#rm speaks
bwaldorf · 1 year
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barrissoffee · 1 year
@hendery ➸ @barrissoffee 🦋
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Call me crazy, but I for one would have thought twice before boarding the unlicensed SS DeathTrap.
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elliesbelle · 9 months
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motherfuckingmaneater · 6 months
just saw a post saying bella would cut herself and you do not get her character if you really think she would do that. you're trying to tell me the most arrogant, self-centred, haughty, confident witch in the world would make herself bleed? drip her perfect pure pristine blood willingly? fucking no. absolute sacrilege to her character. no one - i mean no one has a right to make her bleed and even when voldemort becomes her teacher and yes very likely spills her blood that's something he earns from her even if he doesn't want to think so. she wasn't coerced after all, what she did with him was of her own volition - that probably includes all the training through blood and sweat and tears it took to be his only student. she is the most despicably arrogant and prideful pure blooded witch to have lived, she'd never have her blood willingly spilt, least of all by herself.
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the-gonmen · 11 months
I met this guy, his name is Max. He is really cute and funny and shy, and I was really happy to meet him. We went on a coffee date yesterday and he asked me out again today for drinks. We went back to his place because I really needed to pee and we were close by.
Of course he wanted to have sex. And I had to bring up the fact that I am ace, and that I was taken advantage by me ex multiple times in the past. Completely ruined the mood. And I am crying in the subway because I just want to be normal.
I hate being ace, I hate that I can’t enjoy sex, I hate that I am like this. I really want to relapse and go to bed but I don’t have my blade and I am trying to stay clean for my sake. If you are ace, let me know how you deal with this stuff
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ranminfan · 3 months
The thought of Pied Piper would be inside the palanquin with parted curtains and sitting seiza? Yes? No? Okay. Time for the procession!
Instead he be sweating inside that wooden Fifi disguise, reevaluating why he accepted the job offer from Rumpelstiltskin in the first place 😂.
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androgynousabyss · 3 months
<3< L1ght blue and 0range but 1n a fr1endly way!
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-o-h w-o-uld that n-o-t be l-o-vely . . . perhaps 1f 1 had a c-o-mpan1-o-n t-o- acc-o-mpany 1 m1ght feel safe en-o-ugh t-o- pr-o-perly exit my h1ve , haha
and . y-o-u make a g-o-o-d p-o-1nt . 1 d1d stay up . . . past sunr1se . 1 w1ll leave 1t at that !
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mycological-mariner · 4 months
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You know, I was just going to post the bit about Ballantyne making a mistake on the thickness of coconuts and then going to live in lighthouses and with tin miners and on war ships and trawlers to be as accurate as possible in his fiction, but then the second paragraph hit me like a train
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bwaldorf · 28 days
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died 133 ac. born 1895. welcome back ALICENT HIGHTOWER!
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boltgunkiller-archive · 4 months
i LOVE shake it out. it has my 3 favorite glee singers ohhhh my god they’re just so good they all sound amazing together and MERCEDES’ PART??? chills. i always always always get chills when she sings. and her voice in that song ohhhhh it’s so deep and emotional it’s like the ocean
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lys-jeorge · 1 month
Anyone wanna know an inconsequential BTS thing I always found a bit sus and for some reason just popped back into my brain?
Yeh? ok
When they're asked who the best dancer is and they all say J-Hope, now the other 6 all agreeing on this? I'd be suprised but it's not inherently sus, the sus is J-Hope. What's your answer my guy? Even if he thinks it's himself usually they have a someone other than themself answer they'll use, you'd think even if he wanted to say himself he'd say probably Jimin, but someone else, him not doing that is so like...
when they were rookies they were told this is what their answer should be, and they've stuck with it ever since.
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ava-does-dumbassery · 11 months
What are your thoughts on the new Renfield x Dracula rendition 2023? I for one was so enthralled that I want to start reading the book. I have Dracula on my shelf, is that all there is to it?
I have not seen Renfield 2023 so I don’t think I’m really qualified to give an opinion on it. From what I have seen/heard of it though, it seems like their Renfield is a lot more based on Renfield from the 1931 movie, where he was played by Dwight Frye than he is on original book Renfield. The most obvious and superficial difference would probably be that 2023 Renfield is a pretty young man, like Dwight Frye Renfield, while OG book Renfield is 59 year old man. Renfield having a lot more of an obvious relationship with Dracula and acting directly as an assistant to him is also something that I think comes more from the 1931 movie. Renfield is the best character in the original book (fight me /light-hearted) but doesn’t show up a lot of in it, so if you’re reading it just for the relationship between him and Dracula you’ll probably get pretty bored. Renfield in the original book is also a character who has a lot of things that are hinted at or implied about him, but most of them are never really explained. That does make him a very fun character to speculate on or make headcanons about, but since the book has several parts where the characters will just take a moment to sit down and straight up explain what all the vampire lore that’s been implied so far is, it does feel like a cop out that none of the things that were hinted about Renfield are ever addressed afterwards.
Also, since Renfield 2023 is a horror comedy about a guy overcoming his abuser, I should probably bring this up about the original book if you want to read it, but it’s kind of a hard thing for me to know how to explain, so sorry if anything I say is unclear: Uh, basically, by writing a mentally ill character who he did not see any need to treat with respect and viewed as subhuman, deeply bigoted author Bram Stoker managed to stumble ass backwards into writing the most realistic and honest portrayal of psychiatric abuse that I’ll probably ever be able to find in any piece of media ever?
In the original book, Renfield basically has psychosis (delusions/hallucinations) and is being held in an asylum and abused by a doctor who is one of the most central main characters characters of the novel. Bram Stoker didn’t feel any obligation to make Renfield appealing or relatable to the contemporary ableist Victorian audience, and in most of his scenes it feels like we’re intended to him find his mental illness either creepy or funny. Sometimes it also feels like we’re supposed to find him pitiable, but it’s mainly either creepy or funny. However, Bram Stoker, seemingly by complete accident, managed to make Renfield behave in ways that are very realistic to how someone going through that abuse would actually act. It’s hard to really explain, it feels like Stoker was envisioning Renfield as this ableist caricature of mental illness, but then didn’t think through the implications of a lot of the stuff he wrote, and unintentionally made him complex and incredibly realistic. Reading about OG book Renfield switching between doing things that are really gross or embarrassing because he’s in a state where he has very little grasp on reality or control over himself, to trying to maintain his dignity in his more lucid states only for his abuser to force him back into humiliating himself, to doing gross, humiliating, or bad things intentionally because it’s the only way to feel like he has any power in or any way to potentially escape a situation where someone who sees him as subhuman has complete control over him, and the way his story ends is… the most raw and painfully honest depiction of what it feels like to be in that situation that I will probably ever be able to find anywhere. And it was made by an author who was definitely not aware that he was doing that, in a story that doesn’t even really acknowledge it.
Also, in my opinion, Renfield has a lot of moments that are actually funny and not just in a “mocking someone for displaying mental illness” way. 95% of the characters in Dracula are restrained, polite Victorians who never complain about anything ever and refuse to communicate properly because of it. But Renfield is just so blunt, and rude, and openly sarcastic whenever he has the chance to be, and the people he is talking to always deserve it, which is amazing.
So, yeah, OG book Renfield is one of my favourite characters of all time, he’s the best character in the original book , he manages to be both very fun and iconic while also being deeply tragic at the same time, which is great, but if what I’ve incoherently rambled about in this post doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, the 1931 movie is probably a better bet for you.
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ghostwritcr · 5 months
so ... you guys ever just go out to a bakery to get bread , but then end up rescuing a big puppy instead ? cuz i just did 🙃 oh and i ended up not getting the bread at all ... but hey , meet naomi !
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