#rica sensei
thatumbrellaoni · 9 months
I see group art like this and wish for a remake thats more faithful to the manga (from start to finish this time) ;-;
we gotta get Kagami Takahiro (hands man) and Hirayama Hidetsugu ("everyone playing this card game is hella fucking attractive for no reason" man) as animation directors, of course!!!
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then when we get to Memory World, we get a competent writer to fill in the holes Takahashi-sensei couldnt/was forced to leave as is because of executive meddling by Shounen Jump
all of that to say, I want more Bakura and Ryou!!! I want to hear Matsumoto Rica talk to herself when the Bakuras first meet!!!!
look, if Kazama Shunsuke got 4 entire episodes of him just talking to himself (ceremonial duel), then we can get at least 5 mins straight of Matsumoto Rica talking to herself and cackling maniacally pre-Monster World!!
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burning-red-nero · 1 year
Sports Festival: Capítulo 7
Localización: Pasillo de la primera planta.
Tetora: (Suspiro)
¡No está bien estar suspirando así! En cuanto acabe el descanso para el almuerzo, es la carrera de tres piernas con Anzu-san.
Dado que Anzu-san habló con Sensei y le pidió que permitiera este caso especial solo por esta vez.
Iré a almorzar y recargaré mi energía~♪
(Pero… Para la carrera de tres piernas, ¿no estaremos corriendo juntos con nuestros tobillos atados por una cuerda? No solo eso, también pondremos nuestras manos encima de los hombros del otro, ¿¡no!?)
(¿¡Q-Q-Q-Qué voy a hacer!? ¡¡No creo que pueda estar calmado~!!)
¿¡Eh, Anzu-san!? ¿¡Q-Q-Q-Qué estás haciendo aquí!?
¿Eres la asistente de Sensei…?
Así que te ofreciste a ayudarle tú misma, qué admirable~. ¡De verdad lo respeto! ¿Estoy equivocado?
Pero pero, no ha habido ningún incidente con el que ayudar. Ah, ¿así que estás ayudando porque no había suficiente gente?
Uh huh. Hasta ahora también te estaba ayudando Taichou, ¿eh? Entonces empezó el descanso para el almuerzo y volviste…
La hora del almuerzo es justo ahora, ¿no? La verdad es que me estaba preguntando si debería comer también~.
¡....! ¡N-N-N-No está bien! ¡No, esto no está bien!
¡Ossu! Nagumo Tetora, recuperación ☆
Umm, aunque estaría feliz de comer contigo, Anzu-san, ¡el bentou casero no está bien!
Ah, ¡no me refiero a que tu comida no sea apetitosa! Más bien, es deliciosa, ¡por eso es un problema!
Si sigo teniendo toda esta buena suerte, me asusta que vaya a ser atacado por una mala suerte desastrosa~.
Misturu: ¿Hm? Ah, Anzu-neechan, es Anzu-neechan~ ☆
¿Lo que tienes en la mano es tu caja del almuerzo? Ah, ¡entonces vas a almorzar ahora!
La comida de Anzu-neechan es conocida por estar rica~. Yo también quiero probar la comida de Neechan ☆
¿Está bien? Yahoo~☆ Almuerzo con Neechan ♪ Que aproveche~
Tetsu-chan también, no te quedes agachado con esa cara de confusión, vamos a almorzar juntos~.
Tetora: No, estoy bien, ¡así que comed vosotros!
Mitsuru: Tetsu-chan está siendo raro, ¿eh~? Vamos, por aquí, por aquí~ ☆
Tetora: ¡Wh, wh-whoa!
Tirando de mi brazo de repente, ¡es sorprendente~!
Mitsuru: Pero si no hago esto, no te vas a mover, Tetsu-chan.
Y como no te vas a mover, está bien si te fuerzo a moverte~. Soy muy listo ☆
Tetora: Tenma-kun es muy agresivo, ¿¡eh!? Pero gracias a esa agresividad, me acabas de ayudar ♪
Gracias a ti, Tenma-kun, puedo comer la deliciosa comida de Anzu-san, ¿eh? Comeré un montón y daré lo mejor de mi en la carrera de esta tarde~♪
Localización: Campos (Festival Deportivo)
Tetora: …
... *Inspira* ... *Espira* …
(Urgh. ¿Por qué estoy tan nervioso?)
(Es una pena que no pueda participar en los juegos con Taishou, pero seguramente va a estar viéndome desde algún lugar. ¡Si no puedo mostrarle una mostrarle una figura apropiadamente galante, no está bien para nada!)
(Erm, errrm… Vamos a atar nuestras piernas juntas con una cuerda y la pistola es la señal que indica que podemos empezar a correr, ¿sí?)
¡Wah! ¿Por qué estás mirándome así?
¡Ah, es verdad! Debería atar la cuerda, espera un momento, por favor.
Así está bien, ¿verdad? ¿Duele un poco? Entonces la aflojaré un poco más. ¿Así entonces…?
(Ugh. Estoy tan nervioso que no puedo hacer el nudo bien… Como pensaba, habría sido mejor pedírselo a alguno de mis compañeros de clase.)
(No, no, Anzu-san dijo que haría esto especialmente por mí, ¡sería demasiado grosero si rechazara el favor!)
(¡C-Cálmate! ¡En momentos como este, calma tu mente y recuerda lo que dijo Taishou!)
(H~m, h~m... Hhh~m...)
(N-No está bien. ¡No puedo recordar nada en absoluto~! En primer lugar, las cosas que dice Taishou solo están relacionadas con "emociones llameantes"!)
(Algo sobre el olor a tabaco (madera) pegado a la ropa, ¿qué era…? ¿Eh? No son las llamas lo que me preocupa, sino la ropa, ¿eh?)
(Da igual lo que haga, ¡nada está bien! De todas formas, ¿¡no hay nada que pueda hacer con esta atmósfera incómoda~!?)
(Si empezamos así, ¡será imposible sincronizarme con Anzu-san! ¡Estoy en apuros!)
(¿...? Justo ahora, algo en mi hombro… ¿Es esa la mano de Anzu-san?)
(Ya veo. Mientras estaba pensando sobre esto o aquello, la señal para empezar ya había sonado, ¿eh?)
(Considerando todo, es extraño. Hasta ahora, había estado pensando que sería imposible sincronizarme corriendo con Anzu-san.)
(Tan pronto como hemos puesto nuestros brazos alrededor de los hombros del otro, mi nerviosismo ha desaparecido… Me siento como si pueda hacer cualquier cosa.)
(Como pensaba… Anzu-san es una persona increíble, ¿eh? Creo desde el fondo de mi corazón que es genial que Anzu-san sea nuestra productora.)
(Esta persona de verdad iría a los confines del mundo. Aparte de Taishou, Anzu-san es la única persona que me da ese tipo de sensación.)
(Incluso Taishou parece estar muy contento con Anzu-san, ¿eh?)
(Por el bien de Anzu-san, él ha estado queriendo enseñarle más sobre costura, o eso es lo que dice.)
(Ah, ya puedo ver la meta desde aquí. Si sigo sincronizándome con Anzu-san así, apenas podremos llegar a la meta.)
¡...! Lo, lo hicimos. Anzu-san, ¡lo hicimos…!
Es una pena que no hayamos podido conseguir el primer lugar, ¡pero el segundo también está genial!
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Tetora: Estoy muy contento de haber hecho la carrera de tres piernas contigo, Anzu-san... ¿Tú también? Hehe, es un poco vergonzoso, ¿eh? 
Anzu-san, sería muy feliz si participases conmigo otra vez el año que viene. Para ese momento, podremos conseguir el primer puesto, así que espéralo con ganas~ ♪
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lieslipseli · 2 years
Selina é filha do casal formado por Brian e Maria Kyle que vivia numa das zonas mais pobres e perigosas de Gotham. Infelizmente, Selina sempre sentiu falta de carinho durante a sua infância, e a sua mãe, Maria Kyle preferia perder mais tempo com os seus gatos do que com com Selina e sua irmã. O seu pai também não era nenhum exemplo, o cara passava o dia bebendo, e por muitas vezes chegou a espancar a sua esposa.
A pequena Selina decidiu começar a frequentar algumas aulas de artes-marciais num velho ginásio, com o intuito de se proteger da violência vivida em sua casa. Um dia, quando regressava da escola, ela encontrou sua mãe dentro de uma banheira cheia de sangue, aparentemente Maria tinha cometido suicídio.
Passado algum tempo, Brian seguiu o mesmo caminho que a sua mulher, acabando por morrer envenenado devido as altas doses de álcool que ingeria.
A sua irmã mais nova, Maggie, foi enviada para um orfanato, enquanto que Selina conseguiu fugir, decidindo viver nas ruas de Gotham. Porém, ela acabou por ser apanhada e obrigada a ter que ir para o mesmo orfanato da sua irmã.
As coisas não foram nada fáceis e o seu tempo no orfanato acabou por ser bem curto, ela se comportava tão mal que os diretores da instituição tiveram que a enviar para um reformatório.
Quando Selina celebrou o seu 13º aniversário ela regressou para o orfanato, mas rapidamente descobriu que os diretores estavam desviando dinheiro. Eles ainda tentaram matar Selina afogada, para que a menina não revelasse a ninguém o esquema ilegal que eles tinham montado.
Mais uma vez Selina consegue escapar e quando chega ao orfanato rouba a documentação necessária que serviria como prova do que eles estavam fazendo, e ainda alguma grana para conseguir sobreviver.
A vida de Selina Kyle não foi nenhum conto de fadas, mas se estava pensando que este era o momento em que tudo ficava mais fácil, você está enganado. Depois que ela regressou às ruas, Selina entrou para a prostituição, mas sempre que conseguia preferia cometer assaltos, roubando a casa de algumas das pessoas mais ricas de Gotham.
Uma noite, enquanto tentava assaltar uma peça valiosa de um Museu, um Ninja a interrompeu e lhe roubou o objeto. Selina o seguiu até um armazém que funcionava como uma espécie de academia de artes-marciais. O Ninja, conhecido como Kai, disse ao Sensei que ela era uma intrusa e uma ladra e que devia ser severamente punida. Para surpresa de todos, o Sensei ficou impressionado com a sua flexibilidade e a convidou para se juntar à Academia.
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ricasensei · 3 years
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Hey guys! This is a fanart of Higurashi Sotsu I made for my patreons this month!! I'm loving finally being able to understand the origin to all the crazy plots of this anime. I'm also loving that there's another god supporting a different character. Are you guys watching too? xD My patrons will get: -PSD file -4k wallpaper - Vote on polls for drawings and tutorials - Previous access to tutorial videos - plus much more!! ✦✦ www.patreon.com/RicaSensei ✦✦
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 4 years
BEAST Sonsöz, Asagiri’nin ve Çevirmenlerin Notları
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Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum. Ben Asagiri, romanın yeni bir versiyonuyla karşınızdayım. Bu kitap, geçen sene yayınlanan DEAD APPLE filminin bonusu olarak yazılan “BEAST – Akutagawa Beyaz, Atsushi Siyah” romanına dayanıyor.
O zamanları hatırlıyorum da, şartlar kuşkusuz Atsushi ve Akutagawa hakkında bir roman yazmayı gerektiriyordu. (Bu arada bu ilk haftanın bonusuydu, ikinci haftada Dazai ve Chuuya hakkında bir hikaye yazılması rica edildi.)
Atsushi ve Akutagawa’nın hikayesi... İsteği duyduğumda, sadece on saniyemi aldı ve çoktan romanın tam görüntüsüne sahiptim, çünkü Atsushi ve Akutagawa’nın rolleri değiştiği bu hikaye fikri uzun zamandır aklımdaydı.
Akutagawa Dedektiflik Ajansı’nda, Atsushi Liman Mafyası’nda... Onları ne değiştirecekti? Ne değiştirmeyecekti? Bu bir tür zihinsel deney gibiydi. Bir deney ekibiyle oynayan bir çocuk olarak, ve değişikleri görerek, dünyayı kafamın içinde oluşturdum ve hikayenin konusunu tamamladım.
“Hangi”lerden konu açılmışken bu isteği aldığımda başka bir şart daha vardı. “Yaklaşık olarak 50 sayfa.” Olacaktı.
Tabii ki, bir profesyonel olarak, müşterinin isteklerine boyun eğmeliydim. İçimdeki profesyonel yazara saygı duyarak verilen işi zamanında bitirdim ve 190 sayfalık bir roman yazdım.
Bunun hakkında kimse bana söylenmedi. Ama belki de üretim tarafı oldukça zorluydu (maliyete yüzünden). Ayrıca filmlere de gittim ve yazdığım özel bonusları teslim aldım ancak düşününce bunu bir ekstra olarak değil de bir kitap olarak yazdım.
Bu arada, ikinci haftada 160 sayfalık bir Dazai ve Chuuya romanı vardı. Birisi bu orijinal yazarın kafasına altın bir tokmak gibi bir şeyle vurmalı diye düşünüyorum.
Bu konuya bir açıklık getirdikten sonra, Beans’in cep baskısının lansımanı oldu. Yani bu kitap artı sahneler ve duygularla “tam” versiyonu. Sinemanın bonus versiyonu Blu-ray / DVD filmlerinin içinde de var, yani ilgileniyorsanız ikisini karşılaştırabilirsiniz. (Bence eğlenmek için eşsiz bir yol)
Genelde, yazacaklarım için “Konu bu.” Ya da “Böyle.” İstiyum gibi şartlar koşmam. Çünkü her şeyin yazıda söylenmesi gerekir ve bence yersiz notlar düşmek garip olurdu.
Ama bu sefer, bu kurala uymamayı deneyeceğim.
Bu romanı okuyun ve istediğinizi oluşturun.
Bu kadar. Bir koşulu değiştirmek ve bununla tarihin nasıl hareket ettiğini gözlemlemek, çok eğlenceli.
Bu bir deney. Bir çocuğun bilimi. Örneğin, o bir kadın olsaydı? Katıldığı dedektiflik ajansı iflas etmek üzere olsaydı ne olurdu? Veya bir dedektiflik ajansı yerine bir gazete şirketi olsaydı?
Montgomery ile Kyouka’dan önce tanışsaydı ne olurdu? Chuuya da dedektiflik ajansına Dazai ile birlikte katılsaydı?
Hayal gücü sınırsız. Ve tüm olasılıklar eşit ağırlıkta. Eğer öyle olduğuna inanırsanız, o dünya orada. Bundan sonrası, düşünen akılla genişler ve dünyanın zamanı ilerler. O sırada “bu dünyanın” bir insanı olursunuz.
Orada aynı zamanda hem eğlenceli hem de acı verici çekiciliklerle dolu bir dünya var.
Bizim dünyamıza hoş geldin.
Sonuncu ama bir o kadar önemli, baskı için, Harukawa’ya, filmin anime versiyonuna katkısı için, ve emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler. Bir sonraki çalışmada buluşacağız.
Asagiri Kafka.
Merhabalar, bana nabidan diyebilirsiniz, Beast romanının bir diğer çevirmeniydim. Öncelikle, hatalarım ve eksiklerim için affınıza sığınıyorum, adminimiz en iyi haliyle romanı tamamlamak için çok uğraştı ona da tekrar çok teşekkür ediyorum. İkimiz de ilk defa bir roman çevirisi yaptık ve en iyi şekliyle işin içinden çıkabilmişizdir diye umut ediyorum..
Beast, varlığından haberdar olduğum andan itibaren beni çok heyecanlandıran bir kitaptı. Bu sene yeni yıla da Beast Atsushi ile girdiğim için olsa gerek, hikaye hakkında düşünmekten alıkoyamıyordum kendimi. Ben habire düşünüyorum ama işin kötü yanı, hakkında konuşabileceğim birilerini bulamıyordum, okunmamış oluyordu çünkü kitap. O zaman işte kitabı çevirip daha geniş bir kitleye ulaşmasını sağlamak istedim. Öyle bir anlık hevesle başladım ama tek başıma yapmamın imkanı yoktu. Sonra bu hesapta çevrilmeye başlandığını gördüm ve büyük bir hevesle kendimi olaya dahil ettim hemenJ Ve sonunda buradayız, faydam dokunduysa, daha çok insanın okumasını sağladıysam ne mutlu bana..
Ben, Beast hikayesini gerçekten çok seviyorum, öyle ki neredeyse asıl hikayeden bile çok. Bununla ilgili onlarca sebep sayabilirim, ama en büyük sebebi: Akutagawa’nın ajansta Atsushi’nin mafyada olduklarını düşünmesi bile beni çok heyecanlandırıyordu, ve Asagiri sensei tahmin ettiğimden çok daha muhteşem şeyler yazmıştı. Farkında olmadan kalbimde çok büyük yer edindi bu hikaye..
Bu kadar çok sevmemin bir diğer sebebi de Asagiri sensei’in sonsözü.
Bu romanı okuyun ve istediğiniz şeyi oluşturun.
Hayal gücü sınırsız. Ve tüm ihtimaller eşit ağırlıkta. Eğer öyle olduğuna inanırsanız, o dünya orada.
Benim buradan aldığım şey, Asagiri sensei muhteşem bir evren oluşturmuş, ve hayalini kurduğu şeyleri yazıyor, üstüne bizi de üzerine düşünüp hayalini kurmamız için teşvik ediyor.. Bu yüzden ben de bu hikâyenin devamı nasıl olurdu diye düşünüp duruyorum, Atsushi ve Akutagawa’nın o kafedeki gibi konuştuklarını, birlikte savaştıklarını, hatta belki de Atsushi’nin de ajansa katıldığını düşünüyorum, Odasaku’nun ona hoca olduğunu, birlikte çocuklarla ilgilendiklerini... Hikaye rahatlıkla devam ettirilecek şekilde final verdiği için, devamıyla ilgili ihtimalleri düşündükçe daha da çok seviyorum ben Beast evrenini.
Son olarak, büyük ihtimalle seneye çıkacak olana live action filmini de bekleyin. Senaryoyu değiştirmezlerse cidden iyi bir iş çıkarabileceklerini düşünüyorum…
Tekrar hatalarım ve eksiklerim için özür diliyor, ve adminimize çokça teşekkür ediyorum. Beast hakkında daha uzuun uzun konuşurum ben, konuşmak isterseniz buyrun konuşalım :D
Öncelikle çevirmede büyük katkısı olan diğer çevirmenimize çok teşekkür ediyorum. BEAST benim ilk roman çevirimdi ve ne yalan söyleyeyim, bu kadar zor ve aynı zamanda eğlenceli olacağını düşünmemiştim. Muhtemelen yardım almasaydım yarı yolda bırakırdım.
Bu kadar çileden, aksilikten sonra bir romanın çevirisini bitirmek garip geliyor hatta şu an sonsözleri yazdığıma inanamıyorum bile. BEAST çıktığından bu yana benim en çok ilgimi çeken romandı çünkü hem karakterler hem de serinin dünyası hakkında çok fazla bilgi edinmemizi sağlıyordu. Bungou Stray Dogs ülkemizde çok popüler bir anime değil ve üzerinde konuşabileceğim kişi sayısı azdı –en azından ben öyle düşünüyordum. Hatta bazen “Acaba bir tek ben mi varım?” diye düşündüğüm zamanlar oluyordu. Ancak sayfa popülerleşmeye başladığında yanıldığımı gördüm. Her ne kadar diğer serilere göre az sayıda olsak da yalnız olmadığımı ve bu animeyle ilgilenenlerin de olduğunu gördüm. Özellikle BEAST hakkında sorulan sorularla hem bsd fandomunun güzel bir tarafı olduğu için hem de bu “dünya” ile ilgilenenlerin sayısının azımsanmaması gerektiğini öğrendim ve sevindim.
Bu novel, diğer novellere kıyasla gerçeklik algımızı değiştirebiliyordu ve Asagiri-sensei bize ihtimallerle dolu olan “kitap”tan yeni bir dünya sunmuş. Sanırım bu romanın en sevdiğim tarafı da bu çünkü değişiklikleri ve ihtimalleri gördüğümüz zaman karakter kişilikleri, onu kendisi yapan temel özellikleri belirginleşir ve hakkında daha çok bilgi edinmiş oluruz. Hikayede kimi karakterlerin yaşadıkları bizi ağlattı, kimilerininki içimizi ısıttı, ve bu serinin duygusal tarafı konuya çok iyi işlenmişti.
Ve eklemek istiyorum ki novel Japoncadan İspanyolcaya, İspanyolcadan İngilizceye, İngilizceden Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. Yani arada üç çevirmenden kaynaklanan hatalar olabilir, kendi hatalarımız için özür diliyorum.
Bu arada bu kitabı daha çok kullanışlı olduğu için watpadd’e de yükleyeceğim. Yüklediğim zaman burada paylaşırım.
Son olarak bize destek olan ve hatalarımıza tolerans gösterip noveli okuyan herkese teşekkür ederim. Siz olmasaydınız bir motivasyonum omazdı. Umarım gelecek çevirilerde de bizi desteklemeye devam edersiniz~
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punipunijapan · 3 years
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こんにちは!Today We want to introduce one of our Japanese teacher Takako Sensei 👩‍🏫🌸🇯🇵 She has been teaching Japanese over 25 years! Please join us and take FREE trial lesson @KakehashiJapan.com  “Hi! My name is Takako. I have been teaching Japanese over 25 years. Are you planning to travel to Japan and want to make Japanese friend ? Or want to study or work in Japan? I live in Hyogo-prefecture now but I lived in the United States and Latin America for long time so I can explain in English / Spanish. Not only language study but also I would like to read with you old tales and children literature to share our rich culture and long history so you could understand Japan better. I love to paint, read and swim. “ 👩‍🏫🇯🇵  “ESPAÑOL🇪🇸: Hola! Mi nombre es Takako Kodani. He estado enseñando Japonés más de 25 años. ¿Está planeando viajar en Japón y ser amigo de japonés? ¿O quiere estudiar o trabajar en Japòn? Vivo en Hyogo, Japòn ahora , pero he vivido en Estados Unidos y América Latina por muchos tiempos, puedo explicar en inglés / español. No sólo estudio de el idioma sino también me gustaria leer juntos los libros de cuentos antiguos y /o literatura infantil por compartir la cultura rica y la historia larga así que puede entender mejor sobre Japón. Me encanta pintar, leer y nadar.”  Learn Japanese from native & professional Japanese teachers! Do you want to be able to speak Japanese? We can teach you Japanese step by step and make the customized lesson for you. Take a FREE trial lesson now (*◕ω◕)🌸👉 http://kakehashijapan.com   #learnjapaneselanguage #studyingjapanese #Japanesevocabulary #nihongo #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japanesebeginner #Japanese #Japan #Japanesephrase #learningjapanese #japanesewords #Japaneselearner #japanese #Japan #japaneselanguage #japaneselessons #japaneselesson #learnjapanese #japaneseteacher #Japaneseculture #japaneseclass #JLPT #japaneselanguage #learningjapanese #日本語 #日本語勉強中 #日本語勉強 #🇯🇵 #Japan #日本 #日本語能力試験 #日本語学校 #japones #sensei https://www.instagram.com/p/CH4S2tXnroI/?igshid=1x0p09c9i8e7h
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
h i n a t a s h o y o x ME (lmao 😂)
• i n e b r i a t e
(verb) make someone drunk.
2:30 pm [ Camp Edinburgh ]
No way. Why would I do that? I'm not that desperate to get noticed by him. No. My answer will always be 'no'. No one can change my mind. I will not risk my reputation for him. Call me coward and stupid but I don't really care at all.
“Why not, Hannah? All you have to do is to confess your feelings and all.” Rei insisted. Wow. Confess my feelings? That would be the end of me!
“You're really a coward, sensei.” Rica added.
“She's just afraid of getting wrecked by Shoyo.” What the actual fxck?! I grab my friend, Lou and gag her with the bread that I'm about to eat. For fxck’ sake! We are surrounded by other people!
“Seriously, guys? Did you bring me here just to gang up against me?” I question their true intentions after inviting me–no! They dragged me here! In this camp that I thought they organized for the four of us! “I shouldn't have trusted you guys, you're all traitors!” I said in my annoyed and on the verge of crying tone.
No matter how hard I tried to tell myself that I should stop, I always find myself looking at his direction.
Up on the hill, I am once again, a few feet away from him. Hinata Shoyo, you are the dream that haunt me during daylight.
I used to read fairy tales when I was a kid. And up until now, I still read them. In hope of finding the right one. In hope of feeling the same euphoria all over again.
Freak. That's what they called me back in high school. Freak. Because I dressed like a rat during our play. A pest who got lured by the Pied Piper of Hamelin into the Weser River. If someone will ask me which story is my favorite among the hundred of tales I've had read, I'd tell him/her that it's the story of the rat-catcher and his magic pipe.
Why? Why not Cinderella? Why not Snow White? Why not the fairy tales wherein princesses were saved by their princes?
My answers will always remain constant.
Because my heart was taken by an ordinary man.
And I have no plan of taking it back.
For I am no princess and he is no prince.
Shoyo, after all these years, I'm still into you.
“Where's Lou, Rica?” I asked my other friend. My eyes and fingers are busy doing some assessment tools on my laptop. I know. I know. I should at least let myself enjoy this temporary freedom for as long as I can but my top priority for now are my students. I must work hard.
“Probably inside a tent somewhere, banging Wakatoshi. Come on, sensei! I'd like to dance with them!” Rica pointed the bonfire in the camping site where most of the guests, including all the members of Japan National Team are dancing around it while holding a bottle of ale.
“Then join them! No one's stoping you from doing so!” I lift the disposable coffee cup from the wooden table and finish the remaining liquid mixture in one chug. Damn. I think I already reached the limit of my caffeine consumption for a day. But I want more! I still have work to do!
I signal the barista to serve me another cup and he nodded.
“What’s Rei doing there? Is he, her friend, too?” Rica asks, stopping my fingers from hitting the keys of my laptop. Again, she pointed at a specific spot. This time she's directing my eyes back to the coffee counter.
“Not sure,” I shrug my shoulders. “You know her, she's a guy magnet.” I said, smiling.
“Anyway! I need to go now! You're such a killjoy! Loosen up, Hannah!”
“Yeah, whatever.” I rolled my eyes then ushered her to join the fun in the camping ground.
For the record, I am not risking my reputation for him. I won't confess to Hinata Shoyo.
What's so funny? I keep asking this question to myself. Rei was laughing for as long as I can remember. And why is she interrogating me while I'm working? For every correct answer, a scoop of affogato will be served. That's our game arrangement. Yes. Interrogating me is just a game for her.
“You are aware you have a gene called PDSS2, right?” Woah. What was that? My vision suddenly became blurry for seconds right after she asked that question.
I press a finger on my temple and regulate my breathing. This symptom!
“I am, Rei. I could get intoxicated by caffeine and behave like a drunkard.” But that doesn't mean I am unaware of my actions.
“Want me to walk you in our tent?” Rei sounds different. Wait! Why is she treating and talking me like a weak kid?! No. No way! I feel like I'm floating! And my heart suddenly change its' rhythm. Another symptoms of caffeine intoxication!
“You tricked me!” I accused her and she just laugh again. “Kill me, Rei or else I will keep talking like an idiot and I won't stop until the caffeine in my system completely metabolized.”
“I did not tricked you, Hannah. You did this to yourself. That's what you get from being a coffee maniac.”
“I hate you, Rei.” I sighed then shutdown the laptop. “But I hate myself, too.”
“Hydrate yourself to reduce the caffeine effect.” Rei hand me a bottle of water and help me drink it, “how high?” she queried.
“So high that I feel like jumping from here and crash myself to the grassy ground.” I replied.
Rei taps the table. She's instructing me to lay my head there. I obeyed her.
“Do you still love him, right?” She asks, mirroring my condition and position. Now, we are both laying our head atop the table as we face each other.
“You know I didn't stop, Rei.”
“Then take a risk. What's stopping you from expressing your love for him?” she asks, putting her phone between our face.
“The reality, Rei! He's out of my league. So please stop forcing me to spill the beans for him.”
“Do you fear the possibilities of him rejecting you?”
“I fear everything about him. Shoyo Hinata is the perfect definition of fear for me. He made me feared love. He made me feared living this lifetime without him. You know what, Rei? Not all untold love stories deserves a chance. Not because they are unworthy of time and space. But because some of them are meant to be hidden. That's where my love for him resides. Inside a chest of secrets.”
“..... that's where my love for him resides. Inside a chest of secrets.”
This is what I hate the most after consuming high dose of caffeine in a day. I spoke things I shouldn't. And I cried in a place where I mustn't. Instead of drowning myself with unnecessary thoughts, I let my friends drag me inside the circle of people partying around the bonfire. I don't remember starting but I found myself dancing along the waves of people, along the hyper beat of the song playing in the background. I dance until my legs break. Until my throat hurts from laughing and playing along with my friends and former classmates.
Shoyo's there but made no move to approach me. I just caught him looking at me from time to time and every time our eyes met, he would give me a timid smile and a nod. If only you knew, Shoyo, I want more from you.
“Going somewhere?” I was surprised when a former Nekoma alumni went to me and start talking to me.
“Yes. Back in our tent. To sleep.” I believe his name is Kuroo Tetsurou. I stand on my feet and step backwards. I feel so dizzy.
“Mind if I come?” Did I heard him right?
“Uh, why?” I shook my head harshly. The caffeine is kicking me good in the head.
“You’re supposed to say, 'yes' babes. I’m clearly trying to get under your pants.” Woah. He's so straight forward!
“Well, uh... you are targeting a dull one, Mr. Kuroo. I'm afraid I am incapable of satisfying your needs tonight.” I smiled at him then waved goodbye.
Okay. I don't do one night stand.
I was humming my favorite song along the way when a hand grab my arm then I found myself spinning before landing on a broad and hard shoulder of a man with a very familiar hair color.
“Argh. Put me down, please. I feel so dizzy.” I am not a sack of rice so why are you carrying me like this...... Shoyo Hinata.
“I’m glad you declined, Kuroo's offer.” there's a hint of amusement in his tone while he keep moving forward.
“Are you really talking to me now, Shoyo?”
“Can you put me down? Everything is spinning. I feel so lightheaded. I might speak nonsensical things.”
He's deaf. It's confirmed. He really didn't bother putting me back on my feet.
“I think I've heard enough from you, Hannah.” Shoyo says, stopping on his tracks. He put me down but hold my forearm tightly as if I have plan of running away from him. I shook my head again. Trying to clear out the dizziness and drowsiness. “Get inside.” He pushed me down on the soft futon inside his tent and hovers above me.
His proximity is causing my heart to flutter.
“What do you mean you have heard enough from me?” I questioned. Slowly closing my eyes.
“I heard your conversations with Rei.”
“How? You weren't there.”
“She put you on the line during your talk. I heard everything.”
“Ah, that's why she put her phone between our face. That witch!”
I heard him giggle after my outburst. Then I felt his hand on my face. His fingers tracing my lips. His warm breath fanning all over my face.
“May I taste your lips?” His question send electricity throughout my body. I didn't respond. How to? In my current state, responding accordingly is not possible.
My eyes are closed and my mind is in haywire!
“My lips tastes like coffee. I had three servings of americano and four scoops of affogato.” Bravo, Hannah. I deserve a reward for my smart answer.
“I would perceive that as ‘yes’ then,” he whispered.
Don't judge me. I'm on my right mind. And I am aware of his actions. I just don't feel like stopping him when he started claiming my lips.
I dreamt of this moment once.
Would it be too much if I let my guard down tonight?
Just this once, I would like to have a taste of heaven.
“Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?” Shoyo asks, his lips trailing soft kisses along my jawline.
“Marry me instead.”
“That's what you want?”
“Okay. Then I'll taste your other parts as well.”
“Be gentle.”
“I can't. You know I can't.”
Dear Lord, give me strength to withstand the storm he would bring tonight.
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frith-inle · 5 years
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[+Video] Happy Mother's Day! =D by Rica-Sensei
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facarous · 5 years
DEAR MY TEACHER [Precuela] Capítulo 2
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“¿Qué tipo de comida te gusta, Rena-san?” La maestra preguntó hacia su alumna, quien caminaba junto a ella. Ambas acababan de salir de la escuela y no habían podido evitar algunas miradas curiosas.
“En realidad...” Rena bajó la mirada hacia sus manos, las cuales temblaban ligeramente. Estar caminando lado a lado junto a su maestra de ciencias biológicas la hacía sentir nerviosa y aceleraba su corazón de una manera inquietante. “He de admitir que me gusta la comida picante… el curry es uno de mis platillos favoritos.”
“¿Curry?” Jurina preguntó sorprendida. “¡Conozco un muy buen lugar!” Ahora era el turno de Rena de sorprenderse. La sonrisa en el rostro de la mayor dejaba ver su emoción ante la propuesta.
Caminaron hacia la estación del metro. La maestra preguntando si conocía bien el vecindario y al obtener una respuesta negativa, empezó de  inmediato, a señalar ciertos sitios de interés: cafeterías, librerías, tiendas de ropa, alguna plaza comercial pequeña. Todo local que se cruzara en su camino era señalado e incluso recibió una clase sobre las estaciones del metro y el tiempo promedio entre una y otra.
Rena no pudo evitar reír divertida. Su maestra incluso fuera del salón de clases parecía dispuesta a impartir cátedra.
Se habían cruzado con algunos otros estudiantes e incluso compañeros de clases durante el trayecto y aunque para Rena eso resultaba incomodo, Jurina no parecía tener problema en saludar a los chicos que se atrevían a llamarla. De pronto Rena se preguntó si había sido una buena idea aceptar la invitación de su sensei. Tal vez no fuera bueno ni adecuado que las vieran juntas y solas.
Sin embargo, cuando salieron de la estación del metro y caminaron las dos cuadras que las separaban de un pequeño restaurante con letreros verde neón, comenzó a sentirse más relajada ante la aparente falta de estudiantes.
“Solo vine una vez hace ya algún tiempo, pero recuerdo que la comida era buena.” La mayor sacó de sus pensamientos a la menor. “¿Algún problema, Rena-san?” de pronto la mirada de Jurina parecía seria.
“No,” Rena se apresuró a aclarar “es solo que, ¿Está bien que me encuentre aquí con usted, sensei? ¿No le traerá eso problemas?” sentía como perdía coraje conforme hablaba. Matsui Jurina era alguien imponente. Hermosa, carismática y enigmática. Era la atracción de la escuela y ella no había sido inmune a sus encantos, pero una cosa era verla desde la seguridad de su asiento en clase y otra era tenerla enfrente suyo sin ningún tipo de barrera.
La sonrisa en Jurina decayó un poco, pero la maestra rápidamente se recompuso sonriendo de nuevo sin ningún problema aparente. “¿Te he faltado al respeto en algún momento?” preguntó después de un momento.
Rena negó con la cabeza, sintiéndose de pronto como una niña pequeña. Como cuando su madre estaba tratando de enseñarle una lección y ella debía llegar a la conclusión  por sí misma.
“Si en algún momento se sientes incomoda o forzada por la situación puedes decirlo, Rena-san. No estoy haciendo esto con ninguna doble intención.” La mayor sentenció cuando se encontraban en la puerta del restaurante.
El sol comenzaba a descender sobre el horizonte provocando un ligero matiz naranja sobre la ciudad y sacando destellos chocolates en el cabello de la maestra. Rena contuvo el aliento ante el juego de colores que la luz provocaba también en su mirada castaña. Si tuviera que darle un nombre a lo que estaba experimentado justo ahora, sería fascinación.
La menor por un instante recordó los manga shoujo que suele leer de vez en cuando. Estaba segura que, de ser esto la trama de una de aquellas historias, justo ahora, su maestra tendría un fondo lleno de flores  - posiblemente rosas – floreciendo. También sería el momento oportuno para que el viento soplara y revolviera sus cabellos.
Y si este fuera un día lluvioso, tal vez su maestra hubiera llegado a ella corriendo desde atrás y le hubiera ofrecido su paraguas.
“¿Rena-san?” La mayor volvió a preguntar cuando observó que su alumna parecía perdida en algún lugar de su cabeza. No pudo evitar rascarse la mejilla izquierda algo nerviosa. Se encontraban en la puerta del restaurante, sin moverse y en completo silencio. No solo debía de ser una vista extraña, si no que también estaban obstruyendo el acceso al lugar.
“¡Sí! Es decir.. ¡No!” la chica se atragantó con sus propias palabras y la sensación de tener el rostro hirviendo se hizo presente cuando la cantarina risa de Jurina se sobrepuso a sus balbuceos. Tal vez debía dejar de leer tanto manga.
“De acuerdo, entremos. Tengo bastante hambre y estoy segura que tú también, Rena-san.” Jurina dio un paso hacia la puerta automática.
Entrar a aquel sitio era aislarse por completo de la gran metrópolis que es Tokio. Los sonidos típicos de esa hora del día eran sofocados por completo al momento de que las puertas se cerraban y el olfato era asaltado por el olor de las especias el curry. El estómago de Rena hizo un ruido gracioso que afortunadamente no fue escuchado por Jurina, quien guiaba el camino hacia una de las mesas vacías.
La estudiante se sintió algo inquieta. Era la primera vez que se encontraba en un lugar tan lleno de gente desde que llegó a la capital. Su recorrido diario para comprar víveres no solía llegar mas lejos que el minisuper cercano a su departamento.
En Nagoya nunca había tenido que salir a conseguir comida por sí misma. Solo era necesario esperar que la llamaran por su nana para saber que todo estaba listo. Su rutina habitual era de la escuela a su casa y en ciertos fines de semana acompañaba a sus padres en algún evento importante. Incluso sus visitas a la fabrica de sake se contaban con los dedos de una mano.
De nueva cuenta, no podía evitar comparar su antigua vida con la actual. Algo tan simple como comer en aquel restaurante era una experiencia única para ella, quien estaba acostumbrada a los lugares en donde el asistente de su padre tenía que llamar para agendar un día.
No quería sonar como una niña rica consentida, pero tenía que admitir que había estado viviendo en un mundo paralelo al del resto de sus compañeros de clases e incluso sus maestros. El mesero que se acercó inmediatamente a ellas la hizo detener su análisis. Un menú plastificado de color verde neón les fue entregado a cada una; en la columna izquierda se encontraban los platillos y en la derecha, en pequeñas etiquetas rojas sobrepuestas a los precio originales, estaban escritos los nuevos y por ultimo, en la parte de abajo, la escala de nivel de picor.
Jurina observó el menú con algo de recelo. La verdad era que no era muy buena con la comida picosa, pero alguna fuerza mayor a su sentido común la había impulsado a complacer a aquella chiquilla que era su alumna.
Siempre se había preguntado cual era la finalidad de crear diez niveles de picante, cuando lo más factible era que nunca nadie pidiera más allá del nivel cinco. La comida era para disfrutarse y no para ser usada como medio de tortura.  Sin embargo, su sorpresa fue descomunal cuando Rena decidió pedir  un curry de cerdo nivel siete.
“¿Siete?” Jurina se preguntó alarmada “Rena-san… eso es bastante picante, ¿estás segura?” se dirigió hacia la chica para tratar de disuadirla.
“Estoy acostumbrada a la comida picante,” le respondió sonriente la aludida. “No se preocupe, Matsui-san. De hecho, estoy bastante emocionada por probar el curry de este lugar.” terminó su frase con una sonrisa entusiasta que provocó que Jurina y el mesero tragaran saliva.
“Curry de pollo nivel uno para mí, por favor.” La maestra ordenó sin apartar la mirada de su estudiante, la cual arqueó sus cejas en sorpresa al escuchar el pedido.
“¿Nivel uno, Matsui-san?” Rena parecía mucho más sorprendida por el bajo nivel de picante en la comida de su maestra, como si eso fuera más alarmante que ella eligiendo un nivel por encima del promedio.
“Me gusta el curry, pero prefiero disfrutar su sabor de forma balanceada, el picante suele ocultar algunas cosas.” prefirió decir aquello en lugar de “No soy buena con la comida picante, pero hemos venido aquí porque tengo la insensata necesidad de complacerte.”
“Vaya, eso es interesante. Siempre he creído que en realidad el picante resalta el sabor de este tipo de platillos.” Jurina podía ver en la mirada de Rena la sinceridad total de sus palabras y la sorpresa genuina al encontrarse ante un punto de vista como el suyo.
La maestra se descubrió a sí misma observando a la chica con detenimiento. Sus ojos eran pequeños, pero expresivos, su sonrisa aun tenía la inocencia característica de su edad y notó que tendía a gesticular con las manos, sobre todo si el tema le parecía emocionante. Lo hizo cuando comenzaron a hablar sobre las diferencias entre el curry en los diversos países de Asia, también amplió el movimiento de sus manos cuando le explicó sobre la diferencia en las escalas de picor de los restaurantes.
“Creo que lo más picante que he probado fue una vez de vacaciones con mi familia en Hawai. Es la única ocasión en que mis ojos han llorado.” Rena sonreía mientras recordaba aquel invierno fuera del país. Su padre había tenido una junta importante con distribuidores americanos interesados en el sake, la familia decidió tomar esa oportunidad para tener un fin de semana relajado.
“¿Tu familia suele viajar fuera del país?” Jurina agregó esa información a la nana que Rena había dicho tener. Aquella familia Matsui debía tener un importante poder adquisitivo.
“No, no toda la familia. Solo mi padre, por sus negocios. Aquella vez fue una excepción a la regla.” Respondió Rena con un tono más mesurado.
La conversación siguió en un tono casual. Jurina recomendando algunos lugares cercanos al área y que eran famosos para los chicos de su edad, también soltando algún pequeño consejo sobre como adaptarse a la ciudad.
Pronto el ambiente extraño que se sentía entre ellas se evaporó y la conversación hasta antes de que el mesero llegara a la mesa con sus ordenes, había sido bastante placentera. Sin embargo, las cosas fueron desarrollándose de una manera extraña para la maestra.
Ambas se sonrieron cuando sus platillos fueron asentados en la mesa y sin esperar más comenzaron a comer. Jurina con cautela, no queriendo tener una sorpresa sobre el nivel del picante, muy a pesar de ser un simple nivel uno, no quería confiarse. Rena, dando un buen primer bocado luego de soplar un poco para bajar la temperatura de sus alimentos.
La mayor decidió rápidamente que podía tolerar aquel picor y continuó con más confianza antes de levantar su mirada y observar a una demasiado feliz Rena dando el siguiente bocado. La chica sonrió ampliamente cuando sus miradas se encontraron y los ojos de Jurina la traicionaron al viajar directamente a la boca de la menor.  
Se relamió sus labios de manera inconsciente. Aquella niña era atractiva, algún día, estaba segura que estaría llena de chicos acosándola por los pasillos de la escuela. Chicos de su edad, enviándole cartas para San Valentín o confesando sus sentimientos hacia ella en alguno de los patios de la escuela a la hora del receso.
Jurina se imaginó a esta retraída chica en su pupitre al fondo del salón de clases, no sabiendo que hacer con las cartas que eran dejadas en su casillero. Se imaginó la reacción que tendría cuando algún chico se acercara a ella. Pudo imaginar aquellos ojos incómodos por la atención recibida, tal y como ocurría cuando la llamaba al pizarrón para explicar el esquema de una célula vegetal.
La maestra súbitamente se sintió molesta. Matsui Rena era una chica tímida, inocente y que gustaba de disfrutar de su mundo o al menos eso era lo que había aprendido al observarla durante el colegio. No tenía porque convertirse en una especie de trofeo para sus compañeros de salón.
Se preguntó a sí misma, si de ambas haber nacido en la misma generación, ella se atrevería a cortejarla.  Jurina había sido bastante popular en sus tiempos de instituto y no perdió tiempo en conseguir más de una novia durante sus años de estudiante, pero, se preguntó si de haber tenido a una Matsui Rena estudiando en su mismo salón… ¿podría haberse atrevido a probar aquellos labios?
Fue necesario que tomara algo de agua y se reprendiera a sí misma por ir tan lejos en su imaginación.
Nadie conocía el futuro y así como pudiera que los chicos de la escuela decidieran – al igual que ella – que Rena era linda, podía que ni siguieran se fijaran en ella por estar detrás de otras chicas más sociables. Y en todo caso, ella no tenía porque molestarse por jóvenes siendo jóvenes y disfrutando de sus años de escuela y lo típico de su edad. Enamorarse, encontrar el primer amor, entusiasmarse e incluso sufrir por primera vez de un corazón roto.
Muchísimo menos debía de imaginar universos alternos donde ella y Rena podrían haber protagonizado un romance estudiantil, ¡Era su maestra por amor al cielo! Una ola de culpa la golpeó.
“¿Que le parece su curry, Matsui-san?” La voz suave de Rena la hizo regresar a la realidad. La chica tenía los labios ligeramente rojos e hinchados por el picante. Jurina se relamió los suyos de nuevo.
“Es muy bueno. Se me había olvidado el buen sabor de este lugar.” Admitió sincera. “¿Que tal el tuyo?”
“Creo que tiene bien merecido el nivel siete,” Rena contestó antes de dar un trago a su vaso de agua. “Ahora siento curiosidad por probar los niveles más altos.” rió de buena gana al ver la cara de incredulidad de su maestra.
“Eres sorprendente, Rena-san. Yo no podría con el nivel dos.” Ambas rieron con gusto.
“Eh, sensei...” Rena hizo el ademán de agarrar una de las servilletas de papel de la mesa, pero entonces un grito la hizo congelarse en su lugar.
“¡¿Matsui-sensei?!” Jurina volteó rápidamente su cabeza hacia donde procedía aquel llamado. Ahí a unos metros de ellas se encontraba Sato Mieko quien las veía con sorpresa. Detrás de ella pudieron divisar a Yagami Kumi y Nakanishi Yuka, las tres aun con el uniforme escolar.
“Matsui-sensei, es una sorpresa encontrarla aquí,” Nakanishi Yuka, la más alta de las tres, de cabellos cortos y castaños fue la primera en notar a Rena. “Ah, también esta Rena-san, esperamos no interrumpir.”
“No, no” Jurina negó con la cabeza y sonrió ampliamente. “Rena-san no es de la ciudad, estaba ayudándola a ubicar ciertos sitios.”
“¡Ah, ya veo!” Mieko asintió y se dirigió hacia Rena. “Si tienes alguna duda, Rena-san no dudes en preguntar. Somos compañera de equipo después de todo y estaremos más que dispuestas a ayudar, ¿No es así?” volteó hacia sus compañeras, quienes asintieron con entusiasmo, “Sensei, por cierto” Mieko estiró su mano y cogió una servilleta “tiene un poco de salsa por aquí” dijo al tiempo que sin pudor alguno limpiaba la mejilla derecha de su maestra.
“¡Ah! Gracias, Sato-san,” Jurina sintió sus orejas quedar calientes por la pena. Rena por otro lado se sintió decepcionada al no ser ella la que asistía a la sensei, pero decidió que no podía culpar a Mieko por ello, después de todo antes de que ellas llegaran estaba a punto de hacer lo mismo.
“¿También les gusta el curry?” Rena se vio en la necesidad de unirse a la conversación, aunque dentro suyo se sentía ligeramente irritada por la intromisión. Estaba teniendo un momento muy agradable con su maestra, alguien que le resultaba atrayente – en realidad, a casi todo el alumnado del instituto – y la idea de compartir su atención no le agradaba.
“¡Esa soy yo!” Yagami Kumi levantó la mano de inmediato. Su largo cabello oscuro se encontraba suelto y le caía un poco más abajo de los hombros, sus grandes ojos castaños claros fueron alcanzados por su sonrisa. “En realidad, había escuchado que este lugar es muy bueno...”
“Y lleva días tratando de convencernos de traerla aquí.” Mieko rodó sus ojos.
“No solo traerla. También pagar por su comida.” Yuka bufó, provocando la risa de Jurina, quien negó con la cabeza.
“¿Por qué no comen con nosotras?” Les preguntó a sus estudiantes mientras les señalaba las silla vacías.
“No, no, sensei. De verdad no queremos importunar.” Yuka se apresuró a negar mirando hacia sus amigas pidiendo apoyo.
“Tonterías. No nos molesta, ¿Cierto, Rena-san?” Jurina miró hacia esta ultima, disculpándose con la mirada. Sinceramente no deseaba que su tiempo y plática con la joven Matsui se viera interrumpida, pero era consciente de lo peligroso que sería no invitar a las otras chicas, ¿Qué pasaría si empezaba el rumor de que Matsui-sensei gustaba de tener citas privadas con sus estudiantes? No estaba segura si estas tres chicas eran del tipo que esparce rumores, pero necesitaba ser precavida.
Rena negó sutilmente hacia las otras chicas antes de sonreír.
“No hay problema. Comamos todas juntas.” la chica miró hacia Jurina quien le devolvió la mirada con algo de culpa, formando con los labios un mudo “disculpa”, pero estaba bien, Rena entendía. Sería muy extraño si la maestra mostrara favoritismo hacia ella, sin embargo, aunque comprendía la situación, no podía evitar sentir decepción al tener que interrumpir tan amena cena.
Las chicas no tardaron en ordenar. Jurina y Rena quienes ya habían casi terminado su comida, acompañaron al trío mientras degustaban sus propias ordenes de nivel dos de picante. De vez en cuando Rena lanzaba miradas discretas hacia su maestra, quien reía con las ocurrencias de sus compañeras y contaba alguna anécdota de sus tiempos como estudiante.
En más de un par de veces las miradas de ambas se encontraron y aunque Jurina le sonreía, ella no podía evitar apartar los ojos apenada.
“Rena-san,” Yuka se dirigió a ella luego de tomar un poco de agua. “ Si necesitas ayuda con algo no dudes en decirlo. Mis abuelos tienen una lavandería no muy lejos de la escuela.”
“Gracias, Nakanishi-san.” Rena asintió sintiéndose de pronto apenada por tener todos los ojos de la mesa sobre sí.
“Podrías llamarme por mi nombre, aunque, preferiría si me llamas como el resto del salón, Nishishi.” La chica de cabello cortó sonrió. Somos compañeras de equipo en la clase de Matsui-sensei, espero nos podamos llevar bien.”
“¡Yo soy Kuumin!” Kumi se apresuró a decir.
“Kuumin, tus modales, no hables con la boca llena. Pero sí, estoy de acuerdo, a mí puedes llamarme Neesan.” Mieko la miró con expectación, sin embargo Rena solo se revolvió un poco sobre su asiento no sabiendo muy bien que decir.
Jurina observó divertida. Rena era reservada, algo le decía que las tres chicas tardarían bastante en lograr que ella las llamara por sus apodos, pero era tranquilizador saber que sus compañeras de clases no parecían tener problemas en acercarse a la callada muchacha.
Eran las ocho de la noche cuando Jurina llegó a su departamento. Se quitó el saco oscuro y se dejó caer sobre el sofá. Sin poder quitarse de su mente los ojos castaños de Rena cuando se despidieron en la estación del metro. Había sido una comida entretenida, aunque con más personas de lo originalmente planeado.
Suspiró tratando de calmar sus pensamientos, concentrando su mirada en el techo blanco sobre ella.
En más de una ocasión de había descubierto a sí misma observando los labios y el cuello de la menor. Jurina sabía que eso estaba mal. Era su estudiante, era menor de edad y por sobre todo, había depositado su confianza en ella. Era una figura de autoridad y se suponía que debía de hacerla sentir segura en lugar de estar imaginando como ser vería cuando fuera mayor.
Su celular comenzó a sonar, impidiéndole seguir con su tren de pensamientos.
“¿Jurina?” escuchó la conocida voz de Masana al otro lado del teléfono.
“Hey, ¿Qué tal tu día lolicon?” Preguntó con diversión en la voz.
“¿Mi día? No tan interesante como el tuyo. Porque debió de ser muy interesante para que no me mandaras mensaje en todo el día.” Jurina pudo notar el ligero tono de reproche en la voz de su mejor amiga.
“Lo siento, es que salí a comer algo con unas alumnas.”
“¿Eh? ¿Matsui-sensei gusta de invitar lindas chicas menores de edad a comer? ¡Y yo soy la lolicon!” la risa divertida de Masana estalló de repente.
“¡No es lo que crees!” Se apresuró a rebatir.
“Matsui-sensei ha encontrado la atracción en las inocentes chicas de instituto, ¡Padres cuiden a sus hijas!” la risa continúo sin reparo alguno para irritación de Jurina.
“Deja de decir tonterías.” la maestra bufó, mientras se levantaba del sofá y caminaba hacia el dormitorio. En su escritorio divisó varios papeles de la escuela y se acercó para poner  orden antes de dormir. “Las chicas son especiales y me recuerdan mucho a como eramos tú y yo” prestó atención hacia una de las hojas notando que era la lista de asistencia de la clase 1-C.
“Claro y estoy segura que solo buscas ayudarlas a sobrevivir tan cruel etapa de la vida.”
“Usa todo el sarcasmo que quieras, Masana, pero es la verdad.” dijo en tono serio mientras toda su atención estaba centrada en un nombre en especifico de la lista: Matsui Rena.
Suspiró al tiempo que se daba un pequeño masaje en la frente. Escuchar a Masana reírse y sugerir planes descabellados para atraer a las jóvenes e inocentes chicas que rodeaban a Jurina en el colegio, estaba comenzando a darle dolor de cabeza.
Del otro lado de la ciudad Rena se encontraba sumergida hasta el cuello en su baño, sintiendo el agua caliente relajar sus músculos y dejando que la tranquilidad de su apartamento permitiera que su mente volará hacia el recuerdo de la tarde compartida con su profesora.
Su corazón latía con fuerza cuando recordaba los ojos de la mayor, su sonrisa dirigida hacia ella y el tono juguetón de su voz. De pronto se preguntó como sería poder pasar más tiempo cerca de ella y también si es que tenía novio; no había anillo en su mano, así que estaba segura que al menos no estaba comprometida.
Tampoco podía ignorar el sentimiento de desconcierto que la embargaba cada vez que se daba cuenta que estaba sintiendo atracción hacia otra mujer. Nunca antes había visto a otra mujer de aquella manera. Comenzó a preguntarse si sería normal sentir atracción hacia solo una mujer en especifico y no hacia todas, pero luego llegó a la conclusión de que debía ser lo mismo cuando encuentras a un chico que te gusta, es decir, no sientes atracción hacia todos los chicos… ¿o sí?
Bufó. Su mente estaba empezando a enredarse y sacar ideas raras.
“Matsui Jurina” se atrevió a decir su nombre en voz alta. “Jurina-san… Jurina-chan… Jurina...” se sonrojó violentamente después de atreverse a quitar los honoríficos. Miró hacia el techo del baño sintiendo algo de frustración, ¿así es como se siente tener atracción hacia alguien más?
Solo estaba segura de una cosa y es que le gustaba estar cerca de la mayor. Aunque eso hiciera que su corazón latiera raro y sintiera su cara caliente. Ella deseaba pasar la mayor cantidad de tiempo cerca de su sensei.
N.A: Para mi amada esposa, quien siempre ha estado ahí para darme ánimos. 
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jm-briggs · 6 years
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[+Video] Last Hope by Rica-Sensei
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 43 Review.
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Ahhh! Where did that woman come from?!
Hi everyone, we have stumbled across the third episode that was never aired outside of Japan, why is that? I don’t know, but let’s try to find out.
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Oh man, I know nothing about baseball, this episode is gonna eat me alive! T.T
We start the episode in Netto’s house one evening where he and Rockman are focused on a baseball game.
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Aren’t they adorable? But now I’m curious, is Rockman watching from the same TV as Netto or he is live streaming it online? It could be a live streaming because we also see Dekao watching the same game from his computer.
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Maybe Dekao doesn’t have cable?
They are watching a player name Hoshida Kyuuma who surprises everyone with a homerun. Both Netto and Rockman cheer for the player as he runs the bases making some famous gesture he has of scratching his nose, something that Netto copies before the title screen appears.
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Nihon Senators? It’s not bad, but at least make up something creative, there is a real Japanese team called the Ham- Fighthers after all.
The next day, Netto greets Dekao and Tohru on his way to school taking part in the stereotypical guy exchange of “did you catched the game last night?” With Meiru and Roll stereotypically uninterested in the subject.
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“Next thing your gonna say is that cars are cool”
At school, Mariko-sensei introduces a new student to everyone who just so happens to have the same last name as the baseball player they saw last night.
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Geez, what a depressing looking kid. He looks sadder than Tohru’s picture in the N-1.
After introducing this new character, we then cut to them at P.E. where Netto and the rest of the class are playing, coincidentally, baseball.
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Uhg, somehow Dekao in sports cloths looks fatter than usual.
Netto is at the bat, Dekao is the pitcher and Yaito is the catcher who makes hand signals to the pitcher behind the batters back. Looks like Netto sucks a this because Yaito kicks him out after calling Dekao a cheater and only getting two strikes.
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I never thought I would miss their Navis commentating. It feels boring watching them on their own for so long, especially doing something unrelated to the net.
Mariko-sensei models her pink sweatsuit as she calls the new kid at the bat. Dekao is confident in his pitch, but Kyuuta shuts him off by hitting a homerun and surprising everyone.
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As Kyuuta runs the bases and scratches his nose, Mariko-sensei reveals to everyone that he is the son of the baseball player Hoshida Kyuuma.
This is enough to make him “mister popular” since Netto and his friends start talking to him.
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“So... Do you like Net Battles?”
He doesn’t seem happy with all this attention since he suddenly stands up after Yaito mentions his dad being transfered from another team.
Turns out Kyuuta is sad because he misses his friends since he is sitting alone after school looking at a baseball covered in signatures and starts crying. Netto walks in and asks him if he wants to walk home together (lucky bastard), but he ignores him and accidentally drops his baseball that rolls over to Netto’s feet. Netto picks it up and then notices that Kyuuta was crying.
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Wish I had someone like Netto ask me to walk home together back when I was in elementary school. Sure, it’s dangerous for kids to walk home by themselves in Costa Rica and my house was pretty far, but I was a very lonely child, okay? :c
Kyuuta wipes his tears and just leaves Netto with the baseball. In the next scene we see Kyuuta arriving at his house.
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You should answer when your mom asks you a question! I can never get away with that!
I wanna point out something first. This anime is not the best at portraying good mom characters, you know how I constantly call Netto’s mom a useless woman? Well this one right here I’m gonna call her... Sad face woman in the corner. It seems cruel, but believe me, you’ll see why.
We see Kyuuta sulking in his room when Netto and his friends arrive at his house to return the baseball he dropped. Kyuuta just puts on his shoes and tells him that he doesn’t want that ball anymore and runs out of the house.
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See? She did it again.
Anyway, as Kyuuta is running in front of the sunset, his mom tells everyone that he is sad because he is constantly changing schools because of his dad getting transfer to other teams, but in the last school he was in he made friends with the kids in a baseball team and had to leave them behind to go to Akihara.
Kyuuta’s dad overhears this and gets all fired up for some reason while the mom does what she does best and goes hide behind a corner to cry.
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THIS is when you realize this episode is not to be taken seriously. It is obvious that they are making fun of something. I would say this is a satyre of sports anime, but since the only sports anime I know is Captain Tsubasa I’m not really sure if there are others like that one.
So Netto and his friends along with Kyuuta’s parents find him and say that everything is alright since they figured out a way of solving his problem, by using the net!
They tell Kyuuta to go to a stadium where he finds his friends from the baseball team on a huge screen. They ask him to play baseball with them, Kyuuta doesn’t understand what they mean and that’s when Netto and all his friends including Tohru, Higure-san and the Net Agents, explain to him that thanks to the internet and some super special equipment installed in that stadium, they can play baseball using their Navis.
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And of course Kyuuta just happens to have a Navi name Leagueman, but I have no idea why he has restrains.
Right before commercials we see Dekao planning to get his revenge against Kyuuta as we see Gutsman in a baseball uniform at the bat, only to return with Midorikawa as the commentator and Gutsman getting three strikes in a matter of seconds.
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Aren’t they just balls if the batter doesn’t swing?
So yeah, in this episode we get to see some of our favorite Navis, and Glyde, playing baseball and wearing uniforms. Skullman is up next where we can see how the field switches from humans to Navis.
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But I can’t tell if they are like holograms or if there is a seperate cyberworld for them with the same field.
Skullman proves to be a good player because of his speed and attempts to steal the bases as Glyde is next at the bat. Leagueman quickly get the upper hand by making Glyde strike out before Skullman can steal all the bases.
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Thumbs up at Glydes pants.
Now it’s Woodman’s turn at the bat, but he quickly gets three strikes off screen and Saloma confesses that she have never played baseball before, to which Miyuki replies with annoyance as we see Skullman’s image break down and regenarating into Miyuki standing on the same base.
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Again, making it very confusing how the set up is suppouse to be like.
Now we get Midorikawa naming the line up for the Akihara team.
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Rockman looks so cute in that uniform! But I don’t understand why Gutsman has a plant in his mouth, is that like the Japanese version of the old gag of baseball players chewing tabacco?.
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Roll-chan is the pitcher, and yes, she throws like a girl, and maybe that’s the reason why most of the balls she throws are hitted.
The batter hits the ball, but luckily the cute shortstopper catches it for her.
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Their interactions are just so cute.
Now, if you are a baseball expert, unlike me, then get ready for to see how crazy Navi baseball can be.
The batter hits the ball, but it’s too high for Numberman to reach it, so Woodman creates a platform for Numberman so he can stop the ball and “pass it” to Skullman.
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Kyuuta’s father, who is with Midorikawa at the commentator booth, praises their teamwork, a confused Midorikawa asks him if that is allowed, but then she gets this.
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Thanks to the subs and by searching on google I figured out that this guy is actually doing a play on words. “Ari” is also used to affirm something in a sentence and he dresses up as an ant because Ari also means ant in Japanese.
We get more Navi baseball madness when Iceman freezes a ball to catch it and throw it at Woodman.
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“Ant, I mean, yes.”
I haven’t seen these many fouls in a sports game since Space Jam.
Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for, it’s finally Rockman’s turn at the bat! Yaaaaaaaaay!
Save me from this nonsense, Rockman!
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The humans are replaced by their Navis, and is it just me or is Netto and Rockman’s art a little diferent in the last panels? Either that or they suddenly got dirty
Leagueman does a ballet pose and throws the ball in a weird way, Rockman is ready to hit it, but the ball suddenly splits in two.
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Rockman get’s his first strike. Midorikawa asks Kyuuma what just happened, he explaines that it’s a move called the “Mayor ball”. Leagueman put pressure into the ball and mixed with the sand from his kick created an illusion of a second ball. That’s quality BS right there, and WHY THE HELL IS HIS LINEART SUDDENLY DIFERENT IN THIS SHOT?
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It’s like seeing an Archer crossover. o_o
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What is the meaning of the dragon vs tiger scene? Because this also happend in episode 40.
Leagueman throws the ball again and Rockman gets a second strike. You would think that this time he would go for the first ball, but they reused the animation from before.
 After their second stike Rockman and Netto figured out a way of outsmarting this move, if they can’t tell which ball is real then they’ll just have to hit both with this over the top anime scene.
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If Rockman wears pants, does it still count as a butt shot?
Rockman hits a homerun and Leagueman praises him after he runs the bases, but then Commander Beef ruins the moment by anouncing that it is Sharkman’s turn at the bat and then getting three strikes.
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It looks like Sharkman is bitting his tongue. :P
Then Higure pushes the commander out of the way to plug in Numberman, and what a surprise, he gets three strikes as well. So in short, everyone sucks except for Rockman.
We then get various shots of the rest of the game and for some reason a close up of Gutsman’s jaw plant.
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Oh great, Rush is there too, now I definitely have no idea if this shot is from the real world or the cyberworld.
The series of pictures ends with Roll-chan looking tired and Midorikawa telling us how it looks so far.
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I have no idea what she just said, but I guess that is baseball talk for “Akihara team is losing, and with Leagueman at the bat they are pretty much screwed”
But worrry not since Akihara still has their secret weapon, Rockman! With Rush calling to change the pitcher because apperantly he’s the coach now.
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I did some research, and it seems to me that the shortstop position is kinda important, so why the hell is Rush a better option than Roll?!
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So once again Rockman, Netto and now Leagueman’s lineart changes, (along with a coloring mistake on Rockman’s neck) Rockman pitches and Leagueman gets two balls, not strikes, balls.
Rockman throws the ball a third time breaking Leagueman’s bat.
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I don’t know if that counts as anything. Has this ever happen in baseball?
Now get this, since Leagueman’s bat is broken, Kyuuta’s dad leaves the commentator booth to give HIM some special red bat he had with him and says how Netto and the others are very good friends to him since they are giving him a good game.
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Those last shots just made things even more confusing! Can he see Rockman standing there or was he just looking at Netto the whole time?
Kyuuta accepts the bat from his dad that somehow ends up in Leagueman’s hands and we get this last shot of sad face woman in the corner watching from afar as always.
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Still, she cares more about her son than Netto’s useless mom does for him. She even came to watch him play, so this is the best mom I’ve seen in this show which is pretty sad if you think about it. 
Rockman pitches one last time with the whole dragon vs tiger background again, where Leagueman finally hits the ball and it’s a homerun!
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And of course he has to break a light with that homerun, or is it a cyber light? IDK O.O
Leagueman runs the bases scratching the nose he doesn’t have, Netto congratulates kyuuta and the episode ends with Midorikawa announcing Kyuuta’s team as the winners. Oh, and a little sceane with Rush losing to a Metool virus.
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Admit it, by good players you just mean Rockman.
My thought?
This episode was crazy! A little confusing, but fun to watch. It’s nice to see some of the characters play a casual game of Baseball because its something diferent to what we normaly see. The episode was obviously a satyre of sports animes (Again, I dont know any sports anime besides Captain Tsubasa), the overdramatic characters, the over the top animation, the art style, the firing up thing that happend like four times in this episode mostly from Kyuuta’s dad, and maybe other things that I didn’t catch.
This episode is indeed a filler, but that can’t be the only reason why this episode was never dubbed. So I made up these criterias to figure out the reason why it didn’t aired in America.
1. Was an important new character introduced that will appear in future episodes?
2. Does it introduce a new game, style or battle system that fits in with the theme of the show and will be mentioned again?
3. Will the dubbing for this episode be worth the effort?
Let me explain using episode 40 as an example. With the first criteria, even though Torakichi and Kingman never appear again in future episodes, they were still considered important characters in the Battle Network series, especially since the purpose for the episode was to promote the upcoming Battle Network 3 game.
Yes and no for the second criteria. It fits the theme of the show because it combines Net Battles with chess, but it is not mention again.
And for the third criteria, it was not hard to dub, there was no reason to explain Net Chess Battles because we already know how Net Battle works and Chess is already world wide knowen as a game.
Now for this episode. First, no. Kyuuta, leagueman, his parents and his baseball friends are not important in any way and are never seen again. 
Second, it was just baseball. Even though we saw the Navis used their abilities during the game, it was still baseball. It did not have Net Battle rules and it is never mentioned or seen again.
And third, it was not worth the effort to dub. Trying to explain how Navi Baseball worked, especially since Japan didn’t do a good job in explaining it, would’ve required unecessary effort. They would have skipped the ant joke, but how would they explain how the Navis seemed to be in the real world? It was terrible confusing because it is the first time we see something like this on the show. People would get curious to see this again only to find out that this was a one time thing.
So that’s strike three and this episode is out of the dubbed version!
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Paint it Black by Rica-Sensei
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leiturasdatais · 3 years
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🍥 RESENHA DE NARUTO (VOL. 3) @paninicomicsbr Páginas: 208 Avaliação: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Vou provar que neste mundo...existem heróis!!” Ao analisar a luta entre o time 7 e Zabuza, Kakashi sensei conclui que existe uma grande possibilidade de Zabuza não ter morrido, mas sim ter sido salvo por aquele garoto da Ambu da Vila Oculta da Névoa. Assim sendo, enquanto o Kakashi sensei se recuperava desta luta difícil na casa de Tazuna, o restante do time 7 foi incumbido de treinar duro para que estivessem preparados para o possível retorno do inimigo. Este livro é narrado em terceira pessoa. A linguagem utilizada pelo autor é simples e os diálogos costumam ser breves e bem diretos. Esta série de mangá continua me impressionando a cada capítulo devido a sua originalidade e capacidade de criar uma história tão rica e uma cultura tão bem estruturada. Os novos cenários são sempre bem ilustrados e os novos personagens bem apresentados. A série Naruto segue muito cativante e prazerosa de ser lida. Masashi Kishimoto, o autor desta obra, é um mangaká e escritor japonês. Eu indico este livro para absolutamente todos os públicos, sem exceção. Já leu este livro, ou quer ler? Me conta aí nos comentários❣ . . . . . #ler #livros #leitura #livro #literatura #book #books #amoler #instalivros #leitores #amolivros #bookstagram #amor #instabook #brasil #livraria #love #livroseleitura #lendo #reading #frases #read #poesia #livrosemaislivros #igliterario #bookworm #booklover #naruto #masashikishimoto (em Cerro Largo, Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5hcs6MsZr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chilly-territory · 6 years
Gangsta, chapter 50 text translation
The wonderful lexbenedetto uploaded the raw, so a translation.
01 Editorial line: Lost foundations... Diego: ...Miles-nii, Worrick-nii, where are you? This is seriously no good. I'm at my limit trying to hold the family together just by myself... ...I wish the boss hadn't left us behind.
02 Delico: ---Back to square one it is. Heather: ---Nm. ...Delico? RandomProtesters: Hey! / What the?
03 Editorial line: Reunion is the sign for war.
04 RandomProtesters: Whoa...?! / Kya! / What is it? What's going on? RandomWoman: E-Ehh? Is this... blood...?
05 RandomProtesters: Eek...?! / Gyaa! / H-Hey, what happened? / Whoa! What the hell! Don't push! / Nooo! / A h-head...! Delico: ...Hey. Say, what was it just now?
06 Diego: ...Deli...co... Idiot! Why the hell did you come out! This is the dead middle of the anti-twilight faction's rally...!!!
07 Diego: Get your shit together! Or what, are you trying to get even this little girl dragged into this mess? We told you, didn't we? Don't let anyone see you until the uproar dies down...! Delico: ...But, but, Diego-nii, I've got to go back there. Because...
08 Delico: ...that was...
09 Mikhail: ...rica. Ericaa. They're coming. See? They're close, Ericaa. Gotta kill them.
10 Mikhail: Hear it? They're coming, Ericaaa. Theo: What is it---? Nic: It's strange. Some tags are loitering about the area. 3... no, 4 of them. Do you have a group visit scheduled or something? Theo: ---...No, I don't. Today is a no-consultation day.
11 Nina: Sensei! Theo: Stay back.
12 *knock-knock* Theo: Coming. Lugang: Apologies for disturbing you on your day off.
13 Lugang: I assume you are doctor Theo. I'm Lugang and I'm here on behalf of the Paulklee gild. I have something to talk to you about. Theo: What could a mercenary possibly want with me? I'm a busy man. If it's not an emergency, I ask you leave. Lugang: Nicolas Brown is here, isn't he?
14 Lugang: His contract holder [Storage] has violated the taboo.
15 Lugang: Therefore, that man's servant must be apprehended by the gild as well.
16 Lugang: I ask you hand him over to us.
17 Alex: ---This is it for gathering my things, few as they are, I guess? ...How long have I stayed here? How many days... how many months? It feels like a lot of time has passed, but in the end, I'm still leaving without truly knowing you two.
19 Alex: N-Nico---...
20 Editorial line: To a place that's neither on the inside nor on the outside.
No Gangsta in the next issue, but it will be back in the issue after the next (#6).
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prof-padilla · 3 years
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☘️💖💚St Patricks Day 2018, Ennio Carlos Cardoso Sensei 28/08/1985-11/03/2021 celebrando a data, após jantarmos no (também!) saudoso Rambla 👉foi o melhor local de Porto Alegre, na esquina das ruas Marquês do Herval e Félix da Cunha. Contudo, o empreendimento de milhões onde os chefes de cozinha até estagiaram em Barcelona, foi destroçado pelos planos das pessoas absurdamente ricas e influentes que decidiram acabar com os bares e restaurantes da rua Padre Chagas e seu entorno. 🏦 Movidas pela ambição de controlar o Mundo. 🤑 Suas ações são inacreditáveis. 😲 Um dos planos, iniciado em 1989, é destruir o Rio Grande do Sul. Saiba mais neste vídeo https://bit.ly/RSdesmanche 🤮 Ennio Carlos Cardoso Sensei 28/08/1985-11/03/2021 O céu recebeu uma estrela e fica um pesar no 💜 do Karate Olimpico ✋🥋🥲 🏆⛩💖 Exemplo não é a melhor forma de ensinar... É a única! Ennio é exemplo. 🙋‍♂️ Instagram https://lnkd.in/dN8JtPs (em Cozinha Do Rambla) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMk0cRuAqo2/?igshid=j578xcchrr2u
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Enter the International Cat Day Contest to Win Amazing Junji Ito Prizes
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  If you know Junji Ito, you know the unique relationship he has with cats. All you have to do is flip through his Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu manga for a look at his personal experiences, or you could just watch his reactions to anime cats. Thus, it only makes sense to celebrate International Cat Day with the master of horror manga himself, so Crunchyroll is here to do just that with a special International Cat Day Contest with Junji Ito.
  Some amazing prizes are up for grabs here, including the grand prize of a custom illustration by Ito-sensei. Read on for more about how to enter and some of the prizes you have a chance to win. 
  Start Date: August 8, 2020
End Date:  August 15, 2020
  How to enter: During the Entry Period, Entrants must: 
  • Follow the Twitter account @crunchyroll
• Post a picture of their cat; either just their cat OR the cat and owner together 
• Tag @crunchyroll and include the hashtags: #InternationalCatDay and #YonAndMu. Entrants must provide all information requested to be eligible to win. 
  Grand Prize: One (1) winner will receive: a custom digital illustration created and signed by Junji Ito and featuring the Winner’s cat 
  Runners Up Prizes: Three (3) additional winners will each receive a signed copy of Junji Ito’s digital book “Yon & Mu” 
  Eligible countries:  United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Germany and France
  Read the official contest rules
  The Junji Ito x International Cat Day fun doesn’t stop there, though. The Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu also just launched in English on Crunchyroll today, and is available for members to read worldwide except for Japan.
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      By: [email protected]
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