#poor lil ben
olivesjaw · 2 years
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coralsgrimes · 1 year
Benny Boy's corncrake mating calls at the Bowery Ballroom | part iii
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dustbar · 20 days
Ouhhhshshehd nooooo my poor lil silly bar tender
Horror he mneeds hugs n kisses and srhfff,,, <- Ben should not be awake someone take away my right to technology rn
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u should REALLY go to sleep before killers drinks make you
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ofbluesandyellows · 6 months
Black Cat's Curse - TASM! Fem! Reader
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Summary: Peter Parker has been cursed, crossing paths with the oh so feared black cat isn't exactly in his itinerary, and no, we are not talking about or favorite lady, Felicia. On Halloween night his bad luck has prodded him to the solution he didn't know he was looking for.
Word count: 6,537
Warnings: cursing, witchcraft (lol idk)
a/n: Hi! I'm back with a lil Halloween story for you, this one fully came to me last week. It isn't anything crazy but I do hope you enjoy it. Happy Halloween y'all. I adopted a black cat recently so maybe that's where the inspo came from. Bye :)
“What do you mean you can’t do anything?” Spider-Man was about to drop to his knees, to beg. And he never begged for anything in his life, other than bringing Ben back to life.
“Ow Spider.” Her finger with a long perfectly manicured nail traced his spandex covered clavicle. “Yes, they call me Black Cat but it doesn’t mean I know how to undo your bad luck. That’s on you and the poor black kitty you crossed paths with.”
“But whenever I get unlucky it’s always because of you, how come this is different?”
“Hey, don’t come to me with that bullshit, that’s just how things are, you should’ve known better. You’re on your own Spider.”
Peter closed his eyes, not that Cat could see him but he needed a second not to throw a punch at her, he knew she’d dodged with ease but he didn’t want to risk it. Exhaling he was about to humiliate himself once more, turning around Cat was long gone.
“Mother fuck-“ a splash of what he knew was bird poo painted the red spandex of his forearm with sickly yellowy-white. “Seriously?” Arms up in the air, no one to reply back.
Peter Parker wasn’t a big fan of Halloween growing up, he always went for the uncool type of costumes, he clearly remembered asking aunt May to buy him a white wig so he could dress up as Albert Einstein when he was about eleven. Uncle Ben ended up buying him white color spray and a fake mustache so they could DIY the look. Knitted burgundy vest, faux wrinkles on his face and the already perfect bushy brows made Peter the happiest kid in the block.
He was beyond ecstatic with the way his costume turned out, adults praised him and aunt May for the effort when he went trick or treating but the real menace were kids’ nasty words and funny remarks about him. After that he either went with a boring costume, he preferred to fit in, or at least try rather than be laughed at. 
It was obvious that the teasing continued up until college, but college was bearable compared to what he had gone through since he became Spider-Man.
Peter hadn’t been in need of a costume for years now, that was the main reason why he liked Halloween now, he could walk around as a civilian in his actual suit, no one batted an eye in his direction during this day.
Flash Halloween party was crazy loud, Peter didn’t know these many people were friends with Flash.
“Hey Spider-Man!” His heart skipped a beat, but Flash was smiling at him. “Peter, you made it!” 
Peter took the mask off, he thought this would be funny, wearing his actual suit was comfortable but now he was regretting it, he had several mini heart attacks whenever called him by his alias. He felt sweat dripping from his back. Yeah he would need to wash the suit.
“Of course man! I promised, right?” he laughed trying to disguise the panic.
Flash was wearing a Beetle juice costume, a pretty epic one if Peter could have an opinion on it. 
“I see you went all in with the costume huh?” He snatched the mask off Peter’s hand. “Nah this isn’t as good as the original.” Flash laughed.
With cherry colored cheeks Peter chuckled. “Yeah, I bought it at Walmart. Everyone seems to love the guy so I just thought why not?” 
“I’ve seen worse Parker, like the guy dressed as Alex Turner? Pfff lazy.”
“Really? I haven’t seen him. Don’t tell me it’s Harry the one dressed like that.” Peter said amused.
“Almost, but no. Harry hasn’t shown up yet, bet he found some expensive costume made suit and will pull off a ‘I’m Leonardo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street.””
Both boys rolled their eyes. “Wouldn’t be surprised.” 
Suddenly Peter felt cold dripping from his back. 
“Hey dickhead, watch where you are going.” Flash was the first to talk, pushing a drunk David Bowie out the way.
Peter was in shock, how come he didn’t notice, why were his senses not alerting him of the guy at his back.
The smell of sweet fruity punch and vodka lingered on his nose. 
“Shit Pete, do you want to change?” 
Peter shook his head, lipped smile on. “No, don’t worry I’m good. Just going to grab a beer.”
“Ok, if you need something just look for me, okay?” 
“Sure, thanks Flash. Cool party by the way.”
Flash grinned. “Thanks Parker! See ya around.”
The lights were kaleidoscopic, New Wave music playing, it was a lot and now his suit was wet and cold and there were pretty girls around, and he couldn’t concentrate in one thing. 
Fuck me.
Tuning around as he dodged a group of girls dressed as fairies he clocked eyes with a witch. She was sitting on the couch with other people, Peter wasn’t sure if she was with them or not but the staring sent shivers down his spine. 
She gave him a lipped smile, one he tried to emulate, not succeeding because she dropped her expression. The next thing he knew it was that she disappeared. 
He shook his body to try and get rid of the odd feeling. Finding a beer was easy, what wasn’t easy was held in the need to puke when the warm and obviously outdated beer’s taste hit his tongue. 
Peter sighed, he was tired of this, it hadn’t even been a week with this black cat curse and he was already done, no fight with Electro nor Vulture had done him this wrong. Sloped shoulders and a bitter taste he was ready to go home. 
Exiting the loud house in Brooklyn, Peter’s eyes found the sparkly ones of a witch. 
A new wave of shivers appeared as Season of the Witch played at his back. Spooky as shit.
“Okay, this is worrying me.” He mumbled.
The girl approached him in two long steps. 
“Hello,” you smiled, showing him your pearly white teeth. 
“Um hi?” 
“Sorry to bother you, I saw you in there and if you don’t mind me saying this… you look like shit.” The apple of your cheeks tinted pink. 
Peter scoffed. “Yeah? Well, I didn’t need to hear it because I do indeed feel like shit, so if you excuse me,”
He took a step to the right to make his escape, but you took the exact same side as he did.
Peter scowled.
“I—I don’t want to sound crazy but you do have like a bad aura around you, you know? Like a dark cloud following you, and… okay yeah I’m going to say this with the risk of sounding like an insane person but I promise you I am not—“
Taking a cautious step closer, you were too close for Peter’s liking. On your tiptoes you angled yourself to reach his ear.
“You are cursed.” 
Peter felt his body freeze, his eyes went wide just as goosebumps formed on his skin.
“You… how did you know?” Peter stumbled back a little. 
“As I said, I can see it.” You took a jump back. Your face went back to a soft smirk. “Need help with it?”
Peter looked around, the streets were busy still, it wasn’t even midnight yet.
“You know how to revert it?” 
“Sure thing. It’s a simple spell.” 
“Can you do it now, like chant it or whatever.” 
You scoffed. “Hell no! It’s a bit more complicated than that,” balancing on the balls of your heels you stared at him. Peter was mulling with the possibilities. You were weird as fuck. But he didn’t feel the Peter tingle as it was. He only felt wary. 
You had this cute smile and very bright eyes. If Black Cat couldn’t do anything to help him, why not take his chances and accept the help of an actual witch.
“Are you like a real witch?” He squinted. 
“Fine. What do we need to do?” 
You grinned, joyous. 
“Follow me Peter Parker.” 
Shrugging, you said: “Flash told me.”
“You know Flash?” Well, that was news to him. He never expected him of all people to be close with a witch.
You seemed offended. “Um yes? We take bioengineering together.” 
Peter almost choked on his own saliva. “You go to Empire?”
“Yes, I’ve seen you around, you’re friends with that rich kid that always looks at the rest of us as if we were dirt under his shoe.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh when Peter scrunched his nose. “That sounds like Harry.” 
“Osborn is not always nice to everyone.” 
Peter knew that but Harry wasn’t a bad person he just hadn’t been given the attention he deserved.
“So bioengineering, huh? You’re pretty smart I assume.”
“It helps with the witchcraft thing, believe it or not.” 
Peter could see why. He grabbed his mask a little tighter.
Peter heard you say, a second later a car passed by full gas, the puddle of dirty water splashed wetting his legs. 
“You could’ve warned me, you know?” shaking his legs only made the water go down into his converses, wetting his socks. He needed to come up with a water repellent suit.
“Right, sorry. Never seen such a curse before. The grayish hue around you goes purple whenever something is about to happen. It’s kinda awesome.” You grinned.
Why was this woman always so cheery? Peter sighed and continued walking.
“Do you have a name or should I just call you Witch?” 
You chuckled. “I do have a name but Witch is way more fun. And it’s Halloween, it fits.” 
Peter grimaced. What a time to be cursed.
Both hopped on a bus after walking three blocks.
“Are you hungry Peter Parker?” 
His stomach felt like growling. “I could eat.”
“Nice, I’ll order some pizza. It should be there when we arrive.” 
Peter saw you texting. He noticed for once your whole attire. Pointy hat with purple ribbons and tulle decorating it. You had glitter smeared on your cheeks and eyelids. The dress was black tulle as well with a sparkling touch, he wasn’t sure what it was. The tights had black and purple stripes with a nice pair of black Dr Martens. It was like a modern version of the classic Witch costume he’d seen in movies. 
It suited you, what it didn’t match was your always happy features. Peter wondered if you were in fact a witch or just pretended to be one for the sake of the holiday.
“Do you like mushrooms?” You found him staring. Your cheeks went a tone deeper in red.
Peter panicked and looked out the window, far away from you. “They’re fine.”
“Good, I ordered half pepperoni and half mushrooms.” 
Humming, you, witchy girl unlocked, your phone and started to play…
“Sudoku? Really Witch?” Peter grinned, this was so odd to him.
“I like it, it keeps me on my toes.” you giggled.
Unintendedly, Peter kept an eye on the game, finger pointing to one square and mumbled “there has to be a nine.”
The grid sheet sparkled after you pressed the 9 in. “Nice one, Peter Parker.” 
“Just call me Peter.” 
Your eyes locked on his. “But Peter Parker sounds more interesting.” You nudged him, making him laugh. 
“You’re so weird.”
Peter sat in the living room. The apartment was simple, it didn’t even feel witchy at all. It smelled fresh and there was some kind of lavender sent around.
“What? Disappointed?” You laughed at his face.
“A little, yes.”
“It’s 2023 Peter Parker. I don’t have cauldrons and a crystal ball.” Your witch hat rested comically on the kitchen counter.
“So what kind of witch are you, then?” Peter spoke with a mouthful, the pizza was incredibly tasty.
“I’m not one kind, I just do what I want to do.” 
Peter nodded. 
“Careful with the—“ 
Peter’s slice of pizza fell on his converses. He thought he’d been clever by not using his spandex lined boots.
“I tried to tell you.”
He peeled the slice from his black chucks. “Can I get another slice?” 
You pushed the box his way. 
“How did you get cursed?” You asked, nibbling on your lip, the pizza resting on a plate on your lap, untouched.
“Crossed the path of a black cat.” He grunted. “Sounds stupid but it’s what happened.”
“Been there. I’ll fix it, it shouldn’t be hard” 
Peter straightened. “How long is it going to take?” 
You stared at him. Peter could almost see the nuts turning in your brain.
“A few hours, I suppose.” 
“Is it going to hurt?”
Peter had multidimensional war flashbacks from Doctor Strange, and the other Peters. Yeah he wasn’t in. “Well, now that I’ve had time to think about it I remember why I don’t do witchcraft. You need to find another way. I’ve had my fair share of that and it was quite the hustle so no Miss Witch I think I’m good.” He gave you a lipped smile.
“Okay… um why don’t you tell me about it, I assure you this is completely different and safe.”
“I’m not legally allowed to talk about it, so…” He shrugged. “Also you said it can hurt. I’m not down for that."
“Ugh fine, Peter Parker, but if you go, the curse won’t go away, you’ll have to live with it.”
Peter looked down, considering all that had happened maybe you were right, it’s not like he hadn’t suffered enough to handle a little magic.
You got up in a jump, disappearing inside a room. Peter heard rattling and the closing of drawers. He wasn’t sure what to expect so he tried to not think about it. 
After another two slices of what he considered a perfect pizza, Peter put the plate down on the coffee table. The table cracked in two as if some almighty froze had cut it in two with a really sharp invisible blade.
“How the fuck?” He squealed, holding both sides of his face with his hands. This was nonsense. He didn’t even put force. 
“What happened?” You appeared behind him. “Oh… well I needed a new coffee table anyway.” 
You went away humming again. 
“Insane… she is insane.” Mumbling Peter crossed his arms, trying to not touch or breathe too hard, anything could create a domino effect and make the building collapse or something worse. He could die if he forgot how to breathe!
He guessed that wasn’t possible but he was not going to risk it.
The skin on his back felt sticky but he didn’t dare to move. After a moment you cleared your throat to announce yourself.
“So Peter Parker, I’m going to ask you a few questions…. It's protocol only.” 
Sitting down at his feet, you flipped a few pages, grabbed a pink sparkly gel pen and wrote down in pretty cursive calligraphy. 
Peter Parker. 
Cursed by crossing paths with a black cat :(
“You do this often or-“ he asked.
“Nah, but it’s nice to document these things, who knows when I will need the information.” You beamed, clearly excited by the whole situation.
“So, have you been cursed before?” blinking, you waited for a response.
Peter wasn’t sure if his Spider-Man issues were a curse, sometimes it felt like that to be honest.
“Not that I’ve been aware of.” He leaned back on the couch. 
“Have you killed people in the past?”
His face contorted, now that was a hard question.
“It’s… um not voluntarily… I mean no, of course no” he let out a pretty fake laugh. “But I saw my uncle die and my… my girlfriend too.” 
Your face dropped. “Sorry about that.”
He half shrugged, looking the other way, he was not going to cry in front of a witch, this was humiliation enough.
“Er, next question. Do you have allergies?” 
“Experienced dizziness, or a rush of adrenaline in the past forty-eight hours?” 
Peter squinted, these were very specific questions. “ Yeah, but what does that have to do with the curse?”
You shrugged. “See if there are side effects.” 
“The adrenaline thing isn’t for the curse… I have a stressful job.”
“That responds the next question… so how long has it been since you got cursed?” your head rested on your palm, you reminded him of that one therapist aunt May forced him to go see a few years ago.
“Three days, maybe four.” 
“Hmmm, interesting.” 
“Hmm? Oh well, cats don’t just go out crossing people’s paths like that. Most times they have a reason. Have you wronged a cat in your life?” your knee going up and down nonstop, Peter noticed the nervous thick. He had several.
Felicia could count as a cat but she had wronged him more than he had her.
“No.” He scoffed. 
“Ok, didn’t want to offend you.”
Peter let out a breathy laugh, this was the craziest shit that he had experienced and he had gone through a lot of fucked up shit in his life.
“Please come with me.” 
You stood up with a graceful jump. Dress puffing with air. Peter stared at your hand extended to him. The moment he took it there was this tingly feeling that crossed his whole body. 
You grinned. He glared.
The room you got in was pitch black, a breeze came from somewhere, it smelled like incense. With the snap of your fingers a yellow hue covered the room which was not more than 80 square feet, seemed to be a closet.
Three candles were floating, Harry Potter style. His hand went over the flame no wire attached to them.
“Am I hallucinating already?” He said. Hand now going under the candle he was in awe.
“Nope, we haven’t started yet.” You chuckled. “And those are totally real. It’s a very easy spell.” You said proudly.
“Sit on the floor.” You demanded, Peter obeyed.
With a bright pink dust, you painted a circle and a bunch of indecipherable symbols that Peter preferred not to know what they meant. Instead he focused on you; your smooth hands tracing patterns as if it was second nature. Your lips were tuned slightly upwards, it was obvious how this made you feel. Peter felt his own lips curving. 
Hmm… he frowned, that was not right. But his mind was taking over, your long lashes with specs of glitter resting on them. Hair, shiny and soft looking. Peter kind of wanted to brush it to the side with his fingers. Shaking his head he couldn’t be thinking such things, he didn’t even know your name. And you were a witch!
And you are a fucking Spider-Man, chill the fuck out Parker.
Great! He was going insane now.
Snapping your fingers, music started to sound. 
“Is that Fiona Apple?” Peter asked, throwing her a quick glance,
“Yes! She gives off the right vibe for this.” Your sly smirk made Peter’s stomach flip.
Oh no.
Squaring down, to be on eye level with him, he caught the very faint scent of cherry. 
“I’m going to give you tea, It’s going to make you a little dizzy and jittery.” Extending your palm, you showed him two little rocks. 
“What’s that for?” Peter took them either way. 
Your index finger pointed to a clear looking crystal. “That’s clear quartz, it clears the mind, attracts positivity and repels negativity. The orange one it’s citrine for positive mood, clarity and focus.” 
His chocolate eyes never left yours, for the first time the whole night your smile quivered. You needed to gain some distance. You stood up quickly.
“Whatever happens, don’t let them go. And you have to have them around until the next new moon. Understood?”
Peter sighed, whatever helps him get over this. “Got it.”
You opened a book with a crimson hard cover. A sage green cup rested on the wooden table in front of you. Your back facing Peter, he let the little crystals roll on his palm as he heard Fiona Apple’s voice mixing with the cooing spell you were casting. Words he had never heard got whispered inside the cup, the energy in the room changed in a second, the yellow hue became brighter. 
Peter’s body shivered when you went back kneeling before him.
“Drink this, you have to close your eyes and don’t open them until I say so, okay Peter Parker?”
Peter nodded, gulping as he took the cup. It was warm to the touch. The liquid inside looked like any other tea aunt May had made him before, a little cloudy but it had a nice smell.
“I added a little honey and it’s spearmint flavored.” You chirped. 
“How many times have you said you have done this?” Peter was really curious, it came pretty natural to you. 
“Oh this is the first time, but I’m sure it’ll go almost perfect.” 
“Jesus, that’s just what one would like to hear in these situations.”
“Come on Peter Parker, this is fun!” 
“Cheers, I guess.” 
Peter drank the whole thing in one go and the taste was surprisingly good.
He sat there waiting for something to feel different but nothing changed. 
“How you feeling?” You asked, looking him in the eye.
“Should I be feeling weird?” he replied, trying to pay attention to his body. Everything was the same. He opened his eyes.
“Shit, you are supposed to be experiencing something by now. And you drank the whole thing,” you stomped your foot on the floor. “I did everything the book said.” 
Quickly, you went back to the book to check the spell as if it was a recipe. 
“Sorry to disappoint.” Peter sighed. “Hey um, this is going to sound weird, but, would you like to�� I don’t know, like go for coffee one of these days?” your eyes went wide, big as saucers hearing him ask. “Or not… I mean I was just suggesting.”
“Don’t move Peter Parker.” You squinted, Peter felt something on his arm. 
“You opened your eyes!” She squealed. 
A spider, the same spider that bit him years ago was walking up his arm, then there was another and another, all of them crawling upwards.
“Holy fucking shit.” Horror stained his voice. But Peter couldn’t move. He didn’t know if he was able to feel his body.
“You are Spider-Man for fucks sake keep it together” you cried. “Told you to keep them closed."
In a swift move you grabbed a few vials filled with dust in different colors. Peter was wide eyed, gawking, unmoving about to have a heart attack.
“I can’t move, help!” his voice high pitched. 
“Shut up Peter Parker, I’m trying to think!” 
A marble mortar plopped on the table, a mix of colors and sparks flashed across your face. 
“Sorry for what’s next but you can’t move and I’m not in position to kill our city’s hero.”
Grabbing the dust on the mortar, you put the bright blue dust on your lips as you fell on your knees in front of Peter. Careful not to ruin the pentagram.
Leaning forward you said,
“The spider you see is just in your mind, you are hallucinating for real this time, that’s why i told you to not open your eyes. Wish things were different but this is it, Peter Parker.”
“Good luck.”
You clashed your lips with his. In a second Peter felt his whole body tingle, like he was having a serious case of pins and needles. Involuntarily his palm went up to rest on your cheek. Warm and soft. Cherry scent, and blueberry taste. His eyes fluttered shut as he kissed you, the crazy girl he met a few hours ago at the halloween party.
A sharp turn. Just like when you twirl in one spot until you feel the whole room shake and you are in that state of happy dizziness. Peter felt like that and he kind of enjoyed it. 
When the motion stopped fully he opened his eyes. Blinking he reincorporated, he didn’t know he had been lying down this whole time. 
Spider-Man’s spandex suit still plastered on his torso just that the room was not the tiny room he had been in. 
“Aunt May?” 
“Breakfast is ready!” 
Peter rested on his elbows, he was in his room in Queens. He was in Brooklyn just a second ago. And, why was he even here? His apartment was in Manhattan. 
Shaking his head he peeled the tight suit off, his body complained, a common thing by now. Taking a quick shower he saw the water run down the drain, little hints of bright blue in them. He shook his head, migraine settling behind his eyes.
“I had no idea you were staying the weekend Peter, you always let me know.” May dried her hands in the kitchen cloth as she looked at him with fond eyes. “You scared the hell living out of me last night when I heard you in your room.”
Peter frowned, he didn’t remember how he got in, he wasn’t even sure what happened after he saw Flash at the party. Late that night he found two shiny bits of crystal on his bed. His mind screamed at him to keep them near.
Until the new moon, right?
Glimpses of what felt like dreams were trying to tell him something, most days Peter woke up with the feeling that he had forgotten something but he pushed it aside, there wasn’t much time to think of Peter problems when there were Spider-Man real problems. 
It took him six days to notice his bad luck had disappeared, he felt lighter than ever, he even got a rise at his job which was hard to believe. Cat hadn’t been involved in trouble and Peter didn’t need patching or stitches for the week, he was doing amazing.
One night during patrol. He was sitting on a building in Brooklyn, there had been a fire two blocks down, no one had been injured so Peter left the scene before the police arrived. Now his legs hung on the edge of the six story building. Phone in hand. Flash posted the party’s photos, he laughed at one where a group of guys dressed as the one and only Pitbull were carrying Flash as he threw pumpkins shaped confetti in the air. Flash knew how to have a good time, Pete gave him that. 
The next photo was one where he could see himself at the back, he barely noticed it was him, the spandex gave him away. But what caught his attention was the pointy hat, purple ribbons floating. His heart increased its pace. 
Flash was doing some drills at Empire’s gym. Sweaty and all, he greeted Peter with a hug and a laugh.
“Pete, you left too early the other day!” 
Peter’s cheek went warm. “Sorry, yeah I wasn’t feeling well.”
“No problem. You want to play? For the good ol’ days.” Flash chuckled.
Peter remembered high school as if it was yesterday.
“I have class in like twenty minutes, but next time. I was just wondering if you knew the name of this girl I met at your party.”
Flash smirked, nudging Peter on the ribs. “I see why you weren’t feeling well huh? Parker.” 
Peter scratched his neck, this was so awkward, he didn’t even know the girl.
“What she looked like?” 
Peter’s image of you was very vague, he remembered the costume, but nothing else really.
“You have an idea how many girls dressed like that were at the party? I need more intel Parker.” 
Peter closed his eyes for a second. “She- um she said you were taking bioengineering together,” 
Flash huffed, making the basketball bounce. “I’m not taking bioengineering, Peter. Don’t think girls take that class anyway… trust me I’d remember.” He winked.
“Really? Because she was very sure of it.” He laughed, out of pure agony.
Have you been like a dream or something?
“I think someone made you look like a fool Pete. But there’s always more girls.”
“Right, no, you’re right. Um, I’m going to get going. See you later man.”
“Take care Parker!” 
Making his way back home, Peter kicked a can with all the force he managed, it landed inside a trash can. He blinked, shit that was quite lucky. He felt not so lucky when there was no space in the subway to even move your legs, at least it was warm in there, the November wind was getting tougher by the day. Headphones on, he put the music in shuffle. 
In starlit night I saw you
So cruel you kissed me
your lips a magic world
Leaning on the cold metallic tube in front of the doors, he sighed looking at his converse. He needed to give them a wash, those ketchup stains were not making it look any better. His fingers went to his eyes, scratching the corners of them, he could sleep right there if he was sure no one would steal his phone but instead he concentrated on his surroundings. Phone screens shining, Instagram posts passing rapidly, text messages getting deleted and retyped, sudoku grid…
Sudoku grid?
His stomach churned. He had these images like photos archived in his brain. He remembered the sudoku grid, the number 9 for some reason, mushrooms, pink dust, floating candles, a green mug, and a smile. That smile had haunted his dreams for days now.
The owner of the phone had a bright yellow coat. Peter froze just creepily staring at the person.
Next stop was a commotion, people going out, some more coming in. Peter lost yellow coat for a moment only to see it going out with the sea of people.
“Hey!" he shouted. Desperation in his voice. “Yellow coat!” 
Only feet away now, he saw the person go up the stairs. His heart hammering against his ribcage, what was this, why was he so anxious for the person to turn?
Crossing a busy street, he took his earphones off, seeing for one last time yellow coat get into a taxi, mixing in the traffic. 
Peter sometimes really thought he was the most intelligent person in the world. He decided to follow the taxi, this time in Spider-Man clothes. Web shooters full and ready, cold wind wasn’t even a bother, he had perfected the suit to be warmer on winter days. 
Swinging up to Brooklyn’s bridge had been easy, the problem being on which of all the taxis he saw was yellow coat in. 
Running and shooting webs caused lots of honking and almost made a man crash his car thanks to the little kid trying to come off the window to say hello to him.
“Sorry!” He apologized, as he flew by. 
Last taxi entering Brooklyn was his only chance, this better be it. As he plopped as softly as he could on the roof of the car, he bent over to take a peek on the backseat windows. 
He grinned under the mask. Knocking on the window he saw shiny hair flick, and sparkly eyes connected with his white buggy ones. Waving a hand at you, your eyes went wide. In a flash everything came back to him.
The curse, how you feed him and basically cured his bad luck with a blueberry flavored kiss.
Stealing his heart with that, it was absurd yet magical, Peter wasn’t surprised no more with what happened in his daily life.
“Roll the window down?” He made the motion for you to do so.
For a brief second Peter thought you were not doing it, but you did, wind made your hair dance and oh Peter’s heart shivered with joy.
“Witch!” He greeted, still looking at you upside down.
“Peter Pa- Spider-Man!” you smiled, in awe.
The taxi driver rolled his window down too. “Dickhead, get the fuck down of my car!” 
“Just drop me in the next block.” You said, throwing the man some money.
Peter jumped off the car just as the taxi slowed down. 
“Freaks!” The man shouted at them, his middle finger sticking out the window as his goodbye.
“Thank you kind sir!” Peter saluted him.
You snorted by his side. Pivoting on his heels, it took him a second to take it all in. 
“You disappeared,”
“I didn’t disappear, I helped you get home Peter Parker.” You grinned. Oh that smile, Peter wanted to squeeze your cheeks.
“Um, no, that’s not what happened. I was lying in your room, and then you kissed me and then I woke up at my aunt’s? For a moment I thought I was losing my mind.”
You were staring at him amused. “It was fun, right? I know I had a lot of fun that night.” 
“Don't be mean.” Peter’s hand flew to his chest, as if he had been hurt for real. “I even asked Flash about you, and you lied, you never went to Empire.” Hands flying in the air, as he spoke.
“First of all. I do go to Empire, Flash is just not a very observant person.”
“Right, so tell me why you did all this?”
"I had to fix it okay!” Your eyes locked on your shoes. 
“Spider-Man hi!!” A group of teenagers waved their hands at them on the other side of the street.
“Hello, guys!” He had to be kind to the fans, being the beloved neighborhood hero wasn’t an easy task after all. “Have a good day.”
“You are the shit bro!” One of them shouted back.
“Do you mind if we talk somewhere more private?” Peter said through gritted teeth.
You bit the inside of your cheek to not laugh. “Ok.”
Peter took the opportunity to grab you by the waist, in a fast and smooth motion he was flying through Brooklyn.
“This is not what I had in mind.” You squealed against his spandex covered neck, he felt your breath hot on his skin. 
“Oh you owe me, this is the least you can do for me Witch.” 
Peter wowed as they moved between buildings. Landing on the roof of an old cinema. The neon lights casting pretty shadows against your face and the suit’s texture became alive. He took the mask off to reveal the sweetest of smiles. Cheeks rosy.
“What can we do about this?” He asked, arms spread wide, he was falling for someone who he barely knew.
You hid your hands inside your coat, wind biting on your skin harshly. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”
Peter sighed. “How was it supposed to go? You said you had to fix it, what do you mean by that?”
Why were Peter’s eyes so pretty, his face was a mix of pain and hope, your stomach felt funny again. It had been like that since you first saw him. A month ago.
A blue moon was something you always enjoyed. Making moon water, charging crystals, manifesting and writing spells. 
But Orion, your black cat had been angsty for days now, he always was like that during full moons. He destroyed your quilt, the one to knit together with so much effort. So you let him out.
“Get out! If you could, I’d make you fix this to make me happy!” The window closed with a thud and poor Orion blended in with the night.
After trying to fix it but failing with the quilt you felt guilty. Orion was simply trying to let that energy out, and you took it against the poor thing. After much thinking you decided to go out looking for him. Orion’s name got pronounced several times until you saw him crossing the street a little ahead of you, it was three in the morning. Cars weren’t even passing, the world was still, sirens and honks chimed far away. 
Orion locked eyes with you for a moment. And you knew this was a bit of a dare to him, squatting down you tried to prod the cat to go to you, but Orion only sat in the middle of the sidewalk, liking his paw almost making fun of you. One step closer was what set him off running again. Just in time for Spider-Man to pass walking; half mask up munching on what seemed to be a burrito, mustard on the corner of his mouth, he came to a halt when the cat crossed his path. You saw Spider-Man gulp. 
A moment later his burrito fell flat on the pavement. You knew what this was about, you shut your eyes, cursing Orion under your breath, when you opened them Spider-Man was gone. 
“So you knew I was Spider-Man all along?” Peter scoffed. “You are full of secrets witch.”
“I knew I even said it to you when you were freaking out. Half of the spell had to do with me doing the ritual and half of it was you believing it would work, you still opened those damn pretty eyes.”
Peter kicked a tiny rock off the roof. “So you think I have pretty eyes?” he heard you laugh. 
“You do Peter Parker.”
He blushed deeper. “ So what I felt when you… kissed me was just part of the spell?” 
The disappointment in his voice made your heart jump. “It wasn’t about feelings, Peter Parker, it was just a spell to fix your bad luck. Whatever you felt, that’s on you.”
“Hmm,” he took a step closer, scratching his neck. “I was being serious when I asked you out for coffee.”
“I know.”
Peter smirked. “You like making me suffer, I see how it is.” He laughed, making a full twirl.
The grin on your lips couldn’t be held. “It’s funny to see you all embarrassed.” 
“Jesus… okay so, coffee this Saturday?” His ears were bright red.
“Sounds good to me.” 
“Great.” Another step closer. “Don’t bring your cat, I beg.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Good, because I’m feeling pretty lucky as it is.” His lips ghosted over yours.
On your tiptoes you connected your lips with his cold but soft ones. Both smiling and chuckling. 
“This is even better than the last one.”
“Yeah because you were freaking out about spiders, Spider-Man.” you mumbled, Peter brushed the hairs that floated in your face, he needed a clear path.
“I think I prefer it when you call me Peter Parker.”
Peter kissed the tip of your nose, and you finally let him know your name. He beamed as he repeated it.
“That sounds about right.”
A meow was heard and Peter groaned, forehead connection to yours.
“He won’t do it again. I promise, it was just a blue moon thing.”
You saw his eyes traveling all over your face. “I think I can get used to getting cursed.”
Orion meowed again, rubbing its little black fur against Peter’s leg. 
“Hey pal.” Peter said, patting the cat sweetly.
You snorted. “You’re weird Peter Parker.”
“Thank you.” 
Maybe after all Orion did something that made you happier than a badly knitted quilt.  
Peter found the whole term of black cat curse drastically different, they weren’t about bad luck after all. 
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rustic-space-fiddle · 2 months
Why do you want to fight BEN from treasure planet?
He’s just rather… abrasive? Granted, Ben in the original Treasure Island was also loud and obnoxious, but I think the difference between them is the tone they both brought to their respective stories. Ben from Treasure Island was funny in that he said outlandish phrases and kept trying to touch people (which I admit I LOVE that they kept about B.E.N.), but his character wasn’t ever explicitly used for comic relief. He was more tragic that comedic, even to the very end of his story. Jim at the end of the book tells that he spent all his money at once and was homeless again in just a few weeks. It’s funny-ish, because you’d think he’d be a bit smarter with his money after being marooned for 3 years, but mostly it’s tragic because he’s still wandering and poor with no one, even though all that treasure was rightfully his.
B.E.N. on the other hand is blatantly used for comic relief, which I really don’t think was necessary. It’s not like the story was exceptionally dark up till then. Captain Amelia’s dry wit, Doppler’s bumbling earnestness, Jim’s teenage sass, Silver’s crude pirate-y commentary, and even Morphy are all plenty of fun! They seamlessly inject comedy into the story without taking you out of it. But when B.E.N. is funny, it’s just “WOOO HE’S CRAAAAAAZYYYYYY” comedy. Granted, a lot of his one-liners are really funny! I quote him often, even though I don’t care for him very much. Nevertheless, some lines just feel out of place in the story, and he acts so much like a person that you wonder why he’s even a robot (he’s robot to explain why he’s still around after 100 years [yes, I get that he’s programmed extremely well. But still!]). For example: “WAS I EVER DANCING WITH A DROID NAMED LUPÉ?!” just SCREAMED out in the middle of the moment when it feels like our heroes are losing. Silver has gone full dark side, showing no mercy; Doppler and Amelia are tied up, apparently hopeless, and Jim is being used as a human GPS, being lead for all the world like a dancing bear (geddit?). If B.E.N. was gonna shout something, it didn’t have to be so uselessly funny. Just him shouting would be inappropriate enough in that moment. But nope, because he’s voiced by Martin Short, Mr. Comedy Man, B.E.N. has to be 80% idiot, 20% accidentally useful. The more accidentally useful a character is, the closer to Jar Jar Binks they are. And I cannot stand Jar Jar Binks.
OPPOSITION: He’s just that stupid because his brain is gone! He’s smart at the end of the movie! — Yes… but he’s still obnoxious. He’s a little better, but talks just a little too long. His “I know you don’t like hugging, but get ready cuz I’m gonna hug ya—“ THAT was actually humorous and kinda sweet. Then when Jim hugs him back, it’s wholesome! But then they have B.E.N. go on to cry (badly) and ask for a tissue—AS JIM IS REALIZING SILVER IS LEAVING. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I thought that exchange was funny and wholesome and I wish B.E.N. had been reeled back a bit in his surprised reaction to getting a hug back. His surprise is warranted, but dang.
That’s all just a very long way of saying that I wish he’d been played a little quieter (still loud, but quieter), and that he’d been more purposefully helpful. Ben from Treasure Island was like a geode. He was crusty on the outside, but showed himself to be actually quite clever (though not financially savvy) and basically secured the treasure all by himself. He just needed a ship and a crew. B.E.N. from Treasure Planet was like a Wish.com quartz crystal. A rather useless fellow dressed up in a shiny comedy crust. “I have to pee!” (A thing robots can’t even do?) —BOOM! Hiding place! “I like this fresh air door I have!” —BOOM! Gateway to the center of the planet. The only time I really like that dynamic is when he’s lamenting that he can’t remember something super important (the booby traps), and then immediately after Jim reinstalls his brain, he’s like “HOLY FRICK THE BOOBY TRAPS—“.
Again, this is all just my opinion! I don’t fully hate him, and he is funny, but I think they over exaggerated him in an attempt to appeal to kids and they just didn’t need to do that! If they’d dialed him back just a tad, I think it would’ve made that last part of the movie feel less like a tonal rollercoaster. What do y’all think?
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vermillionsails · 5 months
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A/N: I read @skullghoulz and @fairytalespider ask and fic's of Miguel turning into a cat and it was absolutely adorable and got my imagination spinning. This is inspired by their fic and ask. I highly recommend it if you need some nice fluff to read! I'll have it linked. There is swearing and brief nudity when he gets turned back but nothing too graphic but because of that, this is 18+ just to be safe! This also will be a part 2 eventually! this is 8 pages long and about 4,098 words. I wanted this to go out yesterday but, I had a slight delay. This story does bounce between the reader and Miguel's pov's. enjoy!
Summary: A rouge spell from a portal hits Miguel while on a mission and he gets turned into a cat. When a nice woman from his building (the reader.) Finds him in cat form in the rain what will happen?
Warnings ⚠️: afab reader, brief male nudity, some swearing, mentions of food, brief mentions of stress, mentioning of cheek skin being squished by a cat paw, and gagging. That's all I can think of right now.
It was a frustrating and antagonizing mission for Miguel. After this is over he’s sending Ben to help Lego Spider-Man from now on. It was a crossover somehow and a rogue spell from a portal bounced and hit him. The strange orange light from it made him feel sick immediately. After telling Jess to take the different Morbius back to HQ he tapped his watch hurdily as he stumbled through the portal his wristband made. His skin felt hot and itchy as he crashed into dumpsters and walls and his vision went tunnel. Everything starts to spin as he retches and falls over his body feeling heavy. Hours go by as he wakes up groggily blinking as he sees a shadow over him.
You were in the kitchen cooking pasta for dinner when you heard a groan and loud bang outside of your alley despite the rain. You put the burner on the lowest setting so the sauce doesn't burn before walking to the small balcony your apartment has. The rain splashed and coated your feet as you walked barefoot onto the cold metal balcony. Looking down you see a medium-sided fuzzy wet ball curled up by the dumpsters. You shake your head and let out a small growl of annoyance. Someone must have dumped the poor creature and ran. You can feel your heart tighten a little in sympathy as its frame twitch and shiver from the cold of the rain. You walk back in and wipe your feet off on the kitchen mat before putting on slippers and grabbing a towel and hoodie. Throwing on your hoodie and rushing to the elevator with a towel under your arm you pull out your phone and order some basic cat supplies. One of the things you appreciate about Nueva York is the fast door deliveries for emergencies. You look at your reflection in the steel walls of the elevator you look like you didn't think you’d be making a mad dash in the rain. Your plaid sleep shorts, old warn yellow tweedy bird shirt popped off with the green slippers and maroon hoodie. At least the cat wouldn't mind the door man….maybe the people in this building were a little snobby if you were being honest. Everyone knew Spiderman lived in this building so it made everyone act weird. Eventually, the doors ding open as you get to the lobby. You speed walk past the people checking their mailboxes and the doorman as you speed around the corner toward the dumpsters. The cat was bigger than you thought as you got close. He has brown spikey fur and big paws, big ears with tufts of fur too. You decided to speak softly to him. “Hey buddy you're okay, I'm gonna get you warm and dry.” quickly you lay the towel over him and scoop him up as he blinks slowly awake. “I got you you're okay, please don't scratch me.” Miguel feels getting lifted off the ground and engulfed in a towel. He tries to make a huh? but it comes out as a Mrruha sound. You hear the cat chatter in your arms as you rush to the elevator. “I know buddy it’s okay your safe now.” the cat's body goes stiff in your arms as you reach the elevator and escape the eyebrow raise from the doorman. The doors slide shut and the cat wiggles in your arms to see himself in the metal walls. Miguel twists and wiggles uncovering the towel fold by his face seeing a cat with umber eyes staring back. A cat! He got turned into a cat! He lets out a growl that turns into a yowl halfway through. He feels your body go rigid as he makes those sounds. “Hey, hey it's okay bud it's just you not another cat see.” you rub the side of his body calmly trying to calm him down. It didn't the cat kept growling and yowling at the reflection the whole ride but made no move to get out of your arms. Every frustration and stress in Miguel's mind, body, and soul rises to the surface as he keeps seeing his cat's reflection in the metal. He seemed to understand somewhat as he shrinks back into the towel growling softly. He has no idea how long it'll last if the spider-men back at HQ will find him. He sees his wristband nowhere on him not even Lyla could try to find him. The growling continues as he panics. You sigh having no idea how to calm him down so you adjust and tap in front of his reflection making him pause and look at you. “Good I got you’re attention, look I know you scared but I need you to calm down okay? You are safe with me You’re gonna get food and a bath and somewhere to sleep. We good bud?" His expression seems somewhat stressed and scared as he looks at you. should have bought some catnip for the poor guy.
Miguel continues to growl softly during the elevator ride. You are a kind person to pick up a lone cat you are he knows that and that's why you think he is just a cat someone left in an alley. thinking about what Lyla would say to him, probably treating it like a vacation. He huffs as he feels you walking forward and opening a door. The familiar ding, ding, ding as the door opens and shuts alerts him. It’s the same tone that plays when he uses the card for his apartment door. The wristband got him home to his universe to his apartment building. A moment of relief floods through him. If HQ figures out he's gone they won't have to go far. 
You get through your door and the smell of pasta sauce and noodles hits you. It hits Miguel too both your stomachs growling as you set him down on the couch. You put your hands on your hips after sitting him down. “Stay here I have to check some stuff be a good cat.” 
He shakes off the towel and sits on top of it. His newfound tail wraps around his paws as he watches you talk. He looks at you intently trying to figure out if he has seen around the building. You look back at him raising an eyebrow as this big lynx-looking cat stares at you like he’s a statute. “Okay, you are a strange cat but….good boy.” shaking your head you walk to the kitchenette stirring the spicy tomato creme sauce before dumping the campanelle and chicken into the sauce stirring it together you keep it on low before grabbing a bowl and hearing a knock at the door. Miguel watches you as you meander into the kitchen and towards the door as the knock is heard. He remembers helping you carry a big box to the elevator one day the in lobby. It must be a small world that you ended up finding him after he helped you. He jumps down from the couch and follows you to the door watching the delivery guy hand you the bags you ordered before getting him. You open the door to a cute delivery guy of course he is cute. “Hi thank you, how much?” he gives you a charming smile before answering “Oh yeah, 20. Is that your cat?” he takes the hand out of his pocket to gesture at your new friend. You look at the cat and nod noticing that he followed you to the door. “Yeah, I just got him today.” grab your wallet from your hoodie and hand him a 20. “Thanks see you around have a good one.” you nod awkwardly as the interaction ends. “Yeah you too!” you chirp back and shut the door letting out a sigh. “I'm done with social interaction today.” setting the bags on the coffee table before walking back to the kitchen and filling up your bowl. You look at the cat seeing him scurry to your side watching you. “You hungry too buddy?” Miguel tries to say yes but it comes out as mowww. He blinks in annoyance as the sound comes out. "I'll take that as yes, hang on." You set your bowl down again before going to the bags. You pull out a pack of toys, the scooper for the litter box, the cat bed that he's too big for, and finally the food. You go through the other bag and take out the brush, shampoo litter box and litter, and the food and water dishes. "All of this stuff is yours bud ....what am I gonna call you?"
 You look at him again he has brown fur that spikes out and is almost red? Eyes you didn't see that before. "Hmm, how about Drac?" Miguel blinks in annoyance again and lets out an annoyed mrrh sound. He'll never live that down if they find out.  "You made a sound and we'll go with it for now." He growls at you softly before watching you grab the food and bowls. "Ignoring the growl…this is supposed to be really good cat food so I hope you like it."  Miguel feels himself snarl, his fangs poking out a bit as he realizes he has to eat cat food. The smell of your dinner makes his stomach growl. He could try to cute you out a couple of bites from yours. His tail sweeps the floor in annoyance as he watches you prepare the food. It looked like human food the bag looked fancy but the food smelled different than what he was used to.  Setting it down by the balcony door you call to him “Here’s your food and water drac hope you like it buddy.” you grab your food and give him a pat on the head as you walk by. 
Miguel sinks a little as you touch him. Twice you’ve touched him and to his surprise, he isn't mad about it. It's been a very long time since he had affection it just saddens him a little that it takes him being a cat to get it.  “You okay bud?” after moving some of the cat stuff to sit and find something to watch you see Drac standing like a statue again looking confused and annoyed. If you had to guess. His ears twitch at your voice and he turns to look at you making a myrrh sound.  “Adjusting huh? Well, you probably won't like bath or me later.” You're talking to yourself more than Drac at this point as you focus on the rom-com on the TV. Taking a couple bites of the pasta makes your tongue tingle from the spices as you watch the lead bump into her ‘new love.’  He trots over to the food bowl as you talk and watch your movie. He gives a few sniffs before taking a couple of bites and immediately gaging. It tastes like a bad microwave dinner he would know Miguel has had a lot.  The lead gets asked out on a date as you hear a BLEAGH! From drac. Turning you see him lapping down water. “Oh, you don't like your cat food do you?” he trots over jumping onto the couch and sitting by your thigh. “Wha- no drac don't beg for my food.”  Miguel lets out a miaow and baps at your thigh with his big paw. he does it repeatedly, miaow bap, miaow bap, miaow bap. “Drac stop it you weird cat.” he lets out another miaow and grabs your fingers that hold your spoon as he tries to drag it towards himself.  “Oh my god, Drac really dude?!” he lets out an annoyed roaw as he keeps hopping a little and collides with the spoon greedily eating the pasta and chicken on it while making those greedy cat growl/gurgle as he scarfs it down. A pale red sauce covers the fur around his mouth coloring him as the food thief he is. God, it tasted good how long had it been since he had something to eat? He can’t remember. 
In between laughing you tsk at him. “Okay I think I know to fix this greedy butt.” you get up and grab his food bowl scooping some pasta into the food bowl hoping it'll get him to eat his cat food. “Okay try it now drac.” he licks his chops as he jumps and scurries over sniffing it and scarfing down the human food on top of it. Nodding you grab your bowl and eat beside him. You can hear him purr softly as he eats. “I think that's solved for now.” it takes a couple of minutes and you're done eating your bowl. You set it on the counter and set up the rest of the cat things you got for him.  Miguel zones out as he eats and hears you move around behind him. He licks his face after realizing he ate everything in the food dish. He laps up some water before seeing your shadow over him again. He lets out a mrrrh as you pick him up again. “Look I know this isn't going to be fun but it’s bath time drac.” Miguel’s eyes widen and he starts to wiggle in your hold. Bath! You going to give him a bath! Don't cats clean themselves? It's not like he would grab you up and wash you. Before he knows it his paws touch the metal of the skin and the presser of your hand on the space in between shoulder blades keeps him there.  All you hear is sad growling as you set him in the sink. “I know buddy I'm sorry but you need to be clean.” you make the water warm and cup it onto him before lathering up the soap on his fur. You hum a little as you get the soap on him.  Miguel wonders if it's the cat brain of this body or his brain that's freaking out before he feels your hands and nails lather and scrub his fur. It feels like when he gets his hair washed when he gets his hair trimmed. He can feel his body twitch and shrink down a little as he purrs.  You chuckle as he calms down. “See it feels nice huh? Like getting pets.” you start to cup off the water on his body humming still as he purrs. Running through your hands side to side making sure soap is completely out of his fur.  Miguel knows this is weird, once he becomes a human again and if you see him turn into one this is going to be awkward. How is he gonna explain to you? “Okay buddy I gotta do your face.” Miguel makes a confused mrrp sound before you trinkle water down his face and lightly massage soap into his muzzle.
Miguel keeps his eyes closed as you rinse the soap shortly after. The pressure of your hand on his shoulder blades lifts and he makes his body shake the water off earning a giggle to you. “Can't even escape that from a cat huh?” you scoop him up with a towel and clutch him to your chest.  “Couch time Drac.” he knows the drill by now settling into your arms and the towel as you flop onto the couch. Slowly you start to rub the towel against him drying him. You can hear him start to purr at the sensation. His eyes start to droop and shut as you dry him. He can feel himself purr again from the touch he isn't going to lie. This feels nice, eating dinner with someone, affection, the bath, your voice…okay maybe he's starting to like more than just the attention. He can hear your heartbeat start to lull him as his body warms up.  You can see him starting to fall asleep in your arms and kiss him on top of his head. He lets out a sleepy chirrup sound from the kiss. You can feel his paws flex outward and grab you. "Night Drac."  Even almost asleep he knows he's screwed, that kiss you gave him sealed it. He can feel you move after saying goodnight. That's when the sleep takes over.     Walking into your bedroom you set Drac down on the bed gently taking the towel off as he stretches out in his sleep. Turning your tv on and setting it on low you go to put the food up and turn off the lights before shuffling back in. Taking your hoodie off you throw it in the laundry hamper with the towel before crawling into bed.  Before dreams start he can feel your body dip into the bed. In his sleep haze, he lets out a mrrip sound as he moves and flops down next to your stomach seeking your body heat as he falls back asleep again.  You pet his side a couple of times watching his tail thump sleepy against the bed before wrapping your arms around your pillow and cuddling it before falling asleep yourself for the night.   In the morning a loud Ree! Reee! Ree! Reee! Engulfs the room starling Miguel awake. Looking down at himself he has his cat body still, he looks at the alarm clock and back at you still asleep. He stretches and walks towards your face looking at you still softly snoring away. He lets out a few meows and chirps in your ear but nothing. Huffing in annoyance he inches closer slowly reaching his paw out to pat your cheek. Watching how it squishes against his paw he lets out a louder meow. Luckily you let an annoyed groan.  “I hear it buddy thank you.” sighing a bit as you gently push his paw away to turn the clock off. stretching and rolling over turning it off you yawn and look at Drac. “Well, morning.”  He sits up watching you giving a softer meow. “You want some pets before I get ready for work?” if you had to bet money on something strange you'd bet it on the look of should I, your question brought onto his face. It takes him a minute until he inches forward. Reaching out you start to scratch under his chin making his eyes squint shut and purr again. 
He needs to get out more if this much attention is making him melt. The last few hours he's been with you have been calming for him. He wonders what your hands would feel like on his human skin instead of cat fur or in his hair touching his scalp as he cuddles into you after a hard day….this is getting complicated now. As he gets lost in thought your hands stop and he feels you lean over to kiss the top of his head again. The feeling makes him warm up and skink into the bed.  "You're such a weird cat Drac. I gotta get ready though as much as I wanna stay here." You toss the blanket from your legs and shuffle into your closet grabbing the blue plaid skirt, black tights, and black long-sleeved bodysuit. Today you had to shadow the anchorwoman on channel 19 before they let on or behind the camera. You aced your interview and the test report script so shadowing and taking notes today shouldn't be too hard. You set the outfit on the counter in your bathroom and walk back to grab your leather jacket and black Mary Jane's to sit by the door.          He watches you get ready for the day, this must be your usual routine. His mind starts to wander off again. Where would you work to dress up like that? Library? college? law office? He jumps down to get a closer look. As he lands he can feel his stomach flip and flutter. He lets out a confused mrrp sound as it continues. It quickly twists itself into nausea making his body feel like it's pulsing. He starts to pant and let out small yowling sounds. He scurries to the couch as he starts to gag and retch.  You made it into the bathroom changed fast into the outfit and started getting ready to do your makeup as you heard the odd noises coming from Drac. Heart sinking a little you start to worry was he sick? Is that why they dumped him? Walking out you look for him. He's pacing In Front of your couch he must have made it in there while you were getting things set up. "Buddy? Drac you okay?"  He hears your voice but the nauseous feeling and the newfound pain in his legs overpowers it as he gags and retches on the floor. The spell must be wearing off already. Panic adds to his body as he feels his limbs start to pull like taffy.  Slowly you walk around and look behind the couch seeing your cat puking and his limbs being twisted and pulled like a scene from a bad horror movie. Your heart sinks further as you close your eyes bracing for a quiet moment to grab him. You hope you can get him to a vet.  You get lost in panicked thoughts and Miguel’s in pain as orange light bursts through the room. it engulfs his body in searing heat and makes the inside of your eyelids light up. Cracks pops and groans fill the room as his body is returned to his normal human shape. His body shakes and twitches as the cold wood floor tames his feverish skin.  Opening your eyes you see a naked toned man on his stomach where your cat used to be. His skin looks like dewy gold in the lights of your apartment. You can tell he’s sick by the way his body shivers and sweats. Watching frozen you clear your throat not sure what to do. He shifts and looks back at you his eyes widening the color more red than when he was a cat. 
He sees you dressed up and looking at him in shock it's an awkward situation. He shakes his head trying to get rid of the hazy sick feeling overtaking him. “I-i can explain what happened I promise.” he tries to move and get up but, he falls back down his limbs feel like jello.  “Yeah you're going to have to, I don't know what in the fairy tale hell is going on but you owe me cat buster!”  Miguel laughs weekly “Yeah okay I owe you a cat, I swear I wasnt a cat cause of something weird, c-can I use your shower and I show and tell you everything?” you cross your arms and mull over his request. You hope this doesn't make you late for work. “Okay fine, nothing weird though I'll go get you a towel.” he turns to his side moving his arm so it covers his hips. His hair covers his face as he lays on the floor embracing the cold. “Thanks, I'll be quick promise.”  Walking back into your living room you lay the towel over him or at least try to with your eyes closed. “I can’t be late for work so if you can be quick that would be cool you know?” he nods and sits up wrapping the towel around himself it’s a little difficult sitting on the floor but he manages. “Could you help me up?” opening one eye to peak you see he’s covered fully and open them fully he really does look like the human form of the cat you picked up.  His hair even curls and spikes out like his fur. You reach out your hands for him to grab onto you, he grunts getting his feet under him and standing. “Jeez you're a big man.” he looks at you with an eyebrow raised. “I can't tell if that's an insult or a compliment?” you blush a little in embarrassment. “I-it’s not an insult your just tall a-and i haven't helped anyone like you walk somewhere.”  He chuckles again softly. “I know I'm messing with you, I'm sorry puked on your floor and you know was a cat briefly.” you can feel yourself melt a little. “It's okay will get it cleaned up. Let's get you clean first.” it was his turn to melt it was the same tone you used when he was a cat. “Mhm, that sounds familiar.” you roll your eyes. “Shut it.” he starts to laugh again.  “Nah I don't think so kinda like you this way.” 
…… And that's where I'm ending it for now mwahahaha! 
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 3, Poll 12
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Art of Zolf Smith is by @taikoaiko
Adam Parrish-The Raven Cycle
He's extremely bi and is HoH (acquired deafness in one ear)
Bisexual and hard of hearing!
deaf in one ear AND bisexual—thats hot!!!!!!!
I love him
Well if no one else is gonna submit my son then ig I'll have to! He can be such a lil bitch sometimes but I love him so much. He is a witch. He is a genius. He is insecure. He's got the most game out of all of his friends but the bar is on the floor. He and his boyfriend both have extreme daddy issues. He is poor. He is me. <3 I love you adam parrish
i have too little brain to make propaganda right now but he is the Most deserving of this award it is an honour to nominate him
Zolf Smith-Rusty Quill Gaming
Both legs amputated at the knees
I love him so much! Chill Sailor Paladin Dad my beloved. He's tired, he's asexual, he's biromantic, he's mechanically grief-stricken, he's atheist, he had a messy breakup with Poseidon Himself, he saved the world (somewhat reluctantly) and he's in a QPR with Oscar Wilde. Yes, *that* Oscar Wilde. I actually really love how Ben Merideth chose to portray Zolf's disability over the course of the show. Coming to terms with it is a pretty big part of his arc, and while I'm not the best person to judge here since I'm not an amputee, it felt very well executed to me. He spends a lot of the show having his agency, specifically regarding his legs, taken away from him (nonconsentual amputation from Mr Ceiling, legs he didn't agree to receiving from Poseidon, being forced into making major world decisions he doesn't feel equipped to handle, etc) and it's pretty clear that it's the feeling of powerlessness and lack of agency bothers him much more than the actual loss of his legs. While he does end up using prosthetics for the bulk of the campaign, after the action is done it's made clear that he much prefers using a wheelchair, which is what he does. Anyways. Vote for Zolf he has loads of hitpoints.
Anything Else?:
Your honor I love him
Submitted by @crustaceousfaggot
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
Maybe some headcanons for how Liu/Sully, Jeff and BEN would be with a doting, sweet and innocent s/o? Only if you're inspired though ❤️
Tysm for the request luv! ^^ ik it took me a while, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless <3
Masterlist: x
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
And creepkinks is coming up next week!!! Hope y’all are as excited as i am <33
Jeff the Killer
Honestly, at first, he‘d be a little... put-off?
He wouldn’t understand why or even how they manage to be so nice all the time—are they trying to get something out of him?
He’d definitely be wary, thinking they have ulterior motives because homeboy does not trust easily
But over time, he’d come accept that it is possible for someone to be as angelic as they are~
He doesn’t know how they’ve managed to survive so long being that sweet & innocent, but he certainly isn’t mad about it
He thinks it’s cute—precious, even—and as he learns to trust them more & more, he becomes increasingly protective of them uwu
He wants to make sure that they keep their innocence at any cost
He gets like this 🤏 close to going full yandere to keep them safe & out of harm’s way ngl
He’s certainly not used to someone doting on him, so at first, he doesn’t really know how to handle the attention
It sometimes overwhelms him & he gets flustered, so he tries to dismiss them
It’s lowkey cute tho?
But it’s not like he doesn’t like the attention; on the contrary, he adores it
It feeds into his massive ego—he just needs to adjust to having another person agree with him that he’s pretty great 😏😘
Overall, things would be off to a rocky start, but once he gets used to how wonderful his little s/o is, he’ll try his damnedest to be a good boyfriend
Which is to say, he won’t be amazing, but he really does try & it’s very sweet to see
He might be an asshole sometimes, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve some lovin <3
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BEN Drowned
Oh, he’s in love~
Baby boy can’t 👏get 👏enough 👏of their attention
He lives for their praise & comfort; they might actually be an angel in his eyes
He straight-up melts whenever they give him affection—to the point where he just wants to be with them all the damn time
He’ll gladly let them baby him as much as they want smdh
He’s too spoiled :”)
Similar to Jeff, he adores how sweet & innocent they are
But, unlike Jeff, instead of growing protective, he’ll inadvertently end up corrupting them :”)
It won’t necessarily be on purpose, it’ll kind of just happen by virtue of BEN being, well, BEN
He can’t deny enjoying being the one that corrupts them tho 😳😳
And in that similar vein of enjoyment, he loves teasing the hell out of them
He just thinks they’re so goddamn cute when they get all bashful >:3c
Like I’ve (probably?) mentioned before, BEN’s big on cuddling, but with an s/o as cute as that, how could he possibly resist keeping his hands off them?
There’s so much physical contact, it’s wild
You can bet movie/video game dates with snacks & blankets are a regular occurrence 😌👌
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Homicidal Lui
Ahh, that poor lil s/o is gonna get whiplash with this manses :”)
Lui, on one hand, is just as sweet & doting as they are—if not even more so
He’s always asking if he can get anything for them, or if he can do anything for them, or how their day went and if they ate and if they want anything, anything at all—and that kind of stuff :>
He tries so goddamn hard to please them, they’re treated better than royalty <3
Boy’s always extremely flattered when they return the sentiment; having someone care for him isn’t too much of a regular occurrence :”)
He has self-esteem issues, so he often tries to over-compensate by putting others before him, and a reversal of those roles can be quite jarring
He’s truly a sweetheart, poor baby 😪💗
Their relationship is almost like,, sickly sweet teens during the honeymoon phase of a relationship kinda vibe
Very lovey-dicey, very obnoxious to the people around them, but very sweet lmfao
Sully though, on the other hand?
Oh boy
Dude teases the hell out of their s/o
He tries to corrupt them any & every way he possibly can
Lui gets so fucking pissed at him for messing with his beloved s/o
He always ends up feeling super bad, like he’s ultimately just a burden on his precious lil s/o
So he needs a good amount of reassurance, which is why someone so gentle & doting is honestly kind of perfect for him :”)
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Real Names in “Descendants“
Here’s a rant + solution about the characters’ names in Descendants.
Who in his right mind could accept Lonnie’s name is just that? Mal makes sense for the explanation we were given, but Evie? Even assuming Ally is short for something, isn’t that’s a weird name? The books have stuff like Herkie, Lil’ Shang, Pin, Tiger Peony, Ginny Gothel and I don’t know how many more and while I get it’s about making them recognizeable as the children of certain characters, I do get it, I still think they’re bad.
So I decided to compile a list of presumable actual names of the Descendants kids, VK and AK alike that anyone could feel free to use in fics.
Two little notes before anything else:
the -son/-dottir patronimics I see sometimes in fics are North European and should be used only in the right context, avoided otherwise. In Ancient Greek the correct suffix is -ides (gender neutral), so Mal wouldn’t be Hadesdottir but Hadeides; similarly, Uma would be Ursulaides, and Ursula Poseidonides and so forth. Despite that, I assume Auradon would want to conform to the habit of fixed family names that is normal in modern Europe, so they’d make everyone adopt one, like Chad Charming, or use the place of origin, like Jordan of Agrabah.
The explanation I have in-universe for some names is that there's an obsession in Auradon with precising who their famous parents/relatives/family friends could be and many kids end up with nicknames tied to that. Either this or because names have power when it comes to magic, so real names are kept secret and known only by the most trusted people, but that wouldn’t get along with how magic works in the movies, nor with the fact Ben and Mal shared their middle names like it was no big deal (but then again, Ben could have a secret third name and Mal didn’t specify her first name is short for Maleficent). The first explanation is easier.
I’ve been working on this list for quite some time. As such, if you use this as reference it’s fine, but I’d like to be told at least, even in a note to this post and given credit if you pick one of my ideas that aren’t mainstream in the fandom.
Also, I may add to/modify this post later on, but without taking into account anything made after Descendants 3.
That said, VKs first:
Mal: we’ve been said Mal is just short for Maleficent and the daughter isn’t allowed to use the full name because she “didn’t deserve it”. Abusive and terrible, yet it fits. But I don’t think Hades would agree and in myths there is a Melinoe who is an Hades’ daughter, so Mal’s full real name could be Maleficent Bertha Melinoe Hadeides or just Melinoe Bertha Hadeides.
Jay: I saw Jayden around and, nope, it doesn’t work for me. Either Jayanth or Jayad (both mean “victorious one”) sound a lot better and more fitting for the general area Aladdin is set in. But, really, this page has tons of names starting with Jay, pick one from there. (also, for a proper surname you should check Arabic onomastic, which is complicated, so just use “of the Isle” or “of Agrabah”, unless you know the subject well. I don’t think Auradonians would bother to learn anyway)
Evie: oh, dear, my poor girl, what an atrocity. It could be short for anything like Evelyn, Evangeline (but the Evil Queen would never choose such a meek name, plus it’s tied to Tiana’s story), Evanna, Evalina, Evisse, all can work, but the one I prefer is Everhilde or Everild, which would call back to the Evil Queen’s real name, Grimhilde. On this note, I suppose Genevieve could work too with the “parent-children with same intials” trend.
Carlos: I already said I find weird he has a Spanish name when Cruella is British, and unless there are some Spanish roots somewhere in the de Vil lineage, his name should have been Charles. But recently I headcanoned his father could be Bruno Madrigal, so the Spanish name could stay (in the books it’s stated his middle name is Oscar, which @dragoneyes618 reminded me was also Bruno’s first-draft name), so, Carlos Oscar de Vil-Madrigal.
Uma: it’s a Hebrew or Hindi name and a weird fit for the granddaughter of Poseidon (yes, I am one of those who agrees Ursula is one of Poseidon’s children and thinks a name meaning “little she-bear” is a tad weird for a sea being). But, after all, Ariel is a Hebrew name too, so Uma fits the Little Mermaid lore and all is well.
The three Hook siblings (Harriet, Harry and Calista Jane) have the most normal and reasonable names of the whole franchise and I won’t dare to change them. Perhaps I’d argue Harriet and Harry are fem/male variants of the same name, but, really, there is worse in the franchise (and I guess, when she made up Harriet, Melissa de la Cruz had no idea they’d later create Harry for the next movies).
Gil: his real name could be Gillaume (variant of Guillaume) or Gilbert. Personally, I prefer the latter (like Gilbert Motier de La Fayette, you know, lol). His brothers’ names, unfortunately, fit with Gaston’s narcissism, so they can stay. The canon surname is LeGume, although I’m not sure where it comes from exactly as it’s never mentioned in either movie or live action as far as I remember.
Freddie: I think Frederique Facilier sounds great and she probably hates it. I read that in a fic but I don’t remember whose, maybe @ginnyrules27 or @hannahhook7744 or @dragoneyes618, feel free to correct me if it’s none of theirs.
Celia: it’s a name in its own good, used in both French and Spanish (fitting for New Orleans’ culture), but if we want, we can consider it short for Cecilia.
Ginny Gothel: assuming Gothel (like Yzma) was able to procreate and Ginny isn’t actually Cassandra’s daughter (I haven’t seen the series though so I don’t know much about her), Ginny is still an abbreviation, usually of Ginevra/Guinevere. I can’t fathom why Gothel’s name became a surname though, I’m at loss here, unless we are supposed to read it as Ginevra Gotheldottir (Rapunzel is a germanic tale, so this kind of patronimic fits), shortened Ginny Gothel.
Dizzy: I wrecked my brain on this. Drusilla or Desdemona. That’s it, that’s the top I could come up with. Drusilla Tremaine-Westergard, in my universe, to be precise.
The only other Tremaine cousin we have a canon name for is Anthony and I think it’s a perfectly fine name. Antoine if we set the story in pseudo-France.
Hadie: Hades had few children in the myths and Zagreus was the one I liked the most, that’s my reasoning. In myths, Zagreus is Persephone’s son but here it could be anyone’s, he’d still keep the Greek patronimic, so Zagreus Hadeides.
Squeaky and Squirmy Smee: those are 100% nicknames, it can’t be otherwise. In fact, in piracy, it’s pretty normal to have nicknames and aliases that are known more than regular names, like Calico Jack, Blackbeard, Big Murph and so on. The twins likely have normal names like Sullivan and Sean or something like that. In fact, their big brother is Sammy, short for Samuel, I assume, so it pretty much supports it.
Mad Maddy: while “mad“ is a mockery/title, Maddy should be short for Magda or Magdalene, but it’s used on its own too, so it’s your pick.
LeFou Deux: stupid name, like so stupid it can’t be real. Let’s pick a normal french name, like Denis LeFou, with the mockery he acts like father, they call him Le Fou Deux aka “twice as stupid”. Kids can be cruel.
Claudine Frollo: unfortunately, it’s an actual French name, but a religious zealot would maybe give her a double name, like Marie-Claudine.
Zevon and Yzla: I don’t know what to say here, I really don’t. Yzla sounds bad, that’s all I can say (but I admit Zevon has a nice ring). I accept suggestions.
Lil’ Shang: first thing first, in China (and other Eastern countries) surnames come before names. So Li=surname Shang=name. Cleared that up, this name makes sense only as a nickname (which I hate). If we want it to start with S and an assonance with his father’s, we could pick Sheng (victory) or Shuang (clear and bright).
Lonnie: Lanying, which, mispronunciated, became Lonnie, it would make sense if said by kids first. (Fun fact: irl Lin Lanying was the name of a scientist, there’s also a Guo Lanying who is a soprano, both great women).
Herkie: oh, don’t make me start with this. This is one of the atrocious names that are clearly rip-offs of the parent’s names and I hate that. Hercules had lots and lots of children in the myths, from Megara in particular he had four: Therimachus, Creontiades, Ophitus and Deicoon. Pick whatever you prefer, I am partial to Therimachus, too difficult for Auradonians to enunciate, they started to call him Herkie as a nickname that stuck.
Tiger Peony: I’m certain I’m not the first who thinks a name like this is, like, the epitome of disrespectful. For the same reason, I admit I know nothing of the subject and ask if someone could tell what an appropriate name for her could be.
Ally: Allison Liddel (original Alice’s surname) or Kingsley (live action surname). Or another surname if she took her father’s (I am partial to the Tim Burton movies and ship Alice and the Hatter, so Allison Hightopp, but that’s just me).
Jordan: Joodah (or Joudah) meaning “generous“ or “of high qualities“ (as far as I could find, please feel free to correct me).
Artie: don’t ask me where I took it from, but in my head his full name is Arnault Pendragon (and he isn’t Guinevere’s son as Disney’s Arthur married another woman under the advice of Merlin, but this is all my headcanon).
Pin: Pinocchio’s son. Now, in Italy it is traditional to name children after parents or grandparents (I have one uncle and 5 cousins all named after my maternal grandfather and other 4 cousins after my grandmother, to say nothing of the ones who have them as middle names), so it wouldn’t be weird BUT! we don’t have names without final vowels, especially first names, in Italian, so he’d be called Pino. Which is also short for Giuseppe (Giuseppino) and I much prefer that (if they wanted to use Geppetto’s name it would have made sense too, and that he would have been nicknamed Geppettino > Tino).
Now, for the dwarves’ sons I picked German names with the same initials:
“Doc II” Dominic;
“Hap” Harold;
“Cheerful” Klemens;
“Gesundheit”/“Gus” Gustav;
“Bash” Bastian;
“Shy” Silas;
“Crabby” Conrad;
“Sleepy jr” Simon;
“Snoozy” Samuel.
Doug and Gordon are normal names and can stay.
Ruby and Anxelin Fitzherbert: I’m not even sure from where we got those names from for Rapunzel’s daughters, I seem to recall Ruby mentioned in Wicked World, maybe? Anyway, I don’t like either name. Anxelin is the name of a wine, that’s a very strange choice, and Ruby, uh, is too generic, I guess? There are so many german names to pick from, if we want to follow the pattern of same initial as the parents! Renate, Rayna, Reinheld, Richel, Roslin, Rowena... then Engelbertha, Eda, Erika, Evonne, Edith,... Just research a bit. If we really want to keep the original ones, Anxelin could be a deformation of something like Annegret or Analise, and Ruby could stand for Ruperta or Ruomhildi, although I prefer to call them Annika (same initials as Queen Arianna, Rapunzel’s real mother) and Roslin.
Opal: daughter of Mama Odie (what is it with those super-old women having teenage kids?!) can be Opal of the Bayou, I suppose. It has a nice ring, actually, although I don’t know what tie opal stones may have with voodoo.
Bobby Hood: usually, Bobby is short for Robert, which fits the area and the pattern. Robin is, at times, short for Robert, but I don’t think it’s the case here. The surname Locksley was discarded by Robin, provided it existed in the Disneyverse, but it’s worth remembering it.
This post will possibly be corrected expanded in the future and I appreciate further discussion, as long as all parties are respectful and thoughtful.
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gloomy-prince · 1 year
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I feel bad that poor Ben only got 1% on the character popularity poll… so here’s a WIP of our Ben doll since his wig arrived today :’) he still needs a lot of work— we got an older doll because they had chubbier faces and bodies but he needs a little cleaning and repainting due to the age, we also want to try to put a lil more stuffing in his body and get him some better clothes of course, right now he is just wearing clothes @squeakykid had already.
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padawansuggest · 2 years
AU where Force Ghost Qui-Gon has chronic dad syndrome and keeps barging in on every one of Obi-Wan’s lessons, always with Luke around lookin confused till Obi tells him that’s his master who raised him in the temple, while Qui-Gon being near him causes the ghost of Obi-Wan to sorta age younger, till he’s a lil 13 year old standing at Qui-Gon’s side, hanging off his master’s hand and trying to stand on Qui-Gon’s feet to get bigger again. He pouts and tells Qui-Gon he doesn’t appreciate being little again in front of his baby nephew. Luke is absolutely delighted when Qui-Gon sits and pulls him into his lap and tells Luke ‘he’s always been like that. One day you’ll end up with a student taller than you, and get a complex about it too.’ Obi-Wan just squawks about that, using his tiny lil pointy elbows to shove into Qui-Gon’s incorporeal (to Luke) stomach, clambering all over him like a tooka till he’s comfy and wrapped in Master’s robes.
Yoda eventually wanders by and whacks them both with his gimmer stick, which somehow manages to touch them in the force, yelling at his former padawans to stop cuddling and teach the boy, or stop bothering him entirely. Luke tells them he loves the distraction. It’s nice to see that uncle Ben wasn’t always an old hermit in the dunes. Obi-Wan turns his cute lil nose up and delicately sniffs, saying he’s always been antisocial. Qui-Gon agrees. People (and animals) are drawn to his little force flame, but too many drains Obi-Wan’s batteries. Poor boy.
Basically I just want Obi-Wan being all ‘I can be good teacher in the force!!!’ And Qui-Gon wandering past all ‘lmao is anyone gonna cuddle him? He needs some’ and now him and force ghost Mace are constantly fighting for the privilege of cuddling Kenobi during Jedi Story Time. Luke loves it.
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thebekashow · 4 months
I know this isn't bob related, but can we see a picture of baby ben? (beka's child)
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He literally only grew up to 3 years old. He was a lil guy. Poor Benjamin :(
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tenta-cute · 2 years
Billy Lore From 'Runaway Max': Chapter 5
Okay guys, hold on to your butts because this one has a big Billy scene and... Well let's just say that in this one OUR SON TRIES TO MAKE THE WORLD BURN, very literally. Sorta. Anyway, lotsa interesting stuff in this chapter, mostly Cali flashbacks.
Spoilers and lore from CHAPTER 5 under the cut!
Billy has at least one confirmed experience with the cops. Next to his high school there was a construction site where he and his buds would climb the scaffoldings, chill, and get drunk. A week after the end of the school year (on a Saturday) the cops brought him home dirty, tousled, muddy, and bleeding from his hand (or arm - the translation uses the word which means both, so it's unclear). The boys were daring each other to walk over some steel plank, with obvious results. Billy is absolutely furious.
Neil is furious too and gives Billy an ultimatum after the cops are gone: either he kisses the Camaro goodbye for two months, or attends some kind of high school military course thing? (I'm not American so I'm not sure what exactly it's supposed to be.)
Billy would rather kiss the Camaro goodbye for two months than do the military thing.
While his car is taken away, Billy is supposed to be painting the garage. He only ever does it when Neil is watching.
Max has three best friends: Nate, Ben, and Eddie. There's a small hill behind Max's house. They have a little spot in a dry riverbed (which apparently fills with some shitty lil river in spring, but otherwise remains dry) where they got a shitty sofa and a rickety table set up. It's where they hang out most of the time. One day Max is sitting there alone when Billy comes with his buddies.
Billy has two friends he usually hangs out with. They both look like slightly dangerous ragamuffins and usually chill in Billy's room, listening to Metallica or Ratt, now that the keys to the Camaro have been taken away.
One of them is called Sid. He's tall and slightly chubby, wears combat boots with green shoelaces. He's not very talkative, but he's nice and jokes sometimes, so Max likes him.
The other one is called Wayne. He's loud, has long greasy hair, and Max describes his face as rat-like. Wayne generally seems to be a very twitchy and impatient individual.
Both Sid and Wayne follow Billy around and do what he says.
Billy sits down next to Max on the couch and lights a cigarette. He's quiet, but at some point Wayne mentions that he can't believe Neil took Billy's Camaro away, and from that point Max easily picks up that Billy starts gradually getting more and more tense.
She also notes that he's been in an extremely poor mood since that night the cops brought him home.
Billy has a zippo with a picture of a burning skull on it. He starts toying with it while Staring at the dry bushes and grass.
There's a dead cat that's been like... rotting in the bushes nearby for a while. Wayne finds it and suggests they grab pliers and rip its teeth out to turn it into a necklace. Billy joins Wayne staring at the dead cat and says that maybe they should give it 'viking funeral.'
He cheerfully asks Sid what he thinks about it, but Max can tell from his voice that there seems to be some kind of Problem between Billy and Sid, but she's doesnt' know what it is.
Sid ignores Billy, sorta ostentatiously focusing on Max instead. He has a 'Music City' catalog and is showing Max ads for guitars, particularly Baretta from Kramer. Sid seems to be quite knowledgable about guitars, remembers off the top of his head which one Van Halen used in Hot for Teacher.
Wayne, ever a loyal sycophant, claims that Sid himself said it would be fun to watch, and that at least Billy is not too much of a coward to do it. Sid doesn't seem too keen, claiming that what they want to do is completely stupid.
Max doesn't understand what's going on, so she asks what the 'viking funeral' is. Wayne explains that it's a traditional norse burial and that Sid knows all about it, because he got 100% on the final history test (again, not American, so idk how important that is).
Billy failed that same test, which made Neil furious.
Max tells them not to do it, but Billy pulls a can of butane he uses to refill his lighters out of his pocket and empties it over the dead cat.
Our son sets the dead cat on fire, guys.
No, seriously. Wayne was standing too close and his t-shirt caught fire. Wayne starts screaming and jumping and laughing nervously and Billy watches him with an expression Max describes as hella weird - almost as if he's pleased.
It's June, so the grass and bushes nearby are dry as hell, so naturally they instantly catch fire too. The fire starts spreading fast.
Sid and Max rush to put the fire out with their shoes. The soles of Max's shoes melt a little in the process.
Billy doesn't do anything, he just Stares and smiles like he's amused.
Together Max and Sid manage to put the fire out, but like a 10ft long strip of grass gets completely obliterated.
In Max's mind Billy crosses the line there, and it's the moment when she fully realizes how unpredictable he is.
Aaaand back to Hawkins on Halloween night. We got some information about politics here!
Susan told Billy to stay with Max when she goes trick-or-treating, but of course that doesn't happen and Billy leaves her on the corner of Oak and Maple. He tells her to meet him there at 10PM and that he will leave without her if she's not there by then.
Not directly Billy-related, but in Loch Nora most people are voting for Reagan, as per those election lawn signs that Americans do.
Susan doesn't care much for elections. Before she married Neil she sometimes mentioned voting for Walter Mondale, but she complained about him running together with Ferraro, because in Susan's opinion no man is going to vote for a woman.
When Max asked her mom about elections after Susan married Neil, Neil butted in and said that Reagan is the best thing to happen to America since Eisenhower, and that he will not allow anyone from his household to vote for Mondale and Ferraro.
Okay, five chapters in I have some very personal and very subjective observations.
So far Billy's portrayal implies that he is not a talkative guy. His default reaction seems to be Silence and Staring. He also seems to frequently zone out as he Thinks About Things.
While in Hawkins he's firmly on the very top of the food chain, his buddies in San Diego definitely don't sound like popular guys.
The Camaro is Important. The book makes it sound like the day was pretty chill until Wayne mentioned Neil taking it away.
Neil openly imposes his political views on the entire household. Like, he's not even trying to be subtle about it.
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xinieeee · 10 months
Ben Reilly is my BLORBO bc he is just a silly lil guy that I wanna push down some stairs (affectionate).
Miguel O’Hara, however, is my POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW bc he has literal beef with an actual 15 year old and is feral.
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amorphous-binary · 1 year
[discussion of Transformers: Earthspark “Home” below — not spoiler free]
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I. intro
I was only very recently was able to get up to date with Transformers: Earthspark. It's super cool, and I’m really enjoying it this far, but the uh ... anti-Transformers sentiment in “Home” kind of fell flat for me.
After thinking about it for a few days, I think that I’m coherent enough to sort of ... explain why that is.
II. context
“Home” introduces us to Stevie, one of Robby's old friends from Philadelphia. Cool, cool, neat, right?
Unfortunately, Stevie is a lil’ bit of a bigot / insensitive / he doesn't really like Transformers. That's fine, I guess.
A horrible message is spray painted in the skatepark: “Transformers Go Home”. Judging from Robby, Twitch and Hashtag's reactions, this is supposed to be seen as hurtful.
Stevie's comments that the ‘Transformers’ mentioned in the message only refer to Decepticons really doesn't help. Robby and the Terrans leave at that point, and we don't see Stevie until close to the episode's end, where he replaces the “Go” in “Transformers Go Home” with “Are”, so that the message now reads “Transformers Are Home".
III. initial response
I remember seeing someone say that Earthspark actually does a poor job of engaging with any theme that is not ‘family’, and I kind of see where that critique comes from.
The audience is meant to disagree with Stevie, but it is actually very difficult to disagree with him entirely. We’ve seen images of Transformers (Decepticons, but they are Transformers nonetheless) destroying Big Ben, and attacking the White House. In “Warzone”, Megatron explicitly mentions that there were human casualties as a result of the Autobot-Decepticon fighting.
Knowing that information, I would say that Stevie's viewpoint is understandable. Hell, I find it difficult not to sympathise with humanity in general here — you have these big, massive robots that can destroy you and your loved ones easily.
I'd want Transformers to “go home”, too.
IV. criticism — stevie is sorta kinda right, y'know
I would have preferred for there to be some sort of discussion with Stevie on his views. To me, it's so weird how “Warzone” featured the deaths that came with the War — again, the human casualties — and a human who is understandably upset with Transformers for bringing their War to Earth is made out to be an antagonist for those views.
As the audience, we know that the Terrans weren't part of the War (Thrash, in particular, is extremely adamant about it in “Warzone”), but the everyday layman just sees a Transformer. Just sees another, potential threat. And after the while business with the War, the layman would be justified for having that view.
V. criticism 2 — why are we using Transformers as a vehicle* to criticize racism?
*pun unintended, but wholly appreciated
At the end of the day, Earthspark is about the Transformers who were "sparked" on "Earth". From that perspective, it makes sense why the "racism" featured focuses on them.
But attaching any sort of lesson on racism (or what is clearly meant to be the equivalent of racism) to non-human characters just feels ... I guess the word is "shallow"?
It's weird, because, I don't have this hang-up when the non-human characters are being racist to each other. Like in “Warzone”, when Shockwave referred to the Terrans as “lower class Cybrids”.
I guess the difference is that the “racism” in “Home” felt forced whereas in “Warzone” it felt far more natural?...
VI. conclusion
It's rather late in my time zone (3:43am at time of posting) so this is probably not very coherent at all but ... eh.
I’m still excited to see what more Earthspark has to show us, though!
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