dayinadream · 5 months
Lowkey Exposes Stuart Seldowitz
Via doubledownnews
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bibyebae · 6 months
if you look into history, it may feel like looking into a mirror...
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... and yes, we may think we are looking in a mirror, but this time, we have the chance to make a change.
Against all types of oppression, the resistance rises and gains its freedom
People rise against racism.
People rise against sexism.
People rise against homophobia.
People rise against transphobia.
People rise against ablesim.
People rise against ethnic cleansing.
People rise against genocide.
People rise against the occupation of their land.
People rose and rise and will rise again and again against oppression
Palestinians rise against their oppressors, and we are a part of the resistance.
Keep sharing, keep talking, apply pressure on the governments, defund the occupation, and boycott the ones to blame.
Speak up.
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nizzzthehomophobic · 3 months
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My Sigma Anti Fur Comic
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
I'm pissed off, obviously, but not just because of this abortion ban, because of the implications. We're moving backwards, something put into place in the 70's has been overturned, you think the conservatives want to keep gay marriage after being openly against it? After it being around for only 7 years? Oh but it gets worse, of course it does, a white nationalist and anti-immigration supporter, who runs a right wing column Peter Brimelow, has openly stated he wants to bring back segregation. Sure, it may not be the GOP saying it, but if you don't think people aren't going to read that, the same people who helped ban abortions, helped put all these anti-trans laws in place, then you've got another thing coming.
We're going back in time, and it feels so fucking hopeless, feels like there's no way to fix this. It's not though, donate to local funds that are vetted first. And I know we've seen it a million times, but go vote. Do your research and vote. Not just for the presidential elections, for every election you can, whether it's just on a state level or not.
I just woke up so I'm sorry if this is jumbled but just. Something has to be done before it gets worse.
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letstalks-world · 1 year
Mein Name Meryem. Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und besuche die Neunte Klasse. In letzter Zeit habe ich viel Rassismus mitbekommen und niemand traute sich, seine Stimme zu erheben, deswegen entscheide ich mich dazu, Betroffenen von Rassismus, Sexismus u. ä. mit diesem Leserbrief eine Stimme zu verleihen. Am besten ich fange an:
Als ich klein war ist mir aufgefallen das ich anders bin, ich bin Muslima und habe zum Zeitpunkt des Geschehens so eine Art Hjab getragen man konnte meine Haare sehen, dennoch habe ich dieses Hijab mit Stolz getragen. Ich fühlte mich schön, aber die Blicke der Fremden haben mir Angst gemacht! Eltern anderer Kindern sagten ich sei gefährlich. Ich war erst 7 oder 8 Jahre alt, ein KIND das Rassismus erlebte, ein KIND das spielen und Freunde finden wollte. Ich fragte mich schon damals, was der Grund der Blicke dieser Menschen war. Warum sagen sie, ich sei nicht schlau, nicht gebildet genug oder ich sei zu anders und hätte ein Migrationshintergrund. Ich wollte doch nur ein sorgenloses Leben leben.
Mit 14 habe ich angefangen mein Hijab zu tragen. Ich liebe es, es ist wie eine Krone die man trägt, aber warum versuchen Menschen mir diese Krone weg zu nehmen? Ohne jegliche Ahnung wird behauptet, ich würde dazu gezwungen werden oder ich sei zu religiös. Sie sagen, ich sei anders!
Schickt mir gerne
Als ich anfing, das Hijab zu tragen, ist mir folgendes wiederfanden: der Vorfall passiert im Bus, morgens auf dem Weg zu Schule. Der Tag begann wie sonst auch, ganz normal, aber etwas war anders am diesen Tag. Ein alter Mann hat mich die ganze Zeit angeschaut, ich bekam Angst. Er redete mit einem anderen Mann. Er meinte, dass Ausländer nicht nach Deutschland gehörten. Obwohl ich Kopfhörer auf hatte, hab ich ihn deutlich gehört! Vor diesen älteren Männern waren junge Menschen, sie hatten Kopfhörer an, aber ich fragte mich die ganz Zeit: Hören sie das oder ignorieren sie es? Die Männer haben mich ganze Zeit angeschaut, als wäre ich eklig oder hätte was Schlimmes getan. Ich wollte doch nur normal Bus fahren und heil an der Schule ankommen. ,,Scheiss Kopftuch Mädchen", sagte einer der Männer. Diese Wörter haben mich so verletzt! Ich hatte das Gefühl meine Tränen zurückhalten zu müssen. ich wollte diese Menschen ansprechen, aber ich musste schon an der nächsten Haltestelle raus, ich ging raus und fühlte nur Angst, Wut, Trauer, Einsamkeit und Enttäuschung. Ich werde niemals diesen Moment vergessen! NIEMALS!!! Ich habe mit meiner Klassenlehrerin geredet, es hat so wehgetan! Ich habe auch mit meinen Freunden über diesen Vorfall gesprochen und sie haben mich unterstützt. Ich habe meine Lehrerin nach Rat gefragt. Sie unterstützte mich, und tut es auch bis heute, wofür ich ihr unendlich dankbar bin. Sie sagte aber auch, ich solle mir keine Gedanken drüber machen. Dennoch finde ich, man sollte sowas nicht akzeptieren! Auch wenn ich den Tränen nah war, habe ich nicht geweint! Mir wurde klar: Ich darf wegen solcher Menschen nicht weinen! Sie verdienen keine einzige Träne, weder von mir noch von irgendjemandem! Ich wusste, dass ich meine Stimme erheben sollte. Ich habe es in diesem Moment nicht getan, tue es aber mit diesem Brief. Ich bereue es und ich frage mich jeden Tag ob dieser Mann seine rassistische Einstellung jemals geändert hat. Lasst uns alle unsere Stimmen gegen Rassismus erheben und sprechen
!!!!LETS TALK!!!
Schreibt mir gerne eure Geschichten und teilt diese mit anderen
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neutral-stupid · 3 months
today I was told eating in the same room as a poc is rasist, not att al as a joke, can someone please help me understand what this guy ment.
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furyxiv · 4 months
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liondapearl · 6 months
"The European problem is that they were part once a genocide against the Jews and lot of the believes the Jews have to be right or the will be called Nazist." Wtf? Once again Europe is a continent not a country, it was Nazi Germany that did that. Why are you blaming all of Europe for that? Millions of people died fighting against Nazi Germany
Let me tell you about the Hungarian view.
First of all I personally hate this situation.
I try to educate people about the facts, but no matter what I try to show them they came up with "how much the jewish suffered how that land was theirs since forever. And they got killed."
Lot of people just saying all Arab are terrorist. 
Reasoning that palestine as a country never excited. 
They says I am the crazy one no matter what statistic I show to them, they dont care about that the Palestinians don't have water electricity. 
The are reasoning they got support before, why did they spent on guns?
All the Hungarian media is sided by the government of Israel. They forgotten that the Pegasus softwer was used against them. Our grovernment used the spyware to observe politicians journalist every person who are against the FIDESZ. This softwer one of the reason why we couldn't get any EU support in Hungary. Nobody got ever charged from the Ministry of Justice. It happened one or two years ago and the case is under the rug.
So I don't know how can I help more, because whenever I am speaking up I got the Crazy lady mark
I know I was wrong by saying every European country. And every European people. I am sorry.
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shamballalin · 10 months
Separation of Church and State ~ Juneteenth
Combining Church and State in state and federal regulations is not what our Forefathers set up for the United States of America. Freedom is freedom, not censorship. It is time to pull off the systemic racism bandage covering the infected national wound masking as a difference of opinion. Blaming religion and religion’s quasi-moral and racist views as the reason for political motivations not only…
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dayinadream · 5 months
Meet Joakim K, he works tjornskommun which is the government of Sweden in the island of Tjörn in Västra Götaland County in western Sweden
Via Ahmedeldin
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the-sayuri-rin · 1 year
Ye: I Asked Trump To Be My Vice President & Brought White Supremacist Ni...
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nizzzthehomophobic · 3 months
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My First Anti-Furry Comic
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hero-of-the-twlight · 5 months
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I'm will no longer be talking about James but holy shit I wish Hbomb dunked on more of the Internet Historians content because that mans stuff has always made me uncomfortable. This isn't even a dog whistle. This is just KKK imagery in a VPN ad. He not only a plagiarist but overtly right wing.
(cap from his Tales From TheVarus video)
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stuffthatsrandomish · 2 months
Tw: Xenophobia, racism
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Yeah this happened, if you show any kinds of Xenophobia, racism, discrimination, then get the fuck out. Cleary you don't belong in a community with multiple cultures, races, ethnicities, and languages if you can't handle 1 of those aspects. This is supposed to be safe and welcoming and Quackity and the team just introduced a Korean content creator to the Qsmp. So for people to blow up about something a Brazilian not announcing the Carnival soon enough is just balant racism and xenophobic. Tomorrow is going to be a day full of celebration and fun and if you can't handle that then don't watch better yet, leave the community and fandom if it bugs you so much but don't take out your anger on those who are just trying to live their lives in peace with the rest of us.
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urlocalwormtoday · 2 months
more discourse :[
a lot of bad stuff has been happening over on Twitter (no surprise there)
After learning abt what happened, I have nothing much to say other than I wish the best for cellbit, his family, and his viewers/fans as a whole, and if the rest of the Brazilian community chooses to leave the qsmp fandom I think most of us would understand
What happened to him was far past horrible and a lot of the qsmp fandom have been awful and xenophobic towards not only him but multiple other Brazilians
I really hope Quackity addresses it, (keyword, addresses, he's not entirely responsible if his fans decides to be horrible and nor can he stop them but I feel like a response to all of the drama is in order, considering they are his fans) not just as the owner of the qsmp but as cellbits friend
What cellbit had to do/say in order to clear his name against accusations, accusing him of things that were lies to begin with, and on top of that information from his private life, was so far past an invasion of privacy.
I literally never take part in discourse or drama and I wouldn't even touch Twitter with a 10-foot pole, but I just wanted to say that what happened was definitely not acceptable for community that's supposed to be accepting and that's supposed to bring people together
Xenophobia inside said community is especially shocking, and has the other (not racist xd) half of the community is reluctant to affiliate with the 'qsmp fandom' title AT ALL, understandably
So, for the love of everything good in this world, be kind and respectful to cellbit, be kind to the Brazilians, be kind. Be respectful. Just be a good person. Please.
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