#rikudou sannin
ladsofsorrow24 · 6 years
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Six Path Sage Naruto sketch while they talk about indie vs mainstream stuff.
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 years
Given Luffy can literally split the sky now is he able to now defeat Naruto even in his Rikudou Sannin mode?
While that is an impressive feat:
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Remember Naruto in his Ashura Mode accomplished the same during his final fight with Sasuke:
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So while I think this current version of Luffy can put up a good fight with Naruto given his recent feats:
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I still give this ultimately to Naruto.
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wingedgardenarcade · 3 years
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Kerajaan Pallas Dunia Shinobi (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/96YPh2WGQcb Kerajaan pallas yang di pimpin oleh Raja Pallas Naruto Pallas dan Ratu Mikoto Pallas kerajaan pallas merupakan kerajaan sangat kuat hingga bencana alam yang mengakibatkan kerajaan itu hancur dan banyak warga kerajaan pallas tewas akibat bencana tersebut dan tak luput bahkan seluruh Mitologi Olympus pun tenggelam karena bencana alam itu Akibat dari peristiwa itu naruto serta istri dan keluarga nya pun memulai hidup baru di dimensi yang dimana dunia yang di ciptakan oleh Hagoromo Otsutsuki atau biasa di sebut Rikudou Sannin Sang Pencipta Dunia Shinobi
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digstraksi · 4 years
10 Shinobi Terkenal yang Ditakuti Lima Negara
Lima negara di anime Naruto memiliki banyak shinobi dengan kemampuan hebat. Ada beberapa shinobi yang populer di seluruh lima negara baik karena kekuatan yang mereka miliki atau prestasinya. Namun, ada juga shinobi yang ditakuti karena kejahatannya. Siapa saja mereka? Mari kita simak ulasannya.
Kinkaku dan Ginkaku
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Kinkaku dan Ginkaku, juga dikenal sebagai “Dua Cahaya” adalah dua shinobi yang terkenal dari Desa Awan. Kita benar-benar tidak pernah melihat kekuatan dan kemampuan mereka yang sebenarnya kecuali senjata legendaris Rikudou Senin yang mereka miliki. Selain itu, jangan lupa bahwa dengan senjata tersebut mereka dapat dengan mudah menjebak dan mengalahkan musuh yang sangat kuat. Di samping itu, jika ada yang gagal, mereka bisa berubah ke mode chakra Bijuu Ekor Sembilan.
  Kakashi Hatake
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Sejak awal seri anime Naruto, Kakashi diperkenalkan sebagai shinobi yang populer oleh musuh dari desa-desa lain seperti Zabuza, yang segera mengenalinya. Dia terkenal sebagai “Kakashi Si Copy Ninja” dan sebagian besar ditakuti karena kemampuannya untuk meniru hampir setiap jutsu yang dia saksikan. Bahkan Pain yang sangat kuat dan memiliki Rinnegan langsung mengenali Kakashi, setelah menghadaplnya selama invasi Desa Konoha.
  Shisui Uchiha
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Shisui adalah shinobi berbakat Uchiha. Bahkan pada usia 11 tahun, Shisui dapat bergabung dengan 3 anggota dewasa ANBU Black Ops. Dia dikenal sebagai Teleporter karena penguasaannya yang hebat dengan jurus Tubuh Flicker. Yang lebih menakutkan, adalah Genjutsu khasnya Kotoamatsukami. Itu adalah Genjutsu terkuat yang ada setelah Tsukuyomi tak terbatas, dan satu-satunya Genjutsu yang tidak bisa ditolak. Tidak heran jika musuh diperintahkan untuk melarikan diri saat mereka menghadapi Shisui.
  Tiga Sannin Legendaris
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Jiraiya, Orochimaru, dan Tsunade dikenal sebagai Tiga Sannin Legendaris. Jiraiya adalah shinobi kuat yang melatih 3 beberapa shinobi terhebat yang pernah ada, yaitu Naruto Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze, Nagato Uzumaki, dan lain-lain. Orochimaru adalah shinobi yang sama kuatnya, yang menjadi jahat setelah diekspos sebagai dalang pembunuhan massal. Dia mengajar Sasuke Uchiha, korban terakhir dari pembantaian Uchiha. Tsunade adalah seorang ninja medis yang ditakuti karena kekuatan dan chakra-nya yang tak tertandingi. Dia melatih Sakura Haruno dan sebagai cucu Hashirama Senju, dia juga diberkati dengan kekuatan yang ulet. Mereka menjadi paling populer karena formasi dan Kuchiyose yang dimiliki.
  Sakumo Hatake
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Sakumo dikenal sebagai shinobi kuat dan terkenal, yang populer di seluruh dunia shinobi sebagai “Taring Putih Konoha”. Dia begitu terkenal, sehingga dia mampu menyamai Sannin legendaris dengan kekuatannya yang dianggap dapat menyaingi mereka. Musuh-musuhnya biasanya meringkuk ketakutan ketika terjebak menghadapinya. Contoh yang jelas tentang ini adalah ketika nenek Chiyo menghadapi Kakashi dengan niat jahat, salah mengartikannya sebagai Sakumo. Ini terutama karena Sakumo yang membunuh orang tua Sasori.
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Hanzo adalah shinobi legendaris dan pemimpin Desa Hujan selama masa hidupnya. Dia dikenal sebagai salah satu shinobi terkuat pada masanya, ikon bagi seluruh dunia shinobi yang populer dan dikenal sebagai “Hanzo Si Salamander”. Selama perang dunia shinobi kedua, ia menjadi dikenal dan ditakuti karena dapat mengalahkan serta membunuh seluruh skuad shinobi Konoha, kecuali 3 shinobi yang segera dijulukinya sebagai Sannin, yang ia hindarkan karena mampu bertahan melawannya. Kekuatannya sedemikian rupa sehingga Jiraiya mengekspresikan kekagetannya karena mengetahui bahwa dia telah dikalahkan oleh Pain.
  Minato Namikaze
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Minato adalah Hokage Keempat dari Desa Konoha dan ayah dari Naruto Uzumaki. Dia dikenal sebagai shinobi jenius dan ditakuti sebagai Kilat Kuning Konoha karena kecepatannya yang sangat besar. Kecepatannya sangat besar, sehingga ia mampu mengalahkan 1000 orang musuh sendiri selama perang. Ketika Perang Dunia Ninja Ketiga sedang berlangsung, perintah mundur langsung diberikan kepada setiap shinobi yang bahkan melihatnya sekilas, karena kecepatannya yang luar biasa.
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Kelompok ini terdiri dari shinobi jahat yang ditakuti dan dicerca seperti Kisame Hoshigaki, mantan anggota Tujuh Pedang, Itachi Uchiha (shinobi yang dipaksa untuk membunuh semua orang di klannya dan keluar dari desa), Hidan Sang Manusia Abadi, dan lain-lain. Kelompok ini dipimpin oleh Pain, yang dikenal sebagai Dewa Enam Jalur di antara shinobi dari Desa Hujan.
  Madara Uchiha
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Madara adalah pemimpin legendaris klan Uchiha. Dia mendirikan Konoha bersama saingannya Hashirama Senju, dengan tujuan memulai era perdamaian. Dia menjadi lebih populer dan ditakuti setelah kematiannya, dengan nama yang sering diucapkan di antara negara-negara shinobi. Obito sebagai Madara menyatakan perang, menyebabkan lima negara besar datang bersama. Sesuatu yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya. Setelah ia dihidupkan kembali oleh Kabuto, perang berubah total. Hanya dengan menyebutkan nama Madara selalu membawa ketakutan ke dunia shinobi.
  Hashirama Senju
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Hashirama adalah shinobi yang sangat kuat pada masanya yang tak tertandingi oleh siapa pun yang berkuasa dan sangat terkenal. Sebagai pendiri Desa Konoha, tidak mengherankan bahwa ia terkenal dan bahkan disebut sebagai “Dewa Shinobi” karena kekuatan ninja yang tak tertandingi. Kekuatannya memungkinkan dia untuk menangkap dan mengendalikan 8 Bijuu yang bebas berkeliaran, suatu prestasi yang membuatnya mendapatkan reputasi sebagai salah satu dari sedikit orang yang benar-benar bisa mengendalikan mereka. Dia mampu mengalahkan Madara setiap kali mereka bertarung dalam masanya, tidak peduli seberapa kuatnya Madara.
source https://digstraksi.com/artikel/otaku/10-shinobi-terkenal-yang-ditakuti-lima-negara/
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centralnaruhina · 7 years
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Análise: Hinata e Hanabi
Hoje eu trago uma analise de um assunto pouco abordado no anime / mangá Naruto e agora em Boruto, o fato é muitos usam do argumento Hanabi é mais poderosa que a Hinata pois esta perdeu o titulo de Herdeira do Clã Hyuuga para a irmã mais nova ( 4/5 anos mais nova), mas será que isso é algo que realmente prova que Hanabi é mais forte/ poderosa que Hinata ou será que foi tudo premeditato pelo Kishimoto durante a sua obra?. Bem, vamos lá :
_Hinata desde o inicio foi criada com o intuito de ser a heroina que no final terminaria com o Protagonista (Uzumaki Naruto) sendo assim ela é a personagem secundária que mais tem momentos / destaque durante toda a obra.
_Hyuuga Hiashi teve apenas duas filhas (Hinata e Hanabi) pela Lei do Clã Hyuuga Hanabi deveria ter a marca da maldição dos Hyuugas pois esta pertenceria a familia Secundaria do Clã (assim como o irmão gêmeo de Hiashi ), se esta recebesse a marca passar a herança da familia principal para ela iria contra toda a historia do Clã Hyuuga e provavelmente Kishimoto notou isso antes da decisão de passar a herança a Hanabi.
_A luta que acontece entre as irmãs Hyuugas (luta esta que so foi animada no anime mas que é citada no mangá) ocorre antes das provas Chunnin's, ou seja, antes da Hinata mostrar que tinha capacidade de lutar de igual contra o proprio Neji Hyuuga que era conssiderado um gênio entre os Hyuugas, Kishimoto foi tão cuidadoso com isso que nos faz colocar a mão na consciência e pensar um pouco antes de tirar conclusões precipitadas, na época da luta contra Hanabi Hinata era uma garota gentil e timida, que sofria um grande desprezo vindo do proprio pai, a auto estima dela era muito baixa , e ainda assim ela se mostrou capaz de lutar contra Hanabi e naquele momento poderia ter vencido se ela realmente quisesse, a decisão de abrir mão da herança do clã veio da propria Hinata não da sua incapacidade de lutar contra a irmã, os motivos disso são esfregados na nosso cara a todo momento Hinata não desejava lutar apesar de seu desejo de ser "Gentil como a mamãe e Forte como o papai".Agora contra o fato de Hanabi ter herdado todo o clã Hyuuga não pode ser negado e nem mesmo citado que ela não mereceu, afinal pela idade dela ela conseguiu uma luta contra a Hinata de igual para igual.
Isso significa que Hinata é mais fraca que a irmã ?
_Não, talvez no momento da luta delas ambas estivessem no mesmo nivel de força, a decisão final foi feita pela propria Hinata e não pela Hanabi que apenas aproveitou que a irmã proprositavelmente abaixou a guarda e a derrubou. Depois disso vimos o quanto a Hinata se desenvolveu, apesar de não ser a mais poderosa da geração ou a mais poderosa entre todos os Hyuugas mesmo com poucas aparições se comparadas a da Heroina Principal Sakura Haruno, Hinata se mostrou ter evoluido tanto em Taijutsu quanto em força e inteligencia, realmente ela não derrotou nenhum grande inimigo e ate mesmo foi capturada na armadilha da Guren, mas, alguém que usa disso para menosprezar a Hinata ja parou pra pensar na força de seus inimigos ?
Hinata sempre teve chance em suas lutas e perdeu apenas por ser fraca demais ?
Vamos fazer uma rapida analise sobre os inimigos mais focados da Hinata, temos:
_Guren - uma usuaria de estilo cristal que deu trabalho pra grandes ninjas e ate mesmo para Naruto, a força dela era surpreendente e se o anime tivesse dado mais foco nela certamente esta seria uma mulher que podia peitar a propria Godaime Tsunade, e mesmo assim quando Hinata foi capturada em sua armadilha esta teve a capacidade de se livrar sozinha da prisão de cristal (com ajuda de Naruto e os outros que a protegeram).
_Pain / Nagato - Até o momento da luta da Hinata Pain era o maior e mais poderoso vilão do anime, ate mesmo Tsunade não conseguiria vence-lo, além deste ter matado Jiraya (um dos três Sannins) e Kakashi (um grande ninja de Konoha), além é claro de ter dado uma surra e ate mesmo capturado Naruto, e mesmo assim ela o enfrentou com o intuito de livrar Naruto por saber que apenas ele podia ir contra o Lider da Akatsuki, perdeu a luta mas foi graças a ela que Naruto não foi levado e morto naquele momento.
_Toneri - Agora vamos para a Novel The Last, temos um ser com a capacidade de usar a lua para destruir a terra e não apenas isso como se unir a todo o poder do Tenseigan, ele deu trabalho ate mesmo para o Naruto imagina para uma ninja como a Hinata? e ela ainda teve a inteligencia de engana lo a ponto de descobrir sozinha onde estava o Tenseigan, era a unica que podia para - lo por esta possuir o chakra de Hamura (irmão do poderoso Rikudou Sennin) e apenas graças a ela Naruto pode tocar na arma e ao lado dela destrui- la. Hinata lutou contra várias marionetes e as venceu e so foi parada pelo proprio Toneri , enquanto Hanabi foi facilmente capturada por marionetes.
Momoshiki e Kinshiki - Durante o ataque a arena de Konoha, apos deixar Himawari em segurança Hinata tentou ajudar Naruto, tentou impedir que o Hokage da aldeia fosse levado para outra dimensão, tentou salvar o marido e pai de seus dois filhos, porém, para má sorte dela dessa vez seus inimigos eram deuses, deuses estes que deram trabalho ate mesmo para os 4 Kages e Sasuke, e ainda assim gostam de enfatizar que ela apanhou.
Por que então Kishimoto decidiu fazer a Hinata perder seu posto de Herdeira Hyuuga ?
_A explicação para isso não é totalmente confirmada por Kishimoto, porém, ele ate hoje não explicou por que Naruto é um Uzumaki e não Namikaze (teorias dizem que era no intuito de protege lo de inimigos que podiam vir a descobrir que este era Jinchuuriki da Kyuubi por relaciona - lo ao Yondaime), o fato é como já vimos em Naruto quando uma mulher casa e tem filhos esta "perde" o seu sobrenome e passa a levar o de seu marido assim como seus filhos (isso só é ignorado quando o homem não possui clã conhecido ou que possua mas o da sua esposa seja superior (EX: Ino e Sai) ou ate mesmo quando ele abre mão disso (algo que jamais aconteceria com Naruto já que o clã Uzumaki estava praticamente instinto)), o fato é que se Hinata tivesse continuado como Herdeira Hyuuga e so tivesse perdido o posto apos o seu casamento com Naruto o clã Hyuuga poderia ate mesmo vir a ter uma 'guerra civil" pois Hanabi teria a marca da maldição por ser a mais nova e depois acabaria recebendo a herança do clã o que poderia fazer com que outros membros da casa principal negasse isso já que a lei do clã Hyuuga é de sempre ser passado o posto a um membro da casa primária e não secundaria como iria acontecer, Kishimoto certamente notou essa ponta solta e resolveu fecha - la antes de mostrar que Hinata era uma ninja forte o bastante para herdar seu clã.
_Muitos gostam de ver as coisas só por cima e nem pensam um pouco antes de começar a julgar personagem "X" ou "Y" , nem sequer pensam que Kishimoto faz tudo conforme o mangá será desenvolvido.
Análise Final :
_Hanabi é muito poderosa e nos tempos atuais em Boruto pode ate ser bem mais forte que durante a novel The Last, porém, não acredito que esta seja mais forte que Hinata, Boruto ja demonstrou ter um Taijutsu que lembra aos do Hyuuga e ate o momento (Boruto vs Iwabe) ele não havia ido ate os Hyuugas treinar o que indica que Hinata pode ter sim ensinado um pouco do estilo de luta dos Hyuugas ao filho mas isso não é algo que seja realmente confirmado.
_Ela tem o byakugan com maior alcance dentre os Hyuugas, consegue usar os 64 pamls e Leões Gemeos tecnica essa ensinada apenas aos membros da casa primária e que ela foi a primeira a dominar e ate mesmo usa la em junção com os 64 palms, Chakra de Hamura, Hakke Kuunamishou, Hakke Kūhekishō e outros, não foi mostrado ela usando o Hakkeshou Kaiten, porém, ela é descrita como sendo atualmente uma mestra do Jouken (Descrita pelo proprio Kishimoto na One Shot de Boruto). Enquanto as unicas tecnicas da Hanabi são Kaiten e o Taijutsu. Tem uma opinião diferente da minha? Tudo bem. ^^
Analysis: Hinata and Hanabi
Today I bring an analysis of a little subject approached in the anime / manga Naruto and now in Boruto, the fact is many use the argument Hanabi is more powerful than the Hinata because this lost the title of Heir of the Hyuuga Clan to the younger sister ( 4/5 years younger), but is this something that really proves that Hanabi is stronger / more powerful than Hinata, or was it all premetitato by Kishimoto during his work? Well, let's go :
Hinata from the beginning was created with the intention of being the heroine that in the end would end with the Protagonist (Uzumaki Naruto) being so she is the secondary character that more has moments / highlight throughout the work.
Hyuuga Hiashi had only two daughters (Hinata and Hanabi) by Clan Law Hyuuga Hanabi should have the mark of the Hyuuga curse as this would belong to the Clan Secondary family (as well as Hiashi's twin brother), if it received the mark, inheritance of the main family for her would go against the whole history of the Hyuuga Clan and probably Kishimoto noticed this before the decision to pass the inheritance to Hanabi.
The fight that takes place between the Hyuugas sisters (a fight that was only animated in the anime but that is mentioned in the manga) occurs before the Chunnin's tests, that is, before the Hinata show that it had the ability to fight in the same way against the own Neji Hyuuga that was considered a genius among the Hyuugas, Kishimoto was so careful about it that it makes us put our hands on our heads and think a little before we jump to conclusions, at the time of the fight against Hanabi Hinata was a kind and shy girl who suffered a great contempt from her own father, her self-esteem was very low, and yet she proved capable of fighting Hanabi and at that moment could have won if she really wanted, the decision to give up the clan's inheritance came from Hinata herself of her inability to fight her sister, the reasons for that are rubbed on our face every moment Hinata did not want to fight despite her desire to be "Gentle as Mom and Strong as Daddy". Now against the fact that Hanabi had inherited the entire Hyuuga clan can not be denied or even quoted that she did not deserve it, after all by her age she got a fight against Hinata as equals.
Does that mean that Hinata is weaker than her sister?
No, perhaps at the moment of their struggle both were at the same level of strength the final decision was made by Hinata herself and not by Hanabi who only took advantage of the fact that the sister propensibly lowered her guard and knocked her down.
After this we saw how much Hinata developed, although not the most powerful of the generation or the most powerful of all the Hyuugas even with few appearances compared to that of the Heroina Principal Sakura Haruno, Hinata proved to have evolved in both Taijutsu and strength and intelligence, she really did not defeat any great enemies and was even caught in Guren's trap, but does someone who uses it to belittle Hinata stop to think about the strength of her enemies?
Hinata always had a chance in her fights and lost just by being too weak?
Let's do a quick analysis of the most focused enemies of Hinata, we have:
Guren - a crystal-style user who gave work to big ninjas and even Naruto, her strength was surprising and if the anime had given more focus to her certainly this would be a woman who could claim Godaime Tsunade herself, and even so when Hinata was caught in her trap and had the ability to get rid of herself from the crystal prison (with help from Naruto and the others who protected her).
Pain / Nagato - Until the moment of the fight of Hinata Pain was the greater and more powerful villain of the anime, even Tsunade would not be able to overcome it, besides this one it killed Jiraya (one of three Sannins) and Kakashi (a great ninja of Konoha ), it is clear that he had beaten and even captured Naruto, and yet she faced him with the intention of ridding Naruto of knowing that he alone could go against the Akatsuki Leader, lost the fight but it was thanks to her that Naruto was not taken and killed at that moment.
Toneri - Now we go to Novel The Last, we have a being with the ability to use the moon to destroy the earth and not only this as if joining all the power of the Tenseigan, he even gave work to Naruto imagine for a ninja like Hinata? and she still had the intelligence to deceive him to the point of finding out alone where the Tenseigan was, she was the only one who could stop him because he possessed the Hamura chakra (brother of the powerful Rikudou Sennin) and only thanks to her could Naruto weapon and beside it destroys it. Hinata fought several puppets and won them and was only stopped by Toneri himself, while Hanabi was easily captured by puppets.
Momoshiki and Kinshiki - During the attack on the Konoha arena, after leaving Himawari in safety Hinata tried to help Naruto, tried to prevent the village Hokage from being taken to another dimension, tried to save the husband and father of their two children, but to bad her luck this time her enemies were gods, gods who even gave work to the 4 Kages and Sasuke, and yet they like to emphasize that she caught up.
Why then did Kishimoto decide to make Hinata lose her position as Hyuuga Heiress?
The explanation for this is not fully confirmed by Kishimoto, however, until today he did not explain why Naruto is a Uzumaki and not Namikaze (theories say it was meant to protect him from enemies who might come to discover that this was Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki by relating it to Yondaime), the fact is as we have already seen in Naruto when a woman marries and has children she "loses" her last name and begins to take that of her husband as well as her children (this is only ignored when the man has no known clan or possesses but his wife is superior (EX: Ino and Sai) or even when he gives it up (something that would never happen to Naruto since the Uzumaki clan was practically instinct)), the fact is that if Hinata had continued as Hyuuga Heir and had only lost the post after her marriage to Naruto the Hyuuga clan could even have a rebellion because Hanabi would have the mark of the curse for being the youngest and then end up receiving the inheritance. that of the clan what could cause other members of the main house to deny this since the law of the Hyuuga clan is to always be passed the post to a member of the primary house and not secondary how it would happen, Kishimoto certainly noticed that loose end and decided to close it before showing that Hinata was a ninja strong enough to inherit her clan.
Many like to see things over and do not even think about it before they start judging "X" or "Y" character, do not even think that Kishimoto does everything as the manga will be developed.
Final analises :
Hanabi is very powerful and in the present times in Boruto may even be much stronger than during the novel The Last, however, I do not believe that this one is stronger than Hinata, Boruto already demonstrated to have a Taijutsu that remembers to the ones of Hyuuga and until the moment (Boruto vs. Iwabe) he had not gone until the Hyuugas train which indicates that Hinata may have rather taught the Hyuga style of fighting to the son but this is not something that is actually confirmed it.
Has the byakugan with greater range the Hyuuga, can use the 64 pamls and Gemini Lions technique taught only to members of the primary house and that she was the first to master and even uses it in conjunction with the 64 palms, Hamura Chakra, Hakke Kuunamishou and others, not was shown her using Hakkeshou Kaiten, however, she is described as currently being a Jouken master (Described by Kishimoto himself in One Shot by Boruto). While the only techniques of Hanabi are Kaiten and Taijutsu.
Do you have a different opinion of mine? It's all right. ^^
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wingedgardenarcade · 3 years
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Kerajaan Pallas Dunia Shinobi (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/NDgERfjGCcb Kerajaan pallas yang di pimpin oleh Raja Pallas Naruto Pallas dan Ratu Mikoto Pallas kerajaan pallas merupakan kerajaan sangat kuat hingga bencana alam yang mengakibatkan kerajaan itu hancur dan banyak warga kerajaan pallas tewas akibat bencana tersebut dan tak luput bahkan seluruh Mitologi Olympus pun tenggelam karena bencana alam itu Akibat dari peristiwa itu naruto serta istri dan keluarga nya pun memulai hidup baru di dimensi yang dimana dunia yang di ciptakan oleh Hagoromo Otsutsuki atau biasa di sebut Rikudou Sannin Sang Pencipta Dunia Shinobi
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