lasanha-do-lidl · 4 months
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It's that time of the year again! Timbersaw's birthday!!!! 11 years of Timbersaw!
May he forever remain the best hero of Dota2~
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rizzrack · 2 months
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Just some Rizzrack doodles. It’s easy to see where I struggled lol.
Thank you @nortromthesilencer for some expression suggestions
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anx1oustig3r · 2 years
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But this has got the best of me and I can’t seem to sleep.
It’s not ‘cause you’re alone with me,
It’s ‘cause you never leave.
(i know that song is about addiction but i also interpret it about mental health)
whew got my part of the art trade with @lasanha-do-lidl done 🥳 i hope you like it!!!!
i have never drawn timblesaw before but i do think he’s pretty interesting like,,, the man canonically has ptsd
im pretty happy with the lighting tho, kinda got that scooby doo dvd movie sorta vibe which is fun
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nortromthesilencer · 3 months
The room was rather nice, nicer than a simple inn would give you at least. A bed with plush sheets, dresser, desk, chair, a window overlooking the perpetual darkness of the city that just so happened to be barred, a bookcase with a very random assortment of literature, a soft rug, and a decently bright mage light with shade to dim or darken the room as needed. So while not technically a prison cell, Rizzrack was ordered not to leave all the same; well, at least until the Silencer had returned and corroborated his story.
Milgram remained at the care facility, stable but still not awake. Whatever it was he had managed to inject into himself, despite being such a small dose, had done a number on him. Were he in better health, he may have pulled through much easier and sooner. He too, was under guard watch and kept in place, given the details Rizzrack had told about everyone involved.
Zimbard didn't survive the impact. Asch was unaccounted for, having been able to flee well before others arrived. He had also been smart about taking little with him, as not to waste time in getting away. With his role having had been at the Tyler Estate itself, the Quorum was looking into how he managed to slip past any security checks and clearances, or if this had been a very sudden betrayal.
As for the Silencer? Idun had done it's job, restoring him physically. Mentally, however, was a different story. The first day he did not leave the Idun halls, so none could confirm or speak with him. They were designed in such a way that only Nortrom could pass through the solid frame entrances, so that none could damage or ambush the Idun itself. This had the unfortunate downside where if in returning, Nortrom chose to remain inside or was left mentally unfit to leave right away, that none could force him out.
Given his... 'extensive' experiences in the past, it wasn't a surprise if upon activation the man did indeed stay in the halls for a day; This was especially true if the cause of death was prolonged or traumatic. The Order would hand wave it as part of the process- as the majority didn't know the truth or specifics of what the Idun was, and his order could say he was still healing. Indeed, it was even known that on occasion during his return, if overly disoriented or panicked, he might even silence a large area around the Idun out of a frantic reflex the moment he came to. This served as an almost unintentional alarm, conveniently indicating the process had completed.
Nortrom did indeed silence. Nortrom did indeed remain hidden away inside of the halls there after. No one questioned it, as it was known he would exit within the next day or two. Then, questions. So many questions would be asked. After all, Rizzrack wasn't exactly a reliable source.
But what if he didn't check in with anyone? Another caveat of the Idun halls, was that there were many entrances, all escaping from the underground and connecting seamlessly with already existing walls. All but a handful even knew where all of the spidering halls lead to, and again this was by design for even more security. But it also meant that if he so wished, Nortrom could likely find an unwatched section and leave without anyone knowing unless he told them.
This was the first time he made use of this.
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Loser's Round 1: Match 48
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sphelon8565 · 3 years
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Howdy folkss! 02/12/21 For todays special!
Here’s a few updates of my crossover in the works series of my fanfiction.
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Just a few Expressions on how each characters cope up on their daily situations
featuring Tidus, Lux and Rizzrack alonside the together stories of Tifa Lockhart interacting with the main characters of each series: Kamille Bidan from Z Gundam, BeastBoy n Cyborg from Teen Titans, Kitty Pryde from X-Men (composite version), and Sakura Kinomoto.
First in this sketch only the Gundam fans will truly understand whats goin on here!
Kamille Bidan gets slapped by non other than Tifa Lockhart.
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Tifa’s growing relationship with the Boy Mobilesuit, some heart warming amends.
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The same thing goes with Kitty Pryde by her mentor Psylocke. With BB n Cy just watching the scene.
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The story goes in this skit this time is that Cy and BB are established friends working under Ironman’s secret warehouse industry in California **I’ll fully wrote this one soon. and then Kitty Pryde comes along the way instead of joining the X-Men as their refugee,,,,
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and much like Garfield, he’s beginning to tease her one damn bit
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and in a similar parody fashion here, I just had to draw Cyborg n Kitty Pryde about their hilarious growing relationship.
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Cyborg here teases Kitty for how she whines alot much like Kamille Bidan, and compares her to him.
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as usual...she’s one easily provoked girl,
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Story under development.....
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Here Kitty easily befriends Sakura Chan.
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-----As for the final few sketches....Here’s Tidus Tells Rizzrack to loosen up his mood...about the lost of his machine.
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and Lux being Lux.....
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Not all adventures of Luxanna, Tidus and Rizzrack are all purely positive, they also had to face their own problems by being immature about on being themselves and whatever they disagree upon each other.
That’s all for now guys, what’s going on here in summary are how each characters had their relationships grow on the first day they met.
Kamille Bidan much like his Gundam Storyline part will play similarly here, except Tony Stark replaces Quattro’s role on how he and his cohorts steal the MKII, Tifa was separated from Cloud in terms of making up a living through the recruitment draft by the Earth Federation-Titans corps, to save Tifa from the Titans questionable practices, she was recruited by Elasti-Girl while she just learned who BB and Cyborg are in person.
Kitty Pryde is more of a refugee, while Sakura Chan is a young member of Charles Xavier and SeeD School. 
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lycisca · 6 years
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Huevember 2017 - 10
Art Tag | Commission Prices | deviantART | Twitter | Instagram
Please do not remove caption or tag as kin!
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boaringday · 7 years
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Gift for @timblsir Cute lil keen
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tinybeasts · 7 years
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misc doto twitter things
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Ask box roulette- Rizzrack :v
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“Hm. I wonder why the Hidden Ones placed him on my list, but I won’t question their orders.” Lanaya began her search for the small Keen, and considering he never left his large, loud pollution machine, it didn’t take long to find him.
“Rizzrack. You have been decreed for death by the Hidden Temple, and I am here to carry out those orders. You will pay for whatever you did, with your life.”
Lanaya put up her Refraction and Melded out of view. She closed her eyes and prepared herself to strike. As fast as she disappeared, she reappeared, leaping up into the air and unleashing a devastating blow right down the middle of the Timbersuit, making sure to hit the keen very precisely in the head. 
Lanaya then rapidly gripped her Blink Dagger and blinked into nearby trees, waiting to see if there was any response from her target, or if she was just as lethal as usual.
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maidot · 7 years
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*kiss the nose :3 
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lasanha-do-lidl · 1 year
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Well, it's December 13th here so you know what day it is!!!!!!!!!!!!
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IT'S TIMBERSAW'S BIRTHDAY!! And not just any birthday, it's his 10th birthday!!!
Because it's a special date, I drew him wearing ALL of his sets (in the game so far).
Thank you for being the cutest Dota hero ever, and here's to 10 more years of throwing my life down the drain with this game~ <3
Oh, and since now I have a website, you can check other years' Timber's here~
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rizzrack · 1 year
He gradually worked his way through the stockroom, performing an audit of the inventory counts. The numbers were always right, but the merchant had little else to do in the meantime. Thankfully it won't be the case for long. The keen had just received news from a colleague at the estate that  the ordered prints were being delivered. He was looking forward to finally beginning work on this new project. He had to wonder however how his associate Milgram was doing. It had been over twenty-four hours since he set out to complete some research of his. The merchant wasn't too worried however. Knowing that the customer was on his way with the prints assured him that he could expect to see Milgram very shortly.
Even sooner than he expected. A dingling bell hanging in the doorway notified the merchant of the presence of two more diminuitive folk. Through the entrance stepped a stout keen, and behind him followed Rizzrack. Although at first hesitant to enter, he quickly began to look all about the room.
While the stand could catch Rizzrack's attention, the inside of the shop absolutely captivated him. The air was perfumed with the sweet smell of grease and lubricant,a telling sign that they did more than just sell parts. However that alone wasn't what struck him.  Like most things the ceiling was high enough for the average person, but unlike everything else Rizzrack was so used to seeing, the chairs, shelves, tables, almost everything was made for keenfolk in mind, everything but the service desk; that seemed to be more in favor of the average height profile of the population in Weeping Rose.
Rizzrack knew he had never been in this place before, but he couldn't ignore the gripping sensation of familiarity as he took in his surroundings...
The way the stools had seats that he didn't have to hop up into.
The way the tables didn't go above his chin or required his elbows to be above his shoulders.
The way most everything was within his natural reach.
He was too lost in his own world to notice the merchant come over to greet them.
"Milgram. Welcome back! How went your research in the field?"
"As ordinary as it could be. Aside from this one variable;" He takes a step aside to gesture to the smallkeen right behind. "I happened across someone looking for you!"
"Friend of the warden, we meet again!"
Rizzrack snapped out of it at the mention of 'warden'. He quickly recognized the merchant as the keen he was looking for. While he was glad to have finally found him, his mood was instantly sullied by being reminded of Silencer, influencing the way he reciprocates the greeting.
"Surprised, eh? I wouldn't be. I should have expected him to trick me! Just when ya think you can depend on someone, they lead you on and waste your time."
While both the keen were taken aback by his sudden venting, they had no trouble with keeping tact. "I see. Well, I take it you're in need of dependable people. You know, I know dependable people."
"We're the dependable people." Milgram specified.
"Sometimes the only ones you can depend on is your kin."
'That's a lie.' Rizzrack wanted to say. He knew very well you can't depend on kin either, because sometimes kin get other plans and think it's a great idea to abandon you like trash. But these guys wouldn't be kin by familial obligation. No, it'd be through the shared experience of the struggle for progress that bonds them. It almost felt like some vague lesson he learned before.
Not wanting to lose control of the interaction, the merchant continued. "Despite how long we've known each other, I believe I haven't properly introduced myself yet. I'm Zimbard."
"Zimbard. Well, Zimbard. I'm Rizzrack, and I'm sure you already know why I"m here now."
Zimbard smiled and nodded along patiently as Rizzrack explained his situation. Although he was reluctant to get into reasons and motives, the merchant seemed satisfied enough just knowing the important details.
"Well, retrieving your suit shouldn't be a problem to accomplish, and while we can get right on it, we only need your help to keep an eye on things here while Milgram and I are gone."
"And of course one other important thing."
Not long after, the two keen were on their way, completely trusting Rizzrack to be alone at the shop.
He could really feel them depending on him.
It was...
p r e s s u r e.
But he was fine! He was in his element. If someone walked in looking for something, he could find it! He could even sell it! He's sold things before. Like wood. He's sold woodsohowcouldhemessupsellingparts?
Rizzrack did his best to sit still and relax at the service desk. While there were better places to sit, he felt inclined to sit where he thought he should on duty. Besides, the little service bell he found himself tapping with his finger proved to be a helpful little distraction.
In truth there was no reason to stress over selling parts. He wasn't there to sell parts. In fact he's only there to wait for someone to delivery some drawings. Take them, make sure the paper is signed. Easy. Can't mess that up. Unlike meeting up with people. Apparently that can be messed up. Stupid Nortrom. Well guess what Mr. Warden? I've got everything handled myself. I never NEEDED your help, and when the sawsuit is finally back in business I'll-
Rizzrack looked to the bell. No, that wasn't him absent-mindedly tapping it. Realizing the sound came from the door he walked through, he looked up instead to see if it was the customer that Zimbard was expect-
Rizzrack gasps and quickly ducks down, hiding behind the desk.
It's Nortrom. What is HE doing here!? Did he forget about today? Who cares!? Going away you stupid man I'm not READY to see you yet!
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beeapocalypse · 2 years
not to talk abt dota characters seriously but i had no idea beadie was rizzracks straight up aunt. these lines are killing me
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these same team greetings beadie has for abbadon are sweet tho :)
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nortromthesilencer · 1 year
Are the names of the keen in your thread deliberate?
[[ lol yes. the first two Rizzrack-mun did, and so when naming the third I just followed their pattern. I'm amazed someone caught that.]]
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Round 1: Match 137
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From the Team Fortress 2 Official Wiki,
Blutarch Mann and Redmond Mann were two of the triplet sons of Zepheniah Mann. They were the owners of BLU and RED, respectively. The two sons had been engaged in a lifelong feud with each other over the control of the vast lands left to them by their father. After Zepheniah Mann's death, both Blutarch and Redmond hired teams of nine mercenaries each in order to quickly defeat the other sibling and take control of his lands. However, as their forces were evenly matched, the situation quickly devolved into a protracted stalemate, leading Blutarch and later Redmond to look to Radigan Conagher for a life-extending machine, each hoping to outlive his sibling.
From the Official Dota 2 website,
But the saw-suit would make him strong and safe he thought, allowing himself this sliver of hope before the full might of his fear crashed into his fading mind. Branches and bark and blood. When the city fell, Rizzrack fled trees that walked, and fought, and killed. Trees had shattered the gates and swarmed into the city. Trees had crushed and thrashed and stomped the last that Augury Bay could muster in defense, and stalked the few fleeing refugees.
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