#reposting this because i found this pic of john!
johncassavetes · 3 years
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📸: Sam or Larry Shaw but most likely Sam Shaw
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thisbrutalbelle · 5 years
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the signs as john mulaney quotes
"to me ‘person of interest’ is almost too flattering. like, if the police were to pound on my door and go 'a man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest' i'd be like 'moi? oh do go on. fresh.'"
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classicrocker2000 · 3 years
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Apologies that I'm late with this one and that it's honestly kinda rushed (my struggles with drawing hands are on full display here), but I finally finished my piece for Eppy's 87th birthday! Complete with the Beatles (especially John) giving him the love and affection he deserves.
Some notes
-Mal, Neil, and Eppy are wearing the colors they are because I asked my friend @lennon-cuddlywump what colors they should wear if they had Sgt. Pepper's uniforms of their own.
-Yes, Eppy is wearing a back brace. Yes, I'm still sore that he fell 16 feet and apparently suffered chronic back pain for the rest of his life.
-This was originally going to just be a piece for my (co-written) fic Powered, but then I realized that it would probably confuse people as to why Henry had a big honkin' pair of bat ears (I didn't want him going completely deaf later) or why John had ice in his hair. So while I decided that it'd be too confusing to read if I drew everyone as superheroes, I decided to keep the '67 look.
- I could not find a proper reference for Neil's hair. Most the color pics I found of him were either too far away to use or featured him as an old man. So apologies for the muted brown. Blame Google.
-I tried to make Mal look buff on the suggestion of a friend. No such luck. My ability to convey body types isn't quite there yet.
- On the inverse from my issues with Neil's hair, this is the first time I've felt like I've gotten Mal's and Henry's hair colors right.
-John hugging Eppy can be interpreted either romantically or platonically.
(Reblog, don't repost)
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~I was looking for a drabble prompt list and decided to make my own! Now, these are lines from shows or movies that I love, which will all be listed next to the dialogue. Everything that doesn’t have a movie or show listed next to it besides number 4 are things I’ve either heard or said in real life.~
~Send me in some numbers( up to 4), a fandom, and character(s)! You are welcome to reblog. NO REPOSTING.~
“But did you die!?” ~Hangover
“I just work here.” 
“You’re like half gay, right?”
“Just because you love them, doesn’t mean they deserve you.” 
“Out. For. A. Walk… Bitch.” ~BTVS
“I’m vertically challenged.” 
“If I hear that song one more time, I’m going to blow my brains out.” 
“I’m sorry my dad actually loves me.” 
“You walk out, I walk out.”
“He looks like a fucking Gremlin!”
“What is the best way to a man’s heart?” / “Between the 4th and 5th rib. That’s where I usually go. I’ll put a twist at the end if I wanna make sure.” ~Riddick
“You’re so quiet though…” 
“I don’t do… emotions.” 
“I love my dogs more than you.” 
“Who’s the best dumbass in the world? You are!” 
“I accidentally called my sister the dog’s name when I was yelling at her.” 
 “I may be short but I’ll curb stomp your ass.”
“Tattoos make me happy.”
 “Fuck you.” “Love you too.”
“I don’t want to be your buffer,” /“Too bad, you were born into the role.” 
“I need a drink if I’m going to be around family.” 
 “I’ll kill you with my teacup.” ~Riddick
 “You don’t need to kill off any more brain cells.”
 “I’ve got bodies!” 
“They should have gotten a divorce.” 
 “I like being alone, I don’t do well in relationships.”
 “I’m kinky, doesn’t mean I don’t have standards though.”
 “He sent me an unsolicited dick pic so I asked him if he wanted to see mine.” 
 “This whole family needs a shrink” ~Charmed
 “I don’t like earthquakes. I just don’t go running through the house naked screaming “Run for your life!”/ “That is such an exaggeration, I was wearing slippers.” ~Charmed
“I’ll be back. Don’t move.”/ “Not a problem, I hate moving.” ~B99
 “With all due respect, I am gonna completely ignore everything you just said.” ~B99
 “Eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs.” ~John Mulaney
“And I’ve got glass in my bra…” 
“I am very small and I have no money. So you can  imagine the kind of stress that I am under.” ~ John Mulaney
“Seize the moment  because tomorrow you might be dead.” ~BTVS
“I can’t live on rabbit food! I’m a warrior!” ~Supernatural 
“Dude you fugly.” ~Supernatural
“I know how you look into a mirror and hate what you see.” ~Supernatural
“Sarcasm is my only defense!” ~Teen Wolf
“I’m the hot girl?” / “Yes, you are.” ~ Teen Wolf
“It’s gonna be legen… wait for it….dary!” ~HIMYM
“You will love again because time will heal a broken heart… but not that bitches window!” ~HIMYM
“If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.” ~GOT
 “I drink and I know things,” ~GOT
 “Take him out, that means, like… kill him?” / “No, I think what it means is dinner and a movie.” ~SOA
 “You think everyone is hitting on you.”
 “Terrified, but I’m totally erect.” ~SOA
 “She had the skater boy hairstyle.” 
 “Who the fuck is carrot top over there?” 
 “He looks like a little wannabe 20’s gangster,” 
 “Why do I always fall for the serial killers?”
 “I was trying to be nice by hiding my laughter!”
“I miss the old Disney shows…” 
 “My best hope is to die before paying back my student debt.”
 “I think I’m melting.”
 “She’s pregnant so that means she’ll eat a lot.” 
 “Your cat is a dumbass.” 
 “Yeah sure, you’re a pitbull.” 
“How can you be afraid of someone that says howdy?” 
 “Don’t get me drunk around him. Sober me will tell him I wanna lick him, drunk me will tell him where.” 
 “Come to the bathroom with me.” / “You afraid there’s a basilisk in there?” 
 “And I have to play nice because…?” 
 “Technically death has done them part.” 
“I haven’t killed anyone yet.”
 “I can’t be human till after I have coffee.” 
 “If he keeps snoring, I’m going to suffocate him with a pillow.” 
 “I hang out with her to avoid him.” 
 “You’re the only one that will have a planned child.” 
 “It was a family vacation!” / “When did we get disowned?” 
 “My brain feels foggy.” 
 “See, I told you I shouldn’t have bothered to learn her name.”
 “His 13 year old daughter and him share shoes!?” 
 “I just need a solid 48 hour nap, just a real light coma.”
 “You look pale” / “I am pale.” 
“I’m so glad that my parents weren’t together growing up.” 
“I just need a good hard fuck.” 
 “I’m fine with my curves.”
 “That’s a long winded way to say you’re stupid.”
 “Whenever he gets mad his face turns purple.” 
“There’s still a rock in my knee.”
 “You’re basically one of the guys.” / “Thanks, but I’m not that dumb.”
 “He’s such a hedgehog.” / “Hedgehog?” / “Yeah, cause he’s such a prick.”
“They could get lost trying to find the bathroom from their bedroom. It’s literally down the hall.”
“You’re lucky that you’re pretty.” 
 “Just get the fuck away from me.” 
 “This fruit punch tastes like ass.” 
 “I hope they get so drunk that they forget to come back.”
 “I don’t think anyone in this family knows how to be a good parent.”
 “I’m terrified to become her.”
 “I was the mistake,”
 “And… I found panties under the seat.”
 “Which cousin is that?” 
 “She’s so skinny that I’m afraid to hug her too hard.” 
 “Demon child.” 
 “I went downstairs 3 times to get something and I still can’t remember what I was supposed to grab.”
 “I don’t know how the fuck I’m related to that.” 
 “His ass looks good in them jeans.”
 “His bicep is bigger than my head.” 
“How do you almost have an orgy?” 
“I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up.” ~BTVS
“We going to fight or make out, ‘cause I’m getting some real mixed signals here.” ~Supernatural
“I think I’m adorable.” ~Supernatural
“I don’t think that my wardrobe can take the assault of your daily needs.” ~Charmed
“You’re over me!? When were you under me!?” ~Friends
~Let’s have some fun!~
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facets-and-rainbows · 5 years
Volume 11 question corner (historical restoration)
Welp, one of my posts [here] got flagged DESPITE BEING ENTIRELY TEXT but it’s a reblog from a deactivated OP asking for a translation and CANNOT BE SAVED, so I’m gonna repost it here for posterity. Enjoy this quaint ancient translation of some volume 11 extras.
December 8, 2013
to translate at least one interesting fact from the info lists. (maybe Lightning’s class and meister type if there is it)
please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please (Q,Q)
Here’s what I got from Google Translate, combined with my very rudimentary knowledge of Japanese grammar. Don’t quote me on this. It’ll likely be quite inaccurate.
Interesting facts for Angel: - “Joke is not through” - I’m assuming this means that others’ jokes at his expense don’t get through to him, or he takes it all in good fun. Or, HIS jokes don’t make sense to others. - “Demon sword Caliburn enslavement” - Also a tricksy one; from the wording of it, I’m assuming it means he’s ‘enslaved’ Caliburn. - Feminist. No joke. - “No mercy to those identified as enem[ies].” Duh! :D
Interesting facts for Lightning: - Cynic - “How it is called Lightning, which was quite strong enslavement familiar.” From what I gather, this means that Lightning got his nickname from a powerful familiar demon he uses. Which means he’s a Tamer, and we might get to see him in action soon, hopefully. :D - Something about either hating not showering for a week (quite long, if you ask me), or not minding that he doesn’t shower that long and he does so quite commonly. I guess that goes with his scruffy appearance. - “Weak and cleaning.” Probably means he’s slovenly, which wouldn’t surprise me.
Now, for Lightning’s Meisters: it looks like he has all five of them, not surprising for an Arc Knight, but it looks like he got one of them (Tamer) twice. Again, don’t quote me because I’m guessing here based on images of the Exorcist ranks list I found online.
And, ah, if I could ask for a teeny favour, if you can: does Godaiin also get a character profile in Volume 11? I really like his character, so would you be able to upload his profile if he has one? If he doesn’t, or if you don’t want to, that’s perfectly fine.
omg, what a clever people on internets ! thank You so much
unfortunately in the 11th volume there are only two profiles, BUT Goddain appeared in characters card (idk what it’s proper name) for the first time
[broken image link, used to be a pic of that page]
(I’m not good in tumblr :( is this picture clickable and downloadable?)
Oh, haha, there was nothing ‘clever’ about what I did! I’ve enabled my keyboard to be able to type Japanese characters. So I copied out the facts and then put them through Google Translate. I took a first-year Japanese course in university, so I understand mostly how Japanese grammar works. I looked at the results and interpreted them in the way that made the most sense to me. You can talk to anyone who knows a little more Japanese and they would’ve done a much better job than I did. :D Nonetheless, you’re welcome.
And thank YOU for uploading that character card! What I wanted to know most of all was Godaiin’s first name, which I do now.
Your translations seem pretty darn accurate as far as I can tell : ) “Joke not through” means that Angel doesn’t get jokes. I had to look up フェミニスト in like three dictionaries before I was convinced that it still meant “feminist” in Japanese, but he is indeed a feminist against all expectation. “Enslave” is a strong word; maybe “employ”? “Lightning” is apparently a title given to some sort of master Tamer/Aria (I think?). I don’t know what the second “Tamer” meister is. I don’t think it’s been mentioned before. He’s bad at cleaning and bathing, like you said.
I have volume 11 here, so I guess I might as well paraphrase the fan question corner thing they’re doing. It’s got some neat little facts.
-Angel’s middle initial is A, not O. The times when it was O were typos. -Angel is half English and half French. He and Lightning are canonically multilingual (Angel claims to have dabbled in 8 languages!). They are actually literally speaking Japanese in their scenes. Not just for the reader’s convenience. We’re just gonna go with the explanation that all the foreign exorcists are good with languages because it is, in Lightning’s words, “cooler that way.” -Rin sleeps with his eyes open. A lot. It creeps Yukio right out. -The sandwich Shiemi eats in Chapter 46 is made of herbs from her garden. It was “bitter, but good for you. Probably.” -Paku is doing fine in regular school despite seeing demons all the time, thanks for asking. -You can get TO cram school with magic keys, but you have to take the long way back unless you have a key for your next destination. -Rin is the easiest character for Katou-sensei to draw. Angel is hardest because hair is hard. Lightning is also kind of hard because she’s not used to him yet. She can’t pick a favorite character because she’s spent years of her life developing and identifying with each and every one. -Mephisto is impressed that you noticed how his fingernails only look pointy when he’s not wearing gloves. But you shouldn’t worry too much about it. He’s a shapeshifter and he can do whatever he wants. -If you want to know what class everyone is in in regular school, you’re gonna have to figure it out yourself from the school festival scenes. The information is there. -As previously covered, Godaiin’s given name is Sei. He apologizes for it. -Yes, Amaimon’s face was smoking when he came out of the cuckoo clock in volume 10, just like it was when he went into the cuckoo clock in volume 4. Yes, this is because time is meaningless inside the cuckoo clock. -Caliburn, Angel’s sword, is a trans woman in the manga despite being a cis woman in the anime. It doesn’t matter to Angel whether his sword is a man or a woman. But don’t get your hopes up, Caliburn, he probably didn’t mean that in QUITE the way you think he meant it. Angel’s kind of dense. -You have to recite a demon’s Fatal Verse word for word. Unless you’re really good. Like, Lightning good. Then you can freestyle abbreviate it. -Mephisto will neither confirm nor deny that he is the Mephistopheles from Goethe’s Faust. -If you can’t see demons, can you see Rin’s tail etc? The answer is SURPRISINGLY COMPLICATED. Rin says regular people can’t see the flames. They CAN see the ears, fangs, and tail, but no one seems to mention it. They don’t notice much. Then Mephisto talks about perception and the human brain and inattentional blindness for long enough that he has to be cut off. -How’d you like the cross-dressing, guys? Rin: It was funny! Suguro: I feel like I lost a part of myself that day. I don’t want to do it again. Konekomaru: Agrees with Suguro. Shima: I thought I was really cute but not as cute as real girls lol. Yukio: It was part of the mission. -If the twins are complete opposites, how is Yukio’s cooking? Is it edible? Well, he doesn’t really cook much at all. It’s totally not because he cut himself as a child and is afraid of chopping stuff NO IT’S NOT SHUT UP RIN. -Yes, twelve-year-old fan, it is okay if your original story copies Blue Exorcist a lot. But once you become a manga author yourself, you’ll need to branch out. You’ll understand when you’re older.
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changhomin-hatsukoi · 7 years
Dear Anon who asked me about my sexuality (and accusing me of fetishizing m/m couple),
Since I only got this kind of shit after I joined Shadowhunters (more specifically on Malec) fandom, I imagined this is about malec and not the fact that I write gay fics (for other fandom since fucking forever).
So anyway, I went through every single of my malec post to find what was it that i did/post/write that was so WRONG in your eyes...
Was it because i praised their scenes?
Was it because I am in so much awe of Harry’s and Matthew’s acting.. and I actually ‘voiced’ it out?
Was it because I am so amazed by how sweet and actually tender their scenes are?
Was it because I noticed Magnus’s every expressions and again, we are back to my amazement of Harry’s acting?
Was it because I actually feel excited at finally having LGBT couple that seems HAPPY for once?
Was it because yes, I strongly support consensual sex.. but at the same time I disagree the way some fans are harassing the cast/crew? 
Was it because I encourage people to vote for them in that damn couple contest?
Was it because i keep reblogging all the gifs/pics/vids of them with some caption at again, how I am in awe of how great this couple is (again, kudos to harry and matthew)
Or maybe~
it was because I support strong-but-also-vulnerable!magnus and doesn’t think Alec is a delicate flower like so many does in the fandom.
Dear Anon,
This may sounds mean but the truth is...
This fandom/ship is nothing special/different in the way i treat it. 
As in, I gushed about Malec the same way I gushed about everything else in my life that hold my attention/affection at the time: the absolutely greatest book i’ve ever read, the best movie I’ve watched, the best fics I’ve found, the funniest manga I love..etc... 
When I like something.. when I truly am in awe of something.. I want to spread the joy around. I will post and repost and reblogs and gush about it coz I want all my friends, siblings and followers to know about it so they too could find the same joy I found in it (i may be new to SH fandom but~ i am very active in other fandom and thus have quite a bit of followers). 
I love malec, yes.
I love the couple not because i have some fantasy about them... The ‘no sex’ scene doesn’t bother me (but I fully respect those who are bothered by it).
I am amazed by them because the chemistry.. the dynamic.. between the characters.
They have such different personality and background but somehow they matched really well.. 
As a writer, i cant help but take notice of all those little things like expressions/gestures/lights in their eyes.. coz all those that makes a big difference to how believable the couple looks on screen. 
And yes, I do think they’re cute together.
They do make me smile.
They are hot and attractive individuals and amazing couple (in the show). 
I love having their pics and all those lovely captions by fans on my dashboard.
I do admire them.
What was so wrong about that?  
See, some of you have this.. i dunno~ some kind of misplaced superiority complex going on or something.
You want people to watch/support the show
You want people to appreciate and favor your ship (in this case, malec)
You want people fight for your ship’s right.
When people actually likes and support them and naturally gets excited about them, you started throwing accusations and look down on these fans and purposely makes them feel bad. 
You want others’s support but only on your own terms. 
You harassed those who has different opinions than you or those who doesn’t follow EXACTLY the way you want them to support your ship. 
You want to dictate and control how they post about your favourite ship. It doesn’t matter to you that they are posting on their OWN blogs and doesn’t force anyone to read/agree with them, if they don’t follow your way of shipping the couple then they must be horrible and not worthy to even be called ‘fans’ (until when you need the viewer ratings of course..).
You talked about being oppressed in real world.. your opinions, choices.. your voice being controlled, silenced and discarded as useless.
Let me ask you: what the hell would you called what you’re doing yourself right now then? 
Your first ask towards me was ‘Are you a straight girl?’ which btw, showed how much a heterophobic you are... you are exactly like those homophobic except you are on the other extreme end. 
No. That doesn’t make you any better than them. 
Someone informed me that there is no such thing as ‘heterophobic’. That it’s not real.
Fair enough. 
Maybe the word itself doesn’t exists. 
But the prejudice (by thoughts/actions) that SOME of the lgbtaq members have against hetero IS real. 
I’m not saying that all heteros are saints either.
Some of them are horribly homophobic and treat the lgbtaq community as second class citizens. 
SOME of them.. not ALL. 
The same as not ALL Muslims are terrorist
not ALL Asians are a straight laced, whiz in Math student
not ALL Jews are pro-Israel.
not ALL white people disrespects others’ cultures...etc..
Point is: Stop generalizing people. 
Gay, Straight, Trans, Bi..etc.. for fucks sake, they’re all HUMAN BEINGS that each deserves to be treated as individuals
That’s it. 
No group is more special than others. 
If you are a jerk, you are a jerk. Period. 
It has nothing whatsoever to do with who or what you want under the sheet with you nor your religion/race..etc
“...If we no longer thought of them as groups, but as individuals, we would soon find that they varied in their different groups as much as we do in our own. It seems to me quite natural to say: “I do not like John Jones.” The reasons may be many. But to say: “I do not like Catholics or Jews” is complete nonsense. . . . It is individuals we must know, not groups!”
- Eleanor Roosevelt, ‘The Minorities Question’ (1945) 
So get off your high horse, stop being dramatic and LET PEOPLE BE HAPPY AND LOVES MALEC (and any other ships) IN THEIR OWN WAY. 
#malec #shadowhunters 
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xistentialangst · 7 years
The jellyfish though
God, I love all the meta that’s crossed my dash the past few days. I hated T6T on first viewing (Redeemed Mary? No way!). But I’ve found my way back out of that hell thanks to the fandom. At least until Sunday.
Anywho, speaking of the three big theories: JOHN’S ALIBI, EMP, or MARY’S PLAN, I keep coming back to the damned jellyfish. The first time this was brought to my attention was in a post by @waitingforgarridebs​ here (x).  And I’m gonna repost some of it because I need to focus on one part.
Earlier in T6T, just before John discovers the 59 missed calls that indicate Mary is in labor, we have this dialog. 
The floating text on screen says “...We could never have know there was a potential assassin lurking close by. As assassin who turned out to be...”  
John: “A jellyfish.”
Sherlock: “I know.”
John: “You can’t arrest a jellyfish.”
Sherlock: “We tried.”
OK. So then later, in the aquarium, before Mary jumps in front of Sherlock and is shot, we see that behind Sherlock is... Jellyfish. (see pic here)
So we have a potential assassin lurking close by, an assassin who turned out to be -- jellyfish, which were behind Sherlock at the aquarium. The assassin was behind Sherlock.
Then we have the gunshot at Mary’s chest looking like exit wound, not an entry wound.  Yeah, I know. Sherlock is inventing the story of what happened in the aquarium to the details might be wonky. For example, Mary probably did not try to “leap in front of him”. So we can’t trust the way the wound loks. Yet in conjunction with the idea that the assassin was where the jellyfish were, behind her,  an exit wound makes sense, so I think this visual is another clue.  (see photo of her getting shot here)
I know this has all been said before. But what I’m getting at is this....
THE JELLYFISH THING POINTS HEAVILY TO “JOHN’S ALIBI” as the truth of what’s going on.
There’s no way the convo about the jellyfish assassin, and the jellyfish in the aquarium, are coincidence. They might as well have been talking about armadillos or pink elephants for all the likelihood that they’d appear again. The jellyfish can pretty much only mean one thing: an assassin was standing where the “jellyfish” are in the aquarium, that is, behind Mary, and the “jellyfish” was the assassin that shot Mary. Further, this entire story was invented because “you can’t arrest a jellyfish”. (i.e. as an alibi for said assassin).
Who would Sherlock Holmes bother protecting? The jellyfish can only be John.
If this entire thing were EMP, then Sherlock is running through a “good Mary” scenario that ends in her death, John didn’t shoot Mary, thus there’s no reason for the whole jellyfish/alibi thing.
The only other explanation for why the jellyfish clue is in the episode is that it’s a complete red herring. But if it were a red herring, it’s an awfully subtle one. We’d have to assume the dads would think we’d come up with the John’s alibi theory in the first place and then tie the jellyfish to it to be misdirected away from something else. I’m doubtful about that.
 And then there’s the scene photo that shows the post-it that says “John’s Alibi”
I still have some questions about the John’s alibi theory, but the more I think about it, the more it’s becoming the front contender.
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