eddieheart · 2 years
A is extremely awkward around kids and B told a friend/relative that they could watch their little one
shenanigans and awkward convos between a toddler and an extremely confused adult ensue.
this is 100% based on your awkwardness around Makenzie btw
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Fandom: law and order: SVU
Pairings: Rafael Barba a x Sonny Carisi
Words: 1050
Sonny Carisi loves kids, its no secret. Especially not to his boyfriend, Rafael Barba. Rafael was not good with kids, he didn't know how to talk to them or play with them.
He didn't understand how to 'babysit' and what exactly that entailed. He didn't have your average childhood, he didn't know how he was supposed to act around children. What Rafael did know was that he would do anything for his boyfriend.
So when Sonny came to him that day, a nervous smile plastered on his face, the older man couldn't bare to say no to him.
That's how he got here, standing outside outside Olivia's apartment hands full of treats and toys Sonny had picked out. The younger man was practically shaking with excitement beside him.
Rafael took a deep breath as the man beside him knocked on the door. Olivia opened it with a smile and frantic looking eyes.
She quickly motioned the two men inside and gave Sonny a rundown of Noah's schedule.
"So he's already eaten dinner but if he gets really hungry he can have a snack, the tv is allowed on just not past his bedtime. He likes it when you read to him before bed as well." She turned away from them before walking over to her baby.
"I'll be back by eight alright Noah." She smiled down at the little boy.
She gave a quick kiss to his head before heading out the door. Sonny immediately walked over to the small boy and sat next to him.
Rafael felt more than nervous, he stood in the corner and watched as his boyfriend played with the small boy. He smiled to himself before grabbing a book from his bag and sitting on one of the kitchen chairs.
"Can Uncle Rafa play too?" Noah asked in a not so quiet whisper.
"You can ask him, but I don't think he'll want to play." Sonny replied timidly, glancing over at Rafael as he spoke.
"Uncle Sonny why can't Uncle Rafa play with us?" The man sighed and looked down at the young boy.
"It's not that he can't Noah, it's... if you really want to play with him you'll have to ask first okay?" Noah nodded and walked to the kitchen table.
He nervously played with his hands as he looked up at the older man. His voice was timid as he spoke.
"Es-quse me.. Uncle Rafa. Do you- do you want to play with us?" Rafael looked down. He swallowed thickly before responding.
"Sure Noah, I'll play with you guys." He stood from his chair and stiffly walked over to where the pair was sitting.
They were playing with a set of building blocks, the tv played in the background, some kids show. Rafael sat across from his boyfriend. Sonny glanced between the toys and the older man in a sense of nervous curiosity.
"So um Noah, wha-what are you building?" Rafael asked.
"It's a house." He tightened his lips and nodded at the younger boy.
Sonny looked up and caught a glance at the wall clock.
“Hey Noah it's almost time for bed do you want to get ready?" He nodded and ran to the bathroom, leaving the two men alone. Rafael sighed in relief.
Sonny cocked his head to the side and looked at his boyfriend.
"Really Rafi it's not that bad." He chuckled at the older man, obviously oblivious of his internal turmoil.
It was only a minute later that Noah came barrelling into the living room once again, now clad in superhero pyjamas.
"Okay let's get you to bed little man." Sonny said while lifting him into the air. Rafael followed loosely behind them standing in the doorway when they reached his bedroom.
Sonny gently placed the young boy in his bed before kneeling down beside him.
"I need Eddie!" He cried. Sonny looked around the room in confusion. Which one of the stuffed toys was Eddie?
The older man walked to Noah's dresser and grabbed a stuffed elephant. He made his way back to Noah's bed and place the elephant down beside him.
"Thank you Uncle Rafa! Will you read to me?" The young boy pulled out his puppy dog eyes Sonny turning to his boyfriend doing the same. He sighed and nodded.
"Which one Noah?" He knelt down beside Sonny with a groan, he's knees would hate him later.
After reading the book start to finish, with 'funny voices' as requested Rafael stood ready to leave the room.
"Wait Uncle Rafa, I need a good night kiss!" He said voice full of urgency, as though it were a matter of life and death.
He awkwardly leaned down towards the boy and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead.
"Goodnight mijo." He mummbled into his hair. Rafael walked out of the room in a daze. He fell into the couch and sighed.
Sonny walked out through the hall, greeting his boyfriend with a bright smile, it fell as he saw the look upon Rafael's face.
"What wrong Rafi?" He sat next to the older man lacing an arm around his back.
"Did I do it right? Is- is he scared of me? I don't want him to be scared of me, Sonny." His brows knit together in confusion.
"Why would you think that Rafi, Noah loves you." He chuckled lightly and brushed a strand of hair from the older man's face.
"He was afraid to ask me to play with him."
"Rafi, he's three. He's afraid that house flies will lay eggs in his ears." Sonny rolled his eyes.
"I just. I don't want, I don't want to be my father." Rafael had to force the words from his mouth.
Sonny gripped his boyfriend's face and made Rafael look him in the eyes.
"You are nothing like him Rafi, nothing. I promise. I wouldn't be with you if you were." They both smiled somberly. Sonny kissed him on the forehead, pulling the older man into his arms tightly.
When Liv got home that night she was greeted by a beautifully quiet house. She was about to call out to her friends when she saw them fast asleep on the couch, holding each other.   She didn't have the heart to wake them.
Thankyou to my beta-reader @buggylad
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peace-love-goodness · 4 months
Kkkkkk cavou a propria cova e eu tava QUSE me entregando
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joanabuti · 10 months
eu tenho medo de me precipitar. isso pelas vezes que considerei estar segura e fui arrancada dos meus devaneios com forma bruta. a brutalidade quse sempre não me assusta. eu acho que quando se está muito feliz em alguma situação é normal a mim, ficar desconfiada. eu também acho que ver as coisas como uma gangorra não faz o menor sentido. são essas contradições em relação ao que eu sou, penso e vivo, que em maioria me deixam desestabilizada. que vida que eu escolho viver? são tantas opções do que eu posso ser dentro da minha vida e dentro da vida de outras pessoas. são muitas de mim esperando pra fazer seu próprio destino, ao mesmo tempo. a de mim independente, a de mim desleixada, a de mim vagabunda, a de mim com honra, a de mim retardada, a de mim cheia de mim. sendo mim inteligencia. quando se reflete sobre o que se é e as várias oportunidades insanas de ser qualquer coisa, se entra em complexo ponto de interrogação por que já não sabe de onde vem cada sentimento de momento que veio passando ao longo da vida. eu sinto falta de ser especial talvez.
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Investimenti e innovazione: chi sale e chi scende
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Quali sono i settori dell'innovazione che stanno attirando maggiori investimenti early stage? Quali invece quelli in flessione? I settori di cui si parla di più sono anche quelli in maggiore crescita? QuSeed, il software sviluppato da Startup Bakery e protagonista della storia di oggi, ha incrociato dati finanziari con dati di tipo conversazionale, alla ricerca dei settori emergenti di cui si parla ancora troppo poco. Investimenti e innovazione: dati in breve per il 2023 In un mercato early stage segnato da una decrescita generale sia in termini di startup fondate che per numero di funding round e capitali raccolti, Pollution Control, Affiliate Marketing e Quantum Computing guidano la classifica dei settori che crescono di più. In discesa Organic Food, Privacy, e-Learning. Virtual Reality, Delivery,  e-learning sul podio con più startup fondate, più capitali raccolti e un indice di popolarità maggiore.  Intervista a Angelo Cavallini, Founder & COO di Startup Bakery Siete curiosi di sapere la storia di QuSeed? Volete sapere cosa il 2023 ci riserverà per il mondo dell'innovazione e degli investimenti? Allora siete pronti per l'intervista della storia di oggi, una serie di domande rivolte a Angelo Cavallini, Founder & COO di Startup Bakery: Cos'è QuSeed? QuSeed è un’antenna sempre attiva che consente di confrontare le dinamiche di investimento e crescita delle startup early stage con l’interesse che questi settori riscuotono nella rete, permettendo di individuare quelli potenzialmente “caldi” ma ancora non popolari presso il grande pubblico QuSeed è anche uno degli strumenti a cui facciamo riferimento quando dobbiamo prendere decisioni di investimento, ovvero dare vita a una nuova startup. Avere sempre sotto controllo come e in quali settori si sta muovendo il mondo dell’innovazione è per noi requisito imprescindibile per avviare la macchina della validazione d’impresa e passare alle fasi successive Come funziona? Tramite impiego massivo di Intelligenza Artificiale, l’algoritmo QuSeed punta a fornire il polso del mercato dell’Innovazione con un approccio duale: elabora sia dati di investimento raccolti da Crunchbase che dati relativi alla risonanza, in termini di condivisione ed engagement, di una specifica tematica all’interno delle le comunità online più coinvolte e attive, basandosi su oltre 5000 fonti web internazionali Cosa ha "scoperto" QuSeed per questo 2023? Attraverso l’analisi dei parametri sopra elencati e il confronto tra la fetta di mercato occupata da un determinato settore nel 2022 con quella occupata nel 2021, QuSeed ha registrato quindi gli ambiti più in crescita e più in flessione per il 2022, assegnando loro un Growth Score (indice di crescita) e un IDR-Information Diffusion Rate (indice di interesse della rete): - In cima alla classifica dei settori più in crescita troviamo Pollution Control, Affiliate Marketing e Quantum Computing. - L’e-learning, tuttavia, è l’ambito che detiene il primato per numero di startup fondate (81) nel 2022, seguito da Virtual Reality (72) e Delivery (27). - Questo podio è confermato anche in termini di popolarità, con la Virtual Reality a guidare la classifica dei settori più “discussi” (con un IDR pari a 2), seguito da Delivery con 1.82 e e-learning con 0.75 Esiste quindi una correlazione tra il volume d'investimenti in un determinato settore e il numero di notizie e conversazioni che lo riguardano?  Non si può certo parlare di correlazione anche se l’aumento delle conversazioni su un tema porta l’interesse degli investitori a prenderlo comunque in esame, anche se magari poco conosciuto fino a quel momento. In alcuni casi, come evidenzia la matrice realizzata da QuSeed, ci sono settori di cui si parla tanto che registrano tuttavia una flessione, come il Delivery, forse dovuta anche al superamento del lockdown nel 2022. Altri sono moderatamente in crescita ma se ne parla tanto, come la Virtual Reality. Altri, infine, come il Pollution Control, registrano un forte incremento ma risultano ancora sotto traccia a titolo di ‘visibilità’. Ecco, andare a intercettare questi settori nel momento in cui ingranano l’acceleratore può consentire di  guadagnare un buon margine di tempo e dunque un vantaggio competitivo Read the full article
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ponlots-blog · 1 year
La verdad No Entiendi Cada Dia Menos Si Pienzas no Se pueden Los Suenis Realizar Estoy De Acuerdo Tu Debes Saber Bien todo Y los Porques Haz lo Mejor Pero Yo No Puedo Controlar La Glucisa Vivirva Salto De MATAS me Tienes Adelas Con panico de Usar El Tel hoy Ni lo He tocado Te Juro No PUEDO Mas Sin ConsentracionEn lo Que se va A definir En Navidad Eso es iloortante pir mis Tradiciones y Criado k Sirve Dos Amoa Con alguno queda Mal Eso no me Gusta y ellos me Conosen Muy Bien y Es La HORA Que no ATO Ni Desato y no me Siento Culpable de Nada Solo Me Disgusta No Tener Cimunicacion Como es Normal Pense Decir Cuabdo Estas Listo Me Buscas O Llamas O Sigues Como Estas La desicion Esta en Tus Manos No en mi Juramento Repito lo Mismo Te Amo Eres Mi TODO y Nunca Tendras REMEDIO TIDO Lo TOLERO Por TODO MI AMOR k Es Para TI PERO NO PUEDO MAS Estar En esta Insertidumbre Y No Quiero Terminar en El HOSPITAl Y Joderles La NAVIDAD A Los MUCHACHOS Y todo esto Hablando Yo Conmigo Misma y A LA Vez Contestandome ESMUY CIERTO TE LAS PASASTES HACIENDOME CONSERVAR ILUCIONES De Una Estupida Que Se ENAMORO DE NADIEN QUE NO EXISTES ES TU VIDA Y Eres Libre Se Volar Cuando Te DeLA GANA yNo Son Incomparables Esto Esta Cada DIA Lo PONES DE PELOS y DOY GRACIAS A DIOS NO ME GUSTA PELEAR HaZ Lo Que desees Y Que Sea LO MJOR PARA TI Conmigo No Hay Ningun PROBLEMA Sabes Donde Me ENCUENTRO Y En CUALQUER MOMENTO QUE QUIERAS ESTOY PARA TI Pero De ESTA MANERA NO PUEDO SEGUIR HABLANDO CONMIGO MISMA Y Adivinando COMO Quieres JUGAR En Canciones UnA PARA MI Y La Siguiente Para OTRA OYENTE ADICTA A Acompanarte OYENDO Tremenda DISCOTECA Y Tres Entretenudos Haciendo BOHEMIAS REQUETE ENTRETENIDOS por Tiempo INCREIB MiRA Manana Me Diras LOQUse HAZ DESIDIDOEl Lunes Ya Es Viperas De NAVIDAD y Yo TENGO QUse CAMBIAR DE COMO SEGUIR MI VIDA JUNTOS O Tu CON EL TUYO BUCANDO LO MEJOR PARA TUS OROBLEMAS QUISIERA VERTE FELIZ SONRIENDOME y TODOELTIEMPO SENTIR NUEVAMENTE LO QUE ES
AMOR DE MI VIDA 🙏❤️🥀🥰😃😎💯🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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matriarg · 2 years
eu acho que estou me curando de você, meu coração nao palpita mais quando te vejo e nem mais meu corpo estremecer quando lhe vê e nem fico mas com tanto ciúmes assim.
estou quse lhe esquecendo por favor não siga meus passos
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vingandoocaos · 2 years
Anemia é uma merda
Tava quse chegando na minha meta, agr depois de quase 2 meses eu engordei dnv
Mas voltei
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chierry · 2 years
okay no joke. this game was worth it be quse of oribro.
the writing was not excellent and tbh most of the time it was meh but i think that ukyo and kentos route were thr best so my ranking would be
1. kento
2. ukyo
3. shin
4. ikki
5. dying
6. toma
btw this is a rank of The Boys. oribro stays at the top if we just talk about favorite characters
so yeah. solid 6/10. worth half the price
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paduardofotografia · 2 years
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Show do cantor @gusttavolima em 2011 no @villacountry um dos melhores shows dele que fiz questão de fazer fotos o show todo, onde além de tocar instrumentos diferentes, como violão, guitarra, piano e bateria em momentos diferenes, ainda interagiu com o público, quse fazendo um show intimista. Foto : Paduardo | Phábrica de Imagens . AVISO: Imagens protegidas pela lei do direito autoral 9.610/98. É proibido o uso ou cópia sem permissão do autor. Sujeito às penalidades legais . #foto #fotografia #fotografo #photo #photography #photographer #paduardo #phabricadeimagens #canon #7d #canon7d #canon_photos #canonphotography #famosos #celebridades #famous #celebrities #paparazzo #paparazzi #Brasil #Brazil #sãopaulo #fotojornalismo #photojournalism #show #musica #music #sertanejo #gusttavolima #villacountry (em Villa Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcywmKquFd0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Eu amo você, mas eu juro que não faço a menor ideia do que você sente por mim. Por favor, me mande um sinal.
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museeofmoon · 3 years
here's another piccrew I stole from @anxious-ace-dork (ty for letting me bhel<3)
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tagging: @sahersstudyblr @lattesandlearning @problematicprocrastinator @sleepinmoons @halcyondayss and anyone who wanna do!
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impish-insight · 6 years
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Got some art queued up on both my accounts for tomorrow but otherwise I’m gonna be gone! Try not to miss me too much! <3
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More recent unposted stuff
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iustinustempus · 7 years
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Happy birthday to a certain bun named @impish-insight . <3
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momentaize · 3 years
Essas paredes descascadas guardam todos os gritos das brigas frequentes do choro engolido dos xingamentos repetidos guardam a magoa de tudo aquilo que não era para ter acontecido guardam os longos abraços que nunca demos guardam todas as nossas histórias carregadas de silêncios
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hylleberq · 7 years
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Art I did in the livestream and I am so proud of all of them!!!
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