#rimac automobili
mikeshouts · 8 months
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Rimac Nevera Sets Multiple Records In 2023, Celebrate With Nevera Time Attack
This is purely FYI because, you guessed it, it is sold out.
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zvoneradikalni · 1 month
Concept Two
Najbolji komentar na činjenicu da novi C_Two ima 2.000 KS 🤣🤣🤣.
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agiantmonster · 8 months
The acceleration in this car is absolute ridiculous. I think they can go sub 7:00 with a few more attempts. Great work by the Rimac team!
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autodevot · 11 months
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automediamk · 2 years
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Porsche со нова милионска инвестиција во хрватскиот Rimac
Porsche учествува со двоцифрен милионски износ во новата инвестициска рунда во Rimac Group, вредна половина милијарда евра. Со тоа се зајакнува соработката меѓу германската спортска марка и хрватскиот производител на електрични хиперавтомобили. Тоа што Porsche фигурира како партнер во хрватската Rimac Group, секако дека претставува своевидна гаранција за уште голем број компании да вложуваат во […]
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en-wheelz-me · 10 months
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ambasingresident · 7 months
Feeling bored, decided to join in the bandwagon, create my own toppat oc, and gave it his' own introduction. Introducing "Crni Vuk", the Croatian Toppat.
"TW": edgy stuff funnies
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Info: A former teenage soldier of the Croatian War of Independence, he is the most brutal member of the Toppats due to his usage of tactics during the Yugoslav Wars, which is very inhumane. He is the most loyal member of the Toppats and Henry's Squad should TCW starts.
- Football (Bery Croatian)
- Bojna Cavoglave
- Croats
- Rimac Automobili
- Sandy Marton
- Christianity
- Serbs
- Romanis
- Communists
- Losing at football
- The entire country of Serbia
Background: Originating in the land of Croatia, the Horvats are known for their "actions" both inside and outside of Croatia. Ante's grandfather, Slavko Horvat was a member of the Ustaše, a collaborator to Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, and contributor to the genocides of the Serbs, Jews, and Roma in Croatia. He was later trialed and killed for war crimes after his capture in the 1950s. Ante's father, Vjekoslav Horvat was a key leader of a Croatian right-wing ultranationalist group who have orchestrated many terroristic attacks against SFR Yugoslavia such as bombings and assassinations. He was killed by the Yugoslav People's Army in the 1980s after a failed assassination attempt. Ante Horvat, fought in the Yugoslav Wars as a teenage soldier during the Croatian War of Independence. During the war, Ante both witnessed and committed numerous atrocities committed against Serbs through mass killings and other inhumane acts. After years of being a soldier, he left for the US in hopes of starting a new life but struggled to make a living. Hearing of a group of notorious criminals and their success, Ante joined the Toppats, gave himself the nickname of "Crni Vuk" (Black Wolf), and wrecked havoc for the clan.
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notiziariofinanziario · 5 months
Un nuovo record mondiale strappato a Tesla e Rimac Automobili
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Sviluppato un prototipo di auto elettrica che è molto più veloce anche delle auto di Formula 1. La monoposto elettrica utilizza una combinazione di fibra di carbonio e alluminio e pesa solamente 140 Kg, che, combinati con una potenza di 240 kW, ovvero 326 cavalli, la rende un vero e proprio razzo. Sono quattro i motori, tutti progettati da studenti, ospitati nei mozzi delle ruote e capaci di fornire una coppia mostruosa ed instantanea, ma il record non sarebbe stato raggiunto senza un’ulteriore soluzione tecnologica, ovvero una sorta di aspiratore che schiaccia la vettura a terra aumentando notevolmente l’aderenza delle gomme slick.  Accelerazione fulminea Dal video si vede l’impressionante accelerazione, garantita dalla trazione integrale, con la monoposto che non appena viene schiacciato l’acceleratore schizza in avanti, coprendo una distanza di soli 12,3 metri per raggiungere i 100 Km/h con al volante la pilota Kate Maggetti, scelta pare non solo per le sue doti, ma anche perché magra, un piccolo stratagemma per aumentare le chance di vittoria. Gli studenti, membri dell'Academic Motorsports Club Zurich hanno dedicato al progetto buona parte dell’anno accademico e tutti i componenti, dai circuiti stampati, al telaio e alla batteria, sono stati sviluppati dagli stessi studenti e ottimizzati in funzione del raggiungimento del record. Read the full article
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photos-car · 5 months
Rimac Automobili : la success story d'un constructeur automobile croate
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Rimac Automobili : le constructeur croate qui révolutionne l'industrie automobile
C'est l'histoire totalement hallucinante d'un jeune Croate Mate Rimac. Un petit gars au projet un peu fou créer la première Supercar européenne totalement électrique. L'histoire commence, comme toujours dans un garage. Dans ce cas précis celui d'une maison du fin fond de la banlieue de Zagreb, la capitale croate. Nous sommes en 2007 et Rimac a le projet un peu fou de remotoriser sa vieille Bmw E30 Green Monster. Simplement le jeune homme construit un moteur électrique from scratch en achetant des composants électroniques sur le web. In fine Rimac arrive à ses fins, la voiture est une petite tuerie et commence, électrique oblige, à humilier tout ce qui peut tourner fort en Croatie.
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Le Rimac Concept One Ce vent de fraîcheur qui souffle actuellement sur l’automobile sera parfaitement illustré, début mars, avec le salon de Genève édition 2016, au cours duquel de nombreuses firmes présenteront leurs concepts 100% électrique. Et depuis peu, ce sont des marques prestigieuses comme Aston Martin (la fameuse « Rapide ») qui s’intéressent au phénomène. Une aubaine pour cette industrie en développement, qui manque encore cruellement de cette image sportive, luxueuse et glamour. La démocratisation du 100% électrique est donc en cours et l’arrivée de modèles plus sportifs comme ceux proposés par Tesla commence à se généraliser. Ainsi, la Rimac Concept One devrait créer l’événement, sur le salon de Genève. Une authentique Supercar au design s’inscrivant dans la lignée des meilleurs modèles du genre. De surcroît des performances absolument stupéfiantes du moins sur le papier. Voilà ce que nous propose Rimac Automobili, attendu au tournant lors du show annuel de Genève. Performance Ce ne sont pas moins de 1088 ch qui sont_annoncés, pour une vitesse de pointe affolante de 350km/h. Vous n’en avez pas assez ? La Rimac Concept One serait également en mesure d’engloutir le 0 à 100km/h en 2’6s, soit des performances plus élevées que celles d’une La Ferrari, à titre d’exemple. Niveau autonomie ? 500 km, soit d’avantage que la plupart des modèles électriques disponibles à l’heure actuelle sur le marché… Ainsi le stand de Rimac devrait être, sur le salon de Genève 2016, l’un des plus fréquentés par le public et les journalistes. Rendez-vous d’ici quelques jours, pour des informations plus précises. En attendant, voici les quelques images officielles publiées sur le site officiel du constructeur. Site officiel Rimac Automobili Read the full article
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mikeshouts · 2 years
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US$2 Million Production-ready Rimac Nevera Rolled Off The Production Line
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zvoneradikalni · 11 months
Saša Cvetojević (opet) sere gluposti 🤣🤣🤣
Provali čovjek i ostade živ: “Novac koji je država poklonila Mati Rimcu (za projekt samovozećih taksija) NIJE vaš novac”! Koji idiot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Uglavnom, Saša Cvetojević se pokazao kao standardni neoliberal – dok poticaji idu njemu i njegovim frendovima, to je sve u redu, ali kad se poticaji i subvencije daju poljoprivrednicima i brodogradilištima … eeee, ne može to tako malac!
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phonemantra-blog · 5 months
This achievement was recorded by a representative of the Guinness Book of Records. Croatian Rimac Automobili conducted an unusual experiment: the company organized a race at maximum speed... while driving in reverse. The hero of the experiment was the Rimac Nevera hypercar. [caption id="attachment_80776" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Rimac Nevera hypercar[/caption] The car eventually accelerated to 275.74 km/h, thereby breaking the previous record set by the Caterham 7 Fireblade in 2001 by 110 km/h. The Rimac Nevera hypercar broke the speed record for driving in reverse https://youtu.be/Qm13uiZ0KWc It must be said that this is not the first record of Rimac Nevera. For example, this year Nevera became the fastest production electric car on the Nurburgring, completing a lap 20 seconds faster than the Tesla Model S Plaid. The Rimac Nevera's power plant consists of four electric motors producing a total of 194 hp. The car accelerates to 100 km/h in 1.97 seconds, and the top speed is 412 km/h.
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クロアチアから世界へ躍り出た, 世界最速の電気自動車メーカー「Rimac Automobili」
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Rimac Automobili(リーマツ・アウトモビリ(英語読みで”リマック”と表記されることも��ります))は、クロアチアの首都ザグレブの西方に位置する街スヴェタ・ネデリャ[Sveta Nedjelja]に本社を置く、BEV車(二次電池式電気自動車)メーカーです。 BEV車はエンジンを持たず、バッテリーで駆動するため、走行時に窒素酸化物や二酸化炭素などを排出しない車です。
Rimac社は、創業者であり現在も筆頭株主であるマテ・リーマツ[Mate Rimac]が、故障したBMVを電気自動車に改造したことから始まりました。
Rimac社は、苦難を乗り越え、資金調達に次々と成功します。 2021年11月には、テクノロジー部門を除くハイパーカー部門は、ポルシェの支援のもとで、ブガッティとの合併会社、Bugatti Rimac社となりました。 こうしてラグジュアリーなハイパーカーの世界的なメーカーとしての歩みを進めたのち、先日2022年6月1日には、ソフトバンク・ビジョン・ファンド2(SVF2)やゴールドマン・サックス・グループのプライベート・エクイティ・ファンド、従来の株主であるポルシェやヒュンダイ、インベストインダストリアルなどから、併せて500万ユーロもの資金調達に成功しました。
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pdj-france · 8 months
Automobili Pininfarina a dévoilé une superbe barchetta électrique, basée sur les fondements de l'attrayant coupé Pininfarinha Battista de 1876 chevaux. Baptisée B95, l'hypercar sans toit a été dévoilée pendant la Monterey Car Week et s'inspire directement du concept Pura SUV de la firme affiché plus tôt cette année. Avec quatre moteurs synchrones à aimants permanents, il envoie de la puissance aux quatre roues, avec un vecteur de couple pour améliorer l'agilité et la stabilité d'après les besoins. Son gigantesque puissance de 1876 ch lui permet d'envoyer le sprint de 0 à 62 mph en moins de 2,0 secondes, d'après Pininfarina. Il culmine à plus de 186 mph, notamment en baisse sur la vitesse de pointe de 222 mph du Battista. L'alimentation provient d'une batterie de 120 kWh qui a la capacité de être rechargée à un taux de 270 kW, de 20 à 80 % en 25 minutes. Pininfarina n'a pas encore révélé d'autonomie, mais le Battista est officiellement capable de parcourir 296 miles entre les charges. La B95 repose sur la même monocoque en fibre de carbone fabriquée par Rimac que sur la Battista. Il est exactement aussi long et haut que le coupé mais mesure 49 mm de plus. Il repose sur des roues de 20 pouces à l'avant et de 21 pouces à l'arrière, avec des verrous centraux en aluminium. Des écrans aérodynamiques réglables électroniquement dévient l'air au-dessus de la cabine, qui est identique à celle de la Battista. Des casques sur mesure sont disponibles à la commande, a annoncé Pininfarina, permettant aux consommateurs de faire correspondre leur voiture.
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en-wheelz-me · 10 months
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wiackcom · 9 months
0-60 mph measures how quickly a vehicle can accelerate from a standstill to 60 miles per hour. This key performance benchmark highlights the raw speed capabilities of today's fastest production cars. Advancements in technology now enable many models to hit 60 mph in under 3 seconds or reach speeds exceeding 200 mph. What Does the 0-60 MPH Metric Measure? The 0-60 mph acceleration evaluation has long served as a standard for comparing maximum speed potential across vehicles. The test measures elapsed time reaching 60 mph from a complete stop. Shorter times signal quicker real-world acceleration. 0-60 provides an easily understandable metric of how fast a car can attain highway speeds. Other common acceleration measurements include: 0-100 mph - Time to reach 100 mph Quarter-mile - Speed exiting a quarter-mile drag run Top speed - Maximum velocity attainable But 0-60 remains the most universal yardstick for quantifying rapid acceleration capabilities. Exotic sports cars aim to best 2-3 seconds, while typical family cars require 6-8 seconds reaching 60 mph. The Fastest Production Cars by 0-60 MPH Time Recent supercars have smashed acceleration records that long seemed unbeatable. Electric technology combined with ultra-powerful drivetrains enables new models to rocket to 60 mph in under 2 seconds - previously the sole domain of seven-figure megacars. Here are the quickest production cars ranked by verified 0-60 mph times: 1. Rimac Nevera - 1.85 Seconds Rimac Nevera - 1.85 Seconds This all-electric hypercar from Croatian maker Rimac achieves insane acceleration via four separate motors producing 1,914 horsepower. The instantaneous torque catapults the Nevera from 0-60 in just 1.85 seconds. 2. Aspark Owl - 1.9 Seconds Aspark Owl - 1.9 Seconds Another electric hypercar, the Japanese-built Aspark Owl churns out over 2,000 horsepower to crack 60 mph in 1.9 seconds despite weighing over 2 tons. The $3.2 million price limits production to just 50 cars. 3. Tesla Model S Plaid - 1.99 Seconds Tesla Model S Plaid - 1.99 Seconds No surprise Tesla holds the fastest production electric sedan crown. Updated Plaid models produce 1,020 horsepower enabling 60 mph in a stunning 1.99 seconds thanks to uninterrupted electric torque. 4. Pininfarina Battista - 2.0 Seconds Pininfarina Battista - 2.0 Seconds This 1,900 horsepower Italian electric car ties the Model S Plaid by hitting 60 exactly 2 seconds. Automobili Pininfarina aimed explicitly to match top Tesla performance with Battista’s tuning. 5. Bugatti Chiron Super Sport - 2.3 Seconds Bugatti Chiron Super Sport - 2.3 Seconds The quad-turbo 8.0L W16 engine in this $3.9 million Bugatti hypercar churns out 1,600 horsepower. Despite immense power, added weight from luxury amenities lengthens the Chiron's 0-60 time slightly versus pure performance models. Notable Sub-2 Second Production Cars Dodge Challenger SRT Demon - 2.3 seconds Porsche 918 Spyder - 2.5 seconds Bugatti Veyron Super Sport - 2.5 seconds Only a handful of road cars built this century manage to accelerate from 0-60 mph in less than 2.5 seconds. The exclusive club requires immense power-to-weight ratios. Cutting-Edge Technology Driving 0-60 Records Raw acceleration depends on optimal power delivery and traction. New technologies enable builders to extract maximum performance from elite supercars: Powerful High-Output Engines and Motors Naturally aspirated and twin-turbocharged 6+ liter V8/V10/V12 gas engines producing 1,000+ horsepower High-RPM capabilities extending to 9,000+ RPM High-power electric motors with instantaneous torque delivery Massive yet efficient powerplants generate the abundant thrust necessary for extreme acceleration. Combined hybrid systems add torque-filling electric assist. Advanced All-Wheel Drive Systems Multi-clutch AWD rapidly varies torque distribution Rear-wheel steering enhances high-speed stability
Electronic limited slip differentials optimize side/side power delivery All-wheel drive with active torque vectoring supplies maximum grip when dispatching copious power to the pavement. Effective Launch Control Pre-configures systems for perfect departures Maintains engine at optimal RPM Maximizes traction off the line Launch control technology leverages all available grip when accelerating from a dig. This catalyzes blistering 0-60 sprints. Elements That Enable Quick Acceleration Along with advanced drivetrains, physics principles govern acceleration capabilities: Lightweight Construction Extensive use of carbon fiber and composite materials Ultra-light chassis and body components By slashing curb weight down to under 3,000 pounds, power-to-weight ratio dramatically improves allowing huge acceleration gains from a given output level. All-Wheel Drive Traction Instantly applies power to all four wheels Maintains maximum grip when accelerating Prevents spinning the tires excessively Optimal traction lets engines transfer available power into kinetic energy when accelerating, helping convert horsepower into speed. Aerodynamic Shaping Aggressive diffusers, wings, and active body panels Generate substantial downforce without excess drag Aerodynamics push vehicles into the pavement to counter forces lifting the rear axle during hard acceleration. This preserves grip and stability. Low Center of Gravity Centralized mass placement and lightweight materials Reduces weight transfer off the line A low center of gravity resists body roll and weight transfer inherent during rapid acceleration. The chassis stays planted on all four wheels. When combined with ample horsepower, these principles enable today’s quickest supercars to deliver physics-defying speed runs. History of Sub-2 Second Cars Hitting 60 mph in less than 2 seconds was once considered unattainable by production street vehicles: 1999 - Saleen S7 Twin Turbo - 2.3 Seconds One of the first production cars to officially break 2.5 seconds. The turbocharged V8 supercar made 550 hp propelling the S7 to 60 in 2.3 seconds. 2007 - Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport - 2.5 Seconds Bugatti shocked the world by finally cracking the elusive 2.5 barrier. The 1,200 hp Veyron could reach over 250 mph in addition to breaking acceleration records. 2018 - Tesla Model S Performance - 2.4 Seconds Tesla's introduction of Ludicrous Mode dropped Model S times into the low 2s. Fully electric torque delivery enables incredible launches despite no gear transmission. 2021 - Rimac Nevera - 1.85 Seconds The advanced Rimac Nevera claimed the overall production car record with 1.85 second 0-60 runs. Stunning innovation continues advancing EV acceleration capabilities. Pushing below the 2-second threshold now seems achievable by several automakers via electric torque and extreme power. Expect this exclusive club to expand as battery-electric tech evolves. Not Just Straight Line Speed: The Value of Balance While 0-60 draws acclaim, truly elite supercars excel across a spectrum of performance metrics: Quick lateral transitions and slalom handling High lateral G forces on the skidpad Hard braking and structural rigidity Fast lap times around racetracks The one-dimensional goal of straight line speed sacrifices too much all-around capability. The very best fast cars balance acceleration with world-class cornering, braking, feel, and driver engagement across diverse conditions. Are Ludicrous Acceleration Times Practical for Real Driving? In truth, for road usage, 0-60 times under 3 seconds provide limited practical value: Requires perfect conditions to achieve (prepped surface, warm tires) Few opportunities to consistently exceed legal speed limits Hard launches damage components over time Increased risk of losing control However, the pursuit of bench-marking
figures like sub-2 second 0-60s pushes engineering capabilities to the absolute limit. This drives innovation that ultimately filters down to benefit mainstream vehicles. So while eye-popping acceleration metrics might seem unnecessary in day-to-day conditions, the technical achievements behind them catalyze advancement across the automotive spectrum. Carmakers distill this expertise into tangible real-world improvements. FAQs What production car has the fastest 0-60 time? The production car with the fastest 0-60 time can vary depending on the specific model and year. According to various sources, some of the fastest cars in terms of 0-60 times include the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+, the Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut, and the Rimac Nevera. What technology allows such fast acceleration? Several factors contribute to fast acceleration in cars, including high-performance engines, advanced aerodynamics, lightweight materials, and advanced electronics. In recent years, electric vehicles have also become increasingly popular due to their high-torque motors and instant torque delivery, which can provide rapid acceleration. Are these fast cars street legal? Yes, the fast cars with quick 0-60 times mentioned in the search results are street legal. How much does the fastest 0-60 car cost? The cost of the fastest 0-60 car can vary depending on the specific model and brand. Prices can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. Can regular drivers handle these quick cars? Regular drivers can handle these quick cars, but it is important to exercise caution and follow traffic laws. High-performance vehicles require skill and experience to handle safely, so it is recommended to receive proper training and practice before driving such cars at high speeds. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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