slyther-bi · 7 months
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I found this drawing base and my first thought was drawing Severus with Sirius and Regulus. Convenient that it had a dog and cat, tho I can't imagine Regulus being a cat animagus but I've seen people think he would be.
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Rich and bitchy purebloods but not like in the blood supremacy way, just James, Marlene, regulus and Sirius knowing their worth okay? Flipping down sunglasses and casually buying expensive-as-a-house wine
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bythehearts · 10 months
I’m sorry…. twitter anti-vaxxers are calling themselves what now????
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ch1llyic3y · 1 year
Sirius: Alice, lovely as usual.
Alice: Cousin.
Sirius: Come on prongs *looks over his shoulder* EAT DICK LONGBOTTOM
James: He’s your cousin too.
Sirius: every arsehole around here is my cousin!
(From a jily fic I read earlier)
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beatriceselwynhpfic · 1 month
The Sacred Twenty-Eight
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The Sacred Twenty-Eight are a group of elite pureblood families. They are the epitome of high society and act accordingly. Balls, gatherings, lavish clothing, expensive jewelry, castles, and manors. You name it, they have it. They're the textbook definition of pureblood Slytherins, exactly how J K Rowling imagined them. They're diehard Slytherins through and through and, most, are loyal to the Dark Lord (many of them bearing the Dark Mark to prove it).
They're definitely more of a dark academia, old-money aesthetic, so they have the newest and sharpest clothing. They all wear fancy jewelry and have perfect makeup. All of the children learn networking at an early age where they're forced to attend balls and meetings by their parents who expect the best behavior out of all of them.
Most of the children from these families are extremely loyal to their family as it's something that's instilled in them from a very young age. And, at Hogwarts, they act exactly as their parents do, expecting royalty treatment from everyone and attempting to keep everyone into submission. The Slytherin's bad reputation derives from them.
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pbielik · 6 days
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1) Gellert Grindelwald
2) Remus Lupin
3) Regulus Black
4) Adrian Pucey
5) Davi Silva
6) Tiana Lupin-Black
7) Draco Black-Malfoy
8) Haruki Ishikawa
9) Ascella Black de la familia Rodriguez
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trohpi · 3 months
i made a massive pureblood family tree in canva and ive come to the conclusion that all of the incest is phineas nigellus blacks fault
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motherfuckingmaneater · 8 months
I love that you headcanon Bella is Cygnus’ favourite and Narcissa is Druella’s! How do you headcanon their relationships specifically? (Not including Andy I don’t like her 😅)
Its ok, no one likes Andy (jk - not jk).
I guess I see the most similarities between Cyg/Bella and Dru/Cissa and that was why I veered to the daddy's girl Bella and mummy's girl Cissa buckets. As for their actual relationships I definitely see the Blacks and Rosiers as very different (which is why maybe Pollux wasn't keen on Dru but Cygnus married her out of love anyway and what difference did it make ultimately? She was still a well-bred pureblood). I also see Bellatrix and Narcissa embodying those differences but still both being very much Black.
Cygnus / Bella - black hair, grey eyes, confident (almost cruel) laughs, haughty in views expressions and beliefs, tall, slim women and tall, broad men, well defined muscle naturally, extremely good looking in unconventional ways, darker (in very dark lashes, high cheekbones, thick black wavy/curly shining hair), expensive in general, rich naturally more earthy scented skin.
Druella / Narcissa - thin, blonde long straight hair, blue eyed, pretty, dainty in aesthetic, pointed noses, fine elegance, quieter, haughty in views but not as arrogant, expensive taste, decadent, scents of flowers and fine silks.
Cygnus and Bellatrix I can see going hunting together on thestral-back or atop their Abraxans, rather being alone than out in society but being ever so charming when they are, reading ancient tomes by firelight, practicing dark traditions by moonlight.
Druella and Narcissa I can see being the most beautiful and well-attended ladies in society, being the centre of attention and jealousy amongst witches, enjoying their herbology and potionmaking, tending beautiful magical gardens.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Headcanons on Pureblood Society and Culture
A Redditor posed a question of "What are your headcanons on pureblood society and culture?" As of now mine is the only response, and me being me I had to word vomit my very thought on the subject.
Before we begin though, a disclaimer: this is my own personal headcanon regarding pureblood society and culture. I am not claiming any of this as canon, or fact, or anything other than my own ideas and preferences. Also, this is a bit changed from my original comment, due to adding a bit here and there, and removing my last fit of defensiveness at the very end. 😂
Pureblood society and culture is, I imagine very old-fashioned in ways. Big focus on money and status. The biggest issue will be blood purity, and family lines. Sort of focused on magical power and/or skill, as well. A natural wellspring of power would be preferred and brag-worthy, but well-earned skill is nothing to scoff at, either. Though they'll have a preference for what is natural (as it might be seen as more pure.)
For me, I like to see the magical world as being more behind in terms of society and technology, due to the complacence of magic. It's some level of "magic makes things easier" and even superiority over having magic, so progress tends to be a bit slower. Some weird idea of "what could be improved on??" (Not expecting there to be an answer, of course.)
I can see most modern era innovation coming from Muggles, be it...Muggle-borns entering their world, half-bloods raised by a Muggle parent, or even just people with close connections to Muggles, or an interest in Muggle culture. Expanding your horizons is the only real way to make change. So Wizardkind cutting themselves off from Muggles sort of hindered them in ways they don't really see or understand.
All of that to explain: pureblood culture is magic culture. Very focused on themselves and their gifts and their families and their politics, etc. Little interest in outside affairs. They're from "pure" lines and they take pride in that, but it comes with this shade of arrogance and superiority even from the most well-intentioned (see: Arthur Weasley, and his "fond condescension" of Muggles, per the TV Tropes article: Fanatic Racism in Harry Potter.) Even well-intentioned, there's this sense of ignorance (of Muggles) and ingrained bias (in favor of magic.) I say this to be critical, but not to demonize, if that makes sense?
So: the separation from Muggles leads to a sense of alienation, and inevitably to ignorance (as time has gone on.) Pureblood families cluster together. Smaller communities tend to be more narrow-minded (due to lack of exposure and experience), and more community-focused. There are tight-knit circles. Everyone knows everyone. There is great pride and focus on family history. "Did you know my great-great-great grandfather was so and so?", "I'm related to so and so, you know!", "So and so is my second cousin, twice removed!" There is a focus on connections, and favors.
There is a strong elite society among purebloods. Your status is born from a combination of blood status (pure, of course), wealth, connections, family reputation, power, and skill. You can rise in status maybe without the wealth, if you have enough to offer the other members of the elite. Though anyone ticking all of the boxes will, of course, be the most elite. The elite, of course, are their own minority. People might dream of rising ranks, but others will be content with their lives (Weasleys), or even outright rebellious (Sirius.)
Strong family values. Big on blood -- the purity of it, but also valuing their own. Respect your parents, look after your cousins, etc. You can hate each other all you want, but don't let outsiders attack them. Also quite traditional, in my mind. Big on marriage and procreation (gotta continue the bloodline, and also keep it pure!) Especially with the magical population being so much smaller than the Muggle population.
A strong value for magic. Again, magical power is a boon. Prizing magical artefacts, creatures, and magical land (some people more possessive of these, some more respectful, some a combination of both.) Well versed in magical history, theory, and lore. You can maybe make up for being on the lower end of magical ability with enough resources and connections, but it might always be a sore spot.
They look out for themselves, and their own, and to an extent their peers (fellow purebloods), but might be a bit wary of "others" (again, ill-intentioned or not.)
There is also the infighting amongst purebloods, labelling some of their own "blood traitors", as well as the exclusion of some pureblood families from the Sacred Twenty-Eight. (List of pureblood families; a notable exclusion being the Potter family.) The closer to Muggle culture and Muggles a pureblood is, the more on the outskirts of pureblood culture they are. (The Weasleys aren't just poor, they're blood traitors! The horror!) It is also noted that the Potter family was excluded from the list due to their name being a "common Muggle surname."
All of this is, of course, based on speculation and my own preferences. I have a deep fascination and appreciation for humanity and all of its flaws, and exploring relationships and society, and how that might be impacted by external sources or events. I love seeing the flaws in characters, the flaws in magic, the flaws in the world at large. I like exploring complicated feelings and thought patterns. Rather than seeing the magical world as being superior in all ways (technologically, societally, etc.) I prefer to read it as being traditional, conservative, and old fashioned, most reflected by pureblood society, which will be the most ingrained in magical culture itself. Seeing more of those values and how it shapes them. And how they see and interact with the world at large. Seeing ignorance and arrogance in action, almost especially when people don't mean to be that way, and don't see themselves as being that way. Or on the flip side, being well aware of how they view themselves as superior, and how outside people or events can change those mindsets, and what pushback a more progressive individual might see.
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incorrectmidc · 2 years
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The earliest chapters of Vlad’s story are lighthearted and pure it’s getting me more excited when it would get angsty and dark. 😆
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Le Comte is the friend who plays the violin! On hindsight, I know it could only be him but it’s still nice to be indirectly validated. :D
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thesoftrainbows · 2 years
Hi, what are your thougths about Draco Malfoy? I really like your rewrite, but I always feel like Draco could be like, the catarsis of a familiar chain. The one who survived his family toxicity and became a better person. I'm just saying he had potential.
Hey Anon! I apologize for taking a bit to respond, I haven’t been on Tumblr very much. But this is an excellent question, so thank you for the opportunity to discuss it!
Draco Malfoy is a complex character. He comes from a rich family that are proud members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, who followed the Dark Lord until they couldn’t anymore. From afar, many would think that they’re the perfect example of evil people. However, as we look closer, all we see is fear.
We see Lucius trying to protect his son whenever Voldemort put him on the spot. We see Narcissa going behind the Lord’s back to protect her child. We see Draco being forced to do a lot of things out of fear and out of wanting to keep his family safe.
I believe that Draco really was as obnoxious as we meet him as in the first book/film. But, like all children, he grew up. As the war intensified, his actions became less about getting a reaction out of Hari and more about keeping himself and those around him alive—which is something that Hari fails to see at first.
I like the idea of Draco getting a redemption arc, but I don’t think it would be easy for him. I mean, sometimes I imagine him attempting to disappear into the muggle world for a few years where he learns a lot more about the world and himself. Who knows what he might have done during that time? Worked at a bakery shop? Maybe.
In my visions, though, Draco always comes back to the wixen world and becomes a Healer. He apologizes for his wrongdoings and is actively looking to make things better.
Do Hari and Draco become friends or more? I’m not sure yet, but it certainly doesn’t happen until a couple of years after the war’s over.
On a somewhat different note, this is one of the things I love about the rewrite. I get to explore so many different family dynamics and how the kids respond to it. Some people change for the better, others for the worst, and others don’t change at all. It’s interesting to see how I slowly watch them unfold and bloom.
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slyther-bi · 1 year
Teen Tom: Abraxas annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Teen Eileen: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Teen Tom: I know but there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
There is this one video of this guy just cutting or desecrating his other friend cigarettes. Now I’m just thinking of Comte just snipping Leonardo cigar with no remorse whatsoever.
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Comte: *walking up with expensive garden snippers*
Leonardo: *enjoying his cigar, napping*
Comte: *snips it*
Leonardo: …
In the library…
Comte: *snip the cigar*
Leonardo: …
Comte: apologies old friend, but we must get rid of your distasteful habits.
In Issac room:
Comte: *has Leonardo cigarettes with him that he stole*
Issac: *helping Comte on filling it with gunpowder*
Comte: *gives to Leonardo* apologies. Here ya go, dear friend.
Leonardo: …*lights one up*
Cigerettes: *explodes in his face*
Comte: :)
Basically Comte trolling Leonardo out of his habits.
Part 2 is here
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Pureblood Marriages Pt.1
Pureblood parents arrange marriages for their children in order to keep the pureblood lines strong. The latest a child is usually “promised” to another is at the age of 5, but it isn’t uncommon to betroth a child to an infant, or to a child yet to be born. (They do try to keep the age gaps within 5 years though.)
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knottheeonly · 2 years
The Women of House Burke
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“If we were to judge every child on the sins of their parents then everyone would be a sinner. But perhaps we should judge their sins, just a little. Was it not the sins of my father that tried to poison me, and the sins of his father that poisoned him? My childhood was spent memorizing my ancestors, and in turn their sins. In the end only a few were worth remembering.”
AMALTHEA BURKE (nee Bulstrode): Pureblood, member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Born to Charlan Bulstrode (nee Yaxley) and Eustace I Bulstrode. Reddish-blonde haired and fair skinned. Forest green eyes, and a round, soft face. Sorted into Slytherin, and made Prefect in her fifth year. She received four O.W.L.s, but did not pursue a career. Married to Rigel Burke II and together they had 3 children. It is said she was wise beyond her years, smarter than any of her companions and fairer, too. 
“Some will say that Amalthea never wanted for anything, and that would be true. She had every comfort that money and blood-status could grant a witch. But it would also be a lie. Amalthea wanted companionship, and she didn’t find that in her husband or her friends.”
ELIZABETH BURKE: Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Born to Amalthea Burke (nee Bulstrode) and Rigel Burke II. Red haired and brown eyed, with skin lighter than even her mother’s. A rather pointed face left her looking more intimidating than she truly was. Star Slytherin pupil, ending up as Headmistress of Hogwarts sometime before her thirty-fifth birthday. Notoriously horrid towards muggleborn students, and encouraged similar behavior from others in her house. Mother to none, never married. It is rumored her intimidating looks and cruel spirit drove away even the most willful of suitors.
“No one would make the mistake of saying that Elizabeth had a kind heart. In fact some wonder if she had one at all. Perhaps it was her cruelty, however, that drove her ambition and made her legacy a lasting one.” 
CASSIOPEIA FLINT (nee Burke): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Second daughter of Amalthea Burke (nee Bulstrode) and Rigel Burke II. Black haired and blue eyed, with the soft face of her mother and the fairer skin of her father. Sorted into Ravenclaw - to her father’s light displeasure - and made Head Girl in her final year. Received only two O.W.L.s, and did not pursue a career. Mother to 2, married to Garrith Flint. Her marriage was one of love, after enough time, much to the shock of their families, who’d thought they rather disliked each other on their wedding day.
“What her sister lacked in kindness, Cassiopeia made up for tenfold. What her mother’s marriage had lacked in love, Cassiopeia’s had in abundance. She was happy and content, and perhaps the luckiest of us all.”
REILLE BURKE (nee Rosier): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Eldest daughter of Alyssane Rosier (nee Greengrass) and Roald Rosier. Blonde haired and blue eyed, fair skinned. Rumored to be part Veela, though the percentage is up for debate. Sorted into Slytherin, made Prefect in fifth year and Head Girl in her last. She earned five O.W.L.s and went on to work at Borgin and Burkes before becoming a professor for a short time. Married to Caractacus Burke. Mother to 5.
“Reille was every bit the outsider. The only Burke of her generation to get a job before marriage, she had ambitions equal to any man. Ambitions she graciously set aside to do her duty to her family.”
LYRA NOTT (nee Burke): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Eldest child of Reille Burke (nee Rosier) and Archold Burke. Black haired and blue eyed. Fair skinned, with a single beauty spot above her left eye. As beautiful as her mother, and equally as cunning, too. Sorted into Slytherin, and received 7 O.W.L.s. Married to Amadeus Nott, mother to 2. Was known to be seen at all times with a book in her hand, her pursuit of knowledge something her husband supported with his whole being.
“It is said that Lyra's greatest ambition was starting a family, and that's why she chose Amadeus. Her sisters would say she only married him for his extensive library, as knowledge was her greatest desire.”
CORINTHE BURKE: Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Second daughter of Reille Burke (nee Rosier) and Archold Burke. Blonde haired and gray eyed. Fair skinned, though so often in the sun she seemed naturally tanned. Sorted into Hufflepuff, and only not disowned due to her mother's insistence that it was alright. Achieved 6 O.W.L.s and got a job at a Potions Shop. Engaged to Tibolt Fawley, but fell in love with a muggle-born - with whom she eloped. Was then burned from the family tapestry.
“Corinthe sought happiness above all else, one of the many reasons she was in Hufflepuff. In this pursuit she got herself burned off the family tree. At least she was happy in the end, the many secret letters to her sisters will tell you as much.”
IDELYA YAXLEY (nee Burke): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Youngest daughter of Reille Burke (nee Rosier) and Archold Burke. Black haired and gray eyed. Rumored to be her mother's favorite, and her father's too. Fair skinned and the most ambitious of all her siblings. Sorted into Slytherin, made Prefect in Fifth Year, and Head Girl in her seventh. Achieved 10 O.W.L.s but never got a job. Fell in love with Tibolt Fawley, who she was never able to be with, as Peter Yaxley was deemed a better fit. Gave him 4 children. Wrote secret letters to both her sisters. 
“Hers was a sad life, Idelya's, full of denials. Denied a career, denied a loving marriage, and denied her sister's closeness. In the end she denied her husband a long life with her, and in that way she got the last laugh.”
SUZANNE BURKE (nee Selwyn): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Daughter of Marta Selwyn (nee Carrow) and Oliver Selwyn. Brown haired and blue eyed, with fair skin dotted with freckles. A kindred soul, demure and polite, but with a good heart. Sorted into Slytherin and received 2 O.W.L.s. Married to Roger II Burke, to whom she'd been engaged since her birth. Rumored to have been madly in love. Mother to 3. Her children's favorite parent, always around to nurture them.
“Suzanne single handedly achieved what Corinthe could not. It was her quiet defiance of pureblooded beliefs that planted a seed of compassion in the minds of her children. That seed grew with her children, as did a defiant spirit.”
HALLEY MACMILLAN (nee Burke): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Daughter of Suzanne Burke (nee Selwyn) and Roger II Burke. Black haired and blue eyed, fair skinned with the freckles of her mother. Slytherin, achieved 9 O.W.L.s, but did not pursue a career. She had a heart of gold and nerves of steel, which was a perfect defense against her husband's temper. Married unhappily to Arnold Macmillan, mother to 1. Raised in her children the same ideals her mother raised in her.
“Halley was brighter than anyone would have thought possible given the darkness that was always around her. A light in the ever growing darkness of her generation. Darkness that swallowed her whole.”
BELVINA BURKE (nee Black): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Daughter of Ursula Black (nee Flint) and Phineas Nigellus Black. Light brown haired and gray eyed, pale skinned. A perfect example of blood purity in everything she did, perhaps encouraged by her professor and then headmaster of a father during her time at Hogwarts. Slytherin, Prefect in fifth year and Head Girl in her last. Achieved an incredible 11 O.W.L.s but never pursued a career. Married her school sweetheart, Herbert Burke. Had two sons and a daughter. 
“Belvina was wicked. She came into the family and she tried to destroy the kindness her husband's mother had fostered in him. Perhaps it was her pushback that only solidified a quiet kindness towards muggleborns in the next generations.”
DIANE LESTRANGE (nee Burke): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Only daughter of Belvina Burke (nee Black) and Herbert Burke. Black haired and gray eyed. Fair skinned. Quiet and cautious, with simple ambitions and a large group of friends. Sorted into Slytherin, but did not get Prefect or Head Girl, to her parent's disappointment. Was smart, but didn't try hard in school. Received 1 O.W.L. and married before she finished school. It is said her husband had more affection for her then was good for him. Especially since she may not have loved him at all. 
“Diane was exceptionally strong-willled and smart, though she found school so dull and lacking that she purposefully failed most of her classes. She passed her love for the out of the ordinary to her children, though her kind ideals did not do the same.”
FAWN BURKE (nee Shacklebolt): Pureblooded. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Daughter of Trinity Shacklebolt (maiden name unknown) and Andrew Shacklebolt. Blue eyed and brown haired, with a tan complexion. Loud and bubbly, with an unusual lack of disdain for muggleborns. Sorted into Ravenclaw, made Head Girl in her final year. Awarded all 12 O.W.L.s - a perfect score. Bright eyed and full of kindness, she swept Gregory Burke off his feet for good reason. The two married secretly during their sixth year, though they had an official ceremony a year after graduation. Mother to 2 sons and no daughters.
“She was a breath of fresh air, a sign of spring at the end of a horribly bleak winter. Strong enough to shield her children from the chill, but not strong enough to thaw the cold entirely.”
TARROW BURKE (nee Abbott): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Daughter of Samantha Abbott (nee Fawley) and Henry Abbott. Blonde haired and brown eyed, fair skinned with a light smattering of freckles. Kind as her mother in law and beautiful, too, though more demure than anyone else in her immediate family. Slytherin, made Prefect in fifth year. Received 7 O.W.L.s and pursued a job at a pet store in Diagon Alley. Married Finley Burke, and tried for two decades to give him children. Birthed one son at the age of 43, an age most thought impossible for her to have children at. 
“Tarrow's life was an unusual one. Despite his family's disappointment in their lack of an heir for the longest time, her husband was supportive. More than can be said for most men in the family, more than can be said for her son.”
KATHERINE BURKE (nee Travers): Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Daughter of Frederique Travers (nee Prewett) and Edward Travers. Black haired and blue eyed, with fair, almost ghostly skin. Sorted into Slytherin. Rumored to have been close to and had a secret relationship with Remus Lupin (unconfirmed.) 9 O.W.L.s though no job, instead staying by her husband's side as the war began. Married to Nigel Burke, mother of 2. Died in childbirth of her second child and only daughter. 
“Katherine kept her home organized but warm and nurturing against the war that raged on. She died a few days after the war was won, happy in the knowledge her children would grow up in a better world.”
RHIANNON BURKE: Pureblood. Member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Only daughter of Katherine Burke (nee Travers) and Nigel Burke. Black haired and gray eyed, with pale yet fair skin. The first of her more recent ancestors to grow up without a mother. Sorted into Slytherin, but friends with people from all different blood statues. Not friends with the Golden Trio, but not unfriendly either. Rather quiet, but confident and ambitious. A life still left to live and history thus unwritten. 
“I am the product of all who came before me and thus I have to fight against all the negativity of my past. It's a hard fight but there's no other fight I'd rather be in.”
“Some of them were wicked, vile people, but they've left me a lot of lessons to learn. Learn them I have, and I've got more to go. But I'd like to think not all the lessons are negative, and if one thing has been passed down through the darkness it would be empathy. Empathy and Kindness. Perhaps that's worth remembering, even if some of my ancestors aren't.”
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kanazero-vk · 2 years
I want another Vampire Knight Fanbook!
But this time, it could be focusing on later events in the manga, explaining things, little doodles, and funny comics!
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