#robin morgan
writtenincolors · 1 year
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haggishlyhagging · 5 months
Indeed, if one looks at the writings of those women who were articulating cultural feminism in this period, it is clear that they were motivated in part by a desire to put an end to the painful and often immobilizing discussions about women's differences. Their hostility toward the left derived in large measure from its obvious commitment to analyzing class and race differences. Thus we find Robin Morgan and Kathleen Barry, two women who played a very important role in the articulation of cultural feminism, assailing feminists who wanted to explore questions of class, race, and sexual preference. For instance, at the schismatic 1973 West Coast Women's Studies Conference in Sacramento, California, Robin Morgan pleaded with the audience to recognize that "the point is that we as feminists must search . . . for the connectives between women. It is The Man who looks for the differences, " Barry, who helped organize the conference, denounced the women who raised the issues of class, race, and imperialism as saboteurs who "must be treated as the enemy from within" the movement. Barry was especially upset with Rita Mae Brown, whom the organizers had very reluctantly asked to lead a workshop on class:
“What does it mean when Rita Mae Brown, in a class workshop at this Women's Studies Conference, asks women to separate themselves into groups based on their class? It is perhaps the most hideous form of mimicry of the male class system of thought and politics. It is presuming that women are somehow responsible for the class men have provided for them. And above all, it negates the reason for us being together—to identify female first, with ourselves, with each other.”
Barry counseled feminists to bury their differences and concentrate instead on building a female culture. In a rehash of Alpert's recently published "Mother Right," Barry contended
“We must look to our matriarchal past for guidance in defining a culture that is a logical extension of nature. With the essence of motherhood and a sense of the preservation of life imprinted in our genes, matrilineal descent will naturally become the organization of the society we envision.”
Morgan had assumed the same stance earlier that year at the West Coast Lesbian Feminist Conference in Los Angeles in April 1973. Here, Morgan railed against leftist women, especially members of the Socialist Workers Party. According to one of the conference organizers, Morgan even tried to prevent the socialist-feminist workshop from meeting. Devoting much of her key-note talk to the gay-straight split, Morgan argued that the split had been "created by our collective false consciousness" and had been exacerbated and exploited by “The Man.” For some time, Morgan had been trying to mitigate tensions between heterosexual and lesbian feminists by emphasizing their commonalities. For instance, in a spring 1972 speech to D.C. feminists, she declared that "a lesbian is any woman who has ever loved another woman. By that definition every women in this room is a lesbian." At the Los Angeles conference, Morgan, repeating what Atkinson had argued in 1971, maintained that the real test of feminist commitment was not whether one slept with women, but whether one would be at the barricades. Morgan also argued that the real enemy facing the feminist movement was neither heterosexual women nor lesbians, but rather "the epidemic of male style among women." She contended that those lesbian feminists who advocated nonmonogamy, accepted transvestites and trans sexuals as allies, and listened to the rock group The Rolling Stones had adopted a “male style [which] could be a destroyer from within” the women's movement. Of course, the conjoining of masculinity and lesbianism was still sufficiently prevalent at least outside the movement that this accusation seemed almost calculated to stir up feelings of guilt. By defining the pursuit of relationships as female and the pursuit of sex as male, Morgan then tried to intimidate her lesbian audience back into the familiar terrain of romantic love:
“Every woman here knows in her gut the vast differences between her sexuality and that of any patriarchally trained male's—gay or straight. That has, in fact, always been a source of pride to the lesbian community, even in its greatest suffering. That the emphasis on genital sexuality, objectification, promiscuity, emotional noninvolvement, and coarse invulnerability was the male style, and that we, as women, placed greater trust in love, sensuality, humor, tenderness, commitment.” [her emphasis]
Morgan was trying not only to forestall the spread of "maleness" throughout the lesbian community, but also to persuade lesbians that they shared a consciousness and political agenda with heterosexual feminists. Morgan concluded her speech by calling upon women to create a "gynocratic" society:
“If we can open ourselves to ourselves and each other, as women, only then can we begin to fight for and create, in fact reclaim, not "Lesbian Nation" or "Amazon Nation"—let alone some false state of equality—but a real Feminist Revolution, a proud gynocratic world that runs on the power of women.” [her emphasis]
Although Morgan's critique of egalitarianism was quite cryptic, it was a significant statement. Tentatively, but increasingly, Morgan was suggesting that the left was dangerous not only because it was sexist and posited the primacy of class, but because it promoted egalitarianism. By the summer of 1972, Alpert maintains that Morgan was "beginning to reject not just the sexism of leftist men, but the very social democratic principles from which the [left] movement had developed."
-Alice Echols, Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America: 1967-75
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homosexuhauls · 11 months
Maybe I'm just super late, but does radblr know about WMC Live?
Women's Media Center Live with Robin Morgan is a weekly podcast about women, feminism, politics, culture and history.
As in, The Robin Morgan, of "we must not call him sister" fame:
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(Btw I recommend any radfem who hasn't read about the events of the 1973 West Coast Lesbian Feminist Conference to do so, it's very eye-opening. And read all of Morgan's keynote speech if you can. Some parts age poorly but others are practically prophetic.)
Anyway, just a recommendation for anyone else living under a rock🤦‍♀️ here's a pic of Robin Morgan giving her keynotes speech in 1973:
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droitsdesfemmes · 3 months
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Robin Morgan arrêtée chez Grove Press en 1970.
Robin Morgan, née le 29 janvier 1941 à Lake Worth en Floride, est une écrivaine, poète, et militante féministe américaine, reconnue pour son rôle influent dans le mouvement féministe contemporain.
Robin commence sa carrière dans les médias en tant qu'enfant actrice, mais elle se détourne rapidement du monde du spectacle pour se concentrer sur l'écriture et l'activisme. Ses premières expériences dans le mouvement de libération des femmes dans les années 1960 façonnent profondément son parcours et ses convictions.
Elle s'impose comme une voix importante du féminisme avec la publication de son anthologie « Sisterhood is Powerful » en 1970, une collection d'essais, de poèmes et d'articles de diverses féministes qui devient un texte fondateur pour le mouvement. Elle poursuit avec d'autres œuvres significatives telles que « Sisterhood is Global » et « Sisterhood is Forever », qui élargissent la portée et la compréhension du féminisme à travers le monde.
En plus de son travail d'écrivaine, Robin joue un rôle actif dans de nombreuses organisations féministes. Elle est l'une des fondatrices du Women's Media Center, une organisation visant à augmenter la visibilité et l'influence des femmes dans les médias. Elle est également connue pour ses prises de position contre la violence faite aux femmes et pour les droits des femmes à l'échelle internationale.
Au-delà de son militantisme féministe, elle est également une poète accomplie, dont les œuvres explorent souvent les thèmes de l'identité féminine, du pouvoir et de la résistance. Sa capacité à combiner poésie et activisme fait d'elle une figure unique et respectée dans les cercles littéraires et militants.
Robin Morgan continue d'être une figure influente et respectée dans le mouvement féministe, utilisant sa voix pour promouvoir l'égalité des sexes et défendre les droits des femmes dans le monde entier.
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malojasnake · 2 years
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— Monster, by Robin Morgan
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
I accuse
Ted Hughes
Of what the entire British and American
Literary and critical establishment
Have been at great lengths to deny
Without ever saying it in so many words, of course,
The murder of Sylvia Plath
Not that it isn't enough to condemn him,
Of mind-rape and body-rape, infidelity
Abduction and brainwashing of her,
Plagiarism, plagiarism of her imagery
Hiding of her most revealing indictments
Against her jailor,
Making a mint by becoming her posthumous editor,
And writing, himself incidentally,
Puerile, pretentious, dribbles of verse, with
Real blood on real hands.
If he's killed one wife
He's killed two!
The second, alas, committed suicide,
Or didn't you know?
Her name was Assia Wevill,
He never married her formally
Found the oven's fumes less lethal
Than her husband's love
But then we women change our minds a lot, that's our prerogative,
But we might not, after all,
Free Frieda and Nicolas
Who then disarm him of that weapon with which he tortured us,
Stuff it into his mouth,
Point his lips around it, and blow out his brain,
Who knows?
In the meantime, Hughes, sue me
-Robin Morgan
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wordsthatmattered · 1 year
I can act as if I remember how to feel joy...yet in the nights, alone, I know who I am—and who I am not. Then the bleakness tightens around me and swallows up the air.
- The Burning Time
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vudutv · 3 years
Apuntes sobre género V.O.S.E. | Soy Cámara
Esta pieza reúne algunos testimonios sobre el pensamiento feminista y cuestiones de género, como vías de argumentación para todo aquel que se interese por estos asuntos y la justicia social en general. Desde Herbert Marcuse ("El hombre unidimensional") pasando por Pierre Bourdieu ("La dominación masculina") y Miguel Brieva ("Dinero"), hasta Bell Hooks ("Soul Sister: Women, Friendship, and Fulfillment") o Daniel Dennet. Guion y realización: Félix Pérez-Hita Idioma: castellano, inglés, francés - Subtítulos: castellano Duración: 21 min
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4chandotorgslashtv · 3 months
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- the demon lover: on the sexuality of terrorism by robin morgan
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thearbourist · 8 months
The DWR Quote of the Day - Robin Morgan
-Robin Morgan. (1973)
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sylvia plath, robin morgan
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morganski-19 · 1 month
The One with the Gossip
The group is hanging out at the café, all in different conversations when Jonathan comes into the bar and flops down on the couch. Camera bag sliding off his shoulders.
“When does this place start serving alcohol?” he groans.
“In about thirty minutes,” Nancy starts, “are you ok?”
Argyle trades places with Robin, sitting next Jonathan. “That bad?”
Jonathan nods, widening his eyes. “Messiest wedding I have worked months. There were so many things and they just piled on top of each other. The amount of bridesmaids and groomsmen that had previously slept together and didn’t know about it was insane.”
Steve and Eddie turn their heads at the same time. “What now,” Eddie says intrigued.
“I love messy shit I’m not apart of,” Steve mutters under his breath.
“It was crazy,” Jonathan sits up, turning toward Steve and Eddie at the side table. “And it all started for the most stupid reason. The guys apparently had a bet when to see how many of the bridesmaids they could sleep with. And the girls didn’t know about it, and a few of them fell with their ‘charms’ and were none the wiser. Until, one of the groomsmen said who won in their speech.”
“Holy shit,” Robin says with a sip of her tea.
Eddie winces. “That is such a dick move.”
“How likely was it that they were part of those fraternities that just liked to terrorize people,” Steve asks. Having almost accidently joined one of these fraternities when he was in college.
Jonathan nods with disgust. “That only scratches the surface. The best man had won, having slept with six out of the seven bridesmaids, and he was engaged to the maid of honor.”
Everyone winces with disgust.
“Not cool, dude,” Argyle says with disappointment. “So not cool. How can people do this to other people. And think that they can get away with it.”
“Because they’re inconsiderate assholes,” Steve says at the same the same time Eddie says “They’re disgusting bags of shit.” They high five each other.
Jonathan lets out a long breath. “And I’m not done yet. It gets worse.”
“Oh my god, how,” Nancy questions.
Argyle stands. “I’ll be right back, continue without me.” He walks over to the bar and starts to talk to the barista.
“He got bonus points for sleeping with the bride. And the second-place winner, was the groom.”
“Holy shit,” everyone says in unison.
Jonathan nods with wide eyes. “And the groom got a bonus point for sleeping with his future mother in law.”
They were too stunned to speak, just letting the silence fill that moment. Argyle returns with a cup of something and places it in Jonathan’s hands.
“What did I miss?” he asks, looking at them all super confused. “Are you guys broken?”
Steve shakes his head, trying to wrap his head around what was just said. “I don’t think I’ve heard that one before.”
“And this is coming from someone who has actually slept with one of his frat bro’s moms,” Robin interjects.
“On accident. And she was his stepmom, that was much younger than his dad, well after I was in college. He doesn’t know, it’s fine.”
“Did that cause another sex ban?” Eddie asks.
Steve laughs. “No, that’s when the figured out that the previous sex ban wasn’t working.”
Jonathan takes a sip of the drink Argyle gave him. “Jesus, that’s strong. Did you bribe them or something?”
“Something like that. Seriously though, what did I miss?”
“Groom slept with the future mother-in-law,” Robin fills in, Argyle winces. “What is with people?”
Jonathan shrugs. “Don’t know. But it was a big wedding that they are not getting a refund for. And I still got cake, well what was left of it.”
Eddie leans forward. “What was left of it?”
“Yeah,” Jonathan nods. “Speeches were right before cake, so the bride took the entire top layer and slammed it over the groom’s head. Followed by the maid of honor taking two giant handfuls and shoving it into the best man’s face. Arguments broke out and all that shit. I stayed back to help clean up.”
“Had they signed the marriage certificate yet?” Nancy asks.
Jonathan sighs. “No clue, don’t care. It’s over and I got paid. A lot. This was not a cheap wedding. Oh right,” Jonathan reaches down into his bag and grabs a takeout container, handing it to Argyle. “Saved you a piece of cake.”
Argyle takes it, opening it and starting to eat it. Nodding his head in appreciation.
The rest of the group looks at Jonathan. “Where’s our cake?” Robin asks, a little hurt.
“You don’t live with me, you don’t get cake.”
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malojasnake · 2 years
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— Love Poem, from Monster: Poems, by Robin Morgan
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marthajefferson · 1 month
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MORGAN FREEMAN as AZEEM 'THE GREAT' in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991), dir. Kevin Reynolds
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yancadoodles · 3 months
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