#priest thought the fbi were there for the usual reason the fbi were talking to him
tototavros · 2 years
Pro of going to a small Catholic church opposed to the Vatican II reforms as opposed to the modernist Catholic chapel at the university where you teach, apparently: when you're nominated to the Supreme Court and the FBI does their background check to you, your priest will make sure to cover for you
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. P2/7
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: Mention of loss, Spelling mistakes, Picture of gun (straight after keep reading), you go to church?
Around 1700 words.
(Around season 5 but not following story at all)
…the day before your 18th birthday. The day you can finally start training and helping on hunts. You fall asleep after the movie and wake up to your alarm reading 8.30am (Birthdate) Sunday. The day you had been waiting for. You could finally start training. Well after Sunday service, it was something your mother never failed to attend no matter what state she was hunting in and you kept that alive, even if you weren’t exactly sure how you felt about religion, but going helped you feel close to your mum again, and after hearing briefly about what the Winchesters had gone though it could be useful to learn a bit more. You got ready and headed to the kitchen where you met with Bobby.
“Happy Birthday kid” he said trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible, even though he had woken up kinda early on a weekend.
“Hey, I’m 18 now, no longer a kid.” You smiled at him.
He shook his head in response chuckling as he grabbed an envelope with a box attached to it. When you received it you could see your name written messily on the envelope in a blue ink, you opened it and to no surprise was a card with (Your fav animal) wearing a hat, just like every year. You smiled and read the inscription inside. Then headed for the black box with a gold ribbon loosely tied around, Bobby had never been the best at bows, but you love the effort. Untying and opening the box you see a silver gun with carvings on, and a wooden handle with a pentacle carved. (Like below but you can change to preference)
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“I know it's not much, but it was your dad’s, the boys found it when they…” he trailed of for a second. “when they were searching the nest, I thought it was the best time to give it to you, seeing as you’re so god damned persistent on training.”
“I love it Bobby, thank you so much” You gently lay it on the table and encase him in a hug, which he allows for a few seconds”
“Alright” He said patting your back and stepping away, “just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you are ready to hunt though. Understood?”
“Yeah I know” you reply trying not to laugh at his stern expression.
“Right well there’s some (f/f) if your hungry” he said moving to reveal a plate behind him.
“Oh my gosh you didn’t have to” You say looking at the counter with a neatly plated breakfast. You grabbed it and sat down enjoying the change from the usual cereal or toast, and with a mouth half full asked. “When can I start?”
“Lunch time. We will start with some basics ways to hunt and defend yourself.”
You were about to speak when he interrupted guessing your thoughts.
“You won’t be going on any hunts anytime soon until you are 100% ready. You can help out with some of the research though”
You rolled your eyes, as if you didn’t already help with the research. You finished your food and said your goodbyes, Bobby probably heading back to bed for a nap, you left heading for church to see Priest Peter. He was a nice priest and you got to know him a bit with the visits you made.
You were stood outside the church on time at 9:30 when you friend Lena came up and you started heading in. Lena was lovely, you had met at your first church service and continues to go together ever since. You didn’t really see each other outside, but you grew close nonetheless. She was only a year older than you but sometimes it seemed like she was half her age. She like the rest of people outside your small family didn’t know it was your birthday, and you liked that.
“So (Y/N), did you hear Priest Peters gone away for a while?” she spoke grinning at you, unlike you she didn’t like Peter, said his voice made her want to sleep.
“What, how come? I didn’t hear anything” you replied completely confused.
“Yep, No one knows for sure, but I think it's something about a family member getting married in Australia.”
“So, do we have Marcus today then?” Marcus was as you called him jr Peter, he was still in training and followed Peter around like a lost dog.
“Must do” She replied smiling, she never said it but you could tell she liked Marus a lot more, you took your seats, you sat on the second row back always. It was good for the winter because it was next to a heater, and good for the summer because it was near an openable window. You and Lena sat and talked about pointless things until everyone had sat down and the service started.
The priest walked up, but it wasn’t Marcus or anyone you had ever seen before. It was a very attractive man. He had messy hair, and very short beard on his pale skin. He was slightly chubby and wearing the usual priest get up, but for some reason seemed slightly us of place. Your eyes were drawn to him, it was like you couldn’t look away.
“Good Morning. I am Father Crowley, and I will be covering for Peter whilst he is away at his sister’s wedding.” he spoke confirming Lenas rumor.
He had a beautiful English accent and managed to get everyone's attention without raising his voice. The service went on as usual, although you payed more attention to the man in front of you instead of his teachings of God. Before long, it was over, and you all got up to give blessings and mingle a bit before you were to go. After a while Lena had left having to go run an errand, and you were talking to an old woman you did the occasional job for who lived about 5 minutes away. Just as you finished your conversation and the women went out, your phone buzzed, and you pulled it out of your pocket. 10.45 am, and two new messages.
One from Sam “Morning (Y/N), Happy Birthday, hope you have a good day, me and Dean will try to visit soon, I found a book in the bunker library you will like.”
Another from Dean “Happy Birthday (N/N) good luck training today, have a good one. Me and Sammy will swing round in a couple weeks to check in and make sure Bobby’s not driving you too crazy. Be safe xx”
You smiled as you slid your phone away deciding to reply later. You had been close to the Winchesters after the accident, both becoming brothers to you, Dean was however much more protective of you then Sam was. You looked around and noticed you were the last to leave, as you turned towards the doors you noticed Father Crowley still stood there looking at you.
“Did you enjoy the service?” he asked casually walking over to you.
You hesitated a moment before replying with a simple “Yes”. You don’t know why but he made you feel slightly nervous, not in a bad way, but you couldn’t describe it. You noticed up close his eyes were a sort of green colour.
“Good, I’m new to holding services to be honest with you…”
“(Y/N)” you filled in the blank.
“(Y/N) what a lovely name. Do you always come to church (Y/N)?” He asked lingering on your name.
“Yes, Father every week” you replied composing yourself a little. “It seemed like you had done a thousand services before, I don’t think anyone noticed”
“Thank you, and please just call me Crowley, I’m not a big fan of the whole Father thing” he said smiling. “What were your thoughts on the passage read today?”
“I’m not sure. I think in some ways it………...but it seems a bit………” You gave your opinion and Crowley responded with a grin.
“I agree completely. Well I assume you will be here next week?”
“Yes, I will be, and you?”
“Peter will still be away so it will be me again for at least another 2 weeks. Would you perhaps like to meet up after service for coffee and discus some more of your views?”
“Sure, I would love to” you replied trying to hide your smile, “I better get going though, goodbye Crowley.”
“Until next time” he nodded as you left to go back home.
Meeting up next week? For coffee? You thought as you walked along the path. Okay (Y/N) don’t think to much into it, he just wants to talk about the service. Oh, why did I agree, I don’t want to sit and talk to a priest about the bible, although I do want to talk to this specific priest more. Why am I even worrying about it it’s not like it’s a date, can priests even date? I wouldn’t even want it to be, he seems nice and he is attractive, but if he can date he's probably already married he did seem a bit older. It's probably a group thing and he just invited me along to go with them, of course that makes sense.
You finally arrived though the front door and are greeted with the sound of yelling coming from in the house.
“…no, you idjit, you’re supposed to give them the second number if you want the FBI………. Just don’t mess up again your lucky I have common sense.” He put the phone down just as you walked in the room.
“What was that?” You asked sitting on a chair.
“The wheelers, giving out the wrong numbers again. Your back later than usual service run over?” He asked looking at his watch.
“No just stayed to chat a bit after, it was a new priest.”
“Ahh I see, well do you want to watch a film seeing as its your birthday we could go get some snacks and rent a movie?”
“No way, you’re not getting out of this one, you said we would train at noon, its 11:30. We can watch a film after.” You looked up at him and he frowned.
“I don’t know kid, maybe we should wait another year.”
“Nope no chance, I’m going to get changed and then we can start.” Bobby looked unimpressed so you added on a “Please.” Giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Fine all right, alright go change we can start today”
“Yay thank you” You yelled heading up the stairs to get changed.
 A/N I don’t really know what a service looks like because i haven't been to one for ages, so apologise about that. Sorry if your names Lena as well don't worry show wont be mentioned much. Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed it. :D
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/1
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Part 1
AU crossover story
Elena  Gilbert and Nick Amaro are FBI agents, investigating paranormal activity and all different strange cases involving demons, witchcraft, vampires.
There will be other tvd/to characters in it. All of them and they will all have different roles, completely different than those on TVD/TO and some Law&Order svu characters like Olivia Benson.
As always- love plays a great part too!
I hope you enjoy this story- as always thanks for reading. xoxo
a/n: blame this one me still watching Law&Order svu and other shows  like Penny Dreadful, City of Angels. And been rewatching X files and - cuz I can’t get enough of Nick, the detectiveguapo.  😊
Elena Gilbert extended her condolences to her partner's wife.
"I am so sorry", the Agent said,"Jackson was a really good man."
"Yes, he was."Freya said numb. Elena could see in the woman's eyes that she still blamed her for her husband's death. To tell her that she was going to do everything to avenge her partner was not appropriate at that moment. Elena just nodded as a goodbye to the woman and walked off.
To be a Special agent of the FBI was a tough job. Death was everywhere. A daily occurrence. She has seen the most heinous crimes in the seven years she had been with the Bureau, and although she looked like she was stoned faced and nothing much moved her, she hid a very warm and tormented heart under the made up facade. The picture of Jackson with his heart ripped out kept lingering in her head and although she tried to block it with her usual methods of removing herself from the pain, it still was so vivid and it made her contemplate leaving her job altogether.
At the FBi HQ- the Executive Assistant Director stood up greeting Special agent Nick Amaro offering him a seat. The Agent  sat down ready to listen why he was brought in taken away from a case he was investigating. The two men obviously knew each other well, but still there was a certain coldness that made this meeting a very brief affair.
"It is the extension of the X-files, you are familiar with I know. Elena Gilbert, your new partner, has been working on it for the last two years. I believe you have heard that she had lost her partner two weeks ago."
"I have. And I suppose you are assigning me to the X-files?!" Nick said with no particular emotion.
The EAD passed him the file Elena and Jackson were working on adding a simple yes.
"That is all, I guess." the Agent  said taking the folder standing up.
"This is off record" Rafael Barba said. "Just so you know, you were not reassigned because of the shooting. We thought that agent Gilbert would need someone with your expertise."
"Is that all?" Nick sais standing up, ready to leave.
The man just nodded and with that Nick left the office. He wasn't particularly surprised at the reassignment. And it had all to do with the shooting. Him losing his cool for a moment was something he knew he would pay severely. He took his phone and pressed the speedial.
Elena walked in her office. Another agent was waiting for her to leave the last forensic data she had received.
"Wasn't expecting you here today." Olivia said as she handed her the file over.
Elena sat down at her desk. "If I work and get Jackson's killer then I am useful. I just couldn't be there any longer or go the house. Freya still blames me. And maybe she is right. This is all my fault."
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        "Come on. He was a professional. And you were in far worse situations before." Olivia said.
"We should have done it differently. Like all the the text book stuff got lost on the way. I don't know. I am playing it over and over in my head at what moment the investigation went so out of hand. I will almost believe he was cursed. Like that voodoo priest said." Elena lamented.
The women were interrupted by the knock on the door and a man walking in greeting them politely as he introduced himself, "Hello. Agent Nick Amaro. I've been assigned to -  I’m your new partner."
Elena stood up looking at him nodding a little. She knew that eventually someone would be assigned to take Jackson's place, "Gilbert -uhm, this is Olivia Benson, FSS ( Forensic Science Service)"
Olivia welcomed the Agent and then excused hersel, leaving the Agents.
Elijah looked around at a very small office. with the most strangest posters and a board of It felt like he was demoted. But it actually it didn't matter. They would be out in the field lot more than in his place. He walked over to the desk that was set exactly opposite from Elena's. It was still cluttered with Jackson's things and notes, other personals stuff, like the photo of his wife.
"Yes. I have not yet come to clearing it up. It will be done today." Elena said standing up, taking the photo off the desk and collecting the notes jotted on the papers scattered on it.
“I know how it feels.”Nick inhaled softly.  He remembered his own loss. Losing a partner is one of the hardest things, as this person is more than a friend. Someone you put your lives in hands on a daily basis, especially in their line of the work. He knew of her, seeing her in the building numerous times, and always wondered how someone like her got to work with the Bureau. 'She is tough as nails' Rollins said to Nick once as they had heard of a case a kidnapping of a little girl being solved by her and Jackson a year before.
"Nick Amaro - Ah, I remember now. You worked on the cold cases, and then with the Jeffersonian. Here it is about monsters and paranormal. Voodoo, witchcraft, demons. Take your pick."
"I heard you have PhD in demonology?!" Nick said.
"Did you not read my resume. Anyway, how do you stand on that?" Elena shot back.
"Demons? am here to investigate criminal activities. I had a fair share of twisted cases."
"Twisted cases, ha?" Elena said not so happy his take on it.
"Maybe not a clever choice of words." Nick corrected himself seeing the deadly look she gave him.
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"Maybe." Elena said. "so, I guess you read the file?!"
"I did. Actually skimmed through it. I heard also that another body was found in Virginia, Mystic Falls." Nick said.
"Yes. All drained of blood. No markings on the obvious places, suspecting vampire activity."
"Vampire activity?" Nick said with a surprise in his voice.
"Yes," Elena replied,"File under the number 88. Vampires, beings from who subsists by feeding on the life essence, generally in the form of blood, of living creatures. "Oh, I guess they will finally send someone down to install your own computer. We are here like non-existent as you can see. It's like weird doesn't really is real."
"Agent Benson brought the forensics in? Nick now asked to change the mood.
Elena handed the latest update sheet to him."There."
As soon as he entered the room she noticed a certain assurance and command in his demeanor. He was about the work. There was no reason for her to act so defensively towards him. She knew very well that someone would be assigned to take Jackson's place. But, his appearance made the reality that Jackson was gone for good absolute. And it was harsh. Jackson's dead face came back to her and suddenly went pale.
Nick noticed the change in her. "Gilbert, are you all right?"
"Fine." Elena replied coolly, obviously trying to hide the pain.
"No, you're not. And it's perfectly acceptable. You are allowed to grieve."
Elena just put a small dismissive smile on as if thanking him for his truthful concern, but she was not ready for anything personal yet, so she overrode the moment and continued to talk about the case.                  
Nick listened, letting her brief him fully. It was clear that there was vulnerability under the facade of a woman made out of steel. He listened to her like in a trance. Everything about her captured his soul from the moment he walked into the office. This he could not deny, although he ignored it.
Rebekah walked in the diner, and sat down at the table at the end, taking her phone out, reading a message. The waitress came around with the cup of coffee, serving her, "Bad day?"
Rebekah thanked her for the coffee and replied, "I had worse."
The waitress left and she put the phone aside and looked out. It was still raining. There were days one wish they could be erased altogether. This was one of these days for Dr Rebekah St. Claire. She looked at her finger, where once a diamond ring was.
Flashback "I can't do this Bex. And it's noz because I don't love you. But, I am not myself. Everything inside of me is about the kidnapping. You've seen me. I could have hurt you yesterday. I can't. Let's call this all off" Marcel said.
"Please- we can do therapy- together. You can't just- go-" Rebekah said tearing up feeling like someone had kicked her in the guts.
Marcel felt the same- and looking at her so cut made his psychosis brew up wanting to set the world on fire for having messed with him.
”I can't” he slipped and walked out of the room.
Her attention was soon diverted by her friend Caroline, who sat down opposite from the doctor.
"Hey" Caroline just said without adding anything else. She knew all about her fiance's trouble.
"It hurts. And - you know what today is?"
"Yes. Would have been W-day"
"And look at it- pissing down with rain," Rebekah said, "maybe it is telling me something."
"I know this sounds like a cliche- but it will get easier" Caroline said.
"Not till I know that he is healed - somehow"
"You still blame yourself - the kidnapping had nothing to do with you" Caroline tried to comfort her friend.
"Come on, Caroline, we know it's not true. I had the evidence."
"And you could not give them - we don't negotiate with criminals" the blonde reminded her.
"No-" Rebekah said pensively.
Caroline's phone buzzed and she answered it-
"Klaus?- No. Still waiting the evidence to be released. Yeah- Later"
"You still hate his guts?" Rebekah now remarked "Pretty much. Hate having to work as his deputy" Caroline said.
"But since he was appointed as DA things are getting done- and you rock as a team"
"Can we not talk about him and work. Pie?" Caroline suggested.
Rebekah  nodded as in yes, please.
********** At the FBI HQ
Nick was left reading Elena's notes from the File 88 - as she was called away to the Field Director.
He tried to cross-reference the data with the present case. Everything indicated that Elena was right. This murder was very much related to these mythical creatures.
A knock at the door made Nick look up as a man entered asking for Elena.
"Hi. Elena?" the man said, obviously inquiring for her whereabouts.
"Out," Nick said simply,"you are?" He knew who the man was, but he still wanted formal introduction, "Agent Salvatore, Stefan."
"Nick Amaro" the Agent replied turning away from the file.
"You"re her new partner?!"' Stefan cocked an eyebrow at the Agent.
"I am." Nick replied adding,"leaving a message?"
"No. I will call her later. See you" Stefan said and exited the office.
Nick returned to reading the file when his phone buzzed.
"Third body appeared in the woods," Elena informed him, “I’m outside.”
Swiping the call off, he put his coat on and went out.
Caroline walked in the pub called 'Georgetown' putting down her bag on the bar stool next to Stefan.
"What are you having?" Stefan asked.
"The same as you." Caroline said."it stopped raining."
"It did. I went to see Elena. She got a new partner." Stefan informed his friend.
"So, she did?! Who is it?"
"Nick Amaro" Stefan said.
"Right." Caroline said."I tried to call her. Today was Jackson's funeral. She hasn't answered any of my calls yet."
"She has just sent me a message that she is going to be out of town for a few days. The case." Stefan updated the attorney.
"She is allowed time off, but she has not taken one day off," Caroline said,"one day she will come crushing down."
"Not until this case is over and they find Jackson's killer." Stefan said."But even then she might just sweep it under the mental carpet."
Caroline now took the Bourbon that was served- and inhaled sharply.
Three and a half hours later, Elena and Nick arrived in Mystic Falls. Although it was quite late, Elena wanted to see the Sheriff and get a brief update.
"Sheriff Donovan? Elijah said.
"Yes," Matt said,"come to my office."
Elena and Nick followed the Sheriff in. As they recieved the report, Elena asked when she could see the body. And of course it was first thing in the morning.
“Right.” Elena muttered and then asked if there was anywhere they could grab something to eat.
"The Grill. It’s the best place if you like home made type of food." Matt said.
"Pie - I actually really need some pie." Elena said.
“They served the best pie in all of Virginia” the Sheriff replied putting his hat on. “I’m on my way there, too.”
Soon, Elena and Nick were at the Grill with a burger and a slice of apple pie each.
After taking a bit of the pie, Elena seemed to change into a different person, making Elijah say, "Lack of sugar?"
"I think better when I had something sweet.” Elena said raising her eyebrow at her new partner.
Nick looked at her as if taking notes.
"Ready for the vampire hunt?"
"Excuse me?"
"Everything you said on the way here makes perfect sense, but trust me everything will defy logic." Elena said.
She spoke as if she already knew that they would be tapping in the dark, and there was a whiff of darkness from her heart kicking at him. A strange kind of resignation. It was not that particular case, it was clear to him that she was talking about Jackson's case.
"Agent Salvatore is on Agent Kenner's case?!" Nick then said.
Elena nodded with a small bitter smile.
How, why- at that moment he wished he could take the pain away from those stone cold dark eyes.
Come out while the rain is gone Slow down breathing on your road And the world keeps spinning around while we dive in it And the world is . in stone leaving marks on our skin
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hg47 · 3 years
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 30)
-30-Non-Muslims who like Islam don’t have a clue what the religion is all about.  Non-Muslims who attempt to expose Islam are often accused of Hate Speech by those in the West largely because Islam itself is vicious.  Accurately describing the way Islam functions seems to Western ears as unbelievable exaggeration motivated by hate.  Also, Muslims have an army of PR experts and disinformation specialists who collectively yowl in the media like wounded wolves because of an “improper” and “intolerable” and “insulting” attack upon their religion by unclean Infidels who contaminate Islam with words they, as inferiors, have no right to speak. ++++------- tweet ~ Would someone please throw a shoe at Ahmadinejad? What, you’re too scared to ReTweet this? Come on, at least throw an insult at the schmuck. ~ (circa 4/26/2010 1:37 PM) ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Cruel-Usual-Punishment-Terrifying-Implications/dp/1595551611/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380310980&sr=1-1&keywords=CRUEL+AND+USUAL+PUNISHMENT+by+Nonie+Darwish One story from CRUEL AND USUAL PUNISHMENT by Nonie Darwish is about the private event when an Egyptian Coptic Church in 2005 showed a film to their parishioners about the dangers of Islam, discouraging conversion, among other things.  But Muslims had spies within this church, and the Muslim religious leaders decided this event was an insult to Islam.  This decision and the following coordinated angry ranting sermons encouraged a Muslim mob of thousands to burn many churches.  When it was over, one priest was murdered, one nun was stabbed, and multiple churches were destroyed, in an Islamic environment where destroyed churches may never be rebuilt or repaired. ++++------- A quote from Muslim cleric, Mohammed Afzal: “It is the duty of every good Muslim to kill Christians…You should attack Christians and not even have food until you have seen their dead bodies.” ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Why-I-Am-Not-Muslim/dp/1591020115/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380655534&sr=1-1&keywords=why+i+am+not+a+muslim In WHY I AM NOT A MUSLIM Ibn Warraq gets into how Islamic laws are valid because they have been delivered from their God, not because they are rational; how the letter of Islamic law must always be followed, not the spirit, and how this travesty undermines any notions of fair play, justice, or truth. @hg47 says – I work in Plastics Extrusion.  Some of the workers are refugees from Iraq.  One day we were particularly busy, and the father of one of the regular workers was brought in to help as a temporary worker.  I run the graveyard shift.  I asked the guy who was running Swing shift (who was staying over awhile to help), what the old guy thought of “this place.”  He smiled, sort of laughed, and said, “He can’t understand why the owner isn’t here.” This required some explanation, because I didn’t get it.  In Iraq there is no way the owner would allow the business to be open without his physical presence: lying, stealing, back-stabbing; the owner could never trust his employees.  The guy, a Christian, specifically blamed Muslims for this “reality” in Iraq. I still didn’t get it.  “The owner doesn’t have to be here.  In the morning there is supposed to be pallets of good product.  If the parts aren’t there, or they’re off-spec, I have to explain why.  The owner has known me for years, if I try to lie to him, he will know it.” This time the Swing Shift Foreman did laugh.  “In Iraq, the owner would come to work in the morning…and all these machines would be gone.” ++++------- tweet ~ Ahmadinejad: “Prospects of normalizing ties between Washington and Tehran will vanish if Tiger Woods doesn’t stop screwing my third wife.” ~ (circa 5/17/2010 11:30 AM – and yes, I was joking) ++++------- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703426004575338471355710184.html?mod=googlenews_wsj AYAAN HIRSI ALI on how Western civilization must be actively defended.  The West is not indestructible in the clash with Islam; and how Islam is fighting and maybe winning this battle. ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Myth-Islamic-Tolerance-Treats-Non-Muslims/dp/1591022495/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380476667&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=MYTH+OF+ISLAMIC+TOLERANCE+%28THE%29+edited+by+Robert+Spencer In MYTH OF ISLAMIC TOLERANCE (THE) edited by Robert Spencer the rah-rah, boom-de-yay! pro-Islamic official policy of the Western nations is covered. @hg47 says - 1) The West has serious economic interests in the Muslim world: we are addicted to low priced oil in large quantities.  We absolutely must have oil, lots of oil, and if the price goes too high, it will indirectly raise our cost of living to an intolerable degree very quickly, and possibly wreck our fragile system. 2) Because of (1) anti-Muslim stories in Western media are deliberately played-down, suppressed, editorially quashed, and slanted favorably to Muslims. 3) Because of (1) economic retaliation and/or political retaliation by Muslim countries is a very real threat to Western powers.  We don’t want “those crazy Muslims” to bother the Jews too much, BUT WE ABSOLUTELY NEED ARAB OIL. 4) The West also fears Muslim terrorism, particularly on its own territory, but also fears anti-Islam reactions from the population in the West.  The West does not have a handle on Islam, does not understand Islam, and every attempt to “control” Islam has failed miserably.  The West is “flying blind” when it comes to Islam. ++++------- tweet ~ Shakeup at Wikipedia after Ahmadinejad-With-Camel porn purge! Jimmy Wales no longer able to delete files; Ahmadinejad still speaking at UN. ~ (circa 5/19/2010 4:56 PM – and yes, this is a joke) ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Jihad-Radical-Subverting-America/dp/1596985569/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380589061&sr=1-1&keywords=stealth+jihad+robert+spencer In STEALTH JIHAD Robert Spencer gets into how Islamic holy texts push Muslim behavior against Infidels. Koran 3:110 – Muslims are the “best of people.” Koran 98:6 – Infidels are the “vilest of created beings.” The majority of Muslims view Infidels as unclean beings unworthy of contact with pure Muslims, and this attitude has behavioral consequences.  Spencer gives an example of a college which set aside a Prayer Room to be used by students of all religions and all denominations, with an official announcement that all faiths are to share.  Muslims appropriated the space for themselves and forcefully excluded all others. ++++------- http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/05/the_five_stages_of_islam.html Richard Butrick asks the question: Is it bigotry if it is in touch with reality?  Richard’s point is that Islamists use the West’s fear of bigotry against the West.  Is it bigotry, if it is just seeing and stating the truth?  For example, am I a bigot if I am afraid of Islam, if Islam really does want to destroy my way of life? Richard also argues excellently that the first Republican candidate for President who faces off against Islam by saying something like: “OK, you can have your Ground Zero Mosque, but first we want a Cathedral in Mecca,” will OWN the popular vote. ++++------- tweet ~ Ahmadinejad speech, 2013: “We have secretly placed atomic bombs in London, New York, and Paris. The following are our demands…” ~ (This is a joke tweet, circa 5/24/2010 2:45 PM – but there is a serious point behind it.  Personally, I am also worried about the Nukes in Pakistan.) ++++------- tweet ~ Rouhani (on mic): “Time for countries to enter talks with Iran based on honesty, justice and respect.” Off-mic: “Where is my A-bomb!?” ~ (Just joking.) ++++------- http://www.meforum.org/2915/islamists-project-islam-worst-traits-onto Raymond Ibrahim’s interesting article on the important differences between Christian Martyrs and Muslim Martyrs, and how Muslims often misinterpret what Christian leaders say, because of this difference, which can result in Muslim mob violence toward Christians. Muslim Martyrs are those killed in battle against Infidels. Christian Martyrs are those persecuted or killed for refusing to recant Christianity. ++++------- http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/35133 Joseph A. Klein: Islamists don’t need an excuse to murder Infidels. ++++------- http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2011/mar/22/senate-hold-hearings-muslims-rights/ Stephen Dinan on the latest FBI statistics on hate crimes. 1,376 religiously motivated hate crimes in 2009. 70.1% of those 1,376 crimes were anti-Jew. 9.3% of those 1,376 crimes were anti-Muslim. ++++------- http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/08/us/08gabriel.html Article by Laurie Goodstein about Brigitte Gabriel who claims that radical Muslims have infiltrated the United States at all levels, including the FBI, Pentagon, CIA, and State Department.  Their goal?  A long-range plan to revoke the Constitution and impose Sharia law on us all. ++++------- http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_16300340?source=rss&nclick_check=1 Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer claim that terrorism by Muslims is not a perversion of Islam but is essential to the religion itself. ++++------- http://home.comcast.net/~vincep312/islam.html What some famous people in the past, including Winston Churchill, thought about Islam. ++++------- http://iranpoliticsclub.net/islam/islam-danger1/ This article gets into the ways in which Islam is not like other religions.  Islam is a political ideology that demands that every aspect of the nation be subservient to it: laws, government, business, society must all be or become Islamic. ++++------- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/jul/17/martin-amis-iran Martin Amis arguing that a theocracy must not be allowed to have nuclear arms. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-31+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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Vessel - Chapter 2
Summary: Sam and Dean thought their lives were a living hell. When they find a young girl who shares their name and family business, neither of them can help but be curious about who she is and what she can do for them. 
Series Masterlist
"Excellent memorial service, Father," a man shook the priest's hand as people poured out of the church. Dean noticed the priest and approached him. Sam followed close behind.
"Father, can we have a word?" he asked, flashing his FBI badge.
"Sure, but I'm not sure how much help I can be. I've already told the police everything I know," he said.
"That's alright. Was there anyone around when the boy was killed? Report said he was found in the diner, were there any employees there? Waitresses?" Dean asked.
"Mary was there," he said, pointing to the girl from the diner, "Jake saved her life. I couldn't be more grateful."
Dean made a confused face, "You care a lot about her?"
"She's had a rough childhood. She was brought to the home when she was little. I've watched her grow up."
"'The home'?" Sam questioned.
"The foster home," the priest explained.
Sam looked as if he'd had a revelation, "She's a foster child?"
"Mind if we speak with her?" Dean interrupted Sam.
"Of course. Just do what you can to find out who killed Jake. That way the town can rest easy again," he said before calling Mary over, "these gentlemen would like to ask you a few questions about what happened."
"Hello," Mary tried to smile seeing Sam and Dean, "I'll be okay. You go talk to Jake's parents."
"All right. Detectives, you're welcome to come to dinner tonight. Sister Sarah is making lasagna."
"Sounds wonderful," Sam tried being polite. The priest left Mary with the boys to talk.
"What the hell are you doing here? I told you to get out of town," Mary said, turning and walking away from them.
"We did, but we came back," Dean shrugged, following her.
"We found a case," he smiled.
"What case?" she curiously asked.
"Bartonville Insane Asylum," Sam responded.
Mary let out a chuckle, "That's empty. It's just an old story the locals tell to bring people in."
"That's how most of them start," Dean explained, assuming she'd never been on a real ghost hunt before.
"That's why I looked into it. It's empty," she repeated.
"Then explain the recent deaths," Dean tested.
"That... is none of your concern because I'm working on it now."
"Let us help," Sam insisted.
"I've got it covered," she said.
"Oh, what like you had the other day covered? Sorry, sweetheart, what happens when your plans go south and you don't have someone to bail you out?"
"I've been hunting for-" she began but was interrupted by Dean, again.
"You're a kid. You shouldn't be hunting at all."
"Did you just come here to order me around as if you know me, or do you have an actual reason for bothering me?"
"Just like we told father, we have some questions to ask," Dean said simply.
"Ask them then," Mary said, "before I tell the cops, the real cops, that you were in the diner that night."
"You wouldn't."
"Try me. What do you want to know?"
"How did you-" Sam began to ask.
"Actually, hold that thought Sam," Dean ordered, walking toward the priest, "Padre, my partner and I would love to come to dinner tonight."
"Wonderful. I'll have sister set out two more places."
Dean returned to Mary and Sam and gave a smile before saying, "Looks like we're having dinner together. So whatever you don't want to answer now, I'm sure we can get your friends at 'the home' to help out."
"What do you want to know?" she repeated with annoyance in her voice.
"How do you know who we are?" Dean asked outright.
"What are you talking about?" she avoided the question.
"When we met," Sam began, "you said to Dean, 'you and your brother'. How did you know that we're brothers?"
"I..." she began to come up with and excuse, "I just assumed..."
"Bull," Dean called, "you knew who we were."
"I saw the articles on your table when you asked me to take your order. It's not haunted house season so I figured you were hunters."
"Mary," the priest walked toward them, "you should get home so you can help sister get dinner started."
"I'll start home now," she told him, "is Jake's family still having you over for dinner?"
"Yes, remind sister of that?" he asked.
The priest and Mary said their goodbyes and he left Mary, Sam and Dean to finish their conversation.
"So that's really all you're going to tell us?" Dean asked. Mary only shrugged. "Fine. What time then?"
"What time for what?" she asked, confused.
"Dinner," Dean reminded.
"Six," she sighed.
"They're just FBI agents that came by after mass. Father invited them to be nice," Mary explained as she set extra plates out for Sam and Dean.
"Either way, they're guests in this house. Go put on that new dress, it looks nice on you," Sister Sarah told her.
"What happened to looks don't matter?"
"These gentlemen are law officials," Mary rolled her eyes. Sister Sarah continued, "You need to look more presentable. Now go change and call the others down before they get here."
As Mary was headed up the stairs the doorbell behind her rang. She turned to answer it but was pushed away by Sister Sarah.
"Evening," Dean said as the door was pulled open.
"Here, we uh... we brought this," Sam said, handing a salad to Sister.
"Oh, that wasn't necessary," she smiled, taking the bowl from is hands. It was clearly a plastic one they had picked up at some store on the way over. They wouldn't have bother with the diner at all had Mary not been so secretive. They were sure she was hiding something.
"We just... thought it polite. May we come in?" Sam asked.
"Oh, of course Agent..." she began, not knowing his name.
"Sam, just call me Sam. And this is Dean."
"Welcome," she smiled, "Mary will be down in a few minutes. She's just getting the others."
"The other kids?" Dean asked as he looked around the living room.
"How many others are you housing?" Sam asked seeing a line of little shoes near the staircase.
"Six others besides Mary," Sister said, leading the boys into the kitchen, "they're all younger than her."
"All six of them?" Dean asked as small children began bounding down the steps. Two of them ran into the kitchen and shoved between Sam and Dean.
"Ruth, John," Sister called, "Stop running!" The kids both ignored her.
"Hey, kid," Dean said as the boy called John ran into him, "Sister told you to stop, maybe you should."
"I wasn't running," the boy shook his head.
"John, I think you were. Now, maybe you should apologize," he instructed.
"Sorry Sister," John said hanging his head.
"Now go play in another room," Dean smiled, patting John's head lightly.
"So are any of them actually Mary's siblings?" Sam asked seeing two more run into the room.
"Actually, no. We usually only take in family groups, but her story was heartbreaking."
"Her story?" Dean questioned.
"She's been in the system almost all her life. She was living in a foster home in Chicago when-"
"That's enough about me," Mary interrupted, entering the kitchen, "Sister, why don't you try to gather the kids and I'll get dinner served."
"Shoes?" Sister questioned looking down at Mary's bare feet.
"I told you there was no reason to dress up," Mary shrugged.
"Sam and Dean wore suits," she pointed out.
"Oh, no Sister, these are my day clothes," Dean said sarcastically. A cry from a child rang out from the front hall.
"I'll see who that is," Sister said, turning to leave.
"You should really be nicer to her. Looks like she's doing her best to take care of you and the others," Dean said.
"So am I," she sighed, pulling a tray of lasagna out of the over.
"Hey, you've got a good life here. Some kids aren't so lucky," Dean insisted.
"I never said I didn't like it here. I know, it's wonderful, but I would still rather be with my family."
"You don't know what your family was like," Sam began, "it might've been worse with them."
"The problem is I did know my father, and I knew by siblings by their pictures and the stories my dad told," she said searching for a tool to cut the lasagna with. She finally found one and carried the meal into the dinning room.
"Did your father die on a hunt?" Dean asked.
"That I don't know," she began, "he left early from one of his visits and I never heard from him again."
"You didn't think to look for help?" Dean asked the obvious first response.
"Not long after the last time I saw him the foster home I was staying at burnt to the ground. I had no one. I was relocated and I haven't heard from him since," she said as she began putting pieces of lasagna on the plates.
"Maybe we can help. What was his name?" Sam asked.
"God damn it," Mary cursed when she dropped a piece of lasagna on the freshly cleaned white table cloth. She thought she’d been quiet enough to get away with it, but she was mistaken.
"Mary Winchester!" Sister's voice came from the hallway, "watch your language!"
Mary froze.
"Winchester?" Dean asked if he'd heard it right. He looked to Sam.
"Did she say 'Mary Winchester'?" Sam asked Mary.
"Its..." Mary started, not knowing how to answer.
"Who are you?" Dean ordered.
"I've already said-"
"No, 'Mary' you haven't said jack squat. We haven't got the slightest idea of who you are. All we know is that you're some kind of hunter who stole our last name," Dean reminded, "Talk."
Mary looked from Sam to Dean and sighed, realizing she would have no other option but to tell them the truth, "Follow my lead," she instructed leaving the room, "Sister? Sam and Dean wanted to see my school yearbook, to see a picture of Jake."
"Why don't you bring it down? We can all take a look," she suggested.
"That's okay ma'am. We'll only be a moment," Dean reassured. She smiled in response, giving her permission.
They reached the top of the steps and Mary lead them to a closed door on the far side of the hallway.
"What are we doing?" Dean asked as Mary opened the door.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she admitted.
"Try us," Sam insisted.
"I didn't 'steal' your name," she began, "Winchester is actually my name."
"Then it must be a common name," Dean decided.
"No Dean, not in this business," Mary said, "it's the same Winchesters."
"The Winchesters were men of letters, not hunters. Why are you hunting?" Sam questioned.
"Men of letters? What the hell is that?" Mary asked.
"It's..." Dean began, "it's not important. What's important is how the hell do you think we're related?"
Mary hesitated, "I'm your sister."
Next Part: Chapter 3
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tianamulan · 7 years
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So I really really really love podcast and I thought I would make this masterpost of podcast recommendations!! There’s a little bit of everything, and I’ve organised it all, so I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll like! I mention possible content warnings, episode lengths and amounts, good places to start, etc. I will update this post as I find more podcasts! Enjoy~
Fictional Podcasts
Limetown: 6 episodes, 30-40 min each. Crime Investigation of a town whose residents all mysteriously disappeared one night. Has sci-fi elements. Possible content warning for animal abuse/testing in episode 3, and deaths throughout. End of episode 2 is also potentially disturbing. 
[Website] [Soundcloud] and in iTunes store.
The Message: 8 episodes, ~15 min each with a 30 min finale. A message from space needs to be translated, and our main character Nicky is podcasting the whole time. Obviously very sci-fi. Diverse cast, including a non-binary person! It’s pretty intense, and because the narrator talks directly to you which includes warnings it could be a little distressing but it’s 100% fictional. Content warning for hospital situations and characters on their deathbeds.
[Website] and in iTunes store.
Life After: 10 episodes, ~30 mins each. This is made by the same team as The Message. Ross works for the FBI, and has lost his wife recently. He’s obsessed with listening to audioposts that she made on a audio-social media site. Content warning for cults and hacking.
Available in iTunes store.
Steal the Stars: Currently airing, as of Aug 2017 they have 4 episodes out. It’s about government officials who are guarding and studying an alien who crash landed on earth years ago. There’s also a love story.
[Website] and available in iTunes store.
The Truth: Every episode is different! Often very dark, but some are more light hearted. Very very visual. My favourites include Starbursts, The One about the Dead Dog, and It’s Your Funeral (Pt1 & Pt 2).
[Website] [Soundcloud] and in iTunes store.
D&D Podcasts
Okay just hear me out before you scroll past this section. I have never played dungeons and dragons in my life, I’m not even a fan of fantasy. But I really love these podcasts. It takes time to understand the rules, but it’s so worth it. The stories told are so original cuz everything can change by the role of a dice, and the characters have free will and don’t have to listen to the narrator. The people in these podcasts are so passionate too. But if you are sure that it’s not your cup of tea then you can move on now.
The Adventure Zone: 3 brothers play D&D with their dad. They’ve just finished their first Campaign as of Aug 2017, so you’ll have a completed story if you start now. There’s 69 episodes, each around an hour or so long, so it’s a lot of content to get through. They’re goofy as all hell. It takes some time to recognise the voices if you don’t know the McElroy brothers (they make other podcasts I mention later). Merle is a dwarf cleric (essentially a priest), Magnus is a human fighter, and Taako is an elven wizard. The Dungeon Master (DM, person who tells the story of the world and plays all the non-main characters) is super talented, lots of great voices. The fantasy in this is very non-traditional, so not like medieval britain, so there’s things like trains and space travel and a costco. Hilarious, very original, and emotional. Also the music is sooo good here’s the soundcloud for just the music. also there’s a pretty active fandom if that’s important to you.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Sneak Attack!: 4 player game with 5 friends (including a married couple). As of Aug 2017 they have over 100 episodes, and bonus eps, all about an hour long. Sherwood is a gnome druid (basically a forest wizard) who is antisocial to everyone but animals and plants. Greaek is a dwarf fighter who introduces himself to everyone he meets he’s a good boy. Brenna is a half-elf bard (musician) who plays the banjo and bagpipes and gets into lots of arguments with Greaek, who is her irl husband. She’s the voice of reason in the group. Akio is a human wizard who dreams of owning a noodle shop, and owns a chicken named Alfredo. Also he’s a necromancer. The DM is amazing, and the whole group is just really nice and wholesome? 
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Science & Culture
Radiolab: Beautifully edited, usually about science/tech but mostly about telling a good story. Most episodes are about 40 mins to an hour, and there’s also shorter mini episodes. Good episodes to start with is Colors, Laughter, and Escape!. My favourites include What’s Up, Doc?, The Living Room (content warning for death and illness), Debateable, On the Edge, and Cities.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Reply All: Podcast about “the internet”, but it’s much more than that. Their content is all over the place. Episodes are typically 35 mins long, with the occasional longer ep. This is a podcast I would start from the beginning to get used to the format. Today’s The Day and Hello? are two of my favourite audio pieces ever, they make me so emotional, but I don’t think you’ll get this feeling unless you’ve listened to their ‘normal’ podcasts and gotten to know the hosts. This podcast is very good about content warnings for episodes, both at the start and when they’re about to discuss the content.
[Website] [Soundcloud] and in iTunes Store.
Flash Forward: Used to be called Meanwhile in the Future. Each episode focuses on a possible or not-so-possible future, first starting with a dramatisation of what that future would be like (usually news report kinda stuff), and then an in depth discussion with real experts about how possible that future is. In the first season the episodes were about 15 mins but now they’re up to 40 mins long. A good place to start with would be from the start! All the episodes are great in my opinion, but for examples of the range of topics discussed, you can try Sunward Bound and Don’t Lie to Me.
[Website] [Soundcloud] and in iTunes Store.
Imaginary Worlds: About fictional universes and our relationship to them. Episodes usually between 20-30 mins, and often topical to a recent event. My favourites are The Year Without a Summer (about Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, and volcanoes), Rolling the Twenty Sided Dice (about D&D, would highly recommend if you are unsure about the aforementioned D&D podcast), and In Defence of Captain Hook (about Peter Pan, the last 5 mins of this podcast is amazing).
[Website] [Soundcloud] and in iTunes Store.
Invisibilia: This podcast is about human behaviour/psychology. Episodes are an hour long. I would recommend The Personality Myth to start (but also starting at episode 1 is good). They are usually good about content warning but obviously they often talk about mental health so do with that what you want. As of August 2017 they have just finished their 3rd season.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
This American Life: The most annoying thing about this podcast is there’s only ever the last 4 episodes they’ve aired available at a time, but you can “save” the episode you like on iTunes. It’s about american culture and stories and stuff, sometimes a little hit or miss for me but I’m also not American but there’s still a lot of great episodes. The episode that just came out in August 2017 “We are in the Future” is Amazing, about afrofuturism.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Sawbones: This podcast describes itself as “a marital tour of misguided medicine”. Dr. Sydnee and Justin (not a Dr.) McElroy talk about the history of medicine and all the weird stuff we did in the past to try to cure people. Sydnee has the most knowledge in this pair and Justin is mostly there to ask questions and make jokes. Very fun tone throughout usually but obviously they take time to talk about more serious stuff. My favourite thing about it is just how much this couple love each other.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Oh No Ross and Carrie: Two friends go out to investigate fringe-science stuff so you don’t have to. They have joined cults including Scientology, have their pets get psychic readings, and try juice cleanses and soylent. I’d recommend any episode that covers something that you’re interested in! Episodes are typically 40-60 mins.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
My Brother My Brother and Me (MBMBAM): The same 3 brothers from the Adventure Zone. Justin, Travis, and Griffin have been making this podcast since 2010 and they give “advice” but mostly just laugh at their own jokes. They answer a lot of Yahoo questions, you know the type. Here’s a taster for their type of humor. They also have a new TV show, and the first episode is available for free, which can help you put a face to the name/voice. They’re never rude or mean but can be very dirty boys so don’t listen w/out headphones. Also probably in public with headphones cuz u will laugh out loud for SURE.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Dynamic Banter: Two dudes talk who also mostly just laugh at their own jokes. They like movies a lot. Here’s a 8 min clip where they talk about alternate titles for Tom Hanks’s classic film Big. Episodes are usually about an hour long. 
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
It Feels Like the First Time: Three guys are watching Lost, the 2004-2010 TV show about people who crashes on a ~weird island~. If were planning to watch/rewatch Lost and want to listen to more than 1 hour of three guys making jokes about the show then you should listen to this podcast. As of August 2017 they’re halfway through the final season, so there’s plenty of content for you to catch up on. This podcast comes out weekly and talk about 2 episodes of the show at a time. 
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
The Mortified Podcast: People read their childhood/teenage diaries outloud in front of a crowd. It’s embarrassing and cringe-y and hilarious and relatable and will make you more empathetic to your younger self and the kids and teens in your life because it’s hard out there. Episodes are about 25-35 mins long, usually featuring 2 different diary reads on a similar topic, like Prom or Summer Vacation.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Terrible, Thanks for Asking: Nora McInerny is the host of this podcast. It’s about how terrible things are sometimes in life. Nora and guests just talk about the horrible things that have happened to them, like death of loved ones, abuse, mental illness, etc. Obviously, it’s not a casual, feel good listen, it is not for everyone and I would advise some people to not listen to this ever, but it’s emotional and raw and important. The episodes are 40ish minutes long.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Nancy: This is a relatively new podcast, as of August 2017 there are 19 episodes. It’s about the LGBTQ+ community and issues, hosted by Kathy Tu and Tobin Low. The first episode, for example, is about Kathy’s coming out story, and how she needs to constantly come out to her mother who isn’t listening to her. These two hosts are really fun, and so are their guests, and i’m sure that LGBTQ+ listeners will relate to their conversations.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Strangers: Podcast host Lea Thau tells stories about strangers. Or at least they’re strangers to you. It’s not as depressing as “Terrible Thanks for Asking”... usually. Episodes are anywhere between 20 and 50 minutes. Her “Love Hurts” series might be a good place to start, although it isn’t her typical episode structure, but it’s all about her interviewing exes about why they didn’t work out. This podcast is usually good about content warnings.
[Website] [Soundcloud] and in iTunes Store.
Mystery Show: Podcast host Starlee Kine solves weird mysteries like what is Jake Gyllenhaal’s real height, or a video rental store that disappeared in 1 day, or the owner of a really really cool belt buckle found on the ground years ago. There’s only 6 episodes, and there won’t be more. They’re between 25 and 70 minutes long.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text: The tagline for this is “What if we read the books we love as if they were sacred texts?”. Hosts Vanessa Zoltan and Casper ter Kuile discuss one chapter of Harry Potter per episode, and analyse it using techniques usually reserved for religious texts. The hosts are Religious and Divinity scholars. Episodes are half an hour long, and as of June 2017 they are about halfway through the Prisoner of Azkaban.
[Website] and in iTunes Store.
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