#possesed marcy
zombiesandbells · 1 year
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Happy [late] Birthday to Darcy!!
I can't believe it'd been one year already :(
I miss Amphibia
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just-1other-nerd · 11 months
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kingoftheu · 1 year
In an Alternate Universe where Sasha is captured instead of Marcy the Core makes its pitch. All of Sasha's dreams come true...
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ermaculate · 2 years
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Marcy in that tank that kept her alive cuz that would be friggin truamatizing for me then she got possesed and became Darcy… also dont mind the fact i didnt add that tube on her face because this is kinda more representing that time where she was first in the sustaining tank (not sure what i should call it??) and then she was possesed by Darcy and was just existing in darkness for a while before Sasha saved her. It also reprsents that how she sinking into the darkness i dunno but dang her suit just looks really cool ya
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ferviks · 1 year
I've been thinking about the calamity trio. They were just kids. They were just middle schoolers liveng their lives and in the next moment Anne and Sasha are fighting on swords on a tall ass tower, where the second one almost dies, falling from a crazy hight. Anne is being betrayed by both of her best friends, one of which is a goddamn Leuhtenant ant the other - a royal fucking adviser. AT THE AGE OF THIRTEEN Sasha leads a whole ass army, gets a mythical warhammer, cracks the stone with by getting thrown on it TWICE, fights off of a killer newt and wears unimaginably heavy armor. Marcy is being decieved by a grown ass gigantic newt, get stabbed and might I remind you GET BLAIMED FOR IT. Anne whitnesses Marcy getting, as she might've thought, killed + AndriASS throws Sprig outta window. Girl gets a fucking blue powers that exhaust her body and than Anne gets thrown to Earth with, lemme count: a) Sasha's backstabbing (again), b) Marcy's betrayal, c) possible death of both of her close friends, d) the weight of responsibility of getting the Planters home e) a killer FUCKING ROBOT. In the meantime, Sasha protects Wortwood and than leads the resistance while the whole Amphibia is getting destroyed! And Marcy is getting possesed by a freaking ancient evil, which've been existing even longer then AndriASS.
Once again ! THEY WERE 13!
And than Anne fights government and gets to Amphibia fighting alongside Sasha. In the process of preventing Frogvasion, Grime gets his hand chopped of, Sasha gets SEVERE wounds and almost dies, while Anne is fighting a big asshole in a robotic costume. A. Newt. King. In. A. Robotic. Costume. Against A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL WITH BLUE POWERS. I MEAN SHE'VE BEEN SMACKED TO EVERY POSSIBLE SKYSCRAPER.
And even this is not enough. And they fought a fucking moon and Anne gave her LIFE FOR IT. SHE WAS READY TO GIVE UP ON EVERYTHING FOR AMPHIBIA. A child behaving like a whole ass adult. She've gained unimaginable powers and lost her life. I can't live with the knowledge of it.
They've been through SO MUCH. I don't believe for a second that thay actually got over it. Nu-uh. It was BEYOND traumatic.
Я думала про лихе тріо. Вони були просто дітьми. Вони були просто ученицями середніх класів, які жили своїм життям, а в наступну мить Енн і Саша б'ються на мечах на високій блядь вежі, де друга мало не гине, падаючи з божевільної висоти. Енн зраджують обидві її найкращі подруги, одна з яких - клята Лейтенантка, а інша - довбана королівська радниця. У ТРИНАДЦЯТЬ РОКІВ Саша очолює цілу армію, отримує міфічний бойовий молот, розбиває камінь, бо її кидають в нього ДВІЧІ, відбивається від тритона-вбивці та носить неймовірно важкі обладунки. Марсі обманює дорослий гігантський тритон, її протикають йобаним ножем, і, дозвольте нагадати, що її у цьому ж і звинувачують. Енн стає свідком того, що Марсі, як вона могла подумати, вбивають + Андріас викидає Спріга з вікна. Дівчинка отримує довбані сині сили, які виснажують її тіло, а потім Енн кидають на Землю з: а) ударом в спину від Саші (знову), б) зрадою Марсі, в) можлива смерть обох її близьких друзів, г) вага відповідальність за повернення Плантарів додому e) Вбивчий ЙОБАНИЙ РОБОТ. Тим часом Саша захищає Вортвуд і потім очолює опір, поки всю Амфібію знищують! А Марсі одержує жахливе стародавнє зло, яке існує навіть довше, ніж Андріас.
Знову ж! ЇМ БУЛО 13!
Потім Енн бореться з урядом і потрапляє до Амфібії, борючись разом із Сашою. У процесі запобігання жаб'ячого вторгнення, Грайму відрубують руку, Саша отримує ЖАХЛИВІ рани та ледь не помирає, а Енн бореться з великим мудаком у костюмі робота. Король. Тритон. В. Костюмі. Робота. Проти 13-РІЧНОЇ ДІВЧИНКИ З БЛАКИТНИМИ СИЛАМИ. ТИПУ, ЇЇ ЙОБНУЛИ ОБ КОЖЕН МОЖЛИВИЙ ХМАРОЧОС.
І навіть цього недостатньо. І вони бились із довбаним місяцем, і Енн віддала ЗА ЦЕ ЖИТТЯ. ВОНА ГОТОВА БУЛА ВІД УСЬОГО ВІДМОВИТИСЯ ЗАРАДИ АМФІБІЇ. Дитина поводиться як повноцінна доросла. Вона набула неймовірних сил і втратила життя. Я не можу жити зі знанням про це.
Вони БАГАТО пережили. Я ні на секунду не вірю, що ти справді подолав це. Нє-а. Це було НАДЖЕ травматично.
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car-toons · 1 year
Sorry, This Question Must Be Asked.
In order to judge this fairly to answer this significant question, you must watch all of these scenes and rate your feelings of fear accordingly. A simple search on YouTube should do the trick, but let’s avoid bias the best we can, shall we!
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sonofrose · 1 year
Ok, ok, I... realized something.
Hear me out, and get ready because this'll be a doozy.
Marcy is the one responsible for saving everyone, all thanks to a long term domino effect that started here.
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Ok, ok, listen listen.
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When Marcy met Andrias (as shown above) her cheerful personality endeared her to him, and because of this Andrias doesn't kill her right then and there like The Core wanted instead suggesting the Three Temples scheme.
A lot of time later, Marcy reunites with Anne, and Andrias starts the temples plan, and to go to the temples Marcy learns the ancient amphibian language.
Then she and Anne do the Temples and learn the lessons, and during the second temple Marcy unintentionally keeps Anne from fully loading the gem.
They meet back up with Sasha in the Third Temple and later The True Colors incident happens, Anne discovers her powers and Marcy activates the Box allowing Anne to escape to Earth, which of course leads to her getting impaled.
BUT! Here's the thing:
This gets Andrias distracted allowing Sasha and Grime to escape and form the rebellion, and more importantly Andrias actually regrets doing it.
On Earth Anne can have time to decompress and reflect back on everything, learn to use her powers at least a little, and discover Leif's last clue, and thanks to Marcy's notes on the Amphibian runes, which led her to The Mother of Olms.
Back with Marcy, the regret of hurting her starts to affect Andrias and he starts second guessing himself, when The Core posseses Marcy the regret grows stronger.
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Fast foward to All In and Leifs letter makes it back to him, and when the letter talks about Andrias learning to love again it is Marcy who comes to mind.
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Leading to Andrias losing the will to fight and finally let himself be defeated.
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(Wow, actually looking at a still of it, that really was a gruesome blow)
AND, because he refuses to fight Darcy gets distracted from their fight with Sasha, giving her the opening to cut the wire connecting the Core to Marcy, freeing her.
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Heck, once Andrias finally realized the error of his ways and decided to stand againt his father and the Core, that could also be tied to Marcy's influence.
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Look back to all of it.
Every key moment where things could have been over for the stars it was Marcy who unintentionally kept things how they should.
Sometimes it felt like fate conspired againts Marcy, but at the same time it looks like Marcy herself is an agent of fate that allowed for most of the major developments that lead to the Prophecy being fulfilled.
Everything would have gone to hell in a hand basket if not for Marcy.
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dallina17 · 1 year
Marcy, Hunter, and lately Neo. JUST WHY.
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starsfic · 2 years
Celebrity AU
There's a clip of "The Bad End Friends" reuniting to welcome Marcy & Hunter into their ranks (they waited until Hunters possesion to keep it secret)
The Bad End Friends is a super secret YouTube channel in the Celebrity AU that helps tease any potential possession stuff or hero-villain interactions.
They posted a creepy video of Bipper singing We'll Meet Again.
And then the next video welcomes the newest ones to the batch.
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lilisouless · 2 years
“Marcy has changed, she is no longer the same person” 
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localvoidcat · 8 months
with each season finale the three main girls get closer to death (sasha after realizing anne might be better off without her lets go of annes hand and almost falls to her death) (marcy after her betrayal (getting her three friends trapped in amphibia because she was scared to move away from them) getting stabbed through the chest on screen and also getting possesed by a hive mind with too many eyes) (anne actually dying after using the power of all three stones to Kill the moon) sorry to ramble lol in very normal
once again, what the fuck happens in amphibia.
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calamitybomb · 1 year
Hello again! Since I alredy Saw Thanks To Them (TOH) many times, I'm watching Amphibia.
And turns out I have an obsesion with possesed teenagers like Hunter (TOH) and, suprise, Marcy.
So I'm just going to leave this here.
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gayfrogcoven · 2 years
Friendo Moot and Sleep! (We are one and the same and one day you will cease to exist and your corpse will be my host so that I may destroy humanity and take no responsibility (light hearted (joking)).)
ooh you mean i get a marcy possesion arc? fun! wait except i’ll be dead skdkdfjkl
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Finally finished the 05 council in my au
+ Administrator
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05-1 Anna
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One of the longest living 05 members, she gained immortality from unknown circumstances.
She and Admin were once married with two lovely children, until tragedy struck. Their son was manipulated and killed by 035, and later on their daughter would vanish to an unknown dimensional plane of existence.
05-1 currently is remarked as 'Pure beauty and pure evil' as she usually manipulates people to do her bidding, and doesn't really care much for human life or morals. She and Admin are technically still married but the two have not shared a bed in centuries.
She and admin are the founders of the Foundation.
05-2 Charles
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05-2 is a title given to anyone that has the blood of 05-1, anyone related to the 05 has an opportunity to sit on this chair. Though that maybe the worst mistake you can make, it seems all 05-2s are forever cursed with 'bad luck'.
No 05-2 has simply died from old age, usually they've been assassinated, murdered, 'gone missing' and simply disappeared. All 05-2s also usually suffer from mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and psychosis.
They are also usually the most manipulated by 05-1, and are required to have a minimum of 3 children so that one may become the 05-2 'heir' and the rest as 'replacements'
05-3 Red
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05-3 is the great great grandfather of Jolene Kelly, a chaos insurgency member who later on marries Julian Bright (the son of Jack Bright and Jezebel Lavender)
05-3 posseses the ability to see into multiple other timelines and anyone who glances into their eyes will see a glimpse into their future. 05-3 was raised as a foundling and served as a 'hand sinister' for a short time. Eventually 05-1 offered them a place as 05-3 and they have remained their ever since.
05-3 is immortal.
05-4 Marcy
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05-4 was the daughter of the original 05-4, an accident happened in their childhood leaving them permanently within the body of a child. 05-4 is the main leader of the 'hand sinisters' and usually works as a spy for the 05.
05-4 also has a good relationship with 05-6(Mikell), and the two are often seen chatting with each other and working on projects together. This maybe due to the two being close friends in their childhood
05-4 is immortal due to her current circumstances, but if her body had aged correctly she would be 43 by now.
05-5 Millie
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05-5 is a trans (MTF) member of the 05 council, they once worked as a researcher in their younger days. Work for a woman named 'Dr. Leslie', Dr. Leslie was an unethical researcher that was eventually terminated. During their time working for Dr. Leslie 05-5 had been one of their unethical experiments, the mask on their face being surgically put on by Dr. Leslie.
05-5 cannot have the mask removed or they will effectively die, the liquid inside the mask replenishes on its own and keeps her body in a forever regenerative state.
05-6 Mikell
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05-6 also known as Mikell Shaw was once a hand sinister for the 05 (during this time his father had been 05-6) Mikell had raised his siblings from a young age but does not have a good relationship with any of them. Mikell was also previously married in his youth but divorced only a couple years later due to his cheating ways, after he became an 05 he married a researcher at site-17 named 'Dr. Vanessa'
He eventually had two children named David and Serena, him and David have a very distant relationship while Serena is still a child living with him and Vanessa. (But in the future Serena becomes erased from the universe due to Dr. Prometheus)
Mikell has many illegitimate children that make up the vast majority of the infamous 'Shaw cult' run by David Blindman
05-7 (Mother)
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05-7 also nicknamed 'Mother' is the most generous and kind of the 05 members, usually they're spotted around site-17 undercover and being the 'parent' the children SCPs need.
05-7s past is unknown, nor is how they came to be an 05 member. Many claim she just 'showed up' one day and never left
05-8 Maurie
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05-8 is one of the more 'interesting' 05 members as they aren't human. They are indeed an alien and was brought in as a 'deal' according to 05-1. The 05 member speaks telepathically to other members or will usually write what they wish to say.
05-9 Zena (zee-na)
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05-9 was once a 'creation' of the Wondertainment industry, her role there is unknown as she claims to have been a 'malfunction' when SCP 7829 (the doll sisters) were brought in many 05 suspected her of being a failed doll sister due to her eyes and looks.
She currently works with teams trying to 'knock Wondertainment down a peg or two' and hates the corporation and anyone who sides with them
(The rest of these are gonna have to be photoless, but they're all in order at the top)
05-10 Ben
05-10 is..unknown, the person exists but they do not seem to act human or retain any human emotion. 05-4 even claims to hear weird 'clicking' noises from them when she stands to close to the 05.
The 05 also seems to get replaced with someone else without anyones knowledge, even 05-1 doesn't know where they came from and many claim the 05 is a robot sent by some 'enemy'
05-11 is not something you'd expect on the 05 council (especially since a whole war had been started with the species) 05-11 is remarked as the 'last living fae' and had been kept alive due to her being half human.
She was supposedly born in the middle of the war and had been 'found' by the original 05-11, 05-1 had decided it best to keep the child and raise her as a foundling. Her parents are unknown and she posseses no powers like the fae, she only seems to have their looks.
05-12 Allison
05-12 is an 05 member who holds no last name, the 05 member had been found a couple days at a spot SCP 5002 had been located and retrieved at (possibly meaning the two are connected)
05-1 had decided to speak with Allison and the result being Allison becoming 05-12. The circumstances as to 'why' are unknown, but some suspect they are kept within the 05 council due to their possible connections to SCP 5002 and the Scarlet king.
05-13 Tamlin
05-13 is the most mysterious member of the 05, as the rest of the 05 at least know each others face. 05-13 keeps their identity a secret and will only appear on a monitor during a meeting with a '?' As their logo.
They also seem to use a voice changer which will never be the same. Their is one key clue as to who they are, as they will usually sign off with 'Tamlin' with emails and letters.
Admin Lorenzo
The administrator is similar to 05-1, both were married became the founders of the SCP Foundation and had two kids. Once tragedy had struck twice Admin ended up leaving the Foundation to 'find a cure' for his and 05-1s immortality.
Admin is known as a 'flirtatious' man who hops from bed to bed during his travels, it is rumored 05-11 is his child due to their similar looks.
In a sad story Admin had actually decided to move on from 05-1 and tried to have a family, when his son (which he named Benjamin) had been born him and his partner had vanished. When he confronted 05-1 she denied everything but gave a clue that she had been the one to make the two vanish.
05-12, SCP 5002 and Dr. Vanessa belong to @thesimpgod13
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diableasura · 2 years
Yeah marcy was impaled through the chest and possesed by the core but the most grueling experience she faced after the finale was being a Sakura and Bakugo stan oh that poor girl I just know she was fighting for her life harder than against the core
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tharrb · 2 years
Of lions and newts-chapter 3
@eeveearoace @yourpersonaltimebomb
When Jeri found Marcy, she was shambling through the school halls like a corpse. “There you are” Jeri said.”I’m..I’m sorry I ran off. I know you went through a lot, and I probably should have given you some space.” She got no response. “Marcy?”
Marcy grabbed her with a force she didn’t know her friend possessed. Marcy looked up at her, her eyes now a sickly orange.”Marcy isn’t home right now.”
“Marcy what’s going on?!” Jeri said, panic welling in her eyes. “It’s like we said, Marcy isn’t here. We are the core.” Marcy had told Jeri all about the core. How it took over her body and forced her to fight her friends.”You.” Jeri angrily said.”what have you done to her?”
“We’ve locked her back up in her mind.” The thing in Marcy’s body said.”and we have reclaimed what is rightfully ours.” “It’s NOT yours!” Jeri shouted defiantly.”and I won’t let you take her.”
Jeri head butted the core, and both girls passed out.
Be brave Jeri. A part of me will always be with you. Remember, you have a lions heart.
Jeri woke up in a dark void. Clearly, Jeri thought, this was some kind of dream scape. No sooner than she did, she was met with several eyes. The same eyes “Marcy” had been sporting.
From out of the darkness, the owner of the eyes revealed itself; a massive black leviathan, with axotol frills and an eel like body. It clearly sought to kill her, to rid this intruder from the mindscape.
But Jeri began to shine a yellow glow. That light took the form of a giant creature, that resemble a mix between a lion and a saber toothed cat. The beast fought with the leviathan, eventually sinking its fangs into it and mauling into its corpse.
The darkness pulled away to reveal the school. Jeri doubted she was in the clear yet. She still had to rescue Marcy.
Along time ago, someone told her she had a lions heart. It was about time she proved it.
Jeri ran through the hallways of the school. It seemed to spiral off into and endless maze of corridors. No entrance or exit, only doors and lockers. She was afraid she would never find Marcy. But she knew she had to try. Her attention was drawn to a noise coming from one direction.
“Scream scream, as loud as you can.” Darcy mockingly singed. “But face it girl, you’re one of the damned.” Darcy had Marcy pinned to the ground. “Please leave me alone.” Marcy pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. “I don’t want this.” “You mean like how Anne and Sasha didn’t want to get stuck in Amphibia, stranded and suffering while you played hero? With both know, you deserve this.”
Darcy put their head up close to Marcy’s, and wiggled their tongue in her face. “Besides, we already have control of you body. We. Own. You. Fighting back will only result in more pain. So why don’t you give in, and we’ll get rid of all the suffering.
Marcy didn’t want this to happen again. She didn’t want to lose control of her body, and be trapped inside her own mind. Her muffled scream going unheard by any one. Forced to experience isolation and death over and over until she fades away completely.
“We know you want it-“
The core got kicked in the face, releasing it’s grip on Marcy. Marcy looked up to see Jeri standing over her. “Jeri, what are you doing here?” Marcy asked. “Doesn’t matter.” Jeri replied, pulling her friend up in a hug. The core stared down at the pair, clearly pissed.
“Let’s go!” Said Jeri. But Marcy wouldn’t budge. She remained still as a statue. Marcy knew all to well, there was no escaping from her lord.
“That little slut is ours!” Said the core. “No she’s not!” Jeri screamed. “She’s my friend!” “She dosent have any friends. Isn’t that right, mar-mar?” Marcy winced in terror at the accusation. “Why would anyone want broken, tainted, freak like her? Her only purpose is to be the cores destined host. So why don’t you hand over our property.”
Everything the core said was true, Marcy thought. Being possesed by the core for a month, and still having it in her head, taught her that she wasn’t allowed to possess anything. That she was just something to be owned, destined to be a slave to a hive mind.
“You’re wrong!” Jeri shouted in defiance. Marcy looked up. “Marcys more than that. She’s so much to so many people. And you can’t take her for yourself-not without taking something that the whole world can’t do without. And besides, you’re not really the core, are you?”
“What?” Said the core, infuriated at the question. “Do you have any memories, outside of the ones Marcy has?” Said Jeri.
The core remained silent.
“Of course you don’t.” Jeri chided. “I bet you’re not even real. That you’re just a fragments Marcy’s mind that’s convinced itself that it is.”
The core was furious. It’s faced contorted into a grimace, and it’s body began to twist. It let out a inhuman shriek as it opened its body to reveal a mass of tentacles. The tentacles wrapped around the two girls, intent on dragging them into itself.
Jeri hugged Marcy tightly, as she stared at the malevolent entity with fury in her eyes. Suddenly, the doors of the hall opened up. From them, all sorts of computer equipment floated out the doors and pelted the core, burying it beneath the tech. And with that, that world slowly went dark.
Jeri and Marcy woke up in the school infirmary, being treated for concussions. Marcy turned towards her friend, who was in the bed next to her.
“I..I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Marcy wimpered. If her previous outburst didn’t ruin her friendship with, this most certainly did. It was just like her, to keep secrets from her friends that end up hurting them, the worthless bitch.
“No, don’t be.” Jeri replied, with a warmness in her voice. “I’m just glad, we’re both okay.”
“When I was stuck in the core.” Marcy shuddered out “it became hard to tell where I ended and it began. Maybe that’s why my mind created…that thing.” “I understand.” Jeri said. She remembered all to well what it was being connected to the d-reaper. Here it’s awful thoughts of destruction and chaos.
While the pair would need time to recover, right now, Jeri and Marcy just wanted to rest.
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