maximeloi · 2 months
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                   𝕬𝖓 𝖚𝖓𝖚𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙.
˖ ࣪ ʿ                                      o chalé de afrodite andava com uma boa reparação, a parte das crianças era a área que recebia mais atenção antes mesmo até dos quartos dos mais velhos. o seu foi ficando para trás e voltava a ficar no seu antigo dormitório com devora; como não precisava dormir, não tinha tanta importância se arrumavam o seu ou não, aos poucos isso seria feito. a lista de prioridades era imensa. atualmente focava nisso de apertar parafusos dos beliches dos irmãos quando um deles entrou ali correndo. elliot, seis anos. deixado no acampamento verão passado e seus pais adotivos nunca mais apareceram para visitá-lo ou levá-lo para casa. sentia-se imensamente responsável por aquelas crianças que não tinham as famílias mortais e o fato do pequeno elliot ter um curativo na testa por causa do acidente no dia desta era algo que lhe atormentava. se tivesse ali, eles teriam se machucado? teria conseguido evitar os irmãos de se ferirem?
“elói, acho que você está em apuros.” a criança disse com os olhos castanhos arregalados para o mais velho. os cachos do pequeno estavam bagunçados, suas roupas manchadas de terra… e o chalé não consertou nada daquilo, a magia de afrodite ainda estava quebrada, pelo visto. “você está tão encrencado. o que fez dessa vez?” ele perguntou, a curiosidade vazando em seu tom infantil.
a confusão, porém, enfeitava o rosto do semideus mais velho que tinha também um quê de diversão em sua expressão pela forma como o irmão tinha entrado ali lhe acusando. largando as ferramentas, se agachou na frente do menino. “eu sinceramente não sei, elli, consegue me dizer o que está acontecendo? por que acha que eu estou encrencado?” perguntou, esticando a mão para tentar limpar o rosto dele e ajeitar os cachos, tirando um elástico do bolso para prender os cabelos do menino em um coquezinho minúsculo.
“eu tava brincando com os patos e quíron me pediu pra te chamar. bem rápido. então eu vim correndo!” contou, saltando no lugar assim que o irmão acabou de lhe arrumar. isso explicava tanto a sujeira quanto a presa da criança. teria sido mais fácil se ele tivesse começado com o recado do centauro, mas já conhecia a natureza enérgica dos irmãos. “seu cabelo ainda está preto.” o menino apontou, lhe deixando consciente de novo daquele fato que vinha lhe perturbando há alguns dias.
“eu sei, amigo. ainda não descobri como fazer voltar ao normal. e eu também não sei o que quíron quer comigo.” esclareceu, se levantando e oferecendo a mão para o menino para que pudessem sair dali juntos.
“você não sabe de nada.” elliot debochou com uma risada, acabando por arrancar uma de elói também. “eu vou brincar de novo com os patos, mas boa sorte. depois você tem que me contar o que ele queria, tá bom?” o pequeno pediu, erguendo a mãozinha direita com o mindinho esticado para o irmão que não teve escolha a não ser prometer, enrolando os dedos juntos. satisfeito com a promessa, elliot saiu apressado de volta para o lago.
elói, por sua vez, seguiu o caminho para a casa grande. raramente o centauro lhe chamava para algo, apesar de sua proximidade com o chalé de Hermes, não tinha feito nenhuma pegadinha recentemente netwo não fazia sentido ser repreendido. repassava a mente todas as suas ações para ver se havia algo fora do comum que esqueceu e merecia bronca… mas nada vinha. o trajeto todo foi apreensivo, mas ao atingir o local e receber um sorriso gentil do diretor, relaxou um pouco.
“vejo que elliot dessa vez não se desviou da missão.” quíron brincou pela rapidez que o filho de afrodite tinha chegado ali, as crianças costumavam se distrair com facilidade e às vezes os recados atrasavam um pouco. “venha, entre, tenho um pedido para fazer.” elói não hesitou em aceitar o convite, entrando no local conhecido. o centauro ocupou a cadeira à mesa de escritório que tinha no canto da sala bem debaixo da cabeça de leopardo; o semideus acabou por ocupar a cadeira à frente dele, a perna mexendo nervosamente. “tenho uma missão para você.” apenas aquela palavra já era o suficiente para lhe fazer congelar, a tensão sendo tão visível que quíron rapidamente continuou. “aqui dentro, maxime. uma missão interna.” as palavras serviram para lhe tranquilizar um pouco mas não teve tempo de perguntar algo porque logo ele continuava. “preciso que colete informações sobre a fenda, que tipo de rochas formam a parte interna, fotos, tudo o que você puder coletar sem descer muito profundo.”
talvez não devesse ter se acalmado antes porque a tal missão era tão ruim quanto qualquer outra que tivesse que sair. a fenda era um grande mistério no acampamento, as vozes que ouviram no primeiro dia foram perturbadoras. “isso… é uma boa ideia? pra eu entrar tem que tirar a barreira, não? isso é seguro?” perguntou com uma certa apreensão.
“Não será retirada por completo. você pode pedir que abram apenas uma parte para que entre. minha única recomendação é que você não deve descer sozinho.” informou. O centauro mexeu na mesa e tirou da gaveta um caderno, fazendo-o deslizar na superfície até o rapaz. “escreva aqui seus progressos e me entregue quando terminar as análises. precisamos disso com urgência, maxime. você conhece o laboratório da arena, sabe lidar com a tecnologia para estudos então é nossa melhor opção. posso contar com você? ” a seriedade no tom alheio fez com que automaticamente concordasse com a cabeça em um movimento positivo. conhecia uma ordem quando ouvia e o tom dele não deixava dúvidas: aquela era uma.
ao invés de ganhar uma reclamação e uma punição saia dali da casa grande com um caderno em mãos e uma missão que não sabia se era segura para ser cumprida já que não perdeu o fato do centauro ignorar sua pergunta sobre isso… mas que pelo visto não tinha escolhas a não ser obedecer.
brevemente citado: @krasivydevora
prompt da fenda, pov 1. #fendap
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picklewednesday · 2 years
drawing willow as a fat girl is the most therapeutic thing ever to me.
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itzlemozxd · 1 year
@phampove-wehaveideas expect the Mr Stick and [POV3] crossover, you bitch.
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livlovlun119 · 9 months
셀룰로이드 필름을 위한 선 / 나(영화감독 ; 이준영) / 정경환(촬영감독) / 유미선배 무간지옥 상업영화 감독 ; 정수인(배우 아이돌) / 한솔이(촬영팀 막내 ; 어렸을 때 유럽 생활) / 보리스 레만 ; 장례식 ; 원제 on the art of dying / 아방가르드 전위 아리에르 가르드 후위 / 벨 에포크 / 누벨바그 / 클로드 샤브롤 이자벨 위페르 / 에릭 로메르 로맨스 ; 유작 망작 / 장 뤽 고다르 미치광이 피에르 / 유미선배의 거짓말의 한가운데 dvd / 소 혓바닥 냄새 /
1 영화? / 2 자취방? / 3 담론 생각들? / 4 카페? / 5 채식? / pov 한솔이 시점? / 6 로맨스? 꿈? / 7 한솔이의 페이스북 메시지? 진실? / pov3 유미선배 시점 /
준영 - 유미선배 - 정경환 - 약혼자 /
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ecoabate · 1 year
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Ice building up on your windows? ❄️ Humidity and temperature diffentials can lead to mould growth in unexpected places 😱 Be sure to get your home checked by a knowledgeable professional ✅ For more information contact @ecoabate or visit https://www.ecoabate.com/mould . . . @renovationfind #renovationfindcertified @homestars #homestarsverified #mouldremovalexperts #moldremediation #mouldyyc #mold #moldtesting #calgary #calgaryconsulting #calgaryrealtor #airtesting #safetyfirst #safety #consulting #testing #moldairtesting #moldairqualitytesting (at Eco Abate INC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZbYu-pOv3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fkabradypnoea · 3 years
Home | Losille (losille2000) | (27/?) -  96.5k | Ongoing - Feb 2018
Tom returns home grouchy and exhausted from a cramped flight after four months away for work. Unfortunately, there’s already someone sleeping in his bed.
[Note: Losille began contributing her talents to the TH fandom in 2013 with “Picking Up The Pieces” and has since delivered excellent stories in both short and long form, as befits an author with her impressive education. in 2015 she rewrote and self-published the excellent 2014 work “Masquerade” to Amazon/Kindle. In recent years she’s been only slightly less active online as her real life teaching career has understandably taken precedence. She’s expressed that she is eager to return to writing, and I hold onto hope she’ll update “Home” before her Cavill or Evans works.]
- Read on Author's Tumblr | @losille2000 -
Tom unfolded himself from the black chauffeured car and lifted his hands over his head in a stretch that tugged the hem of his shirt away from his jeans. The stiff muscles in his shoulders and lower back groaned the further he moved, joints popping to illustrate his advancing age and how airplane seats weren’t getting any more comfortable, even in first class—especially after spending the better portion of a day travelling in one. However, he figured, the sore body was more than worth it so long as he was home for the foreseeable future.
Blowing a stream of hot air into the chilly spring night, he peered up at the two-story building to reacquaint himself with his surroundings. He’d been away for so long he barely recognized the slightly peeling exterior paint or the off-color shutters he never bothered to have repainted. What was the use in changing their hideous shit-brown hue, anyway, when he was hardly around long enough to enjoy them? The thought that he might actually have time to do something about them this time around made him sigh.
“Your bags, sir,” said a voice, demanding but professional, at his elbow.
Tom blinked hard at the little man who had interrupted his contemplation. The driver had met him at Heathrow with an iPad and his surname scrawled on the screen. Well, his decoy surname—the name he used when he didn’t want people to know where he was going to be. The name Luke made him use after that time at the airport where a crowd had gathered around and followed him to the car. Even though the only reason he needed a driver in the first place was due to the two girls before that who stalked him home on the Tube. Life seemed so convoluted these days, considering the process he had to endure just to secure his sodding bags at the luggage reclaim, only to go home to a place he barely recognized in the pale moonlight.
Tom bit his lip and balled his fists, trimmed nails biting into his palm. “Oh, yes, I’ll just take them up.”
“You’re certain, sir?”
Tom nodded and dug into his jeans pocket for the fiver he’d stuffed there earlier. After exchanging the banknote for his luggage and guitar, he waited for the man to return to his vehicle and drive away before climbing the front steps. He produced his key ring from the messenger bag on his shoulder and let himself inside the foyer to dark, comforting silence. His silence.
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hizokucycles · 3 years
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Reposted from @_roulette._ Perfect angle to appreciate the golf ball pattern of those @zippspeed wheels #look #lookcycle #lookal264 #trackbike #savethetrackbike #fixedgear #fixie #fixielife #fixielove #pista #piste #hhsb #bikeporn #pornbike #njs #tarckbike #corima #flite #photography #sonya7ii #hizokucycles Visit Hizokucycles.com for all types of bike gear. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQS-z-POV3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mallowstep · 3 years
I feel like the Erins don't know how to handle cats once their arcs are done. What are some cats that you wish had more potential in the books?
this is like putting a kid in a candy shop and giving them a credit card. lord. i'm just listing characters here, not necessarily my detailed problems with them. feel free to ask for more details, i just don't want to ramble on about one and not list the rest.
off the top of my head, moving (roughly) chronologically...
goldenflower. the fact that we didn't get a death scene for her is just cruel. i have a lot of thoughts.
frostfur. she's excusable, as she was a background character, but still.
stormfur. now, i haven't read any of the super editions or novellas with him in it, but as a pov character, he deserves a main arc wrap up, and i don't think he got that.
tawnypelt. i haven't read her novella, but i have read the summary, and i don't think that did a good job for her either. girl left her clan to join her evil father she felt so isolated, she deserved a super edition.
squirrelflight. i mean it feels like cheating, but yeah. maybe alitm will help? tpons didn't give me everything i wanted, but it was better than it could have been. barely.
breezepelt. i refuse to read crowfeather's trial. breezepelt. fucking breezepelt.
leafpool. yeah! no. she did not. she deserved better than leafpool's wish.
lionblaze. i. have a lot of feelings. i like fanon lionblaze quite a lot, because he gets proper development.
half moon. i know she's not a big deal...but i don't like how it went down with her. she's so pretty too.
minnowtail. no. tell me what happened to her, erin. i need to know. why is she so pretty. is she going to be the next leader of riverclan? she should be the next leader of riverclan. (i also want to say i held this opinion pre-moonkitti. i thought her name was cute.)
berrynose, poppyfrost, and honeyfern. lumping 'em together for an obvious reason.
briarlight. all that and she dies of fucking belly-sickness? i mean damn, it was good for jayfeather's character, but you didn't have to do her dirty like that good lord.
dovewing. character arcs for pov (major pov) characters shouldn't be completed in side stories. not allowed.
half credit, but kind of ivypool. i. it's complicated. i don't think putting her front and center any longer was a good idea, and we get the general idea that she's healing, but because her arc is tied to dovewing's, and dovewing's is messed up from dovewing's silence, she suffers.
sparkpelt. i don't know what's going on in her life but she deserved better.
twigbranch. i just. i don't know. i do like her name though, fight me.
violetshine. god. uh, you know? she had blistering potential. she's the only significant part of avos i remember, did you know that? every single ounce of avos i remember is pure violetshine. she deserved more.
and now we're on the current arc, so this is definitely cheating, but it doesn't look like the current pov 3 (i wish we didn't have po3 because then that could be a pov3 acronym) is going to get a satisfying wrap-up. i'm not feeling it.
WILLOWSHINE. (minor spoilers for multiple current and/or upcoming projects.) i didn't forget about her i just saved her to the end because honestly using her death as a prop was cruel. like. okay, narratively, it had to happen. i came to that conclusion before reading tpons, like, it had to happen, and it had to be willowshine, but. using her death the way they did is just cruel. there's so much unexplored character and they just. didn't care. god. i'm sorry, willowbaby. you deserved better.
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jhoneaaccessories · 3 years
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FEROCIOUS BLUE BIRD DIGITAL PRINT PATCH #jhoneaaccessories ▪️Beautify monotonous clothing to eye-catcher with this digital print bird patch for everyone. It makes the clothing more exciting & attractive. ▪️Made from polyester material with glue backing, it is soft in touch & very flexible which you can use it on your clothes such as western blouses, sari, dupattas, jeans, jackets, trousers, t-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, scarfs, shawls, bags, school bags, backpacks, pillows, blankets, vests, etc. ▪️This digital printed bluebird patch has glue on the back so you can sew directly on the garment by hand or machine & later on iron on it for proper fixation. ▪️Also, refinish or repair your clothes with this amazing looking bird patch, it will work best on your all your clothes which are torn or have a hole or just to hide that stain, it will hide these flaws & decorate it & add more beauty to your clothes. #jhonea #linkinbio #accessory #garmentaccessories #clothingaccessories #fashionaccessories #fashiondesigners #patch #patches #patchesformen #patchesforwomen #patchesforblazer #patchesforsuit #patchesforjackets #patchessherwani #patchesforindowesternclothing #womensclothing #patchesforkurti #patchesforsari #patchesforsariblouse #patchesforsalwarsuit #patchesforduppatta #mensclothing #beadedpatch #sequinspatches #iridescentpatches #birdpatches #patchescollection https://www.instagram.com/p/CP0DUE-pov3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scallapresentes · 3 years
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Centro de mesa/terrário fosco/dourado 26x12 https://www.instagram.com/p/CUOCL2-pOv3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gramedia · 7 years
Resensi Pilihan: Amore - The Rising Star
Ditulis oleh Rini Cipta Rahayu di http://rinspiration95.blogspot.co.id/2017/07/the-rising-star-penulis-angelique.html untuk program #ResensiPilihan di Twitter @Gramedia.
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Sebagai artis junior, Alexa diminta terlibat dalam rekayasa untuk menaikkan pamor Juna, artis menyebalkan dan sok ganteng yang sama-sama bernaung di RR Production. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, mereka akan menciptakan skandal. Rumornya Alexa ketahuan hamil dengan Juna padahal dia sudah bertunangan dengan Bara, caleg yang butuh pemberitaan sensasional agar semakin dikenal masyarakat. Jika ini berhasil bukan hanya pamor Juna dan Bara yang akan melambung, tapi nama Alexa juga akan bersinar. Mereka bertiga akan menjadi The Rising Star.
Skenario yang dijalankan nyaris sempurna, hingga sandungan kecil mengacaukan semuanya. Setelah hangout sampai teler berat di pub dan terbangun di kamar hotel, Alexa mengalami gejala yang dialami oleh perempuan yang sungguhan hamil! Sialnya, Alex tidak tahu dengan siapa ia tidur malam itu.
Adegan demi adegan yang mereka jalani ternyata malah membuat Juna dan Bara menyukai Alexa. Mereka sama-sama memberi perharian pada Alexa dan berusaha memperebutkan cinta gadis itu. Namun, ternyata diam-diam sebenarnya hati Alexa sudah ditambatkan pada pria yang terlarang untuk ia cintai.
“Ya. Untuk menjadi terkenal, harus ada yang dikorbankan.” ��hlmn. 21
Kita sering mendengar tentang skandal para pelaku hiburan di tanah air kan? Bahkan tidak jarang sangat mirip dengan yang dilakukan oleh Juna-Alexa-Bara. Melalui novel ini, kita jadi paham tentang seluk beluk dunia keartisan. Banyak drama para artis dan public figure yang biasanya hanyalah settingan semata. Drama tersebut terencana dan berskenario yang disiapkan oleh manajement artis tempat mereka bernaung. Segala upaya mereka lakukan untuk menunjukkan diri dan meningkatkan pamor demi mempertahankan eksistensi. Tidak hanya dengan karya yang mereka hasilkan tetapi juga melalui berbagai kejadian dalam kehidupan pribadi mereka diluar layar yang selalu menjadi hal menarik bagi para fans dan pewarta hiburan. Namun terkadang, banyak yang menutup mata akan hal-hal yang tidak terlihat di balik layar, yang melatarbelakangi adanya skandal tersebut.
Diluar dari kehidupan keartisannya, Alexa juga sama seperti orang biasa pada umumnya. Ia punya berbagai masalah dalam hidupnya. Tidak hanya tentang krisis keuangan keluarga, tapi juga tentang konflik percintaan. Alexa hidup bersama Papa dan Arya, kakak angkatnya. Sejak Papanya sakit dan tidak produktif bekerja, Alexa ikut turun tangan untuk membantu ekonomi keluarganya. Bergabung di RR Manajemen dan menjadi artis junior bukanlah impiannya. Tapi lambat laun, ia menyadari bahwa ia menjadi artis bukan hanya karena karena uang. Meskipun banyak resiko, tapi juga banyak hal yang harus dikorbankan.
Diceritakan dari POV3. Alurnya cepat dan sangat padat. Tokoh favoritku adalah Alexa. Meskipun pembangkang dan keras kepala, tapi cewek ini tipikal wanita yang penyayang, tangguh dan pantang menyerah. Nggak heran kalau ia jadi sosok yang loveable sehingga banyak yang diam-diam menaruh hati karena sikapnya yang berani dan totalitas. Selain Alexa, Juna dan Bara, aku awalnya berpikir akan ada konflik di luar skandal yang greget tapi ternyata cukup. Nggak ada tokoh antagonis. Juna dan Bara punya pesona masing-masing yang nggak bisa ditolak. Aku juga nggak bisa benci sama Winona dan nggak bisa cukup benci sama Olivia hihi..
Awalnya aku sempat mengira jika gejala yang dialami Alexa akan ‘mengurangi’ novel ini. Orang yang terlibat dalam kejadian di pub juga mudah ditebak. Tapi untungnya berhasil diselamatkan oleh twist cerdas yang sama sekali tidak terpikirkan olehku. Melalui pemahaman penulis yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan di dunia kedokteran, tidak susah untuk menyajikan twist terkait dengan kesehatan. Menghadirkan kisah yang tidak biasa dan pembahasan yang detail membuat tidak ada celah yang membuat cerita novel ini menjadi janggal.
Apakah kisah ini berakhir bahagia? Belum tentu. Jika sebagai novel tunggal, tentu saja drama skandal Alexa-Juna-Bara bisa dikatakan selesai. Kelanjutan kisah Alexa-Juna dan tokoh-tokoh lainnya bisa diketahui di buku sekuel novel ini yang berjudul No One But You yang diterbitkan self published oleh penulis melalui nulisbuku.com di tahun yang sama. Jangan sampai melewatkan kisah mereka yaa!
“Kuasumsikan, dalam memilih pendamping pertimbangkan semua itu. Aku tidak mengatakan semua pilihan orangtua tepat. Aku hanya menganalisis, jika kita berniat membahagiakan orangtua dengan pilihannya, maka Tuhan juga akan membahagiakan kita. Toh, tidak ada satu orangtua pun yang ingin anaknya menderita.” –hlmn. 201 Judul: The Rising Star | Pengarang: Angelique Puspadewi | Penerbit: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Terbit: 2015, Tebal: 232 hlm | Genre: Romance
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Who are you?
You have changed so much...
Chapter one
Hannah's pov3 years earlierLuke had taken me to a House party which was kinda fun I guess but not how i expected us to spend our last days together.You see Luke and his band had just been signed to a...
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bradypnoea · 3 years
The Tenth Realm | Margo_Kim | (9/9) - 21k | Dec ‘13 - Jan ‘14
Five hundred years before Thor's coronation, Sif's a lowly page who can't move up in the ranks and Loki's a Royal Academy student trying to survive his last examination. The solution to their problems may lie in the legends they heard as children of the lost Tenth Realm. Now all they have to do is actually find it.
Note: (This is one of the last of the shorter Loki works I'd queued up to read. I've a few 100k+ works I mean to get through soon, but that's between me and my mental capabilites.) This work was written as a prompt-fill gift for the annually recurring "Mischeif and Mistletoe" exchange, I'd recommend browsing those collections if you're interested in the Loki/Sif pairing. Furthermore Margo_Kim has written for a variety of fandoms since 2013 so I hope they don't mind my featuring a work from [cough] years ago. The Tenth Realm brings us along an approximately six-month pilgrimage with Sif as she and Loki attempt to prove themselves worthy in their respective "professions". In my eyes the characterisation is fantastic and the unique touches in each realm add depth and curiosity to an otherwise brief story. (The Midgard chapter is incredibly funny; if you don't already know, look up Turtle Island before reading.) Against the context of Odin's impending "Partition" of the realms, it becomes clear to Sif that the effort of making this journey will be as important as the destination.
- Author's Tumblr | @andhumanslovedstories -
“Behold, ye warriors brave,” the goblins cried As brilliant shone, from within the cave, The secret light. Here lay the realm forgotten That Lady Ash, the woman-king of Asgard Had fought so long to see. She fell and wept At the beauty. “I claim my prize at last. I look upon my home—the Tenth Realm beckons And here, forever, I rest my head and sword.” —Excerpt from the final movement of Asgard’s epic, “The First Daughter of Yggdrasil,” Sif’s favorite poem as a child, as translated from the ancient tongue by Second Form graduate, Loki Odinsson.
The King’s Library was dead silent as Sif crept in through the skylight. It was always so hushed. She’d learned more of stealth skulking here after training than she’d ever learned actually in training. The King’s Library forbade women from entering, just as the Queen’s Library forbade men, and most maesters who ran them had ears and eyes to rival Heimdall’s. Sif crept through the stacks like a hunter stalking particularly flighty prey. Her feet made no thump. Her sword never clinked. Even her breath was silent as an absence. Shadows boomed louder than her.
It was either this or set fire to every damn book around her and when the maesters came to put the flames out, she’d set fire to them as well and any other man who ever came up to her again and said, “Pardon, lady, but you belong elsewhere.” But that wasn’t really a viable option at the moment, not unless she felt like killing nearly every man in Asgard, and since she wasn’t quite there yet, creeping silently took enough skill to keep her distracted and sane.
And the look on Loki’s face when you surprised him was always worth it.
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fkabradypnoea · 4 years
To Have You | thewritingkoala+Tina0609 | (2/2) - 17.2k |  February 2018
Tom and Charlie take their relationship to the next level. Or do they? Tom will mess up (obviously), but he will also make up for it.
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Charlie comes prepared. As far as she knows, Tom prepared as well, because Evie is having a sleepover with her cousin and her aunts tonight. She’s brought wine, Tom cooked and he also specifically said that there would be no need to go home tonight. So, she’s brought an overnight bag. Goodness, she hopes it’s not too much. It’s taken them long enough to get to this since Tom’s become less stubborn and admitted they’re indeed dating each other. Oh, date night. Charlie’s excited, shaved and dressed nicely. She’s not tired and doesn’t have to be in the hospital until tomorrow evening. A date night that doesn’t include spaghetti with ketchup (she hopes), cartoons (she really, really hopes) or reading bedtime stories to Evie (okay, she misses that little angel, but honestly, an evening alone with Tom? Just the two of them? Heaven.). Charlie’s made it past the gate, out of the car and has rung the bell. A string of curses is heard from inside but finally Tom opens the door, looking a little worse for wear, but oh so good in dark jeans and his burgundy sweater. The longish hair without too much product, the beard as nice as it can get and the glasses a little crooked. Goodness, she’s missed him. “Hi,” she says. Goodness, he’s missed her.
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 8 years
Submitting to the Darkness POV 3 Part 3 - Pru In the Club
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@_ComeOutToPlay_ Mentions @Sloahne_BDB @IAmAGildedCage 
~Finishing up the order from the Royal clusterfuck as I had been referencing my demonstration from the other night in my head, I had just one more thing to box up. The items that the females had ordered were scheduled to be picked up by a doggen just before dawn, but this package had another destination. Placing the cock cage in a box of black velvet, I smirked tucking the hand penned note on top of it. It was a short sweet thank you message addressed to the penthouse of the Commodore, thanking @VishousBDB_ for his referral and threatening to use the device in the box on him should he ever decide to get a laugh at my expense in such a way again. I knew the gift and note would elicit said laughter, just as I was chuckling to myself as I taped up the box. 
That task complete, I glanced around my shop. Everything was ready for yet another night of business, but I wouldn't be opening just yet. I had an errand of sorts to run tonight. Part business, part pleasure, my favorite type of errand as I would be heading to #Dungeon for the early hours of this evening. I might deign to play, but my real purpose was research. I wanted to see how many of the race were frequenting the club, mixing with humans. Speak to a few, see if there would be real interest in an expansion, the likes of which I had in mind. I didn't want to just create a bloody den for feeding. I wanted class, sophistication, with a heavy dose of seduction of course. But most of all I wanted to cater to those of the civilian class. The bulk of the race almost always forgotten by the rest. I knew that the king was making valiant efforts to change this, but just as with a new business, these things took time. Patience wasn't always my most prominent virtue, but it was one I knew how to exercise when necessary. 
Standing with my back to the triple panel mirror in the dressing room area of the shop, I tightening the laces at the back of my blood red corset, smoothing my hands over leather clad hips. I loved the scent of new leather from the skirt that covered my rear. Giving myself a final once over, I fluffed crimson locks around my shoulders before flipping off the light switch. Locking the door with my mind once I exited into the back alley, I scattered my molecules to the wind, reforming in another a few blocks away. Making my way to the #Dungeon entrance, I nodded a greeting to the bouncer as he unclipped the velvet rope for me, allowing me entrance. Bypassing the locker rooms, as I was dressed in my Domme role for the night, I pushed passed the heavy curtain into the main room. Scanning the area as I made my way to the bar, I perched myself on a stool. Ordering a glass of cabernet when the shirtless bartender approached, I was content to observe for a spell this evening. 
As I scanned the crowds and the various scenes already taking place in various corners of room, I wasn't as surprised to see @Sloahne_BDB as I was to see her on her knees as a submissive. We'd become acquaintances over the past few months, me as a customer at the bar she works at, her as a customer at my shop. We'd bonded over our mutual “switch” tendencies although both of us seemed to lean towards the Domme side for the most part. I'd watched her dominant humans here at the club before and was curious as to why she was stepping out of her comfort zone this eve. 
Not wanting to pry, I kept my eyes roaming the room until they found the large back of a well built … vampire. I knew he was of the race as surely as he would know I was if he focus was on me but it wasn't. Abandoning all pretenses of being a casual observer now, my focus zeroed in on the submissive he now called to him. I wished I was closer to be able to catch the words exchanged between Sloahne and this mysterious male, but I didn't want to interfere. That didn't mean I couldn't keep an eye on my friend from a safe distance. I didn't recognize the male, but that wasn't out of the ordinary. I didn't know many glymera and the civilians I associated with were usually customers or acquaintances. Lifting my glass to crimson lips, I sipped, my eyes following the pair as he took her to a partially private room off in a corner. It took everything in my well established control to keep my ass on the bar stool and not move closer. I could see a partial view of her body as he suspended her, wrists shackled above her head. I observed his technique, he reactions as he took her to subspace. I was set somewhat at ease when he took pauses to check on her and even reward her with release. 
It was when he fed from her very limp unconscious body that I found myself clutching at the end of the bar to keep my seat. I didn't know what the arrangement between the two had been, I knew that interrupting a consensual scene in the club might put my membership at risk, and I didn't want to over step in any way. Anyone else observing wouldn't see a feeding. They would think him cooing in her ear as part of the aftercare. I, of course, knew better. As he scooped her up and carried her away, I told myself it would be to let her feed in return, as she looked unconscious from where I sat, but I knew that subspace could take affect in different ways l. I told myself that he would continue the care in private and that my friend would be okay, even as a sense of unease settled in my belly. Finishing my glass of wine, I decided that tomorrow, I'd be paying my friend a visit at the bar to discuss with her the necessary safety precautions when she again offered herself up as a sub. I wouldn't necessarily say that he'd done anything wrong, but there was something about this male that didn't sit well with me. My goals for researching for my business expansion all but abandoned, I paid my bar tab, ready to return to my store. I prayed to the Scribe the rest of my night would pass quickly, knowing that I would be seeking out my friend to check on her well-being as soon as the sun set tomorrow.~
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