#pro starker
statisticalcats2 · 6 months
How Tony "suave playboy who can charm you into his bed within 10 minutes" Stark handles himself around Peter Parker
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kenztheweirdmf · 7 months
can we all agree civil war is dog shit hate they made Tony and Steve fight each other
me and my homies hate Hero vs Hero events
( i ship starker, spidershield, winterspider and stucky and will always deny that movie exist )
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kodogender · 1 year
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sim!tony x peter (starker) stimboard for my beloved xxx - xxx - xxx
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Sunflower Blessings
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Summary: Sunflower fairy Peter is different from the other fairies in a lot of ways. He was born from an unusual flower, at the height of summer, and like all sunflowers, he only has eyes for Sun God Stark. Unfortunately, he draws the attention of the capricious Wind God Beck, who makes his life difficult.
Read on AO3
Tags: Fairies and Gods Au, Sunflower Fairy Peter, Sun God Tony Stark, Fluff, For Pro
Thanks to @the-mad-starker for your help betaing and I hope you like it @endgame-ironspider
Peter is an oddball for a fairy in more ways than one. He was born from a sunflower at the height of summer instead of from the more delicate flowers in the spring. He was also unfailingly curious, always wanting to know why and how instead of just tending his flowers per tradition. But the oddest thing about Peter was his devotion to the sun. Being a sunflower fairy, Peter personally thought it made sense, but the others never understood how he could worship the sun god Stark with such fervor while only paying minor attention to the earth or water gods that provided them succor, or the wind god who’s fickle nature played havoc with their meadows.
Regardless of their speculation and commentary, Peter rose every morning to perform a salutation to the sun, wishing the god a joyful day before going to tend his meadow. Peter’s home was farthest up the mountain compared to his fellow fairies, away from the taller trees that so often blocked the sun. It could be a bit lonely, but it was better than never getting to feel the sun’s rays on his face or dealing with half the fairies swooning over the mischievous water god Loki or the arrogant wind god Beck. At least the earth god Fury was a solid reliable source, if a bit too serious.
Not that Stark was perfect either if Peter was honest. The sun god rarely showed his face where Peter could see him, not bothering to burn away Beck's clouds most days. Peter had only seen the god himself twice, and both had left an impression. He was handsome and strong, able to burn away all that stood in his path, which made him dangerous. But Peter had seen his softer side when the god had greeted his sister the moon goddess Pepper, and when he had played with the sun dogs that spread the rays throughout the sky.
Peter wished that some day the god would take note of his devotion and grant him and his meadow a bit more of his attention. Peter had sunflowers he wished to see bloom after all, seedlings grown from the one that had birthed him, and they could only grow strong if the sun shone upon them. It would be nice to not be the only sunflower fairy in their clan.
“One day,” he whispered to his heart flowers as he gently strengthened them with his blessings. “One day, you’ll get his blessing and you’ll grow so tall and strong, it will be like a forest instead of a meadow.”
Seasons passed and Peter didn't lose hope so much as resign himself to being the only sunflower fairy. New fairies could only be born from flowers that were blessed by at least one god after all, and Peter never tried to gain the others' favor. He was a sunflower fairy, thus only Stark's blessing would do, and if the god did not see fit to grant his wishes, then it was not Peter's place to argue.
“What do you guys think?” He asked his heart flowers one day, lying among the nasturtiums and marigolds that carpeted the field. It was a rare day where the sun broke through, and all of them had turned to face the sun. “Am I crazy?”
They couldn’t talk but Peter would swear he could hear their murmuring and laughter like a faraway conversation you could just barely hear carried by the wind. He got the feeling he was being laughed at, and he smiled.
“You’re right. We’re sunflowers. Of course we’d only seek the sun,” Peter said. “I just wish he’d spend a little more time with us. His rays always feel so good but it’s not enough for you to grow properly.”
The murmuring returns, this time a little sadder.
“I know. And I promise to replant you every year, just as I always have,” Peter said, tears filling his eyes. Most fairies could keep their heart flowers alive year round, but Peter was still young, and without the blessing of a god, he didn’t have the power to sustain them. Instead, his heart flowers would go to seed each year and he would replant them with the seasons, continuing the bloodline of the flower that birthed him. It was the way of the natural world though, so Peter couldn’t complain. Even if it meant the winter months got extra lonely sometimes.
One quiet summer night though, as he gazed at the full moon, Peter whispered a quiet prayer to the moon goddess. He knew it was a long shot. She was a busy goddess and fairies typically did not fall under her domain, but maybe, just maybe, she would be willing to put a good word in with her brother. Maybe he would grant Peter the strength to keep them alive this year.
When still the sun hid behind the clouds and fall started closing in, Peter sighed sadly but continued his devotionals, basking in the little sun that broke through, and tending his sad looking sunflowers. He tried to cheer them up, but they were too closely tied to him, and his sorrow caused them to droop.
“I’m sorry, my friends,” he told them, gently petting their leaves. “Next year will be better though. I’ll work harder and we’ll have the grandest meadow.”
Each day, the sun rose and set and each day, Peter tracked Stark's journey across the sky. It wasn't as happy an existence as some of the other fairies had, but Peter made do as best as he could until one day he drew the attention of the god Beck. Peter disliked the god, as he was careless with his powers and often ruined meadows as often as his breezes tended them. The few times a fairy had said something, Beck claimed it all an accident, but those same fairies all suffered damaged meadows during the stormy season. Peter couldn't prove anything, but it seemed pretty damning when none of Beck's devotees had such issues despite having meadows near the others. Thus Peter was determined to not get involved with the capricious god.
Only the god had decided that would not do.
"Come now, little fairy, why do you ignore me in your devotions?" Beck asked one fall day as Peter tended his meadow.
"I am a sunflower fairy, sir. Like the flower I am born from, my face will always look towards the sun," Peter replied as he continued to work.
"Your sun hardly shines even here at the top of the mountain," Beck said.
"My meadow gets enough," Peter replied, still refusing to fully acknowledge the god.
"I could fix it, you know," Beck said, the arrogance in his voice grating on Peter's nerves. "It would be a simple thing to blow away the clouds for the light to shine down."
Peter didn't respond at first. Sure, the extra light would do his meadow good, but it wasn't just the rays he wanted to bask in. He wanted Stark's blessing.
"I appreciate the offer, sir, but my devotion is to the sun god, as a sunflower fairy should be," Peter said firmly.
"Have it your way, little fairy," Beck said with a scowl. "But don't come begging to me when your precious flowers don't get what they need."
Peter swallowed hard but didn't say anything as the god left. He'd weathered storms before, he could do it again. But just in case, he made sure to pull extra seeds from his heart flowers, protecting them by buying them deep at a hidden spot near the edge of his field. Then he set about trying to lay as many protections around the small meadow as he could.
The rest of fall passed quietly, and Peter thought maybe the wind god had forgotten him, though he continued to build up his protections for his field against the coming winter storms.
When winter hit, he realized he had been wrong. Beck had not forgotten him. Rather, the god had been saving up his ire and vengeance, unleashing storm after storm with Peter's meadow directly in his path.
Peter was forced to retreat into the forest, unable to even try to endure with his poor plants. As he fled, he whispered soft farewells, caressing their leaves and petals one last time. Then he hid, tucked away with a wood sprite named Ned for the winter, venturing out again only when spring had come and the storms were truly gone.
The devastation to his home and his heart flowers nearly broke him. Peter fell to the dirt and simply cried, unable to even appreciate the brilliant warm sun that shone down in his meadow that day.
He was so distraught he didn't even notice when another joined him in the meadow.
"Gotta say when Pepper said I needed to come meet the fairy here, I wasn't expecting to be on emotional comfort duty," a voice said dryly. "I'm afraid it's not my strong suit."
Peter's head whipped up in disbelief, eyes going wide at the sight of Stark standing before him. For a brief moment, Peter's heart leapt because his message had gotten through and his god was here. The elation crumbled to shame just as quickly as Peter took in his ruined meadow.
"I'm sorry, sire," Peter whispered, eyes firmly back on the ground, unable to face his god like this. "My offerings to you were destroyed."
"Offerings?" Stark asked curiously.
"I'm a sunflower fairy, and I was trying to grow more in my meadow as offerings to you," Peter explained. "Bu- but they were destroyed. My heart plants were destroyed."
Peter couldn't stop the sobs that shook his body as he knelt in the barren plot. If only his message had gotten through sooner, or if hadn't drawn the attention of Beck, then he could have finally asked for Stark's blessing. Could have finally not been the only one.
"What happened to them, little one?" Stark asked. Peter hesitated briefly before he decided he could hardly look more foolish at this point. So he told Stark about his meadow and how it never got quite enough sun and how Beck had offered to fix things.
"When winter came, my meadow didn't stand a chance," Peter said quietly. "I tried, I really did, sire, but there were too many storms."
"This wasn't your fault, little one," Stark said gently, putting a finger under Peter's chin and forcing him to look up. "Devotion cannot be forced or it is false and worth nothing. Your devotion is a pure gift that he was jealous of and I'm sorry I did not make time to come sooner. But I will make time now, little one. Replant your heart seeds, and I will make sure your sunflowers reach the very skies."
"But what about Beck, sire?" Peter couldn't help but ask nervously. However, Stark just smiled and laid a kiss on Peter's head in benediction.
"I will take care of him, my little one."
Stark disappeared in a flash of brilliant light, and Peter wondered if he had imagined the whole thing, however, he did what Stark said. He dug up his seeds and diligently replanted them.
Later, as he was gathering water for his troughs, he caught sight of his reflection. Where Stark had placed his blessing, his hair was no longer nut brown, but was instead a sunkissed gold. Peter stared in shock for a few minutes before gathering himself and getting back to work with more enthusiasm. The other fairies could say what they would when they saw the mark, but Peter was a sunflower fairy, and he belonged to Stark.
Peter didn't see Stark again all Spring or the beginning of summer but he saw proof of his presence and proof the god was keeping his promise. The earth under his meadow was the most fertile it had ever been and in a true act of god- specifically the earth god- Peter's meadow had even been given natural protections against the winds and storms. Windbreaks and ledges that hadn't been there before now sheltered his heart flowers without blocking their sun.
Water also bubbled up naturally in a nearby spring that Peter knew had never existed before. He encased it in stone, creating a shallow pool to draw water from as he needed. Given their gifts, Peter made sure to leave thank yous for Fury and Loki, though he had a feeling Stark had called in a favor for such a large gift to be given to such a young and obscure fairy like him.
The best part, though, was the extra sun. Stark burned the clouds away every day, showering Peter's meadow in warm sunlight. Peter felt like a cat with how much he curled up in the warm rays, basking in his god's second hand presence.
His flowers murmured happily in the back of his mind, their faces always turned towards the sun as they grew taller and taller. For once, his flowers grew taller than him, and Peter couldn’t help telling them again and again how proud he was of them. How beautiful they were.
As summer was nearing its height, Stark came to visit again. This time, Peter was proud to show off his meadow and sunflowers that reached as tall as 5 year trees.
"It's beautiful, little one," Stark said, admiring the tallest flowers.
"Peter. My name is Peter, and if I've pleased you with my offerings, perhaps you'd leave your blessings on my heart flowers as well," Peter said, his heart beating out of his chest. "So that there might be more sunflower fairies."
"Peter, huh," Tony said, giving the fairy a brilliant smile. "It would be my pleasure. Let's start with just two though. I hear you were quite the handful as a budling and I doubt anyone else will know how to handle a sunflower fairy quite so well as you."
Peter flushed but still smiled brightly back, making Tony chuckle. The fairy watched with bated breath as Tony approached the biggest of his heart flowers and placed a gentle kiss on the first.
"Take good care of him for me, little bud. He needs a good, strong friend that will understand him," Tony whispered before moving to the next.
"Bring him joy and sun when the clouds cover my rays. Like a piece of the sun itself, shine brilliantly and never be dimmed," Tony charged the second.
Then he stepped back and turned to Peter again.
"I will come visit in the spring, my Peter. I look forward to meeting the budlings then," Tony said. He cupped Peter's face gently and placed another kiss on the fairy's hair. It was tempting to leave a second mark but Pepper had scolded him enough about the first, so he behaved.
Then he lifted Peter's face until their noses touched.
"Be well, my little sun, and be happy until I see you again."
Peter flushed a bright red, looking nearly sunburnt, which Tony supposed was rather fitting. As he was about to pull back and leave, his little fairy surprised him with a soft kiss of his own.
"My face will always be turned towards you. Be happy and well, sire," Peter said.
"Tony, you can call me Tony," he said in response. Then he stole one last kiss before slipping away on the nearest ray of sun.
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userpeggycarter · 8 months
your 'won't reblog' list is so funny imagine being a loser who hates fun that much. imagine being such a sad little butt baby you can't interact with anyone who likes things you don't. couldn't be me!
wow. i don't even know where to begin.
it's kinda hilarious that **I** am the sad little butt baby but you're the one having a meltdown in my inbox? being butthurt because a stranger has a "won't reblog" section in their about page????? do you have self awareness??? read that second to last sentence I just typed again. read it. HOW CAN YOU NOT GET IT???? 😱
second of all, the "won't reblog" section is a guideline for tagging me on posts. i don't reblog that stuff for a reason. it's not a DNI. in fact, I do interact with people who reblog and make content about (some of) that stuff listed in my blog because the morals of media consumption are complicated and very personal. some things i draw a very hard line on, some i don't. let me explain each of those "forbidden media" in my blog for you in basic terms like I'm talking to a child (because i am):
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Wizarding World: JK Rowling is a TERF, an antisemite and a racist. i thought this one was self-explanatory. it's 2023 ffs
MCU!Maximoffs are white-washed, anti-romani and very antisemitic. google that stuff if you don't know. next question. (i did reblog a MCU Wanda gifset recently btw, but a mutual tagged me on it and i felt awkward ignoring it, but when that happens i tag those posts with #mcu wanda because some people blacklist that tag and for good reason. also it's a subtle way to say I'm not okay with her. i wish these awkward situations didn't happen but they do and i like to support creators, despite your allegations that i don't.
starker is a p*do ship. thorki is inc*st. duh
ngl reylo is not necessarily problematic i just think it's lame lol maybe it shouldn't be on the list because all of that other stuff has serious problems (IN MY OPINION!)
red/orange/color-washed content is racist if done with POC (and it's even a bad look if you're dealing with white people, to a lesser extent ofc)
i don't need to explain johnny depp do i? christ
henry cavill dated a teenager. google it
the last of us's creator is anti palestine and pro genocide.
elizabeth olsen said the G slur on air in the Graham Norton show AFTER he told her it was a slur!!!!!!!!!!! again google it.
gal gadot is also anti palestine. remember the IDF cunt post? iconic
taylor swift: same thing with reylo, i'm just not interested in her, even though she's not exactly a saint either... but honestly i put TS on the list mostly because most of the gifmaker community loves her and i was worried people would tag me on TS content and that would be an uncomfortable situation, because i don't like to ignore tagged posts but also i like to have boundaries/preferences, even though YOU deem them silly or stupid (like if that's your right to do so lmao alexa play toxic by britney spears)
i'm betting money it was the taylor swift thing that pissed you off lol maybe mcu wanda???? both?
stolen/reposted content is also self-explanatory right? or are you that stupid? considering the tantrum i think you are but hope springs eternal i guess...
LAST, but not least, i'm gonna end on a positive note because unlike you I'm not a cunt (derogatory). I'm gonna address your first message here:
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listen, i get it. i get frustrated with notes too. the grass is always greener and there's always a bigger fish i guess. you envy me and i envy other creators bigger than me. but we shouldn't do that. first of all, it's not a competition. my "success" (it's tumblr at the end of the day... silly stuff!) is not a threat to you or anyone else. people can reblog my gifs and yours, they don't have to pick a creator. unfortunately, tumblr has been suffering from lack of interaction lately and it's just getting worse. all creators are complaining about it. creators of different sizes and different niches, btw. we complain in private and in public. and what tumblr does in return? text posts complaining about us complaining get 50k notes in a day. it's tough. we shouldn't be treated this way, even though no one is obliged to reblog stuff and we aren't owed notes. but it's natural and fair to feel sad about lack of recognition and complain about. tumblr's lack of engagement is going to kill the website, but that's a conversation to another day.
i want to end with this:
you need to create because you want to create. you need to create because you want to get better at your craft. recognition is good and it's natural to want and feel upset about the lack of it, but it shouldn't kill your creative spirit. social media has poisoned our brains. 50 notes might not sound a lot but imagine 50 people in real life complimenting you. you might be someone's favorite creator. you might be a niche creator who is carrying your community on your back and people in that niche are so grateful for you, even though they don't say that. because unfortunately, hate speaks louder than love. case in point, this hate mail. for every one of you out there, there must be 10 people who like my work. but i never hear from them and that sucks, but i must believe that they exist and be thankful for them. sometimes people will recognize my hard work and i'm very grateful for those moments. they do motivate me, but they aren't the only thing that motivates me. making posts i wanna reblog but won't exist until i make them motivates me. getting better at my craft motivates me. making friends because of my craft motivates me. knowing i'm entertaining people (even though they're very silent about their appreciation of my work) motivates me. tumblr is a social media platform and social media is made by its users. if anyone stopped posting, there wouldn't be anything to do here. my gifset might not change the trajectory of someone's day (sometimes it does!), but it's my drop of water alongside thousands of other drops of water from other users that make this ocean that we all swim in. don't give up. keep making gifs. you will get better at them. people will follow you. you will get more notes. might not be enough followers or enough notes in your opinion, but we shouldn't put a number on our value.
and let me tell you a secret: when your goal is numbers, you're never satisfied. believe me, i learned this lesson. i thought i would be happy with hundreds of followers. then i got hundreds of followers. suddenly they weren't enough, i wanted thousands of followers now. and then i got them. guess what? i still seek validation through numbers (google David Foster Wallace's This is Water btw). but it will never be enough because you are now and i was then looking at the wrong solution to the problem. i need to FEEL enough, not be told by numbers or people that I'm enough. I'm the one that decides that. and i am enough. I'm good, even. hell, I'm great. and in theory, so do you, but god that attitude... it ain't it. it will only cause you pain. and worse, it's causing you to try to cause pain in others. isn't that sad? isn't that shameful? i do say try because newsflash pussycat, it didn't work. i was baffled by your hate (thankfully i don't get a lot of hate around here!), but i wasn't hurt. because I'm not threatened by your perception of me. because it's superficial, childish, hateful, you name it. i know myself. i love myself. in the words of my beloved URL namesake, i know my value. do you know yours? it doesn't seem like you do. and that type of attitude only lessens your value, babe. this is not getting you anywhere in tumblr or worse, in life.
this would be the moment in which i would wish you the best, but you know what? fuck you. i hope you get no notes until eternity. but in case an innocent person is reading this and is also battling with their self-worth due to tumblr notes: i wish you the best. don't give up.
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ficview · 9 months
View - Raising Hybrid Puppies
By JayPendragon
AO3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11596698
Tony Stark, in this no-powers AU, meets Peter Parker, a cute but underage barista, in a local coffee shop. The law's never stopped him before though, has it?
-Really well-written with a solid plot. It reads and flows so well, it could be a book.
-Great inclusion of major characters in this no-powers world. Loved to see Stucky, Banner, MJ, and especially, Toomes in their new roles!
-Concrete themes of class divide (rich vs working man), media culture, and infantilization of teens that mostly blend well with the story
-There are actual legal consequences for indulging in an underage relationship for Tony which are a huge plot point. There is no skirting the law, and it was heartening to finally see that in a Starker.
-Barely any characters who are close to Peter or Tony express any serious outrage upon getting to know their relationship. Takes the realism out of a mostly believable story.
-I can see the lust but I can't see the love (so when they suddenly say 'I love you', I was like 'Where did that come from?!!')
But this is a must-read for any Starker fan. I'm still going gaga over how absorbing the plot was and how fluently it read.
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bulkyphrase · 6 months
Hi there, question for you: do you filter any tags? What are they, if you don't mind sharing? (even just a yes or no answer is helpful if you don't wish to elaborate)
Just FYI, I'm going around and asking this same question to others in the community (so please don't feel targeted or anything like that), but if you wouldn't mind answering this question, I'd be very curious to know your answer!
If you do answer, please consider tagging your reply "#filtered tags ask" for convenience, and if you're inclined to copy/paste this ask into others' ask boxes, it'd be much appreciated 🙏
I do filter tags! I filter a bunch of tags, actually:
#amber heard #anti endgame #anti endgame steve #anti mcu wanda maximoff #anti peggy #anti peggy carter #anti st*ggy #anti steggy #anti steve rodgers #anti steve rogers #anti team cap #anti wanda maximoff #anti wandavision #avengers incorrect quotes #barry #bucky barnes x reader #bucky x reader #call of duty #chris evans x reader #dark!steve x reader #dark!steve x you #dead poets society #dps #house md #howard stark x reader #hydra husbands #incorrect marvel quotes #incorrect mcu quotes #incorrect quotes #johnny depp #jonny depp #kinnporsche #kinnporsche the series #Kiseki: Dear to me #loki x reader #lucifer #mcu incorrect quotes #natasha romanoff x reader #natasha romanoff x you #natasha x reader #not a rating #ofmd #pro tony stark #reader insert #rwrb #rwrb spoilers #starker #steve rodgers x reader #steve rogers critical #steve rogers x black!reader #steve rogers x fem!reader #steve rogers x male reader #steve rogers x reader #steve rogers x reader fluff #steve rogers x stark!reader #steve rogers x you #steve x reader #this is a captain carter hate blog sorry #tony stark defense squad #wanda maximoff x reader #wanda maximoff x you
These are a mix of tags I actively don't want to see anywhere (e.g. anti steve rogers), popular stuff I don't mind but am tired of seeing on my dash (e.g. ofmd), and tags that I'm willing to see from trusted people but not the general tumblr population (e.g. anti endgame, or pro tony stark). Plus the never ending quest to keep tag search and browse results from being clogged with a bunch of super long x reader fics.
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statisticalcats2 · 9 months
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It was just supposed to be a fairly simple time travel mission (or as simple as time travel can be anyway) for Peter. He'd be in close range of pre-Iron Man Mr. Stark at some high end party but he honestly didn't think anything of it. Peter wasn't someone who had to go out of his way to be under the radar, he wasn't noteworthy. He was beneath notice. But Mr. Stark did notice him. Peter didn't know how he had inadvertently caught the eye of his not-a-hero-yet mentor but suddenly his mission became sidetracked as he found himself unable to escape Mr. Stark's attentions. "And who are you?" "Uh, Peter P... Reilly. Peter Reilly, Mr. Stark, sir." "I'd say to call me Tony but I gotta admit, I like the way you say my name. Come dance with me?" "Oh... no, I couldn't, I wouldn't want to keep you from anything important..." "You're important right now." "I-" "Just say yes." "....Yes, Mr. Stark."
@pparkerbingo - B2: time travel
@tstarksbingospectacular - O4: "Just say yes"
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applesauceisdeli · 2 years
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|𝙞 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙤 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣' 𝙞𝙛 𝙞 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙗𝙘 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪.| ______________________________________
You ship sylki (that shit uncomfortable ASF.)
You out here defending Wanda for her actions (this girl enslaved a whole town,tried to kill a kid because her non-existent children are gone.)
"sylvie is a good character" (i'm gon get dragged for this,but sylvie's character is just as interesting as a cringy Deviantart OC.)
You ship tenmiko (to all the people in the danganronpa fandom,this ship is toxic as it is one-sided.)
You are a pro-shipper (while it may be fiction,that doesn't exclude the fact that ship's that contain incest and p3dophilia and abusiveness is still wrong and does effect reality.)
"|character| did nothing wrong!"
You are a fujoshi (kindly go touch grass and take a shower you pig <3)
You ship celesgiri (that ship has no chemistry,why bother.)
You ship starker (peter parker x tony stark)
You ship junkan (junko x mikan)
You ship togafuka (byakuya x toko)
You ship ereri (levi x eren)
You ship billdip (bill x dipper)
You apart of the DNF fandom
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Hiiii! Why do you think so many people are against Tony/Peter?? Like I get that a relationship with someone underage is a bad thing but at the same time this is all fiction?? It’s just stories?? Also I see Peter and Tony as like their actors too so I don’t even think of Peter as underage since Tom Holland is older than that?? Idk, I just hate when people make me feel like I’m a horrible person but I get so much comfort and joy from these two :/
Hi there sweetheart!🌸
There’s lots of reasons why people dislike all sorts of ships, including starker. Fandom would be a much nicer space if people could just «ship and let ship»😮‍💨✌🏻I’ve always been pro-ship and I always will be.
My advice is for all of us to try and focus on what we like and what makes us happy. Block people who are openly hateful against your ship, report and delete any anon hate you receive and make sure to tag your stuff as best as you can.
This is all fiction and no real people are being harmed. As long as you tag your stuff and do your part that way, then you are not responsible for the experience other people have online. We all have to look out for ourselves online, and going online always involves a risk of getting upset. But, that’s part of life sadly. I hope these few tricks can be helpful to you darling💗💗 Don’t feel bad for just enjoying fiction online🌸🌸
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hello N! Did you find show Claudia to be manipulative with Louis at all? I don't mean that to sound disparaging necessarily, I really enjoyed the complexity of the three vampires and I found all three flawed by varying levels. I also tend to prefer antiheroes and villains so this is by no means a Claudia "diss". I really like the character in the book, movie and series. I do think she genuinely loved Louis, but I also found some of her actions to be a little manipulative or maybe not in Louis' best interest. I have found that she is a difficult one to say anything disapproving about in the fandom and I am assuming it's because she helped Louis rehabilitate and was a good (unromantic) companion for him for the most part. But maybe my opinion is misguided so I thought I'd ask a pro. Would you mind sharing your opinion?
Not a pro^^, but happy to give you my opinion on that :)
Claudia does manipulate / try to manipulate Louis, though how much of that is intent (at that point) or not may be open to debate.
Claudia is stuck mentally. I have called this a "mental cage" before, she is prevented to fully mature, and she can not, physically can not(!) develop her mind beyond a certain point. Which does not mean that she is not smart, far from it. (Obviously). Or loving, or ... you catch my drift.
No, what it means is that she is stuck in the 14-year-old-hormonal-upheaval-knows-best mind.
And that... colors everything she does - of course.
It informs her decisions, her words, and her actions.
This can be seen for example when she deducts from the books she's read and Bruce and Lestat that "they can not be all like them" - her mind is simply unable to imagine something worse than this that someone could do to her. It doesn't "compute".
Or when she drags Louis to go see Lestat with Antoinette - she thinks she's helping, but Louis is not stupid, and he had smelled Antoinette on Lestat before. And had remarked on it. And now he has to react to it. And that is just another weight for him, not a relief.
Or her furious rejection of Lestat's tries to apologize - justified or not(!), but in the end her insistence (Louis would have broken much sooner) to reject him for so long makes Lestat's behavior shifts again (I've talked about that).
Or when she sees Lestat in the end only as their master, and them as his slaves. It simply cannot "be" in her mind that he may have reasons for his behavior. He's their bad sire, end of story.
The world is in a much, much starker contrast for her, emotionally, and it colors all her perceptions, and actions, as well as her relationship to Louis.
And, having a teenager at home, I think the show did a fantastic job to portray that!
Canonically Claudia also is aware of the fact that she needs one of them - and that she can only manipulate one of them to kill the other - namely Louis. And so she does.
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Boss's Little Slut
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Summary: Peter spills coffee all over Mr. Stark's work. To make it up to him, Peter shows him just how sorry he is. From his knees. Pure smut, mind the tags.
Thanks to @the-mad-starker for being my amazing beta
Read on AO3
Tags: BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers,boss tony stark, Intern Peter Parker, Smut, literally nothing but smut, Face Fucking, Tony's Belt, Peter ruts against furniture, Cock Slapping, Cum everywhere, Dom/sub Undertones, Dom Tony Stark, Sub Peter Parker, Mildly Dubious Consent, dub con if you squint, but Peter is honestly totally on board
Peter stared in horror at the puddle of coffee that now coated all of the documents Mr. Stark had just signed for Ms. Potts. The man had been working on them for hours and Peter just had to trip and drop an entire cup of coffee all over them. Tears pricked at his eyes as he frantically grabbed one of the nearby emergency towels. The engineering genius was known for bringing messes into the office but Peter doubted this is what they meant by it.
Mr. Stark said nothing as Peter cleaned, his stern gaze picking Peter apart as he worked. The man stopped only to push his chair back so Peter could reach the rest of the mess.
“I am so sorry, sir,” Peter croaked, trying not to sob. Mr. Stark wasn’t known for being forgiving when people screwed up and he couldn’t lose this job. “Please, sir, I’m so sorry. Please don’t fire me. I’ll do anything.”
“Anything, huh?” Stark said, his voice clearly skeptical. “See, I think you’re lying.”
“No, I’m not,” Peter rushed to say. “I mean it, sir.”
“And if I tell you to get on your knees, Mr. Parker?” Mr. Stark asked, one hand sliding down to his belt. “Are you going to do what I tell you like a good little slut for your boss?”
Rather than answer, Peter dropped to his knees, wide eyes looking up at Stark, awaiting the next order. Peter shuddered as Mr. Stark stood, the click of the buckle making him jolt while the shhhk of the leather sliding free felt like a hand caressing his back.
Tony grinned at how responsive his new toy was. Ever since Parker had been assigned to him, he’d been looking for an excuse to push, to see just what he could make the little twink do. And oh, Tony would push the boy so hard. He stepped behind the intern and crouched long enough to bind his wrists together with his belt.
Peter’s startled eyes watched over his shoulder as Tony worked, but that wouldn’t do. So after the wrists were bound, Tony stood again and removed his tie.
“You’re going to stay like this, slut,” Tony whispered into Peter’s ear as he tightened the tie over Peter’s eyes. The boy jerked at the name, hips thrusting against nothing, and Tony chuckled. “Going to make sure you’re focusing on nothing but my taste as I fuck your mouth.”
Peter whimpered, and Tony chuckled again as he pulled his cock from his pants, giving it a firm stroke. Then he stepped around to Peter’s front.
“Open up,” Tony said, his cock getting harder as Peter immediately obeyed. Rather than just push in, Tony rubbed the head over Peter’s lips. Then he smacked Peter with his cock. Peter whimpered but didn’t move as Tony did it again and again, pausing occasionally to paint the boy’s lips in precum.
Only when Peter’s cheeks were a nice pink did Tony finally push in oh so slowly. Tony held back a groan as the wet, warm heat enveloped him.
The blindfold made everything feel ten times more overwhelming. Peter flushed with shame, humiliated but also more turned on than he’d ever been by his boss’s treatment.
“Take a deep breath,” Stark warned. That was all the warning he got before Stark started fucking his face, huge cock filling his mouth and then pushing back further. Peter had expected a build up or at least some proper warning, but instead the older man was using him like a glorified fleshlight. Peter wanted to cry, but he also wanted to come, and his hips thrust uselessly in the air.
“That’s right, slut. You’re gonna take Daddy’s cock and when I’m done with you, you won’t be talking for a week,” Stark grunted, pushing in even deeper. Peter whimpered and gagged, trying not to puke and wondering if the man was even enjoying himself. He was hardly making a sound even as he used Peter’s mouth.
The salty bitter taste of precum grew stronger as Peter's jaw began to ache. He struggled to hold himself upright as Mr. Stark thrust even harder. Peter couldn't breathe as he felt hot cum flood his throat. He tried to swallow even as Stark pulled out, causing the end of his orgasm to paint Peter's face and neck instead.
Peter sucked in harsh breaths, trying to find his bearing as Stark left him blindfolded on the floor. There was a clicking noise, and Stark cooed at him.
"Such a pretty picture, my cum all over your face and that little tent in your pants," Stark said as he slid what felt like his shoe beneath Peter's cock.
Peter rocked into the man's foot only to have his hair grabbed tightly, and his head yanked back.
"I don't think so, slut" Stark said, his voice distant and in control. "Naughty boys who ruin my things don't get to use me to come."
"Please, sir," Peter rasped, his voice raw from the abuse. "Please let me come."
Tony decided he loved when Peter begged with that wrecked voice. He hummed to himself as he looked around for something appropriate before his eyes settled on his desk.
“Alright, slut,” Tony said, dragging Peter by his hair until his face was pressed up against the side of the desk and the boy’s legs were straddling one of the desk legs. “You’re gonna stay right here and fuck yourself on my desk until you come.”
Tony leaned down, unzipping Peter’s pants and roughly pulling the boy’s cock out. He couldn’t help but give it a few squeezes before he tugged it forward and set it against the desk leg. Then he pulled his chair up and grabbed his phone again, this time clicking record as he told Peter to begin.
Peter whimpered as he rutted against the desk, the edges of the leg obviously not the most comfortable but the boy was so turned on and desperate to get off that he clearly didn’t care enough to stop.
Tony murmured encouragements, running his hand through Peter’s hair and occasionally posing his head for a better view. He could have just pulled the security footage from the room but there was something far more intimate about this close up view, and Tony couldn’t wait to watch it over again. Maybe he’d make Peter watch it with him while Tony fucked him sometime.
It didn’t take much time at all for the boy’s hips to stutter and then freeze entirely as his orgasm overtook him. If he had been fifteen years younger, Tony might have gotten hard enough to go again, but that was ok. He had the moment forever saved on his servers, and he’d be sure to watch it again.
Tony waited patiently as the boy’s breath evened out, eyes catching on the mess he had made. A sharp grin spread on Tony’s face as he thought of one last task for his little slut.
“Such a good slut,” Tony said as he pulled the tie off of Peter’s face. “Just one problem. You made a mess again all over my floor. So now you’re going to clean it up.”
Peter went to stand and Tony snapped his fingers, pointing down at the floor.
“I don’t think so, slut,” Tony said with a dark purr. “You made that mess with your body, now clean it up with it.”
Peter’s eyes went wide and his face flushed an even darker red but he didn’t argue as he leaned over and started licking his own cum off of Tony’s desk and floor.
“That’s a good slut,” Tony cooed as he recorded this as well. “Look at you, listening so well. And your poor little cock is getting hard again already. I bet you’re just aching to be fucked properly and then played with until it hurts.”
Peter whimpered and moaned but didn’t stop his cleanup.
“Don’t worry, slut. Next time I’ll put my cute twink in a collar so you know who you belong to when I fuck you,” Tony said, running his fingers over Peter’s neck.
Peter shuddered hard and knew he was fucked then, because he’d do whatever Tony wanted him to, including wear a proper collar, any day. He had been attracted to his boss from the very beginning, and now he was going to belong to him for as long as Tony wanted him.
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starkwub · 2 years
think fast
starker or irondad. you can't have both
Hmm .. gosh I love both, but I think I'd have to go for starker
There's a lot more I can work with, especially since I could choose to do unrequited love between them, and it would have the same 'premise' (sort of) as irondad, though with a hidden, deeper, more melancholy take of Peter being in love with Tony (though it would/could be more of a 'in need of a father figure and is using Tony as a substitute without knowing it' sorta spiel) since irondad is more so strictly non-romantic in nature.
I can definitely appreciate the innocence, and lack of romantic depth within the irondad relationship, as it's easier to think about rather than the hardships that follow loosely behind heartache, staggering age gaps, and taboo's mixed with regret (non of these things making for 'bad' qualities of course, unless that is intended for a concept) that could be intertwined within the starker ship--but non-the-less, I'll take more freedom in thought over the possible constriction of a defined relationship most of the time ha (especially since, as stated before, it could be a trick question since Starker could transform into a type of Irondad scenario)
Probably more thought than what was needed, but hey! I appreciate the question--it's definitely an interesting thing to think about (pro's and cons of both, etc)
Thank you for the food for thought! :)
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newstfionline · 1 year
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths (NYT) About a thousand people gathered on a bright morning on the National Mall the Saturday before Thanksgiving for what has become an American tradition: mourning a roadway fatality. With the Capitol in the background, the crowd had assembled to remember Sarah Debbink Langenkamp, who was biking home from her sons’ elementary school when she was crushed by a semi truck. Ms. Langenkamp was, improbably, the third foreign service officer at the State Department to die while walking or biking in the Washington area this year. The U.S. has diverged over the past decade from other comparably developed countries, where traffic fatalities have been falling. This American exception became even starker during the pandemic. In 2020, as car travel plummeted around the world, traffic fatalities broadly fell as well. But in the U.S., the opposite happened. Travel declined, and deaths still went up. Safety advocates and government officials lament that so many deaths are often tolerated in America as an unavoidable cost of mass mobility. Americans die in rising numbers even when they drive less. They die in rising numbers even as roads around the world grow safer. American foreign service officers leave war zones, only to die on roads around the nation’s capital. In 2021, nearly 43,000 people died on American roads, the government estimates. And the recent rise in fatalities has been particularly pronounced among those the government classifies as most vulnerable—cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians.
Hawaii’s Mauna Loa erupts, officials warn people to prepare (AP) The world’s largest active volcano was erupting Monday and wasn’t immediately threatening communities on Hawaii’s Big Island, but officials warned residents to be ready for worse. Many current residents weren’t living there when Mauna Loa last erupted 38 years ago. The U.S. Geological Survey warned the roughly 200,000 people on the Big Island that an eruption “can be very dynamic, and the location and advance of lava flows can change rapidly.” The eruption began late Sunday night following a series of fairly large earthquakes, said Ken Hon, the scientist-in-charge at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
The great mismatch: Remote jobs are in demand, but positions are drying up (Washington Post) Lori Black has been firing off dozens of applications with one goal: to land a work-from-home job. But four months in, her search is starting to feel impossible. Positions are in short supply, and rejections have been plentiful. Nearly three years into a pandemic that reshaped workplace norms and put the balance of power squarely in the hands of employees, the tides are shifting again. The job market—although still hot—is slowing, and many Americans who had been working from home are being called back into the office. That has led to a tug-of-war between what employees want and what employers are willing to give them. Wage increases are plateauing, signing bonuses are cooling off, and fewer companies are allowing people to work from home than they did even a few months ago. Demand for remote jobs remains near all-time highs, even as companies roll back telework positions.
Mexico’s López Obrador leads massive pro-government march (AP) Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Mexico’s capital Sunday in a show of support for President Manuel López Obrador, who before assuming the presidency had led some of the country’s biggest protests. The “people’s march” marked four years in office for the leftist leader and was a response to a large opposition march two weeks ago to protest López Obrador’s proposal to reform the country’s electoral authority. The president himself led Sunday’s march through central Mexico City, which was accompanied by mariachi music, singing and a festive atmosphere. Many participants had been bused in from provinces across Mexico in trips organized by the ruling Morena party, unions and social groups.
Cuba’s informal market finds new space on growing internet (AP) In the Telegram group chat, the messages roll in like waves. “I need liquid ibuprofen and acetaminophen, please,” wrote one user. “It’s urgent, it’s for my 10-month-old baby.” Others offer medicine brought from outside of Cuba, adding, “Write to me in a direct message.” Emoji-speckled lists offer antibiotics, pregnancy tests, vitamins, rash creams and more. The group message, which includes 170,000 people, is just one of many that have flourished in recent years in Cuba alongside an exponential increase in internet usage on the communist-governed island. The informal sale of everything from eggs to car parts—the country’s so-called black market—is a time-honored practice in crisis-stricken Cuba, where access to the most basic items such as milk, chicken, medicine and cleaning products has always been limited. Before the internet, such exchanges took place “through your contacts, your neighbors, your local community,” said Ricardo Torres, a Cuban and economics fellow at American University in Washington. “But now, through the internet, you get to reach out to an entire province.”
Police bring down European cocaine “super cartel” (AP) Law enforcement authorities in six different countries have joined forces to take down a “super cartel” of drugs traffickers controlling about one third of the cocaine trade in Europe, the European Union crime agency said on Monday. Europol said 49 suspects have been arrested during the investigation, with the latest series of raids across Europe and the United Arab Emirates taking place between Nov. 8-19. Over 30 tons of drugs were seized during the investigations run in Spain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UAE with the support of Europol. “The scale of cocaine importation into Europe under the suspects’ control and command was massive,” Europol said, adding that the suspects used encrypted communications to organize drugs shipments. More than 214 tons of cocaine were seized in the region in 2020, a 6% increase from the previous year, and experts from the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction believe that amount could reach 300 tons in 2022.
Europe’s south offers a warm welcome to energy migrants (Reuters) Software developer Victor Varlamov logs in every morning to work on a sunny Spanish island off the coast of Africa after the prospect of steep heating bills and a winter made harsher by the Ukraine war drove him to leave his adoptive home in Poland. He is not alone in pursuing a warmer, cheaper way of life as tourist boards across southern Europe have seized on the cost-of-living crisis to advertise the benefits of wintering abroad to those living in more northerly countries. Varmalov, 50, together with his wife and teenage daughter, moved from Poland’s Baltic coast to Gran Canaria in Spain’s Canary Islands two months ago and plans to stay for the coming months. Before leaving Gdansk, where he has lived since 2016, Varmalov calculated he could save 250 euros ($259) on rent each month and pay 140 euros for all his utilities and internet, instead of the 200 euros he was paying for electricity alone in Poland. What he now saves, he spends on eating out, he said, and also enjoys beach walks in his lunch breaks. “The reality is better than my expectations,” he said.
As Winter Looms, Snowfall and Mud Present New Hardships for Ukraine (NYT) Increasingly frigid winter weather presented new challenges for Ukraine on Sunday as mud churned up the battlefield and snowfall made the government’s task of restoring power supplies devastated by weeks of Russian bombing all the more urgent. The state energy company urged Ukrainians to continue to use electricity sparingly to avoid overwhelming a national grid that has been weakened by repeated barrages of Russian cruise missiles and drones. Analysts say that while fighting is unlikely to stop for winter, the weather will make it harder for both armies to maintain troops in the field. In the eastern city of Bakhmut, which Russian forces have pummeled for months but failed to capture, residents have taken to cutting down trees and foliage to burn for warmth, its utilities having been destroyed by unrelenting attacks. The ground, not yet frozen, has turned to mud, sticking to uniforms and weapons and ensnaring vehicles, military and civilian alike. Analysts said that cold can affect morale, and that mud will present a particular obstacle for vehicles over the next few weeks before the ground freezes.
China’s Xi faces threat from public anger over ‘zero COVID’ (Bloomberg) The protests that erupted against China’s Covid Zero strategy represent one of the most significant challenges to Communist Party rule since the Tiananmen crisis more than 30 years ago. How Xi Jinping responds to it may end up being just as pivotal for the country’s future. From the capital Beijing to the far western outpost of Kashgar, Chinese residents frustrated by lockdowns and mass-testing campaigns have taken to the streets in recent days to urge change. In Shanghai—stricken by a grueling two-month Covid clampdown earlier this year—one crowd called for Xi to step down, defying the risk of a long prison term. Demonstrations ranged from a few people to street rallies of hundreds. Easing the outcry presents Xi with perhaps his biggest policy dilemma after a decade in power. A rapid exit from Covid Zero could fuel a surge in deaths, undercutting Xi’s efforts to cast China’s pandemic response as superior to that of the West. Cracking down on the protests, on the other hand, could build public sympathy for a cause that has already demonstrated nationwide support.
Succession Rumors in North Korea (1440) The 10-year-old daughter of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made her second-ever public appearance over the weekend, sparking rumors over her potential future in the country’s male-dominated leadership hierarchy. Her appearance, the first of which came earlier in the month, makes her the first to be publicly confirmed as one of Kim’s children. Named Ju Ae, she is believed to be Kim’s middle child, with an older brother aged around 12 and a younger sister around 5 years old. Her abrupt debut has left international observers speculating about the status of Kim’s supposed eldest child, a boy who has never been revealed in public. Fueling further speculation, she was introduced with honorifics describing her as her father’s “most beloved” and “precious” child. The tightly scripted events come a year after Kim supposedly suffered undisclosed health problems, though those reports have been disputed.
Japan births at new low as population shrinks and ages (AP) The number of babies born in Japan this year is below last year’s record low in what the the top government spokesman described as a “critical situation.” The total of 599,636 Japanese born in January-September was 4.9% below last year’s figure, suggesting the number of births in all of 2022 might fall below last year’s record low of 811,000 babies, he said. Japan is the world’s third biggest economy but living costs are high and wage increases have been slow. The conservative government has lagged on making society more inclusive for children, women and minorities. So far, the government’s efforts to encourage people to have more babies have had limited impact despite payments of subsidies for pregnancy, childbirth and child care.
Water levels in Zimbabwe’s biggest dam too low for power (AP) Electricity shortages that have been plaguing Zimbabwe are set to worsen after an authority that manages the country’s biggest dam said water levels are now too low to continue power generation activities. The Zambezi River Authority, which runs the Kariba Dam jointly owned by Zimbabwe and neighboring Zambia, said in a letter dated Nov. 25 that water levels are at a record low and electricity generation must stop. The Kariba South Hydro Power Station provides Zimbabwe with about 70% of its electricity and has been producing significantly less than its capacity of 1,050 megawatts in recent years due to receding water levels caused by droughts. The dam “no longer has any usable water to continue undertaking power generation operations,” said the authority’s chief executive officer, Munyaradzi Munodawafa, in a letter to the Zimbabwe Power Company. The authority “is left with no choice” except to “wholly suspend” power generation activities pending a review in January when water levels are expected to have improved.
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