twisted-hubby · 1 year
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Untold truths...
For the lovely @onemoreparadise​ 🎉🎁
I hope you'll enjoy this story!
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Olivia Auberelli sat in an armchair and gazed dreamily from her room at the gardens of her palace. For some time now, her father's advisors had been asking her when would she decide to get married.
As the crown princess of the kingdom of Ephocaé, the young woman knew that it was her duty to marry a man of her rank and to bear children to prolong her lineage. But she had no desire to marry. 
And the suitors who had come and gone in recent times did not give her the desire to marry. Too stupid, too pretentious, too insignificant... None of them pleased her!
Her father, King Ferdinand, said to her with a slight smile:
"My dear, you are the most difficult princess on the whole continent. But then, your mother was the same as your age: it took her two years to decide to marry me!"
Of course, her mother, Queen Magdalene, pretended to be offended and said that he was the one who couldn't make up his mind. 
It led to marital bickering, which amused their daughter greatly.
Smiling dreamily, the young woman hoped to have a marriage as happy as her parents. But it would have to be the perfect husband.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!
A servant entered the room and bowed respectfully:
"Your Highness, I have come to inform you that Sir Peter Ravenwater, Crown Prince of Adreamid, is coming here on an official visit!"
On hearing the name, the young woman let out an annoyed sigh: she didn't want to see this stiff crowned at all!
She had known him since they were children. And they had difficulty getting along because their characters were so different. Peter said Olivia was too generous and sensitive, while the young princess criticized the prince for being too cold and authoritarian with others. And yet, God knows, their parents were planning to marry them off! But as they found it hard to have a conversation without arguing, they preferred not to talk about it for the time being.
Resigning herself, she replied:
"All right, I'll get ready. Tell my parents I'll be down in an hour!"
The servant bowed before leaving, closing the door behind him. 
Olivia rose from her chair and headed to her wardrobe. Then, she proceeded to choose the outfit she would wear to tonight's reception. Let's hope it goes well... 
A few hours later.
In the throne room, King Ferdinand and Queen Magdalene received Prince Peter of Adreamid. The royal couple noted that the little prince they had known had grown up well. Today he was a handsome man with black hair and dark eyes. 
He bowed slightly and said:
"I thank you for receiving me, Your Majesties. It has been a long time since we last saw each other!"
"It is always a pleasure to receive you, Sir Peter," replied Magdalene politely.
At the same time, Olivia appeared, dressed in a red satin gown and wearing a ruby tiara. 
As Peter watched her arrive, he thought that the young woman was becoming more and more beautiful. If only she could become wiser, more sensible... But that was not going to happen.
Olivia reached the guest and greeted him respectfully:
"I welcome you, dear Peter. It's always a pleasure to have you here!"
The prince smiled amusedly and replied:
"It is strange. I remember the last time we met, and you said you never wanted to see my ugly face again!"
Stung to the core, Olivia replied:
"Still as delicate as ever, I see. Do you have to be a cad every time you come here?"
"Yes, just for the pleasure of hearing you rant!"
Magdalene and Ferdinand looked at each other, annoyed. All that was missing was another argument between their daughter and their guest! Fortunately for the royal couple, the chef announced that dinner was served in the main reception room.
This announcement interrupted the argument between Olivia and Peter, who made their way to the great hall while glaring at each other.
Once everyone was seated at the table, dinner began. 
Trying to avoid a new conflict, Ferdinand asked:
"Tell me, dear Peter, what brings you to my kingdom?"
"Well, as the future king of Adreamid, I had to visit my country's oldest ally. Besides, my late father held you in very high regard."
As she ate her food, Olivia remembered that Peter's father, Erik, had died three weeks ago after a long illness. The young woman remembered the late king well: Peter looked just like him! 
Magdalene asked:
"When will your coronation take place?"
"It will only take place when I have found my future wife! It is how we organize the succession to Adreamid!"
"I imagine that many princesses dream of being in your arms!" joked Ferdinand. 
At these words, Olivia muttered:
"Poor things! If only they knew him, they would be disappointed!"
Having heard these words, Peter said nothing and glared at the young woman. But deep down, he was more amused than anything else: nothing surprised him anymore coming from the crown princess of Ephocaé!
A few days later.
That morning walk through the streets of Fiorenza, the capital of Ephocaé, Peter thought it was a bad idea. He still wondered how Olivia had managed to convince him to follow her. And yet, here he was in the streets of the city, two steps behind the princess, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd.
The Prince of Adreamid could see how loved the young woman was by her subjects, who cheered for her with great enthusiasm. And the princess returned this love with smiles, delicate words, and other forms of kindness.
The young man disapproved of this approach. For him, a sovereign too close to his people showed his weakness and risked betrayal at any moment! Only firmness and dignity could maintain the loyalty between a monarch and his people.
The young woman's voice drew him out of his thoughts:
"You know, people like to hear an answer when they say hello!"
He turned to the young woman who gave him a mischievous smile. Obviously, for her, it was a pleasant exercise. But for him, it was destabilizing. To put on a good face, he contented himself with greeting the people in a brief tone.
The Crown Princess of Ephocaé rolled her eyes: he will never change!
Suddenly, some children came up to Olivia, laughing, their arms full of flowers.
They called her joyfully:
"Olivia! Olivia!"
On hearing this, Peter gave them a chilling lecture:
"That is no way to talk to a princess. Apologize immediately!"
This command froze the children in fear, and some of them even had tears in their eyes. But luckily for them, Olivia came to their defence:
"They are children: they are not doing anything wrong!"
"They still owe you respect. You are a future queen, not their friend!"
The young woman glared at him, muttering "Killjoy!" before turning her attention back to the children, consoling and reassuring them. 
But inwardly, she railed against Peter and his damned temper! She couldn't wait for him to go home and she wanted to never hear of him!
In the afternoon.
Strolling through the palace gardens, Olivia needed to clear her head. She wondered what had possessed her parents to ask Peter to stay at their palace for a few days? And if that wasn't enough, he had accepted! Since then, the young woman had done everything to avoid her cumbersome guest, despite her mother's scolding. 
Olivia sat on a bench and gazed at the trees that bloomed beautifully around her. It was her favourite place, where she liked to relax and enjoy the silence.
"Trying to get away from me?"
Letting out a long, weary sigh, Olivia turned her head and saw Peter standing behind her with a slight smirk on his face.
"What do you want from me?"
"I want to have a conversation. A princess worthy of her rank should be welcoming to her guests!" replied the future king of Adreamid.
"Why do I have to bother with hypocrisy? You hate that!"
"That's true! But you could make an effort!"
"As if you did!"
The young woman gave him a disdainful pout before retorting:
"With a character like that, I wonder how you manage to get so many suitors!"
"I'm sorry?"
"You heard me right. I wonder how these poor fools can sigh with love for you, you heart of stone!"
Stung to the core, the Crown Prince retorted:
"I can return the compliment. It's no wonder you're not married yet: no prince or king would want to marry such a shrew!"
The slap he received made Peter understand that he had crossed the line. Bringing his hand to his sore cheek, he met Olivia's angry gaze. He could see tears in the corners of her pretty eyes.
"You are such a jerk. I pity your people for having to suffer your dictatorship!"
With that, she turned and walked away, leaving the prince of Adreamid alone. Every time they met, they argued. But this time, he went a bit too far... 
That evening.
Lying in bed, Olivia tried to fall asleep, despite the grief that knotted her stomach. She wasn't sure if she hated Peter or herself. 
After all, the princess of Ephocaé always felt attracted to this handsome prince. If only he didn't have that damn cold temper! 
The young woman wiped her tear-filled eyes: even if she felt something for Peter of Adreamid, he would never choose her! He will prefer a wise and calm princess, who will say yes to whatever he decides!
While she was moping about her feelings - something she hated - Olivia heard sounds of a struggle in the palace corridors. 
Intrigued, she got up from her bed, put on a dressing gown, and went to the door of her room, which she slowly opened. To her surprise, she saw nothing in her hallway. 
She listened for the sounds of swords clashing violently and the cries of the wounded. But what was going on?
Suddenly, a guard came towards her in panic:
"Your Highness! Don't just stand there: get to safety!"
"What is going on?"
"What's going on is that we're getting attacked!"
At these words, Olivia thought she got punched in the stomach. It couldn't be! Who would dare attack her family? And speaking of them, where were her parents?
"Where are my parents?"
"Don't worry about them: we took them to safety in another wing of the castle. But you, you have to hide!"
He handed her a small sword.
"Take this, in case you have to defend yourself. Try to be as inconspicuous as a mouse!"
"But you?"
"I do my duty, Princess Olivia. Now run and don't look back!"
Without asking for help, Olivia ran to the other end of the corridor, fear giving her wings.
As she ran, the young woman wondered who could dare to attack the King and Queen of Ephocaé. What could these people possibly want with them? 
After several minutes of running, the princess arrived at a heavy iron door, which she opened with difficulty. 
Then she slipped inside the room and closed the door behind her. 
Out of breath, Olivia slid to the floor, glad to be safe.
Looking up, the princess understood where she was: she was in the weapons room, where the royal guard trained in fencing and combat. So she had no shortage of weapons to defend herself!
A thought crossed her mind: what about Peter? What had become of him? Had he been captured? Was he injured, or worse?
The young woman shook her head: no, Peter was strong. He would be able to defend himself.
"I hope nothing bad happens to him!"
She was startled when a familiar voice replied:
"I'm glad you're worried about me!"
Turning around, Olivia saw that Peter was standing behind her, smirking slightly.
Annoyed, the young woman retorted:
"Would it be too much to ask you to warn me before you startle me?"
"Why? That would spoil my fun!"
"What the hell! I would have been surprised if you hadn't!"
The prince of Adreamid ironically said, "Always so pleasant!"
As she did not want to waste her energy, the young woman was content not to answer him. And yet, she was dying to stick her sword where it hurt the most in a man! 
But to dirty such a beautiful blade, what a waste! He didn't deserve it!
"Must I suffer your contemptuous silence for much longer?" asked Peter.
"That I know of, I have nothing to say to you!"
"On the contrary. I'd like to know how you got here."
"A guard came to warn me that we were under attack and told me to hide. I wandered the corridors for a few minutes until I found this door."
"In other words, you picked the first place to hide."
"Oh, come on! You're not going to blame me about EVERYTHING I do!"
Peter raised his hands in surrender.
"Easy, fury. There's no need to get so worked up about it!"
When he felt her blade on his neck, he knew she was not about to calm down.
"I have good reasons to be angry. Firstly, some thugs have decided to attack my family, and I have no idea what's happening to my parents. But most of all, since you came here, you've been doing everything you can to make me mad! So maybe I'm just an overly sensitive kid, but I'd rather never get married than do the bidding of a jerk!"
"I dare to hope that you don't consider me a jerk!"
"Why not? You didn't mind calling me a shrew!"
Peter wanted to reply but refrained from making any comment. After all, he wouldn't have stolen it! He wondered how he had even called her that? After all, Olivia was anything but a shrew! Beautiful as she was, it was not difficult to understand why the other princes courted her. 
But for the prince of Adreamid, none of them was as good as Olivia of Ephocaé!
He tried to plead:
"Olivia, I... I apologize."
"You do? And for what?" ironically asked the young woman.
Searching for words, Peter answered calmly:
"I wanted to apologize for calling you a shrew... and for saying you were a sensitive child."
"Why do I feel like that's not honest?" 
"Maybe because I wasn't honest from the start!"
Intrigued by this answer, Olivia lowered her sword and asked:
"What do you mean?"
At that moment, the prince of Adreamid understood that he could no longer back down. But at this point, he might as well say it all!
Letting out a short sigh, he murmured:
"To tell you the truth, when I said I wasn't surprised that you weren't married, I meant I was relieved!"
"Excuse me?"
"I know: when you put it like that, it's surprising. But I mean it."
Crossing her arms over her chest, the princess asked him:
"And why are you glad to see me single?"
"Because none of those jerk princes deserves you, Olivia. You're far too intelligent, beautiful, sincere, loving, and compassionate for them to be able to keep up with you. Anyone in their right mind would see that!"
This statement surprised the young woman: she had not expected Peter to crack the armour so much! It seemed that he was not the cold man she had imagined... But it was what he said about her that intrigued Olivia.
In a small voice, she whispered:
"How long have you been thinking that?"
"Since a long time ago. But... In my upbringing, showing your feelings is a sign of weakness for a king. My grandfather was adored by his people, and yet he got murdered. That's why my father decided to be tough on his subjects and instilled his values in me. He wanted to give a warning to those who thought they were getting to him: he would be tough!"
He turned to her.
"That's why I disapproved of you being so close to your subjects. I didn't want them to think they could disrespect you with impunity."
Olivia nodded before replying:
"I know what you mean. But here, the king and his subjects have always had a strong emotional bond. It's normal for us that the royal family is close to the people."
She smiled slightly:
"I guess I was wrong about you. You are not the ice-cold prince I imagined you to be!"
"There are two of us."
They were silent for a moment before Olivia murmured, a little sadly:
"I don't know who you'll marry, but she'll be lucky to have you as her husband."
The princess mentally slapped herself: well done, what an achievement! It wasn't until she was about to lose Peter that Olivia knew she loved him. Why did everything have to be so complicated?
At that moment, she felt the prince's hand take hers. She looked up and met his gaze. 
The latter murmured:
"In that case, I am lucky to have you... Olivia!"
On hearing this, a smile of relief appeared on the young woman's face. She who didn't believe it anymore!
"And you could stand me... me and my damn temper?"
"If not, why am I here?
He leaned towards her.
"And you, will you be able to stand me?
"But I am!" she replied and kissed him.
At first surprised, the prince of Adreamid responded to the kiss with the same passion. He couldn't believe that he had just confessed his feelings to the woman he loved. But Olivia was the only one who could crack the armour, and that was what he liked!
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, startling both young men.
Insatiably, Peter took his sword and stood in front of Olivia.
"Stay behind me!"
In response, the princess picked up a sword and retorted:
"I'm not leaving you alone! Besides, I can defend myself!"
The two royal heirs prepared to defend themselves when they heard a voice:
"Olivia? Are you there?"
"Open up, darling, everything's fine. The situation is under control!"
Suspicious, Peter reached for the doorknob and yanked it open, revealing Ferdinand and Madeleine d'Ephocaé, surrounded by their guards.
Relieved to see her parents alive, the young woman rushed to them and threw herself into their arms.
"I was so afraid for you!"
"Don't worry about us, dear. The captain of the guard got us to safety the moment the first assailants entered!" reassured her mother.
Peter turned to Ferdinand.
"Do we know who they were?"
"They are brigands from Voraiston, a kingdom north of Ephoae."
"Voraiston... Wasn't that her king that Olivia spurned a fortnight ago?" asked Madeleine.
"Yes, and he took it badly."
"Knowing him, he must have wanted revenge. Of course, he can always deny his involvement..."
A mischievous glint appeared in the eyes of the future king of Adreamid.
"But I'd find something to make his life miserable!"
"Please, Peter: there is no need to seek war with Voraiston! There is no need..."
"Rest assured, Your Majesty: I had no intention of taking up arms against Gerald of Voraiston. But I have other methods to make him regret threatening your life and that of your daughter!"
Hearing this, Olivia felt flattered and could not help herself... A detail that did not escape her mother's sharp eyes. Queen Magdalene thought to herself that once their guest had returned home, a little chat with her daughter was in order...
A few months later.
On her way home from a horse ride, Olivia met her mother, who said to her:
"Olivia, run and get changed! We have a guest!"
"Oh, yeah? Who?"
Madeleine replied with a slight smile:
"Peter from Adreamid, my dear!"
"I'll be right there!" exclaimed the young woman who hurried to her quarters.
Seeing his daughter so cheerful, Ferdinand asked his wife:
"I thought she hated Peter."
"Poor Ferdinand, you're not out of the woods yet!" his wife retorted, patting him on the shoulder.
Indeed, Ferdinand d'Ephocaé was not at the end of his surprise when Peter came to ask his daughter's hand. And his surprise was even greater when the latter happily accepted!
"But what did I miss?" he stammered.
"I'll explain everything to you. That way you'll have time to digest everything before the wedding!"
It was going to be a long and emotional day... 
10 years later.
Once the ambassador's reception was over, Peter and Olivia from Adreamid decided to retire to their flats. As they lay there, the King of Adreamid sighed:
"I'm glad this is over."
"So am I!"
Peter smiled:
"Now that we've fulfilled our royal duties... we could fulfil our marital duties!"
"But would you be a libertine?" joked Olivia as her husband began to place kisses along her neck.
"I'm a man of many surprises, my dear."
But suddenly the door to their bedroom opened wide and three children came in, laughing:
"Oh no, here come the little monsters!" grumbled the king, while his wife giggled.
She knew that underneath his grumbling, her husband loved their three children: Christian, William, and Eleanor. 
The three children rushed to their parents' bed and snuggled up to them.
Christian asked:
"Mum, Grandpa told us that you didn't like Daddy before. Is that true?"
Olivia and Peter looked at each other with an amused smile before the young woman replied: 
"It's a bit more complicated than that. But I think it deserves a story..."
"YES, A STORY!" exclaimed William and Eleanor.
And Peter looked on, while Olivia told her children how, one night, she and their father confessed what they never wanted to admit. But this truth was too good to hide... 
Thanks for reading the story!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Can’t wait to write about a new crackship!
Take care of you! 😘🥰😍
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carolina6647-blog · 5 years
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Sorry, I know it’s been a while since I posted, and I’m sorry, stuff has just been weird lately and I’ve just been I guess busy, but I drew a few things while inactive, so here.💝 (And also here’s more warrior cat ocs lol)
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
We are looking for feedback, thinking of starting an onlyfans page. Would you subscribe?
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
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twisted-hubby · 2 years
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twisted-hubby · 2 years
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twisted-hubby · 2 years
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twisted-hubby · 1 year
Bath time!
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