#pro forma business plan
kaija-rayne-author · 8 months
So, it should be pretty obvious by now that I'm firmly against fans boycotting Bioware and Dreadwolf due to the layoffs. I'll put it in business terms. I've worked for Fortune 500 companies, and I speak from that perspective.
The people who made it are hoping, and have said, that they hope people will love Dreadwolf as much as they do. Even when they were laid off.
It would punish the creatives who made the game far more than it would punish Bioware. They likely can't even talk about it due to NDAs unless/until it's released. Can you imagine not being able to talk about a thing you loved and poured years of your life, creativity, and passion into? I can. It would be heartbreaking.
I don't want to be responsible for harming people who love dragon age enough to make it for us. If I boycott, that's exactly what I'd be partially responsible for. I'm usually very pro-boycott, but in this case, I'm not.
So here's the question... we unequivocally live in a late stage capitalist nightmare world. Do you know how many other companies have laid off employees this year?
This type of behavior has been pro forma for corporate for at least 20 years, probably longer.
So, why would people boycott Dreadwolf and Bioware when they're by far not even the most egregious example of mass layoffs?
In 2022-2023, we've had these mass layoffs.
Meat giant Tyson Foods is laying off about 15% of senior leadership roles and 10% of corporate roles, according to an internal memo shared with CNN.
Y'all gonna boycott meat? I didn't think so.
3M announced significant layoffs as part of another major restructuring plan. The brand behind Post-It Notes and Scotch Tape said in a statement it would lay off 6,000 staff around the world.
Gonna boycott tape? Ear plugs? Sticky notes?
Lyft (LYFT)’s move in November to cut 13% of its workforce, citing fears of a looming recession.
Buzzfeed announced a 15% reduction in its workforce, or about 180 employees.
David's Bridal is eliminating 9,236 positions across the United States but did not specify how many stores would be affected.
Walmart is laying off more than 3,000 workers.
And I know many people can't afford to boycott Walmart.
Meta announced an additional 10,000 layoffs across several months on top of mass layoffs in 2022.
You still use Facebook? I personally loathe it and only keep an account for marketing reasons. I can barely even make it work anymore.
Three rounds of layoffs hit Disney (DIS), announced through a March 27 internal memo to employees. Around 7,000 people will be affected by the move over the next several months.
Amazon (AMZN) said in March it would cut 9,000 jobs, bringing the total number of Amazon (AMZN) staffers eliminated this year to around 27,000.
Indeed.com announced cuts of approximately 2,200 employees, representing almost 15% of its total workforce, the company said in March.
Satellite radio giant SiriusXM laid off 475 people, or about 8% of its workforce, as part of a broad restructuring.
Zoom (ZM) said it will lay off about 1,300 employees, or approximately 15% of its staff, in a memo to employees in Feburary.
Dell (DELL) laid off roughly 5% of its workforce, the company said in a regulatory filing in February. Dell had about 133,000 employees, the company told CNN. At that level, the 5% cut represents more than 6,500 employees.
Gonna refuse to use your computer?
Microsoft said in January it would be laying off 10,000 employees, according to a securities filing.
This was only up to around March of this year. There's loads more.
Point being it's ridiculous to boycott a company and hurt the people who made a thing they love just because they got laid off.
This is what corporations do. There is 0 loyalty to the employee at a corporation. It's all about the bottom line.
Maybe all y'all haven't worked in corporate, maybe people are hopping on the 'I'll boycott too' bandwagon. IDEK.
I honestly don't care if I change anyone's mind about it all, but it’s silly. Just outright ridiculous to expect a corporation to do anything but what corporations do.
It's not right. It's awful. I hate that Bioware basically backstabbed the creatives who made them what they are. But it's not new or even remotely rare. Bioware has laid off roughly 125 employees in the past handful of months.
Every company I named laid off far, far more. And if you think I'll believe you're going to boycott Microsoft, you must have a bridge you want to sell me, too.
Here's the source, if you want it.
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frugalhoe · 1 year
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Days off 1/9/23 & 1/10/23
Left work and bought groceries for next week. Totaled $47.66. I did some decluttering before going to bed. Slept well.
I made a batch of breakfast tacos in the morning. I walked my puppy before driving her to my vanilla job so she could play with some of my coworkers. We haven't run into other dogs lately so it was nice for her to socialize a little. She was wiped out when we got home and napped after having lunch.
I had a quick lunch before going back out. I had my second business consultation appointment for my new vanilla business. It was useful and I scheduled the third appointment. He also gave me some constructive feedback on my 1st business plan draft and 3 year pro forma.
I stopped off at the public library afterwards and got some more books.
I just watched Netflix the rest of the night. Went to bed. Didn't sleep well kept waking up stressing about my vanilla job. I texted my co-buyer about it and once he looked into it, I was able to fall back asleep.
Woke up and made leftover breakfast tacos. Watched some TV, walked my dog - finally got my new Garmin watch working properly and then had lunch. Did some more research on moving logistics and decided I'm just going to try to fit everything into my car instead of towing a small trailer behind my SUV.
I decluttered some more - tossed out another bag of trash and donated a bag of clothes. If I keep doing this everyday, moving day will be a lot less stressful.
I also decided to relaunch my dog walking business to help fund my new vanilla business. I live in a large luxury apartment complex so I'll mainly target my neighbors as customers so I don't have to travel to Denver to walk dogs. Still ironing out the details.
After donating a bag of clothes, I came home and read a graphic novel before getting ready for bed.
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Understanding Sales Orders and Invoices: Vital Components of Business Transactions
In the intricate dance of commerce, sales orders and invoices play pivotal roles, orchestrating the exchange of goods and services between businesses and customers. Let's unravel the nuances of these essential documents, exploring their definitions, types, and divergent functions within the realm of business transactions.
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Demystifying Sales Orders
A sales order materializes when a customer expresses a desire to purchase goods or services from a business. Serving as a preliminary confirmation of the purchase, the sales order encapsulates vital information about the customer, the requested purchase, and pertinent terms of the transaction. It acts as a guiding beacon throughout the order preparation process, offering clarity and cohesion.
Businesses and customers alike rely on the sales order as a point of reference, ensuring alignment and accuracy in the purchase. It serves as a conduit for resolving discrepancies and discrepancies, empowering both parties to validate the transaction's details. For the customer's accounts payable team, the sales order becomes a crucial tool for verifying the delivered goods' quantity and invoice particulars.
Diverse Manifestations of Sales Orders
Sales orders manifest in various forms, tailored to accommodate diverse purchasing scenarios:
Cash Sales: Immediate purchases where the customer acquires goods and settles payment on the spot, bypassing accounts receivable processes.
Rush Sales Orders: Expedited orders where customers necessitate early delivery, with payment deferred to a later date.
Scheduling Agreements: External agreements delineating goods quantities and delivery timelines, with subsequent updates reflecting actual deliveries.
Third-Party Sales Orders: Transactions where goods are routed through third-party vendors for delivery, a popular choice among small businesses seeking logistical flexibility.
Navigating the Distinction: Sales Orders vs. Purchase Orders
While sales orders and purchase orders both underpin commercial transactions, they serve distinct purposes within the procurement process. A purchase order initiates the transaction, with the buyer formally requesting goods or services from a vendor. In response, the vendor generates a sales order to confirm the purchase and formalize the order, marking the inception of the procurement journey.
Unraveling the Fabric of Invoices
Invoices emerge as tangible confirmations of successful deliveries, signaling the culmination of the transaction and the initiation of payment obligations. Serving as formal requests for payment, invoices bear testament to the goods or services rendered, embodying crucial documentation within the audit trail. They integrate seamlessly into the company's accounting framework, threading through accounts receivable for the vendor and accounts payable for the buyer.
Exploring Invoice Varieties
Invoices manifest in diverse forms, each tailored to address specific transactional needs:
Pro Forma Invoice: Pre-invoices offering cost estimations and prelude to payment demands, facilitating budgetary planning and error correction.
Interim Invoice: Incremental invoices issued during long-term projects to ensure consistent cash flow and mitigate financial strains.
Final Invoice: Culminating invoices marking the completion of deliveries or services, encapsulating comprehensive transaction details for clarity and accountability.
Distinguishing Features: Sales Orders vs. Invoices
Sales orders and invoices, though both integral to vendor transactions, diverge significantly in function and implementation:
Order of Creation: Sales orders precede transactions, serving as confirmations of purchase, whereas invoices follow deliveries, demanding payment for goods or services rendered.
Purpose: Sales orders validate purchases and guide order fulfillment, while invoices demand payment and facilitate financial transactions.
Legal Implications: Sales orders create obligations for vendors to deliver goods, while invoices mandate customers to settle payment obligations.
Accounting Treatment: Invoices are recorded in the general ledger upon receipt and payment, unlike sales orders, which are seldom integrated into accounting records.
In Conclusion: Navigating the Terrain of Business Transactions
Sales orders and invoices stand as linchpins in the intricate tapestry of commerce, channeling transactions and fostering accountability. Their distinct roles and functionalities underscore their indispensability in facilitating seamless transactions and nurturing robust business relationships. As businesses navigate the labyrinth of procurement and payment, the judicious utilization of sales orders and invoices emerges as a beacon of operational efficiency and financial stewardship.
Sales approval workflow - Wix
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arh2r · 1 month
Em inglês abaixo
(In English below)
Oi pra você que tá lendo isso... bem eu estou com dúvidas, mas é melhor eu explicar com calma.
Ok vamos lá, eu comecei recentemente em um trabalho e com isso você conhece pessoas novas e diferentes, meu trabalho não é grande coisas, é algo pra eu consegui fazer outras coisas enquanto eu recebo uma renda fixa. Beleza, e com isso eu conheci uma pessoa bem interessante, e muito a ver comigo, um demonstrou interesse pro outro logo nós primeiros dias, ela se mostrou interessada e eu também. Tivemos uma conexão legal... pelo menos na minha cabeça.
Pra mim ela tinha tudo a ver comigo, mas não posso falar por ela, mas enfim, por mensagem um demonstra interesse pro outro, eu como estou mais emocionado, demonstro mais vezes e sou o primeiro a comentar, mas ela corresponde. Ela responde pouco em mensagem por telefone, ela tem um dia bem corrido e cansativo, já sei da rotina dela mas sempre que dá ela responde... tá eu já estou sendo muito específico deixa eu ir direto só ponto.
Estávamos marcando de sair hoje, mas ela passou mal ontem e hoje o dia todo ela n me respondeu muito no celular, estou criando mil e uma vozes na minha cabeça me duvidado se ela realmente está interessada em mim ou se está fazendo joguinho, para me manter a uma certa distância mas ao mesmo tempo querendo agradar ela. Preciso tomar cuidado com isso porque ela realmente tem problema de saúde e pessoalmente e por mensagem ela demonstra interesse, me dá atenção, é até ciosa e carinhosa. Então antes de hoje, ela estava demonstrando todos os sinais que tava interessada, assim como eu estou nela, mas agora eu estou me perguntando milhares de vezes "Será que ela realmente tá interessada, ou tá só querendo ter alguém que fiquei idolatrando ela?". Tô me perguntando isso o tempo todo tentando lembrar das atitudes dela comigo... mas tudo que vejo é que ela tá sendo legal comigo e me correspondendo da mesma forma, mas hoje ela não mandou muita mensagem e não falou comigo, e hoje nos estávamos combinando de sair. Então aí tem 2 opções, ou ela tá realmente doente e passando mal, ou ela está me evitando pra não falar comigo e não ter que sair comigo por querer que eu fique correndo atrás dela.
Isso tá me gerando estresse, e muita energia gasta mentalmente, espero que ela esteja bem, eu não me acho idiota por realmente demonstrar meu interesse e tratar ela como eu trataría alguém que eu esteja gostando. Mas tem mil e uma vozes na minha cabeça agora me deixando alerta pra observar os sinais das "red flag".
Hi, for those of you reading this... well, I have doubts, but it's better for me to explain calmly.
Ok let's go, I recently started a job and with that you meet new and different people, my job isn't a big deal, it's something so I can do other things while I receive a fixed income. Okay, and with that I met a very interesting person, who had a lot to do with me, we both showed interest in the other in the first few days, she showed interest and so did I. We had a cool connection... at least in my head.
For me, she had everything to do with me, but I can't speak for her, but anyway, through messages, one shows interest to the other, I'm more emotional, I show it more often and I'm the first to comment, but she responds. She doesn't respond much to phone messages, she has a very busy and tiring day, I already know about her routine but whenever she can, she responds... okay, I'm already being very specific, let me get straight to the point.
We were planning to go out today, but she felt sick yesterday and all day today she hasn't answered me much on her cell phone, I'm creating a thousand and one voices in my head, wondering if she's really interested in me or if she's playing games, to get me keeping a certain distance but at the same time wanting to please her. I need to be careful with this because she really has health problems and personally and through messages she shows interest, gives me attention, is even jealous and affectionate. So before today, she was showing all the signs that she was interested, just like I am in her, but now I'm asking myself thousands of times "Is she really interested, or is she just wanting to have someone I've been idolizing her?" . I'm asking myself this all the time trying to remember her attitude towards me... but all I see is that she's being nice to me and corresponding with me in the same way, but today she didn't send many messages and didn't talk to me, and today we were arranging to go out. So there are 2 options, either she is really sick and feeling unwell, or she is avoiding me so she doesn't talk to me and doesn't have to go out with me because she wants me to chase her.
This is causing me stress, and a lot of energy spent mentally, I hope she's okay, I don't think I'm stupid for really showing my interest and treating her like I would treat someone I like. But she has a thousand and one voices in my head now making me alert to watch for red flag signs.
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readitreviewit · 2 months
Are you tired of your mundane 9-5 job and dreaming of becoming your own boss? Look no further than Ken Colwell’s Starting a Business QuickStart Guide. This book is the ultimate beginner’s guide to starting a business in 2023, and it shows you everything you need to know to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Whether you have an idea for an amazing product or service, or just a ton of passion, this book will guide you step-by-step on how to turn your vision into a successful business. From the very first steps of conceptualizing your venture to winning your first customers, delivering value, and turning a profit, Colwell’s clear voice and extensive experience provide an invaluable blueprint for your journey to entrepreneurial success. The Starting a Business QuickStart Guide covers all the essentials, but what really sets it apart from other business books is its practicality. Colwell’s guide walks you through the difference between an idea and an opportunity, how to identify customers and competition, pricing, market research, crafting your value proposition, writing a comprehensive business plan, and much more. He demystifies the components of the entrepreneurial mindset, so anyone can develop the skills and mindset to survive and thrive in the competitive business environment. One of the unique features of this book is that it comes with FREE lifetime access to tons of exclusive online resources to help you become a better business owner. From a business plan checklist and presentation blueprint to an elevator pitch template and tips, the Starting a Business QuickStart Guide provides everything you need to hit the ground running. Whether you are a beginner with zero prior experience, an entrepreneurial student of any age, or a current business owner looking to identify your customers and deliver true world-class value, this book is for you. It’s also a great resource for managers, business owners, and decision-makers growing into a new role. Not only is this book an excellent resource for individuals looking to start a business, but it’s also used for college-level entrepreneurship course material. Colwell’s guide is the most comprehensive guide ever developed for starting and growing a business in 2023. Colwell sourced his information from over twenty years of firsthand experience working with entrepreneurs, new ventures, and high-growth startups. His guide is like an introductory MBA program written specifically for new entrepreneurs. Even if you aren’t seeking funding from investors, you need a business plan. Use the guidance included in this book to write a killer business plan from the ground up page by page, line by line. Your business plan will help you measure results, beat the competition, and meet your entrepreneurial goals. Investors, creditors, suppliers, and more want to see your financials. Use these invaluable done-for-you Pro Forma Financial Templates to save time and put your best foot forward. Your network is the lifeblood of your business, and Colwell’s guide provides resources to help you network with like-minded entrepreneurs. Use these additional resources to determine how long it will take for your business to break even, better understand your customers, prepare your business for change, and more! In addition to being a fantastic resource for beginners, this book is perfect for current or new entrepreneurs who want to scale their businesses. It’s also great for business owners and accounting students, new managers, and small business owners, and business students. The Starting a Business QuickStart Guide is available in paperback, hardcover, spiral-bound format, and as a Kindle eBook. It’s illustrated and has 282 pages. Its ISBN-10 is 1945051825, and its ISBN-13 is 978-1945051821. It weighs 1.11 pounds and its dimensions are 7.5 x 0.64 x 9.25 inches. In conclusion, if you have ever dreamt of starting your own business and living life on your terms, the Starting a Business QuickStart Guide is the perfect book for you.
It’s fun, practical, and a must-have resource for anyone looking to make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Don't miss out on the thrilling journey through the pages of this book! Buy it today and discover a world of adventure and excitement. But if you prefer to listen on-the-go, sign up for a 30-day trial of audible and let the story come to life through your headphones. Don't wait any longer, grab your copy or trial now! Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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thxnews · 9 months
Nyanzaga Gold Project: Transforming Mining with Sustainability
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  Creating a Path to Sustainable Development and Growth
In a landmark move that promises to reshape the landscape of precious metals production and exploration, Silvercorp Metals Inc. and OreCorp Limited have jointly announced a binding scheme implementation deed. Under this agreement, Silvercorp will undertake the acquisition of all fully-paid ordinary shares of OreCorp not held by Silvercorp or its associates. This strategic maneuver, executed within the framework of an Australian scheme of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act 2001, holds significant potential for both companies and the industry at large.  
Transformative Transaction and Strategic Vision
A Leap Towards Global Leadership With a compelling vision at its heart, the transaction is set to redefine the precious metals landscape. The proposal involves OreCorp shareholders receiving A$0.15 in cash along with 0.0967 of a Silvercorp common share (equivalent to A$0.45), culminating in a comprehensive offering valued at A$0.60 per OreCorp Share. The result is an integration of resources and expertise, giving rise to a diverse, highly profitable precious metals entity. This venture is primed to harness a pro forma market cap of US$630 million, unlocking new avenues for growth, innovation, and sustainable practices.  
Harmonizing Innovation and Ecological Commitment
Pioneering Sustainability in Precious Metals Production Central to the endeavor is a robust commitment to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. This foundational principle underscores the alliance's dedication to not only commercial success but also the preservation of ecological integrity. The alliance embodies a harmonious fusion of commercial prowess and ecological vigilance, harmonizing the imperatives of business growth with the imperative of safeguarding our natural heritage. Through this transformative partnership, Silvercorp aims to leverage its technical acumen to propel the development of the Nyanzaga Gold Project in Tanzania. This endeavor aligns seamlessly with the broader goal of sustainable, responsible mining, aligning with global calls for environmentally-conscious practices. The confluence of Silvercorp's expertise and this conscientious approach promises to set a new benchmark for the mining industry's role in a greener future.  
Unlocking Value and Ushering in a New Era
Bridging Expertise and Empowerment As Silvercorp takes the helm in the development of Nyanzaga, the endeavor transcends mere business collaboration. It becomes an avenue for OreCorp and Silvercorp shareholders to be part of a more expansive, impactful entity. The integration opens doors to enhanced trading liquidity, potential re-rating, and greater opportunities for exploration. Moreover, the strong pro forma balance sheet provides a solid foundation, ensuring swift and efficient development while mitigating potential financial risks.  
A Precious Metals Powerhouse on the Horizon
Forging a Global Presence with Diverse Holdings This transformation propels both entities toward an epoch of heightened exploration and production. With Silvercorp's proven track record and OreCorp's strategic assets, the newly formed entity is poised to become a powerhouse in the precious metals domain. Notably, the plan is underpinned by regulatory approvals and prudent evaluations, reinforcing its potential to unlock new horizons for investors and stakeholders alike.  
A Visionary Outlook and Strategic Advancements
Nurturing Growth through Collective Expertise Dr. Rui Feng, Chairman, and CEO of Silvercorp, succinctly encapsulated the essence of the partnership. He underscored the exceptional chance to merge technical prowess and a robust financial footing to collectively enhance shareholder value. Henk Diederichs, OreCorp's Managing Director, and CEO echoed this sentiment, accentuating the instant premium extended to shareholders and the harmonious potential derived from the amalgamation of strengths.  
Strengthening Global Partnerships and Forward Momentum
A Triumph for Tanzanian Investment Key Tanzanian Government stakeholders actively support the transaction, showcasing a commitment to international investment. Moreover, the collaboration aligns seamlessly with the vision articulated by Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan. This showcases a harmonious partnership between the private sector and the government, which in turn augurs well for the people of Tanzania. Furthermore, it paves the way for responsible and impactful mining ventures. With its profound implications and vast potential, the Silvercorp-OreCorp alliance heralds a new era for the precious metals sector. Through the implementation of sustainable practices, the sharing of expertise, and a visionary outlook, this venture truly embodies the spirit of progress and responsible growth. As stakeholders eagerly anticipate the finalization of the scheme, the industry stands on the precipice of a transformative journey toward a brighter and more sustainable future.   Sources: THX News & Silvercorp Metals Inc. Read the full article
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