#quackity & dreams debate over george being dethroned
enderspawn · 3 years
"you cant take a characters words at face value, especially when they are in emotionally compromising situations!" yes, i agree! but that doesnt mean they are inherently always lying either. you have to then look at their other words and, more importantly, their other actions so find the truth.
for example: when s1 wilbur says that he doesn't care about lmanberg or the people inside it and wants to blow it up, we know he's lying. he later shows that he, actually, doesnt want anyone hurt ("if you're going to kill anyone, kill me") and still cares a lot about the people stuck inside (like niki, who he left frequent gifts for when he could and was a massive contribution to slowing his spiral). likewise, when speaking with phil in the button room (where i feel he has little reason to lie anymore) he even admits hes come here "7 or 8 times before" and never went through with it. he's cautious and conflicted, which conflicts with his line at face value.
but when dream says he "doesn't care about anyone or anything" after spirit dies except for tommy's discs (or more simply, tommy and being able to control tommy such as via the discs), what do we see after? him dethroning his friend for not being neutral enough (and yes, partially bc george was attacked a lot, i fully admit!) and thus causing more strain on their friendships, him putting himself in positions (such as exile and as tubbo's "friend") to get closer to the discs and to tommy, him building a literal shrine to the discs and planning to kill tubbo and imprison tommy for an unspecified amount of time (even if the prison wasn't originally built for tommy, it doesn't change the fact that he was indeed planning it). the fact that it took tommy threatening his death to get dream to come back down to the hall of attachments. even in the prison he still seems so focused on tommy (him asking if quackity thought him killing tommy was cool comes to mind). these actions simply DONT conflict with his line, if anything they help confirm it as true.
im not saying you can't still argue that he secretly cares about things other than tommy. if you like that interpretation, go wild! im sure theres bits you can point to and if you have fun w it im not here to be the fun police and tell you to stop
but, imo, theres 100x more overwhelming evidence that he doesnt. the majority of his actions simply do not line up with the idea that he still truly cares about anything other than tommy and w the fact we never get to see his pov and only him in the eyes of others theres no other definitive proof to back that claim up. to try and ignore his attachment to tommy and his lack of attachments to literally anything else does a massive disservice to his character, frankly, because the canon c!dream we have is massively intriguing to try and understand.
and dont get me wrong, i fully understand why people get wrapped up in trying to fully unravel and understand c!dream. you see how fucked up he is now and you wonder what happened along the way. why is he like this? so you start thinking: maybe he's lying to himself, maybe he's incredibly mentally ill as well and spiralling out of even his own control.
but the issue is this: we have no fucking clue. we might never tbh. what that is above is speculation, and while that may help to get you to sympathize or 'better understand' him its not based in canon, which is why we get these massive debates and c!dream "apologists" fighting over why he does the things he does. WE DON'T KNOW AT ALL WHY HE DOES THOSE THINGS, ONLY WHAT HE DOES.
we don't have his pov to fill in the gaps. you can state anything about his mental state and if hes "actually lying" or not and you can't prove it 100% right OR wrong. he HAS nuance and depth already, but we never got to see it develop and filling in the gaps with your own ideas can lead to this... misunderstanding of how c!dream really thinks or works.
i want you to understand, i'm not saying this to try and attack anyone either, please don't misconstrue me, i'm saying this to try and understand myself why c!dream is such a conflicting character for many ppl to discuss and i think this is kind of it: how much of your analysis is based on the direct actions dream takes that we get to see directly and how much of your analysis is based on trying to figure out/assume the dream pov we dont have
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tobi-smp · 2 years
hello! i’ve seen some ppl saying that whenever new members ask others why dream is in prison, their answer is never a concrete/real/justified one, and that’s why it’s not really ‘fair’ that dream is in there. what do you think about this? what would you say he’s done to deserve being locked up? (for the record im not even close to being a dream apologist)
I'm not sure I Entirely understand the question, so feel free to elaborate if I don't cover what you're actually asking me for !
the way it makes sense to me is: there's a line between the information that the characters actually have and the full situation. many of the characters would have a difficult time putting it into words because they don't have the full picture of what happened that night or what lead to it.
so it makes sense that a lot of the characters wouldn't know what to say or wouldn't be able to express what they wanted to say the most coherently when randomly prompted by people with No context about the rest of the server. to that end, lets go over what various members of the cast Did actually know about that situation at that point in time.
1: most important here is that they were going to kill dream. dream is in prison because he has a magic revival book that can bring back the dead that he used to bargain for his life. that's why quackity and sam are trying to get the book, because once anyone else has that information they can kill dream (or at least, that was the idea until things changed).
2: Murder. dream did lots of murder and lots of attempted murder. everyone knew that tommy and tubbo (two children) were going there to confront dream and when they found them dream was 10 seconds away from killing tubbo for good. he was also Very Famously a mass murderer with the final control room, where the highest number of canon lives were lost at one time and has yet to be topped. he also Tried to murder the people that made up mexican l'manberg (quackity, sapnap, karl, and george). he chased them all the way into the holy lands and threatened to break the no killing rule, he only didn't because he was talked down by quackity. it's debatable whether or not anyone besides tommy knew that he killed mexican dream at this point, but he definitely did do that. methodically hunted down All three of his lives until he was dead.
I didn't include the duel for independence here, because it was a Duel, but it's kinda scummy to get in a duel with a teenager anyways so that's notable.
3: politics? sort of. dream's whole thing is that he doesn't want anybody to create any factions at all because he wants everybody under his rule. he's played politics before, but the goal has always been in destroying any and all factions. he gave l'manberg its independence, and yet he was trying to encourage jack to betray them the next day. he backed schlatt in the elections, allowed him to come into power, and then played both manberg and pogtopia until both faction leaders were dead. he dethroned eret on a whim, dethroned george on a whim, rethroned eret on a whim, and eret was perfectly aware that dream was completely in control. he of course Did What He Did to mexican l'manberg because he didn't want them to become a new faction, nearly murdered four people. And Then he manipulated new l'manberg until he got his hands on the thing he Actually wanted (the discs) and then promptly burned it to the ground until nothing remained.
it's a blatant abuse of power through and through, and one that affects the entire server whether they realize it or not (and many certainly do).
4: The Weird Shit. he openly admitted to manipulating tubbo, a teenager, in front of most of the server. he burned down the community house and intentionally framed a different teenager that he got exiled for months. that teenager Has Made References to dream having Done something terrible in exile, tried to make dream Admit to what he'd done only for him to refuse. when dream tried to run away that teenager threatened to kill himself if he didn't come back And Dream Did Return. in the location that he was captured he has a vault full of people's attachments from all over server, which tommy said were meant to be used to control them, in that vault there's a cage labeled for skeppy implying dream was going to imprison a Full Ass Person. they only Had a prison because dream commissioned it right before he tried to murder and take a teenager. etc etc etc.
there's more that dream Has done of course, the specifics of what he did to tommy especially. but all of that is what would've been public knowledge at that point, or at least things that various people who showed up would've known individually.
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i read through the c!dream apologist manifesto
First of all, absolutely 0 hate to the author of this!!! I just like writing about c!Dream and thought this would be an interesting challenge. Secondly, this is pretty long, so it’s under a read more. TL;DR: tommy did nothing wrong, genuinely, he’s just a completely normal child and if dream took that personally that’s his own fucking fault
First, is the argument Dream was dethroning George in an effort to help him. I haven’t watched George's stream, so I cannot confirm or deny it, but either way it’s no fault of George for feeling upset and betrayed and used for that, especially considering the Spirit speech later.
Next is stating that Tommy has been manipulated into believing he’s an “unrealised hero”, which is- I’m sorry. No. Tommy has been forced into the hero role again and again by those around him, but he’s explicitly said he doesn’t see himself as the hero.
There’s the old adage that Tommy is the cause of most of the conflicts on the SMP, and- no. Tommy and Dream's fight before the disc war? Sapnap. The disc war? All Dream, he could have literally given the discs back and stopped it. L'Manburg? Dream, for not even bothering negotiation. Pogtopia? Schlatt for tyrannical rulership and turning the nation against him. Butcher army? Quackity. Pet wars? Sapnap started the first one. The plot to destroy L'Manburg? Techno. Doomsday? Dream, Techno, and Phil. Not a single major conflict I can think of was started by Tommy.
It also mentions that Tommy needs to face consequences for his actions- he’s faced nothing but?
L'Manburg is mentioned as Tommy’s nation, which is factually incorrect. He was a general and VP at times but lacked little real power.
It also claims L'Manburg was based on division, and raised on war. In fact, L'Manburg was explicitly founded on the idea of non-violence.
Dream only really steps in when people threaten the SMP? Incorrect- as mentioned above, L'Manburg was fully peaceful and he didn’t even attempt negotiations. It also mentions “Tommy in general,” but all the conflict Tommy could be credited to causing literally all happened because Dream wouldn’t give him two pieces of plastic that Tommy owned.
It mentions the monarchs of the Greater Dream SMP being figureheads but also claims Dream isn’t a ruler? Like they’re figureheads for him.
Dream doesn’t hate Tommy lmfao he’s just a fuckin yandere.
I’m pretty sure the conflict that lead to the disc war started before Tommy even entered the server, and entirely involved the initial eight at the very least before Tommy killed Dream once.
“Tommy was the one who agressed further” Dream literally stole his shit and refused to give it back for no reason lmao.
Dream literally set up Tommy's exile weeks in advance, framing him. There was no incident until Dream made one over what basically amounted to a troubled teenager egging someone’s house and stealing like ten pounds. Karl and Sapnap (I believe) literally did worse to the house and weren’t punished at all.
I wouldn’t call what Dream did “manipulating Tommy into submission”, as the document did. It’s technically true, but more accurate to say would be abuse. Dream beat Tommy, and hit him with an axe until he screamed multiple times. He also forcibly destroyed his property, and threatened to kill him for minor things.
They actually don’t ignore Doomsday Dream saying he loved toying with Tommy! Props there! I appreciate that. Still, I disagree on their point that it was because of what Tommy represented. If it was, what was the point when Tommy was helpless and alone and begging like the terrified child he was?
A whole speech isn’t an indirect mention of only caring about the discs jfc
Also he said he only cared about the discs because they could be used to control Tommy he doesn’t care about the discs just the control they give him lol
“I view Tubbo much like an extension of the actions Tommy has taken” he’s a whole ass person dude?
In closure: I enjoyed reading through the manifesto! I like my opinions being challenged! I might come across as a bit rude, and for that I apologise- I’m trying to be humorous, not cruel. If anyone wants to debate me on this topic I’d be overjoyed!
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kokokichichi · 3 years
the el rapids story arc has so much potential because everyone in it has such a strong anti-hero/morally ambiguous characterization. their motivations all come from different places, and their irl friendship aside, it’s bizarre to see how they all came together to form a new nation.
it’s even better if what dream said about george not caring about being dethroned is canon. a lot of people have already touched on this point before, but george’s apathy in the lore is actually terrifying. everything he does is for shits and giggles, and the moment you’ve lost his interest, it doesn’t matter to  him, whether it be an entire election or a god damn war.
someone who doesn’t care about the consequences is dangerous, someone who actively manipulates the people around them without giving a damn about the outcome is even worse. george was causing chaos unintentionally before,  but him purposefully acting the slightest bit upset during a planned dethroning made dream lose all the support he had in the dream smp except for punz and created the foundation for el rapids. 
karl is an interesting case, because he’s in it for the glory. he’s in it for the winners pov, whatever will give him recognition, and it doesn’t matter what he has to do to get it. just like george, he’s not emotionally invested in el rapids, and who knows how is allegiance will change in the future. 
opposite to the two of them, sapnap and quackity are characters that care too much about el rapids. 
sapnap has always cared for dream, always been his right hand man whos forgotten and left behind. he didn’t leave dream because he wanted to, he left because it wouldn’t have mattered to dream either way. el rapids is proof to himself that he doesn’t need dream to gain a foothold in the happenings of the dream smp and that even if dream doesn’t care for him, there are others that will. it’s a trade off he’s willing to kill for, even if the other person is dream, the very man he’s trying to replace.
quackity is a desperate man who’s put all his cards on the table and never won. he’s lost jschlatt, he’s lost to techno, he doesn’t have lmanberg, and everything he does have, he’s had to fight tooth and nail to be a part of. now that el rapids is his, he’s not going to be handing it over so quickly, no matter what the stakes are. it’s also interesting because quackity may not be as “strong” as some of the main characters of the smp (techno, dream, tommy, etc) but he has the brains to rival them. he can go toe to toe with dream when it comes to debating on his worst day and still win.  
altogether, they form a strangely balanced team. they have members who can fight and members who can argue/debate; they have members who are dependent on el rapids and others that couldn’t care less; ultimately, they all fall to extremes and meet somewhere in the middle. nothing about what they do is predictable, which is exactly what makes them so interesting. anyway, this is just to say we are being robbed of an el rapids storyline and that i hate it here
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Dream SMP Recap (December 4/2020)
It’s the day we’ve all been dreading.
The time of reckoning has come for Tommy as he and Ghostbur are pushed into exile -- Tommy’s third exile so far! He’s really racking them up.
 Meanwhile, Dream and Tubbo form a tentative alliance, the Badlands start to splinter, and Mexican L’manburg continues to grow in size and power.
 - Sapnap logs on, sees that Batthew is gone and starts going apeshit on Ranboo, but then they realize that Batthew was actually still there and Sapnap was mistaken about Batthew dying. Whoops.
- Sapnap goes on a monologue about Dream dethroning George, saying basically that his loyalties lie only with Mexican L’manburg now. He and Tommy are friends, and he’ll see what happens with Tommy’s situation.
- Tubbo and Quackity speak before shit goes down. Quackity tells Tubbo about George being dethroned and his and Dream’s debate.
- Tommy comes online.
- Tommy convinces Quackity and Fundy to help him start a war against Dream that very night. Tubbo isn’t convinced but they keep talking over him, so eventually he reluctantly agrees.
- They go to meet with Dream. Dream says that he believes Tubbo will make the right choice. Tubbo laughs, says he’s sorry to Tommy, and exiles him. He says the discs are just that - discs, and they shouldn’t decide the fate of a country.
- Dream escorts Tommy and Ghostbur a couple thousand blocks away. The rain is pouring.
- Quackity leads everyone down a hallway to a Technoblade hate shrine. Fundy hands Tubbo a “L’manburg hit list” of all their enemies. They decide to take down Technoblade first, then Dream.
- Dream goes to speak with Tubbo at the walls. Dream says he’ll have the walls down within a week and he’ll give Tubbo all the obsidian.
- Tommy tries desperately to get Ghostbur to remember why Wilbur made Tubbo the president, but he can’t.
- Ghostbur says that Techno was messaging him to tell Techno their coords. Tommy doesn’t want Techno to know.
- Sam appears in front of Tommy - he must have followed them. He says that Tommy is always welcome in his home.
- Tommy is at a loss for what to do. He says they need to get back the discs. Ghostbur asks who has the discs, and Tommy says Tubbo and Dream. And in order to get back the disc from Tubbo... Tommy goes silent for a bit.
- Dream declares that L’manburg and Dream SMP are at peace. He says that he will be officially recognizing L’manburg as a state, and if anybody tries to overthrow the government, he will support Tubbo. 
- Fundy asks Dream if he looks good in his suit. They’re getting married today. When Dream leaves the call, Fundy says “I love you.” Dream returns the message after a bit of...hesitation. Fundy is giddy.
- Technoblade joins Wilbur and Tommy’s call and laughs at Tommy’s failure. He arrives and bullies Tommy while showing off his new skin. He says that if Tommy really wants his discs back, he’s been working with the wrong people (Tubbo)
- Quackity retains his vice president duties. 
- Tommy and Wilbur name their new town “Logstedshire,” Logsted for short.
- Logchamp. Tommy is tempted by an Apple.
- Tommy burns the Racism Logs. I think it’s safe to say he and Wilbur are going a biiiiit insane?
- #SorryTrendingGuy
-  Quackity asks Sapnap what his relationship with Dream is like right now. Sapnap is still heartbroken but says that Dream might still trust him. Quackity tells Sapnap about the Butcher Army and asks if he wants to join. Sapnap says that depending on how things go, he may have “a bigger fish in his sights...”
- Tubbo speaks with Ranboo. Tubbo talks about how Ranboo was planning on running for the election on February 2nd. He says he hopes Ranboo would do a better job than him. Ranboo philosophizes about the discs.
- Quackity gives George the same proposition to join the Butcher Army that he gave Sapnap. He asks George what his stance in his relationship with Dream is. George promptly jumps off a cliff and expertly dodges the question.
- Tubbo and Ranboo go under Eret’s museum and Tubbo reminisces about the piston trap he made when he joined the server, the one he used to trap Tommy. They also fight a raid.
- Fundy and Ranboo encounter Skeppy building a tower. Skeppy has a Manberg War Shield. He asks them for dirt. They proceed to insult him.
- The Badlands are having some internal conflict as well. Sam and Antfrost aren’t pleased with Bad’s actions yesterday. He’s been making too many changes without them, and they disagree with Bad’s intentions of siding with Mexican L’manburg and trying to get involved in a plot against Dream.
- Puffy decorates for the holidays.
- Karl becomes an official citizen of Mexican L’manburg. He, Sapnap and Quackity work together to break down a section of the wall so that they can see Pokimane.
- Karl commits murder in the Holy Land.
- Sapnap is telling Quackity and Karl all the old stories. He tells Quackity and Karl about how Tommy gave up the discs for L’manberg’s birth. Quackity is surprised, as he’d always faulted Tommy for being too obsessed with the discs. Sapnap also informs them about the Railway Skirmish, and how the conclusion he’d drawn from that incident was that “Dream isn’t immortal.” (Is Sapnap planning on trying to kill Dream?)
- Quackity asks Sapnap about his thoughts on the exile. Sapnap says that Tommy had it coming, but it might not have been the right thing to do.
- Quackity then says that he has a secret kept in his basement. He says it’s the most valuable thing he has left on the server: a skeleton horse. Mexican L’manburg’s biggest prize. He says that three horses came to attack him after a thunderstorm, and he killed two of them but kept the third.
- Ranboo and Eret get into an argument about a zombie.
- Badboyhalo, Sam and Ant are all on the server too. Sam and Ant, while Bad is busy, start to draft a contract to be signed with the Dream SMP concerning the two Origin Cows (Mooshrooms) - including clauses that state that the Badlands’ validity cannot be revoked by King Eret nor anyone who comes after him, among many other agreements. The document is unsigned as of right now, since Bad and Skeppy will need to be talked to tomorrow and they’ll need to meet with Eret to get his signature. 
The Badlands want to gain control over Spawn so that they have influence over any new players who join.
- Meanwhile, Karl, Quackity and Sapnap are playing dress-up again while Ranboo and Eret make a grave for Jonald, who was very short-lived.
- Eret asks Ranboo about adoption. Ranboo says that he’s not an orphan, he’s just never seen his parents.
Upcoming Events:
- Karl will tour Pokimane around next week
- Dream and Fundy supposedly got married today but we don’t know what happened yet
- Elytra Challenge????????
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briarlovesginny · 3 years
Dream SMP Actor/Show AU
Initial idea from Instagram post by ameramerillo / some of the makeup hcs from comment on post (beanpole_orange)
This is LONG! It has the headcanons, my split-up for Seasons in the time frame of how Seasons are now, and an adapted version from Reddit user (will be credited at bottom). 
(When I say a character name I just mean their actors)
-There’s a whole backup prop room because they’re broken so often
-Cat and Mellohi don’t actually play in a record player (the versions that are tossed around most often, that is), and so someone will spin it on their finger backstage while someone blasts from Spotify (probably WAP)
-They paid So Much Money to make the WAP jokes
-Techno went on wires for Doomsday 
-Speaking of Doomsday, the choreography for the fight scenes took weeks to -perfect, as a long of the shots were continuous
-Dream’s mask is heavy for close-up shots, so he has to have a physical therapist check in to make sure his neck doesn’t get cramped too bad
-Ranboo has to get there so early every day to make sure his makeup goes smoothly-- Techno comes in an hour or so later to get his tusks done. 
-Tubbo actually needs a couple of hours for his makeup after his second canon death by Techno (blast marks)
-Ranboo makes such realistic Enderman sounds that when he panics they just actually used his voice
-When Ranboo’s Dream side would talk, Dream would stand off-set and say his lines; then, in the recording studio for the voiceover, Ranboo would stand in another studio and say the lines so that Dream could react realistically.
-The main prison’s lava was CGI, but the other walls were real.
-They had a montage of George breaking the obsidian block, which they made canonically take hours. Poor George was filming for quite some time (that’s all they did that day)
-L’manberg blowing up the second time was filmed and then the close-ups were; all the actors were on wires and were yanked to their respective spots.
-Shots above the L’Crater (on a pillar or little hill) were filmed with green screen, but times that they walked through it were filmed in an actual hole. 
-They found a separate crater to film the nuke hole in, and no shots were CGI there.
-Philza held a funeral in Wilbur’s changing room for his wings, which only got to be used for the five minutes pre-explosion before they ruined them and then used ripped models after. 
-Puffy bought Dream a rubber ducky!
-Tales From the SMP is a spin-off show that runs parallel to the main one (think Torchwood if you’re a Doctor Who fan)
-Eret had to wear white contacts after the betrayal-- the idea was that his regular eyes were contacts in character to conceal a part of himself from L’manberg (symbolism)
-Dream XD is barely there, but is in pure neon green when he appears. He emits just like. Pure light. He doesn’t wear a mask because no one can see his face anyways (the light)
-Ghostbur isn’t see-through, but he has to go to the make-up stations early as well every morning. He and Ranboo, who still gets there first, bond over being early
-Friend is a real sheep!
-Schlatt had to take lessons to learn how to balance the horns on his head
-Foolish spends some time in the makeup van, but many of his big add-ons are things that slip on and off (vs. Ranboo, whose makeup is made every day, or Techno, whose tusks gets fitted).
-Music motifs are a big deal; one of the most infamous is the Never Meant To Be theme, which is used in many different variations to give subtle foreshadowing to key moments in development of Wilbur and Niki. 
-When Ghostbur’s memory book is read, dim flashes of the memories are shown.
-Wilbur, Dream, BadBoyHalo, Sapnap, Callahan, Awesamdude, and George are the creative producers, though the main ones are Wilbur and Dream. 
-They have a full writing team but the head writers are similar to how the actual SMP runs.
-Seasons are split the same way that they are canonically now, but there are pauses in the way they are released (Season 1A, 1B, etc) in the way that Doctor Who is split at times, with mid-series finales
How the Seasons would be split up (look at the wiki to see what each Era means):
S1A: Before Tommy, After Tommy, War for L’manberg Independence
S1B: After L’manberg War, The L’manbergian Election
S1C: Election Fallout, A New Era, The Manberg Festival
S1D: Festival Aftermath, Manberg-Pogtopia War Era
S2A: Reconstruction Era, Post-Banishment Era
S2B: Vengeance Era, Disunion Era
S3A: Imprisonment Era 
Alternative TV timeline, not based on the current canonical seasons, by Reddit user u/username6702: 
“Season 1
1A - The Beginnings (Community house built, Joffery’s murder trial)
Members: Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan, Awesamdude, BBH, Alyssa
1B - Server Expansion (Ponk + Punz’s Towers Built, Purpled’s UFO Built
New members: Ponk, Punz, Purpled, Skeppy
Season 2
2A - Tommy Joins And Finds The Discs (Tommy’s House Built)
2B - The Disc War (Socialising Club Built, Fundy’s Secret Base Built, Tubbo’s Base Built)
New members: Fundy, Tubbo
Season 3
3A - The Drug Van (Wilbur’s Ball Built, Drug Van Built, Eret’s Castle Built)
New members: Wilbur, Eret
3B - L’Manberg Forms (Walls Put Up)
Season 4
4A - War Begins (Trees Burnt Around L’Manberg, Cobblestone Walls And TNT Cannons Set Up Around L’Manberg, Tubbo’s House Is Burnt Down)
4B - All Out War (Bow Warfare At The Towers, TNT Set Off At Tommy’s Base And L’Manberg, Eret’s Betrayal, Season Ends With Tommy Giving Up The Discs)
Season 5
5A - Tommy’s Business Ventures (The Park, Brighton Tower, Macbeth, L’Manberg Docks And Subs Built, Dream’s Deal Or No Deal, Church Prime Established)
New members: Jack, Niki, Quackity
5B - Mellohi (Dream Gets Hit By A Train, Tommy Attempts To Scam Dream And Eventually Trades To Get Mellohi Back, One Of The Discs Is Given To Skeppy In Return For Spirit's Remains)
Season 6
6A - The Pet War (Sapnap Kills Fungi, Sapnap & Fundy’s Duel)
New members: Karl
6B - The Election (The Parties Are Formed, The Debate, Season Ends With Schlatt Tearing Down The Walls And Pogtopia Getting Formed)
New members: Hbomb, Schlatt, Techno
Season 7
7A - Schlatt’s Rule (we are going into this season now)”
 I have added how I believe the rest would go using this model.
 7A- Schlatt Administration (Fallout of the Election, Pogtopia is formed, the Manberg Festival, Tubbo’s Execution)
New Members: Antfrost, Drista (guest)
7B- Pogtopian Uprising (Quackity Turns, The TNT Room, Quackity Tries to Grab Power, Fundy Turns, Recruitment for Manberg, Badlands Forms, The Final Pet War, The 16th)
New Members: Philza, Connor 
 Season 8
8A- Reconstruction/ Tubbo Administration (Schlatt’s Funeral, Tommy’s Exile, George’s Dethronement, Tommy Begins Exile)
New Members: Ranboo, Captain Puffy, Lazar, Vikkstar
8B- Post-Banishment (Mexican L’manberg, Blood Vines Appear, Squeeks and Estate Conflicts, Technoblade’s Execution, Quackity vs. Technoblade Duel*) 
*Dream now supports Tubbo’s L’manberg
 Season 9
9A- Vengeance Era (Mr. Beast Events, The Green Festival, Doomsday War)
9B- Disunion Era (Ghostbur’s “Resurrection”, Glatt’s Return, Eggpire, The Disc Confrontation)
New Members: Foolish G, Hannah
 Season 10 (Current)
10A- Imprisonment Era (Pandora’s Vault, Anarchy Rises)
New Members: Charlie/Slimecicle
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