#real life adventures
To all my fellow AuDHD, ADHD, and Autistic mutuals and anyone out there.
If anyone tells you "you can't have sensory accommodations in the real world, you gotta suck it up buttercup," tell them that an AuDHD SLP-Intern you know was allowed to borrow the kids' sensory wiggle cushion to sit on in order to correct understimulation and be able to freaking focus enough to make progress on an assessment report. And you know what?
It worked.
The OT I work with suggested it, and I couldn't believe I never thought to ask...but it's because even I, a very out-and-proud ND who often openly stims, still has protective masking mechanisms and a tendency to self-gaslight that "I don't really need that".
Therefore, you tell them that an SLP-Intern, one of the people that is supposed to help treat communication disorders and help their fellow autistic, ADHD, and AuDHD people develop stronger communication skills and method that work for them needs sensory breaks, sensory accommodations, and written and visual directions to function.
And she may not be perfect, or the Best SLP Ever™, but no one is.
And she's highly valued by her employer.
You tell them it's doable. There's a reason for the phrase "reasonable accommodations", because plenty of them ARE. Sure, your employer may not be able to give you an extra month to turn in a report (though depending on your field and the procedures involved, perhaps they CAN - this is very field specific, of course) but they sure as shit can let you turn down lights, sit on sensory cushions and use sound filtering earplugs to do what you need to do. It's not obtrusive.
If my company can do it, other companies have no excuse.
Don't let anyone tell you common sense accommodations are a hassle, needless, or "distracting".
Your needs matter, they are valid, and they are NOT a hindrance to your employer.
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hockpock · 8 months
Just brought my new baby home:
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Meet Agent CARter :D
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guess who gets to have a colonoscopy at age 31!!!
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How to Start a Commonplace Book
Since I have zero desire to start a YouTube channel or a separate website blog, I guess I'll throw this here.
What is a commonplace book?
It's a simple question with a different answer from anyone who keeps one and/or knows what it even is. In very basic terms, a commonplace book is a physical book where you write down quotes you find interesting. That's the extent of what some people do, but I say take it a step further. Add your thoughts on the quote. This helps in a few ways- it helps put the quote in context in your life, and it trains your brain to really think about what you find interesting.
Why a physical book?
There have been tons of studies about handwriting vs typing, but really I can only give you my own experience. I really like the act of writing longhand. It helps cement things in my memory and gives me an actual record of my life. I can look through old notebooks and see what was important to me at that time in my life.
Another reason I think a physical commonplace works better is that it takes time. And that's the point. Re-writing a quote and then your thoughts forces you to slow down and examine yourself to see why you react the way you do. And slowing down in this age of super-fast information is something I think most people would benefit from.
How do I keep one?
Take a notebook- any one will do- and a pen. It doesn't matter if you choose a super fancy $300 notebook and a fountain pen, or a composition book and a ballpoint pen. If you want some cheap options until you find out if you even like the process, I suggest hitting up your local school supply store and getting the cheapest notebook and box of pens you can find. I prefer black ink, but you do you. I like Bic ultra round stick grip pens, but again you do you. The best pen I've come across is the click pen I got for free when I voted. So really any pen will do. You might have to experiment a bit to figure out exactly what you like as you go along. If you want some other advice, I recommend checking out this post. Fair warning, I haven't checked out the brands listed because I have a truly ungodly amount of unfinished notebooks hanging around.
Then you need a source to pull quotes from. You can use books, podcasts, youtube videos, friends, family, countrymen, movies, TV shows. Anything that strikes your fancy and contains quotes that resonate with you in some way. Don't worry about if it isn't 'scholarly' or 'high brow' enough*. I've had quotes from children's cartoons stick with me.
*and 'enough' is really a stupid term because really it only has to matter to you. Fuck everyone else, they shouldn't matter in terms of how you judge yourself. If you like it, that's reason enough.
Why should I keep one?
Expressing any thoughts to yourself and self-examination is a hard process but a worthy one. Only through self-examination will you figure out who you are and what you believe. And figuring that out is crucial, because it's so much easier to just absorb the qualities and thoughts of the people around you instead of standing on your own two feet. Knowing yourself deeply and truly means that you can control your own future better. When you really know yourself, it's really hard for people to try to convince you to do/think something that is antithesis to who you are/who you want to be. Knowing yourself is the first step to knowing who want to be at all. At least in my opinion.
How do I even start?
I recommend your favorite media. As I said before, I don't care if it's a book or a cartoon. Consume it again, and really pay attention to which parts you like. Write them down in your notebook and examine why you like it so much. It will feel weird and awkward and hard at first. You'll automatically want to stop. I say give yourself at least a week of doing this regularly to decide if you want to continue or not.
I also suggest pulling from more than one source of media- if you read a lot of books, try podcasts. If you like TV shows, try movies. Just diversify your intake. You don't have to branch into genres you don't like, but knowing how different media can accomplish different things is a worthwhile endeavor to me.
What if I don't have any thoughts on the quote/can't pin down why I like it?
Leave a blank space after the quote. You might not be able to examine the feelings now, but there will come a time later where you will. The subconscious is a miraculous thing. Often, writing down the quote helps your brain recognize that it's important and worth thinking about. Don't ever feel bad for not figuring it out right away. It will take time.
How do I keep up with the habit?
It doesn't matter if you come across a good quote every day or every week or once every ten years. Just keep your ears and eyes open, and you'll find good ones along the way. And when you find them, write them down.
My commonplace book isn't as pretty/organized as other people's. Why bother?
Fuck others commonplace books. Take inspiration if you want, but your commonplace is just that- yours. You don't have to add drawings or keep an index or have a theme if you don't want to. Just the fact that you are thinking about what you consume puts you ahead of the pack.
Other thoughts
Starting a commonplace book is one of the things that helps me know myself, other than journaling. Both are good in different ways, and I might do a journaling post in the future. Taking a close look at why you react the way you do to certain things is the best way to figure out what the purpose the creator of the media had when they created it. Propaganda isn't just in the news- it's everywhere. Taking the time to examine your reactions to others' words is the best way I've found to recognize it. And if you don't want to go that deep, that's fine too. Consider it a way to keep your favorite quotes close.
So happy commonplace book keeping.
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kareenvorbarra · 13 days
i've been doing a lot of 1000 piece puzzles, and i think i'd like to try a 2000 piece, so i went looking for some online to see what's out there and i found one that's absolutely gorgeous. unfortunately, it's too big for my puzzle table (and i suspect most other 2000 piece puzzles will be too big as well). the question is, do i buy it and just save it for when we move to a bigger place?
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milesdadworth · 3 months
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finally got my vinyl cutter set up and have spend the past few days playing with it
i love that the first vinyl sticker that worked out perfectly was the prosecutors badge
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pagingdrkaraii · 8 months
the importance of a good diagnosis
so i was pretty sure a highly impulsive, aggressively destructive and self-aggrandizing patient was yet again psychotic secondary to substance use with an unhealthy combo of comorbid narcissism personality disorder-- he'd had 2 previous inpatient hospitalizations due to apparently psychosis secondary to cannabis consumption, and a history of entitlement, disregard for other's feelings, and an inability to handle criticism from his teenage years onward-- but my R4 was like 'hmm. no. i'm pretty sure he's bipolar.'
and my instinct was like, whaaat? he was talking clearly at the interview! at a normal pace, with moments of extreme calm that could last a couple of minutes, and yeah followed by explosive bouts of rage and anger if he disagreed with questioning, but surely that was in response to that baseline personality disorder. all that self-aggrandizing talk was true anyway, he is a pretty successful fellow in his field and did finish more levels of schooling than an average person.
but my R4 smiled at me and said, nope. this patient is experiencing a manic episode with psychotic symptoms. the previous 2 hospitalizations were surely exacerbations of the same, combined with substance use. observe!
and with the magic of magnesium valproate at 30mg/kg, the guys' manic episode started to subside within a week. his previous 2 hospitalizations he'd only had antipsychotics and a mood stabilizer at suboptimal levels, obstensively to vaguely handle his impulse control, and they'd lasted over a month each.
"not every manic episode presents as feeling excellent and fantastic and ready to take on the world, with pressured speech. sometimes the expansive affect is overshadowed by the irritability and destructive-aggressive behaviour, and the disordered speech merely manifests as circunstancial thinking and constantly interrupting the interviewer."
this isn't the first time an inpatient diagnosis starts as one thing and ends up surprise bipolar disorder all along, which is what i find so fascinating. how many folks have dealt with these genuinely life-destroying episodes where they wreck their whole life and never know why? assume it's just their personality, or their drug addition, or what have you, and they never get proper medication for their actual illness. most notorious is the intense depressions that are misdiagnosed as unipolar when they're actually bipolar, like that young lady who'd been misdiagnosed for years, assumed to simply have recurrent bouts of depression with psychotic symptoms, until my R4 was like hey, you ever had a [describes hypomanic episode], got them on a mood stabilizer, and relieved years upon years worth of residual symptoms in a couple weeks?
every day i learn new stuff. i really admire my r4. it sounds like a joke, but i wanna be like him when i grow up. i'll do my best to keep developing my clinical chops!!!
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perfectlyvalid49 · 4 months
So, I got to have a “fun” experience yesterday.
My son is in first grade, and on Sunday mornings he has Sunday school from 9:30-11:30. Our synagogue actually has a lot of kids programming on Sunday mornings – the aforementioned school for kindergarteners and 1st graders, a music hour for younger kids, sometimes parties if there’s a nearby holiday. The Channukah party was two weeks ago, and yesterday they were actually going to be holding a parents’ forum to get feedback on what we want in a new clergy member because we’re looking to hire.
So at 9:25, my whole family is getting out of the car, meeting up with some of the other parents and chatting. My daughter runs ahead – she’s only four, but she’s trying to get into the school to see if she can talk the teachers into letter her come to class. She thinks it’s neat that there’s a second alphabet for her to learn and doesn’t want to wait until next year. My son and one of his friends run after her, so my husband runs after them so that the kids are supervised while I stay behind to help some friends unload their 1 year old and associated gear (stroller, diaper bag, etc.) from their car.
Everybody is laughing and having a good time, but as we start walking toward the door, we see that my husband is hustling the kids back to the cars. I ask him what’s up and he says that everything is canceled for the day and we should leave. Our friends ask why, and once he’s sure the kids aren’t paying attention, he tells us that there’s been a threat, and while they don’t think anything will actually happen, they’re playing it safe and cancelling all activities for the day. He didn’t have any more details than that.
We quickly made plans and wound up hosting an impromptu play date at our house, and the kids seemed mostly fine with it, though they did ask several times why school was cancelled, because it seemed weird. We distracted them with legos and some painting kits.
And everything wound up being fine. I have not heard any news, so I don’t think anything actually happened, but I agree that acting with an abundance of caution was the correct call. And obviously, nothing happening is better than something happening, but not having the threat in the first place would be best of all. I’m still trying to process it. Part of me is like, if whoever it is picked a Sunday instead of Saturday, then they can’t be very bright, as there are a lot more people present on Saturday. But part of me wonders if they picked Sunday instead because they were deliberately targeting young families/children. And that makes me worry too, because there’s a preschool/daycare in the building.
I still haven’t given my kids a good explanation for why school was cancelled yesterday. We told them that the teachers just decided that it wasn’t a good day for class, but I don’t think it answered all their questions. I’m hoping that they forget about it, because I don’t really know what else to tell them. I’ve said before that I want to protect them from the fact that some people want to hurt them just because they’re Jewish for at least a while longer. I don’t think they’re ready. I know I’m not ready.
I’m not worried about going back to my synagogue. I think their policies and procedures are sound, and they have a longstanding good relationship with local law enforcement. Since the beginning of October, they’ve increased security in a bunch of ways, and while I hate that it seems necessary, stuff like yesterday makes it feel like a good idea.
I dunno. To relate this to some of the larger conversations happening right now, I think that this is a prime example of antisemitism that is felt by Jewish communities, and invisible outside of them. Like, in the end, nothing wound up happening except a bunch of families getting hustled out of a building. It won’t be reported on, and most people will never know that anything happened. But “nothing” is still me having to figure out what to tell my kids, and plans getting cancelled, and people worrying for their safety. Due to the staggered start times of events, I’m sure our director of family engagement was there for at least 2 hours telling other people to go home, and I can’t even imagine how she must have felt telling people, “Go home, it’s not safe here,” while she stayed. Psychological attacks are still attacks. Even if you don’t hear about them, it doesn’t mean they’re not happening. When Jews tell you that antisemitism is an issue, please believe us.
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twstinginthewind · 6 months
Con weekend is nearly over... I'll be able to work on my remaining Twistober prompts soon!!
I'll show my Heartslabyul Vibes cosplay when I'm home and settled in ♥️ promise! It turned out a lil' more Joker than I expected but it's all good
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kvberhearts · 5 months
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teddog · 1 month
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Back on our anniversary my partner loaded up a chill jazz video on YouTube for background music. It had a cute image of a book cafe with mini lights and cozy nooks for reading. When I commented I wanted to live in the photo, my partner teased me about how he knew his audience.
One of the cafe decorations was a string of mini light clips. I found a similar set online, my partner bought them, and then I did nothing with it for a few weeks.
My partner is always on my case about how I don’t show off my art enough. I stumbled onto a video about how to make photo cards and then followed it to make a set to hang off that light string.
Currently it’s a mix of OC art and fan art. I might get proper photo paper for future cards
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hockpock · 7 months
I'm supposed to ask for emails when checking people out at the dayjob. (it's strictly number go up marketing bs, i promise you i cant 'bring you up in our system', but i digress)
details in the following anecdote have been omitted to protect the innocent.
"sure, I'll do my email. It's [numerical year in the oughts] S-u-p-e-r......w-h-o..."
This is the point where i pause and look up from the keyboard to make eye contact
"...lock. at yahoo. look, I made it when i was like 12”
Like. Ma'am I've been on blue trashfire site (affectionate) since 2011 there is no cringe here
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what's more devastating than waiting for a package
being able to track where the delivery truck is
watching the truck enter your apartment complex and think 'oh boy any minute!'
then the truck turns around and goes to the other side of the city without delivering your package
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the bad thing is I want to be creative but I feel scattered.
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kareenvorbarra · 4 months
currently wishing I had a bathtub that could fit an entire adult woman in it (or at least cover my legs all the way)
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milesdadworth · 4 months
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vinatge prints on the right are from here
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