#rich kids club
frava8 · 2 years
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Rich kids being dense.
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dc-and-damirae · 6 months
bruce: I actually have a black belt. oliver queen: In what, karate? bruce: No, from Gucci.
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sofialisbon · 8 months
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sogirrrrrl · 2 years
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daily reminder that good grades don't come for free
make yourself a favor and go study!
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valennciaroyals · 1 year
Debutante Ball !!!
Hello Aurora today is the annual debutante ball for all the coming of noble and Merchant children of Aurora. Many are excited for this upcoming event because after this comes the marriage meetings to unite families and a chance to become royalty, ordinary commoners of Aurora look forward to the fancy clothes and the people who show up. Who knows what scandals await tonight especially after the scandal from new years. Many are excited to see which noble children will be married off or married to the royal family.
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dopecine · 1 year
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BODIES BODIES BODIES (2022), dir. Halina Reijn
"Hey... I've been looking for you, everywhere."
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thatgrammarboy · 2 years
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POV: the gay scholarship kid at an elite all boys school
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ultraviolence-blog · 9 months
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Super rich kids with nothing but fake friends
-Frank Ocean
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collectorpromos · 1 year
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                 THURSDAY OCTOBER 24, 2019
ten years after the deaths of jane keating and knox marsh that lead to the capture of max adams, also known as the diamond collector, the body of popular children youtuber, sunny ruben was found a day after her eighteenth birthday party. pictures of her body floating in her infinity pool were posted to all of her social media and even live streamed to youtube until the police arrived to turn off the stream. while police have not revealed a cause of death we can say that the collector’s signature latin was present across ruben’s garage door. at a news conference this morning, cmdr. oliver sirel said “we still have mr. adams in custody and there is no evidence to make us think they have an accomplice. we are pursuing the possibility that the collector may have a copycat.“  
It’s been over three years now and the hysteria has started to wear off. Things have calmed down, some might even say that things have returned to normal. With no new bodies arriving people are starting to think maybe it was just a one time thing. In an age where flaunting your wealth is not only common but rewarded by likes and followers the only question is who will be next?  
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cinephileanonyme · 2 years
Séance #6 - Enfants riches, mais pauvre d’estime
Les médias sociaux ont amené beaucoup de bien en ce qui a trait aux relations interpersonnelles. Cependant, l’être humain semble avoir de la difficulté à se modérer face aux plaisirs. Au fil du temps, les médias sociaux sont passés d’un espace promouvant les relations interpersonnelles à une plateforme permettant de recréer son identité. 
Tel que mentionné par Fanny George dans son œuvre Représentation de soi et identité numérique : « Le phénomène social de la représentation de soi dans le jeu et la communication touche les nouvelles générations à une période intense de construction identitaire [...] » (2009). Les jeunes, en étant une tranche hyperinfluençable de la société, sont des cibles parfaites en ce qui a trait aux multiples tendances émergentes en ligne. Ces dernières, les incitant ainsi à mettre de l’avant une identité n’étant pas la leur avec espoir d’acquérir de la notoriété en ligne.  
Les “Rich Kids of the Internet” sont des exemples parfaits. Ces derniers se targuent de publier des photos vivant des modes de vie somptueux devant des jets privés. Cependant, il y a un seul hic:
Ces jets ne décollent jamais et ils payent pour ces photos. 
Private Jet Studios est un service permettant aux gens de réserver un jet privé afin de se faire photographier devant ou à l’intérieur de celui-ci. Les prix varient entre 244$ et 434$ de l’heure selon les besoins du client. Par exemple, s’il requiert un photographe ou non, s’il veut une vidéographie, ou la coiffure et le maquillage compris (Jacobs, 2017, par.3). 
Ce phénomène débute en 2012 lorsque James Ison, un étudiant universitaire, développe une fascination pour le rythme de vie des riches. Il commence à publier des photos des enfants de millionnaires faisant des choses qui, pour la population moyenne, s'avèrent rares. Aujourd’hui, sa page Instagram officielle, “Rich Kids of the Internet” a amassé plus de 350 000 abonnés où les gens peuvent payer jusqu'à 2000$ pour y être présentés (Hoffower, 2020, par.3). 
Il est difficile d'imaginer que certaines personnes gaspillent leurs richesses afin de se sentir mieux que d'autres en ligne, alors qu'il y a des endroits qui ne connaissent que la pauvreté. Les humains sont-ils intrinsèquement gourmands ? Aspirons-nous toujours à plus que ce dont nous avons besoin ? Bref, il va sans dire qu'en étant plus présents, nous nous oublions. 
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sinister-teaser · 2 years
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Historically Sinistra Academaie has served the leaders of each supernatural faction, but recently it's opened the door to any supernatural creature who's brave enough to attend it. And with it, the recent influx of common folk has disturbed the fine balance at the academy. These are young vampires, witches from brand new covens, wolves from long forgotten packs; they have a bright-eyed and careless demeanor that the old families want extinct, and it’s up to the current students at Sinistra to make sure that happens. In many ways, tensions are higher than ever. With so many volatile creatures looking to cement their legacy, while others working to build their own, it seems only a matter of time before blood is spilled on the grounds of Sinistra Academiae, and it’s almost time for the welcoming ball…
sinistrahq will be a supernatural academy RP inspired by the themes and aesthetics of dark academia, Vampire Academy, Underworld, and some elements of Legacies. This roleplay will focus on the dark themes associated with the supernatural and dark academia genre, and is not intended for the light-hearted. The main conflict comes from the inter-species, thousand years long disputes and wars as well as the friction between creatures known as the Old Blood and the New Blood.
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dc-and-damirae · 1 year
Helana's 1st day of school
damian: ok you walk in, this is what you got to say
damian: *whispers in his sisters ear*
helana: ok but I don't get it but ok
-at school-
helana: *walks in to class and sniffs the air*
helana: . . .
helana: it smells like broke in hear
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sofialisbon · 1 year
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minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
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In my SoA AU, Jason gets a scholarship after he’s adopted to go to Gotham Academy where he meets Tim. They become fast friends.
Jason also works at Bruce's garage after school counting the days till he can get his own cut and bike. Tim also starts to tag along too. 
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khaohomies · 1 month
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Man, I loveee these boats!
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cadavorcist · 8 months
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i love being normal about fictional characters
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