#rolf romero
germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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Ecumenical Community Center Kranichstein (1976-80) in Darmstadt, Germany, by Rolf Romero & Lothar Willius
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warningsine · 4 months
The Buildable Downpour
Music changes our walls it twists them inward —It exceeds the edges of the seats and greets itself Shooting coups de grace into the air with a trumpet
(Yes, Armstrong, you’re right it made the night too long, it gave us life with love)
Trumpet that winds the string of my head that is becoming unstrung this very moment in order to speak Un carefully with that certain slight balance
(Ray, lead us with your blind cane through the Dangerous Region of the Mind and surprise us again)
Doll I listen to him for you I fall like a cigarette in my hands lit on fire It’s said that I’m in a trance As if I were coming into your lair
(I’m walking through heaven with you, repeated Jimmie with his feet prepared to dance)
Mute with Limbo and the Sound of Nothing
(You still preach like a preacher, Bubber)
You swallow it whole you who disbelieve that I’m whistling melody with Thelonious Monk and Charlie Parker and all those guys that came tonight to my room with the story about the streetlight like a serenade What do you say? Silence They’re singing
The singular movement of the leaf on a lemon tree put the entire house in motion At ground level a light smoke dissipated the house’s shadows and left, out in the open, the sweet brick of the ancestors The old mahogany chifferobe was all stifled laughter and the soft footfall of gloves The wooden beams of the ceiling and the spider’s bracings trembled like a trapeze artist poised in heat The candle on the altar in the corner was already extinguished and did not move— At the edge and in the center of an adobe wall there were now doors and windows swaying back and forth with dry and monotonous banging The sun had its opening as it waited adding and subtracting upon the shutters and the wicket doors In the fragility of its bonds and the thin rope on which it hung the hammock said yes or no The lone butterfly dashed quickly as high as the pitted and solid bench that sat waiting in the hallway from whence the smoky kitchen made a subtle display of embers and ashes Old pots the deposit of maxims and perfumes Desert of dried grains and florid legumes Firewood already moldy and the rebirth of parasites Sluggish cavity of the fireplace and its allure Plates and cups chipped by the incessant pealing of use Bowls hung on the wall like a hanging question mark Down the patio where the hens leave their marks the three lines and the period fade away walking like a murmur that was nothing more than the brushing and rubbing of naked skins over the grass The sky hung from a high noon that was a grey cloud and many white and blue It was only a plural movement of feet like leaves cut from a plantain tree A singular movement that afternoon but as soon as the lemon tree stood still Everything in that place continued on as before
Strip Tease
At times I think that life goes about taking our clothes off. At least I find myself without that shoe that walked down Seventh Avenue in Bogotá one night that came out of the inside of a time worn thin by waiting; the leather jacket, of dubious origin, came apart against the chairback of the bar where the infidel bohemian waned pale from cheap liquor every night; a shirt that Rolf, the German, hadn’t painted, ended up a dirty rag in an apartment in Valle Abajo; my jeans that died frozen in the treeless highlands above Mérida, their fly still in perfect shape;  my striped t-shirt sported a bullet hole in the chest when I lost sight of it in Puerto La Cruz; my briefs ended up serving as a bed for Agapi, Sebucán’s white cat. It is strange, this life that strips us bare only to dress us up as someone else, time after time.
Heap of Hermits
What a multitude of crosses and signs on the iconostasis of the Church of the Transfiguration in Pantocratoras. Everyone who wrecked his body to fatten up his soul, walks through these heavenly frescos painted by Panselinos: Saint Anthony of Memphis, father of the desert fathers, served God burying himself in the dark life of the caves; Saint Pachomius, model of hermits in the image and likeness of those monks that are today and ever shall be; Saint Macarius the Great, a stigmatic, 60 years in the desert, father of the danse macabre; Saint Paul of Thebes, took up residence in a cave for one hundred years until Saint Anthony, with the help of two lions, buried him in the desert; Saint Moses the Black, a ruffian turned to God and to being monk in the desert; Saint Onuphrius, whose beard reached the ground of this earth and bound him forever in the depths of the cave; Saint Symeon the Stylite, perched forever on a pilaster of five meters, on his left foot one year, on his right foot the next. A rope sunk into the rotten flesh of his body, from which the worms were continually falling: “Eat of that which God has given you” he would tell them, with his blessing; Saint Daniel at his side, like the shadow of the man with no shadow. The long row of hermits and anchorites —Saint Nilus, Saint Ephraim, Saint Moses, Saint Peter the Athonite, Saint Paul of Xeropotamou— becomes lost in the darkness and in the blurred years of the iconostasis but there, with humility and pride are to be found all those who with anguish made a hell of this life, in order to gain a sweet heaven of ripened figs, an open-mouthed eternity stood before God.
It wasn’t because he was historical or Egyptian
It wasn’t because he was historical or Egyptian that the Greek, Constantine Cavafis, forgot that the story begins the very day we are living, and that Alexandria is as much sand as it is sea and wind. In the byzantine countenance of a ephebe he saw the hidden god of the ancients, and in the meanderings of time the same light that illuminates us opened up to him. He knew that his Greek was a language of words that are made in the sea, which, upon emerging, become islands, and through his eyes we saw how joy was dissolved, the pleasure of life itself in this land of millenniums, thanks to the advent of the one god, the god of eyes lifted unto heaven for ascesis and torments.
Translated by Matthew Fehskens
From the book From the Air to the Hand / Del aire a la mano, ArtePoética Press, New York, 2021
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sesiondemadrugada · 6 years
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The Right Stuff (Philip Kaufman, 1983).
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gobqro · 4 years
Acuerdan proyectos culturales Querétaro-Suecia
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En el cierre de actividades de la delegación cultural de la región Västra Götaland de Suecia, Paulina Aguado Romero, secretaria de cultura del estado, se reunió con Daniel Andersson, 1er vice presidente de Cultura Comunitaria; Rolf Malm, oficial de Desarrollo Regional de la Coordinación de Relaciones Internacionales, y Dan Fröberg, encargado de Intercambios de Residencias Artísticas, con quienes refrendó el compromiso de reactivar el acuerdo de colaboración cultural entre Querétaro y Suecia, con el objetivo de impulsar el talento queretano y detonar aportaciones artísticas entre ambas entidades. Por su parte, Daniel Andersson se refirió a su estadía en la capital queretana y los municipios serranos, donde reconoció la riqueza artística y cultural que tiene el estado de Querétaro, luego de visitar los recintos culturales de la ciudad de Querétaro y de los municipios en la Sierra Gorda queretana.
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En la reunión de trabajo se contó con la participación de Arturo Mora Campos, director de Difusión y Patrimonio Cultural, y Gabriel Hörner, director del Museo de la Ciudad. Entre las actividades, la delegación sueca y personal de la SECULT realizaron un recorrido por los espacios culturales, museos y galerías de la Ciudad de Querétaro, participaron en las actividades del 23° aniversario del Museo de la Ciudad, visitaron la Peña de Bernal en el municipio de Ezequiel Montes; la zona arqueológica de Ranas y el Auditorio Casa del Huapango, en el municipio de San Joaquín; la cabecera municipal de Landa de Matamoros, en donde el trío Amanecer Huasteco ofreció una noche de huapango. De igual manera, visitaron el Museo Comunitario de Nuestra Señora del Mar de Herrera, en la comunidad de El Saucillo, Jalpan de Serra; visitaron la Misión Franciscana de la Inmaculada Concepción en la cabecera municipal de Landa de Matamoros; el Museo Histórico de la Sierra Gorda en Jalpan de Serra y la cascada de El Chuveje, en Pinal de Amoles.
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Wohnen+ : von Schwellen, Übergangsräumen und Transparenzen Ulrike WietzorrekBasel u.a. : Birkhäuser, 2014
60s fashion : vintage fashion and beauty ads Jim Heimann [Herausgeber] Hong Kong ; Köln ; London ; Los Angeles ; Madrid ; Paris ; Tokyo : Taschen, 2007
Erschließungsräume : Treppen, Rampen, Aufzüge ; Wegeführung ; Entwurfsgrundlagen Christian Schittich1. Aufl., München : Ed. Detail - Inst. für Internat. Architektur-Dokumentation, 2013
Schnittmuster-Strategie : eine dialogische Entwurfslehre Dagmar Jäger 1. Aufl., Berlin : Reimer, 2008
Szenosphäre & Szenotopie : künstlerische Forschungen zur Raumwahrnehmung und -struktur der Szenografie Ruth Prangen Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2016
Datenbanken : Grundlagen und Design Frank Geisler 4., aktualisierte und erw. Aufl., Heidelberg u.a. : mitp, 2011
Architektur und Atmosphäre Gernot Böhme 2., korr. Auflage, Paderborn : Fink, 2013
The language of space Bryan Lawson Repr., Amsterdam u.a. : Architectural Press, 2003
Konstruktion, Design, Ästhetik : allgemeine mathematische Methode zur objektiven Beschreibung ästhetischer Zustände im analytischen Prozeß und zur generativen Gestaltung im synthetischen Prozeß von Design-Objekten Rolf Garnich 2. Auflage, Esslingen : Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1968 
Mode, zeichnen & entwerfen Hannelore Eberle ; Tuula Salo ; Hannes Döllel 3. Aufl., Haan-Gruiten : Verl. Europa-Lehrmittel Nourney, Vollmer, 2001
Accessoires der Mode : Entwurf, Herstellung, Marketing Olivier Gerval München : Stiebner, 2010
In Material gedacht : Material im Prozess des architektonischen Entwerfens = Thinking through material: material in the process of architectural design and conception Uta Graff [Herausgeber] München : Detail Business Information GmbH, 2018
Graphic anatomy Atelier Bow-Wow. 2 2014
In den Himmel bauen : Hochhausprojekte von Otto Kohtz (1880 - 1956) Wolfgang Schäche ; Brigitte Jacob ; David Pessier ; Otto Kohtz [Illustrator] Berlin : Jovis, 2014
Gedanken über Architektur Otto Kohtz Berlin : Baumgärtel, 1909
Nicht-Orte  Marc Augé Orig.-Ausg., 3. Aufl., München : Beck, 2012
Lernen von Las Vegas : zur Ikonographie und Architektursymbolik der Geschäftsstadt Robert Venturi ; Denise Scott Brown ; Steven Izenour 2. Aufl., unveränd. Nachdr. [der Ausg. Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, Vieweg], 1997, Gütersloh ; Berlin : Bauverl., 2007
Das Bild der Stadt Kevin Lynch 2. Aufl., 6. unveränd. Nachdr., Basel u.a. : Birkhäuser, 2010
Finnland : Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert ; [anläßlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Ausstellungszentrum der Wiener Städtischen Allgemeinen Versicherung AG in Wien, ...6.12.2000 - 19.1.2001] Adolph Stiller ; Wiener Städtische Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft Salzburg ; München : Pustet, 2000
Mies van der Rohe - Das kunstlose Wort : Gedanken zur Baukunst Fritz Neumeyer ; Ludwig Mies Berlin : Siedler, 1986, Hartmann, Nadine Nicole - Design und Designdiskurse der Moderne - U_Hartmann
Mies van der Rohe im Diskurs : Innovationen - Haltungen - Werke ; aktuelle Positionen ; [Dokumentation des Symposiums, das 2011 anlässlich des 125jährigen Geburtstages Mies van der Rohes von der Hochschule Niederrhein, Fachbereich Design ... initiiert wurde: "Mies125 - Kulturspeicher und Imagefaktor"] Kerstin Plüm [Herausgeber] ; Kerstin Meincke ; Hochschule Niederrhein Bielefeld : transcript, 2013
Konzentrat der Moderne : das Landhaus Lemke von Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Wita Noack München ; Berlin : Dt. Kunstverl., 2008
Dachräume : Entwerfen, Konstruieren, Bewohnen Thomas Jocher ; Ulrike Wietzorrek [Verfasser] ; Deutsches Dach-Zentrum Erste Auflage, München : Edition DETAIL, 2018
Urbanes Wohnen : = Urban housing Christian Schittich [Herausgeber] ; Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation
Architektur mit dem Computer Gerhard N Schmitt ; Nathanea Elte Braunschweig u.a. : Vieweg, 1996
Modellbau für Architekten : Handbuch und Planungshilfe Ansgar Oswald Berlin : DOM publ., 2011
Builders in the sun : five Mexican architects ; [Mario Pani, Mathias Goeritz, Felix Candela; Luis Barragan, Juan O'Gorman] Clive Bamford SmithNew York : Architectural Book Publ., 1967
Mathias Goeritz : e. dt. Künstler in Mexiko Elke Werry ; Mathias Goeritz Marburg : Jonas-Verl., 1987
Mathias Goeritz, El Eco : 1915 - 1990 ; Bilder, Skulpturen, Modelle ; 13.9. - 13.12.92 Akademie der Künste Mathias Goeritz ; Christian Schneegass ; Akademie der Künste Berlin, 1992
André Werner, Frank M. Zeidler : Klang, Bild, Architektur 5/VII ; eco art 1 ; Mathias Goeritz ; el eco Akademie der Künste Berlin : Akademie der Künste, 1992
Simplexity Fernando Romero 1. Aufl., Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2010
Ferdinand von Rayski und die Kunst des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Mathias Goeritz Berlin : Hugo, 1942
Herausforderung Erdgeschoss : = Ground floor interface Doris Zoller ; Wüstenrot Stiftung Berlin : Jovis, 2014
Rammed earth : Martin Rauch = Lehm und Architektur = Terra cruda Otto Kapfinger ; Martin Rauch Basel u.a. : Birkhäuser, 2001
Exactitudes® Ari Versluis ; Ellie Uyttenbroek [Fotograf] ; Jason Coburn Sixth revised edition, Rotterdam : Nai010 Publishers, 2014
Einführung in die Stadt- und Raumsoziologie Martina Löw ; Silke Steets ; Sergej Stoetzer 2., aktualisierte Aufl., Opladen ; Farmington Hills : Budrich, 2008
Vom Raum aus die Stadt denken : Grundlagen einer raumtheoretischen Stadtsoziologie Martina Löw Bielefeld : transcript, 2018
Raumsoziologie Martina Löw 7. Aufl., Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2012
W.I. Lenin Was tun? https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/lenin/1902/wastun/
Über Trotzki https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/trotzki/
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industrialnistopy · 5 years
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TICCIH Bulletin No. 83
TICCIH Bulletin No. 83 has now been published and can be downloaded as a PDF and saved on your computer for later reading or printing. You can also view the Bulletin online using ISSUU, which presents a more magazine-like reading experience.
OPINION Industrial Heritage as Agent of Gentrification
REPORT Industrial Heritage of Modern Iron- and Steelmaking: Preservation Before Extinction: Rolf Höhmann
WORLDWIDE First Use of the Term ‘Industrial Archaeology’: Paulo Oliveira Ramos Modern Industrial Legacies, a Précis of the Undervalued: Mirhan Damir Transformation and Renaissance of the Centennial Shougang: Hongtao Bo Industrial Heritage of the Modern Movement, Torviscosa Factory Town: Anna Frangipane and Maria Vittoria Santi Brazilian Company Towns and Railway Villages: Eduardo Romero de Oliveira The Bay of Havana’s Industrial Landscape: Marion Steiner The Schwager Gym Restoration: Jaime Migone Rettig Celebrating the Genius of James Watt: Miles Oglethorpe
CONFERENCE REPORTS The ICOMOS Annual General Assembly: Stephen Hughes Working with ICOMOS: Miles Oglethorpe TICCIH Cuba: Marion Steiner TICCIH Iran: Sara Taymourtash
CONFERENCE NEWS Society for Industrial Archeology 48th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois
BOOK REVIEWS Wallace W. Abbey: A Life in Railroad Photography, by Kevin P. Keefe and Scott Lothes: Betsy Fahlman
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westworld-daily · 7 years
Westworld wins in 2 categories at Makeup Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Awards
Television and New Media Series: Best Contemporary Makeup
Westworld - Makeup Artists: Christien Tinsley, Elisa Marsh, Rolf Keppler WINNER
Empire - Makeup Artists: Beverly Jo Pryor, Eric Pagdin,  Ashunta Sheriff
Saturday Night Live - Makeup Artists:  Louie Zakarian, Amy Tagliamonti, Jason Milani
The Voice - Makeup Artists: Darcy Gilmore, Kristene Bernard, Diane Mayo
Transparent - Makeup Artists: Emma Johnston Burton, Melanie Romero, Toniya Verna
Television and New Media Series: Best Special Makeup Effects 
Westworld - Makeup Artists:  Christien Tinsley, Hiroshi Yada WINNER
Game of Thrones - Makeup Artists:  Barrie Gower, Sarah Gower
Penny Dreadful - Makeup Artists:  Nick Dudman, Sarita Alliso
Saturday Night Live - Makeup Artists:  Louie Zakarian, Jason Milani, Tom Dernier
The Walking Dead - Makeup Artists:  Greg Nicotero, Jake Garber
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elshowmagazine · 7 years
Argentina empató con Venezuela, sigue en repechaje pero Rusia 2018 está en peligro
Argentina empató con Venezuela, sigue en repechaje pero Rusia 2018 está en peligro
Fue 1 a 1 en el Monumental. Murillo abrió el partido para la Vinotinto y Feltscher, en contra, puso la igualdad.
La Selección argentina está en un momento crítico. Sin ideas, sin fútbol, sin resultados, sin fuego sagrado, sin actitud, sin suerte. El equipo de Jorge Sampaoli empató 1 a 1 con Venezuela de local y sigue en zona de repechaje. Solo quedan dos fechas en estas Eliminatorias, ante Perú…
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germanpostwarmodern · 11 months
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Church St Thomas (1967) in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, by Rolf Romero
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biofunmy · 5 years
Bye-Bye, Bathroom Attendants? – The New York Times
On a recent Wednesday evening the small, tranquil four-stall bathroom at the “21” Club in Manhattan was free of patrons. Still, Pat Velasquez, 72, dressed in a black blazer and matching pants, and black and white printed silk shirt, stood by the sink, a white paper towel in her hand, ready for someone to enter. Eventually Mary Garrett, a first-time customer, did.
“I’ve not been in a restaurant that has an attendant in a long time,” Ms. Garrett said, looking pleasantly surprised. “The bathroom attendant is a thankless, antiquated job. You’re paying an employee to do something no one understands. This is very genteel. I can’t believe they have one.”
Ms. Velasquez makes $15 an hour and if she’s lucky, takes home an additional $15 to $20 in tips during a shift that lasts six and a half hours. (“21” also employs another attendant, Roseanne Huschle, who has been with the restaurant for 20 years.)
“It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. I’m a people person and you get to meet everyone — tourists and regulars,” Ms. Velasquez said. “The bathroom is the main part of everything. People cry in here. They lean on my shoulder. I’m like a psychiatrist. Sometimes they’re drunk and throw up. Or they come in and make private calls. Or they want to smoke and are disappointed that I’m here, so they can’t.”
Years ago, bathroom attendants were in demand: an essential accouterment to the high-end restaurant or nightclub experience. They often have overseen amenities like perfume, gum, mints, hair accessories, Q-Tips, sprays, even ear plugs for those who want to disregard the table conversation or found the music at a club too loud.
They remain an essential presence in certain department-store “ladies lounges,” where customers might pause with shopping bags that need guarding.
But like, well, department stores, “bathroom attendants have definitely faded,” said Lee Schrager, the founder of the South Beach Wine & Food festival in Miami. “Years ago, they were considered elegant. Now, some might find them creepy because they don’t want another person standing in there while they’re using the bathroom.”
Mr. Schrager did not say why this squeamishness has only emerged recently.
Cash Flow
Thomas Farley, also known as Mister Manners, an etiquette expert who teaches manners workshops around the country, has another theory. “A lot of people don’t carry cash anymore, and even if they do, they don’t feel the need to give someone a dollar to hand them a paper towel,” he said.
Mr. Farley pointed out as well that many establishments are installing gender-neutral bathrooms. “Some of these spots have attendants, but they’re more like air traffic controllers who tell you which stall is free to use,” he said. “They also make sure that the bathroom stays clean and that there’s no untoward behavior going on.”
Ms. Velasquez of “21” is in a different category. When business is slow, she stands outside the door, talks with customers and watches the restaurant traffic.
“I’ve known Pat as long as she’s worked here,” said Andrea Thurlow, a fashion designer and regular at the restaurant. “I love seeing her. We have a good relationship. I know about her personal life, we have a little chat. You need to have the right personality to do this job. Most attendants are rude. They just want their money, and that makes it uncomfortable. But not here.”
Theodore V. Suric, the general manager of “21,” said that its patrons come for the Prohibition Room, the toys on the ceiling, the jockey ornaments — and the bathroom attendants.
“We had one in the men’s room who was here for 25 years, but he died six years ago,” Mr. Suric said. “I tried replacing him, but I can’t find the right person to complement the position, the guests and the restaurant.”
According to Reneta McCarthy, a senior lecturer at the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University, bathroom attendants today are rare. “Back in the day, you expected to see a bathroom attendant in a nice restaurant, and you would definitely tip him or her,” Ms. McCarthy said. “Now, you hardly see them, and if you do, there’s not that same compulsion to tip them.”
Ms. McCarthy said the role of attendant dates back to the mid- to late-19th-century in Europe, when fancy hotels and restaurants began opening throughout the continent. They became common at urban high-end hotels and restaurants in the United States in the early 20th century.
“Culturally as a society, we’re less formal today, and that puts attendants to the wayside,” she said.
Professional groups like the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union don’t monitor the number of bathroom attendants. But they are missing from a number of restaurants and clubs that formerly had them, like Balthazar and the Four Seasons Restaurant.
The Skylark, a new swanky cocktail bar in Midtown Manhattan, has an attendant for its gender-neutral restrooms, but management declined to be interviewed on the subject.
The Tums, They Are A-Changin’
There are some old holdouts besides “21.” Joe’s Stone Crab, the 100-year-old seafood restaurant in Miami, has had an attendant in the women’s restroom for at least a few decades, according to the general manager Brian Johnson.
“They may not be as appreciated as they once were because we’re a lot less formal now, but they’re still nice to have,” Mr. Johnson said.
The current two attendants, Iris Cedillo and Margarita Romero, have worked at Joe’s for more than 20 years. When Ms. Romero started in 1995, her job primarily involved pumping scented lotion onto women’s hands and helping them with Tums or a soda if they got sick.
But the amenities that the restaurant provides (lotion, tampons, toothpicks and individually wrapped chocolate mints) have been somewhat pared down. So are the tips she receives.
“I used to make $20 a night, now the most I’ll get is $10,” Ms. Romero said through a translator. “Women tell me how friendly I am and how clean the bathroom is, but that doesn’t mean more tips.”
Inebriated patrons have also been known to steal amenities, some of which are purchased by employees.
“People take the perfumes so we don’t leave those out anymore,” Ms. Velasquez said. “We used to keep the lotion out, but someone broke the bottle. It’s in a plastic container and it doesn’t look nice. But if anyone needs hair spray, Advil, bobby pins, tampons, a hair dryer or curling iron, I have those. People just need to ask, and most do.”
Shareef Malnik, the president and chief executive of the Forge Restaurant and Wine Bar, a steakhouse in Miami Beach that opened in 1968, has kept attendants and their lavish offerings in both his men’s and women’s restrooms. (The Forge is temporarily closed for renovations.)
Items are displayed on marble trays or in raised crystal bowls and woven baskets. They include a half dozen expensive perfumes and colognes, like Tom Ford Noir for men and Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb for women.
Men can try shave butter, Spearmint and Big Red gum, Tums, Altoids and mouth wash; women can expect hair ties, hair spray, Trident gum, cocoa butter, Evian facial spray and makeup remover.
“I feel like it’s pampering my diners to have attendants,” Mr. Malnik said. “We’re old-school that way.”
Max Sylvestle has worked as an attendant in the men’s room at the Forge for the last five years. “Men come in and are so surprised at all the fun stuff I offer them,” he said. “They all love using the Tom Ford cologne and are also really into the gum.”
Most tip him a $1, but some give him $10. On a typical night, Mr. Sylvestle collects $120 in tips.
And Timothy Butler, owner of A Royal Flush, a company that provides upscale portable bathrooms for events in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut such as charity galas, golf tournaments and weddings, said that even though restaurants and nightspots may be cutting back, attendants remain an essential part of his business.
“Of the 300 or so events we are hired to do a year, the overwhelming majority involve attendants,” Mr. Butler said. Indeed, he said that compared with a decade ago, “they’re much more popular today. Maybe it’s because people realize that they add a touch of class.”
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miamiclasica · 5 years
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Nos dejaron en la música….
Oliver Knussen, Dieter Schnebel, David DiChiera, Glen Roven, Martin Dalby, Milko Kelemen, Bo Nilsson, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Matt Marks, Daniel Barkley, Claudio Scimone, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Enoch zu Guttenberg, Jesús López Cobos, Jean-Claude Malgoire, Harold Farberman, George Walker, Edward Simons, Wanda Wilkomirska, Levine Andrade, Anshel Brusilow, Francis Lai, Herman Krebbers, Michael Tree, Didier Lockwood, Nina Beilina, Philip De Groote, Jean Grout, Nelson Cooke, Ivan Davis, Lívia Rév, Johannes Goritzi, Theodore Antoniou, Renaud Gagneux, Alan Stout, Patrick Williams, Milan Krizek, Gian Paolo Mele, Eitan Avitsur, Juan Hidalgo Codorniu, Thomas Pernes, Milko Kelemen, Alain Kremski…
Montserrat Caballe, Inge Borkh, Sylvia Geszty, Bonaldo Giaiotti, Michel Senechal, Huguette Tourangeau, Kristine Ciesinski, Barry McDaniel, Maria Orán, Maya Kuliyeva, Carlo Cava, Claudio Desderi, Maxim Mikhailov, Teo Maiste, Carlos Feller, Alexander Vedernikov, Valentina Levko, Arthur Davies, Virgilio Noreika, Ariel Bybee, Otoniel Gonzaga, Antonio Barasorda, Tamara Nizhnikova, Kjerstin Dellert…
Aretha Franklin, Nancy Wilson, Charles Aznavour, Maria Dolores Pradera, Bill Hughes, Enrico De Angelis, Lucho Gatica, Marlene Verplanck, Johnsy Cowell, Billy Hancock, Dolores O´Riordan, Preston Shannon, Carmela Rey, Heli Lääts, Little Sammy Davis, Didier Lockwood, Jerry González, Richard Hundley, Joseph Vella, Antonia la Negra, Morgana King, Xiomara Alfaro, Audret Morris, Nathan Davis, Cecil Taylor, Jacques Higuelin, Charlie Rice, Max Berry, Tony Cucchiara, Angela Maria, Kim Larsen, Celeste Rodrigue, Francois Budet…
Jose Antonio Abreu, Paul Taylor, Lindsay Kemp, Kazimierz Gierzod, Irwin Gage, Igor Zukhov, Vera Dmitrievna Nyrkova, Carolyn Brown, Nelson Cooke, John Hsu, Livia Rev, Robert Mann, Luigi Bianchi, Colin Bumbry, Blandine Verlet, Richard Weiner, Konrad Ragossnig, Dennis Kam, Aldo Parisot, Robert Turnbull,  Dame Gyllian Lynne, France Gall, Denisse Lasalle, Claude Gingras, Charles Hamlen, Lee Lamont, Olimpia Gineri…
Artes escénicas y cinematográficas
John Gavin, Dorothy Malone, Dame June Whitefield, Burt Reynolds, Stephanie Audran, Penny Marshall, Barbara Harris, Tab Hunter, Margot Kidder, Benny Fredricksson, Oleg Anofriyev, Novello Novelli, Bella Emberg, Montse Perez, Bradford Dillman, Peter Groeger, Anna Campori, Connie Sawyer, Bob Smith, Yves Afonso, Mark Salling, Ilse Petri, Rolf Zacher, Marie Gruber, Pier Paolo Capponi, Sonia Graham, Emma Chambers, Tatyana Karpova, Colin Campbell, Beth Morris, Maria Rubio, Andres Labarthe, Siegfried Rauch, Sir Ken Dodd, Oleg Tabakov, Anna Lisa, Martha Wallner, Isabella Biaghini, Kevin Colson, Nina Doroshina, Verne Troyer, Kristin Nelson, Javier Aller, Ken Berry, Ennio Fantastichini, Maria Pace, Philip Bosco, Marisa Porcel, Klaus Hagerup, Umberto Borso, Horst Schultze, Caroline Charriere, Francoise Adret, Iris Acker, Raven Wilkinson, Carlo Giuffre, Sondra Locke, Peter Armitage, Ed Kenney, Jean Piat…
Bernardo Bertolucci, Milos Forman, Vittorio Taviani, Nicolas Roeg, Claude Lanzmann, Petr Weigl, Joel Antoni, Michael Anderson, Hugh Wilson, Mathieu Riboulet, Folco Quilici, Judy Blame, Stan Lee…
Artes visuales y literatura
Guillermo Trujillo, Elmar Rojas, Robert Indiana, Eduardo Arroyo, Ed Moses, Arnaldo Roche Rabell, Anders Aberg, Boaz Arad, Armando, Nat Neujean, Bernard Koura, Jef Geys, Napoleón Abueva, Forges, Getulio Alviani, Gillo Dorfles, James Luna, Joy Laville, Gillian Ayres, Theo Ramos,  Lothar Baumgartner, José Sacal, Mel Ramos, Harold Stevenson, Ralph Kotai, Fernando del Paso, Miguel Angel Campano..
Amos Oz, Vidihadar Naipaul, Stephen Hawking, Dasa Drndic, Philip Roth, Tom Wolfe, Neil Simon, Pablo Garcia Baena, Nicanor Parra, Diana Der Hovanessian, Claribel Alegría, José Triana, Victor Heringer, Tom Griffin, Clement Rosset, Sergio Pitol,  Irina Tokmakova, Efrain Jara Idrovo, Pavel Srut, Jane Langton,  Julia Vinograd, Tom Leonard, Rob Hiaasen, Vicente Verdu, Inge Feltrinelli…
Jon Paul Steuer, Frank Buxton, Johann
es Brost, Anthony Bourdin, Sister Wendy Beckett, Paul Bocuse, Josep Fontana, Erling Mandelmann, David Austin, Robin Leach, Hubert de Givenchy….
Osvaldo Bayer, Hermenegildo Sabat, Augusto Fernandes, Irene Gruss, Hugo Santiago, Horacio Molina, Elvira Orphee, Antonio Pujia, Tito Capobianco, Alicia Berdaxagar, Esteban Peicovich, Violeta Rivas, Jaime Torres, Jorge Demirjian, Gustavo Tambascio, Poldy Byrd, Maria Concepción César, Guillermo Bredeston, Alba Arnova, Emilio Disi, German Garcia, Juan Jose Stagnaro, Iris Alonso, Norma Bessouet, Julio Blanck, Juan Carlos Mastrángelo, Carlos Garaycochea, Betty Elizalde, Victor Buchino, Majo Okner,Tomas Maldonado, Elsa Bloise, Roxana Darín, Noemi Lapzeson, Deborah P. Volpin, Emilio Urdapilleta, Francisco Romero, Choly Berreteaga, Julio Llinas…
  Los Adioses 2018 Nos dejaron en la música.... Oliver Knussen, Dieter Schnebel, David DiChiera, Glen Roven, Martin Dalby, Milko Kelemen, Bo Nilsson, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Matt Marks, Daniel Barkley, Claudio Scimone, …
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gobqro · 4 years
Estrechan vínculos SECULT y delegación de Suecia
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Con el objetivo de revisar proyectos y estrechar los vínculos culturales entre Querétaro y la región Västra Götaland, Suecia, Paulina Aguado Romero, secretaria de cultura del estado se reunió con Daniel Andersson, Rolf Malm, Dan Fröberg, representantes de la delegación sueca, teniendo como sede las instalaciones del Centro de las Artes de Querétaro. Aguado Romero agradeció a los visitantes por el interés que tienen en desarrollar proyectos que impulsen el arte, tanto en Querétaro como en aquel país, con beneficio directo a los artistas locales y extranjeros, así como al público en general, detonando proyectos de calidad.
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Compartió la gran oferta cultural que se tiene en Querétaro, con la calidad que brindan los artistas en el estado, en programas y eventos como Cultura en Comunidades y Barrios, Encuentro de Culturas Populares y los Pueblos Indígenas, Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas, Festival Internacional Jazz de Verano, Encuentro de Jóvenes Poetas, Trovadores y Versadores, Feria del Libro Infantil y Juvenil, Orquestas Infantiles y Juveniles, así como la preservación de las tradiciones y lengua madre en la entidad, entre otras acciones. En la reunión se contó con la presencia de Arturo Mora Campos, director de Difusión y Patrimonio Cultural; Rodrigo Real Pérez, coordinador de festivales; y Gabriel Hörner, director del Museo de la Ciudad. Como agradecimiento a la visita, Paulina Aguado obsequió a los integrantes de la delegación sueca, una muñeca Lele, al tiempo de explicarles que es patrimonio cultural del estado en reconocimiento al trabajo de las artesanas del municipio de Amealco; de igual manera, les hizo entrega de algunos ejemplares de publicaciones apoyadas por la SECULT.
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sinfulcelluloid · 6 years
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PREORDER LINK IN BIO On May 22, 2018, new production company and imprint, Black Vortex Cinema, will celebrate the release of their first book, entitled My Favorite Horror Movie, a collection of 48 essays by horror creators on the film that shaped their lives. Produced and edited by horror filmmaker Christian Ackerman, the book is a ghoulish celebration of how the singular viewing of a horror film can inspire someone to find their identity and develop an obsession of dark arts. Featuring legends of horror with some of the most prolific and unique new voices in the genre such as Felissa Rose, Cerina Vincent, Tony Timpone, Jeffrey Reddick, Dave Parker, Rolfe Kanefsky, Ryan Lambert, Michael Gingold and Christopher M. Jimenez, My Favorite Horror Movie is an intimate glimpse into the development of their horror-obsessed minds. “I’m a filmmaker by trade, but making this book has been one of the most creatively fulfilling experiences of my life,” says Ackerman. “As an obsessed fan of all things horror, I wanted to create something that celebrated the spark of what made me who I am. I hoped my friends and colleagues would join me on this journey, and they came through beyond my wildest dreams!” Featuring contributors with various professional horror backgrounds such as filmmakers, actors, writers, directors, painters, musicians, journalists and film festival directors, the essays in My Favorite Horror Movie celebrate classic films from the likes of George Romero, John Carpenter, Sam Raimi, Tobe Hooper, Dan O’Bannon, Wes Craven, Alfred Hitchcock, and many more! My Favorite Horror Movie will be available for purchase on paperback and eBook in stores, at MyFavoriteHorrorMovie.com, Amazon.com, on Nook, Kindle, iTunes and other fine retailers. "An altogether engrossing compendium detailing the impact of art upon artists, My Favorite Horror Movie is a terrifying must read." -Tom Holland - Writer-Director (Child’s Play, Fright Night, Psycho 2) Facebook/Instagram: @MyFavoriteHorrorMovie Twitter: @MyFaveHorror Web: www.MyFavoriteHorrorMovie.com
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Fantasy: Week 8 positional rankings ahead of a full weekend of matches
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April 18, 201812:43PM EDT
Reid and Mike are joined by Tim who is back from his recent trip to Aruba and ready to review the first DGW of the season and all the fantasy winners from Round 7. After Mike treats everyone to a welcomed short injury list the guys answer a couple of Reddit questions and discuss the best way to deal with the rising costs of defenders and keepers. They wrap everything up with with a game-by-game review of the upcoming Round 8 and reveal which teams are worth picking up 4 players from. Oh and Tim gets a little slap happy with his 3-0 predictions.
Week 8 features several exploitable matches worth targeting for MLS Fantasy purposes. Let’s take a closer look at which ones to focus on in the Week 8 positional rankings.
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Both of my top two goalkeepers this week are facing weakened attacks, with Vancouver losing Kei Kamara to injury and Toronto likely to give several of their big name players a breather ahead of the second leg of the CCL final at Chivas de Guadalajara next Wednesday. Considering Tim Melia plays in the first game of the week on Friday night, we can put him on our bench as part of a “keeperoo” and if we’re not happy with his score, plug in Chris Seitz for two shots at a clean sheet.
Rank Player Team Opponent Price 1  Tim Melia SKC vs. VAN $ 5.8 2  Chris Seitz HOU vs. TOR $ 5.6 3 Luis Robles RBNY vs. CHI $ 7.0 4  Jimmy Maurer DAL vs. PHI $ 6.5 5  Stefan Frei SEA vs. MIN $ 6.2 6 Zack Steffen CLB vs. NE $ 6.2 7 Nick Rimando RSL vs. ATL $ 7.5 8 Joe Bendik ORL vs. SJ $ 5.3 9  David Bingham LA vs. ATL $ 6.4 10 Evan Bush MTL vs. LAFC $ 6.9
Kansas City’s Graham Zusi could easily be a difference maker on both ends of the field this week. | USA Today Sports Images
Graham Zusi bagged his second goal of the season in Week 7 and he should have multiple opportunities to collect both attacking and defensive fantasy points versus Vancouver on Friday (9 pm ET; TSN — Full TV & streaming info).
Rank Player Team Opponent Price 1 Graham Zusi SKC vs. VAN $ 8.5 2 Victor Cabrera MTL vs. LAFC $ 7.7 3 Ike Opara SKC vs. VAN $ 6.6 4 Milton Valenzeula CLB vs. NE $ 7.0 5 Anton Nedyalkov DAL vs. PHI $ 7.5 6 Matt Besler SKC vs. VAN $ 6.7 7 Tim Parker RBNY vs. CHI $ 6.6 8 Chad Marshall SEA vs. MIN $ 5.6 9 Matt Hedges DAL vs. PHI $ 7.0 10 Jonathan Mensah CLB vs. NE $ 7.9 11 Justen Glad RSL vs. COL $ 6.8 12 Nouhou Tolo SEA vs. MIN  $ 4.3 13 Reto Ziegler DAL vs. PHI $ 7.3 14 Michael Murillo RBNY vs. CHI $ 5.5 15 Adolfo Machado HOU vs. TOR $ 6.1 16 Lamine Sane ORL vs. SJ $ 4.8 17 Aaron Long RBNY vs. CHI $ 6.1 18 Rolf Feltscher LA vs. ATL $ 6.7 19 Harrison Afful CLB vs. NE $ 6.3 20 Reggie Cannon DAL vs. PHI $ 7.1
Despite notching just one assist through the first three games of the season, Nicolas Lodeiro is averaging over nine fantasy points per game. He gets it done through a combination of peripheral bonus points, and if he can get more involved on the scoresheet at home against Minnesota United on Sunday (4 pm ET; ESPN, TSN — Full TV & streaming info), Lodeiro boasts the potential to put up big fantasy points in Week 8.
Rank Player Team Opponent Price 1 Nicolas Lodeiro SEA vs. MIN $ 12.2 2 Romain Alessandrini LA vs. ATL $ 10.2 3 Miguel Almiron ATL at LA $ 12.3 4 Ignacio Piatti MTL vs. LAFC $ 11.2 5 Diego Valeri POR vs. NYC $ 9.5 6 Mauro Diaz DAL vs. PHI $ 10.2 7 Albert Rusnak RSL vs. COL $ 9.4 8 Sacha Kljestan ORL vs. SJ $ 10.8 9 Johnny Russell SKC vs. VAN $ 8.8 10 Federico Higuain CLB vs. NE $ 10.3 11 Alejandro Romero Gamarra RBNY vs. CHI $ 9.0 12 Tomas Martinez HOU vs. TOR $ 8.3 13 Maxi Moralez NYC at POR $ 11.8 14 Pedro Santos CLB vs. NE $ 7.8 15 Yoshi Yotun ORL vs. SJ $ 8.9 16 Joao Plata RSL vs. COL $ 10.4 17 Jeisson Vargas MTL vs. LAFC $ 8.0 18 Daniel Salloi SKC vs. VAN $ 7.0 19 Daniel Royer RBNY vs. CHI $ 7.5 20 Sebastian Blanco POR vs. NYC $ 9.6 21 Roland Lamah DAL vs. PHI $ 9.5 22 Diego Fagundez NE at CLB $ 9.4 23 Jesus Medina NYC at POR $ 8.9 24 Magnus Eriksson SJ at ORL $ 9.9 25 Michael Barrios DAL vs. PHI $ 7.4 26 Dax McCarty CHI at RBNY $ 8.6 27 Chris Mueller ORL vs. SJ $ 4.5 28 Saphir Taider MTL vs. LAFC $ 8.1 29 Florian Valot RBNY vs. CHI $ 6.0 30 Jacori Hayes DAL vs. PHI $ 6.8
Along with Ibrahimovic, Bradley Wright-Phillips is also a smart play with his New York Red Bulls hosting the struggling Chicago Fire. | USA Today Images
Zlatan Ibrahimovic earned his first start and scored a goal at Chicago in Week 7, setting the stage for his first start at home in a high profile matchup versus Atlanta United on Saturday (10:30 pm ET; TV & streaming info). The opportunities will be there for Ibrahimovic to give both LA Galaxy fans and fantasy managers something to smile about, and given his penchant for scoring goals, Zlatan’s first multi-goal game could be in order.
Rank Player Team Opponent Price 1 Zlatan Ibrahimovic LA vs. ATL $ 10.0 2 Bradley Wright-Phillips RBNY vs. CHI $ 9.9 3 Carlos Vela LAFC at MTL $ 12.0 4 David Villa NYC at POR $ 11.1 5 Alberth Elis HOU vs. TOR $ 11.5 6 Josef Martinez ATL at LA $ 11.5 7 Clint Dempsey SEA vs. MIN $ 9.0 8 Dom Dwyer ORL vs. SJ $ 10.5 9 Maxi Urruti DAL vs. PHI $ 7.7 10 Gyasi Zardes CLB vs. NE $ 8.3 11 Diego Rossi LAFC at MTL $ 11.7 12 Nemanja Nikolic CHI at RBNY $ 10.4 13 Ola Kamara LA vs. ATL $ 7.8 14 Darwin Quintero MIN at SEA $ 9.5 15 Jefferson Savarino RSL vs. COL $ 8.0 16 Mauro Manotas HOU vs. TOR $ 9.0 17 Will Bruin SEA vs. MIN $ 7.3 18 Fanendo Adi POR vs. NYC $ 7.4 19 Cristian Penilla NE at CLB $ 9.3 20 Cristian Colman DAL vs. PHI $ 5.5
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MLSsoccer.com News
Fantasy: Week 8 positional rankings ahead of a full weekend of matches was originally published on 365 Football
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veonoticia · 6 years
Dudamel convoca a “Juanpi” y Peñaranda; Rincón descansa
Rafael Dudamel ha dado a conocer a los convocados para jugar el partido amistoso de Venezuela ante Irán, que se llevará a cabo en Holanda, y la lista está conformada por 20 futbolistas, de los cuales destaca el regreso de dos jugadores llamados a liderar en el futuro, como son Adalberto Peñaranda y Juanpi Añor; pero también ausencias importantes, como la del capitán Tomás Rincón.
Fuente: Meridiano 
Ambos jugadores del Málaga retornan al combinado criollo tras superar sus respectivas lesiones y volver a desempeñar roles importantes dentro del conjunto andaluz. Junto con ellos dos sigue quedando patente la renovación del equipo con los jóvenes que brillaron en el Mundial Sub-20 de Corea del Sur, y que ya con total propiedad pueden llamarse jugadores habituales de la absoluta.
Los Wuilker Fariñez, Yangel Herrera, Yeferson Soteldo, José Hernández, entre otros; sumados a jóvenes como Víctor García, Mikel Villanueva o Anthony Blondell siguen sumando convocatorias y minutos de juego de cara a lo que será la Vinotinto del futuro.
#Convocatoria para el partido amistoso del próximo lunes 13 de noviembre frente a la selección de Irán en Nijmegen, Holanda #Vinotinto http://pic.twitter.com/EFvoTv6Y1q
— La Vinotinto (@SeleVinotinto) November 7, 2017
Ausencias claves
En una convocatoria, más bien corta, parece que privó el llamado de la “nueva camada” vinotinto, y con ella quedaron reflejadas también algunas ausencias importantes de jugadores emblemáticos. Entre las que más llaman la atención se encuentran las de Tomás Rincón, además capitán del seleccionado nacional, o de Rómulo Otero, en el mediocampo; Rolf Feltscher, en defensa; o de Sergio Córdova y Josef Martínez, en la delantera.
También resalta, una vez más, la ya habitual ausencia de Roberto Rosales en los últimos llamados de la Vinotino. El lateral derecho sigue sin entrar en los planes de Dudamel a pesar de su buen rendimiento en el campeonato español con el equipo blanquiazul.
Para esta convocatoria el seleccionador criollo llamó a cuatro jugadores del campeonato local, que está en su fase final, y el resto lo componen futbolistas que se desempeñan fuera del país. El encuentro entre venezolanos e iraníes, se celebrará en Nijmegen el próximo 13 de noviembre a las 3:00 pm (hora de Venezuela).
Esta es la convocatoria completa:
Porteros: Wuilker Fariñez (Caracas FC) y José Contreras (Dep. Táchira)
Defensas: Víctor García (Vitoria), Ronald Hernández (Stabaek), Jhon Chancellor (Delfín), Wilker Ángel (Terek Grozny), Mikel Villanueva (Cádiz), Rubert Quijada (Al Gharafa) y José Hernández (Caracas FC)
Medios: Yangel Herrera (NY City), Arquímedes Figuera (Universitario), Aristóteles Romero (Crotone), Ronaldo Lucena (A. Nacional), Jhon Murillo (Kasimpasa), Juan Pablo Añor (Málaga) Darwin Machís (Granada), Yeferson Soteldo (Huachipato) y Adalberto Peñaranda (Málaga)
Delanteros: Salomón Rondón (WBA) y Anthony Blondell (Monagas)
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