#potted powerhouse
lunarflare64 · 7 months
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captkush · 5 months
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thegreateyeofsauron · 28 days
imagining a magical girl game but it's about managing a team of them
you play as the magic power granting mascot beast and you'd have to scout out girls with magic potential, but also make sure they're a good fit for the team. llike do you recruit the girl who is a magical powerhouse but her schedule is so tight that it's a nightmare to work with, or the girl who sucks at magic but she's basically free 24/7 because instead of going to school or working a job she smokes pot and drawe tf2 yaoi for patreon?
thematically it'd be a combination of the football manager games and the charlie work episode of always sunny.
if you can picture a sleep deprived luna hunched over a laptop, surrounded by empty energy drinks cans and coffee thermoses, talking into two cellphones at once, while attending a zoom meeting with the sailor scouts, then you understand.
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Okay. So, last night I was scrolling through my news feed and I came across an article with one of the most dogshit takes I've ever had the misery of reading with my own two eyes.
The article in question? From 'The National Interest', "The M60 Patton could never be built today."
So, come with me as we absolutely rip the fuck out of this dogshit article. (Now is your chance to read it.)
So, first, let me say, that I don't dislike the m60. It's a venerable tank, extremely capable for its time, and the fact that it still sees some use more than 60 years after it's creation says a great deal as to its capabilities.
However, I take great issue with some of this article's claims.
First, the idea that the M60 was some revolutionary miracle tank, developed out of the blue, and rushed to the field before it was ready. To be frank, that's a bold-faced lie. The M60 is the result of a long lineage of medium tanks and MBTs, stretching back to the final days of ww2. A fairly common piece of cold-war tank trivia is that the M60 was never formally called the "Patton", it just looked so much like the m48 "Patton", that the tankers never saw fit to call it anything different. (Below is a comparison of the vehicles: from the front, the tanks can be distinguished by the m48s concave frontal armor, while the m60 has a flat wedge.)
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The m48, itself, was a development of the m46, which was itself an upgrade of the m26 Pershing, the American medium tank used in the last days of the European theater. So, the idea that the m60 was flawed because of its "revolutionary design" not being given time to be tested is, quite frankly, horseshit.
Next up on the chopping block is the claims that the M60 is still in use by nations today. The article states that, throughout the Middle East, you can find nations that use the m60 and its modernization still today, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia. However, you'll notice that none of these nations are exactly military powerhouses, with Egypt not having won a war that wasn't against starving partisan rebels since the British packed up their shit and went home, and Saudi Arabia quickly transferring to the M1, and offloading as many of their Pattons on other nations as quickly as they can manage. And let's be honest, when's the last time you even thought about the Iranian military?
Next, I'm going to directly quote this line, because it's peak comedy. "in 1991, the United States Marine Corps, one of the most innovative branches in the US military, deployed the M60 in battle against Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Army." Ah, yes, the Marine Corps, famous for it's innovation and openness to change...
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The Marines wouldn't know innovation if it grabbed the crayon out of their mouths. They hate change more than H.P. Lovecraft hated penguins and Irish people. So to come out and say that something is amazing because the Marines are still using it instead of a newer thing? It's peak comedy.
Then, the author goes into his highly-political diatribe about how, because the m60 was so "rushed" and "untested", it's head-and-shoulders above any US defense project since, because it still sees some use by tin-pot dictators, outdated militias, and the Marines in Iraq. However, what he fails to mention is that the m60 was the ultimate result of the 2nd generation of MBT technology, building on a lineage of tanks going back to 1945. The idea that the m60 is special in any way other than being the culmination of a generation or armored vehicle technology is ludicrous, and I sincerely hope that not too many are suckered in by this ex-congressional staffer's bullshit.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 5 months
I don't see enough people talking about how sad Green getting eliminated is for what we lose from them, and all the wonderful moments that will be remembered from within their team
The funny motor boat rides with Quackity, Fit and Forever making the dumbest jokes and laughing their heads off
Roier and Etoiles, the Green warriors
Team mom Forever
Little Luffy, eye mascot of GGN, with their many little hats
The dark humor jokes between Mouse and Etoiles
El Quackity's visits with the Eye and wondering when the shoe will drop when Forever becomes Judas, how it'll effect the rest of their team
Maxo and Forever getting to be on a team, having someone familiar from the old life there for you in this new Hell, an anchor to keep you grounded
Everyone looking out for each other, like when Roier and Mouse logged on sick
Having at least two of each language group (minus native English speaker) there to interact with each other while also being in this mixing pot of getting to interact with other people of other languages
Roier and Etoiles imitating and learning Bagi's "oxi"
Fit and Forever and their mischief and "big boy" and the wild moments that would somehow keep happening whenever they were together near boats
Antoine hilariously wanting to rip his hair out having to deal with a bunch of bloodthirsty PVPers when he's just trying to figure out where the Hell they are
The fun confusion at whether they're Green Ninjas or Gay Ninjas because it kept changing until it became Green Gay Ninjas, unequivocally and proudly Green Gay Ninjas
Bagi getting to spread her wings in strategizing and grinding, Fit being in his element fighting off intruders and heading attacks, them being able to do these things because the other does that vital work so they can thrive together, Quackity, Mouse, Bagi and Forever working so Fit, Etoiles and Roier can fight for them
Forever and Etoiles' impeccable dynamic and co-leadership that was incredibly fascinating to watch for how goddamn well they worked together
The absolute powerhouse that was the team with Fit, Roier and Etoiles in it, having that legendary reputation and being able to back it the hell up during PVP events
How it took time and work and a lot of stumbling in the beginning until they were finally able to create an effective team dynamic, supporting each other and taking turns doing what the others needed to have done, not having instant chemistry but creating a bond through sweat and work that showed their dedication to making something from what they've been given, from this little team they've got
The family forged in emerald. Team GGN. The Green Gay Ninjas of Purgatory.
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
Lilith's Dark Secrets
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Black Moon Lilith is a calculated point in the birth chart that is along the Moon's orbit and farthest away from the earth. This point isn’t a planet or asteroid but instead a point symbolizing vengeance, destructiveness, ostracization, deep jealousy, and sexual promiscuity. Black Moon Lilith in our charts is what we are, how we act as it is self-destructive in nature. The house placement of BML determines where we experience the mistreatment mentioned below.
⚠️TW: mentions of physical/emotional cruelty, bullying, and substance abuse. This is a dark post read with caution. This doesn't mean you will experience it yourself.
Plug in h12 on astro.com under extended chart selection.
To be clear, I am explaining the mistreatment, misfortune, deception, and manipulation that comes with each lilith placement. I explain the mistreatment in correlation with the zodiac sign/houses area of life. Therefore, this isn't a beginner post as it's expected you understand each house.
🦋 Lilith in Aries/First House: There's usually a theme for being outcasted from other people, especially during first impressions due to your diversity. People end up becoming unwilling to accept your individuality and differences as your presence stirs the pot and leaves them uneasy. Often times you experience hate and unjust jealousy for wearing clothes that express yourself, voicing opinions, or just being in the room. Your presence is enough to piss people off as they paint you to be rude, aggressive, and manipulative when you’re sweet and soft on the inside. They’re criticized for going against the mainstream flow which can result in slut-shaming and bullying.
🦋 Lilith in Taurus/2nd House: Your beauty, voice, glamour, and body are seen as a powerhouse and force to be reckoned with like many rappers and female beauty icons who have this placement. Yet, this destroys your confidence as you’re only seen as an object of desire. People only want to use you to climb the ladder and get ahead, people treat you like an asset and tool for fame and money. You’re want to be recognized for who you are as a person, not flaunted around for your looks. Being the victim of monetary or material blackmail was how others controlled you.
🦋 Lilith in Gemini/3rd House: Early school years may have been a traumatizing period in your life. Insecurity involving how you speak and think results from being criticized for having a unique voice, different perceptive skills, and overall an individualistic way of communicating with others. You end up feeling shut down and afraid to voice your opinion on any topic, creating a false meekly shy persona that doesn’t reflect your real personality. You could be a chatterbox on the inside and voice brilliant ideas yet no one accepts this. Your ideas are highly likely to be copied or you’re accused of copying people’s projects.
🦋 Lilith in Cancer/4th House: Emotional codependency was forced onto you in a toxic manner. This involves blackmail, withholding love and affection, and deceptiveness expressed within the family. Whether it's you who is codependent on your family's attachment or your family relies on you to the point of exhaustion, there's an emotionally constrictive theme present. Your relationship with females and parents might be strained, as you often experience malice or resentment from those who possess feminine or motherly energy. You've experienced manipulation frequently and are aware of the tactics people use to control those they love, therefore you can end up becoming manipulative yourself but most of the time it's used for your own survival and emotional protection. ⚠️TW: there are patterns of this placement falling victim to emotional or physical cruelty from the family.
🦋 Lilith in Leo/5th House: Your childhood may have been lost, often you were told not to express your childish personality and joyful expressions or you were forced to put it on display and fake being happy to put on a "show" others approved of. Many wounds come from the hindrance of creativity and hobbies you got to experience or the fear of letting others' expectations down. This has to do with performing, stage fright, and the inability to openly go after your passions. Others' judgement and ridicule bogged your free spirit down and made you develop an ordinary minuscule persona. Being bullied or having deep wounds from past relationships and crushes are common, you want to feel special and worthy of love but you are usually left as the side piece or fun fling people make fun of.
🦋 Lilith in Virgo/6th house: health problems, medical misconduct, the wounds from pets dying, and your overachiever mindset has plagued your life more times than you can count. Working part-time jobs while for many can be fun and exciting, however for you it brings some left behind trauma with co-workers and scheduling that left you in the dark and used. You probably felt like a robot as you were raised, being told to do nothing but work and study yet still never being good enough. You could have taken the same judgemental attitude towards others by ridiculing and belittling other people if they aren't seen as good enough in your eyes due to the expectant and condescending environment of your jobs or parents.
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🦋 Lilith in Libra/7th house: Falling victim to being the hidden sidepiece or unrequited love is something you're accustomed to and weary of. Most of the time when you get into a relationship there is a third party pining after them or a crazy ex involved. You are seen as innocent and sweet, people assume you'd do no harm. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Your toxic side reveals itself from the shadows in relationships and where you showcase manipulative, over-controlling, and overly jealous behaviors stemming from past relationship traumas or intimacy issues. A lot of women distrust you, think you are secretive and fake, criticize your appearance, and most definitely spread rumours and gossip surrounding your promiscuity. More often than not you have male or masculine friends and most of your relationships are based on exchanges like clout = love, or money = love, because your relationships focus on compromising or losing your self identity. This is the epitome of the best friend who steals boyfriend arc from what I've witnessed as you may experience your partner cheating or being taken away from you.
🦋 Lilith in Scorpio/8th house: The fear of letting go, you may have been exposed to your fears or generally inappropriate behaviour from an early age that most kids wouldn't comprehend at that age. There's a theme of exposure and patterns in your life because this is the sign and house of regeneration and transformation. that means, old toxic habits can be passed down and reoccur in your life frequently. You may constantly deal with the same types of toxic people or constantly go through periods of debts and loans. often times people will pray on your downfall, purposely trying to sabotage you in the shadows as you just go about your day. There's a big sense of unfairness, you were always getting the short end of the stick in your family while others inherited more desirable things or gifts from your parents. You are the shadow, your emotions get pushed to the side and you are forced to solve many problems thrown at you by other people. these problems are usually financial as well as emotional baggage. You're very protective of your energy for this very reason as the closest people to you tend to be energy vampires and you find it hard to escape a difficult life. This placement craves stability the most.
🦋 Lilith in Sagittarius/9th House: Education has been a longhaul for you, it feels like a trainwreck and you don't feel free to study the subjects you want. that, or professors constantly try to undermine you and mistreatment occurs within educational and religious institutions. This is the archetype that reminds me of the priest using his authority to misbehave. Or, professors using their knowledge and power to do what they want while you the student are thrown under the bus constantly. Beliefs are usually forced from the family or community which result in feeling outcasted within those environments as you want to explore new areas of religion or studies. There's deception between what you're told to believe vs what is actually right. People use knowledge to control you which you're often aware of and despise. I do see purity culture common here as it ties into what you're told to religiously follow and what is deemed as acceptable in order to control you. Transportation can be dangerous as you probably have less than stellar interactions with people on there. Sometimes this placement can attract potential stalkers as people who are lost in life constantly seek you out to guide them and could even worship you to an extent (vice versa too). There's a dehumanizing theme that occurs with the house of the divine and higher knowledge involved with your mistreatment.
🦋 Lilith in Capricorn/10th House: You're feared in the workspace and hold the ultimate authority, but often fell victim to bosses misusing power to control you before gaining respect. There's a threat seen with your presence as you are skilled and intelligent, specifically with business and management. Others assume you're the favourite out of jealousy but you've been pushed beyond your limits by your family's expectant attitudes which usually ends in a damaged relationship with the father who possessed most power, control, and the means to destroy your family. People will try to take you down in the workplace, blame you for mistakes, and sabotage you through flase accusations or monetary blackmail. However, after experiencing the downfall period, you end up gaining mass amounts of respect and power as well as misusing your power to gatekeep it from others.
🦋 Lilith in Aquarius/11th House: cancelled, always being cancelled. This placement is the archetype of cancel and stan culture turning toxic and unjust. You were either the victim or user of these tactics because you believed in one ideal only or you went against popular beliefs. Celebrities and fandoms may mistreat you, the internet is kind of a scary place for you. There's this fear about standing up for what's right because you often got cut off in friend groups after expressing your concerns. There was definitely gossip, rumours, and backstabbing that surrounded your life and people didn't want to give you a chance as this was your reputation in communities and you feared being persecuted for speaking the truth.
🦋 Lilith in Pisces/12th house: ⚠️TW: but every time I see this placement in someone they've always been through drug addiction or had/have parents struggling with drug addiction, this can go for alcohol or any substance as well. These individuals have experienced the misfortune sides of life too many times to count, often hidden enemies appearing as your friends or emotional support systems, knowing people in hospitals and prisons, and often become used to those environments. Your own dark emotions feel hidden to you and others, you may use escapism in any form to cope or feel swallowed whole by these dark emotions. It's hard for you to rationalize what you're feeling or sense in others but you possess a radar that can pinpoint others' vibes or intentions, you just struggle to pinpoint the reasonings. Sometimes sudden deaths within the family or close ones can appear here, there's such a big theme of hidden and misfortunate events that take you by storm whether it being randomly evicted, or suddenly your best friend of 10 years burns your house down. Whatever it may be you can sense but don't see it coming. People here are skilled at pretending or lying but, this it's used for protecting themselves from the world. Sadly you end up hiding too much, never feeling free enough to comfortably express yourself.
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cerastes · 3 months
I picked up Qiubai from the current banner and know absolutely nothing about her. She worth leveling and if so is there anything I should know about her skills/talents and how best to use them?
Qiubai is one of those units whose banner was very untimely, smack between Lin and Chongyue's limited banner, and the Monster Hunter collab limited banner (not to mention that afterwards, there was Absolute Beast Ines to account for, and a bit farther down the road, fan favorite Muelsyse and Ho'olheyak), so a lot of people decided to skip her, making her one of the rarer Operators.
But I am not a lot of people, and my main reason is "She's Fucking Cool, Your Honor".
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I think she's a damn good Operator worth investing in. The main criticism levied against her, besides the unfortunate timing of her banner, is that she's Not Thorns, which is like looking at a successful and highly skilled physicist and saying that he's shit because he's not Albert Einstein. The actual criticism I would levy against her, as someone that uses her all the time, is that she does require a bit of presence of mind to use her due to the nature of her Talents requiring procs if she's not supported appropriately, and her S3 having a rather long downtime.
So, Talents (E2 no pots): First is whenever she attacks enemies affected by Slow or Bind, she deals 40% of her Attack as extra Arts damage. This is a good extra bit of juice you can squeeze out of every attack, as well as a means to deal with high Defense powerhouses. Second is that attacks have a 20% chance to Bind for 1.5 seconds. Attacks that proc this 20% apply Bind first and then count the attack, meaning that every time she procs her Second talent, her first Talent is also activated. This is true, to my knowledge, to all Operators with similar effects (such as enemies receiving extra damage when Stunned in her range; the Stunning hit benefits from this extra damage instead of having to follow up to start benefiting). Her attack interval is 1.3, meaning that whenever she procs Talent 2, she'll usually get two free Talent 1 procs in, "usually" because sometimes the enemy is actually at the edge of her range or just wandered off, and the projectile doesn't land in time.
S1 is your least used Skill, probably, but it's not useless: It's Bind centric, and Binds the enemy for 2.5 (3 M3; M3 numbers in parenthesis from hereon) seconds, followed by a small AoE explosion of 240% (300%) Arts damage once it expires. It is Automatic and Attack Charged on a low limit of 5 SP (4 SP) so it reliably gets fired off. It's honestly not a bad skill, it's just that her S2 and S3 exist.
S2 changes her range into a single file 4 tiles forward and immediately slashes all these tiles to deal 240% (300%) Arts damage and enemies in this slashed ground are Slowed throughout the duration, 5 seconds. QB gets an steroid of +90% (+140%) Attack for these 5 seconds, and when the skill expired, the initial slash explodes once again for 240% (300%) Physical damage. The slash itself CANNOT hit air units, but QB's regular attack can, be wary of this. This Skill is your go-to for general use when you just need to kill regular enemies and elites, since it gives her phenomenal true AoE capabilities, a strong steroid, and since enemies are Slowed in the slashed area, she will proc Talent 1 every time while Skill is active (against ground units, that is). All of this on a very good timer of 12 SP (10 SP), making this skill's strength its ability to reliable, consistently use it: It's ALWAYS ready when you need it, and on longer fights against very strong enemies that you need to stall for a bit, you can use it several times.
S3 changes her range to one extra side tile forward, changes damage type entirely to Arts, Talent 1 is augmented by 1.5x (2x), gives QB +45% (+55%) Attack, Lord ranged attack penalty is negated, QB attacks 2 extra targets, so 3 total per attack, and each attack animation she does gives her 13+ ASPD for the duration of the skill, stacking up to 6 (8) times. This is QB's burst skill to deal with numerous strong enemies or even just one strong enemy, to be honest. She'll become a machine gun of Arts damage, and since she's attacking so fast, she'll likely keep proccing Talent 2 repeatedly, meaning, even more damage from Talent 1, which in itself also gets augmented. The sole weakness of this skill is that it exists on a 55 SP charge, unlike her very fast S1 and S2. It lasts 30 seconds. I recommend Mastering this skill first because its gains are actually very good, due to the Attack bonus and the Talent 1 augmentation coming into play for a very drastic increase in damage.
S2 is true AoE so you use it to deal with many enemies, S3 is Arts burst so you use it to delete strong enemies. You want to pair QB up with people that can Slow or Bind enemies so you can constantly enjoy Talent 1 bonuses instead of relying on Talent 2 procs. Her Best Match is Suzuran S3 for QB's S3, since that'll just make her become absurdly devastating, but for less bursty options (Suzuran's S3 also has long downtime), you can use Angelina S2, Podenco S2, Ethan, Dorothy S2, and other such Decel Binders and Operators with consistent ability to Slow or Bind. KEEP IN MIND: It needs to be the status effect known as Slow, capitalized, not just any slow effect! Meaning, Ch'en the Holungday, for example, who spreads movement speed slowing areas with her Skills, DOES NOT combo with QB for Talent 1 purposes. It needs to be the status known as Slow (which reduces enemy movement speed by 80%).
QB's main strengths are the ability to vary damage types, synergize well with support units to hose out great damage, have reliable true AoE that can be spammed, and good burst when that is necessary, further improved by synergizing well with a popular and strong Operator (Suzuran). QB's main drawbacks are that her S3 exists on rather long downtime, and that against highly Resistant enemies, her Skills will not fare particularly well, as they all have an Arts damage component to them (you'll mainly want to use S2 here, since her steroid affects her Phys damage output and the expiration explosion is Phys).
Overall, a very fun and strong Operator! I recommend investing in her, yeah.
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visit-new-york · 11 months
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New York City
New York tumblr more photos here New York City, often simply referred to as NYC, is one of the most iconic and vibrant cities in the world. Located in the northeastern part of the United States, it is situated on the southeastern tip of the state of New York. With a population of over 8 million residents within the city limits and over 20 million in the greater metropolitan area, it is the most populous city in the United States.
Geography and Layout: New York City is composed of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island. The city is located on a series of islands and connected by bridges and tunnels. Manhattan, the heart of the city, is where many of its most famous landmarks are located. It is divided into several neighborhoods, each with its own distinct character and atmosphere. The city is known for its impressive skyline, dominated by iconic skyscrapers like the Empire State Building, One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower), and the Chrysler Building.
Culture and Diversity: One of New York City's defining characteristics is its incredible diversity. People from all over the world have made the city their home, resulting in a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, cuisines, and traditions. This diversity is celebrated through various cultural events, festivals, and neighborhoods that showcase the heritage of different communities.
The city's cultural scene is unparalleled, with world-class museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and the American Museum of Natural History. Broadway, located in the Theater District of Manhattan, is synonymous with American theater and is famous for its top-tier productions.
Economy and Business: New York City is a global economic powerhouse. Its financial district, centered around Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, is home to some of the world's largest and most influential financial institutions. The city's economy is incredibly diverse, encompassing finance, media, technology, fashion, tourism, and more.
Education and Research: The city boasts some of the world's most prestigious universities, including Columbia University, New York University (NYU), and The City University of New York (CUNY) system. These institutions contribute to the city's reputation as a hub for research, innovation, and intellectual exchange.
Cuisine and Culinary Scene: New York City is a culinary melting pot, offering an array of dining options that reflect its multicultural makeup. From street food carts offering hot dogs and pretzels to high-end restaurants serving international cuisines, the city caters to all tastes and budgets. Iconic foods like New York-style pizza, bagels, and deli sandwiches are part of the city's culinary fabric.
Transportation: The city's extensive public transportation system, which includes the subway, buses, and ferries, is a crucial part of daily life for millions of residents and visitors. The yellow taxi cabs are also an iconic symbol of the city's transportation.
Landmarks and Attractions: New York City is home to an impressive array of landmarks and attractions. Some of the must-visit places include:
Times Square: A bustling commercial and entertainment hub known for its bright lights, theaters, and New Year's Eve celebrations.
Central Park: An expansive green oasis in the heart of Manhattan, offering a retreat from the urban hustle and bustle.
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: Iconic symbols of American freedom and immigration history.
Brooklyn Bridge: A historic suspension bridge connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn, offering stunning views of the city skyline.
Rockefeller Center: A complex of commercial buildings, famous for its ice-skating rink and the Top of the Rock observation deck.
The High Line: A unique elevated park built on a former railway track, offering a serene escape above the city streets.
Museums and Art Galleries: In addition to the aforementioned museums, NYC is home to the Guggenheim Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, and more.
Challenges and Opportunities: Despite its allure, New York City also faces challenges such as high living costs, traffic congestion, and issues related to affordable housing. The city has shown resilience in the face of challenges, and initiatives are continually being developed to address these concerns and create a more equitable and sustainable future.
In summary, New York City is a dynamic and multifaceted metropolis that captivates visitors and residents alike with its cultural richness, economic vitality, and unparalleled energy. Its ability to constantly reinvent itself while honoring its history makes it a truly remarkable and enduring global city.
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inverted-typo · 1 month
Head Canon for ur Damirae Gotham Academy AU
Raven is scholarship student from noon-rich
family. Some students were talking smack of Raven
Hence the angry Damian
IDK if I ever told u?
Anyways I love the idea that Raven can carry her own, but it’s fucking fatiguing man. She tries not to let it drag her down but it does dampen her spirits.
She’s proud of where she comes from and Damian adores that about her. He’s tried several times to stick up for her but she tells him to not bother. She doesn’t like stirring the pot. Begrudgingly, he lays low but it’s hard for him to.
But when a bully prank goes too far, Damian snaps and everyone is shocked to see him defending her so aggressively. Raven at first is terrified of the ramifications, not realizing how big of a powerhouse the Wayne family name was, thinking there would be backlash. But people started leaving her alone and at least if they talked smack it was more hushed.
Damian of course now could proudly and happily defend her, and she couldn’t stop him 😂
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TBB Incorrect Quotes, Part 7
Echo: I told Crosshair that his ears turn red when he lies.  Hunter: Do they?  Echo: No.  Hunter: Then why did you tell him that?  Echo: Because I can do this.  Echo: Hey Crosshair! Do you love us?  Crosshair, with his hands over his ears: No. 
Hunter, texting Crosshair: Crosshair there’s a moth on the bathroom door can you get rid of it? Hunter: Pls hurry I’m going to cry Hunter: Crosshair Hunter: Crosshair Crosshair: Crosshair is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Echo: So, what is Wrecker to you?  Tech: The reason I wake up every morning.  Echo: ...That’s adorable.  Wrecker earlier that morning, barging into Tech′s room, smacking pans together:WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! Crosshair: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.  Hunter: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one? Crosshair: Seize the dick. Omega: Tech won’t come out of his room!  Hunter: Just tell him I said something.  Omega: Like what?  Hunter: Anything factually incorrect.  Omega, shrugging: If you say so.  Tech, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Omega: That sounds super! Doesn’t that sound super, Crosshair?  Crosshair: No.  Omega: I think I speak for Crosshair when I say it sounds really super.
Echo: What? I'm not aggressive!  Wrecker: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?  Echo: Survival of the fittest, bitch. 
Crosshair: Last night I found out Hunter is a sleep talker.  Tech: Oh, really?  Crosshair: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.
Hunter: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?  Wrecker: *crouches down*  Tech: *kneels down*  Crosshair: *sits on the floor*  Hunter: Hunter: I hate all of you.
*The Squad is gathered in the living room for a meeting*  Omega: *walks in and sits on Wrecker’s lap*  The Squad: …  Echo: Why are you sitting there?  Omega: There’s no free seats!  Echo: But we made sure there was enough room for-  Wrecker: *hugs Omega tightly* There are no free seats.
Echo to Omega: First rule of battle, little one... don’t ever let them know where you are.  Wrecker, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!  Echo: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Echo, handing a balloon to Crosshair: I have no soul. Have a good day!  Crosshair, walking off: I don't have one either.
Hunter: I’m telling you, my team is competent.  Tech, rushing in: Hunter! Crosshair tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Crosshair: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
Tech, texting: O  Wrecker: What?  Tech: Don’t read into that.  Wrecker: But I will read into that.  Tech: HOW?! IT’S A LETTER!  Wrecker: Why is there a space after it, hmmmmm?  Tech: Dude, really?  Tech: It’s a fucking letter.  Wrecker: It could stand for something!  Tech: IT DOESN’T, I PROMISE!  Wrecker: Like Oppression! Or worse…  Tech: Dude, I just typed the letter O, that means nothing. :/  Wrecker: Optometrist.  Tech: Oh my God…
Echo: *shoves his scomp in the slot of a toaster* Hunter: … Echo: …I get confused sometimes. Hunter: Me too. 
Omega: Good night.  Echo: Sleep tight.  Crosshair: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself.  Wrecker: Great, now Echo's crying. 
Hunter: Omega learned how to fold origami penguins from Tech the other day. I told her, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day she put them in the fridge.
Echo: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?  Hunter: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"?  Crosshair: Ya know... it might be.
Tech: Hunter, I’m afraid.  Hunter: Just stay close to Crosshair.  Tech: That's why I’m afraid.
Crosshair: Don’t worry, I have a permit.  Echo: ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
Omega: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?  Crosshair: Omega, it's four o'clock in the morning.  Omega: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Wrecker: *makes Hunter a cup of tea but puts salt in it*  Hunter: *sips tea*  Wrecker:  Hunter: *finishes tea*  Wrecker: Didn't it taste bad?  Hunter: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.  Wrecker, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Omega: It’s funny how well you and Crosshair get along. Didn’t he hate you at first?  Echo: Crosshair hates everybody at first. It’s his way of reaching out to people. 
Tech: Mice are having sex in my walls.  Wrecker: Tattletale!  Hunter: You're just being ungrateful.  Echo: It's their home too, you know.  Crosshair: So what? Don't slutshame them.  Tech: The mice are fucking AND now I'm getting heckled.
Omega: Guys where did Echo go?  Hunter: He got arrested.  Omega: How the hell-  Echo: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people. 
Crosshair: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!  Wrecker: Bet you I can!  Echo: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper* 
Wrecker: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!  Tech: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Hunter: Are you ever going to listen to me?  Tech: Yes. Absolutely.  Hunter: When?  Tech: When you're right.
Omega, grinning: Before you were what?  Crosshair: Before I was-  Omega: What?  Crosshair: Before I was inter-  Omega: Before you were interrupted?  Crosshair: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-  Omega: What?  Crosshair: *makes frustrated sound*  Echo, nervously: Stop that. Before he hurts you. 
Omega: I made this friendship bracelet for you.  Crosshair: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person.  Omega: You don’t have to wear…  Crosshair: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off. 
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Ianthe Tridentarius Propaganda Post
shes tall pale and has no ass. she has the ability to manipulate her fat distribution so she chooses to look like a wet cat. everybody forgets about her because her sister is so hot, but while everyone else is fucking around and trying to figure out whose been killing people, shes been figuring out the secrets to an ancient necromantic theorem. it turns out her hot sister isnt actually a necromancer and ianthe has been doing the work of two necromancers her whole life. she regularly does cannibalism. she eats the soul of her cavalier, who nobody cares about, and becomes a saint of the king undying. her sister is deeply upset that she did not eat her. she gets her arm ripped off by one of the original states. she performs a lobotomy on one of the main protagonists because she asks her to. they have immensely homoerotic tension but its entirely one sided. she cries every night. her soup recipe amounts to burning onions on the bottom of a pot. the scene in which said main protagonists creates her an arm out of bones is the closest the series has to a sex scene. she meets the other main protagonist and says "but your fist is so large and my ass is so small". she stops god from being killed, which everybody hates. in the space between books, she has a terrible terrible no good friend ship with the main protagonist i mentioned before. i love it. they probably fucked and it involved chussy. they have friendship bracelets. she possesses the body of her dead cavalier who nobody cares about to gallavant around in. shes dangerously obsessed with her sister, who after not being eaten has been radicalised and now is a leader in an insurgent cell. she is the target of "then perish" during the epilogue. apparently in the next book she is going to do something horrible. i love her immensely. she has very few redeeming qualities. she is my ebst friend
listen. she ate a man's heart to become immortal. she is described as the shadow of her twin sister. she calls the protag a fruitcake. she will betray anyone and anything to get what she wants.
Wet Rat who sucks commits cannibalism for won her way through the lyctor olympics of the first books ate her cavalier to go to gods party swinger yatch. She has no fucking idea of what she's doing but she's slaying all day everyday, literally and figuratively. Made everyone believe that her twin sister was a super good necromancer while her sister has no powers by necromancing for her in secret. Idk she's just. She's just so.
The uglier of the supposed pair of the genius necromantic princess twins. Jk, she’s the only necromantic one she's just so good she seems like two geniuses combined, she flies under the radar, doesn't take part in gruesome lessons on powerful necromancy but just figures everything out by thinking alone, kills a dude she known her whole life the moment she learns it will give her more political and magic power, does a truly villainous monolouge when caught for that murder cause who cares about a male dying why are you so mad. Then later murders her much stronger beloved mentor the minute she's asked to gain even more power and prestige and from a princess of one planet becomes a saint and prince and military powerhouse of a divine empire, loyal only as long as her hotter twin sister is safe, truly an inspiration for all feminists everywhere
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
gif makers of tumblr, I need help because me and @azoraahai are at a loss
I had no problem using potplayer and KM player to take screencaps of my 1080p footage of HotD. I had it on every ms/every frame (or continous in the case of KM player) but since I started trying to use 2160p footage, KM player crashes, and pot player isn't taking nearly a quarter of the screencaps it was on the 1080p footage.
I'm using a Windows PC, I've got plenty of ram, I'm running an Intel i7, I have a powerhouse of a graphics card. What. is. happening?'
Tagging @genyazafin, @kazsbrecker specifically and obviously anyone else who might know why this is happening.
like this literally makes no sense why I was taking screenshots just fine at 1080p and now it's... not.
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So, MCD right? I'm working on some world build aspects that change the state of the redesigns I do. Here's kind of like the skeleton of my world building.
Different villages have different country inspiration, Regions are just continents.
Ru'aun - Werewolves/Dire Wolves, (European). A general melting pot of diversity, also where the best education is in the magick scholar/history/art way.
Tu'la - Asia Inspired (ALL parts of Asia in the different parts of Tu'la) . Felines, Foxes, Mythological Creatures (Asia). Deals with Ghosts, Monsters, Magick issues. Magick powerhouses
Gal'ruk - Chain of islands, Fish People, Fishing/Trading Powerhouse. (Polynesian Inspiried)
Pa'lotal - A mixture of Central and South America. (WE NEED THE INGREDIENTS FOR NON EUROCENTRIC FOODS.) South American mythology creatures exist. Plant people who can grow plants whenever on themselves or on the people.
Culinary powerhouse Also underground extracts like poisons.
Miyagi - Candyland. Any fashion goes, it's usually made out of candy esque spiel. Known for their magic foods/monsters/materials. (KC studied here for her Magick!).
(This was inspired by the exploding ice cream baker! Thought it'd be fun to have a region where everything was like this.)
Fu'kui - African continent based area. It has the advanced minerals/technology. They're filled with dwarves, halflings, rabbit people, other African mythology creatures.
Other species in Fu'kui include
Grootslang - Powerful cave snake with caves filled with diamonds. (Would have been a fun MC mob)
Impundulu - Lightning Bird (They can shapeshift into lightning birds)
Popobawa - Human by day, One eyed demon at night. The nightmare causer
Other species in Pa'lotal
And, we ended up wanting to make a new relic. One based off the Lord who died and was generally forgotten, I think despite their naming the village their influence was genuinely lost. I figured it was such a waste for the name Phoenix Drop to be built up then have it fall flat with 0 payoff. It's still a WIP!
Phoenix Drop: An ancient relic that allows you to reverse damages to a target so it's back in it's prime. Once used, it disappears for 100 years unless the user bonds with it. Once bonded, the user gains a pair of wings/feathers that allow you to replicate the properties. Generally, when bonded misfortune befalls the user as people tend to hunt them down for their winged properties.
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atomarium · 7 months
So @neoncityrain,
I'll being again.
You have probably heard the words "nuclear" reactor at least a couple of times. Many people fear them and don't understand. Some fear them because of that. In the principle nuclear reactors are actually incredibly simple on their own. It's basically a kettle with a turbine that heats using shiny rocks. To be specific about what happens in the process of "fission" (the process of atoms doing the absolutely mental). We fire a neuron, it hits a heavy atom like uranium 238 (238 indicates the number of protons inside the atom, this is important because different amounts of neutrons make different isotopes of the same element. And while some isotopes are stable, some are incredibly radioactive. This is needed to calculate the energy potential.) After the neutron gits the atom, it splits in to two atoms of a lighter elements. For example uranium 235 when split produces either barium and kripton, strontium and xenon or tin and molybdenum. Depending on how it splits. When the atom is split it releases other neutrons, Wich are moving very fast and carry an energy potential. It's also called the neutron temperature. Basically how much kinetic potential it has. Kinetic potential is basically temperature. As movment in atoms is heat. It in itself is important for splitting lighter elements or achieving higher efficiency. But I'll come back to that later.
So basically green rock Magic happens (it's actually emits blue light not green). And it heats a pot of watter Wich we make in to steam and then in to energy.
With the rock Magic done we come to the part of construction. Eich is my favorite as you see there is a lot of concrete metal and vey sturdy stuff in general.
Main concern for people that are afraid of nuclear reactors is another Chernobyl, Fukushima or three mile island.
Wich is a completely valid concern. However they are all human error. Fukushima was built on a shore... with tsunamis.
Chernobyl was managed by my ancestors, Wich they did incredibly porly and did experiments to the reactor that it was not Designed for.
Nuclear reactors altho do have uranium inside of them, just as nuclear bombs. Their are utterly and absolutely Incapable of exploding like one. It's just not as pure and condensed. And it's also not being exploded together. That's just not going to happen.
With today's technology in automatic control units, Materials and stuff, reactors are incredibly unlikely to fail. Unless humans do stupid human stuff. France for example is Europes largest nuclear powerhouse. And it's energy sources are basically carbon neutral. Also the concern of people that radiation will spread and radiate the area is very unfounded. I blame the Simpsons for that fear. Uranium is not a green glowy liquid. It's a metal ish metal, maybe greyish. And you can calmly hold it. It generaly doesn't contaminate watter. And not is it in direct contact with it. It's inside it's heat transfering case. The heat from the uranium case rods is transfers with either watter molten sodium or salt. (It sounds scary but each of them has their own benefits). There is a three loops design usually implemented. The first loop takes heat directly from the uranium. And transfers it via a heat exchanger (a radiator basically) to the second loop. The second loop uses the heated watter to spin the turbines. And then at the end cools it even more with the help of the third loop. The third loop is usually just taking water from a river and spraying it in the air after it took the heat. Those are the huge cooling towers you usually see. It's not smoke or radiation. It's just steam. So you can drink it without problem. Wich I proudly day I did. (it's almost like an iterator)(wait nuclear powered iterator) (a universe where the didn't discover void fluid energy) (holy shit I made something creative)
Nuclear power occupies a very important niech. It can produce A LOT of power on demand. Meaning if suddenly it's a holiday and everyone has decided it is time their ovens on. Renewables won't be able to compensate. As you see, if there is simply no wind or sun. There is nothing you can do. You can build batteries, but litium ion are very expensive and bad for the environment. And batteries that pump watter up so it later can spin generators falling down (usually called a gravity battery) are good and massive. But can't be everywhere.
Nuclear power plants can ramp up their energy production to cover that spike rapidly and efficiently. Making sure your country won't suddenly be low on energy ((KHEM KHEM GERMANY)) in the winter. Because uranium doesn't care for the weather.
Nod for the main part and the most interesting.
I shall repeat again. It's unfortunately not a dlurpee. And it doesn't leak.
Nuclear waste has 3 stages.
Fresh out of the reactor.
This kind needs to be actively cooled, because altho it has much of the useful uranium used up. There is still a little bit of wamrth. It needs to be cooled in a pond for a couple of months.
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That's the cooling pond. It's about a years with I think. Fissile material is incredible energy dense. One kilogram of enriched uranium is enough to power uhhh. A lot of stuff for s long time. The voyager for example has been out there since uhh. A log time. And it's own small littler radio isotope nuclear generator is what keeps it warm and alive.
The second stage is splitting stuff that could be useful,such as enriched uranium. 238 neutrons. It can still be used. And recycled. Wich many do.
The third kind is the bad kind. The stuff thats radioactive enough to be dangerous but not useful. Right now it is stored underground in metal and concrete husks.
This is of course bad. As it accumulates there and isn't useful.
However, there is not that much nuclear waste. It's actually doesn't take up that much space. And in the end you're putting radioactive rocks back were you found them.
here comes my favorite part.
it's called fast neutron fission reactors. Those are experimental reactors right now. So there aren't any used actevly. But they posses a very useful trait. They feed using nuclear waste. And guess what it produces as a result ?
This means it's an infinite energy glitch (not technically. Some of the matter is concerted to energy)
You put nuclear waste of normal reactors, in to fast neutron reactors ( also referd as breeder reactors or fast spectrum reactors) and get fuel back. And we'll 1 Gramm or so of trans uranics (the nasty nuclear waste) per ton. Wich tooooo be fair... it's just a Gramm, just pour it underground it'll be fine. Or keep it in a bottle as a lava lamp.
Altogether, nuclear reactors altho not as simple as burning coal or shining the sun at a panel. Are INCREDIBLY powerful. And are just misunderstood behemoths capable of boosting our civilization past the climate change. Many people fear them, but they shouldn't. They fear the complex, and refuse to learn about it.
Germany should really revisit it's nuclear policy.
Ah and by the way. Most biggest reason why we aren't building more faster is because they are expensive. However. Most of the cost comes from turbines and cooling stuff. The exact same as in coal power plants or gas powerplants. We can just put a kettle of cool rocks in there and get one free powerplant for relatively cheap and no CO2!!
Feel free to ask any questions, I have absolutely no problem with that. Also i apologize for my grammar and typos, I just don't wsnt to correct the entirety of the text. Hopefully I didn't screw something up badly.
Also @eltanin0 you might find this interesting to.
Bonus argument
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Literally rainworld irl
The last two are scientific reactors, nuclear powerplants don't look like this
Oh and a schematic just in case.
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Forgot to mention the control rods, it's just to stop neutrons when you don't need them. It's like graphite or similar. And its safer to be gravity droped so if there is suddenly no power they shutdown the reactor automatically.
Also one of the reasons Chernobyl went boom.
Yeah I'm definitely fucking autistic
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klm-zoflorr · 1 year
Episode 3 (5, actually): Revenge of the Sith Paradisians
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Armin: Look, I know being a prisonner sucks but I made you a nice hot cup of coffee!
Zeke: It's cold
Armin: Nice cup of coffee
Zeke: It's awful. I've never tasted coffee as bad as I did on this godforsaken island.
Armin: Cup of coffee
Zeke: Is that even worthy of being called coffee, to be honest?
Armin: Cup?
Zeke: *drops it*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: When I first met you I thought you were weird and annoying
Sasha: Aaaand...?
Connie: And you are
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: You ever get that feeling like people just skip over you, they look in your general direction but they just don't see you?
Sasha: I'm really hot, so no.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: I'm just saying, next time I'm gonna get you!
Jean: I'm just saying, I beat you twice already!
Eren: The first time was a tie
Jean: And the second time?
Eren: ...There were no witnesses the second time
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: I swear to god if you keep taking my kitchen utensils I'm breaking up with you
Eren: That's a whisk I'm willing to take!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: Good morning, Zeke. Made anyone cry today?
Zeke: Sadly, no. But it's fine, it's only 11am
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean: I beg your pardon?
Historia: Then beg.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: My boyfriend must be top of the line, organized, graceful...
Eren: *Trips over air, falls on his face, knocks over a potted plant, spills water all over Armin*
Mikasa: I want this one
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: Relax. Just act mature.
Armin: Mature. Got it.
*Later, on a date*
Annie: So what do you like to do for fun?
Armin: *deep voice* taxes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Ducks are better than rabbits.
Jean: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks.
Sasha: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey.
Jean: We're not talking about flavour, Sasha!
Sasha: Flavour counts!
Connie: Who carries around a duck's foot for good luck? Anyone?
Historia: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I'll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who's cozier?
Jean: Okay, but-
Historia: NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO'S COZIER?
Sasha: Then why don't we take a rabbit, a duck, stick 'em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out!
Mikasa: I- Jesus
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: It's terrible. It's like I've lost all my vitality since being put in that jail cell. I don't know what color grass is anymore, I don't know what wind on my face feels like. Oh, I miss the comfort of a friend so dearly! The warmth of a fire so deeply! I don't think I'll ever be normal again after this harrowing experience. If I even survive it. Oh, the end is near if I don't get freed soon! Goodbye, cruel world!
Dot Pixis: Mr Yaeger, you've only been there 68 hours. It's hardly cause for that much desperation.
Zeke: Ha! On second thought, can I stay one more hour? I think it'd be funny
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Moblit: Are you alright, Commander? You spent all of last night doing experiments on the captured titans.
Hange: I got a solid 8 minutes of sleep.
Hange: Not consecutively, but it's fine. You're not even that blurry
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: You fuckers don’t even know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon.
Levi, not looking up from his cup of tea: Spear
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke, going slightly insane: Call me mitochondria!
Eren: Why?
Zeke: Because I'm the powerhouse of this cell! Ahah
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Nothing in life is free
Historia: Love is free!
Eren: Adventure is free
Armin: Knowledge is free
Connie: Everything is free if you take it without paying
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Armin: Hey, Eren?
Eren: What do you want?
Armin: I can't sleep...
Eren: I can. Goodnight.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: I went through an entire character arc since being put in that jail cell
Zeke: I became more evil if you’re curious
Hange: You still have some time to spend here, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still!
Zeke: I'm going to get worse on purpose
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an inn and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived in wall Sina so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Armin: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Now Niccolo is calling me an idiot, just because I put a candle in the oven to melt it and accidentally started a fire!
Mikasa: Wow, you actually know how to use an oven?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Why are you mad? I brought you somewhere very special
Annie: You brought me to a therapist!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ymir: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Historia: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: We might be related, but I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you
Historia: 10 times 0 is still 0 though
Eren: *slow clap*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Ymir: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: I REALLY like Niccolo.
Sasha: Like, he’s a great addition to Paradis Island, I mean
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: I was thinking I'd do some magic-
Historia: You? Magic? Zeke, I thought you actually wanted to get out of this jail cell
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Getting accepted into the Survey Corps*
Erwin: What is your biggest weakness?
Levi: I can be uncooperative.
Erwin: Okay, can you give me an example?
Levi: No.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin, going over Hange's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative.
Hange: Yes
Erwin: Okay... may I know what you create?
Hange: Problems, moral dilemmas and a whole whole lot of fun times!
Erwin, crossing something off the resume: mmmh
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin: Would you consider yourself an independant person?
Eren: *looks at Mikasa*
Mikasa: *nods*
Eren: Yes, I'm pretty independant
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean: Living has always been a huge part of my life. I was born at an incredibly young age, and ever since then, I have been alive.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin: So, what languages do you speak?
Armin: I’m proficient in 4 languages. Eldian, sarcasm, profanity, and strangely ancient Greek. Only so I can cuss people out in a different language
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin: It says here you're fast at maths. What's 4×36?
Marco: 56
Erwin: That's totally wrong
Marco: Yes, but it was fast
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin: So why did you leave the military police?
Annie: Something my boss said
Erwin: What did he say?
Annie: "You're fired" or something like that
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin, done with all of them: So, what can you bring to the Scouts?
Sasha: Hella good vibes bro
Connie, pulling out a seagull from his coat: This guy, his name's Jonathan.
Erwin: *sighs*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Is something burning?
Jean: Just my love for you.
Mikasa: Jean, the toaster is on fire.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa, tending to Sasha's wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Sasha: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Connie: Mood
Mikasa: Don't encourage her!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: I used to play catch with my dad.
Historia: Except the ball hit the wall because he wasn't there.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Connie: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Ok, Dad, let's talk seriously. Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Rod Reiss: You mean literally or figuratively?
Eren: Honestly, the fact that she has to specify...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange, heart-eyed: I know everything about you.
Levi: Oh yeah? What am I allergic to?
Hange: The full spectrum of human emotions <3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Levi, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Hange: fsh
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia, consoling Eren: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Eren: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming
Reiner: Does anyone on this godforsaken island ever think before they speak
Connie: Yes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works
Sasha, drinking toast: Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: I'm having salad for dinner
Hange: Well, fruit salad
Hange: Actually, it's mostly grapes
Hange: Okay, it's all grapes
Hange: ...fermented grapes
Hange: Okay, I'm having wine for dinner
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Are you mad at someone?
Mikasa: No
Historia: Oh, so is sharpening knives at 4am just a hobby of yours?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Bye, Mikasa! Bye, Eren! Bye, Connie! Bye, Jean! Bye, Armin! Bye, Connie!
Mikasa: You said "Bye, Connie!" twice
Sasha: Well he's the only one here who laughs at my jokes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY]
Jean: What's that?
Sasha: Remorse code.
Jean: I'm even angrier now.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Armin: How can you still say that??
Historia: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Armin: You know, not every problem can be solved by a sword
Mikasa: That's why I carry two swords
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: I'm a proud owner of an iq of 5 (and a half!)
Sasha: Not for long!
Connie: Please its all i have
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie (about Armin): He's so beautiful. I want to throw rocks at him until he dies
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Mikasa: I'm not jealous. I just get this weird, burning feeling in my chest every time I think about Eren with someone else!
Armin: Yeah, that's jealousy.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: I know you want to keep me safe, but the only way to do that is to wrap me in bubble wrap and hide me in a cave.
Mikasa: Believe me, I've thought about it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: I am decayed. my lungs are full of thorns and mildew. my bones are held together by vines. i am fragile. be gentle with my corpse.
Hange, opening the window: Get out of bed you're coming with us on the 62nd expedition beyond the walls whether you like it or not.
Eren: I refuse
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren, in general: I got this!
*Narrator voice*: He did not, in fact, got this
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Welp, we're done. This is gonna be the only chapter focusing solely on the Paradisian side, I want the main focus of this to remain on the Marley guys.
More incorrect quotes!
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raisengen · 1 year
Back in the early days of Arknights, it seemed like 1P Relay (clearing a stage while only using 1 deployment slot) was the dominant “alt-meta”, to the point where of featuring in Gamepress writeups. But these days, Nicheknights (clearing a stage with some themed restriction on which operators you can use) is by far the most common alt gameplay style.
In some ways it was a natural shift. Nicheknights solves the problems facing a developed player, of stagnation and material hoarding, by banning their core operators and giving them a short list to focus upgrades on. More players will reach those problems as time goes on, so more players listen to solutions.
There are other things, too. Nicheknights only restricts your teambuilding, while 1P Relay fundamentally alters how you play the game. AK already expects flexible teambuilding, so it’s a much smaller cognitive leap — it’s more accessible.
Meanwhile, 1P Relay places no restrictions on your operator choice. In the early days that was a plus point, with there being fewer operators and players having less of the roster overall, but that also means that highest-level play requires specific 6*s, a particular issue being pot 5 Bagpipe. While any given Nicheknights has its own “mandatory” powerhouses, you’re free to pick a niche that works with your existing roster.
Could there also be an element of personality to it?
Looking at the youtube results for 1P Relay or the harsher 1 Tile Only, they are (still) dominated by 777ucky, a (the?) popular early-days AK youtuber who has since retired. I can find a couple of channels (such as Kraiv) continuing the playstyle, but it’s not a big scene. Was it ever a big scene? Did it ever have the sincere depth of Nicheknights, or was it just highly visible when nothing else was?
Was there ever a “need” for alt playstyles that early on? Were the conditions of 1P Relay’s sprouting fertile or barren?
I won’t pretend to have great insight into this passing of seasons, or the tenacity to perform proper history upon it, but I feel like it’s a passing worth observing all the same.
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