#poor ron is a zombie
mors-mvrdre · 8 months
randomly generated incorrect quotes (ft. the extended Weasley Fam)
[not-so-slight NSFW warning, proceed at your own risk lol]
Harry: [gets a text] Oh! It’s Luna.
Ginny, excitedly: Did they get me the stuff?
Harry: Yeah, she says they got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood.
Ginny: Where’d they find 12 gallons of fake blood?
Harry: You wanted fake blood?
Harry: I’ll go call Luna.
Fleur: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it.
Fleur: Everything will be fine. You have no choice.
Bill: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that?
Fleur: Ominous positivity.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Oliver: *types in Angelina*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Oliver: How fucking DARE YOU-
Angelina: You don't think I can fight because of my gender!
George: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Harry could fight in that dress either.
Harry: Perhaps not, but I would make a radiant bride.
George & Charlie in the back of Percy's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Bill: We have food at home.
Percy: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
George & Charlie: YAYYYYYY!
Percy: *orders two black coffees and leaves*
Ron: Change is inedible.
Hermione: Don’t you mean inevitable?
Ron, spitting out a bunch of pennies: No, I really didn’t.
Hermione & Percy: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Hermione & Percy playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
Harry: Hey, pal, if you have a problem, say it to my face.
Ron, getting really close to Harry: I'm two months behind on my rent.
Oliver: What have you been doing with all that time to yourself lately?
Percy: Suffering, mostly.
Percy: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery!
Bill: This unmitigated poppycock?
George: Extravagant hogwash!
Percy: Okay, stop.
Fleur: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Ron: Pizza should have poison in the sauce and the antidote is in the crust to kill off all the weak people who don't eat the crust.
Ginny: What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Hermione: Have you ever ate a date?
Ginny: Like ate their ass?
Hermione: ...It's a fruit.
Fleur: What I MEANT to say was "Oh crap, I left my phone in my car," but what I ALMOST said was "Oh no, I left my cone in my phar," and damn, wouldn't that have been embarrassing, but I caught myself, and what I ACTUALLY said was
Fleur: "Ah, my fart cone."
Fleur: So, anyway...
Angelina: Define “dream”.
Percy: Dream - the first thing people abandon when they learn how the world works.
Hermione: Percy! Teddy's right here!
Oliver: *gAsP*
Ron: wHAT??
Oliver: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Ron: *inhales*
Percy, in another room with Harry: Why can I hear screeching?
[setting up the annual family game]
Oliver: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Oliver: Not you, Luna. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Luna: What’s your biggest fear?
Percy: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Ron: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Oliver: Zombies.
Percy: ...
Ron: ...
Oliver: BUT they can open doors.
Luna: *nods sagely*
Ginny: If you ever feel embarrassed just remember that in 4th Year I tried to convince myself that I wasn't gay by making a compromise to myself to "only be gay at night."
Hermione: I'm not doing to well.
Luna: What's wrong?
Hermione: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*George enters the room*
Hermione: There it is again.
Ginny: I came out here to attack people and I'm honestly having such a good time right now.
Percy: Are you tall enough to play basketball though?
Oliver: Are you calling me short?
Percy: I'm calling you vertically challenged.
Oliver: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Harry: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Hermione: A realist sees a freight train.
Percy: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
Angelina: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Ginny: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our coach.
Angelina, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Ron: *pitches an idea*
George, impressed: Huh, there might be something here!
Percy, under his breath: Yeah, a lawsuit.
Luna: Pokemon is trying to slowly convince us Pikachu was always fluffy and I for one accept this future.
Charlie: Did you think the mouse was just smooth and had yellow skin like a little simpsons demon??
Luna: Maybe.
Ron: Ginny isn’t answering my messages.
Hermione: Allow me.
Ron: I tried 6 times, what makes you thi-
Ginny: *replying to message* Hello.
Ginny: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Harry: Bees?
Harry: Wait-
*Bill approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Ginny, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Charlie, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Oliver: It’s Christmas! Are you all in a Christmas mood?!
Percy: Merry crisis.
Ginny: Jingle bells, jingle bells, single all the way.
George: Hoe hoe hoe.
Oliver: Guys, please.
Percy: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Charlie, rushing in: Percy! Bill tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
George: Hey, you want a tarot reading?
Percy: Those are Pokemon cards.
George: You got a magikarp.
Percy: ...
George: It means 'fuck you'.
Angelina: What the fuck.
Angelina: ESPN is showing 2003 national jump rope championship.
Angelina: Who the hell watches jump rope competiti- ooh bouncy.
George, skipping rocks on a lake with Angelina: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Angelina: Yeah, it is.
Angelina: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake.
Ginny, narrating: Percy and Luna scare us a lot because they walk very softly and nobody hears them enter rooms, so sometimes we turn around and they're just kind of there.
Percy: ...
Luna: Their fear fuels me.
Hermione: I don't want to have kids after 40.
Ron with a mouthful of soup: Yeah, forty is already plenty.
Luna: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to an unsuspecting public.
Angelina: The whole “childhood wonder” stage just blew right past you, didn’t it?
Percy: What is your costume?
Fleur: A harp.
Percy: Your costume is too small to be a harp...
Fleur: Are you calling me a lyre?
Oliver: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Oliver: And I started thinking.
Oliver: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Oliver: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Percy, hesitantly: ...Are you ok?
Percy, writing overseas: Ginny got into a fight.
Bill & Charlie: That’s bad.
Bill & Charlie:
Bill & Charlie: Did she win?
Goerge: Am I right, Percy?
Percy: I’m almost certain you’re not, but to be fair, I wasn’t listening.
Fleur: Truth or dare?
George: Truth.
Fleur: How many hours have you slept this week?
George: Dare.
Fleur: Go to sleep.
George: I don't like this game.
George: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Percy: No, that's not how you make cookies.
Fred: FLOOR IT!!
Ginny: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!?
Ron: DO IT!
Percy: NO-
Teacher: Your child was in a fight.
Percy: Oh no, that’s terrible!
Oliver: Did they win?
Percy: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me!
Ginny: Oh-? Even more humiliating than that time I walked in on-
Percy: We are not doing this!
[ this has gone on long enough, I'll make a part two sometime aksjakdkskdkks see y'all ]
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shostakobitchh · 5 months
chapter 52: sneak peek
Ariel spent the afternoon scouring the grounds for the Not-Grim-Dog. 
She found him haunting the fringes of the Forest, relieved to see him still alive. It had only been about a day, but the poor thing looked like a zombie. His ribs stuck out like prison bars against his sunken stomach, his fur matted and filthy.  
Even looking not so great, the dog still seemed happy to see Ariel, giving excited little pants, his tail wagging a thousand miles a minute as she reached into her pocket to give him the sausage she’d managed to snag from the Great Hall that morning. She’d had to wait until Hermione had left — Ron was still ignoring the both of them but had definitely noticed Ariel shoveling food into her rucksack, but hadn’t cared enough to break his stupid vow of silence just yet to ask her what the hell she was doing. 
“Easy,” Ariel warned to Not-Grim-Dog, who was scarfing down the food at an alarming speed. “There’s more where that came from, I promise.” 
The dog licked at the cloth Ariel had wrapped the food in once he’d finished, giving a low whine before looking back to her. His eyes seemed… almost apologetic. 
“I should have brought more,” she sighed. “I’m sorry.” 
She’d tried very hard to focus on one thing and one thing only that morning, and that thing had been getting food to the Not-Grim-Dog. Ariel hadn’t had much room for anything else inside her brain — not Hermione, not Ron, not Snape, not her stupid detention with Professor Lupin tonight, and especially not Sirius Black. Maybe that was good practice for Occlumency — steadying her mind on a singular task, forcing yourself to work on automation, forget everything else. 
The dog shoved his enormous head against her shoulder, nudging her cheek with his nose. Ariel smiled, her fingers curling around his fur as he settled against her side. They sat like that for a while. Out here, with the Not-Grim-Dog, Ariel felt peaceful. 
Her mind wandered a bit as she kept her eyes on the grounds. There hadn’t been any signs that Black could be here, but Snape nearly having a bloody aneurysm every time Ariel stepped outside the castle might’ve been telling enough if he hadn’t been paranoid to begin with. She wondered if he’d always been like that. He must’ve, to have been a spy, but not too much or he would’ve given it away. Although, if he planned to go back — 
Ariel scrubbed the hot, queasy feeling that bubbled up in the pit of her stomach away. 
The dog straightened up a bit, giving her an imploring look. 
“I promise I don’t have any more food,” Ariel said. “You cleaned me out.” 
The dog gave a low woof. She could’ve sworn he rolled his eyes as he settled his head back down on his paws. 
“Must be nice,” she went on, scratching behind his ears. “Not having to worry that you’re being lied to.” 
His head snapped back up to look at her, but Ariel didn’t notice, shivering against the chill of the wind. Her thoughts seemed to bend with grass, straightening her focus back to the present as the wind stilled, but it was getting harder to ignore the longer she sat here. 
You know 
He told you 
I thought you just pretended it didn’t happen
You never talked about it
Ariel hated it — all of it. She hated that she’d been lied to, hated that Hermione had known this awful thing and hadn’t once tried to breach the subject. Sure, Ariel could venture why, could certainly understand if the roles had been reversed that it might’ve been awkward, but to have not said anything, when Hermione had known that the complicated nature of the whole stupid thing had driven Ariel mad — 
She supposed she had an answer for Hermione’s disapproval now, at the very least. She’d never been as open about it as Ron had — but Ron had let the House rivalries begin to cloud his judgment, she supposed, and if Snape wasn’t openly claiming Ariel, maybe he didn’t think it mattered. 
It certainly would if Ron found out what Snape had been — was. 
None of it should have mattered if Mum had trusted him. Ariel did — maybe more than she ever had. He had broken it all and hadn’t even known — broken it and tried so desperately to fix it — 
The coin vibrated, hot against her hand. 
Inside — it was quickly replaced with —  now. 
Ariel sighed, wrapping her cloak tighter around her. “I’ll come back, okay? Just stay out of sight. Black’s after me but I wouldn’t put it past him to murder dogs for fun.” 
The dog whined, a low, mournful sound that followed Ariel all the way back up to the castle.
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thefandom-casserole · 8 months
Literally just random questions/things I noticed from the end of season one and through season two
- How does Erin feel about camp fires??
- What about when Ron’s Vermin Hat’s biggest goal was for the vermin to leave imedietely?
- Erin is the type of person who is an animal activist, but supports indigenous peoples hunting/food traditions
- I love how Stud (or the Stud-coded zombie) in episode 40 (s1) gets his eye poked out again, his poor eyes can’t catch a break
- They never mention Darryl’s shit again
- It’s never mentioned about Darryl’s pinky aging and falling off + The fact that Ron stabbed through Darryl’s whole hand
- Nobody mentions Glenn’s panic attack after Jodie-Morgan calls
- Darryl’s missing memory from the Tower of Terry (later that whole idea is brought back again with the syringes)
- I can’t even say that some of the stuff that happens at the Teens Highschool is unrealistic, because it’s a public school and public schools just be like that sometimes
- I wish Normal realized Bear ry’oak was his grandfather when Terry Jr. mentioned him
- They never hear Young Grant’s voice when opening the obsidian door
- Even though the “biggest rule in the Li-Wilson household” is don’t lie, one of the first scenes with him in it is him lying to his dads about bullies in school
- Wouldn’t Scary remember the hate/fear of Willie from when she was Ron and had his memories (that would’ve been so cool)
- Didn’t the Mayor kiss Normal on his forehead after they did the debate in school? It seems like it does something bad when it’s brought back up when they do the Scam to the Mayor
- Someone needs to do an AU where Taylor joins Scary and Willie, because Freddie canonically states that Taylor liked Willie until Scary started to get apprehensive/right before Hermie’s betrayal/after Willie became a threat to Taylor’s mom
- Never getting over the fact that Hermie never ended up believing that the marriage was real again (which it WASN’T, but still, it’s the principle of the thing)
- The fact that Normal so could’ve been Willy’s lackey is crazy (and wonderful) to me and I’m so going to be writing about that very soon
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almost-a-class-act · 9 months
Am I too late to ask about SpeirsGrant zombie 2...?
Absolutely never too late, because all I want to do lately is talk about Speirs/Grant while I try and act normal about it around the winnix kids, lmao. (Hasn't everyone seen Ron hold his hand?? Y'all aren't feral about this????? He held his hand.)
Obviously it's a sequel to this so here's a snippet that calls back to it.
Ron didn’t see Chuck get shot, but there is a picture of it in his mind anyway. Chuck, reaching for the gun, maybe, or putting out a staying hand, and then up it comes and Chuck drops like his strings have been cut. He has run it over in his mind so many times that it feels like a memory, something he would testify to with his hand on a stack of Bibles, even though it isn’t.
A bullet aimed at the head is not a warning shot, not a shot you take to incapacitate or disarm. The stranger who had done it hadn’t known a thing about Chuck, except that he was in his way, and he had solved that problem by killing him – or trying his damnedest to. Ron runs it over in his mind again, Chuck, reaching for the gun, trying to de-escalate the situation, trying to save a life.
Dropping like his strings have been cut.
He knows Chuck doesn’t remember it, or what came immediately after. He doesn’t have to ask. Chuck is hazy on the day of the shooting and a lot of the weeks afterward, even once he was lucid again. He is glad for that. It’s enough that Ron remembers it, coming running when he hears the gunshot by the gate. The night is so overcast and the gate lighting so poor that he doesn’t quite register what he’s seeing in the dark until he’s almost on top of them, Tab on his knees next to Chuck’s sprawled body, trying to stop the bleeding with hands that shake.
Behind him, two figures are holding down a third. In the handful of seconds it takes him to assess the situation, Ron recognizes Joe Liebgott in the dim orange glow cast by the gate light, his face a mask of fury, his knee on the third man’s back. Ron assumes they have the threat under control, and focuses on what matters.
“Go get Doc Roe,” he snaps, and Tab doesn’t have to be told twice, stumbling to his feet and taking off running toward the clinic as Ron takes his place.
Chuck’s face is pale and he is lying incredibly still. Ron ignores that feeling like the earth is trying to tip and throw him off, sliding his fingers under his chin, checking for a pulse. It’s there, steady but slow.
“Don’t go anywhere, Charlie,” he murmurs, holding Tab’s makeshift bandage in place – he can’t tell what it is in this light, fabric of some kind – and checking Chuck’s body with his other hand, making sure he isn’t hurt anywhere else.
“Is he alive?” Joe asks, sounding the way Ron feels, and Ron doesn’t look up at him as he answers.
He takes Chuck’s hand, sliding his fingers through and resting their joined hands on Chuck’s chest, holding tight. For the first time, Chuck doesn’t squeeze back.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
A kind of modus operandi of the Death Eater's is taking their victim's agency in the worst way possible. I found the old-school undeads like the Infiri and the traditional zombies to be another kind of disturbing since it requires someone to intentionally use someone's body as a weapon. At least when you are alive, you have a modicum of control. Also, the idea of losing someone close to you and than someone deciding to use their bodies to do whatever horrific dead they fancy is sick. That's not even counting the Imperius curse. There is also the weird thing with the brains in Order of the Phoenix. Poor Ron. To have someone willingly turn you into a vegetable is another kind of disturbing. I hope it works.
Me reading this ask knowing damn well I didn’t understand a single word:
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threeopennames · 1 year
The Snorting Hat
Here we go! We get some whimsy list descriptions of the great hall, and we're introduced to the Hogwarts Houses. They are the Good Guys, the Bad Guys, and whatever. We are also introduced to the point system, which became its own meme, and will serve as another big plot mover.
It's kind of weird how nobody knows about the sorting hat, but again, these are kind of throw away details I think the author threw in and then didn't think too much about. I say this because almost immediately after we're told this we get slapped with GHOSTS! Actual real zombie ghosts, that float around talk and are fully aware of their surroundings. This is such a monstrous revelation of such tremendous lore import that of course, it's used for a couple gags, then immediately only brought up occasionally as if the literal afterlife is a funny quirk of the public school system.
We are, however, introduced to Peeves, the mean ghost. Peeves (and then later Filch) are these tertiary antagonists that show up repeatedly, and they're actually surprisingly relevant throughout the story. I had honestly completely forgot about Peeves, and I don't think he shows up again, so it's interesting just how important he is to the plot before dropping off the face of the earth.
After some more whimsy we're treated to a weird song, then the sorting begins. This lets us get some more silly names, which doesn't ENTIRELY make sense because some of these nonexistent characters are supposed to be from the normal world, but again, throw away details so I won't dwell on it. We're treated to Ron hating on Hermione for no reason yet again, then Harry gets to do his thing.
I'm not exactly sold that Harry has 'not a bad mind', since so far we haven't really seen anything that would put him in that category. I'm also not sure where that 'thirst to prove yourself' line comes from. Since when? We're actually pretty scant on Harry's motivations at this point, and what he wants to accomplish while at Hogwarts. I guess we're supposed to take the hat's word for all of this, but it's not really borne out of the rest of the book. Let's keep track here as we go: Harry is supposed to be courageous, smart, talented, an ambitious. There you go, do you buy any of that?
Anyway he gets thrown into camp Good Guy and we move on. We're very, very briefly introduced to a Black character named Dean Thomas, who I believe is of zero importance at all, and then some more whimsy from Dumbledore himself. Then we get some distressing ghost lore, learning they are trapped in a purgatory like hellish existence, before quickly moving on before readers can dwell on that too much.
We learn Neville, the poor lad, was also abused by is family, but it's funny when Neville gets hurt so that abuse isn't really treated as anything bad. We're briefly treated to some Hermione committing the sin of wanting to learn while at school instead of just gorging herself, and then in comes the Snape man himself. We don't get to hear much, but he's apparently a grouch. Shame on him.
Dumbledore outlines the plot for us, letting us know exactly what rules Harry will be breaking for incredibly flimsy reasons. We are introduced to Filch, a character whose job is monitoring the halls, and who will get absolutely shit on over and over for doing exactly what Dumbledore is paying him to do. Filch is basically Voldemort for a huge part of the book, being even more antagonistic than Snape, so expect to see him often.
We end the chapter pretty uneventfully. Apart from introducing all the players in the Hogwarts ecosystem, not a whole lot of development here. Kind of fillery!
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roxy206 · 3 years
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This should be … interesting
Milan seems like a ball of sunshine
Lmao not them making the girls think Shangela is competing again
Phi Phi’s face though
Well. Making a joke in poor taste is one way to make a first impression Sh*ron Needl*s
Oh noooo Latrice!
Please tell me Willam gets less annoying because idk if I can handle her & Phi Phi together
Zombies well happy ooky spooky month
I think Chad Michaels is going to wind up being my favorite this season
I love Milan’s runway look
Ru is spicy this first episode
Hello yes Britney for the lip sync
Omg I love Jiggly!!!
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Punk’d History, Vol. VIII: This Machine [blank] Fascists
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Photo by Richard Young
It has the appearance of a worrisome pattern: any number of punk rock’s founding figures embraced the symbolics of Nazi Germany. Ron Asheton, an original and indispensable member of the Stooges, played a number of gigs wearing a red swastika armband, and liked to sport Iron Cross medals and a Luftwaffe-style leather jacket. Sid Vicious loved his bright scarlet, swastika-emblazoned tee shirt, and Siouxsie Sioux, during her tenure as the It-Girl of the Bromley Contingent, mixed her breast-baring, black leather bondage gear with a bunch of “Nazi chic.” And how many early Ramones songs (inevitably penned by Dee Dee) referenced Nazi gear, concepts and geography? “Blitzkrieg Bop,” “Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World,” “Commando,” “It’s a Long Way Back to Germany,” “All’s Quiet on the Eastern Front,” and so on—for sure, more than a few.
“Appearance” is the key term. Poor Sid lacked the sobriety and smarts to have much of a grasp of fascism as an ideology. Siouxsie was just taking the piss, and gleefully pissing off the mid-1970s British general public, for much of whom World War II was still a living memory. Asheton and Dee Dee? Both were sons of hyper-masculine military men. Asheton’s father was a collector of WWII artefacts, and the guitarist shared his father’s fascination. When the Stooges adopted an ethos and aesthetic hostile to the late-1960s prevailing Flower Power rock’n’roll subculture, the Nazi accoutrement seemed to him fitting signs of the band’s anger and alienation. Dee Dee hated his father, an abusive Army officer who married a German woman. Dee Dee spent some of his youth in post-war West Germany, in which Nazi symbols were highly charged with anxiety and vituperation. Casual veneration of Nazis was a convenient way to reject the triumphal ennobling of the Good War, and of the military men associated with its traditions. And (as Sid, Siouxsie and Asheton also noticed) it really bothered the squares. 
None of that makes the superficial use of the swastika or phrases like “Nazi schatzi” any less offensive — it simply underscores that in the cases noted above, the offense was the thing. The politics weren’t even an afterthought, because the political itself had been dismissed as corrupt, boring or simply the native territory of the very people the punks were striking out against. If that’s where the relation between punk and fascism ceased, there wouldn’t be much more to write about.
The post-punk moment in England provided opportunities to rethink and restrategize the nascent détournement of Siouxsie’s fashionable provocations. Genesis P-Orridge and the rest of Throbbing Gristle were a brainy bunch, and their play with fascist signifiers was a good deal more complex. The band’s logo and their occasional appearance in gun-metal grey uniforms clearly alluded to Nazism, with its attendant, keen interests in occult symbols and High Modernist representational languages. TG’s visual gestures were also of a piece with an early band slogan: “Industrial music for industrial people.” Clearly “industrial people” can be read as a highly ironized coupling: the oppressed workers marching through the bowels of Metropolis were a sort of industrial people, reduced to the functionality of pure human capital. TG seemed to impose the same analysis on the middle-managers of Britain’s post-industrial economy, and their uncritical complicity in capital’s cruelties. But it’s also possible to argue that industrial people are industrious people; like TG, industrial people (middle managers, MPs) can get a lot of stuff done. They can produce things. They can make the trains run on time. And what sorts of cargo might those trains be carrying? What variety of conveyance delivered the naked “little Jewish girl” of “Zyklon B Zombies” to her fate?  
To be clear: I don’t mean at all to suggest that TG was a fascist band. Like their punky contemporaries, TG traded in fascist iconography in a spirit of transgressive outrage, expressing their hot indignation with equally heated symbols. And other British post-punk acts flirted with fascist themes and images, ranging from ambiguous dalliance (Joy Division’s overt references to Yehiel De-Nur’s House of Dolls and to Rudolph Hess; and just what was the inspiration for Death in June’s band name?) to more assertive satire (see Current 93’s appealingly bonkers Swastikas for Noddy [LAYLAH Antirecords, 1988]). But a more problematic populist undercurrent in British punk persisted through the late 1970s. The dissolution of Sham 69—due in large part to the National Front’s attempts to appropriate the band’s working-class anger as a form of white pride—opened the way for a clutch of clueless, cynical or outright racist Oi! bands to attempt to impose themselves as the face of blue-collar English punk. And literally so: the Strength through Oi! compilation LP (Decca Records, 1981) featured notorious British Movement activist Nicky Crane on its cover. It didn’t help that the record’s title seemed to allude to the Nazis’ “Strength through Joy [Kraft durch Freude]” propaganda initiative.  
Of course, it’s unfair to tar all Oi! bands with an indiscriminate brush. A few bands whose songs were opportunistically stuck onto Strength through Oi! by the dullards at Decca Records — Cock Sparrer and the excellent Infa Riot — tended leftward in their politics, and were anything but racists. But for a lot of the disaffected kids sucking down pints of Bass and singing in the Shed at Stamford Bridge, it wasn’t much of a leap from the punk pathetique of the Toy Dolls to Skrewdriver’s poisonous palaver.  
In the States, a similarly complicated story can be recovered:
In numerous ways, hardcore intensified punk’s confrontational qualities, musically and aesthetically. The New York hardcore scene made a fetish of its inherent violence, which complemented the music’s sharpened impact. So it’s hard to know precisely what to make of the photo on the cover of Victim in Pain (Rat Cage Records, 1984). If inflicting violence was an essential element of belonging in the NYHC scene, with whom to identify: the Nazi with the pistol, or the abject Ukrainian Jewish man, on his knees and about to tumble into the mass grave?  
Agnostic Front seemed to provide a measure of clarity on the record, which included the song “Fascist Attitudes.” The lyric uses “fascist” as a condemnatory term. But the behaviors the song engages as evidence of fascism are intra-scene acts of violence: “Why should you go around bashing one another? […] / Learning how to respect each other is a must / So why start a war of anger, danger among us?” That’s a rhetoric familiar to anyone who participated in early-1980s hardcore; calls for scene unity were ubiquitous, and the theme is obsessively addressed on Victim in Pain. But the signs of inclusivity most visibly celebrated on the NYHC records and show flyers of the period were a skinhead’s white, shaven pate; black leather, steel-toe boots; and heavily muscled biceps. Those signifiers clearly link to the awful cover image of Strength through Oi! The forms of identity recognized and concretized in the songs’ first-person inclusive pronouns have a clear referent. 
Agnostic Front wasn’t the only NYHC band to refer to and engage World War Two-period fascism. Queens natives Dave Rubenstein and Paul Bakija met at Forest Hills High School—the same school at which John Cummings (Johnny) befriended Thomas Erdelyi (Tommy), laying the groundwork for the formation of the Ramones. Rubenstein and Bakija also took stage names (Dave Insurgent and Paul Cripple) and formed Reagan Youth. But unlike the Ramones, there was nothing tentative or ambivalent about Reagan Youth’s politics. Rubenstein’s parents, after all, were Holocaust survivors. The band’s name riffed on “Hitler Youth,” but specifically did so to draw associations between Reagan and Hitler, between American conservatism’s 1980s resurgence and the Nazi’s hateful, genocidal agenda. Songs like “New Aryans” and “I Hate Hate” accommodated no uncertainties.  
Still, it’s interesting that Victim in Pain and Reagan Youth’s Youth Anthems for the New Order (R Radical Records, 1984) were released only months apart, by bands in the same scene, sometimes sharing bills at CBGBs’ famous matinees of the period. And while Reagan Youth toured with Dead Kennedys, it’s Agnostic Front’s “Fascist Attitudes” that’s closer in content to the most famous punk rock putdown of Nazis.
It’s odd what comes back around: Martin Hannett, whom Biafra playfully chides at the track’s very beginning, produced much of Joy Division’s music, moving the band away from its brittle early sound to the fulsome atmospheres of the Factory records, and to a wider listenership. “Nazi Punks Fuck Off” similarly addresses a formerly obscure, tight scene opening to a greater array of participants, some of whom were attracted solely to hardcore’s reputation for violence. Like “Fascist Attitudes,” the Dead Kennedys’ song itemizes fighting at shows as its chief complaint, and as a principal marker for “Nazi” behavior. Biafra’s lyric eventually gets around to somewhat more focused ideological critique: “You still think swastikas look cool / The real Nazis run your schools / They’re coaches, businessmen, and cops / In a real fourth Reich, you’ll be the first to go.” The kiss-off to punk’s vapid romance of the swastika (it “looks cool”) complements the speculative treatment of a “real fourth Reich.” Both operate at the level of abstraction. The casual, superficial relation to the symbol’s aesthetic assumes a sort of safety from the real, material consequences of its application. And the emergence of a fascist political regime is dangled as a possible future event. That speculative futurity undoes the “real” in “real Nazis.” The threat is ultimately a metaphorical construct. The Nazis are metaphorical “Nazis.”  
Still, it’s the song’s chorus that resonates most powerfully. So much so that the song has found its way into other artworks.
Jeremy Saulnier’s Green Room (2015) is frequently identified as a horror film on streaming services. We could split hairs over that genre marker. The film gets quite graphically bloody, but there’s no psychotic slasher killer, no supernatural force at work. And cinematically, the film is a lot more interested in anxiety and dramatic tension than it is in inspiring revulsion or disgust. It terrifies, more than it horrifies. What’s especially compelling about the film (aside from Imogen Poots’ excellent performance, and Patrick Stewart’s menacing turn as charismatic fascist Darcy Banks) is its interest in embedding the viewer in a social context in which the Nazis are a lot less metaphorical, a lot more real. In Green Room, the kids in the punk band the Ain’t Rights are warned about the club they have agreed to play: “It’s mostly boots and braces down there.” And they understand the terms. What they can’t quite imagine is a room — a scene, a political Real — in which fascism is dominant. Their recognition of the stakes of the Real comes too late. The violence is already in motion. In that world, the Dead Kennedys song provides a nice slogan, but symbolic action alone is entirely inadequate.  
OK, sure, Green Room is a fiction. Its violence is necessarily aestheticized, distorted and hyperbolized. But perhaps the film’s most urgent source of horror can be located in its plausible connections to the social realities of our material, contemporary conjuncture. You don’t have to dig very deep into the Web to find thousands of records made by white nationalist and neo-fascist-allied bands, many, many of which deploy stylistic chops identified with punk rock and hardcore. You can listen. You can buy. (And yeah, I’m not going to link to any of that miserable shit, because fuck them. If you do your own digging to see what’s what, be careful. It’s scary and upsetting in there.) It feels endless. And the virulent sentiments expressed on those records are echoed in institutional politics in the US and elsewhere: Steve King (and now Marjorie Taylor Greene, effectively angling for her seat in Congress), Nigel Farage, Alternative für Deutschland, elected leadership in Poland and Hungary. Explicit white supremacist music also has somewhat more carefully coded counterparts in much more visible media (the nightly monologuing on Fox News) and in very well-positioned, prominent policy makers (Stephen Miller, who’s on the record touting “great replacement” theory and is a big fan of The Camp of the Saints). It’s a complex, ideologically coherent network, working industriously to impose and install its hateful vision as the dominant political Real. 
Sometimes it feels as if no progress at all has been made. Maybe we’re moving toward the reactionaries. Contrast Skokie in the late 1970s with Charlottesville in 2017. And now if the Neo-Nazis have licenses for their long guns, they can strut through American streets wearing them in the name of “law and order.” It’s even more disturbing that a subculture that wants to clothe itself in “revolution” and “radicalism” is so tightly in league with institutional politics. Say what you will about Siouxsie’s Nazi-fashion antics, no one suspected that her prancing echoed political activity, policy-making or messaging in Westminster.
So what’s a punk to do? It’s certain that a vigorously free society needs to preserve spaces in which unpopular speech can be uttered and exchanged. Punk should pride itself on defending those spaces. But speech that operates in conjunction with an ascendant political power and ideological agenda doesn’t need defense or energetic attempts to preserve its right to existence. In October of 2020, that speech (in this case, speeches being written by Miller, texts by folks who have spent time in Tucker Carlson’s writer’s room and songs by white supremacist hardcore bands) has become synonymous with political right itself.  
So now more than ever, it’s important to be active in the public square, to stand up to the fascists and to say it, often and out loud:
Jonathan Shaw
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Belated Supernatural S2 reactions; thanks to @kitkatwinchester​ for putting up with my continuing confusion throughout the season.  This reaction post has been brought to you by chicken noodle soup.  The kind with rotini noodles.  Because rotini makes any pasta dish taste better.
Pre-episode 1: Where’s the cute angel you promised me? E1: AW NO, NOT DEAN!  Wait, that is Dean, right?  It is? Okay.  AW NO, NOT JOHN! E2: Ellen is kinda cool.  I don’t like Jo.  I don’t like Ash.  I hate Ash’s hair.  I like clowns, and I hate this episode for making clowns scary. E3: I can’t believe he totally fixed the car.  Like, how?  It was totally destroyed when the truck hit it!  Oh hey look, there are nice vampires! E4: Zombies are real too? E5: Evil twin.  Called it. E6: This is the one where Jo decided to be stupid. E7: Detective Diana for Team Free Will! E8: Making deals with demons never ends well. E9: This plague feels like this year. E10: JOHN SAID WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK?!  BAD GORDON!  Zazzle’s plan is actually awesome. E11: DROWNING IS THE WORST I HATE THIS EPISODE.  I feel really sorry for the grandmother.  Hey, what about what we learned earlier about ghosts going mad if they don’t cross over? E12: It’s Vincent from Eureka!  Aw, poor Ron.  This episode is just full of paranoia, and I am stupidly happy to say that I knew all along who the imposter was😎 E13: Angels?  Does that mean the cute angel is here now?  No?!  What do you mean I have to wait until season four?! E14: Sam, wtf? Okay, I don’t like Jo, but that’s mean.  How did he get possessed by a demon?  It’s Meg?  Kinky😎 E15: A trickster? Like Q or Loki? I like trickster characters! I’m sure I’ll like-I HATE THIS GUY! E16: This was a really sad episode.  And I am again stupidly happy to say that I knew before the reveal that the lady was the ghost. E17: This was sad, but I really didn’t feel anything for the characters.  Kind of a “meh” episode. E18: Dean as a PA😂  Dean is such a slut. E19: I think I tuned this one out a little. E20: This episode was really messed up.  And sad. E21: HARDISON!!!  AW NO, NOT SAM!  Wait, that is Sam, right?  Just kidding, I knew who they were by then. E22: Holy. Fucking. Shit.
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The cover features Spider-Man, battered and beaten, laying on his face in grime while two unimaginative robots loom over him. This is as accurate a depiction as to the content within that could possibly exist... ...It's the third major franchise spin-off featuring the child of Peter and MJ within less than 24 years and it is clearly the worst and less inspired of them...To compare this comic to garbage or fecal matter is an insult to both, since both have their uses. This is nothing more than nepotistic hack-work of the highest order. Henry Abrams could perhaps be forgiven for being an inexperienced writer who is coasting on his one asset -- his famous father -- for work. But there is no such excuse for J.J. Abrams, who is being heralded as the savior of STAR WARS and some sort of genius for Lost or Alias. I imagine he is acting as a ghost writer at best, allowing his son to "earn his bones" with this, but surely he should be doing a better job of editing it. Surely as the co-producer of "THE SUBURBANS," he has more of a sense of quality control, right? Right!?...This is an office which considers doing a full monthly series with genuine legends like Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz to be too expensive, yet they likely threw the moon at a "Hollywood guy" and his offspring for little more than having their names on some product to sell. Over a decade's worth of time, energy, and money was devoted to producing this. If the goal was to produce a Spider-Man story that may make fans realize that  Dan Slott or Terry Kavanagh were hardly the worst scribes seen on the franchise, then it has accomplished its mission...This story is a failure for more than one reason. Perhaps the most primary is its failure to present established characters as themselves while catering to the most predictable of action films. Peter Parker acts nothing like himself, and is devoid of any sense of responsibility or genuineness. He's a cipher for the standard inattentive or terrible father for trendy films of the 80's and 90's -- which was when J.J. earned his bones. Ben Parker is a wasteland of anxious teenage tropes who needs to be led around by other people, especially women. His path to the legacy of Spider-Man is absurd and more to do with his vandalizing teenage girlfriend than anything in his own heart and soul. It gave MJ a waste of a death and has created a shell of an antagonist as an obligatory menace...If anything, this issue ups the ante in terms of awfulness due to the addition of more Avengers lore. The other two most famous tales about Spidey's children -- Spider-Girl and Renew Your Vows -- had some involvement from other heroes and franchises, but remained firmly rooted in Spider-Man's world. This mini series barely goes halfway before it establishes that the big threat is essentially a disgruntled Iron Man villain looking for another target. Even a rambling drunk version of Tony Stark, which is itself disgusting for fans who like his symbolism revolving around recovery, is able to provide vital exposition and aid that Ben can't or won't figure on his own. It's EDITH all over again: Even Drunk I'm The Hero...The story doesn't even make sense on a narrative level. If Cadaverous is so interested in Parker DNA to the point that he sics the cyborg-zombie Avengers at Ben even after claiming his father, why even allow him to escape after he's bombed the house? All that did was allow Ben time to alert the only other surviving Avenger and set up his own defeat. Cadaverous is mad as a hatter, but that's still a lame justification, and one lame writers have used to explain poor antagonist decisions forever. How can Tony Stark's bunker be that secret when it is beneath statues which are taller than buildings? And how can Ben hate Peter for abandoning him while he's just abandoned May Parker to a bombed out home?... There is no soul in this Spider-Man, just a cynical regurgitation of every weak Hollywood cliche an overrated scion and his son believe is good enough to charge for... ...It isn't, and shouldn't be. A better use for this would be to donate it to third world countries to be used as fuel for heat or to be recycled into vital paper projects like toiletries. It is easily  one of the worst comic books of 2019, and if someone put it on their decade list of worst comics, I wouldn't argue the point. Comic books like this are why many people either stop reading them, or paying for them. The only thing amazing, sensational, or spectacular about it is its very gall.
Alex Widen on Abramazing Spider-Man #3
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Some post!Battle Headcanons - Halloween Edition!
Halloween is really a sad day for Harry since it was the day his parents died but he has friends and loved ones who make the day less sad, and that’s what really matters.
While both Hermione and Harry grew up with Muggles and know about Muggle things, Hermione is actually the only one who’s seen a horror movie since Harry never really had the chance while with the Dursleys.
The Halloween after Hermione finishes her schooling, she suggests that Harry and Ginny come over to her and Ron’s flat to watch some horror films she borrowed from her parents - they’re not her favourites by any means, and she would really rather spend the evening with a book while curled up with her boyfriend, but she knows that Ron and Ginny are curious about muggle films, and so it seems like a good way to spend the evening.
They watch Alien first and Ron, frankly, nearly craps himself. Seeing movies on a television is a whole new experience to him, it’s fascinating in a strange way, but seeing a horror film with full sound and colour absolutely terrifies him. Ginny holds up slightly better, still creeped out, and Harry (who has heard about this film, of course, it’s very famous) sort of shares a slightly uneasy smirk with Hermione.
Right at the end, as Ellen Ripley is stripping down, Ron looks uncomfortable and mutters “did they really need to put this in?? The monster is dead” - until the alien reappears suddenly. Everyone jumps a foot in the air.
Ron pretends he doesn’t have nightmares about xenomorphs and face huggers for weeks - the latter are FAR too close to spiders for his liking.
Harry chooses the next one. Deciding it’s best to steer away from aliens or scary monsters, he considers the options before choosing Halloween. It seems fitting, after all.
None of them sleep after watching Halloween to be honest.
When Teddy gets old enough to trick-or-treat, Harry and Ginny take him out to do so. They help him pick a costume out every single year, reminding him to be polite when he’s given sweets, and they actually enjoy it quite a lot.
One year Harry is mad because he can’t make it to take Teddy trick or treating, something comes up at work, so Ginny goes with him alone. It’s a really nice bonding experience, and he shares his chocolate with her at the end of the evening. Harry comes home after working late and finds the two curled up on the sofa snoozing, surrounded by chocolate and sweet wrappers.
Not that he will admit it, but he’s more certain than ever in that moment that he wants to marry Ginny Weasley.
When Teddy is REALLY young, he even convinces Harry to come dressed up with him; Harry has never been trick-or-treating in his life, nor has he dressed up for it, but it’s worth having to wear an uncomfortable costume when he sees his godson’s face light up.
They always stop by Ron and Hermione’s place while trick-or-treating of course, and Ron makes sure to give Teddy extras of his favourite sweets. Hermione half-heartedly mentions how sweets are bad for teeth but she doesn’t stop him.
The Weasley kids start joining Teddy for trick-or-treating as the years pass. First Victoire starts coming with Teddy, usually in a less-scary-more-pretty costume; then Dominique is invited too, followed by Percy’s daughters Molly and Lucy, and then little Fred II (he dresses up his dad one year and it’s hilarious), etc.
The Potter children always love getting dressed up for Halloween; James Sirius loves dressing up as skeletons and clowns to frighten his siblings. Albus is a little more subdued, tending to choose costumes like a ghost or small vampire. At first Lily is adamant about going as stuff like a fairy or a princess - but then she gets more adventurous and starts dressing as a stereotypical witch (she’s sad she can’t actually fly the fake broomstick), as a cute little zombie, as movie characters.
Rose and Hugo love Halloween too; Ron helps them with their costumes each year, and his only limit is that neither of them have ANY fake spiders on their costumes. He knows they’re fake but he still has a heart attack just thinking about it.
Harry is really very bemused the first time Ron brings Rose trick-or-treating because he dressed her like a pumpkin, and it clashes terribly (or really well, depending how you look at it) with her red hair.
Ron definitely gets a share of the sweets from the kids - they’re more than happy to give up some given that he helps them a lot when it comes to getting ready.
Hermione enjoys being surprised by their costumes when she comes home from work, just before they all head out. Occasionally she has to help Ron paint their faces, but he gets good at it as the years go on.
The Potters and Weasleys obviously trick-or-treat together obviously, that’s a given. James always manages to terrify his siblings and cousins as well as other people’s kids beyond belief as they walk around in the dark, and his parents have to warn him a few times (even though they’re both definitely amused)
Some poor toddler sees James in his creepy clown costume and make-up one year, and it sets her off screaming.
After they’ve finished their rounds, they go back to either family’s house and spend some time together; the kids usually run off and start playing, occasionally stopping to eat their chocolate, whilst their parents enjoy some tea and talk.
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awesomejesakuthings · 4 years
Supernatural Episode Ranking Season 2
Still no bad episodes in sight but there were a few boring ones in season 2. Let’s start...
22. Episode 16 "Roadkill" --> For me one of the most boring filler episodes of the early seasons.
21. Episode 6 "No Exit" --> Women can do the job fine. Amateurs can't.
20. Episode 8 "Crossroad Blues" --> Introduces the lore around demon deals and is important for the season finale, still not an episode that I re-watch that often.
19. Episode 13 "Houses of the Holy" --> a classic MOTW episode but nothing special. And angel will be real in a few seasons...
18. Episode 5 "Simon Said" --> another special children episode. Not bad but far away from being a favorite of mine.
17. Episode 12 "Nightshifter" --> I liked Ron. It was sad that he had to die. And we meet Henriksen for the first time. Guest Stars were so much better than in the later seasons.
16. Episode 7 "The Usual Suspects" --> a bit boring but it was great to see how Dean and Sam communicated
15. Episode 4 "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" --> Dean is not fine and there are no real zombies in the Supernatural universe.
14. Episode 18 "Hollywood Babylon" --> funny filler episode - nothing more.
13. Episode 21 "All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1)" --> I just hate it when they separate our boys. Plus, seeing Sam die will never be something I really like to re-watch. But Kudos for the last scene and Jensen’s gr8 acting.
12. Episode 17 "Heart" --> werewolves exist in the Supernatural universe. The scene before Sam has to kill Madison is just to hart to re-watch. My poor Sammy
11. Episode 22 "All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2)" --> I think the season finales will never made it in the top ten.
10. Episode 19 "Folsom Prison Blues" --> I enjoy re-watching that episode. So much better than some filler episodes in the later seasons.
9. Episode 14 "Born Under a Bad Sign" --> What a joy - Meg is back... but Dean searching for his Sammy is worth it.
8. Episode 10 "Hunted" --> Another gr8 `Don’t mess with Dean’s Sammy´ episode and I just like Gordon as an antagonist.
7. Episode 3 "Bloodlust" --> I can’t really say why I like this episode that much but damn Sterling K. Brown is just killing it as Gordon. Gr8 antagonist - way better than the ones in the later seasons.
6. Episode 2 "Everybody Loves a Clown" --> We meet the gang at the Road House and Sammy’s fear of clowns made a gr8 episode. Plus there is a new monster in this one.
5. Episode 9 "Croatoan" --> A gr8 episode and an ode to Dean’s devotion towards his brother.
4. Episode 1 "In My Time of Dying" --> just heartbreaking. Gr8 exit for John and I love how Sam tries to communicate with Dean.
3. Episode 20 "What Is and What Should Never Be" --> I just love this episode. Would be best episode in every other season post season 5.
2. Episode 11 "Playthings" --> It is a classic. Totally awesome.
And my number 1 in season 2 is...
Episode 15 "Tall Tales".
Again one of my all time favorites.
I love the Trickster
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I love Sam’s cute bitch face in this scene and the overall humor of the episode
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I love the boys wrestling
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and it has one of my favorite brother scenes plus BOBBY
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what more could you want?
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mag7dumbies · 5 years
Magnificent Seven Series (1998) Pilot major spoilers
So I finally finished watching the Pilot and good lord I had thoughts, and no this is not the first time I’ve watched this episode, I’m just that extra when I watch TV 
(Here we go yet again folks strap in)
(I have mentioned I hate the confederates- garbage humans the lot)
(Also giving birth is better in a squatting position- or at least that’s what I’ve heard)
(Seminoles are actually a very interesting tribe to read about)
“I respect no man’s law but my own” well fuck you too racist bastard (not only that but you need to get a fucking haircut and someone to repair that ratty flag of yours or better yet burn it)
I hate that he is so right cause we still have nut jobs in the south who are in denial that we won the war 
The movie was so much nicer goodness (I mean violence wise it wasn’t as insane as this is)
I hate that the general is not completely bad (he isn’t close to good but he still has morals, which is hard to believe considering what he believes)
(The general is nuttier than an oak tree)
“I believe I can turn gold into bullets” (what does that even mean)
(Didn’t realize that this whole episode was a week’s worth of stuff huh)
(I love that they included freed slaves just makes me happy)
Lordy boardy here we go
Chris this is not the time for a drink
The duster flaps in the wind- okay we get it Chris is a badass- he was drinking glass, earlier we know
The Marshall is a coward (this reminds me of a fantastic fic I once found that had the Marshall return and Nathan was understandably pissed it was awesome)
He’s wearing an apron- oh Vin you have fallen so far, (I’m glad he has long hair though, in the movie it was pretty short which didn’t really fit cause you know Vin isn’t one for conventions or white men tradition)
Mary, Mary quite contrary-angry I mean angry good lord I love her
(I always pronounce gangrene as gaygrene and its super frustrating cause I’ll try my hardest to say it right but my mouth doesn’t work that way or at least it doesn’t sound right)
Only in the nineties could you say darkie doctors on TV and not be immediately cancelled or there to be some sorta outrage, same thing applies to lynching, you can hang white folks on TV but the minute a black person is having the noose we have problems (which is really good cause there are people still alive that have probably witnessed a lynching of someone who certainly didn’t deserve it)
That son of a bitch, pushing Mary was stupid because not only are you being racist which is a trait no one likes but also being a sexist pig- (you are in for it now)
Uh-oh Vin is pissed that isn’t good for anyone (well Nathan but that isn’t the point)
Do you think Vin gives a damn about being employed- and how did he get the apron off so fast like damn
Here he comes the stupidest boy in the Wild West- (I’m gonna punch something I swear)
He’s so little 
Chris nearly shot Jd’s foot off 
“Where’d you come from” where did you go where’d you come from, tall dark stranger and his weird friend
(The saloon bit tickles me to death)
(For some reason it reminds me of Lone Ranger and I don’t know why)
Vin is a fucking sweetheart and I love him
Poor Nathan I hope his throat is okay
Vin do you have to be negative and suicidal in the same swoop seriously
Its Buckaroo time everybody, hell yeah
Then he jumps out a fucking window like a moron, and Chris is just standing there like a he’s too cool for school
(Is it Josiah or ‘osiah, not entirely sure)
And here comes the Ez, ugh he’s about as cute as he can get
“Sorry for the mess” lordy be
(Love Ez’s one-liners)
“I abhor gambling” carefully baby don’t want Maude to hear you and fuck you too you Southern bigot (I know he gets better but still, that language isn’t okay)
What the fuck is he doing with his fancy footwork just leave the saloon for mother’s sake
It’s too early in the morning to deal with Jd just goddammit (I’m gonna make some popcorn and come back to this cause I seriously can’t)
(Okay I’ve calmed down and I am ready for the stupidity)
What did he think was going to happen, of course, you fell off your fucking horse you side saddled that bitch and startled a horse that you don’t even know you’re better than this
(The only thing he can’t do is have a brain cell)
Chris is an asshole
This damn kid
Buck what the hell are, you doing, leave the kiddo be
(I also find it difficult to trust white men)
And here comes the boy and Buck (Jd’s hair is just bad, it’s like Snape’s)
Buck is right about Jd being a prep
“We’ll carve it on his tombstone” brutal Chris just brutal
(Vin is a sweet boy have I said that already cause he is)
Ezra is so good with kids damn
(Ron Perlman’s arms hell yeah)
Ezra nearly died good lord and he just goes with it and pretends he did it on purpose
Here comes Rainey girl I love her
I love Raine’s dad he’s fantastic
Buck is such a goof I love him
Why is the guy, so raspy what happened
Jd getting punched is my favorite
This is so cringe, and I really like it “I was in prison for not being white” (that is still the case for some people and we all know it)
Vin are you serious, you don’t know Chris and there you are just hanging out and suddenly you’re like hey dude if I die, take my body to Tascosa you will get a huge payday, he didn’t have to do that at all but he’s just that dude I love him too much
(There’s also a really good fic about Josiah and his crows it's great)
Ezra, I’m done with you, good lord just go home
Here we go
Nathan is a gift to all
Buck don’t waste bullets and Josiah go to a hospital, Jd you’re an idiot and nearly died plus Ezra what are you doing go to Nathan, dumbass
Buck spewing truth everywhere
Bruised my ass Ezra just accept help like a normal human being goddamn
Nathan does not take no for an answer and ow I heard that crack in my own arm ouch
Nathan called him out
Josiah, I love you so much, (usually, I really hate missionaries cause they can be extremely intolerant to other religions especially those of Native peoples,) but Josiah tries his best to respect them which is a breath of fresh air
Josiah fainting isn’t helpful I don’t care what the crows, say (he’s a birdbrain)
Poor Jd, I just wanna give him a hug, and dude chill you are being a mess, like drink like a normal person
Buck stop telling people Chris’s past it isn’t appropriate
And I swear we own an old blanket that looks exactly like Josiah’s poncho no joke
“I’m a spiritual man, sometimes I turn to the wrong kind of spirits” I love this line
Ezra stop corrupting the youth, (Ezra is like O’Reilly and I love that characterization)
What debts they can’t be older than 10, Ezra stop, please 
Nathan, I get you love, her -chill, and Jd “I haven’t shot anyone yet” are you kidding me, seriously
“Buck you’re full of crap” “You’re just figuring that out now” (Had I mentioned I love their dynamic cause I really really do)
(I did some research on Laudanum, purely for fun and apparently, it’s basically just a mixture of every opiate available and then some, plus it’s illegal to make for obvious reasons,)
That’s right Ezra you aren’t a coward or at least not completely
(Jd’s story makes me think that maybe MAYBE he was abused as a kid in the stables, not anything too horrific but still bad and I really wanna write about it)
Btw there is a wonderful thing (I think it was posted by 7men not sure though) anyway it says something about Jd used some of the money to take care of his mama before she died, and after there wasn’t enough to go to college but there was enough to go out west) I think about it at least once a month
(The war is over if only some people could get that through their thick heads)
Ezra you sneaky son of a bitch pulling a Chico
Chris is such a badass I mean that must hurt pulling off that handcuff
Round Three
I’m a bad bitch “You can’t kill me”
John Daniel Dunne- are you kidding me, are you trying to make either myself or Buck die because if you are you’re doing a great job (He is so stupid)
Buck, really you could have tackled him or really done anything else- instead you decide to fucking get stabbed by a sword (this is why you only have half a brain cell- I mean God fucking damn it)
Really Jo seriously like thanks for taking a bullet for Buck but really
Watching this episode has taken almost three hours but it’s totally worth it
(This is the worst part ugh it's like a weird zombie movie)
“You were like a son to me” Bitch you nearly shot him with a cannon
Chris thank you I wasn’t sure if that stupid general was gonna bite it or not
Jd cut out the angst you’re gonna hurt yourself 
This old dude is a gift
“Buck, you look awful” kid your hair looks awful don’t let me get started
Nathan, Raine and the kid look like the perfect family and it makes me smile
“Where you going? Get down off that horse” poor Nathan what did he do to deserve the stress of dealing with those idiots like seriously what did he do
The good thing though is I’m pretty sure Josiah got a new poncho which is definitely a win
Raine gets it though she’s just ‘look those white morons are gonna get themselves killed so it’s better if you at least try to save their skins’ I can handle things here
Poor Josiah, he is just as hunched over as he can be, its pitiful  
Okay I’m FINALLY done with this episode, think I may read a little before I get back on the saddle and on to my absolute favorite episode One Day Out West
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         #ABitterLifeThroughCinema’s WOKE! Film Reviews
     The Top Ten (+1) Best Movies of 2018 and where to find them!
                                           Lucas Avram Cavazos
+1…11. Overlord  Having its premiere at this year’s Sitges Int’l Film Fest, Overlord not only happened to be one of the fave films screened there this past festival, but this cinematic fantasy is an all-too-real and stark portrayal of a horror that actually occurred, and it deserves a nod from the Barcelona film critic family, so here it goes. Duly noted, I’d say. It starts with an insane aerial combat mission on the night of D-Day, one which goes awry and sees only a handful of paratroopers surviving the drop when enemy fire rains hell. They land in provincial France and the plot sets out to detail some of the inner workings of the Third Reich in reference to the insane, gruesome experiments done on captured Europeans and Jews. Those stories you’ve heard about turning these poor people into guinea pigs for super soldier intent using potent, injected serums…yeah, those? They’re true, if you believe the words of JJ Abrams. Are they as utterly brutal and horror/zombie film-like as displayed here? I sure as hell hope not. (now available On Demand and DVD)
10. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs There once was a film called O Brother Where Art Thou? While this is not its sequel, there is a sharp-witted vein to this film that could only be crafted and gifted to us by the Coen Brothers. What a hoot it is, even if it is a rather darkly-tinted hue of that hoot and humour. It is also one of their finest in years. Revolving around the singing cowpoke Buster Scruggs (Tim Blake Nelson) and five other tales brought to us with the commonly-threaded theme of death in often brutally funny ways, this film is a fine return to oddball form from two of the finest sibling directors of all time. Starring Liam Neeson, James Franco, Zoe Kazan, even Tyne Daly and so many in its vignettes, and that acting star power fuses this Western comedy into new territory for the brothers. Their previous works set in the west always seemed to be re-hashing works of years gone by but here, with their usage of almost comic-book-like details and witty banter make this much more enjoyable than their other historical works like O Bother and their remake of True Grit. Best western in absolute years! (available on Netflix or VOD)
9. Eighth Grade This poignant little film, which should have been wide-released everywhere the world over, is given fierce and bittersweet star power by Elsie Fisher, protagonist and student at the heart of this film. Comedian Bo Turnham has brought us the quintessential coming-of-tweenage story and along with Fisher, everyone in this film is so perfectly placed in their roles, especially Josh Hamilton as her dad, who deserves some nominations for this film but is unlikely to get any. Telling the story of 13-year old Kayla, we the audience get a sneak-peek into the minds and lives of today’s young adults. From her simple YouTube videos made to encourage other young kids to her obvious desire to fit in with older kids to her insecurity with boys, this film paints a stark reality that too many have lived through and this little indie film deserves aplomb from anywhere it can get it! (now available On Demand and DVD)
8. A Star is Born I skipped the critics’ screening of this film for the mere fact that I couldn’t bear to see if the acting and plot lines were another torrid take on a much-redone film. Even into the holiday season, I had not yet seen it and then when I did, I certainly took back any reservations. Bradley Cooper’s update of the film starring himself and Lady Gaga is just about as good as everyone said it was, and that was beyond refreshing to note post-viewing. In many ways, I feel that Cooper is likely revealing a few things about himself with the guise of “it’s a movie” being a nice cover; in some ways, he gives us what I believe are hints of his covert life, and it’s with Gaga’s turn as Ally that we really see him shine beyond the shtick of his character, country-rocker Jackson Maine. In a tad corny-tad, gripping way that takes hold the moment you see Gaga, let’s be frank and real, this film goes on to detail a Diet Coke version of the grim realities that often detail too many a tale of celebrity in Hollywood. Without revealing too many details of the film’s plot and denouement, we are looking at a necessary conversation about alcoholism, drug addiction and fame (plus a lack of ’NO’ men/women in many relationships) that needs to addressed for all ages. Well done, Mr. Cooper Goes to the Oscars. (At select screens, On Demand & DVD)
7. El Angel Incidentally, this may be the first time in a rather long time that I say something good about Argentinian men, so do take note. Telling the true story of fresh-faced boy killer Carlos Robledo Puch, played to Oscar-worthy perfection by newcomer Lorenzo Ferro, the masterful detail to which director Luis Ortega has crafted this arthouse meets dramedy-thriller is astounding and easily touches heights set by dePalma and even, dare I say it, Scorcese. We follow young Carlitos Puch, who is just nearing the edge of seventeen, as takes up with a rough and tough family of his devilishly attractive school chum Ramon, played by the spirited Chino Darin, son of Ricardo Darin. But as Carlitos comes to find out, his street crimes can easily be paved to real ones and his sadistic tendencies suddenly yet gradually paint a picture of someone who is in part desperate for attention and tacceptance and in part a fairly smart, well-to-do young adult. He parlays his sociopathy at pubescence into psychopathy with time, and this film will likely be, but should definitely not be, forgotten come awards and Best Of lists time.(available On Demand and DVD)
6. Black Panther As Oscar season comes to a head, it is worth talking about one of the most striking films that you’ll see for a while. Black Panther is that good, not only because of its genre but also because of its message: that seeking freedom through recreating systems of oppression will only extend the ill-treatment and broken nature we find ourselves in nowadays. Set in the fictional African nation of Wakanda, protagonist King T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) brings us the first real black superhero from the Marvel universe. With a cast including Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker and Michael B Jordan, the acting is beyond impressive. What is even more amazing, however, is how the plot power-plays many elements of our world’s current political climate. (now available On Demand and DVD)
5. Chappaquiddick Another film which is nothing short of striking in its relevance to the current political situation in the USA. Senator Ted Kennedy was the only remaining Kennedy that I was familiar with throughout my adolescence and early adulthood. Jason Clarke as the Massachusetts senator is astounding, as is the cut of his jib and chin, although the accent was a tad weak, to be ever sincere. This is a complete revelation on the many details that were only gingerly touched upon during the course of the week following the death which this movie is detailing . As the facts are laid out in the film, it astounds me that the American people continued to vote and elect Kennedy for decades after. This is a study on arrogance, class and governmental ambiguity. And if that was the case with liberals in the Sixties, how much more so with conservatives in this digital age? My favourite film of last year’s BCN Film Festival. (now available On Demand and DVD)
4. Private Life Good Lawd this is such a heartwarming/breaking story with the finest elements of believable comedy and situational realism that define the art of the classic Gen X film from the 90s to now. May we never forget that it was Gen, and even those a few years before them, who gave us the digiverse-Netflix-instant oatmeal www.orld in which we live today and when I see a very NYC film like this one, it makes it a true reality check. Being the age that one should be married with kids, I watched Kathryn Hahn as Rachel absolutely slay the silver screen and am eager to see if she picks up any more accolades throughout the current awards season. Simple plot…she’s in her early 40s and her hubby Rich (played by Paul Giamatti) is entering his late 40s and they are fully entrenched within the confines of every single way to conceive a baby. Following the couple through their trials and tribulations really get pushed up an ante when sort-of relative Sadie (the lovely Kayli Carter) decides she will be the surrogate mum for them as things get a tad pear-shaped. This could easily be dubbed a dreamed, for in effect, it is; what needs to be known is that this is also a morality tale for a new age. The old-fashioned ethics of yesteryear just do not apply anymore, at least not in big cities, and the less is more factor easily makes this one of the finest films released within the last year. (available on Netflix)
3. BlacKKKlansman Without a doubt, this is the finest work in all too many years by Spike Lee, and he takes no prisoners in letting you know that the spilled essence of blaxploitation all over this celluloid is to egg you into knowing that this story is 100% true…and crazy. The mere fact that David Duke is literally cheerleading for the current President of the United States should scare us all and wake those who are not. Watching actor John David Washington portray Ron Stallworth, the real-life cop who slyly infiltrated the inner workings of the Klu Klux Klan 40 years ago. After signing up for the Colorado Spring PD, he realises the lack of trust in the 98% Anglo-Saxon workforce, as he’s thrown into monitoring the goings-on of any Black Panther student situations. Eventually, he takes up with a guy on the force that he can dig called Flip and played to skilled excellence by the oddest of lookers Adam Driver. Basically, the plot follows the twosome, as they tag team the aforementioned white supremacist movement, Ron being the voice and Flip being the wingman as they start an investigation on grand wizard bastard himself David Duke, played to troubling perfection by Topher Grace, evoking all of the calmness and utter sociopathic tendencies of a man reviled by most yet revered by still too many. And watching this taut film and how it rolls through such a daunting story with comedic aplomb and vicious realness gives you goosebumps. That said, as the film gets toward its ending, is when Lee gives you the goods when he flashes to scenes from the crazy Charlottesville, Virginia, riots, AntiFa protesting and subsequent death of Heather Heyer, may she rest in peace. God Save the World…and Amerikkka.
2. Fahrenheit 11/9  Premiering a few weeks ago here in Spain at very select cinema screens across the country, this is the first documentary in some time by Michael Moore that could play across an international landscape and should be required viewing on any critic’s or person’s list. The titular oddity refers to the day after we all woke up across the world in shock and awe that Donald J Trump had won the Presidency of the USA. Even if this is not Morre’s best film to date, it is undoubtedly the one that holds the viewers’ feet to the fire and calls for them to fight the nasty funk of this administration. But, it’s when he takes it back to his roots, to Flint, Michigan, and ends up involving all local and state politics, that we start to see the more sinister undertakings happening amongst conservative parties, ideals and societies. When you add in the fact of the Parkland High School shooting and the way Moore later fuses footage of Hitler and his minions and followers with a rally speech made by the current occupant of the White House, it becomes all too obvious that things are exactly as we think they are (A HOT MESS!) and we have very little recourse rather than claiming truth. (now available On Demand and DVD)
1. ROMA There are tender moments of realism that are permitted to happen with the rise of instant cinema on VOD and direct-to-home films, and it has been a pleasure to see that sites like Netflix and Amazon and Canal+ have truly added to the foray in which great celluloid can be brought to the masses. Case in point comes the finest piece of dramatic celluloid that graced the silver screen in the last year. Being a Mexican whose father is a naturalised citizen of the US and a mother who is Chicana from the US, like myself and my siblings, the sentimentality ran deep with this film. One of the differences I experienced was the fact that we were the only Mexican-American family in a stately US country club…and we had an entire childhood spent with loving housekeepers, which is what this film inherently is honouring and depicting, using the backdrop of Alfonso Cuarón’s take on growing up in 70s-upper middle class Mexico City in the neighbourhood of Roma. Depicting the life of the house assistant Cleo (first-time performer Yalitza Aparicio in a J.Hud moment, frankly) and the family of Sr. Antonio (Fernando Grediaga), a doctor in the Mexican capital, what Cuarón has called his most personal film to date, is also a B&W modern tale in the vein of Gone with the Wind, and the fact that he centres around a privileged Mexican family is poignant for several reasons: it not only takes a focus away from how Donald bloody Trump has painted Mexicans, in general, to the world, but it also highlights a very human element to how many classes of society function and live there in the frontier regions of North America and, more importantly, EVERYWHERE…easily put, this is a sweet, oft-times simple, oft-times brutal story on humanity. What binds so many critics together on this film’s merits is that fact that Alfonso Cuarón has crafted the past year’s most enigmatic movie, leaving us to make our own answers to what happens to Lady Cleo, her best mate Teresa, and this beautiful family. Absolutely and quietly stunning! (available on Netflix and selects screens across the country)
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dreamingbrownie · 5 years
Tagging games #7
I was tagged by @fandom-glazed and I tag @bloodtroth and @derryday. Go tell me about your faves! OTP Questions Pick your top ten ships without reading the questions! 1. Wolfstar (HP; Remus Lupin / Sirius Black) 2. Stucky (MCU; Steve Rogers / James Buchanan Barnes) 3. Grindeldore (HP; Albus Dumbledore / Gellert Grindelwald) 4. Thorki (MCU; Loki / Thor) 5. Johnlock (Sherlock Holmes / Dr. John Watson), all media 6. Harmony (Harry Potter / Hermione Granger) 7. Yuri Plisetski / Otabek Altin (Yuri on Ice) 8. Chevalier de Lorraine / Philippe d’Orléans (Versailles TV series) 9. Tony Stark / Bruce Banner (MCU) 10. William Turner / Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Caribbean) 1: Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Gods, yes. Goblet of fire, Ron’s stupid jealousy and Hermione being stuck between him and Harry. It wasn’t even necessarily the “Young love!” scene from the movie, while it was massive squealing moment, just the overall tone of the book and the movie started it all.   2: Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2? You have no idea how many Stucky longfics I have in my bookmarks. I love those two idiots so much. So, yes. Lots.   3: Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr avatar? Uhhhh yes, I think, in terms of phone screen. 4: If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? Nuuuuuuu *breaks down crying dramatically* 5: Why is 1 so important? Cause it’s basically canon (as in you don’t have to change a single thing to make it canon) and it’s such a tragic story, Sirius deserves so much better and so does Remus. Especially Remus. Gods, the poor man. The possibilities of them raising Harry, changing the whole dang story to the better… Wolfstar is gonna be my OTP forever and always. 6: Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? Both, really. Tony is a sarcastic ass who’s insomniac, depressed, has PTSD and panic attacks, Bruce has no sense of self-worth whatsoever and still is such a loving, humble man despite having fucking seven PhDs. They’re both geniuses, they balance out eachother’s weak spots and would probably have spectacular fights on a regular basis at the same time. I ship them to pieces and I’m one of the few to do so, I’m afraid. I need more fanfictions about them. (Tony and Pepper are absolutely fine, I adore them in canon, but, you know, this is about shipping.) 7: Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? Albus and Gellert, without a doubt. “They got on like a cauldron on fire.” 8: Out of all of the ships, which ship has the strongest bond? Steve and Bucky probably. Steve starts a fucking war to keep Bucky safe.   9: How many times have you read/watched 10’s fandom? Not that many, actually, but I just did a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon on holiday with @llunara-seloth and we both cried and screamed and shipped so much, man, that was overdue. (the DVD of PotC4 was broken and I find that way too funny) 10: Which ship has lasted the longest? For me, Harry and Hermione, in their own time, Steve and Bucky. 11: How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? Considering how often they get into a serious discussion but never really fight… Not ever, I think. 12: If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Stucky. They’re both trained super soldiers. I do think that’s a good chance for survival. 14: Is 4 still together? Don’t come at me like that, Loki is dead. Again. 15: Is 10 canon? Yesssss 16: If all ten ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? Owww, don’t wound me so, that’s mean! Albus and Gellert probably because of their sheer combined magical power level. They’d be invincible together, indeed. 17: Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? *coughs* Mary Morstan you murderous liar *coughs* 18: Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? Harry and Hermione. They could have been canon so easily and up until the 6th book, everything was leading up to them becoming a power couple. I never was a fan of Ron and Hermione (he’s not intelligent and empathic enough for her, for fuck’s sake) or Harry and Ginny (never liked Ginny, sorry), Hermione however always stuck with Harry and believed in him. 19: Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? Yep… My entire dash consists of Fantastic Beasts and especially Grindeldore these days. 20: If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up forever, which ship would you sink? Mean again. Yuri and Otabek, probably, because they’re still so young. Otabek could fall in love with Mila and Yuri doesn’t need a relationship anyway. xD
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chromium-siren · 6 years
50 Gingerpilot Halloween Costumes
(Guest starring Finn and Kylo)
Pick one and send in a moodboard/drabble or I'll write a drabble or create the moodboard (optional)
David Bowie and Freddie Mercury
Star Trek (with Finn as Geordi LaForge- Poe was Picard but with a beard and Hux was Data)
Mountain climber and a yeti (poor Hux wore lederhosen)
Gandalf vs. Saruman
Fry and Bender
Stranger Things (Hux as Will, Kylo as Mike, Finn as Lucas, Poe as Dustin, Phasma as Eleven)
Hillbillies (Poe's favorite)
Spider-Man and Iron Man (too soon?)
20s Gangsters
Captain America and the Winter Soldier
Batman and Robin
Pharaoh and Archaeologist
Tormund and Jaime (bonus Phasma as Brienne)
Beatniks (Hux's idea)
Hippies (Kylo's idea- he was Jim Morrison and Finn was Jimi Hendrix)
Danny Zuko and Kenickie (aka rockabilly dudes)
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (with Kylo as John, Finn as George, Hux as Paul, and Poe as Ringo)
Young Elvis (Poe) and Mick Jagger
The guys in Some Like It Hot (Phasma was Marilyn Monroe)
Dr. Frankenstein and his creation (Young Frankenstein, basically)
Carl and Russel
Angel (Poe) and devil (Hux)
Ash and Pikachu
Thor and Loki
Ghostbusters (all four of them)
Goku and Vegeta
Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers
Kirk and Spock in Amok Time
Mario and Luigi
Woody and Buzz
Harry and Ron
Adam and [St]eve
Jareth the Goblin King and a fae
Zombie football player and marching band member (Hux managed to not get fake blood on his saxophone)
Alien tourists (they dressed as tacky tourists, painted their faces green, and sang Margaritaville)
Men in Black
Davy Crockett and a cowboy
The Avengers (with Finn as Black Panther and Kylo as Dr. Strange- Poe was Iron Man and Hux was Captain America)
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