#qoaad spoiler
runinfan · 8 months
i am so tired of people (mostly kit stans) constantly making ty out to be the villain in what went down between him and kit at the end of qoaad.
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do you guys think. do you guys think. do you guys think she thinks of christopher. i do
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If I had a nickel for every time a Herondale was pressured into performing necromancy to bring back a Blackthorn woman, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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percytheninth · 1 year
why was christopher’s death glossed over so quickly in cot... this is a main character who was killed around all his best friends and we’re supposed to move on from this and never really bring it up for the rest of the book... be so for real right now 
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edwardianbookwhore · 1 year
Jem and Tessa calling Kit Christopher so much in qoaad means so much more to me now
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aroace-cat-lady · 2 years
Im gonna tell you a story, one that i've want to tell for a while, even tho its terrifying to do it.
Once, there was this girl who was only kind of a girl. She believed that love wasnt only dozens of roses and lighting candles; to her bones, she believed that love had so many nuances and hiden spots that most people just didnt see. She knew that love was a complicated emotion because it never came on its on: it was always partnered with someother. These emotions could be hate, hope, sorrow, loneliness or peace; joy, maddness, chaos or grief. There was so many option, some of them were good and some others didnt seem to be worthy. But she decided that as long as love and passion came hand and hand, the outcomes would be enough to her soul.
And so she loved with passion, the kind of love that send your bones in fire. She loved fighting for her believes, loved standing up for what was right, loved her family and pets, loved learning and discovering, loved past and future. And she loved her friends.
You see, she didnt realize she was different from the rest. Not in a way that made her better, obviously. Just different in a sense were she was willing to give her everything at any kind of love, not just the love of roses and candles. And so she did. She found people who fit with her in ways nobody ever had did before, passionate people who questionated things society had as a rule. They were people who talked about everything and nothing at all. Art, sciences, economy and politics. Feelings, books and deep thoughts.
And for a moment, just a moment, she thought they loved her back. Until she realized that this amazing people who knew a lot of things, didnt know how to see the potencial that that way of loving had. This tear her apart, the realization that most of people believed that the only worthy love was the one of candles and roses, and made her feel more lonely and hollow that anything before had.
Back then, a couple of words were whispered at her. Asexual, she thought, made a lot of sense, it just fit with her. But the other word sounded like acid burning her skin.
She ignored it, at first. She told herself that the right person would come around someday. Not because she wanted to, just because the other possibility felt worst than dying. You see, she had learned her lesson: she could love as much as she wanted, on every way she wanted to, but no one ever would love her back unless it was that love of roses and candles.
She didnt want to be broken, she didnt feel she could face to be broken and alone the rest of her life.
And so left to start over. She broke her relationships with these other people, and decided to let herself be whoever she wanted in other place, far away.
Until then, she had been someone who listened instead of talking. She observe instead of take actions on her own. She let things happen to her. But she had have enough of that.
She would be loyal at her true self now. She would share her opinions and points of view. She would make sure justice was made cuz she'd take care of it. She wouldnt wait for someone else to come and do the right thing for her. She would be the one to do it.
But inside her, there was a fear eating her alive. She hated when people saw her as roses and candles, she always had. It'd took her a long time to be able to even read about roses and candles, to learn she could be passionate about other peolpe who had roses and candles. And so she could not help but notice that the mere idea of having her own roses and candles was horrible, and that as a Fact was even worst.
She knew and accepted the part of herself that would never feel physical desier for other people, but because she didnt know what to do about her lack of roses and candles desier, she hide those part of her from others.
At this new place, she met new people.
Even now thinking about it feels surreal. The way she was reading a book who had won the passion of her love when other two people came into her life. The way that these two girls also loved that book with passion. The way the three of them fit instantly together. As if their hearts beated at the same tune.
They felt so right it felt wrong. They were so good back then that she was sure something wrong was going to come. She was so scared of loving them because a voice inside her was telling her that there was no way in hell, heaven or earth that they could loved her back. So she hide the vulnerable parts of her soul, the ones that had been wounded and hadnt fully recovered yet, and acted as if nothing ever could break her.
And then, they were forced apart by a virus who infected the whole world.
She was bad at communication, always afraid of saying the wrong thing. And now she had to find a way of communicate with what it felt like smoke signals. She was terrible at texts, and she didnt like calls. She was about to lose them, or so she thought.
But the same thing that brought them together helped them to stay like that: books. They discovered so many new stories, they traveled so many worlds side by side. They learned about wolfs and sports and kingdoms. Too good to be true, but too real to feel it could faid.
As they were growing tighter, she took a deep breath and started her own reasearch. At first, she told herself that heteroromantic was such a pretty word for not to use it, even though it didnt feel like her. But then she read a book, and that book had an autor and that autor had a blog. And that blog had the most beautiful words she will ever read: "as an aroace myself".
Wont gonna lie, she cried. For first time in a while, she felt comfort. The world was a little brighter and her heart a little lighter. Something inside her just did click, and all the pieces falt in the right place.
They found herself wanting that these two people knew about it. She couldnt aford that they give so much of them to her while she was keeping this big discovery to herself. But, of course, she didnt wanted a serious conversasion about it, so she just started to send jokes and stickers and memes, hoping they just accept it. And so they did.
It was frighteing, let herself love this people. It was like if her heart were just there, expecting to be broken. But that never happened. Instead, it healted. This kind of girl stop hating her own company, and started to enjoy being alone. She stopped worry about if they loved her back or not, and allowed themself to just love them, cuz even if they might not loved her with the same intensity, they felt like daylight and moonlight and startlight. Chaotic peace and comfortable silents. And for them, it was what mattered.
But then these people had the guts to love her back. They dare to be just as passionate about their friendship as she was. They did that. They let themselves cry, and say "i love you" and "i dont wanna lose you" and "i feel safe with you". And somehow, she trust them enough to do the same.
She has grown up now. She has learned words like "lovequeer" and "amatopunk" and "queerplatonic". But she has also learned words like "loveless" and "aplatonic" and "heartless". She is stronger and wiser and happier. She knows now love is not everything, that it is a choice, and that its okay not to chose it. She might never get to have roses and candles, but she found daylight and moonlight and startlight. She's fine with been alone, but she is glad she found people to be alone with.
And she's amazed for how she story went.
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pansexual-lilychen · 2 years
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the fact that the supposed faerie prince cannot be kieran is killing me
i miss him so much
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declanwidow · 1 year
me and @darcyolsson bitching ab chain of thorns last night
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thing-with-wings · 1 year
I think I need to read chain of thorns again bc im just having some feeling I need to process again lmao
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“It’s not the actions, it’s the emotions,” said Julian. “Nothing made me stop loving you. Nothing made me even slow down. So I had to fix it.”
A cold knot of dread settled in Emma’s stomach. “What did you do?”
“I went to Magnus,” Julian said. “He agreed to do a spell. Magnus said this kind of magic, messing with people’s emotions, can have dangerous repercussions, but—”
“Messing with your emotions?” Emma took a step back, and his hands fell to his sides. “What do you mean?”
“He took them away,” said Julian. “My emotions. My feelings for you. They’re gone.”
“I don’t understand.” Emma had always wondered why people said that when it was clear they did understand, perfectly. She realized now: It was because they didn’t want to understand. It was a way of saying: No, you can’t mean it. Not what you just said. Tell me it isn’t true.
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born-to-riot · 3 months
Siri, how do I explain to the universe that I have refused to read QOAAD since it came out all those years ago because of certain spoilers and am waiting until the first book of TWP comes out so I can be spoiled again before reading it? There is a REASON that “if Kitty doesn’t become canon I will SUE” is in my bio, okay?
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katnissgirlsmakedo · 9 months
i am currently experiencing the craziest high a human being can achieve just sitting on her couch i've just been taking deep breaths trying to chill out for ten minutes it's terrible anyway i need to Post about my friend alec. first of all he was there for me in eighth grade do not ever underestimate our bond i know i don't talk about him much these days and you might believe i don't really care about him but you have got to understand that my history with this fictional man runs deeper than any of yours and even when i had nothing i had alec. the bond a gay middle schooler who reads fantasy has with alec lightwood is completely indescribable unless you also experienced it but like. liken it to whatever you guys have with the angel from supernatural maybe idk. anyway the thing that has always gotten me about alec and magnus is that alec is a shadowhunter yes, but more than that he hates the government always. (i have problems with the show for reasons related to this but i am not talking about freeforms shadowhunters rn she is not my friend ok she is like my occassional late night hookup who hates me but the pussy is insane. sorry for that metaphor) anyway the way that at every turn magnus expects alec to be a Shadowhunter with that shadowhunter sense of duty and loyalty to their government and their way of doing things and their penchant for hero complexes, and at every turn alec is something different. because alec is someone who has experienced so many of the injustices of shadowhunter government and tradition, his parents were in a hate cult that they were manipulated into joining because of the ineffectiveness of their government and their desire to make the world a more just place, and they got out and were punished for it, and by extentsion their whole family was punished for it. because their governemt wants to show that it's all powerful and no one can go against it without facing life altering consequences. alec's best friend was raised by a man who taught him that being a shadowhunter was about hatred for demons, when really it's about love for humanity. alec is surrounded by people who have suffered at the hands of tradition, and he consistently turns away from it and doesn't let it break him or the peeple he loves. being a shadowhunter means having a duty to their cause, but to alec being a shadowhunter is about having a duty to the people he loves. in city of heavenly fire magnus is talking to luke and he says "sometimes it comes down to a choice between saving one person and saving the whole world, and i'm selfish enough to want the person who loves me to choose me. but nephilim will always choose the world" and later in the book when magnus belives he needs to sacrifice himself to save everyone he tells alec not to stay with him, and to go back to the world, and alec says "i don't want the world, i want you" and it makes me crazy and i think about it like once a week every week my whole life. he doesn't want the world! because the world without love is meaningless!! alec is a shadowhunter and he will always be a shadowhunter and a hero but there's no point to being a hero if there's no love... he doesn't care about duty half as much as he cares about love. and that is always what sets alec apart as a shadowhunter and as a leader, in queen of air and darkness (helena this is maybe a spoiler but don't worry about it it's not going to ruin your experience with tda if you know this) he gets voted as the new consul to represent the half of the clave that isn't part of horace dearborn's new hate group (shadowhunters always have hate cults it's like their thing it's like how americans have white supremacists. actually horace and zara dearborn are literally an allegory for trump, remember tda is a book series born out of the trump era, qoaad came out in 2018)
and the crucial thing about alec agreeing to be the consul was that he was NOT going to be a traditional consul. he was never going to do the ceremony and tradition bullshit their society likes to demand from it's government officials, alec saw his father get caught up in shadowhunter government and he watched him die for it and he would never involve himself in those traditions. he hates the inhumanity of shadowhunter tradition, that is literally the entire point of tmi and clary, the entire plot of those 6 books is that a group of young peple who fucking hate the government are instrumental to saving the world because their ideology directly contradicts the emotionless traditions of their leaders. alec is a leader because he is a revolutionary, not because he is traditional. that's what's so cool about it, he didn't just become the consul. he became the consul of a divided society and he is on the side of everything that is good and right and equal, while the other side wants to hide in tradition and rot away. that is the whole point!!! love is the point!!! being a shadowhunter is about love! they were never meant to be perfect stoic warriors, they were created out of love for humanity, they exist to protect people, to bring some level of peace to the world, and through time they forgot that, and alec (and clary) are the people that lead them back to remembering why they do what they do, why they fight this endless war, why they have to keep doing it. god. just truly one of the characters of all time. i need to just hit post now this is getting crazy
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immortal-enemies · 1 year
Okay, I'm not here to give anyone any spoilers for CHoT, but I will say one thing bc I was unaware of this going into the book
Idk if this was just a me thing, but I thought that the character cards we were being shown were going to be the images in the book, so if anyone else thought that, no. It's like QOAAD.
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also (same anon as before) tell me how you felt about qoaad!! any predictions for twp?
if you haven’t, i recommend reading the novella books:
- the bane chronicles is fun especially if you like magnus.
- tftsa was so cute i loved her (read nothing but shadows before you read tlh)!!
- ghosts of the shadow market is definitely super important for world building for tlh and twp, so i strongly recommend reading it before them (it could be a little boring at times, i admit. but jessa is adorable). read cast long shadows and every exquisite thing before you read tlh. the rest is a lot of world building for kit’s background and jessa.
- OH OH also read the tec series if you haven’t (it follows malec) and i think it’ll eventually connect to twp.
- i believe cassie has these short stories about the tlh cast set before chain of gold. i remember reading them every month on her newsletter before the book came out. i think you can find them on her website? they’re not super important but they do get referenced once in a while in tlh
you probably know all of this and i probably mansplained (can you do that if you’re a girl?) everything 😭 but it’s better to be safe than sorry!! i hope you had fun reading everything and def let me know if you have any questions!
I'm gonna do my best to answer this in a comprehensive manner (let's see how long that lasts lol). You're my fave! (feel free to pop into my messages if you ever wanna chat or anything)
Okay I'm gonna start by saying that I had a strange relationship w TDA. I mentioned some of this in my initial post but I'm just gonna go through everything for continuity sake, if you will. Last summer I intended to finish the 3 series before my semester started. I got through all of TMI and TID but finished only LM and 150-ish pages of LoS. I waited till this summer to pick back up. I remember feeling bitter when I started LM because it was strange to have a modern-set book that didn't focus on my fave TMI gang (I watched the CoB movie religiously when I was younger and, before I knew better, watched the show weekly). It took me a while for Emma to grow on me and I initially had a hard time keeping track of all of the Blackthorns because there were so many of them. What kept me going were all of the connections to Mr. Poe (yes, I just called him that. deal with it.) I've started rambling so let me summarize this portion by saying that TDA didn't snatch me up until mid-LoS. okay, onward.
QoAaD was so reminiscent of CoHF and I loved it very much. WARNING SPOILERS FOR ANYONE WHO MAY READ THIS FOR SOME UNGODLY REASON. I appreciate the importance of the Thule portion and know the book would be shit without it, but, despite it still being fantastical, the apocalyptic vibe was not my fave. It was nice to get Livvy back for a bit (can I just say how shocking it was to have her death right after Robert? cause I feel like cc v rarely kills important characters so I thought Robert was fulfilling the death requirement yk?) and I LOVE to hate Sebastian. I'm gonna say something crazy here. I love Kit and Kieran more than I love a majority of the Blackthorns. Kit has been my fave character from this trilogy and I am not ashamed to admit it. The entire Ty Livvy spell shit was crazy because I completely felt Kit and wasn't angry at him for not outright saying that it was a bad idea, especially given the situation. I just can't believe cc had me expecting them to be fully in love with each other by then end, ONLY FOR THEM TO NOT EVEN BE ON SPEAKING TERMS (yes I know I need to be up to date w SoBH, I just need business day or two to marinate in my TDA emotions). The battle was epic, Julien's meeting was genius, Kieran is a great king, and the Malec wedding nearly had me sobbing. I'm gonna stop here w my thoughts on QoAaD cause it's getting out of hand. I am so sorry I am typing you up a full essay.
watch cc give us a 3rd plot that gets crazy because of some questionable heavenly fire incident (I mean, technically all three series plots that I've read have involved it if you count Jace's affect on Jem).
I'm super worried about a main character death because I think it would shatter me but it's also probably necessary? idk I dont wanna think about it
I also feel like something crazy is gonna happen to Aline and Helen because although they were literally exiled, nothing too traumatic happened to them in the main line of the story that the reader got to directly experience
not a prediction but truly me BEGGING ON MY KNEES for Jace and Kit content. I need them to be drama Herondales together. Also, Jace literally told him to come to him for personal advice so Jace helping Kit deal w his relationship w/feelings for Ty would be ideal (I really don't know how that would happen but let a person dream)
Final Segment:
Don't worry about mansplaining, youre good bae. I'm in the loop but I'm also not at the same time, if that makes any sense at all (there goes my promise of writing in a comprehensive manner). The only reason I haven't purchased the novellas is solely because it's more efficient for me to purchase a box set of a trilogy. (I do have the Codex and The Denizens of the Downworld books though). CC has done her best to make her world make sense but that woman writes up a storm and no matter what I'm always behind lol.
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shadowparx · 1 year
nobody cares but like. im so excited bc im gonna be in new york for the release of ChoT (coincidence) and y’all. i live in south america and yes i could order the book but it would take ages to come (i give it two months) and i usually buy second-hand books as they are much cheaper. books also take so long to be translated, a year approximately. when qoaad was released, i waited EIGHT WHOLE MONTHS, until it was translated and sold in libraries here, and i ate all the fucking spoilers up 😭
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queenie-blackthorn · 8 months
fic rec: the hottest fires burn blue by kallistogray - kit x ty fanfic
one of the first long(ish) fics ive read in a long time, it was published between the release of lord of shadows and qoaad so it kinda deviates but who cares !!
the slowest slowburn ive read since that one soukoku fic, it has that perfect blend of sweet fluff and heartaching angst. no spoilers but there are more than a few occasions i had to walk away from the screen and take a few heaving breaths, followed by a couple pained screams of agony
also, emma is amazing here. nuff said.
id highly recommend you check it out !!
the author also has another shadowhunters fic, that one had me crying of laughter and id recommend that one as well :)
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