#queuelia burnsides
podcastwizard · 4 years
We talk a lot about how Taako joins The Reaper Squad after he dies, but we don't talk enough about how Merle also absolutely does
i know it’s a bummer to think about these characters dying eventually considering the possibility of immortality exists in this world but i’d like to think that merle - a character who spent his epilogue opening a tiki bar on a beach and running a summer camp and not doing a whole lot of adventuring outside of the occasional live show - might actually not want to reap souls for eternity and would instead when his time came greet death like a welcome friend. because he is.
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stickerfae · 5 years
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Back in Black surprisingly slips through the radio:
Aziraphale, genuine smile creeping on his face: I love Led Zeppelin!
Crowley: [tries not to crash the Bentley]
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podcastwizard · 4 years
Thoughts on Griffins Porky Pig bit?
I’m not caught up on any podcast but I wanted to address this ask because it’s been haunting me for a week. Was this in taz? mbmbam? wonderful? i don’t know but every new episode feels like a bomb about to detonate.
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podcastwizard · 3 years
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Remember -you can always watch John Mulany and put Snapchat filters on him!
in our darkest hours we mus my remember...you can always watch john mulaney and put snapchat filters on him
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podcastwizard · 5 years
taako sends out invites to a fantasy costume party, only to have a fucking field day as he watches his guests’ faces as they arrive at his wedding
lup: we’re going in a couple’s costume
barry: ok -
lup: we’re going as a bride and groom.
barry: w - why.
lup: because i know his fucking game.
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podcastwizard · 4 years
love how people like to act like men are inherently predatory for liking women and that some women are simply too good to like men
not sure if this is the point you were getting at but it did make me think about how recently i’ve been feeling like i have to justify my attraction to men with my attraction to women, especially in online communities. it’s a bizarre phenomenon to face biphobia in two different ways - having people tell me i’m not *actually* attracted to women and having people tell me i *shouldn’t* be attracted to men. i wish i didn’t feel like i’ll lose my “queer card” if i mention having a crush on a guy and don’t then go “oh but also girls!” 
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podcastwizard · 4 years
I just caught up with DnDads in the span of about two and a half days and can I just say, out of everything that’s good about this podcast, my favorite thing is that Darryl not only accepts his son’s sexual orientation but fully supports and encourages him to approach Yeet? Cuz I don’t think it gets said enough.
Darryl learns that Grant is gay and later that evening sits down at a computer and slowly types the word “Gay” into Google like Bella Googling vampires in Twilight.
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podcastwizard · 3 years
A sweet distracting story:
Once when I was volunteering at my local zoo, I was presenting about one of our box turtles and asked the group if they knew why they were called box turtles. One kid, who was like 3 and wearing an adorable fedora, said “I think they’re called box turtles, because they’re called box turtles” and he was right.
i mean damn he do be right tho
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podcastwizard · 4 years
if you had to be handcuffed to a taz amnesty character for several hours, who would you prefer it be? feel free to invent like background kepler citizens or anything if you want
lup for obvious reasons ;)
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podcastwizard · 4 years
Cam eggs help during period cramps?
Yep! The vitamins and proteins in eggs can definitely help. But I’m not a doctor so you could probably Google your dietary questions like I just did!
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podcastwizard · 4 years
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@mspainttaz​​ forgive me for i have sinned 
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podcastwizard · 4 years
do you think fitzroy could cook and eat snippy and then just summon it back
is it ethical to eat and re-summon snippy discuss
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podcastwizard · 3 years
This is one of my friend's cats! His name is Ash, I hope these photos bring you joy!
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podcastwizard · 3 years
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podcastwizard · 4 years
d. does something bad happen late in amnesty?? ive been listening to it for the first time since i only found taz like a year ago and have been trying my best to avoid spoilers and ive only finished with the ark with the tree im Scared
short answer, yes, long answer, yes several times
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