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Quasiromantic is a romantic orientation/identity where one's romantic attraction is definitely present, but differs from "typical" romantic attraction. It doesn't differ in a way that it is less intense, frequent, or more conditional, but that it is romantic attraction that just feels different than what most would think romantic attraction would feel like, while still definitely being romantic attraction.
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monnawesv · 1 year
I wish asymmetric relationships were a thing. Relationships where one person has romantic affection while the other has platonic. But not the relationship of the unrequited love, secreted away shamefully to "just stay friends" that gets suggested when someone has romantic affection and the other doesn't. I want to let my friends know I love them. That I care so profoundly for them. I want to kiss them on them on the cheek. Care for them and let it be known. but alas.. love cannot be asymmetric for most. When I find myself with a friend, and when I find myself loving them as I always do, I end up drifting away. It stings to be hide away a feeling, so I just make myself stop feeling it. but that requires me to stop caring for them as deeply on all fronts. I guess I should get into polyamory - It's not how I would normally want to make friends, but at least I know I could show my feelings.
-ada signing off
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plato-bfs · 2 years
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acquiromantic : feels limited or alterous attraction but is open to both romantic and nonromantic relationships. similar to how a panromantic person may be open to both homoromantic and heteromantic relationships, an acquiromantic person may be neutral in preference between romantic and platonic relationships.
title derived from acquiescence - to accept without protest, as accepting either romantic or platonic relationships without protest
flag colors display neutral tones, representing neutral feelings towards different types of relationships
(created and designed by brennon lane, user @plato-bfs)
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Realizing I am apresromantic AND quasiromantic is crazy
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Has life ever exceeded reason or thought for you?
Have you ever had to throw out everything that you could add to a situation with words or doubt or fear?
Have you had to let love outweigh
The psychology of a fucked up history of fucked up fucked up?
Have you had to surrender like that?
Feel the futility of all descriptions past and present
Feel the absolute necessity of forgiveness in a paradox of wrongs?
Have you had to love that hard?
Hold pain that high?
Divorce yourself from the mirage of yours and others shortcomings to the point in which you are at the feet of a loved one begging them to be okay
In spite of all the reasons to hate to separate to judge to condemn to destroy?
Could a mother this repentant stop her children’s wars?
Could she nurture where she abandoned?
Could she balm the blood thirsty
Where their truths are formidable and strong?
Could she ween them back to infants to begin again the task of mindful creation?
Or are we bound to the cycle of hate
And all the chaos it prefers?
If we want to love each other
We must reproduce an innocence
My god the guilt of god
something from the vault, while seeking something else
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aropride · 14 days
friend i had a weird gay thing with in high school mentioned he and his girlfriend are looking for a third partner and my other friend was like "nik you should join their polycule". what she doesnt understand is that violates the prime directive of relationships for me . you can't just DATE someone you LIKE that defeats the whole purpose
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dduane · 9 months
The Novel as Cake
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    I was reading through the 'writing' tag on your blog, and came across your wonderful post about how you outline your novels using Cherryh's 'Shopping List' technique. My question is - how do you decide/come up with the 10 things in the novel? I have about 3-4 things I know must happen in my idea, and other random details about the world. But what is important enough to be one of the 10 things? And also, how do you generate your ideas for those 10 things? - Asked by Anonymous
…Okay, let’s take this from the top. (And for convenience’s sake, let’s stay in the shopping-list idiom; it’s useful enough.) (ETA: the blog entry that discusses the Shopping List outlining method is here.)
Let’s say you want to make a cake. …This cake also being your novel.
To have a solid story (in the western-novel tradition, anyway), you need at least two things: plot and theme. The plot is what happens. The theme is the why of what happens, and (to a certain extent) the book-wide spectrum of thought and emotion that underlies that; the answer to the question “But what’s the book about?”* …Think of this duality, for the moment, as the equivalent of having both liquid and solid stuff in your cake. You’ve got to have both or it won’t rise. A book with a plot but no theme has no soul.
So: you’re going to make a cake. What kind?
As an example, I’m going to ease myself out onto a limb here and equate “chocolate-chip devil’s food with chocolate buttercream frosting” with “epic-fantasy quest fiction with strong political, exoreligious, and quasiromantic components.” (A favorite for me, over time, as some folks will have noticed. I just can’t get enough of those chocolate chips…)
So how do you determine the ten things you need (or whatever number you like, but ten works for me) as major ingredients / sections?
Well, ideally from some familiarity with what has gone in other/similar cakes/works of fiction in the past: because (in genre fiction, anyway) you have at least some reader expectations to manage. If you haven’t been reading in your chosen genre, you really should be. ...Now, this doesn’t mean you have to do what other people working in the genre have done. Indeed, at all times you remain at liberty to “flip the punchcard” and do exactly the opposite of what everybody else has been doing, if that’s what suits you. But they’ve set out possible recipes for you, so (as a beginner at this work) it'd seem wise to examine those recipes and see what’s in them that might be useful for you. Once you’ve been doing this for a while, you don’t need to go looking, just as an experienced baker doesn’t need to run for the recipe book every time they want to make a cake.
Naturally you can substitute ingredients, add some or lose some, when you’re creating something new; just as you like—while always making sure you don’t throw away anything routinely required/expected in your genre. (Such as, for example, the Happily Ever After at the end of a genre romance.) But certain basics must be in place, things that make what you’re creating recognizably A Cake, as well as your own additions and embellishments.
In this case, that could be:
For a cake: flour, milk, eggs, butter, baking powder, cocoa, chocolate chips, vanilla extract, seasonings, a little bit of salt (because without that, even the sweetest cake tastes just a little insipid somehow)
For a novel: a protagonist/pairtagonist (is that a word? It is now…); an antagonist (not necessarily a character: an antagonistic or stymie-ing situation that keeps the antagonist from easily getting what they want/need will do just as well. This is where at least some of the interior drama will derive from); a change in interior or exterior conditions that sets events in motion; a “ticking clock” or similar construct that means the desired result must be achieved within a certain time or before certain conditions change or expire; various reversals or hiccups in the flow of the story that will inject a sense of realism (because when does anything ever go perfectly smoothly…?); a crisis point at which everything assembled against the protagonist rises up to be dealt with, and the protagonist rises up to meet the challenge and deal with it; and finally, a set of resolution events that (even if it doesn’t absolutely finish the story proper) brings about an end state that will leave you, and any theoretical reader, satisfied with the completion of the current story arc.
…Needless to say, this is an incredibly oversimplified take on the kind of strategizing needed when you’re creating the recipe for a novel that won’t simply collapse the minute you take it out of the oven. But starting simply is often best. The more you do this kind of work, the easier it gets.
Now: “How do you generate your ideas for those 10 things?”
There are a lot of possible answers to this, but the simplest is: Make them up out of nothing, as usual. :)
…This isn’t meant to sound like sass. You made up those first three or four things you came up with out of nothing, and now (because they’ve been there for a while, probably) they may well have started to acquire a kind of secret, temporally-based superiority in your mind—starting to feel somehow more valid than what needs to come next to fill in the gaps. This kind of creeping sense of validity-via-temporal-primacy is a commonplace when you’re in mid-process, and I invite you to ignore it.
Just insert those three or four things into your shopping list in (roughly) story-temporal order, and then spend some time thinking about what kinds of events could usefully come between / flow from them. Hints:
Events that could realistically have been caused by the ones you’ve got already, and could also realistically be seen as causal to later ones you’ve already established, are always useful. Ideally, you’re trying to establish a chain of events in which none of them look accidental, or coincidental (because readers are rightfully sensitive to plots that only work because all the characters are idiots, or keep having “lucky accidents”). What you’re working toward is an event flow that seems, when viewed in completion, inevitable: as if it couldn’t have happened any other way. You will almost certainly not achieve this easily, early on in your novel work, and maybe not at all. But it strikes me as a good thing to be striving for.
Events that badly screw things up for the main characters are also always useful. Heroes do not become heroes by having everything go their way. Their heroism is achieved and manifested by having things go to shit around them again and again and AGAIN, and nonetheless still finding their way through all that shit to do what needs to be done. The lines attributed to the Confucianist philosopher Meng-tse (sometimes translated from Japanese into English as “Mōshi”) are a touchstone in this regard:
When Heaven is about to confer a great office upon a man, it first exercises his mind with suffering and his sinews and bones with toil: it exposes him to poverty and confounds all his undertakings. Then it is seen if he is ready.
So put your protagonists through the wringer. This is the greatest service you can do them: showing who they are by showing what they're made of.
A variant on this theme: Spend a little time thinking, “What is the absolute worst thing that could happen to these characters in this story / in this world?” And when you’ve figured that out, stick it into one of those gaps as a Main Thing—ideally one between the story’s midpoint and its already-planned crisis, if you’ve got that in place—and then start thinking about how to best exploit it to show how terrific your characters can become if you kick them around a bit. (Addendum: you are allowed to have one Absolutely Terrific and Beautiful Thing happen to assist your characters in recovering from this awfulness. Because they deserve it; but also, all invented worlds [if you ask me] should have beautiful things in them—things to long for, things that make your reader wish they could live there. And that you find beautiful, and worth returning to. You are absolutely allowed to keep yourself entertained, and emotionally refreshed, while you’re creating.)
…Anyway, take your time about getting those gaps filled in. It may take a little while: laying down basic story structure is worth not rushing, if you can avoid it. Once you’ve got everything major in place, the secondary lists will follow more easily.
*This is a hilarious oversimplification, but my job at the moment is not (as the saying goes) to explain the workings of the entire universe while standing on one foot. :)
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@dykelittlemy and I were talking last night and we decided that we think there's a certain window of time early in season 2 where both Shauna and Lottie are interested in forming a special and perhaps even exclusive relationship of some kind, which would be built on their shared experience of losing Their Person late in season 1. Shauna's never exactly thrilled with Lottie's "OUR baby" routine, but she doesn't get openly and virulently hostile to it until Lottie starts involving the whole group, which looked at this way might be motivated by jealousy on Shauna's part as much as anything else. And then she gets more and more skeptical of Lottie's religious status until, finally, things break between them and we end up with the post-"Qui" and "Burial" terrifying, brutal, openly rage-driven, sex-is-violence-is-death-is-violence-is-sex Shaunalottie that we all think of when we think of the pairing now. But there is a window where it did not have to end that way and where Shauna and Lottie entering into a still unhealthy, but stable and situationally appropriate, romantic or quasiromantic relationship was not only a real possibility but something they might both have wanted on some level.
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caktusjuice-draws · 3 months
When you and your platonic/quasiromantic life partner share a braincell, especially when it comes to writing, so you
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Here me out, but what if a tfp Megop fic but they were just friends before the war, they had their little falling out, but as they fought they slowly fell in love? Ever the homoerotic sword fight dream They began to respect one another's strength on the battlefield, knew each other's weak spots, mayyyybe even had a few frustrated adrenaline frags in solo fights, even start to like try not to hurt each other and each other's allies too much... all while completely oblivious that they've fallen for each other in this sort of quasiromantic dynamic. Everyone else can see it during the entire fic but exactly no one dares to point it out,
And everything absolutely collides when we get to the (temporary in canon) alliance against Unicron. (I would also say Raf didn't get shot with the blast because uhhhh i say so) Now, when in canon Optimus loses his memory? Yeah no both lose their memories. Entirely this time, like all the way to "who am I? Who are you?" Soundwave does the whole groundbridge thing and so do the Autobots, and they rush and accidentally nab the wrong leaders.
So, the Autobots have an amnesiac Megatron, same with the Decepticons and Optimus. Now, i don't have much idea beyond this point as this is absolute nightblogging, but there's so many interesting things that could happen after this point. Let's just say Megatron and Optimus Prime won't ever be the same again and that's not necessarily a bad thing
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vintage-bentley · 6 months
The biggest problem with the TQ+ community is that they are too obsessed with labels.
Every single experience, no matter how tiny, is seen as requiring a label. You’re only attracted to some people? Label. You don’t want to have sex with everyone you see? Label. And so on.
And the consequence of this, is that everyone has a label. And everyone is considered “queer” for it.
So we end up with a “community” that was supposed to be for same sex attracted people…but now it’s filled with straight people who have adopted a label of some sorts and are pretending it’s an actual sexuality. It’s filled with straight people who are appropriating a homophobic slur, queer, because they think being “aromantic demisexual” or “quasiromantic greysexual” is the same as being gay or bi.
But not everything needs a label. You can just accept that you need to be friends with somebody before wanting to date them, that doesn’t need a label. It’s certainly not a sexual orientation like being gay or bi is. Same goes for every other experience that people have convinced themselves is “queer”.
You talk about freeing yourselves from binaries and “boxes”…yet putting a label on everything you can think of is doing the exact opposite. You’re creating more boxes instead of just letting people be.
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likeadevils · 6 months
I wonder why k*ylors latched on to Karlie specifically and not one of Taylor’s other friends. Taylor and Selena have been friends since 2008, which makes it the longest of Taylor’s celebrity friendships. Gigi and Martha are also blonde VS models. Cara and Ruby are openly queer. Yet I have never seen anyone speculating about Taylor and any of them.
i think it’s the meeting someone and immediately being like THIS IS MY PERSON!!! HELLO EVERYONE THIS IS MY PERSON!!! WE’RE GONNA BE TOGETHER FOREVER!!! WE’RE THE MOST BEST FRIENDS TO EVER BEST FRIEND!!! that’s really easy to relate to while also feeling like a hyperspecific experience, especially for queer people where the boundaries between platonic and romantic feelings have a bit more of a gray zone. but like. idk as a probably aromantic person taking that grey zone and saying NO it actually has to fit in this very specific type of relationship is like. reductive. like it’s one thing in a book or tv show cause for so long queer relationship were confined solely to that quasiromantic friendship and it’s satisfying to see more explicitly romantic relationships but when we’re taking about flattening the real life human beings into neat little boxes it’s like. not the subversive big brained take people who espouse it make it out to be
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ender-is-smol · 4 days
Hey, So, Earlier, I was regressing a lot *and* feeling like Glitchtrap
So, I'm coming to talk about Glitchtrap!
Glitchtrap, As of now, At least, Is a mirrorlink I have
I may be using "🪻》 " at the beginning of my texts when I feel like it or color my text purple
Glitchtrap, At least while little, Goes by He/She/It/Bun/Pixel
And I figured out what I felt like as Glitchtrap I believe, Or what I felt like would fit most: Fluxpercifemale + Fluxpercimale, Agender x, Presentationfluid, Quoisexual, Quasiromantic, Aroace-spec (romance and sex) oscillating
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Also! I think I regress around 3-5 as Glitchtrap...? That's what my brain says
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faggotwalkwithme · 1 year
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hi, i'm theta, mars and basil! > he/him > gay + aroace > 17 :3
i love horror movies and i make them all transgender
my neocities (huge wip) (flashing warning)
my current interests areee > evil dead (+ other bruce campbell and/or sam raimi stuff) > twin peaks > jeffrey combs stuff (esp. reani, the phantom empire and dead man walking & love and a 45)
other stuff i'll definitely still be posting about: -> doctor who -> alternative subcultures (mostly goth and punk) -> fiction podcasts (specifically tma, w.bg and malevolent)
also, i'm in a band! we're @knees-mean-nothing, give us a follow :)
byf; i post a lot of fake gore/blood (like, A LOT of blood!), syringes, i'm a twin peaks fan (so also a lot of topics on sexual assault, incest and all that fun stuff..[/sarc] i'll try to tag this but i'll pribably mess up sometimes) i swear a lot and i use caps lock a lot. just bware if thats not ur jam
also exclusionists and TERFs go fuck yourself! and plz, if u ship minors and adults, block me
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extra stuff below the cut :3
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i literally just made this section because i like lists and i need an excuse.
my tagz: #shut up mars: original text posts | #faggotwalkwithme irl: my face | #friends tag: posts pertaining to. my friends | #friend's art!!!!: art that. is by my friends | #goofyfibula stan account: tag dedicated to my wonderful husbandbf (gender neutral), el | #ptrmoc: posts that remind me of characters | #<3: my favourite posts | #me: me | #gender: gender
past interests that i may still post about occasionally (bolded is i still post about it quite a bit!): monster high | warrior cats | musical theatre (in particular, hamilton/heathers/be more chill/dear evan hansen) | falsettos (gets its on category cuz its so special and cool) | good omens | stranger things/IT | sherlock (<- though if i ever post about that its usually in pain and making fun of it) | doctor who | life on mars/ashes to ashes | what we do in the shadows | bbc ghosts (and other six idiots content in general) | sing street | mozart l'opera rock | bugsnax | detroit: become human (im so sorry) | goncharov (i tag unreality) | the magnus archives | red valley | malevolent | WOE.BEGONE | fight club | the rocky horror picture show
more casual interests i'll still post about: camp here and there | MASH | interview with the vampire | buffy the vampire slayer | little lunch | bill and ted | severance | flight of the conchords | derry girls |
also umm some microlabels: quasiromantic, orientated aroace, genderfaun, xenogenders (im considering making like a blog or something where i document them all :3), aegosexual, grayromantic
top artists of all time according to last.fm: pulp | will wood | they might be giants | the cure | angelo badalamenti | mitski | oingo boingo | strawberry switchblade | the smiths | blur | pixies | talking heads | radiohead | david bowie | lemon demon | julee cruise | new order | hot freaks
my birthday is on february 24th :3 i'm from australia and indonesia!!! i'm an avatar of the lonely lets fucking go
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jasper-the-menace · 3 months
Onyx Zephyras
Onyx Zephyras is a human from the plane of Arcavios. Their prodigal magical speciality lies in the beautiful combination of fire and water magic, something they refer to as steam magic, making them a perfect fit for the college of Prismari – much to the dismay of the rest of the historic Zephyras family, who have nearly always attended Witherbloom. It’s unclear where their magic comes from, as the Zephyras family has traditionally only used plant, death, and wind magics.
To further their status as the black sheep of the family, Onyx came out as nonbinary, told the family matriarch to essentially kiss their ass, and then left for Strixhaven University to attend Prismari College. Once Emily joined Strixhaven herself two years later, Onyx took their baby sister back under their wing to protect her from the rest of their family. In return, Emily shared the secrets of tapping into the magic of the Chi she brought from her studies in Chima to Onyx. Onyx would kill someone to protect their sister (please let them kill someone) and finds themself adoring the displaced Chimans that their sister has befriended yet also feeling incredibly stressed about making sure they stay safe.
Quick Facts
Species: human
Color Alignment: Blue-Black-Red (currently), Black (center)
Pronouns: they/them (nonbinary agender)
Sexuality: quasiromantic asexual
Physical Traits: light-colored skin, black hair, brown eyes, red carved facial tattoos, 6’ even
CAUTION: even more down for shady shit than their sister, cannot be detected by divinations, predisposed to violence
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FLORA: Flora is Onyx’s human planeswalker grandmother who attended Witherbloom in her youth. Onyx has always clashed with Flora, refusing to become a pawn to carry on the family legacy of power. They protect their sister Emily from Flora’s manipulations as best they can.
EMILY: Emily is Onyx’s younger sister who is a first-year Strixhaven student, and thus doesn’t have a college affiliation yet. The two siblings are very stable parts of each other’s lives, with Onyx doing what they can to help keep Emily under the rader. Onyx finds Emily’s friendship with the transformed Chimans to be stress-inducing for them, but they do what they can to help anyway.
DENNARI: Dennari is Emily’s girlfriend, and thus, a close friend of Onyx’s in their goal to keep their sister safe from the rest of their family. Dennari will often confide in Onyx when she doesn’t know what to do to help Emily.
SCORM: Scorm was the first one to befriend Emily, much to Onyx’s increasing stress. They’ve warmed up quite well to the former-Scorpion due to how much he reminds them of their sister. Out of all of the displaced Chimans, Scorm finds Onyx’s presence (and predisposition towards violence) the most comforting and familiar.
ERIS: Onyx and Eris respect each other, with Onyx picking up a little faster than others that this isn’t Eris’s first extraplanar rodeo. They consider Eris to be a bonus younger sister and will be the first to step between Eris and Emily when they get to arguing.
CRAGGER AND LAVAL: Onyx has taken both Cragger and Laval under their wing as apprentices as they get used to their new elemental magic. They don’t miss that the two remind them greatly of Emily and Dennari, and trusts them the most to protect Emily when Onyx can’t be around. The two look up to Onyx as a trusted mentor, even though they’re both a little put off by Onyx’s violent first reactions to something.
RAZAR: Another of Emily’s sketchier friends, Onyx respects Razar’s quick wit, cunning, and willingness to get his hands dirty. Razar respects Onyx’s knowledge, slyness, and willingness to get their hands dirty. It’s a friendship forged in the fifth circle of Hell, several dark alleys, and many quiet business deals.
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