#pre-canon!Lance on the edge of a cliff: I'm gonna jump!
ashkazora · 3 years
Five Lance meeting pre voltron Lance though- Pre/s1 Lance: *finger guns* Five Lance: Pull the trigger, coward!
Pre-canon!Lance: My depression is chronic and my memes are ironic.
Five!Lance, knowing full well he doesn’t get depression and his humour doesn’t turn ironic until after s8: Sure, Jan.
Pre-canon!Lance and Five!Lance meeting would be... interesting, to say the least. Five!Lance looks at his younger self and sees what could have been. Once upon a time, he too was young, rather carefree, and full of humour. Back then, his biggest issues was insecurities, and whether Pidge and Hunk would cooperate enough in the flying sims for him to stay as a fighter pilot. On the other hand, pre-canon!Lance would be unpleasantly surprised on how he turned out though they would recreate the Spiderman pointing meme 
I could definitely go more in depth about this, but let’s just say for now that despite the potential humour of their meeting, it’s definitely a sombre affair. pre!Lance looks at his older self and wonders want went wrong, while Five!Lance wishes for the god old days.
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