#rock n rool
oer4 · 1 year
Rock and roll hoochie koo…
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supernova1us · 11 months
I've written up a whole pitch for a Donkey Kong movie spinoff of the mario bros movie
I truly love donkey kong as a franchise and couldn't get this idea out of my head after seeing the movie so had to just type it up( in a mix of excitement, boredom and being very high) put it out and see what others thought of it.
The movie would have a lot of heart and be the age old story of the hero wanting to keep his carefree lifestyle and not have to rise to leadership/responsibility. The movie would be a time skip of a few years after the Mario bros movie so it relies less on those events outside of DK still resenting being beaten by Mario and is pushing a bit too hard to be seen as the best. The time skip would also allow for making cranky a bit older and closer in look/voice to his usual look.
Dk would be the champion of the kongs and continuously drive off various incursions of their kremling enemies through the kingdom; it would be shown that the kong “army” is more for show and primarily just protects their boarders. The expectations of cranky for him to step up as a leader and mature would be the major weight on him.
A lot of emphasis on the family aspect of the kongs, with each member being a positive influence/voice for DK. Diddy and dixie constantly tag along with DK, looking up to him but he doesn’t quite “appreciate” them at the outset. Funky would be DKs cousin, live away from the city at the beach, have his plane and have the Jamaican accent and some bits of the spirituality of his animated series self. Candy kong would have her 64 design but redesigned so her height/proportions closer align with the other kongs. Playing up her dkc mini game/64 role, she’d be a music lover/dance instructor and be DKs main emotional anchor and the one who has been soothing his insecurities. Swanky kong would also reappear as a sleezy businessman but playing on the gag from the Mario movie, constantly ends up the butt of bad luck. Chunky kong, kiddy kong, Tiny kong and lanky kong are not main characters but have some lines and appear frequently and join in aiding in the finale. Other cameos would be bluster kong, yeti kong(eddie the mean old yeti), manky kong, redneck kong, dread kong, sumo kong, karate kong, ninja kong, and uncle kong. Also some scattered appearances of the bear brothers and tiki tak tribe members.
Kremlings trying to steal/destroy bananas to weaken the kongs, as usual, but king k rool is also using this as a distraction for a major operation; tunneling under the ground to strike at the kongs directly. The main kremling crew besides K rool would be klump(64 design), kalypso(possibly with her kressa concept design), kludge, kip, kass, koptor and, to a lesser degree, k lumsy. Other notable kremlings appearing as cameo/small parts would be krusha(a lieutenant), krunch, kasplatt, klobber/kaboom and Kuff n Klout. The main kremling army would be made up of kritters(most of which various shades of green but scattered blue and orange variants), but also klaptraps, rock krocs and kops. A montage of other confrontations with kremlings would also show some of the pirate kremlings, klubba, kackle/bones and kerozene.
So here is the main breakdown of the plot
-intro of DK being lazy and having to go deal with a kremling crisis, interspaced with an opening montage of DKs life and past deeds/adventurers, including events from the Mario movie and various game references.
He then heads back home and there is a quick intro to most of the cast as he is nonchalant as he is praised by his peers. Meets up with candy for a lunch date and is constantly pestered by diddy and dixie. He is summoned to meet with cranky who is aging and exasperated by DK not taking eventually being king serious and it is clear DK is not interested and wants to go back to a carefree life style and the two argue until DK leave upon hearing Funky’s plane arrive. At the same time, kremling Koptor spies on the kong city before reporting back to king k rool, who plots with his main minions as his kritters work on a large weapon.
The two reconnect and DK clearly wishes he could live funky’s easygoing life but is rebuffed by him. Another kremling attack on banana groves is reported and DK reluctantly goes to deal with it, followed by diddy and dixie. The kremlings are easily driven off; DK thinks nothing of it and overhypes his abilities, but diddy is suspicious; an amused K rool watches from a distance. As the kongs celebrate another victory for DK, diddy tells cranky of his suspicions and he confronts DK on the information. Another very public argument ensues between the two and an angry cranky reveals he isn’t DKs father, but raised him after his father, DK jr, died. An angry and heartbroken DK denounces cranky and his future throne and leaves.
He goes to visit funky and stays in his old jungle tree house from when he was younger. Diddy and dixie show up, having followed him, to try and lift his spirit; candy is in a kart and on her way as well, having been tipped off by chunky and tiny. DK, moping, goes to the cave below the tree house where he used to keep his bananas but finds it empty and opened to a much larger cavern beneath. The trio investigates and finds a large mining operation the kremlings have been opening underground, using enslaved mole miners, heading towards the kong city. They attempt to thwart it and DK challenges K rool directly but underestimates him and gets beaten. The trio are imprisoned and diddy/dixie befriend their guard, the massive yet simple k lumsy.
At the same time a saddened cranky regrets what he said and is comforted by the spirit of his deceased wife, wrinkly kong, who implores him to mend the relationship and accept DK for who he is. DK apologizes for taking diddy and dixie, as well as his responcibilities, for granted and helps them escape. He declines their getting help for him, as this was his fault, and sends them to warn cranky of the kremlings plan. He is likewise comforted and encouraged by wrinkly’s spirit and he befriends k lumsy into letting him free. DK frees the captive animal buddies and with them causes chaos and the collapse of the cavern. The moles all dig to safety and the kremlings flee; K rool leaves DK to perish while revealing the collapse is pointless as his weapon has already reached its destination and he has already won. DK and the animal buddies are dug up by diddy, dixie, funky and candy, who ride the animals back to kong city.
They return and DK and cranky reconcile; cranky reveals he’s actually DKs grandfather, DK the 1st(everyone just started calling him cranky), and his son, DKs father, was killed by King k rool. Cranky has always held guilt for this as the war with the kremlings was partially his fault, as he refused to acknowledge the kremlings as equals, which incurred K rools wrath. Suddenly from beneath the center of the city rises K rools weapon: a titanic, steampunk crocodile robot that begins attacking the city. Given hope by his friends, he leads them and the other kongs in repelling the death machine and the kremling troops within. Carts are used to tangle its legs while the kongs damage it by throwing barrels. DK finally nails it with enough exploding barrels at its joints that it collapses and explodes.
K rool has been watching from a distance and is in a rage at his defeat when DK arrives. They are confident in defeating him when his friends join and a battle royal erupts. When the tide turns against K rool, he orders k lumsy, revealed to be one of his siblings, to intervene but he refuses to hurt his new kong friends. DK finally lays out K rool, who orders a retreat but swears revenge. Sometime later, DK is crowned as king by cranky(the coronation has him holding the crystal coconut and golden banana) but he insists on a more hands off, relaxed reign(no crown or thrown), which cranky accepts; DK officially takes diddy and dixie as his “heroes in training”. Eventually, kremlings, led by K rools main minions, are destroying bananas trees and DK swings out to help, now joined by his friends. They swing through the canopy and jump through the tree line towards the shocked kremlings. Low shot of DK high in the air and diving with a punch shouting “It’s on like…” when the screen cuts and the DK rap starts playing as the credits role.
Please leave genuine feedback and reblog if you like and support
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lecoque · 2 years
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******* INFO-LITERAIR *******
******* PHRANCOPHONE *******
******* T A Y T A Y *******
--------------------- عيد عاشورة ------------------
---------------- عيد عفاريت الاموات ----------------
blague j ai dit que les peureux qui fant tret peur
Ils ne savent pas qui je suis vraiment ou de qui ou de quoi je suis réellement des semie ange de la mort les témoins de Jéhovah ou de azerine
Les associés les partenaires non ses derviteur
J ai fait la revision de mes origines d assendent
Et J ai découvert que les vainceur des guerres
Bref je suis confue entre le general et le marechal qui est le vraie pere ou phillippe petain ou charle de guaule et la question n est pas résolue a ce jour et nul ne veut le confirmer
S est pour sa je me suis adressera ma maternel
Que sette deriniere je saie pas qui vraiment le pere ni elle sait de qui elle a portée comme mere acister binivolat a une autre qui est décidée ou define comme le general defain comme le marechal defain et elle meme define
Assacinnee on 1979 par sont proxo ake turner
Changer par sa doublure de kinya d obama
Pas compleciter de ma grand mere qu elle a peur que ses enfants soit des orphelain et eter pris par la justice au o.m.g ou centre d orpholina ou etre adabters par des famille d aceuille ect
Mais elle ne saie pas que s est un complot o.a.s
Et coup d etat d introdiction et d heritage juif
Une mise on scenne calculer préméditer étape par étape que se dernier a reusie sont coup manter par le mariage illégale deja dans le contrat sui a elle-même acceptée et dignité que elle na pas le droit de se marier offetiellement
Car une mère porteus d un cesar d un empreur d un malik et d un charif et d un sultem et napo
Un fetur militair des services spéciaux ou secret
Plus un apollo 023 d un program cosmos spac x
Et un ginni ginnialogic noble ou sainteté et bini
La cause que toute meller ete interdit ou nigatif
Car elle a casser le code secret par sette mauvaise affaire de me mélanger et de plus a des juif ou sionist et masonist diabolic ou satanic comme sabotage ou desordre et rock and ROOL ou se n est qu un radicalisme de detournement des biens d etat privé armmee.
De tout nos entreprises des fabrication d armement et menution et d engain nucliair
D armmee de terre de la marine et air et espac x
La vraie armmee adams des autres deja ptouver
j apartien a la famille adams tous mort anterer et il reste que moi meme coinser avec vous ici
Et Je vous racompt une hictoir vraie personel
On ma fait choisir entre un epe une fesul une plume mais il faut que je prend qu une seul
J ai trop réfléchie je calcul j eface je recomanse
à la fain j ai choisie la plume ou le stylo kif kif
Car on realiter se sont pas des cavaliers rien j ai nul besoin de l épée ni je vais les afranter rien
Ni des conbatent que je vais les conbatre au chant de bataille allor nul besoin du fusil rien
Se sont que des bureaucrates administo poletic
Que j ai crue les afranter avec mes textes de veritee ou les conbatre avec mes écretur reel
Mais helas se sont des sour muet et aveugle
Ou des marionnettes terrer par des ficelles
Ou des acteur de quatre centime plus amateur
Et comment entourer par des maquilleur coiffeur abeilleur chausseur et costumeur et chemiseur et des cravateures et des parfumeur
De plus ils on tous un manadjeur et un scripteur et un maître on scene et un cinarist et un lumineux et un sens et un photographe et un camiramene et des figurent et des spectateur et des aplodiseures et des kamikazes doubleur
Se sont tous des acteurs presidentiel ou minestriel ou responsable poletic et même des portes parole et cadre d'état etatic non pratic.
Helas ils ne lies rien ils ne saves même pas lire leur descourec de fair la coure avec eux meme
Comment vouler vous qu ils lises se qu on ecrie
Les parolic saves parler ou parlementeres Mais se n est par leur parole s est leur ecoutes Soit disent des réclamations et plainte et sugestion des remarc ou des cretic et comantair des autre
Les sinateur saves signier ou des seigniateures Des feuilles sont lire se qui est dedant ecrie ni comprendre se qui a seignier et tamponner
Car tous des pontain qui dise se que leur dit
Oui oui ou yes yes sans additionner ou soustrair
Des mongoliens reusie ou des petit grandis ou des faible forcer ou des rien compléter les nul
S est pour sa tout mes honneur au vraie acteur
sur tout les acteurs des théâtres ou sur cenne
Et a tout les producteur long ou cour mitrage
des chainnes tv des épisodes ou des film cine
Les vraie conbatent culturel avec les musicien
Et les maîtres on scenne et les écrivains avec
Sa s est des artistes vetedic non des kanebas
Poletic deplomatic humanitee ou journaliste
Car si eux que les poleticien blofeur et blablatic
Mais les journalistes incroyable ils s ocupe que des faux sujet ou des apparences même seux qui fant croir de débattre les vraie sujet il se trompe et fant que tromper les lecteur ou les spectateur avec des sujet bidon ou le boullon pour les mort avec des intox qui etouf les info
De se cas j ai inventer se deux on un info et un poetic ou literair plus photo ou film comme preuv et l epreuv comme sujet ou recueil text un autre model literair que je n arive a l exposer
Meme j ai inventer un autre langage réel car j ai additionner des novel letres ou des l'axon de plus pour corriger la langue et le l lingustic avec
Car il ya une rupture entre se qui se dit et ce qui c ecrie étant sette déférence a provoquer un blocage ou un accident montal ou informatic
Car se qui est vraie ne peut pas eter reel point
Ou se qui est reel ne peut pas eter vetedic point
Mais j ai trouver l astus j ecrie avec des photos
tout mes sujet on un desain qui exprime le sujet
le servaut n asemul point entre l ecout et le dit
Mais avec sette novel théorie invention oreginal lingustic literair ou poetic non academic point
Se qui s entend s'écrie et se qui est ecrie se dit
La seul solution de de désastre culleturel point
Qui mérite une novel academic science humain
Americainphone non anglais academic ou phrancophone non français academic ou berberphonec non arabe academic que lingustic literair ou poetic ou tout écretur point
Remarque que je conner aucun de ses acteur
Se sont que des acteur qui joue les rol des autre
J espere les comprendre eux non leur jeux ect
Car tout les acteur jeux d autre personaleter non les leur a un point qui on oublier quoi eux meme ou qui eux meme exactement sans comidie ou sont imitation ou sont personages
Car si on jeux de la comidie on n arive plut d eter sérieux ou strict ou même reel ou veredic
De plus ils croie qui sont riche ou on de l argent
Ils ne veule pas coutoiyer ou freconte les autres
Et De crainte qu on va domander quelque chose
Mais non ni on va vous demander ni vos offres sont concrie ni se qui on eu le mérite ni seux qui on obtenue sont dans le vraie besoin que de la comidie ou la pub de leur image de marc forbie
Et oui se sont tous forbetic sur tout qui fant de la poletic ou des mition par des emition comme des film ou des show tv pour l humanitee blag
Pour eux meme et leur associers les fegurent
Les faux victim ou les faux timoin ou faux faux
Je regole de seux qui demande la charetee soit disent il est charetable et qui est entrain d offrire ou donner ou aider n import qui ou quoi
Vous eter dans l ereur il faut chercher seux qui dont sous terre ou seux derire le mur ou dans les rue ou dans des coin ou chez eux oncastrer
Que je croie que vous n avait j amais trouver .
Car ils n exist plut on abondoner tout le monde
Ou ils n exist pas car ils ne se montre j amais
Ou ne peuves pas exister ou écartes ou éxclue
Bref s. .p deux sui fant semblant de colecter
collecte de fond ou pour leur fortune on plus
Des partages des gains ou des don des autres
Ou la division des butain des collecte de don
Votre comidie sa convaincre persone même pas vous-même vous ete convaincue de se que vous faite ou de se que vous fair semblant de le faire que du theatre médiocre ou mauvais act
Laisser les sans abris dans leur abris ou les réfugier dans leur refuge ou les sont situation dans leur situation ou les sans nationaleter dans leur nationaleter ou les sont papier dans leur papier ou les sans Visa dans leur passeport visa
Areter votre comidie votre mis on scene redecul
Laisser les sidaic dans leur centre de sida et les consereux dans leur centre de concer et les malades dans leur centre de maladie les infirmes dans leur infirmière et les handicaper dans leur centre dandicape stop se ne marchera j amais et ca ne fonctionne pas s est de l escroctie pur et dur des menteurs et menteus
ne domander plut des cotisation ni vous ne serait collecteur ni de demander des don stop
Laisser les cinestric dans leur cenistrie point
Laisser les rescaper des oragon et tempettes
Laisser les victimes des feut de forêt et chaleur
Laisser les victim des maladie et contamination
j ai découvre que le covid 19 est le sida verus
Je ne suis pas medsain mais je suis docteur jini
la théorie newtone nous permie de decouvrires
Bref les mêmes saimpotome les meme sequelle
Comme un spicialist des contres icpionage top
La contamination par les microb et les verus et même les bactéries de choléra thefoid Ebola et autres s est nos sujet d'occupation extrem top
Et se novel icpionage ou sabotage est coupable
Par plusieur action de contamination et poison
Comme les armmees bactheologic et maintenant s est des armmees de verus de pollution de l air pour but de contamination
Une contamination non des guerre mais des achat ou shopping de medicament anti verus
Pour quoi pas que les va ainsi contre le covid 19
Eux meme des vagain contre le sida ou corona
On saie la contamination du SIDA par le sang
le sida et sanguinaire mais le verus respiratoire allor orguanic ou transitoir directement par le sang et indirectement par l air du même fleaux
le meme traitement ou medicament et soin .
Plus le meme vaxain sauf que qu il est sangain
Il reste qu un tret petit efore de rasenbler tout les vaxain sur le marcher d o.m.c d o.m.sante
Car s est une guerre froid de commercialisation
Est l organisation.mondial.comercial de l o.m.s
L organisation mondial de la santé de new york
Et new york elle a été victim à cause de l o.m.c
Bref car s est organisation et sur tout mondial
Qui n exist pas réellement sur terain ou pratic
Sauf du marketing des association publecitair
Qui icpione on realiter tout amélioration ou changement ou plainte ou réclamation ou action contre ses abus mondial ou revolt contre ces forbie et sur tout la total des recettes des don des aid des cotisations des collecte et des budget subvention de tout les ptogers inclue.
Parlent des progers par les star d holywwod ok
on parle des proger contre la famine s est la fain
Encore et encore et encore la famine par tout ou vous ete inclue par vos proger de trafic humain vol des bébés et kidnaping des enfant et enlèvement des fetur fille lolly hzrd porno et les garcents des loulou porno gay et esclave x
Les star collecteur des fetur star comme eux et leur hictoir leur oregine et leur race leur religion.leur nationter leur vraie famille leur vraie parent leur ville natal leur enfance reel
Désastre humain tret tret tret peut qui reusis
Les autres desparue et seux qui reste esclave
Non que de la famine des catastrophes naturel
Des intempéries ou desctranblement de terre
Eux aussi le même sore par l organisation mondial représenter par des star comidiennes
Jusqu au point qui il se melle que des malheur des autres a un point qui il fant que le contrair
Et vous dite que vous n ete pas une organisation creminel des trafic humain vendue au anchere se qui on la chanse les autre location ou échange ou pret ou hypotec ou vent
L esentiel que vous avait un pourcentage de transaction humaines ou bonus sur chaque tete
Se qui rest se qui ne sont plut illemener a froid
Seux qui se sont desparue fegutif de tout ses meurs esclave sexuel ou ouvrier ou main d rouvre impeyer ou exploiter sans aucun droit .
ses star se sont responsable de sette trahisent ou abus par confiance des naif qui les croie
Ou tout qui les a crue des bonne œuvre de grac
Ou des interet bénéfice pourcentage et somme
D argent car a chaqu un sont prix dans se marcher de vente des Esclaves gratuit binivolat
Ni mition ni mitionaitre ni ligionair ni onu ni zero
Ni au non de dieux s est au nom du diable saton
Ni au non de l humanitee au non de charetee ou ametier s est le mondiantalism et clientalism xy
Ni les fains on eu leur nourriture ou alimantation vendue déjà à l usine ou au stockage ou au magasin ou au port d'exportation et d importation le transport les stockage les magasins les pénuries et les boudic a la vante
Rien n est arever car rien na ete encheminet zero que par le descoure des star ou les photo ou les documentair publecitair ou les documents des revue et des jornaux et a la tele
Qui est le responsable les star qui l on fait tromper meme si il se sont tromper vraiment allor pour quoi ils ete payer ou renbourser leur prestation dans des compt clos secret ou postal
Sur d autres compt a des banque anonym dans le coffre fore par des nemuro top secret chifrer
Et oui le besnes des star de holywood de brodway de monaco de Berlin de rome de telabib on generale la seul banque anonym apret le Vatican l uxenbourg londre Danemark sued Norvège la holand la suice Delhi et pikine Hongkong Tokyo et afric du sud inkara mosco.
Et oui un blanchiment d argent des recettes des famines réfugier sans abris sinistric catastrofe naturel tremblement de terre feut de foret ou des exode on generale meme des clandistain
Un besnes benefic payer par les organisations mondial représenter par les star de holywood
Et des maladies des contaminations des covid du corona SIDA et des épidémie et du concere
Un besnes fertile pour les star de holywood usa
Et ou l u.s.a qui est la base de se trafic des aid don et proger des organisation mondial fontom
Et oui des fontom qui exist que leur onbre noir
Sur un blanc papier ou feuille on dossier on armoire ou sur le bureau ou dans les casier ou dans vos archives que du noir sur blans document ou par informatic dans des mimoire
Ou sur un papier de photo coopie recto et verso
Ou un papier telex fax ou fayle ou flache disc x
L onu ou l usa l unicco ou l usa l unicef ou l usa
Et se qui reste des derevee l o.m.s ou on u.s.a.
Comme des réfugier de telle star la famine de t elle star les cinestric de t elle star les catastrofe naturel de telle star le SIDA de telle star l iobola de telle star et le consere de t elle star le covid de l elle star les feut de foret de t elle star ecttt
La je rentre a man sujet revenant a nos moton
que chaqu une s ocupe de sont cul et ses fesse
que chaqu un s ocupe de sa queut et ses couille
Et nous on s ocupe de vos victim bébé star xyxx
Apret d etre cas special cas d urgense immédia
spécialement des select nous 1960 arbre usa
du pontagone de la fondation MARECHAL USA
De la formation de charlie chaplain des especes on voie de desparution de la banque worms france maintenant d europ du nord afric tasili
D el aouerassi ou hotel el aouerassi de 1931 dz
de 1983 de la francophonie de pyramide maya coup d etat des pyramid d egytolog keltoumi
Ou coup d etat des 07 merveilles du monde
Pyramid d egyptolog keltoumi de pyramid maya de la queen tina de la queen Beyoncé queen loupez queen jiji gaga de la queen Maradona
De taj mahel de la queen Beyoncé Rihanna Shakira de du coup manter d escrocrie la Libye des enfant contaminer du corona SIDA de tina
Et du taj mahel de houcinne bouemama michel Obama et de monsieur le président trompette
de la statut de la liberté de paris et de new york
De la tour d efel paris et la tour pizel et big ben
Des chute de niaguara de Canada ou de londre
La muraille de Chine ou le cité de la jourdani
Mais le palaix rouge du stad room de rome itali
Un trafic de l unicco des prestig archiologic ou des prestiges hictauric ou prestige dinastic ou prestige relugieu ou prestige dinastic ou NOUS
des 07 art ou 07 beaut art 07 couleur tv MOI
07 ass CHIVAS ou G 07 OU 07 big gong bong
Queen tina nasa la cnas la cea tele com france
L orong s est moi l orascom ou bouig tele com mobil mobelis djezi nadjma itisalat p.t.t net.tv
Queen Maradona du cite turner trumblr king
Beyoncé d unicco de taj mahel palaix rouge
L enquête on coure bénéficiere matrimonial de mariage blanc et même de mere porteus d enfant vitro 07 art faux de cinema x ou lolly xx
La rival de madonna elle aussi mere de mere porteus des vitro de 07 art faux cinemathec
Faux timoi prétention présumée et difamation
La voleuse la voleuse ses insolences ou insultes sa eface pas le vol mais sa cache sont bondetism escrocrie arnaque et détournement comme le coup manter de Kadafi et taj mahel
Comme lopz sa cache la même chose par ses insultes et ses insolences voleuse voleuse vol
Les indigne nous indigne et comment s est elle la queen d usa sous la queen d angletair blague
La princes loupez d usa de la queen gaga d U.k
Et commant depuit quans les démocrate on un prestige et même les republicain depuit quand il avait de l honnrur ou du prestige les démocrates populair les républicains populair .
Et dans l inigoration officiel de la cérémonie presidentiel des démocrates prestigieuses insoummi et sous classe ou esclave anglais
Shakira de la Fifoot fibasket fihond fivolet firegby fifoot americain fibes boll figolf fifa
Ou des bebe olympic du cinema olympia bone
Ou des bébés olympic de theatre olympia paris
Des bebe olympic de la grand bretagne d u.k
Rihanna d unicef et de la famine de l animie et des sous alimenter et des fain du confinement corona 02 milliards $ d'aide pour les fains de la CALIFORNI ou de berboza ou voitur Maserati
Entrepris Maserati de la c.e.a de charle de gaule
J ai dit association de creminel star ou fegur star avant on les illemine faux car derire au suivant dix cent mille autre figuren faux star maintenant on les laisse et on laisse le temp fair
LE SABLIER ou le contre temp ou l invers temp
Il démasque tout et tous bas les masque epous
Ou epous concubine mere des vitro star 07 xy
Les star creminel des bebe vitro contaminer par le SIDA de la Libye des sionist europ de l esst
Accocoation de meurtrie des bébés sida star
Opération contre icpionage contre kadafi et Nicola charcozy ou sa première epous première dame de france manqun model ou beauté ou haut couture ou radio television echange par une artist guitare ou solo rock première dame de France de même de zine abedine et trabelssi première dame de Tunisie première dame de la Libye de kadafi byoncie et saif kadafi Shakira et de la première dame d egyptolog keltoumi houcine Moubarak du sommet de roma ou de CISAR JEGURTA EL AHRAS EL KADRE EL HOUCINE KALTOUMI EL HACENNE EL IDRISSI AKHEMOUKHE TINEHINANE DE BONE DE HIPPONNE DU NORD AFRIC 1960
le sommet de roma des premiere dames de l hummanitee de l emperatris elisabet d angletair
De communwerthe d anglais saxon juif turk de sommet de Malta des esclaves de la grand Bretagne d unnion.king des king miss des miss
J ai dit que s est trafic de prestige roiyal malik
Ou malika el jamel ou renne de beauté ou queen
Trafic queen princes miss model et top model
La Queen beauté non queen music ou 07 art
Et non queen cinema ou queen pornographie
Non prince model top model de la haut coutur
Ou princes music 07 art ou princes cinéma x
Faux trafic de prestige pur et dur ou ratatouillr
Et oui ratatouille de trafic de prestig forbetic
Froduleus des miss beauté ou miss fashion
Ou music 07 art fashion ou cinema fashing
Ou porno fashing ou sport fashing ou tv fashion
Ou kid fashion le but de tout ses trafic s'est le detournement des mineures ou ado ou teen
Du kid sport ou kid cinema ou kid music 07 art
Ou kid beauté ou kid haute coutur ou kid porno
Des kid star de naisance acistee de holywood xy
La ruse de tout ses trafic de contre NATUR porn
Insetation à la deboche delaincanse artistic xyx
marcher parallelle artistic ou cinema ou sportif
Et piraterie bautee music 07 art cinema sportif
La base de la piraterie organeser ondial malta
Malta - le parallelle de la suice + ou le pirat xyx
Malta s est la capital des privat pornographie x
Pour le compt des anglais saxon juif turk vaticant monaco luxenbourg belgic holand alemagne Danemark sued Norvège ruse urcc
Et oui le sommet de malta du communwerthe x
La base des masonist ou les diabolic ou satanic
base des pirat privat ou contre NATUR ou zoo
Le porno bestiole ou le sado maso ou suplice
Malta base des trafic humain x ou s.n.p ou batar
Malta de l eglise catholic du mariage pour tous
Malta la base du vaticant noir ou franc mason
Malta la base des SHEMAL X et sex F T M 3 x
Ou malta base des clonage sex ftm 3 et shemal
Le sommet de rome du sommet de Malte kif kif
L explosion de ses trafic humain clonne P.M.A
du printemps arab et tout les partesipen clos
le sommet des creminel des bebe p.m.a vitro
l explosion du printemps arab a cause de malte
Et de rome de tout les president inclue du crim
Le crim des première dame de l humanitee x
L humanitee responsable des clonage vitro pma
Au 05 shemal et au saing l homme a quatre pat
Ou l homme primade qu on voie a ces joures
Et oui il exist au ti tok des caméra libon vue
Et commant on les voie tous sauf vous vous camoufler vos crim vousxles cacher ou sonsur
Que vous croiyez nos intimide ou nous fair taire
Ou de les fair ignorer comme les select et focus
J ai dit le select 1960 et avant 1930 ou 1920
select de l afric du nord l unic a.d.n prestigieuse
Des premier homme bleut des noumedien amazig gzuloi berber et des noble ou les cherif
L unnic a.d.n suprem binni ou ancistral hictauric
Contaminer par les fronc mason de Malte sionist ou juifs comme sabotage de vengense
Ou modification ginnitic par la transformation des chromozom du spermatozoïde et de l ovul
contre façon ginniginnialogic ou contre natur
J ai dit eux ils on dit que dieux a crie l homme et il la façonner a sa propre façon eux ils on procrier le shemal et l on faconer a leur propre façon ou a leur propre NATUR gay yy ommo xx
La seul explication de sette act de ses mecrion
Vous ne savaie pas où vous fait semblant de ne pas comprendre ou vous ne compreniez rien de NATUR ou vous ne savaie rien comme toujour
Ou vous ete associer de ne butain ou partenair des partages de nos gains complice de ses devision de nous biens et pour centrage de nos entreprises prive par action prive et privat ou de nos proprieter capitalist ou de tout nos patrimoines par mariage blanc ou la veuf noir .
Par les kid star ou les kid sport ou kid music 07 art ou kid cinema ou kid beauté ou kid haut coutur ou kid model ou kid top model ou kid lolly porno star ou kid play-boy ou kid esclave sexuel ou kid streptism ou kid lingerie ou kid bikini ou kid zoo ou kid adobtif ou kid mariage pour tous ou kid x ou kid s.n.p ou kid orphelain
Mais kid batar imposible illégal irrégulier vitro
Et tout vitro est de fécondation extern par une mere poretteus du même group SonGain O+
Sauf on cas de sélection ou sterilletee ou cas sexuaulogic ou cas ginnicologic ou cas medical
Sauf au établissement special experte et prof
Non j amais des vitros batar des put des bordel ou prostetuee ou pornographe ou fornecatif
Des cabinets médical ou des clinic l aboratoir
Et consue que pour se usage de naisance prematutie ou des opération pharmacetic medical ou hospitalière conforme et aguerier
Sauf que il y avait une introduction infiltration ou ingerence de sabotage de ginocid des vitros ou des bébés des fetus et des ovul féconder et du spermatozoïde ou detournement et vol ou vengense et hostelitee meprie haine racisme et rancune ou guerre froid contre sette selection
Contre la fondation phillippe petain ou le marechal petain ou les collabo les nazi les germanic les guauloi les français de la deusiemme guerre mondial d olocost de déportation de tortur d ampresonment et ginocid
Ginocid ginocid des meurtres des bebe vitro
Assacinat fetus de 03 mois celulles imcompler
Assacinat fetus de 06 mois cellules complet
Assacinat nouresent d extraiction de sang vif
Assacinat des enfant par olocost déportation tortur noyades décapitations égorgement pondisent écrasement par voitur et jeté des haut atetud et tout jore de crim masonist sionist terroriste que les califat on timonier on live web
Sans les crim non résolut ou les meurtre classer contre x ou les assacinat non declarer et inconu
Et comment quatre million huit cent mille bebe vitro de naisance acistee de mete porteus desparue dans la natur fabriquer par le conseil de l europ ou l europ de paris ou de la belgic c.e
J ai gonfler le chiffre de 50 cinquante millions mais non 05 millions de vitro de 05 millions de mères porteus de 05 millions de mères d ovul de 05 million de pères de spermatozoïde ou de plusieurs repetetif ou d un seul sélectif et s est la question que j ai commander a leur poser a la C.E ou le conseil de l europ de starbourg on 1995 et oui se n est d aujourdhuit s est de 1985 de la constitution du magreb arab ou la séparation du magreb du nord afric par la reconstitution de l europ de phillippe petain le roi et Phillippe petain el malik hacenne 02 de 03 el hacenne ismaielle le chaoui et le berber au m 06vle Sahraoui et targuait ou twareg d AKHEMOUKHE tinehinane ou tinehinoun de tinahinane de nut bush de tenessee de holywoodlog de la republic de la CALIFORNI de la nasa du PONTAGONE DU MARECHAL PHILLIPPE PETAIN DU PLANT COSMOS DE RADIO TELEVISION DES 07 COULEUR ULTRAVIOLET DES 07VMERVEILLE DU MONDE DES 07 CONTINENTS DES 07 FAMILLES DES 07 METIERS ET DES 07 ART
allor 05+05+05= 15 millions d un 01 seul celibat
Et plus par le partage des bénéfices et la devision des interet et les credit de consomation et les pret des progrès et les budget et subvention des vitros de naisance acistee des mères porteus et des mere des ovul du même porte celibatere du spermatozoïde O+
1985/1995 C.E STARBOURG comme (mouhammed el moussaddek) des droit de l jommr et des libertés et (Kahli mohamed saddek) des droit des animaux bio et les vert et les écolo (k.m.s chez bouguerra khaoukha Kahli zbd el madjid) c.n.e.p 1 et étage n : 023 chez DJO. OU MAN FRERE KIF KIF MOUSSADDEK.
100 lgs roiyal el malik l emir abd el kadre guelma
Enobat promotion maleki Ahmed l akhedaria de la maternelle EL YASMINES DE(MALKI amesaedia ou el charif el batni ouvchaebani ahmed p.t.t/t.c.a )mobelis ou Mobil euro new bouig tele com de gaule et l orog djezy et nedjma nord afric TELE COM NAPPO MOBIL ET MOBELIS L ORONG DE L AFRIC DU NORD
Jabanet l ihoud enrico marcias farguani rymond
Et EL AHRASES L Mééddééttéérràànnée 23501
Et bloc : 02 et 03 étages n : 08 mohamed el moussaddek promotion malik DE (akherichi karima) de la mediteranienne les palmie cam el kadre des affair mediteranneennes et le palmie ou centre d affaire mediterannee boudmelinnes el hatab 02 air france et air waiys et air aigle azur et air bus D AIR BUS TASSILLI DES PALMIES NON DU PALMIE D OR EL AHRAS W 23501
Et oui depuit 1975 de la mort de ma vraie mere
Et de 1970 de la mort de tantan ou l interimat
Et de 1978 de la mort de man titulaire boumedienne et HAOUARI et boukarouba bouguerra de anis de cinema chahrazed première dame d algerie 1965 a 1978 assacina
De 1979 la première dame d algerie ben djadid
De 1979 l assacina de tina par Ikea turner o.a.s
1982 france de la Drôme de romon de Valence
33 rue l armminnerie du jac mare de l amiraute
1989 Marseille nice canne toulon anatol france
1991 mont paradis de holywool de pant du l ass
1994 citee 240 OGM zafrania chez el hacenne el annabi d el bounni de bananier hamid de bikini de jabanete l ihoud de 08 mais 1945/11.12.
De l alimantation general o.m & halera annaba
De 188 log de 08 mais 1945 du 13 mais 1958 B
De 1995 de 1986 de 1987 encobat 1988 casnos
Et moi on corespendanse par le p.t.t du coque
10.000 letre on chiffre et on letre c.e strasbourg
Du trafic des vitros select 1960 nord afric et 1980 selectif el acheballe et 1990 les focus et p.m.a 2000 de la banque worms de banque c.n.e.p des Ardennes de la societee general du nord afric de bone du cœur d annaba de bone de hipponne de la banque de phillippe rotshelchild de phillippe petain de charle phillippe de l emperatris elisabete 03 de la grand bretagne de phillippe 06 d espagne et portugal de phillippe 06 de la belgic et holond et Phillippe 06 chanel de luxenbourg et Monaco de mohamed 06 et monsieur oum keltoum 06 le deusiemme frère du roi du magreb le chef d etat major des armmee du maroc ou magreb arab et de phillippe de gaule phillippe de france et d algerie de petain de phillippe séguin de Tunisie et liby et de Villiers et de ville pain s.n.p
Allor un trafic de vitro trafic hummain trafic d identetee trafic de prestig armmee et noble x
Allor les 05 millions plus 05 million de mere porteuses binivolat des 05 millions de mere d ovul de la c.e de strasbourg des medsains sans frantiere de l oms ou OMC des twins de New York de la bours wayt strit des assurences de vie ou medical de la sante ou de tout risque de la croix rouge de l hummanitee de l U.s.a du pontagone de Washington du président trompette de taj mahel des républicains juif sionist masonist raciste ou L IMPERIALIST
Responsable des crim contre les vitros les mères porteus et mere d ovul et pere naturel x
Un trafic creminel indirect d illemination des vitros americain ou d u.s.a des ventes des cellules vierge des fetus avortee de 03cmois incomplet et cellules vierge de 06 mois complet
Et du sang vif vierge des bébés nourrissent vito
Et plus deux million des bébés star de holywood
Et deux million des bebe star de canne monaco
Et dix million de holywood d indou chine asiatic
dix million des latinos d americ nord centre sud
Et deux million de l australi ou des illes pacefic
la total de cinquante ou cinque million vitro x
tout ses hames humaines introuvable inconnu
Exploiter par l organisation mondial de la sante
Et S est pour sa il ya des nombreux faux riche x
De ses crimes contre l humanitee ou les vitros d U.s.a interne et externe des associations mondial d el oumouma wa el toufola ou d egyptolog et oui la vraie cause des printents arab des premiers dame du sommet malta et rome d elisabete 03 de la grand bretagne d U.k
Se n est pas que ce trafic des cellules vierg vito
Meme du sans contaminer du cotona sida liby
Et des restes des déchets nucliair anterer la et valeur et sur tout dans le disere ou le sahara
Confidence pour confidence j ai manter la filière jusqu a la californie d ORGANISATION star de holywood du président trompette de l humanitee ET oui le responsable de l humanitee et l ametier américaine et d u.s.a de new york p.p.d de donald rygane du palaix rouge et donald du taj mahel Obama ou Michel djaxane
De bill Clinton et de hylarie Clinton ou de bouche 01 et 02 du 322 du centre de kennyddi
De qui ou de quoi de leur droit et cridit de consomation ou pret et budget et subvention x
De mes compt du coffre fore de retshelchild
Le vraie selui qui a été assaciner dans sont cofre ou dans le grand armoire ou stockage des fortunes des objet presieux et bijoux et l argent selui qui a vondue tout pour acheter un vaire d eaux tuer dans sont propre cofre info ou intox
Info soit disent perdue chez lui parmi sont trezore dans sont propre cofre fore perdu ou oublier pendant 15 joures et nuit fermer a l interieur sans aucun essu ou axer a l exterieur pendant 15 jour non rettrouvue et tout le monde le cherche ses body gard sa securetee ses gard corp ses agents secret sont antourage ses directeurs etant le p.d.g sont bureaut etant le chef sa direction etant le proprietre et ses agents sa secrétaire ses epous ses enfants ses gendres ses niesses ses associees ses partenaires ses investiseur ses banquiers ses caissier et ses clients tous nul lui a retrouver et lui coinser dans sont trezore comme un rat s est sont czractere de se cacher dans ses cachette comme l idioligie des rat a chaque foi il compt et recompte se qui on voler au autres ou leur butain.
Bref vous croiyez a cette mise on scene blague.
Ou la banque worms de banke rock fileur d U.s.a
Et puit la banque worms de banque rotshelchild
Et puit la banque de phillippe Mouris ou petain
De la banque mère suice des credit fenoncier x
S est simple se n est qu un héritage et exploitation par les kid de naisance acistee des especesxon voie de desparution desparue deja
Deja desparue les 05 millions vitro des 07 art et 07 merveilles du monde et des 07 continent des 07 coleures ultraviolet et des 07 couleur gay ommo et shemal et sex FTM 3 DE TELABIB
Et des 07 g des 07 ASS shivas lolly x porno juif
De VIP CINEMA VIP 3D x phillippe rotshelchild
Allor la dernière avertissement des star pontain
pion star jeux echec a l onglais robain des boix
Ou posture de ses affaires culleturel de com de télé com et sport ou tourisme et hoteltie voyage
Non la Marine ni maretine ni pêche ni culletur
Perle de culletur et corail ou cultur physic et sex
echange culturel échange.com téléphone rose
echange tele com web ou net.TV bone music
Echange couple sexuel a la casrool bi sex ommo
Echange s.m.s compt star ou carte visa star p.t.t
Allor que tout les star de holywood se retirent de sette sect culleturel et com ou echange culleturel tele com ou culletur et pêche ou perle de culletur et corail ou culletur physic et sexuel
Avant peut eter maitnant crim organesie bebe star holywood et holywood et eurowood et africowood et australiwood et pol nord et sud Woody car s est organisation creminel sabotage detournement escrocrie arnaque commerce echange affair besnes is besnes dollar wait strit des bebe vitro de naisance acistee des mères porteus et des mères d ovul et du même père des espeses on voie de desparution desparue
Tout nos condelience a tous et selicetation oms
Des consureux consureux des sidaic sidaic du diabète diabète de l anmie anémie et apolio Apolio novel besnes des star comme novel afair d omc et d OMC et washintone de New York d unicef d unicco de la bours wait strit twins new
Des sans abris sans abris des réfugier réfugié des cinestric des cinestric des feut de foret feut de foret par exemple 04 milliards $ dolar australien ou 04 milliards ₩ pour l australi des feut de foret ou pour les pompiers de New York protection civil de telabib de crous ou kofman x
Comme par exemple 02 milliards € euro ou 02 milliards $ dolar pour la famine ou les fains des confinement du corona virus sida covid 19 de la CALIFORNI de l animie de berboza ou Rihanna
Comme l autre des iletric ou igniorence les alphabetic ou les non culleturel du livre de la bibliothec informatic de placecdavinchi du palaix de l ouvre de la pyramid cristal diamond de la monalysa sondrila ou Cendrillon prn xy s3
Blague pour achete des tailleurs des robes des veitment de la haute couture du maquiage des pafaind des shopping par le sang des bebe star pour poser model top model d ari poteure 1/2/3
S est sa le besnes des pauvres maisirables star
Les noveus Bourgois de holywood s.n.p et batar
Les faux riches voleur et voleus de holywood x
Helas manipulation machination manigance malfaitism maniaque mauvaise malsaint malain
Dieux merci qu il on exister l equilubre les jestufier ou les braves et les serviteur de dieux
Au sain d eux comme eux ou pareil et plus meme et de plus mais dans le bon sens les gent de l onbre non le mouvait sens des pion et pontain ou homme de paille et clinex mouchoir
La on parle ni de sex ni sexy ni sexualiter ni pornographie ni film x ni autres rapport sex xx ou yy ou x yyyyyyyyyyyyy ou y xxxxxxxxxxxxx
On juge rien ni personne se qui se prostetue un jour prostetue toujour avec sa ou ca la ou laba x
On sont fou des fou folle acro drogue alcoolique
Des cridit de consomation des pret des detted
D organisation criminel et acosiation malfaiteur
Je vous racompte une hictoir vraie et reel bref
On commanse par djames brawan d egypyolog
Apret lui michel djaxane de Tunisie et snoob
Doog de Tunisie d egypt et du maroc et canne
Et ginni-fere lopez d egyptolog et du maroc
Et byoncy Rihanna Shakira de idriss de la Libye
Mais vous ne remarquer pas que nul d eux a visiter l algerie comme sa on a compris l otong des juif donc le tele com de france et de la nasa
Car la preuv que l algerie et sous control juif sionist par les star juif ou les piers noir judaic
plus regnier par la famille berkine 01 de la princes 02 de l empreur gainsbourg famille juif
Comme on.usa reignier par widdi alene du princec bob dilane du baron Travolta le juif
Comme la famille deep du cinema americainne
De la princes vandisa paradis du roi djony tenessee du rock and ROOL de la queen tina
rock and ROOL de madonna la princes queen
Mais non s est les juif qui on seignier sur les star
Comme la famille les khardashien de tous blag
Une la queen porno amateur une la miss mond une top model et une model de maquillage une de la beautee et une de la haut coutur juif bref
Mais sette conbinesent de trafic de marketing star ou sport et 07 beaut art et cinéma et porno
Du couple normalmant bibers Justin c.g.mortz
Et David Beckham 02 et gomez vanisa paradis deep fack de 20 c.g.m et plus les lolly x donald
Un koktel de trafic novel d unicef unicco fifa
Je man fou de se qui est on usa s est entre usa
Mais se qui entre la CALIFORNI et Monaco de canne par Paris de bruxel de l rirop du nord afric
s elles des réfugiées dans abrie et domicile fixe
S elle de la famine ses sous alimantie d animie
Et selle des illaitries des alojabetic non cultuvie
Tous de Paris comme d'autres pour le compt juif
Mais se qui me conserne des livres et bibliothec de prix culleturelle francophonec de parix de la pionne d albere de charle de phillippe d elisabet anglophone la porno star imma watson de parix
Exemple sex selebrities hot celeb HAREM celeb
S elle la l autre ou une autre de la même star xx
livre de paris bibliothec de paris sex shoop bd x
Blocage par holywood des esclaves sexuel anglais ou de la grand bretagne ou u.k breton
Note s est vous voulez les vraies nom et compt secret il faut nous payer # NAPPO I.C.i/SAC top
Alerte au star idiot con et connasse holywood
Se n est pas un enjeux d un million de dolar $/€
président Donald trompette saxon ou armonica
Vous ete la serise des millions milliards billion $
Des trillions €/$ car vous les faites fonctionner pat defaux par faux usage de faux par forbie par frod falcifecation et facture payee et formation
Culleturel ou artistic actrisse et miss star porno
Et pour deux qui nous sabote face book Instagram et maintenant trumblr copiage ou imetztion kif kif pour supi pas un fille équitable benefic pour nous deux 60/40 e.p.a impot et fidc maréchal d U.s.a et empreur roiyal sultanic chirif ou noble et capital des sociétés du nucliair atomic armmemment menution et matrielle de guerre de terre de la marine de l air d espac x
Pour quoi pas une intrepitation amecainphone lingustic non academic ou traduction de ses sujet d info literair de droit d œuvre personel et association ecrivain libre plut ligal que cridible
Car on détecte toute anomalie tout le mond espionne tout le monde se n est qu un temp clo
Avant de mareter je rigole de ma mere qu elle ne saie rien de quesque j ai ou je suis ou quoi queen star cinema ou queen rock and ROOL07 art music sul bleus de paris ou de Washington ni d almagne ni Danemark de londre de charle
Et tout mes honneurs au brav mort ou vivant
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******* H U G O 02 *******
3 notes · View notes
sptribeiro · 1 year
AVATAR - The Dirt I'm Buried In (Official Music Video)
0 notes
bissexualmen · 4 years
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6 notes · View notes
twixnmix · 6 years
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The Jimi Hendrix Experience at the Marquee Club in London on March 2,1967.
839 notes · View notes
ozymndx · 4 years
mixed KISS vinyl lp lot *READ* Love Gun Peter Criss Ace Frehley Rock Roll Over
0 notes
i want it to be like, messy
3 notes · View notes
atomsplit · 7 years
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This flashback sequence was set back in the late fifties or early sixties. I used two movies for reference on the thugs set in that time. One is called The Outsiders and the other is called Rumble Fish. They’re both great movies and are based on books by S.E. Hinton.
2 notes · View notes
dangerkeith3000x · 5 years
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The SEX Symbol of the South, Elmer Fudpucker Sr., LIVE IN CONCERT.
9 notes · View notes
fighterraven · 3 years
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Fossil fighters representation in Smash.
Hey I'd like to share my ideas on Fossil Fighters Repentantion in Smash Starting with the Fighter, Hunter Himself.
With Hunter's child body, Hunter would be around the same weight as Young Link and would have the standard 2 jumps. Below average damage out put and low knock back attacks except for his specials
Gimmicks: FP, Vivisaur swap.
By pressing Down Special, Hunter will gain FP depending on how long you stand in your charging position. If you get hit at any point you will earn half FP, you will also earn half FP if you jump or shield at any point during the charge. To earn your full FP, simply hold down Special for 2 seconds. The max is 500 FP. Hunter will have a Shield Special. In this special he will be able to swap Vivisaurs and change his Special moves on the fly. Neutral Special will be represented by the AZ, the side Special will be represented by the left SZ Vivisaur and up Special will be represented by the right SZ Vivisaur. Now on to the longest part of the post.
Hunter will have a menu system, similar to Hero. Holding down the special the button will make the Vivisaur stand there until you press the button again. The Vivisaur will stay summoned for 5 seconds. This means you can Combo into special attacks if used correctly.
Special 1: Spinax.
Spinax Fang: cost 50 FP.
Spinax shove: cost 100 FP.
Cyclone: cost: 220 FP.
Harden: Cost: 50 FP. Effect: decrease how much % Hunter receives and increases his weight by 1.2 × 
Special 2 Tricera.
Running Smash: cost: 50. Holding the button after move is executed will have Hunter ride Tricera.
Tricera uppercut: cost:  80 FP
Tricera dive bomb: cost 120 FP.
Enflame: cost 50 FP. Effect: Hunter's damage and knock back increase 1.1 ×
Special 3. Ptera.
Ptera Carry: cost 50 FP.
Prera summon: cost. 70 fp. Effect: causes opponents to instantly go near wherever Hunter is but the Opponent loses their shield for 15 seconds.
Ptera send off: cost all FP. Effect: Ptera will carry the opponent to the top of the screen for a KO. The more FP you have when you use this skill, the harder it'll be to mash out. For example if you use this skill at low FP it'll be easy to escape even at high percents and if you use it at high FP, it'll be hard to escape even at low percent. 
Special 4. Krona.
Krona Bite: cost 100: FP. Holding the special button will have Hunter Ride Krona
Snapping jaws: Cost: 200 FP. Holding down the button will cause Hunter to ride Krona 
Whirlpool: cost: 300 FP.
Law of the Jungle: cost 50 FP. Effect: Hunter will be at 100 % in exchange, Hunter's attacks will be amplified by the amount of percent you use this attack at. For example if you use this attack at zero % you get a 2 × increase to knock back and damage but use it at 50 %, Hunter will only receive a 1.5 × boost to his offenses. This skill's amplification will be increased as Hunter loses stocks, so at 0 % at one stock lost, Hunter will gain 3 × offenses and at 2 stocks lost, he will gain 4 × offenses. This move cannot be used to heal Hunter.
Special 5.  Paraloph.
Fist Jab Cost 100 FP
Dino Uppercut. Cost 150 FP
Paraloph Rush. Cost 220 fp
Special 6. Stego.
Spike tail. Cost 50 FP
Whirling Dash 100 cost FP
Wind Spines cost 150 fp.
Harden cost 50 FP.
Special 7. T-Rex. 
Tyrant's Roar cost 100 FP. AoE move
Tyrant's tail. Cost 150 FP.
Tyrant's flame. cost. 300 fp.
Special 8. Maia.
Dainty Punch. Cost 60 FP.
Null Song. Effect: increases Hunter's Shield size.
Healing song. Recovers Hunter's Percentage.
Healing Chorus. Heals all allies by 80 %
For Kirby, he will obtain whatever Vivisaur is in the "AZ" slot whenever he inhales Hunter and obtains his copy ability.
Normal moves
Jab. 2 punches and a pick swing.
F tilt.  Over head pickaxe swing.
Down Tilt. Fossil Dropping. Effect: 40 % trip.
Up Tilt. Upward pickaxe swing.
N Air:  Cartwheel.
F Air: Same as Cloud's only not as laggy and without the spike.
Back Air: Same as Joker.
D Air. Same as Ike's. 
Smash attacks.
F Smash: Same as Ike's 
Down Smash: Same as Mario's.
Up Smash: Same As Ike's. 
Hunter will have 2 grabs the standard grab and Kl33-N by holding Grab. Hunter can use Kl33-n as long as he has FP and Kl33-n can only go on stage, so no off stage grabs. And the longer Kl33n goes, the more FP he'll use. For example if your opponent is on the opposite side of Final Destination it will cost you 200 FP for Kl33-n to grab the opponent.
Pummel: Hit with bottom of pickaxe. Kl33-n will pinch the opponent.
Forward Throw. Hunter will angrily throw the opponent over head.
Down throw. Hunter will drill down his opponent.
Up throw. Hunter Will headbutt his opponent. 
Final Smash ideas.
Idea #1. Giga hammer: Hunter will pull out the control panel that Kl33-N stands in front of and Hunter will have 30 seconds to hammer his opponent. Any opponent above 60 will result in a screen K.O.
Idea #2. Giga Spinax. Hunter will charge into the opponent and summon Giga Spinax. 
Idea #3. Team attack: whenever you have 3 Vivisaurs of the same type, your AZ Vivisaur will charge into the opponent and and blast them with their team skills.
Idea #4. Frigi and Igno: Hunter will charge into the opponent and summon Frigi and Igno. Frigi will freeze the opponent and Igno will use all 3 of his attacks and fry the opponent it by Hunter throwing the opponent on Igno.
Alts idea #1. All the Alternative outfits in the original Fossil Fighters.
Alts Idea #2.  Different Characters throughout the series. Like alt #2. Could be Dino, alt #3 Could be Dina #4 Could be Rosie, #5 Could be Nick Nack, #6  Could be Dr. Diggins, #7 Could be Saur Head, #8 Could be Holt.
Up Taunt: Hunter will dig up a rock. Each chance of finding a differently colored rock will be 25 % and neutral will be a 10 % chance find.
Side Taunt: Hunter will access the VMM
Down Taunt: Hunter will enter stone sleep.
Victory jingle and Victory poses[This|https://youtu.be/yaa1p6_IReA]
Victory pose #1 High fiving Spinax.
Victory pose #2. Teleporting out of the battle.
Victory pose #3. Riding the boat out of battle.
How Hunter will enter the battle field.
Depending on if there's water in the stage, he will depart of a boat, otherwise he Ptera will carry him in the battlefield.
Stage idea.
Dig Site Tour.
You will start out in the Fighter Area, and after 10 seconds you will board a platform and you will go to GreenHorn Plains and after another 10 seconds, you will go to the Knotwood Forest and so on and so forth. The last digsite is Coldfeet Glacier. The battlefield version of the stage will take place in the Fossil Stadium and the FD Version will take place on the Starship.
songs that will be used:
Digsite medley.
Fossil Fighters title theme.
A Rock version of the Level up preliminary and level up battle theme.
A heavy metal version of Bulwort's theme.
A jazz version of Rosie's theme.
Dynal encounter and Dynal theme done by a Choir.
Guhnash's theme but heavy metal.
Spirit Board.
Rosie: Conditions. The enemy will run away.
Opponent(s). Peach.
Dr. Diggins.
Opponents: Byleth.
Beth:  Conditions the enemies' will attacks will poison.
Opponent(s): Isabel.
Holt: Opponent(s): Young Link.
Nevada:  Conditions: enemy favors Foward tilts.
Enemy favors Foward Smash
Mcjunker: Conditions: enemy is metal.
Opponent(s): King K. Rool.
Nick Nack: Conditions: enemy is attracted to items.
Opponents: Wario.
BB Trio: 
Opponent(s): Wario, Palutena and Duck Hunt.
Opponents: Snake.
Spirit evolves.
Bullwort: (BB Boss.) 
Effect: All items gravitate to the player.
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jacscorner · 3 years
Fox McCloud of Kongo Bongo Part 3
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Part two can be read here.
The rocking of the Kremling Slave ship was enough to lull any kritter to sleep. Under the blanket of the night, with the soft light of moon and stars, Kremlings could rest easy. Especially with their Kong prisoners secure in their cells. For the Kremling Krew aboard, the night was peaceful. By the morning, they'd arrive on Krokodile Island and would be rewarded handsomely by King ; both for delivering to him a competent combatant for the Fight Pit, but also cause they were escorting the freshly captured, and very beautiful Tiny Kong, who'll be yet another jewel for the king of crocodiles.
Save for Captain Kutlass.
He was a Blue Kremling; Kutlass gave a low groan as he sharpened his namesake against the whetstone as he sat at the table of his room. The Captain's Chambers had much more furnishing than the bunkers and rooms that crewmen used, and much better than the prisons the prisoners endured. The Blue Kremline were a rare subspecies of Kremling, larger than most naturally and Kutlass was a large Kremling. Muscles bulged from his body as he sat there in candlelight. Besides his candle was a small device, similar to that of a tablet that was lying beside it.
Captain Kutlass tried to be calm, but he was anxious. He did his best to just sharpen his sword and not notice the time passing, but he felt he could hear the ticking of a clock that wasn't there. His teeth started to grind against themselves, but he lifted his sword up to examine the blade. If he sharpened it anymore, the blade would be too frail to use. He felt sweat trickle down his neck, waiting for the call to finally come.
Kutass nearly jumped out of his chair. His heart skipped a beat as his sword dropped to the floor. His blue scales were starting to turn pale, but the sea captain grabbed the tablet and pressed a button. The screen flashed, a green scaled crocodile was staring him in the eye, one eye bloodshot and twitchy. Kutlass could make out the golden crown and crimson cape hanging off his shoulders, but the sole, red eye was all he needed to know who he was talking to.
The leader of the Kremlings; King K. Rool.
"My liege." Kutlass managed to say, giving a bow to the crocodile on the screen. "Captain Kutlass at your service."
King K. Rool's scales were a murky green color. A wide grin began to curl onto his lips. "Good evening, Captain~" He sounded so jovial, but Kutlass knew that the mood of his king could change at the drop of a hat. "Sorry to be calling you so late. It's just that your afternoon report had me so curious. Naturally, I thought I'd like to hear about it personally."
"Naturally, my liege. Of course." Kutlass hated to grovel like this. It was beneath him; even beneath that of an Orange Kremling. But he was smart enough to swallow his pride, as opposed to swallowing his tongue. "Is this about the fox I had mentioned in my message."
"Yes, yes, that exactly." K. Rool chuckled, "you're quite the lucky Kremling, Kutlass. You capture one of the four Kong Apostles that was under my greatest enemy. You smoke out Tiny Kong and her little Kong gang rebellion. And now you're hauling to me more trinkets from the sky and captured the pilot inside. You'll retire a very rich Kremling, my friend."
"Thank you, thank you. Your praise is too much for me." Kutlass said, smiling warmly at his king. It took all of his willpower not to snap his jaws at the screen, but he endured the humiliation. "This 'gift' from the sky, however, the fox. He's a wily one. I do not think this one will be as cooperative as the last one."
"Oh, that matters very little to me." King K. Rool rolled his eyes, "whether he wants to cooperate with me or not matters so little that it's laughable. But your report, the condition of ship looked." A picture of the Arwing appeared on the screen, battered and bruised and within the haul of Kutlass' ship. "Its parts look salvageable."
"That was a ship...?" Kutlass grumbled under his breath, but K. Rool heard him.
"Never mind that!" His sudden snapping made Kutlass snap back at attention. "I don't care what happens to the fox. Feed him to Kritters! Sell him to a Fight Pit! Eat him if you want. But that flying ship; if it's not delivered to my castle personally along with Tiny Kong and Dread Kong, you'll be working in a factory with the Kongs!"
Kutlass dryly swallowed the lump in his throat. The King of Kremlings was still knots away, but he felt as though he was right in front of him, with a clawed hand around his neck.
"Am I clear?"
"I said 'am I clear', Kutlass?!"
His scales were turning white like a sheet, but the Kremling managed to nod his head. "C-crystal clear, sir!"
"That's good, that's good." K. Rool grew a new smirk on his face, a low chuckle flying from the back of his throat.
"Will...will that be all?" Kutlass asked. He waited anxiously for K. Rool to answer when the ship violently started to shake.
"What was that?!" K. Rool demanded as Kutlass felt his heart bang against his ribs.
"Uh, let me get back to you, sir!" Kutlass hurried to say as he picked his sword up off of the ground. "Y-you know how it is. Duty calls!"
"Kutlass! Answer-"
Against his better judgement, Kutlass had shut off the tablet. King K. Rool was going to chew him out, but that was nothing when compared to the current crisis that was apparently happening right under his nose! Kutlass stormed to the door and forced it open, just in time to see his seamen dashing down the hall past his quarters. Once he saw an Orange Kremling darting by, the large Kremling grabbed him by the throat and lifted the scrawny croc up to his snout.
"What's the meaning of this?!"
"Th-the prisoners." The Kremling managed to choke out as he was literally being choked out.
"Tell me something I don't know!"
"N-no, Captain! Th-they've escaped! I-it's a mutiny!"
Kutlass stared blankly at the Orange Kremling, stunned into silence when he heard that final word. 'Mutiny'. It echoed in his head again and again. He dropped the Kremling onto the wooden floor before giving a loud shriek, piercing the heavens above the ship's roof. "Mutiny?! MUTINY?!"
With cutlass in hand, the sea captain darted through the halls of the lower deck. This couldn't be happening; he told himself that this was just some kind of prank being pulled by his crew. He was swearing to every form of creation that when he reached the top deck, someone was getting the nine-tails! But as he got closer to the deck, he could definitely here that something was happening. Raygun firing and sword clashing was echoing through the ship. Now Kutlass was horrified; was it really a prison revolt?! He was so close to Krokodile Island; K. Rool would have his scales if he sailed up to shore and told him that his prizes had escaped!
Giving a loud kick, he forced his way onto the top deck. His eyes were wide, stunned in silence as he watched the carnage. The Kongs truly did escape their cages! Large Apes were barreling into their Kong oppressors, snatching the rayguns and swords off their downed enemies and promptly using them now that they were armed! Monkeys climbed the ropes and mast, a raygun in each of their hand-like feet as they rained laser fire from above. Swordfights between startled Kremlings and readied Kongs ended when the Kongs disarmed their reptile opponent and ran their razor through their torso.
His eyes were flashing with crimson as he looked at the display. He growled, taking his sword and racing into the fray. The captain made an executive decision as he took his blade and ran it through the spine of a Kong as his scream broke through the crowd like thunder. The first thing on his mind; find Tiny Kong or Dread Kong. He was sure that one of them had sparked this rebellion! The Kremling was sure that if they were dead, then the Kongs would lose their morale! K. Rool would be aggravated at him for not bringing such trophies alive, but at least them being dead would be better than them escaping!
A Kong noticed Kutlass, pointing a raygun at him, but the Kremling captain was quick and able to cut the Kong's hand right off by the wrist. Crimson flashed against his eyes as the hand went flying into the air. Kutlass watched it rise and fall as the crocodile swordsman looked and saw it fall along with the ape that owned it.
Then, he saw her.
Tiny Kong had just cut down a Kremling with her own sword, panting heavily under the red moonlight, blocking another attempt at her life from a Kremling's sword. Sparks were flashing in front of her, but Kutlass couldn't see anything else but her. The noise around him had turned silent. His grimace had turned more sour as he bared fangs, containing his roar and keeping it down to a muffled growl.
He moved swiftly and without hesitation. Dashing for Tiny Kong with his sword ready, prepared to swing it from on high and cut her head right off. He was seeing visions of seeing Tiny's head drop onto the floor boards and roll away like a coconut, but his dreams of grandeur were stopped when a loud 'BANG' cut through the silence of his little world.
A raygun shot! It was fired right at his feet and forced him to back away to evade. Recovering his breath, he looked to where he was sure the shot came from, but didn't see anyone even look at him. Did he imagine it among the chaos? The thought crossed his mind, but then, he looked up. Kutlass watched as he saw the fox from this morning begin to swing down from the mast, raygun in one hand as he continued to fire shots at the Kremling.
Kutlass roared as he backed away, bringing up his namesake and deflected another shot. But then, another blast of hot energy hit his hand. He shouted as he felt his scales boil and he dropped his burning sword. It landed and clanged into the floor boards before the fox dropped from above and landed the sole of his metal foot right in the captain's chest. He lost the air from his lungs as he was knocked onto the floor of the deck.
Landing on the deck of the ship, the fox pointed his raygun at the downed Kremling. He looked at the smirk on the tod's face, which made the Kremling's blood boil. He was starting to see red as this stranger from the sky casually walked over to the downed captain.
"Allow me to introduce myself properly." He spoke, tightening his grip on his raygun. It was hard to hold it; clearly, it was made for hands much bigger than his own. It was bulky, looking like a flintlock pistol that modified and had a tesla tube on its side. For a Kremling, this was a handgun that one would quickly pull out of a holster, similar to his blaster. But for Fox, it was a hand-cannon that was had to get used to carrying around.
"My name is Fox McCloud. And now, you have two options." Fox kept his finger on the trigger as he stared Kutlass down. "Call off your men and surrender your ship. I'm sure you can see that you're losing, so give up now and I'll see to it your life is spared."
With a sudden scream that caught Fox a bit off guard, Kutlass grabbed the sword out of a dead Kremling's hand and threw it at Fox. Taken aback, Fox barely had the time to dodge as his heavy raygun was knocked right out of his hand. It went flying across the ship's deck. Fox wanted to run for it, but Kutlass had already grabbed another sword from his fallen comrade and decided to take out his anger on the vulpine pilot; hopping to his feet, he made another mad dash, but now had his sword prepared to cut Fox to ribbons. K. Rool be damned, he'd be getting this fox in pieces!
Fox, however, was quick and nimble. Kutlass' wide swing cut nothing but air as Fox ducked under the blade. He swiftly did a backflip to avoid another cut of the blade's edge. He landed next town a downed Kong, bleeding profusely as he gave a weak grunt.
"Take...please..." The Kong said weakly, holding up his arm and handing Fox his sword. Fox glanced at the dying Kong, nodding before he took the sword from his limp grip, all while Kutlass was racing after him like an angry bull.
With his knowledge of swordfighting being nonexistent, Fox was forced to imitate what he had been seeing for the last few hours. And with the flurry of sparks and blood, it wasn't much, but he managed to parry the incoming swings of the relentless Captain Kutlass, evading any other swift swings but whiskers on his face. Heart racing, Fox managed to steal the air for him to breath as he continued to evade the best he could. He'd feel himself lose his breath as he watched his jacket get cut up by the cutlass. Every step had to be precise or he'd be losing more than just a piece of cloth, but each swing got closer and closer to turning his green suit red; or, at least, what was left as Kutlass continued to tear it to ribbons.
"Hold still, damn you!" Kutlass shouted as Fox continued to back away. With each swing missed, Fox began to get used to the weight of the sword. As Fox stopped another blow from running scarlet, Fox was starting to tighten his wide arm swings. Learning how to fight with a sword on the spot was something Fox never thought he'd have to do, but he was always a quick study.
Nimbly hopping away from another swing, Fox landed on the railing of the ship. He was short of breath, but so was Kutlass. He was snarling and growling as he pulled his arm back for another wide swing. He roared as he swung again.
Instead of meeting Fox's blade, he used his metallic leg to block the incoming attack. Kutlass tried to bring back his arm, but Fox was already swinging his arm down. Blood flew from the Kremling's shoulder blade as he gave a painful howl. He stumbled back, choking on his own screams as Fox jumped right for the crocodile and swung himself, delivering a heavy roundhouse kick to Kutlass' neck. Fox landed on his feet as he watched the Kremling's eyes roll behind his skull as he started to fall onto the floor of the deck.
Fox panted, his ears ringing. He was sure Kutlass had him dead to rights, but he survived. He got ready to get back into the fray of the battlefield, but noticed that the fighting had turned silent. The vulpine looked around and saw that all eyes were on him. Kremling and Kong alike seemed astonished by the act of Fox having successfully bested Kutlass in a swordfight. The tension was so thick that Fox could cut it with a sword.
Taking advantage of the silence, Tiny Kong's voice erupted through the night. "If you Kremlings don't wanna end up like your captain, then drop your weapons!" Fox was left to watch as the various Kremlings began to follow Tiny Kong's demands. Fox couldn't help but feel a bit awkward; a feeling he hadn't felt for such a long time. He was being used as a threat; something that, admittedly, should've been something he was used to. General Pepper had no qualms stopping terrorist attempts with the hanging threat of calling the Star Fox Team.
There was just something about how he alien he felt. On Corneria, there were all sorts of people. Fox might not see, well, another fox for days or weeks at a time, but he knew they existed. And when your team consists of a robot and various representatives of the animal kingdom, it didn't matter if he was the lone fox of the group when Peppy was the lone hare or Fay the lone dog. But among these cheering simians and crestfallen crocodiles, he felt more like an outside, more like a merc, than he ever did in space.
But, at least for now, he could rest easy in knowing that the battle was over. The ship was there's and the Kremlings were now taken hostage. Fox was sure that the 'mission' wasn't finished, but the Pilot-Turned-Commando was just happy that he survived through the night in one piece.
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shhhpost · 4 years
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solukbirgolge · 4 years
Hayat bazen alekte movik movik.
Bazende rock n rool
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hellofmetal · 7 years
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bissexualmen · 4 years
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