#puzzle games might be my favorite tbh
caliphoria17 · 1 year
#WarriorNunWednesday on Twitter (November 16, 2022)
Q: WAIT WAIT who do you think is a swiftie between avatrice
KTY: Bea
Q: Any anime you're watching at the moment? @TonteriYoung Just remembered that you used to cosplay so
KTY: I’m not watching any at the moment actually! Any recommendations?
Q: when do you think bea started falling for ava??
KTY: About the time she got the book out of Shannon’s old room and then got hurt, but maybe even earlier 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: were there any improvised avatrice moments 🫂
KTY: Not really dialogue-wise but a lot of small movement details were just us doing what felt natural.
Q: any funny behind the scenes story on set you can and wanna share? 😁
KTY: If you wait for the interview i did with Ange you’ll hear about a really funny one!
Q: Not a warrior nun related question but can I ask what's it says on the tattoo in your hand? @TonteriYoung For educational purposes only 👉👈
KTY: It’s a reference to Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy, just the word “Rise”
Q: how did you react to the finale the first time you read the script??
KTY: Um I cried
Q: are there any behind-the-scenes photos you have on your phone that you can share with us?
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Q: what’s your favourite episode in season 2?
KTY: Ghhh maybe 5
Q: we've seen Beatrice display her skills in so many various ways throughout both seasons, what's a skill you would love Beatrice to have which we have not seen (yet)?
KTY: I mean selfishly I’d like to have her do scenes in French or Russian, that would be pretty cool 🎆
Q: how many tattoos do you have now and what tattoo are u thinking of getting next?
KTY: 4 and I don’t know really I’m taking a break
Q: what’s ur fave book? any book recommendations?
KTY: Three body problem trilogy, Dreyer’s English is a funny one if you’re into reading about grammar for fun
Q: Do you know what Beatrice's plan is after leaving the OCS at the end of season 2? Where is she going/doing? and if not, what would you like her to be doing?
KTY: I mean we didn’t really set down in stone what she was going to do once she left, so in my mind she’s going to try and live her life like Ava would have wanted, while also obviously find out what Lilith was talking about when she mentioned the holy war.
Q: What was your favorite fight scene?
KTY: Church fiiiiight
Q: did you improvise any of beatrice’s lines this season?
KTY: “Pleasure.” Wasn’t in the script I think
Q: do you think Beatrice left the OCS in the intention of closing the door on this chapter in her life (including Ava) or is she going to actually look for ways to get Ava back?
KTY: I think she’s definitely going to be involved with the OCS but not in the same capacity as before
Q: hardest scene to shoot?
KTY: Ava falling at the hotel. We couldn’t for the life of us look in the same spot where she was supposed to be in the air 😂
Q: what do you think beatrice’s biggest pet peeve??
KTY: Selfishness
Q: do you have any ideas for what beatrice was like as a kid? or what activities she might have done growing up?
KTY: She was probably that kid in the classroom who just stares out the window and doesn’t really pay attention, but when called knows the answer immediately. Probably not very sociable tbh. I imagine she liked chess and puzzle games stuff like that
Q: do you put milk or cereal in the bowl first? follow up: would beatrice put milk or cereal first
KTY: Cereal first for both of us
Q: was there music playing when you filmed the dance scene?
KTY: Yeah it was girls on film by Duran Duran
Q: favourite memory with the cast while not filming?
KTY: Hanging out on the hotel rooftop and playing something like charades
Q: if we get a season 3, what would you personally like to see from it? With Beatrice and with the rest of the characters💕
KTY: I’d like to see Beatrice solidify herself as her own person separate from being a nun and allow herself to live like she’s always wanted to live. As for the others that’s really up to them!
Q: do you have a scene that was your favourite to shoot this season? The dance scene in ep.1 looked so much fun!
KTY: Ava passing through the portal was probably my favorite to film
Q: what's your go-to starbucks drink? and what would be beatrice's? 🤓
KTY: I don’t drink coffee anymore so my Starbucks order was some kind of breakfast sandwich 😅. She’d probably go for a black tea.
Q: please elaborate to me what you think bea & ava were doing in switzerland? especially since they were sharing a room and bed
KTY: They were hiding and training…..? And probably watering the plant of love….?
Q: Do you think Beatrice would like Warrior nun?
KTY: I think Beatrice is more of a documentary type of person given the type of life she lives 😂
Q: do you think Sister Bea would drink alcohol again after that night?
KTY: Probably. We all do things we say we’ll never do again but surely enough give it a few months and here we are again 🥹
Q: What do you think is the first thing Beatrice will do after leaving the OCS?
KTY: Probably procure some clothes she likes
Q: If you given a chance to play any other character besides Beatrice from Warrior Nun who would it be ???
KTY: Lilith cause she’s a boss
Q: which warrior nun character are you most similar to
KTY: Probably a mashup of Ava and Beatrice
Q: Do you have any series and movie recommendations?
KTY: Guillermo de Toros cabinet of curiosities
Q: Have you added anything to the scenes or did you just follow the script?
KTY: We all discussed scenes at length and changed a bunch of stuff to some extent
Q: Was that Beatrice's first kiss?
KTY: Probably not but it’s the one that means the most
Q: can you confirm that bea sleeps on the right of the bed whilst ava sleeps on the left?
KTY: 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d see bea sleeping on the side closer to the door.
Q: Any scene you shot that isn't in season 2 but you wish it was?
KTY: Nah they got them all
Q: do you plan on doing any other conventions in the future 👀
KTY: I’d love to
Q: What was it like working with Alba, especially in those moments when she has so much emotion in her eyes?
KTY: I mean she’s a great actress so it’s awesome to play off that 🎆
Q: Regarding the glowing divinium sword in the post-credit scene, what do you think that meant?
KTY: I just supposed it meant Ava was coming back, but we didn’t really discuss what it actually meant
Q: how was it filming during the lockdown?
KTY: Very very strange and stressful tbh
Q: Do you think that Beatrice taught Ava how to present herself as a leader amongst the OCS?
KTY: I’m sure they talked about it in Switzerland
Q: Are you big into reading or video games? If so what's been your favorites lately!
KTY: Little nightmares 2
Q: do you think Ava and Bea would often wait for each other after the day's work at the bar so they could walk home together? 👀
KTY: I can see that happening yeah
Q: how many seasons would you like warrior nun to have
KTY: As many as possible
Q: can u tell us the person responsable for the most bloopers??
KTY: We are all equally responsible 🫠
Q: what do you think is Beatrice's love language?
KTY: Quality time
Q: how long does it usually take to film a fight scene?
KTY: Depends on the fight scene. It wouldn’t be uncommon to spend 6 ish hours on one
Q: A lot thinks that the forehead kiss was an improvisation, was it?
KTY: I……think so…? I’m not sure
Q: NAUR you don't remember???
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KTY: BRO it just sort of happened ok it all happened real fast
Q: what is the biggest difficulty in being a warrior nun ?
KTY: The constant threat of death
Q: what was your reaction when you first read the script of the avatrice kissing scene?
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Q: Do you think Bea always wanted to leave the OCS and everything that happened only served to motivate her to finally do it or did she leave to honor Ava's wish that she live her life?
KTY: I think she didn’t intend to ever leave, but her bubble has been popped by Ava so she realizes she can’t live there truthfully and honestly.
Q: now who do you think beatrice would be if she wasn’t a nun her aspirations and all that
KTY: Maybe she’d be a surgeon or engineer of some kind
Q: do you think bea knows ava is out there somewhere and will come back to her that's why she smiles in the last scene?
KTY: I dont think she knows for certain, but she knows she’s making the right decision for herself
Q: u ok here? LOL
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KTY: Yeah I like laying down on the ground
Q: What was the first feeling when you finished watching season 2? Say hello to Brazil, we love u 😭🇧🇷
KTY: Hello Brazil! Love you too x / I felt very relieved 😌
Q: What's a weird skill you'd like Beatrice to show off next season?
KTY: Making sushi
Q: i think we need an answer to the biggest problem, how old is beatrice?? i say about 21
KTY: Probably closer to 24
Q: hii kris i was wondering if you would like to dye your hair different colors like pink, blue or green?
KTY: Ive had my hair all kinds of colors in the past already 😅
Q: do you know if we will ever get to see a blooper reel? 🥺
KTY: I don’t know if even I will ever see a blooper reel 😭
Q: did you or any of the cast take anything from set and if so what heheh?
KTY: 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
Q: as a viewer, do you also find reya sketchy?
KTY: Uh yeah mad shady
Q: you mentioned that there were some funny bloopers from season 1, including you crashing into an ArqTech wall. Any funny mishaps to report from season 2?
KTY: Some interesting acting while hanging from wires in the church. 😂
Q: how fun was it to play tranquilized?
KTY: It’s hard actually lmao
Q: thoughts on pineapples on pizza?
KTY: Whatever boats your goat 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: Surfing or Mountain Climbing? choose one. 🤭
KTY: Shnurfing
Q: In your interviews you do a lot of face touching. How much of you bled into Bea with the way she has this instinct to hold people’s faces? And the way in which she touches Ava’s face with so much tenderness and softness? Was it on the page?
KTY: I think it’s kind of a me-ism. I touch my face when I’m nervous but I think for bea it means something else.
Q: which is your favorite: jealous beatrice or jealous ava?
KTY: Jealous Ava
Q: of all the locations you filmed in this season, which did you like the most and why?
KTY: Prado museum
Q: Who do you think cooked in their apartment Bea or Ava?
KTY: Probaby bea
Q: Everybody loved Bea's casual clothes. She seems more like herself and free. Could u talk about it? Did u help create her style?
KTY: Yeah I mean I had some say, but ultimately it was up to Christina the costume designer. It’ll be interesting to see how her style evolves 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: how do we best convince non-believers (ppl who don't watch the show) to come over to our side?
KTY: I mean what do you lose by watching a show? Even if you don’t think you’ll like it just give it a try and then decide 🤞🏼
Q: Was there a lot that changed with the script because of Mary’s absence?
KTY: Yes there was. She was missed
Q: is this a reference to Ava being in the other side or you and alba are just being in a silly mood in the vid and the song is just a coincidence to Ava's fate? We really want to know (video)
KTY: It’s a total coincidence tbh lmao
Q: who is the best cook in the cast 🫣
KTY: I honestly think we’re all pretty good cooks!
Q: Beatrice walking around with her hands in her pockets....a comfort thing or a character choice?
KTY: Both. Also that way I don’t have to think about what to do with my hands.
Q: does ava make spectacular cuba libre or did bea just say it once out of pity and now ava won’t stop making her the worst cuba libre known for mankind
KTY: She probably makes a good cuba libre but the alternative theory is hilarious and I like it
Q: what type of fighting costume would you like to see beatrice in now since she left the ocs?
KTY: Honestly I’d want cool jackets and cargo pants with military vests and turtlenecks. But that’s just me🫠
Q: what is your favorite avatrice scene and /or line in s2?
KTY: I like the fight in the apartment
Q: Do you ever miss being on warrior nun set
KTY: Yeah all the time
Q: Do you think Beatrice still have hope that Ava will come back? and do u think she'll continue waiting for her?
KTY: I think she will wait in hope
Q: sock sock, shoe shoe or sock shoe, sock shoe?
KTY: Sock sock shoe shoe finish one thing before starting another otherwise I’ll get distracted and never get shoes on at all
Q: is bea a dog or cat person? / What about yourself? 😬
KTY: Cats probably 🤷🏻‍♀️ / Both tbh
Q: what was your reaction when you found out that avatrice will finally kiss this season?
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Q: do you believe or wish there was a scene where beatrice comes out to her parents, regardless of their reaction?
KTY: Yeah that would be cool. I mean any scene where we’d get to see Bea’s parents and how that family interacts would be awesome.
Q: u have more action scenes where we can clearly see ur face and it's really amazing. did you have injuries shooting those scenes???
KTY: Noooo we were kept very safe by the stunt team 🙏
Q: how does your back feel from carrying all this promo?
KTY: Like I need a better chiropractor
Q: on a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your performance this season?
KTY: Could always do better / The number would fluctuate too much so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: Do you think we will have more of Beatrice's back story in S3? possibly an encounter with her parents? Or do you think she has cut them out of her life?
KTY: I Hope we get more backstory! It would be so interesting to meet her parents. Tense scenes tho lmao
Q: what do you think was yasmine face during the avatrice kiss?
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Q: Thoughts on Reya? 👀
KTY: Much suspicion much confusion
Q: Bea with an undercut, I see it
KTY: Fuck yes any excuse to have short hair tbh
Q: The scene between Beatrice and Camila about falling in love with the warrior nun was it supposed to be between Beatrice and Mary?
KTY: 🤫
Q: no context warrior nun 3/?
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KTY: We laughed a lot about this line
Q: what made u stop drinking coffee??
KTY: Crippling anxiety
Q: “watering the plant of love” what are you? 70? 😭
KTY: 🙂
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rawliverandgoronspice · 9 months
I wish mineru got to me an actual character because every single theme we get that has to do with her (thunder islands, spirit temple, construct factory) are so gorgeous and made me fall in love with her, the soundtrack does so much heavy lifting in this game
You're so correct about the soundtrack, it tells such a compelling tale and it really builds off itself constantly, it's genuinely one of my favorite parts of the game!!
Honestly Mineru had tons of potential. I really liked the entire quest to find her and her body, it was the part of the game that kind of sold me the most the mystery and wonder of having such a big world spanning the sky all the way to the Depths. The atmospheric mood of the Thunderhead Isles was wonderful, loved following the light all the way to the Depths (I had already stumbled upon the actual Construct Factory in them before). It was the part of the game that "felt the most zonai" to me, this sort of puzzle-like intricacy of how their influence permeate the world that their name alone was meant to invoke. I regret the lack of worldbuilding here, even a very light one (what was were the Thunderhead Isles? What significance did they have in zonai culture? What about the structures on the ground in the jungle? I would have *loved* more... anything in the Construct Factories), but it was still a treat as a gameplay experience.
(I mean I hated having to pilot the Construct Body itself, but that's more a me problem than a game problem, thankfully the boxing match was a ton of funs regardless)
The character herself though.... Like I feel like there's a lot of potential inherent to her status as one of the last zonais AND her status as the king's sister (not to mention her engineering proclivities). She feels like she should have a very unique perspective on the entire situation, insight about what caused the fall of the zonais (or their departure/refusal to engage with Hyrule), have both tenderness but also criticism towards her brother his wife might not have (as his lover and as an inherently lesser being bound to his good will, she's a priestess so she probably prays to the gods and zonais are said to descend from gods can we talk about that also), share a unique relationship with Zelda through their common love for knowledge (I think Zelda having a strong relationship with Mineru sounds more meaningful than her having one with Sonia as of now tbh, and it would have helped their scenes to be more interesting than an excuse to infodump, I almost said that it's a ship before remembering they're technically related SOMEHOW?? so mayyybe not).
But in practice, she has no desires of her own. She's but an extension of her brother's will, except softer, muted, heartbroken not for her loss (and the fact that her entire race is about to die out once she does), but for Hyrule's perdition. I am still not over the fact that when she swears her oath of fielty to Link, she *touches her brother's hand*, aka the only meaningful relationship in her life that we got to see, zonai skin touching zonai skin for... probably the last time ever? And the camera couldn't care less. No lingering, no body tension, not even one of the little sounds that BotW/TotK characters love to make in cutscenes everytime anything happens, not even any callback to the explicit motif of people touching each other's hand as a sign of support and unity (so you know what symbolism/allegory means game!!! you know this!!!!), the game doesn't seem to be aware that she should be a person with feelings that extend beyond her performative guilt about a situation that has basically nothing to do with her/she couldn't have done anything about/she did everything she could about, actually! She's just here to be a vessel for the restoration project of her brother's kingdom (Rauru being the only one allowed any emotion of genuine grief and upset, and it only lasts like half a second --which sucks!! I wish that, if Sonia was to be fridged anyway, it at least motivated him to become vengeful and furious and make a mistake that costed him his victory, which would have made him sliiightly more compelling instead of reverting back to a fancy cardbox of unquestionned perfection).
Also she's technically the last one you're supposed to get (but you can get her first??? this is such a weird choice sometimes linearity is good nintendo!!!), and after such a long quest, there should have been a narrative reward to finding her that goes harder than "and then Rauru decided to hype you up like crazy to Ganondorf, also Zelda is probably a dragon but you probably already know that" in my opinion. Some modicum of depth; a different emotional texture to the conflict. After that much build up, the payoff didn't land for me.
Yeah. Mineru. She really could have been the aqua-glue holding that ultrahand-ass of a plot together, but Alas.....
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blowingoffsteam2 · 6 months
Im just curious about your opinion, how would you rank all of the kingdom hearts games and which is your favorite over all? I have a personal bias towards the first game and MoM to be honest 😊
TBH I feel like I can't rank them at all because I love most of them for different reasons. I've never played Recoded or Days or KHMoM (except for the free trial) but I love the stories of Recoded and Days so much. The only kh game I can say I have a somewhat negative opinion of is BBS which might be blasphemy but that's just what I feel- but even with BBS it has some of my favorite scenes in the series (all the scenes with baby Sora and Riku of course) and I still really like all the lore it introduced, I just didn't care for how the game as a whole was executed. KH1 will always be the most nostalgic game for me and I WISH kh would bring back the little puzzles and exploration surprises that kh1 had. KH2 is also super nostalgic and Drive Forms are my favorite combat mechanic, plus it has my favorite Dearly Beloved of the series. DDD is a pure comfort game for me, obviously the soriku stuff is phenomenal and I just love the colors and the dream eaters, and Riku's story really gets to shine here. KH3 to me is just so deeply intriguing with all the mysteries it hints at. KHUX and Dark Road while I never really liked actually playing them (who did?) in my opinion they have two of the best stories in the series. I don't know what it is about them but the characters are just all SO endearing to me and the art style was just amazing.
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sage-nebula · 8 months
It's been so long since I've played the original trilogy that I honestly couldn't tell you which of the three is my favorite, but at this point I'm starting to think that it might honestly be the first one, if only because the first one doesn't have a single case that makes me want to concuss myself. (Which isn't to say that T&T does, but just that I really don't remember T&T well enough to say for sure.)
The four original cases in the first Ace Attorney game are all excellent, both in terms of story / character content, but also in terms of gameplay. Although I hadn't played in so many years, I didn't pick a wrong answer even once in the first four cases, because the puzzles were laid out so masterfully that the answer became clear with only a minute or two of thinking. I want to note that this is different from hand-holding; it's not that the game told you what the answer was, but that logic allowed for puzzling out when it was time to show this or that evidence. You also didn't have to Press on every single line of testimony usually, because pressing on just the ones that it was intuitive to press on was usually enough.
Now, that's for the first four cases. The same can't really be said for "Rise From the Ashes," but that's because RftA was written after the main trilogy was already completed, and thus suffered the same issues that JFA (and I'm assuming T&T) had: extremely finicky cases which were incredibly picky about when and where they wanted you to show this or that evidence, or requiring you to backtrack to rooms because it refused to make a crucial piece of evidence appear during an investigation sequence unless you had talked to some completely unrelated character already beforehand.
This might sound like griping because I am just not good at these games, but I don't think that's the case. Again, the first four cases in the original game didn't have this problem, at least in my most recent experience. Both the trial sections and the investigation sections made sense with very little nitpicky "this must absolutely be done in This Particular Sequence" bits. It's just RftA, and so far each case in JFA, that seems to have this issue. This could be because Takumi or Capcom wanted to up the difficulty in the later games, or at least increase the length of the cases (both RftA and the cases in JFA so far have significantly more evidence than the first four cases in the original game), but either way, it's noticeable.
Having said that though, although RftA had numerous parts where I had to look up a walkthrough because I didn't interact with the exact pixel of the evidence room at the exact right moment in the investigation and thus couldn't get the evidence I knew was right there, I still forgive it because I love the story and the characters. Although there is legitimate critique to be made about it (most notably how they retconned Edgeworth having ever forged evidence because of his popularity by that point in the series timeline), I still enjoy the story and the characters so much that it doesn't matter as much to me. Plus, tbh, it explains even more why Edgeworth would make the drastic choice he made between games, even if you don't take the retcon into account. The man was really going through it for those few months. (Though having said that, Phoenix being like "all prosecutors are evil scumbags" in light of him knowing Lana is still . . . lmao. You really can tell that RftA was made post the original trilogy.)
So at least, thus far into my replay of the OG trilogy, I rank the first game (with all five cases present) as above JFA, since while JFA has what is quite possibly my favorite case in the entire series (Farewell My Turnabout), it also has Turnabout Big Top, which just . . . well, you know. I feel like TBT is probably the most universally hated case in the fandom, lol.
But we'll see how I feel when I get to T&T, since that's the game from the OG trilogy I remember the least. I do know that I loved playing as Mia and I also love Dahlia as a villain, and getting to play as Edgeworth vs. Franziska was also delightful. So it definitely has aspects I am looking forward to. We'll just have to see if I find all of its cases enjoyable like I did the original game before I can make the final determination on that.
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yampidimp · 4 months
you posted on twitter recently a joke about how you need to get off training mode in order to get better and how you find combos more fun than the 1v1 matches and. first of all i’m sure i’m not the first person to tell you this but based, tbh i find in a lot of games i find the combos more fun than neutral and shit (read: idol showdown). you are real and valid yk. BUT ALSO come to think of it it’s strange people will make stuff like footsies or drop kick which is meant to basically remove combos from the equation but there’s no inverse, a game that’s Just the Combos.
my suggestion would be a mario maker style thing where people can create their own combo trials but Also they can create their own kits. give characters sols DP and bullet blazblues command grabs. maybe they could even have some puzzle challenges like the later trials in p4a where it basically goes “make a combo that’s This long” but expand on that. maybe “get at least This Much damage” or “get a clean hit Twice in one combo.” idk im just saying outsiders see fighting games for their combos first and neutral second so it might be nice to give them something to look at and ooh and aah at. and also let people have fun labbing shit in a game that lets you go ham with that
that sounds awesome tbh ;; my favorite thing to do in strive is just download combos people made and just complete them for hours so I would probably love something like that lol
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trlvsn · 7 months
zero escape preach sparked by the other ask and me wanting to interact with one of my favorite aa ranters/artists out there. what a perfect opportunity. anyways most fans would agree the writing gets weaker with each entry (some people think it peaked at the second game but imo the first is the strongest as a whole) but it is INSANE. it will mess with your head with all the bullshit it throws at you. the characters infodump entire wikipedia pages to each other. sudoku has never been more emotional. there is a Weird Girl that Does Things. the music is incredible. i doubt the characters were intended to be super deep but there was so much room for me to overthink some of them and rotate them in my mind for days. oh yeah you can rotate items in your inventory post-ds-release-aa-style it's very fun. the puzzles are as well although they get increasingly more infuriating. funyarinpa. uhh some fictional religion mixed in that you might have fun comparing to irl?? i don't know enough about any to make a valid statement on that tbh. did i mention the weird girl
all in all i think zero escape would be a 50/50 for you and you might like it more for the subtext than what the story presents itself as. except when the mindfucks happen maybe.
on that note i'd love to pitch in uchikoshi's other franchise, ai: the somnium files. but that's for another day
also i think you would really like bsd
i adore your posts omg...... i already said you're one of my favorite creators but i can't stress that fact enough...... from opening my mind to thoughts i'd never have to fueling my kristoph and dahlia obsession..... your thoughts are so worth dissecting and putting them out there. i am shit at compliments. tell me where i can find umineko.
god. i do love sudoku a lot....anon, this is pretty good advertising, noted!!! maybe i will play it someday and judge the hell out of it, but also probably enjoy some parts. who knows, maybe my pretentious ass will even like it.
and hey! i actually had a huge bsd phase at ages 14-16! i don't particular enjoy it now, though, i guess it feels unnecessary to me now. i am growing a little tired of the standard portrayals of abuse cycles and finding yourself. fiction needs to get a little more extraordinary for me at this point, or a bit more high-brow, i guess.
and thank you so much??? for the compliments??? it's insane to me how i can be one of someone's favorites here. not in a self-hating way, tumblr has actually made me think of myself as the coolest guy alive, it's just very unexpected every time.
i played umineko using a torrent file my friend sent me, so i could email you that if you come out of the shadows and turn out to be over or exactly my age, as i am uncomfortable recommending it to a younger audience due to the everything in it. i guess it's on steam as well, but the sprites there suck so bad and i don't recommend it at all.
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what would you think of a ronnie in a Jurassic Park au or a hunger games au. Consider hunger games au Ronnie from district 4 and Jake from district 2 competing against it each other in the quarter quell where the victors are reaped. Or Jurassic Park one where Ronnie is a trainer for one of the dinosaurs and Jake is a security officer that things Ronnie's adoration of dinosaurs a bit baffling and adorable.
not me thinking about this all yesterday and last night....dreaming...scheming....get ready for some bullet points y'all cause i have THOUGHTS
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okay so you have tapped into one of my secret hyperfixations: Jurassic Park (like i read the book once a year, it's my favorite)
So obviously for a Jurassic Park AU I would have this set in the 90s, OG park
Now let's go through the characters real quick:
Ronnie - Dino Vet, probably was a zoo/wildlife preserve vet before being hired by Hammond
Jake - a game warden/ranger alongside Muldoon, worked at the park Muldoon was warden at in Kenya and Muldoon liked him so much he brought him along to Isla Nublar (the little SHORTS)
Javy - another game warden/ranger
Bradley - paleontologist, works with Alan Grant, upset that his sister took the job probably
Bob & Reuben - scientists/geneticists in the lab
Mickey - park management, so working with Arnold in the control room
Nat - also park management, but more the guest experience/accommodation side
While Ronnie didn't go into paleontology like her brother, she still has a love for dinosaurs and finds them to be fascinating creatures, but she would rather work to preserve what the world has than figure out the puzzle of prehistoric life
But when she gets offered this job, very vaguely might I add, she jumps at the opportunity to "be the first to work with new species and forge a new path in veterinary care"
It wasn't until she arrived on the island that she knew it was dinosaurs, and that just made the whole thing way more intriguing
And Jake is a huge grump. Like he doesn't get the wonder and really thinks that dinosaurs should have stayed dead. Especially when they bring out the raptors.
But when Ronnie goes out into the field to check on a dino, she needs an escort, and more often than not it's Jake who YES is baffled by her love for these things and finds her excitement rather adorable
Maybe Brad comes with Dr. Grant and all them to check out the park?? Maybe Ronnie and Jake go out to get Brad when everything goes to shit??
idk idk plot isn't important, right now, we vibin' and I'm vibin' HARD
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Admittedly I was on the fence about this one at first
Mostly because of what The Hunger Games is, its symbolism and all, is rather heavy
but then I thought....okay just throw out canon, moosh these two things together, and see what happens
I think I like Jake more with District 4 (god he would've made a great Finnick tbh) maybe he wasn't a career but he got chosen and won anyway
Ice is his mentor
Then Ronnie as a career with District 2, trained for it her whole life, drilled into her that this will bring pride to her district. Her and Brad are back-to-back champions.
Maverick is their mentor, obvs
Then the rest of our lovely pilots are evenly distributed through the rest of the districts as victors
There's not much that we know in terms of the life of a victor besides it being immensely sad
But maybe Ronnie and Jake have this little flirtationship going on anytime they're in the capitol together for a games, maybe they've hooked up a few times
Definitely have feelings for one another but they're from different Districts and both of them are probably too Wanted in the capitol and plus like Snow and stuff so just generally Forbidden
And I definitely think that Ronnie just regrets everything. Is traumatized by the killing she did. it was all just a huge scam and she realizes that she was defs brainwashed into killing a bunch of children. but there's nothing that she can do now. she's in the capitol's game, nothing but a victor with no say
idk something something quarter quell MAYBE katniss and peeta are still there so they all get busted out at the end
her and jake get approached by Haymitch to help???
obviously no finnick (sry boy) cause we need jake there
brad and ronnie are there and i would definitely kill brad off lol
they do a big smooch on the beach
this one is also just vibes but im kinda here for it
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audreythree · 1 year
y’all know i love a get-to-know-you game!! thanks to @its-a-hare-pom-pom and @baynton for tagging me :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
my middle name is the name of a random little girl my mom thought was adorable while she was pregnant with me. BUT if you ask my grandmother, my middle name came from her sister, whom none of us has ever met. so really who can say
2. When was the last time you cried?
last week i think? i actually had to think about this which is NOT the norm. looks like my clinical depression is gone <3
3. Do you have kids?
no but i do have a dog i treat like my kid
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i have never used sarcasm in my entire life
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
vibes usually unless they’re incredibly hot and then i ignore all vibes
6. What’s your eye color?
like a very green hazel. sometimes when i wear blue they look like they have a blue ring around my irises. kinda weird kinda cool
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings always because i hate being sad
8. Any special talents?
singing, making a perfect omelet, listing all the state capitals as a party trick, looking busy
9. Where were you born?
southeastern michigan (does this mean detroit? guess we’ll never know)
10. What are your hobbies?
singing, sewing, reading, jigsaw puzzles, getting dressed for hot girl walks, film/tv analysis, overanalyzing every conversation i’ve ever had
11. Have you any pets?
i have a 9yo dog named Josie and she is the love of my life. if you’ve ever had a pet that felt like they were wholly YOURS, you understand
12. What sports do you/have you played?
i literally failed gym class in high school lmao BUT i’m surprisingly great at archery. people called me katniss for like two days. last year i played archery tag with nerf arrows and totally dominated
13. How tall are you?
5’6” (~168cm). i might be 5’7” tbh but i have truly horrific posture
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
tbh that one post that says “i don’t dream of labor” hits way too close to home but i would love to get a few books published and then disappear. if i have to work i feel like i would enjoy working in publishing
tagging @kyoong-bbh specifically to annoy her <3 i’m late to the party so i’m not sure who else hasn’t been tagged — if you want to play but need a reason, consider yourself tagged!
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
Hi!! I love your match-ups. May I request one for Resident Evil, please? Maybe Stardew if that's okay too.
I'm short, chubby, heavily tattooed, rampantly bisexual, and nonbinary. Leftist. Medical lab biologist, but about to start my masters in forensic science. I love puzzles/puzzle games, reading, video games, making nature journals, and collecting postcards. I LOVE birding! I'm great in the kitchen, but not good at much else. Low self esteem and not very pretty. Severe chronic pain so some days I have a lot of trouble getting around at all. OCD + bipolar + ptsd so some days are... very difficult. I'm working through it, though. Autistic + ADHD. Big hyperfixations are bugs, sharks, bats, trains, lighthouses, astronomy, geology, paleontology, wildflowers, and lots of shows/movies/etc. Into vulture culture. Love horror movies. Jaws is my comfort film. The Shape of Water is my favorite, though (also a major monsterf*cker, oops). Star Trek: DS9 is my comfort show. Talk too much, but easily become nonverbal. Lots of bad puns and useless trivia. Will infodump about culinary history and foreign horror films. Parent to a young kid and love being a mom. Love cats. Keep tarantulas as a hobby. Don't like crowds, sunny days, hot weather, making small talk, or drinking. I wish I could travel all the time. But like. In a ghost way where i can drift around without being perceived. Also, as much as I like nature, I'm definitely NOT a fan of camping/roughing it. Tbh my idea of a good date is a rainy autumn night talking on the back porch with a blunt and Korean takeout.
Forensic science gang rise up!!!!
== Resident Evil ==>
I match you up with…
Jake Muller
This man….is so good. He’s got a rough exterior, but he’s got insides that are so soft he squishes when you hug him. 
Jake finds your choice of study very interesting. He finds the two of you like pieces of a puzzle that complete eachother: he makes the crime scenes and you investigate them. He also finds the way you can draw conclusions all from one drop of blood very cool and kinda sexy. 
He’s good with kids, even if he scares them away at first. He has a strong parental instinct over your kid, wanting to protect them and indulge them in everything he can. 
He also knows his job is dangerous, though. He’ll be hesitant to initiate anything with you until he can guarantee that you and your kid will be safe. 
Jake’s seen his fair amount of trauma. That isn’t to say he’ll completely understand yours, but he’s always a shoulder to lean on. He’ll give you gentle kisses on top of your head. He might not know what to say, but he’ll do his damndest to remind you that someone loves you. 
He’s enamored with you, to put it simply. He finds that the two of you are sides of the same coin, even if your lives are drastically different. He finds comfort in you in a way no one else can provide. 
== Stardew Valley ==>
I match you up with…
Leah loves your passion for nature. She’s (obviously) a big fan of the world around her. She especially adores your nature books. She’ll bring you flowers to press after a day of foraging, and will watch your process with a gentle, adoring smile. 
Unrelated, I get the vibe that Leah would also adore The Shape of Water. She seems like she’d appreciate the artistry of it, but also find the monster hot. The two of you talk about this frequently. 
Leah’s more than willing to help parent if you’d let her. She’s not crazy about kids, but she’s got a particular tenderness for yours. In fact, she loves most anything that reminds you of her. 
Leah’s not as big of a horror fan as you (she’s actually quite scared of horror movies), but she’ll watch with you just to cuddle up against your arm when she gets scared.
In turn, she makes you watch a LOT of True Crime documentaries, of which she is a fan. 
Leah likes how genuine you are with your interests. If everyone in the world was as passionate and knowledgeable as you, she’d probably love the world a lot more. But in the mean time, she’s completely satisfied with loving you.
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danwylds · 1 year
ive followed you for so long but you never talk about video games lol what have been your favorite? besides the last of us i mean
OMG okay I don’t tend to talk abt video games but I do really enjoy a bunch of them!! Let me preface by saying I will like nearly anything I play and I straight up do not care abt reviews
I like the obvious big games like the Witcher series, tes (morrowind specifically), resident evil series (the second one will forever be in my heart), and yeah tlou has rotted my brain for years LMFAO
Anyways I’m going to ramble extensively abt all the games I like in no order I’m very sorry
Other than the bigger games that almost everyone knows and enjoys, my favourites have definitely been bloodborne, which is a bigger game but means a bonkers amount to me
I looovvve survival horror games which might be obvious, so sweet home is obviously one I’ve played. There are definitely better out there (alien isolation in particular is one I’m super fond of!), and i like other games in that genre like the amnesia series (including the unofficial sequel), as well as newer series like the dark pictures anthology! And u know what putting last of us in here as well and saying I don’t like the second game all that much but it was very good AND LAYERS OF FEAR GD LAYERS OF FEAR. MAN. okay will stop talking abt horror games i will talk so much abt them if left unchecked
Im a SUCKER for classics too, like street fighter and LoZ series, and final fantasy as well! Sonic games as well but I didn’t played them that often so the most I really get from them is nostalgia </3 sorry sonic fans
ARCANUM. I LOVE THIS GAME SOOO MUCH !!!!!! It’s so goofy and interesting and low intelligence runs are my favourite thing of all time actually it’s everything to me … shitty ass graphics and all
Speaking of dumbass character building, love disco elysium (like everyone in this world does tbh excellent game) and vampire masquerade !! VtM is so fun I loce being deranged in that game kfndkdn
Cube escape paradox doesn’t really belong with any of these games, but I had a blast playing it with my friend (: super interesting puzzle game and we were confused for abt 5 hours trying to get through it all
Okay lightning round of games i love but won’t go into it— abzû, subnautica, hades, stardew valley, minecraft, sims, dark souls, dead by daylight, ace attorney, hollow knight, destiny, assassins creed series, god of war, ghost of Tsushima, half life, coral island, undertale, horizon zero dawn, omori, undecember, fallout, 20 minutes till dawn, hunt showdown, someday you’ll return (haven’t finished but very very good so far!)
Okay lightning round of games i love but won’t go into any depth abt- stardew valley, slime rancher, minecraft, sims, coral island, life is strange, destiny, dead by daylight, portal, assassins creed, ghosts of tsushima, dark souls, half life, god of war, ace attorney, hollow knight, abzû, subnautica
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leafofkudzu · 1 year
What's your favorite jumping puzzle? Your favorite map to explore? Your favorite map to use a mount on? What's your favorite renowned heart quest?
Hmmm I am a huge jumping puzzle nerd so I actually have a few favorites based on different criteria! For exploration and general fun I really like Retrospective Runaround aka Drydock Scratch aka the giant one that takes you across literally all of the Silverwastes, and well as Searing Ascent, aka the one at the very top of Draconis Mons that I feel like I might be the only fan of. For uniqueness and also being fun to subject other people to there is nothing quite like Chaos Crystal Cavern, a semi-hidden one in Iron Marches that I used to use a lot for guild jumping puzzle races. And for festival ones the Mad King's Clocktower is a beast all its own that was literally the first major jumping puzzle I ever encountered, to my horror (I loved it the next year and every year since though!).
Favorite map to explore really just boils down to whatever is new! Map completion has always been a big thing for me, but not from a completionist perspective - more that one of the things I love about this game is how many little secrets are tucked away even in seemingly mundane maps. To be a bit more specific though, I like poking around the edges and/or out-of-bounds areas of meta-focused maps like the Silverwastes or Dragon’s Stand to see what’s out there. I used to be really invested in Draconis Mons and its cool upward-spiral layout and tbh I do still really like it, but it’s been overshadowed by shiny new maps lately so I haven’t been back in a while.
Interestingly enough the maps I most enjoy using mounts on are the Central Tyria Shiverpeaks maps (Lornar’s Pass and Timberline Falls specifically). You can get up so high onto the mountain peaks in the middle of the maps and then hop on a griffin and see everything from interesting angles since the maps have such interesting grading and elevation changes from one end to the other. Highly recommended. :D
I had to think for all of about 5 seconds about what my favorite reknown heart is before it slapped me in the face - the magnetic hammer one in Sandswept Isles! I think it’s really fun and enjoy swooshing around in a relatively non-hostile environment, though it’s probably not great one for those with motion sickness now that I think of it. Bonus shoutout to the cute little raptor-chompin firefly one in Crystal Oasis too which is just super cute and has a fun platformy aspect that I really enjoy. :D
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cakesdown · 1 year
(sorry this'll be a long one)
not sure about your feelings on horror but a lot of my favorite games are in Kitty Horrorshow's haunted cities packs, which can have triggering material but never any jumpscares. honestly anything Kitty Horrorshow won't steer you wrong tbh. hers and also things like Modus Interactive's work (especially the Shaderlab) are great atmospheric horror. all of them are PC only but play fine on my shit little mac so eh
for non-horror I had a grand old time with Hollow Tree's Shape of the World, but that might be boring if you want action. Fe is a great little platformer that does some fun stuff toward the end, and is real pretty. A Short Hike is very, VERY cute and a pretty nice chill "vacation-y" sort of game. I'm sure you've heard of Hyper Light Drifter. Manifold Garden is a great little infinite-fractal puzzle game, which gives me headaches but also a fun hour or two. Inner Space is a flying puzzle game I ADORE about being on the inside of spheres, and the gravity is toward the outside, which no doesn't get less confusing after 5 completed playthroughs. all on switch.
on PC, but Under a Star Called Sun by haraiva is both DISGUSTINGLY well written and has a beautiful song attached - its one of the only games to actually make me cry lol. (haraiva actually is a wonderful creator in terms of both style and content, big recommend)
some games i've heard on good dime are awesome but never played: Citizen Sleeper, Smile for Me, Wobbledogs, Apico, Moonglow Bay, Chicory, Unpacking, Hypnospace Outlaw, Signalis, Wandersong, Creepy Castle, and Minute of Islands.
Sorry if you've played all of these before. cheers :)
BROOO THANK U FOR ALL THESE RECS WTF???? I have played smiled for me and hypnospace outlaw but that's it! Omg thank uuuu I'm gonna look into these and play them as soon as I can 🙏
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doomednarrative · 2 years
Puzzle piece and hello zepp!!!
Puzzle Piece: Favorite trap and why?
FATAL FIVE MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED!!! God V isn't even my favorite movie but I'm in love with the whole philosophy of that trap set. How the story around it and the folks stuck in it evolves was so so interesting, and getting to the end with Mallick and Brit and seeing them both desperately trying to work together to salvage any chance they might have at survival was genuinely so good to watch.
Hello Zepp: Favorite twist of any of the movies?
The ending of II with Amanda being in on the whole thing is going to remain my favorite tbh. I was so convinced the entire movie that she was just another player in the game but to find out she was not only privy to all its knowledge but also that she helped to set the whole thing up was such a good shock and made me love her even more than I already did.
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i-had-bucky · 2 days
get to know me 🌻
tagged by @kananjarus thank you for tagging me!
do you make your bed?
nope, never. it doesn't even have sheets tbh because they never stay on
what’s your favourite number?
i loathe all numbers
what is your job?
online writing tutor
If you could go back to school would you?
lmao i'm still IN school at the moment. i'm getting a second master's. i'm ALMOST done with my MFA in creative writing. i think honestly i might be done. i'm tired out.
can you parallel park?
nope! can't drive.
a job you had that would surprise people?
hmmm. i haven't had too many adventurous jobs, honestly. probably the 8 hours i worked at dairy queen before i got fired for getting ice cream all over the place.
do you think aliens are real?
yep! just don't think they look like what people conceive of 'life' looking like. life based on other elements would be completely different!
can you drive a manual car?
can't drive at all.
what’s your guilty pleasure?
i refuse to feel guilt for any pleasure! life is too short. i will play cringe video games and watch anime until i die. But in the spirit of the question, i consistently watch digimon.
I have 8 of them. My favorite is the one of my novel's main character in wolf form on my forearm. Second fav is the mighty nein logo from CR.
favourite colour?
favourite type of music?
I'm not sure i have a favorite type. My playlist has pretty much every genre on it. I think I gravitate towards the like folksy rock stuff?
do you like puzzles?
yes! i just finished a lord of the rings puzzle.
any phobias?
spiders. heights. water i can't see the bottom of.
favourite childhood sport?
softball! it was great. i had a lot of fun.
do you talk to yourself?
what movie(s) do you adore?
oof long list. uhhhh star wars, lord of the rings, jurassic park, interstellar, X-men, Michael (1996), Godzilla (all of them), Lisa Frankenstein, D&D: Honor Among Thieves, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Sing 2, Land Before Time, Homeward Bound, Moana, The Lion King...i could go on.
coffee or tea?
tea forever
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
a wolf. then a paleontologist during my dinosaur phase. then an archaeologist because i enjoyed digging.
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w0lfys-pokeblog · 5 months
For the ship rating Bill x Archer/Sputnikshipping
Bill x Archer
Learn how to suggest a ship Here
My Rating; 8/10 (I hadn’t heard of it till now but it’s really cute tbh)
How long will they last?; I think they would probably have a long stable relationship (at least till the Johto games when Archer would flee kanto with the rest of team rocket)
How fast did they fall in love?; Slowburn definitely 
How was they’re first kiss?; I feel it was probably Bill initiating it when both were cuddling on the sofa given I feel they cuddled for a while before kissing
Who proposed?; Archer
Who is the best man?; Petrel only because Proton was a little too chaotic so Proton is the body guard instead
Who was the braid’s maids?; I don’t think Bill has any canon friends actually but I could be wrong
Who planed more?; Both
Who was more stressed?; Bill
Level out of 10 of fanciness; 8/10 very fancy but just under the radar given Archer is a part of team rocket no need for the police to bust the wedding
Where was they’re honey moon?; i don’t think they would go on a honey moon
Normal life things
Who wakes up first?; Archer
Who usually cooks?; Archer
Who has almost burnt the kitchen down while cooking?; Neither
Who usually does laundry?; Bill
Who usually takes the Pokémon out for a walk?; Bill
Who gets obsessed with a tv show more often?; Bill
Who is more likely to surprise the other with a vacation?; I don’t think they travel much but Archer
Who is more likely to surprise the other with cookies?; Bill
Who brings home a regional dog/cat one day randomly?; Bill
Holidays / Gatherings
Who is an introvert at parties?; Archer
Who is an extrovert at parties?; Neither
What does Valentine’s Day look like?; I think probably a very basic candle lit date inside or something
Who decorates the house for Halloween?; Both and you know that like incorrect quote abt fake blood and Halloween? Think of that
Who makes sweets every holiday?; Both
How many children will they have?; None tbh but let’s just act like they would have a kid
Names of kid(s)?(Might name them); the kid is definitely named something weird
Who is the stricter parent?; Archer
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous things?; Archer
Who packs lunches?; Archer
Who buys plushes at the store for the kid?; Bill
Who is the favorite parent?; Bill
Who is most likely to attend PTA meetings?; Bill (only because Archer is a wanted criminal)
Who cried the most at graduation?; Bill (also once again Archer is a wanted criminal so wouldn’t be able to attend)
Who is most likely to bail the kid(s) out of trouble with the law?; Archer (not bail the kid out no jail break tbh)
Old age
Who retires first?; Archer
Who sits in a rocking chair every morning?; Archer
Who wears a jacket even though it’s warm outside?; Bill
Who plays bingo?; Bill
Who does crosswords?; Both
Who does puzzles?; Both
Who wears house slippers?; Bill
Who takes naps?; Archer
Who talks about the olden days more?; Neither
Who gets those candies?; Archer weirdly
Which one is the reason they have infinite jello?; Bill
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crystalelemental · 8 months
"canislupus-13: Tbh my opinion of it might be tainted by how I got stuck on the farfetch'd puzzle in the forest for... 6 years? In my defense I didn't know like any English at the time besides like the basics. And again it's not even that I particularly dislike it. Best I can do is say it's like dark chocolate. It's still good, I'd just rather eat milk chocolate instead. The pokeathlon is fun and stuff and I like coming back to it sometimes."
Yeah, that would do it. And that's fair, I don't think the game is awful so it makes sense that the reception is like...lukewarm. It's definitely not the best, even though I really enjoy it and sometimes it is my favorite. But it is very...you have to be in the mood for it. Otherwise it really doesn't click.
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