asking for more Plagg and Tikki scenes. It’s fun to see them gossip.
They’re right that these two idiots would tell each other their secret identities the second they got together and we all know it.
Nathalie SNAPPED! Good for her!
I’m also very concerned for her. Someone figure out how to help this woman ASAP.
Safari was scary powerful though. How many Miraculous powers did Gabriel give her?
Maybe I’m wrong but. Venom paralyzes people right, it doesn’t knock them out? So shouldn’t Ladybug have been VERY MUCH STILL CONSCIOUS WHEN ADRIEN DETRANSFORMED????
I love Mr Bug’s straightforward lucky charms
And how being Lady Noire brings out Marinette’s flirty side
I had totally forgotten the kwagatama even existed. It was nice to see it be relevant though.
Oh hey Joan of Arc!
Yay, Alix update! I lowkey want an episode that’s just her time travel adventures.
“My sister is time traveling and I have no idea if she’s safe and this happened suddenly without any warning” is a pretty reasonable thing to get upset over, I’ll give Jalil that.
Tbh original flavor Pharaoh was cooler. This version just traps people in an object, which is the same power as at least 3 other villains.
Horse Boy Adrien CONFIRMED?!
Not specific to this episode but I just thought of it again: why can’t the suit Ladybug gets after using Lucky Charm be her permanent costume? It’s better than the normal one.
Good for you Jalil! I love seeing people fight off akumas.
Awww, Plagg gave Adrien a kwagatama!
Last season I would’ve been cheering over Marinette throwing away the pictures but now when it immediately cut to Adrien walking into the bakery all nervous and blushing afterwards I was like “oh NO”
Alya: it wouldn’t be the end of world [if they got together] Tikki, aware of the events of Chat Blanc: 😬
A kiss! A real, actual kiss that didn’t get erased somehow! I never thought I’d see the day.
The funniest thing to me is I didn’t even know Elation was basically Glaciator 3 going in because everyone was talking about the kiss and no one cared about the villain
We should talk about Glaciator though because Andre knows more about what’s going on than most characters on this show
I don’t really have a favorite side of the love square, but I have to say Marichat was cute in this episode.
All this drama over who has feelings for who when they’re the same people. I can’t wait for the mutual facepalm if they ever figure out each other’s identities.
Chat’s point about confusing idolization of a superhero with real love and not wanting to take advantage of her is…surprisingly mature of him?
He made Marinette sad though and I will be holding that against him
In conclusion I like this season so far! The overarching plot is good to have, the different character dynamics are a nice change of pace, and above all, I’m SO glad it’s being released in order.
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numbknee · 1 year
piggybacking off of buttman anon— thoughts on kenman?
hmm 🤔 well similar to buttman I haven’t thought much about kenman before either so imma spitball as I go again
kenny and cartman are bffs, no doubt. kenny is more likely than any of the main 4 boys to laugh at his jokes, go along with his schemes, etc. obviously cartman gives him shit constantly for being poor but kenny is perfectly capable of dishing it back (“if cartman's gone, why are we still calling ourselves coon and friends?” “because it pisses cartman off beyond belief. and I find that extremely funny”)
one of the only times that cartman shows true grief is in the episode “kenny dies”, and he also goes to insane lengths to try to find a cure using stem cells (though that plan kinda went off the rails because…it’s cartman lol). it’s also very telling that in post-covid, kenny and cartman stayed friends even after the gang split up, and kept in touch for nearly 40 years. that’s a LONG ASS time! these dudes genuinely care about each other.
something I find particularly interesting about their relationship is that cartman is the only one in the series that has any kind of memory of kenny dying. yes it was in an earlier season but in the episode “cartmanland” he was aware that kenny dies all the time. if cartman is uniquely capable of understanding kenny’s immortality, even fleetingly, kenny would appreciate that more than anything else in the world because he’s been so alone for so long being forced to keep that part of himself a secret. it’s honestly tragic. like the coon and friends episodes still make me pretty emo when I rewatch them because of kenny’s desperate attempts to make his friends understand and remember his deaths. also (while fucking hilarious) the whole mintberry crunch subversion completely devastated kenny, thinking he was so close to an answer and having it slip away once again. and cartman sending him to the shadow realm for extremely petty reasons sure as shit didn’t help either
I have a headcanon that cartman’s brain is so fucked up compared to the average person that he can sometimes get past whatever magical memory erasing goes on when kenny dies. so like if kenny has a particularly brutal death, cartman unknowingly finds himself being extra nice to him the next day, like giving him food or inviting him over to play video games on his fancy new console. he doesn’t exactly remember why he’s doing those things but deep down he knows he should, and that it’s also probably best to put aside the poor jokes for a while. and that’s saying a lot for cartman.
as for them potentially being in a romantic relationship? idk I personally don’t think kenny would ever really think of cartman that way and vice versa. I can see them going to each other for advice or talking more freely about their romantic relationships than than they do with stan and kyle (which we’ve seen, like cartman being the one bold enough to tell kenny they all think tammy is a slut). I can’t see kenny caring enough/having enough energy to actively try to combat cartman’s narcissism and bigotry unless it’s targeted towards him or his family like kyle would (again the kyman brainrot is strong lol). kenny’s got his own shit to deal with and while he values cartman’s friendship, he’s not looking to change his more harmful behavior.
also, sorry to other kenny ships like bunny or stenny but personally, I see kenny as mostly straight. I mean there is just so much canon evidence of kenny being actively interested in women’s bodies, even before puberty fully hits. like looking at girl porno mags all the time, that whole cheesing hallucination with the princess’s awesome rocking tits, his variation of heaven including many voluptuous naked ladies, etc. maybe he’s bi/pan, but I can’t help but want to see him in a relationship with a lovely beautiful lady who truly respects and loves him because dammit, kenny deserves some happiness in his life and he’s been pining after beautiful women for years. plus I think a long-term relationship with cartman beyond friendship would be too much work for him. he’s tired. let him rest. kyle can deal with cartman’s bullshit instead lol
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castle-dominion · 10 months
castle 5x15 target. Plot heavy babes. I remember seeing gifs from this ep & when I saw that this was the one I got super excited. Good thing I have an extra 15 minutes on my schedule.
The intro was great. here's the transcript: A man runs through an alley, avoiding puddles and trying not to fall. He does, but he’s up in a second and continuing his run. He jumps over a homeless man and into the street. There’s a van racing toward him, but he just takes a stance and starts shooting at it. Despite taking several hits, the van doesn’t stop. It plows right into the man. Why doesn't he get out of the way tho? he shot as much as she could
RC: Ah. The student becomes – (he chews and she waits) – the failed student. The dropout. You fed her this? (he grimaces) Mother, you are forever forbidden from practicing the art of pancake-do(ugh)
RC: Like Simba in The Lion King. It’s the circle of life.
I didn't know shoes did that irl... RC: Yeah, but I wouldn’t be okay with that. I don’t want to see where she goes. What other birds of prey are out there, or what other nests, or – btw becks is pretty man vs van lol Wow. I know we saw it but still.
Jan. New name for this uniformed officer. nice gun! Columbia? *concerned for his daughter* don't much like Bram stoker? Lmao (oh wow
BS: (dryly) Witty. I’ve never heard that one before. I grew up with a punny name. Joy. People said "you must be a joyful person" whenever they would meet me for the first time. I had depression. (not diagnosed yet ofc but still.)
Ah. Overly familiar. He threatened to kill you? Bro, you have authority behind you, this is not the time to be flirting. Vampires ARE in right now, just like a few seasons ago when ryan's ex girlfriend got them into a website
KR: *whistles* Look at this building. Hasim was living large for a college student. JE: Yeah, add that to the list of things about this dude that don’t add up. His records say he started as a freshman at 24. Now who does that? Me, in college: You would be surprised at the variance in age. But then again there is typically a lull. You either go in right after high school (or after a gap year) but then there are less ppl in there for a bit, & then they start coming back at maybe 30, 35. The majority of students I know in my term between 21 & 30 are international students. A lot of them have taken classes at home in the phillipenes & some are using a student visa to start immigration. Ofc the 24yo I do know who is not filipino was a meth addict & has a 3yo son so,, that's another explanation
empty place nope nvm just clean, that place is full of punching bags & stuff. Like esposito's. WOAH THAT IS A ... NICE.. CASE OF GUNS. Not locked or anything??? is this man insane? KR: Uh, yeah. And if his black belt skills didn’t get it done he always had this. light years measure distance...
only 24 & in special forces swiss bank accounts, as usual Nice hair on esposito RC: (shrugs) Maybe Jack Bauer was driving.
ryan's shirt was pink in the other lighting & these stripes are interesting
These poor poor fellows, their daughter got abducted. I mean I like his tie they both look good... but this is sad bro the cops didn't know he was a discreet bodyguard
Agent Harris.
KB: Scared. Devastated. AH: Okay, that’s good. RC: It is? AH: It beats angry or defensive. They want to be helpful and honest,
RC: I've considered it
If the roommate wasn't listening too hard, science fiction is related enough to science. Could clip: It has the word in it Which I still haven't read XD
Oh NO I'm sure she can help solve the case... nice ringtone lol OH NO IT WAS ALEXIS lol nice pic of dad is sara's phone also there?
RC earlier: Oh, yeah. I just – can’t imagine what they’re going through right now. RC now: *his daughter was ALSO kidnapped*
Harris: Easier to take her than.. *looks at castle* not
Looks like a drug smuggler tbh Ah he fled. Could be political. If they find out she is the daughter of a rich novelist then they might use sara for political stuff & alexis for ransom.
Gates will just see friends comforting each other, it's fine
Oof they all watch him leave... KR: It’s Alexis. He’s gotta be wrecked. Hell, I’m wrecked. allexis AND Sara
MR: No, no, no. I’m not just saying this. She’s going to be all right. I feel it in my heart and my heart is never wrong. RC: What about your first marriage? MR: Well... RC: And your second? MR: Okay, fine. Fine. Occasionally my heart is wrong, but it is not in this case.
Plainclothes & unmarked, wise decision.
RC: Don’t. (she goes to respond, but doesn’t) Don’t promise me you’ll find her unless you can do it. Because … (he pauses, then his voice breaks) … I would never forgive you. (she’s quiet) Any more than I’d ever forgive myself.
It is already late, what's going on?
LT my beloved
No, she didn't call be she has no GOOD news, she might not have bad news either. If she was dead, she'd call, if she was alive, she'd call, if they are not sure, they'd rather keep him in the dark. Probs should stay home, don't come.
See what? Do they KNOW what they will see?
DP & camera crew & editing & all this stuff did really great. The way lanie stops him it is so important to me, the movement the camera the voice, I might clip this it is painful & beautiful
a+ like me! I should donate blood again. I need more iron tho. Your baby hhhhhh castle crying sdjsldkfsdjfksdfljsldfjk Castle they know how to do this
Castle should go hug the other couple. He has worked with the police, he can support them in knowing the cops are succeeding, they can support him in being emotionally distraught parents together.
Truck pod? Why are the lamps on? ig so the girls can find them & don't freak out. Why didn't they get dropped on the bed initially tho? instead of waking up on the floor?
I'm back.
I like her accent Ooh a course on security Both your dads are rich Wow alexis has Some Shoes (& also rings) At least they gave you clothes & towels.... & food
Ooh that car stuff sounds cool but I don't understand any of it
You know they want you alive, you know this room has a washroom Ryan looking nice ngl I genuinely thought that Ryan meant he was dead
You would... like a minute with him? Good, he's the dad, maybe he can get emotion on his side I'm not a cop This is SO SO SO intimidating. this is GOOD WHAT THE CRAP (it might be,, traumatizing to torture someone)
No thanks my adrenaline will suffice
Nice telescope
relationship w/o eye contact lmao. I mean, audio amiright?
KB: Tell me what happened with Douglas Stevens. RC: RC: I appealed to his humanity. KB: KB: I didn’t think you had that side to you. RC: Well, when it comes to the people I love, I do.
My mother knows a little bit of arabic. Like, ten words
Didn't he see the cams on his telescope? I like how the fbi yelled out that they had a search warrant
Tiny person!
Then why did they say "return to your post we have visitors" if they were not the fbi visiting the farmhouse?
(caskett double breasted jacket) WHY would they leave the jackets? why would they take them off? OH MY GOODNESS HOLY CRAP WHY WOULD THEY TORTURE HIM? HOW DOES THE FBI NOT KNOW?
Through the floor? The floor is already breaking, maybe you could use the lid of the toilet tank as a shovel
I mean, you aren't at square one, you just have no squares after this
I mean you know the theory & even if it takes hours... Sara YOU were the one who took the kidnapping course take off your shoes to be quiet Is this real-time footage? Why is the phone unlocked? The person it belongs to must be coming back soon *uses skype instead of calling her dad* Plus, did she have to log in? No it is an untitled caller Girl you have like, a good 15% left Girl take the phone with you maybe, esp if you happen to find a window or a person's face
that was NOT (our) ryan saying that lol the cant FUDGING PARIS the rooftop this is incredible
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shinxeysartgallery · 1 year
Why do pinchy and violette hate each other anyway
That's all because of how they met!
So Pinchy is a bandit, and Violette is a bounty hunter, for some context. At one point, Violette was hired to take Pinchy out, and that is how those two first met. Obviously, Pinchy survived the encounter, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Poor dude even got shot at one point during it. But yeah, they hate each other because of that whole incident. lol Pinchy's mad because she literally tried to kill him (and is not sorry about it, either). Violette's mad because he prevented her from fully completing her job (she takes her work VERY seriously).
And after that point, the two of them became rivals of sorts with each other because it was quite often (not all, or even most of the time, though) that they had the same target in mind and would fight over it. For example, say that someone stole a diamond necklace. Pinchy might want to steal the necklace back, either to get a reward for it or to sell it himself. Violette, on the other hand, might be hired to steal the necklace back and punish the thief who stole it. Their target is the same (the necklace, in this case), but their motives aren't. So I'm sure you can imagine what kinds of things go down when both of them show up to steal the same necklace. lmao
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nerdishfeels · 1 year
Cosy December books reading update!
So, I’m happy to report that I finished Want by Cindy Pon! I don’t know why it took me so long. I think I was losing my rhythm with it a bit. Here’s a mini review:
Want - 3.5⭐️
I liked the Sci-Fi concepts of the book and how the world had to adapt due to the overwhelming pollution. I loved the futuristic Taipei vibes in the book too and the enhanced technology. It’s not surprising to see the conflict between the rich and poor either.
I liked Zhou’s character. I tried not to notice how many times he mentions “breasts” (I get it, you’re a dude 😂), but he grows on you the more you read the book. I like characters that quote from books. I thought his dynamic with Daiyu was sweet, the way he didn’t want to hurt her but their mission had to come first.
The main highlights for me were his friends. I loved the diversity in this family dynamic too, (with an Indian science genius who wasn’t stereotyped) and how they all had their own stand out personalities like Iris and Victor. They kept the story interesting for me. Also, Iris and Lingyi were a sweet lesbian couple!
The problems I had with this book was that I wasn’t gripped from the beginning, so it was hard to motivate myself to read the book. I realised that while I was getting other things done, I didn’t miss the book or feel like continuing it. The second half definitely got more interesting though.
The ending wasn’t as dramatic as I thought it would be. When you have a villain that puts profit over lives and you build up this image, you would expect to see him more in the book, but you get one moment with the guy and that’s it. I felt like the revenge was more targeted on his headquarters instead (even though that was the plan, it wasn’t enough punishment for me I guess lol). I also didn’t like what happened to a particular character and the fact that he probably won’t be in the sequel. I wish we had a final moment with him before he disappeared.
I was also confused about Daiyu’s intentions. I knew she wasn’t as gullible as they thought she would be, but her reason for helping them wasn’t very convincing. I get Zhou’s reason because they lost a loved one because of Jin. But for Daiyu to go against her father? I get that he’s a bad guy but there has to be some motivation behind it.
I’m not sure about reading the sequel tbh. The book felt like a standalone, but I know the whole rebellion against Jin isn’t over. We’ll see.
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