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Noble Roman nose to cute pug nose. Hmmmm. If you're a Darcey & Stacey fan, remember how the twins spent months in Turkey getting plastic surgery and new teeth, b/c it's less expensive than here in the states?
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Some of the very best facial surgeries I’ve ever seen have come from Turkey and the Middle East. Some people ask how or why women who choose to cover up more and are seen as more conservative would choose to have enhancements at all, but why wouldn’t anyone think they have the right to look and feel beautiful. Some also say they’re very into facial beauty and enhancements because quite often they don’t show their bodies. In any case good for them
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insectfem · 1 year
whats even the point anymore
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let's all just look the same! all ethnic and familial features should leave go away right! i have a jewish nose that i share with a line of family members, knowing its been so loved for generations makes me love it. but seeing women shave theirs off for perfect lil button noses makes me hate it. how am i supposed to love myself when im always the "before" picture
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morbid-barbie · 14 days
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prob one of the best compliments I could get after flying across the world last year to get a nose job 🥹🖤 knowing it was all worth it & loving how I look now
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boujeeceo · 2 years
8 months from now I'll have my rhinoplasty- June 2023 💖 Dr Tas Suleyman is who I've chosen!
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kuumoox · 3 days
𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭?? : 心協会
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Veinè Sekkino a 19 year old aspires to become a host. Enticing the hearts of many with his charm and delicate looks. However, face to face with the reality of his dreams, Veinè Sekkino has become aware of his needs to alter his appearance.
The manager of the Heart Association (心協会) acknowledged this and has scheduled cosmetic procedures on behalf of Veinè Sekkino stating:: "Upon laying eyes on Veinè, I couldn't help but notice that he resembled more of a woman than the woman he was supposed to be hosting. I mean, seriously, how's he supposed to attract clients when he's attracting other male hosts? That's why I decided to give him the greatest gift of all—a "pair"."
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foreverblog · 9 months
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femmefatale-999 · 1 month
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Side Profile 👣
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alphaxheaux · 2 years
I had a check up appointment and my plastic surgeon said “a beautiful nose on a beautiful face” and now all my insecurities are gone
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luky4n0va · 1 year
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celebrity amputations// #me
ig : rhin0plastie
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danhsachvang · 6 months
Tìm địa chỉ nâng mũi đẹp ở Đà Nẵng là lăn tăn của rất nhiều người. Bởi cơ sở thực hiện sẽ quyết định gần như toàn bộ kết quả của ca phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ. Nhằm hỗ trợ bạn đọc, Danh Sách Vàng đã khảo sát và vinh danh 10 cơ sở uy tín nhất trong bài viết sau.
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thetruthaboutplastic · 11 months
One of the most dramatic transformations out there imo is that of Russian Nita Kuznina. Like Chloe, she was on a reality tv show briefly, and her life has followed a similar trajectory. This is amazing work by surgeons.
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Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋👇Fonksiyonel doğal görününen tamponsuz(hastaların %95’i) burun estetiğinde(rinoplasti) en önemli kriterlerden biri uzun dönem(1-2 yıldan sonra) burun şekli ve hava yolu açıklığında sorun olmamasıdır.
🦋Bu hastamızda olduğu gibi(10. yıl) kafatası, burun dorsumu(sırtı) ve dudakla açısı doğru hesaplamış olmalı.
🦋Kadınlarda bu açı daha fazla(mesela burun dorsumu daha ‘kaydırak’ gibi) iken erkeklerde daha düzdür.
🦋Bu nedenle ameliyat sonrası 1.3.5.ve 10 yılda Estetik ve Plastik Cerrahınıza bilgi vermeniz çok önemlidir.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası ödem 6-12 ayda büyük oranda geçse de gerçekte burnun milimetrik şeklini alması 2 yılı bulur.
🦋ikincil(sekonder yada yeniden ameliyat)veya revizyon olmak isteyen hastalar bu sürelere riayet etmeli aksi halde istenmeyen sonuçlar daha fazla yaşanmaktadır.
🦋Burun ameliyatı sonrası dünyada az veya çok Cerrahlar revizyona ihtiyaç duyabilir, bu beklenilebilen bir durum olup revizyona hasta-hekim beraber karar vermelidirler.
🦋Hastaların gerçek üstü beklentileri ve sosyal media ve basının olağandışı beklenti yaratmaları da revizyon ameliyat kararında ne yazık ki yanlış karar verilmesine neden olmaktadır.
🦋Ayrıca hastalar ameliyat sonrası ilk 3-6 ayda başta olmak üzere 2 yıla kadar burun yapısının değiştiği unutulmamalıdır.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası uzun dönem 2 yıl sonrası görünüm temel kriter kabul edilmelidir(👉videoda görülen hastamın ameliyat sonrası 10. yılı🌺👉👉).
🦋Bu bizim kliniğin revizyon yapmadığı anlamına gelmez, amaçımız bu riski olabildiğince en aza indirmek temel felsefemizdir.
🦋Revizyon ameliyatları dünyada en iddialı kliniklerde bile gereklidir, hastaların bunu bilerek ameliyat olmalarında fayda vardır.
🦋Biz klinik olarak ameliyat öncesi 3Dvectra(3 boyutlu görüntüleme)sistemi ile ameliyat sonrasının planlanmasını yapmaktayız ve bu sistem hasta ve cerrah açısından büyük önem taşır.
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋👇One of the most important criteria in functional, natural-looking tamponless (95% of patients) nose aesthetics (rhinoplasty) is that there should be no problems with nose shape and airway patency in the long term (after 1-2 years).
🦋As in this patient (10th year), the angle with the skull, nasal dorsum (back) and lips must have been calculated correctly.
🦋This angle is greater in women (for example, the dorsum of the nose is more 'slide'-like), while it is flatter in men.
🦋For this reason, it is very important to inform your Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon 1, 3, 5 and 10 years after the surgery.
🦋Although the post-operative edema largely disappears in 6-12 months, it actually takes 2 years for the nose to take its millimetric shape.
🦋Patients who want to undergo secondary (secondary or re-surgery) or revision must comply with these periods, otherwise undesirable consequences are more likely to occur.
🦋Surgeons around the world may need more or less revision after nose surgery, this is an expected situation and the patient and doctor should decide on revision together.
🦋Unfortunately, the unrealistic expectations of patients and the extraordinary expectations created by social media and the press also cause wrong decisions to be made regarding revision surgery.
🦋Also, patients should not forget that the nose structure changes, especially in the first 3-6 months after surgery and up to 2 years.
🦋The long-term post-operative appearance after 2 years should be considered the main criterion (👉my patient seen in the video is his 10th year after surgery🌺👉👉).
🦋This does not mean that our clinic does not make revisions, our main philosophy is to minimize this risk as much as possible.
🦋Revision surgeries are necessary even in the most assertive clinics in the world, and it is beneficial for patients to undergo surgery knowing this.
🦋As a clinic, we plan the post-operative period with the 3Dvectra (3D imaging) system before the surgery, and this system is of great importance for the patient and the surgeon.
Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🇩🇪🦋👇Eines der wichtigsten Kriterien für eine funktionelle, natürlich aussehende tamponlose (95 % der Patienten) Nasenästhetik (Rhinoplastik) ist, dass es langfristig (nach 1-2 Jahren) keine Probleme mit der Nasenform und der Durchgängigkeit der Atemwege geben sollte. .
🦋Wie bei diesem Patienten (10. Lebensjahr) muss der Winkel mit Schädel, Nasenrücken (Rücken) und Lippen korrekt berechnet worden sein.
🦋Dieser Winkel ist bei Frauen größer (z. B. ist der Nasenrücken eher „rutschenartig“), während er bei Männern flacher ist.
🦋Aus diesem Grund ist es sehr wichtig, Ihren ästhetischen und plastischen Chirurgen 1, 3, 5 und 10 Jahre nach der Operation zu informieren.
🦋Obwohl das postoperative Ödem innerhalb von 6–12 Monaten größtenteils verschwindet, dauert es tatsächlich 2 Jahre, bis die Nase ihre millimetergenaue Form annimmt.
🦋Patienten, die sich einer Zweit- (Zweit- oder Nachoperation) oder Revision unterziehen möchten, müssen diese Fristen einhalten, da es sonst eher zu unerwünschten Folgen kommt.
🦋Chirurgen auf der ganzen Welt benötigen nach einer Nasenoperation möglicherweise mehr oder weniger Revisionen. Dies ist eine erwartete Situation und Patient und Arzt sollten gemeinsam über eine Revision entscheiden.
🦋Leider führen auch die unrealistischen Erwartungen der Patienten und die außergewöhnlichen Erwartungen, die durch soziale Medien und Presse hervorgerufen werden, dazu, dass bei Revisionsoperationen Fehlentscheidungen getroffen werden.
🦋Außerdem sollten Patienten nicht vergessen, dass sich die Nasenstruktur insbesondere in den ersten 3-6 Monaten nach der Operation und bis zu 2 Jahren verändert.
🦋Das langfristige postoperative Erscheinungsbild nach 2 Jahren sollte als Hauptkriterium angesehen werden (👉mein Patient im Video ist im 10. Jahr nach der Operation🌺👉👉).
🦋Das bedeutet nicht, dass unsere Klinik keine Revisionen vornimmt. Unsere Hauptphilosophie besteht darin, dieses Risiko so weit wie möglich zu minimieren.
🦋Revisionsoperationen sind selbst in den anspruchsvollsten Kliniken der Welt notwendig, und es ist für Patienten von Vorteil, wenn sie sich einer Operation unterziehen, wenn sie dies wissen.
🦋Als Klinik planen wir die postoperative Phase vor der Operation mit dem 3Dvectra-System (3D-Bildgebung), und dieses System ist für den Patienten und den Chirurgen von großer Bedeutung.
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋👇أحد أهم المعايير في تجميل الأنف (عملية تجميل الأنف) الوظيفية ذات المظهر الطبيعي (95٪ من المرضى) هو أنه لا ينبغي أن تكون هناك مشاكل في شكل الأنف ومسالك مجرى الهواء على المدى الطويل (بعد 1-2 سنة). .
‎🦋كما هو الحال في هذا المريض (السنة العاشرة)، يجب أن يتم حساب الزاوية مع الجمجمة وظهر الأنف (الظهر) والشفاه بشكل صحيح.
‎🦋هذه الزاوية أكبر عند النساء (على سبيل المثال، ظهر الأنف أكثر شبهاً بالانزلاق)، بينما يكون مسطحاً عند الرجال.
‎🦋لهذا السبب، من المهم جدًا إبلاغ جراح التجميل والجراحة التجميلية الخاص بك بعد 1 و3 و5 و10 سنوات من الجراحة.
‎🦋على الرغم من أن الوذمة التالية للعمليات الجراحية تختفي إلى حد كبير خلال 6-12 شهرًا، إلا أن الأنف في الواقع يستغرق عامين ليأخذ شكله المليمتري.
‎🦋يجب على المرضى الذين يرغبون في الخضوع لعملية جراحية ثانوية (ثانوية أو إعادة جراحية) أو مراجعة أن يلت��موا بهذه الفترات، وإلا فمن المرجح أن تحدث عواقب غير مرغوب فيها.
‎🦋قد يحتاج الجراحون حول العالم إلى مراجعة أكثر أو أقل بعد جراحة الأنف، وهذا وضع متوقع ويجب على المريض والطبيب اتخاذ قرار بشأن المراجعة معًا.
‎🦋لسوء الحظ، فإن توقعات المرضى غير الواقعية والتوقعات غير العادية التي خلقتها وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والصحافة تتسبب أيضًا في اتخاذ قرارات خاطئة فيما يتعلق بجراحة المراجعة.
‎🦋يجب أيضًا ألا ينسى المرضى أن بنية الأنف تتغير، خاصة في أول 3-6 أشهر بعد الجراحة وحتى عامين.
‎🦋يجب اعتبار المظهر طويل الأمد بعد العملية الجراحية بعد عامين هو المعيار الرئيسي (👉المريض الذي يظهر في الفيديو هو عامه العاشر بعد الجراحة🌺👉👉).
‎🦋هذا لا يعني أن عيادتنا لا تقوم بأي تعديلات، ففلسفتنا الرئيسية هي تقليل هذه المخاطر قدر الإمكان.
‎🦋جراحات المراجعة ضرورية حتى في أكثر العيادات حزماً في العالم، ومن المفيد للمرضى أن يخضعوا لعملية جراحية وهم يعلمون ذلك.
‎🦋نحن كعيادة نقوم بالتخطيط لفترة ما بعد الجراحة بنظام 3Dvectra (التصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد) قبل الجراحة، وهذا النظام ذو أهمية كبيرة للمريض والجراح.
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saigonreviewvn · 6 months
Việc tìm kiếm một nơi uy tín, chất lượng để nâng mũi có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy bối rối. Dựa trên những khảo sát, đánh giá chuyên sâu, trải nghiệm thực tế của khách hàng, một số địa chỉ nâng mũi tại TPHCM uy tín và chất lượng đã được chọn lọc. Cùng khám phá những gợi ý độc đáo này và tạo nên sự biến đổi ấn tượng cho nhan sắc của mình.
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boujeeceo · 2 years
I put down my deposit for my rhinoplasty! I'm penned for Late June of 2023. I'm so ready to get this over with.
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For those seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence, rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, remains a popular choice. In Salt Lake City, Utah, individuals have access to a reputable clinic, Barr Aesthetics, offering affordable rhinoplasty options that deliver exceptional results. Let's explore the expertise, pricing, and success stories surrounding rhinoplasty in the heart of Utah.
Devan Griner Aesthetics is renowned for its team of experienced and skilled surgeons, specifically specializing in facial procedures like rhinoplasty. These top-rated professionals, including Dr. Thompson, Dr. Henstrom, and Dr. Manning, collectively possess over 50 years of combined experience. Their dedication to delivering outstanding nasal reshaping results has earned them a prominent position in Salt Lake City's plastic surgery community.
Understanding the financial aspects, Barr Aesthetics ensures that affordable rhinoplasty options are available to individuals seeking these services. While the average cost of a nose job in the United States hovers around $5,483, Devan Griner MD Aesthetics offers competitively priced options that cater to different budgets and needs. With prices ranging from $3,000, their commitment to affordability sets them apart as a preferred choice for individuals seeking a nose job in Salt Lake City.
Barr Aesthetics has transformed the lives of numerous individuals through successful rhinoplasty procedures. The clinic boasts a comprehensive collection of impressive before and after pictures, showcasing the remarkable transformations achieved by their skilled surgeons. These images serve as a testament to the expertise, precision, and attention to detail that defines the work of Barr Aesthetics' team.
Recognizing that financing can be a concern for some individuals, Barr Aesthetics offers flexible financing options for rhinoplasty procedures, making the dream of a nose job attainable for more people. Additionally, they assist patients in navigating insurance policies to explore potential coverage options for rhinoplasty, relieving some of the financial burdens associated with the procedure.
When it comes to rhinoplasty in Salt Lake City, Utah, Barr Aesthetics stands out as a leading clinic, known for its affordable options, exceptional surgical expertise, and proven results. Whether individuals are looking for a subtle refinement or a more dramatic transformation, Barr Aesthetics' team of experienced surgeons can help turn their vision into a reality. With their commitment to providing high-quality care and achieving patient satisfaction, it is no surprise that Cosmetic Surgeon Salt Lake City Aesthetics has become a trusted name in the field of rhinoplasty in Utah. https://rhinoplasty.cosmeticsurgeonsaltlake.com/
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